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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1930, p. 7

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THE CANAI LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWJSE Vote FOR thse Hydro By-Law. Vote FOR the Hydro By-Law. Vote FOR thse Hydro By-Law. Mrs. E. Nivinis, Leaniington. re- Sunday evening ti S. A. Hall, Div- Mrs. Maud Harvey, Welcome, vis- cently vlsited lier cousin, Miss Reta istion St., the Oshawa S. A. Band will ited at Rev. W. A. Bunner's. Bennett. render a musical Program ait 8.30 p. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Law recently m. Be sure and corne.1 Mrs. P. Martin Visited her daugli- visited the latter's father, Mr. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hodgert left on te .Thnsni Tot at Gates, Cherrywood. Wednesday to attend the funeral of M.Jh Mr. Frank Jaînieson, Misses Doris the former's motheî' who passed ter. Mh CulleY is Visiting hjs sis- and Gladys Jarnieson sPent a few away in Russeldae...Port Hope e. k rs. Hugh McDonald, Wood- days with relatives at Tara. Guide, stock. A great, great deal has been saîd Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Todgham, Miss Mabel Warren, Coîborne. has about the weather, but very little h asiWidsor'. who participated ti the been visitîng her cousin, Miss Carnie ever been done.-Mark Twain. IShriners' convention. also îenewcd Lathrope, Marcllig doe a Mr. W.Adas, acquaintiinces here on Saturday. v Mrs. Lucy Wilson. Parry Sounid, is,doina Mrs.W.nATas, r AViWer.Ebnzr.M- siting her ister. Mrs. Chas. Cox. KigSt .,Bwanile n us M.A.B Wry ElezrM. anci Ontario Street. days and Saturdays-35c'. Phone M\rs. Wesley G. Werry. Salem. Mrs. 275 for appointiment. 23-51 S. J. Honey, Bowniaiiîe, Mr. and~ Mrs. Maude Densein 'attended the Mis. Bertram Duntias. Gordon andi Mis. Janmes A. Werry and Mrs. F c Graduation Exercisea at Ontario Elwyn. Canton. visited her parents.Orchard, Erniakillen. Miss Nora Hospital at Whitby. Ms.S.L.PasosBomn Werrs'. Solina. atterideti the funeral Mrs. Sam Wilson. Toronto, vas Mil., anthes. . . Prn. o lon f theJr ciusin, the late Miss Emily gtîest of her cousin, Mrs. H. W. Fos- vile, ve th weked.Pearri. Fenelon Falls. on Friday last. ter. over the weelcend. Mr. Frank Johnston, well known omsoie ae Hy ... Mr FdrckSuhOon clothing merchant, has been electeti Clri'iiC'Jae a.OE. Ms reeikSuh rnre- Presdentof Ohaw Rotry Cub. illvisit Bowmianville on Saturday. cently viatteti her friend. Ifrs. Jennies Presden 0fOshwa otay Cub.June 21st, for opening of the Salva- Graham, at Lorne Villa. George Hart, retîring presiclent, be- r n r.BwaHmlo comes vice-president. Reg. S. voir tion Army Hall. Mayor Mi. J. El- D.adMs omn aitn phy trasuerandAlu F.Anns.- liott will be presenit. Oishasva S. A. w7re Suniday visitors at her grand- phy trasuer an Alii P.Anns Band wvill supply the music. Sun- mother's, Mrs. John Grigg.v secretary. day special services in S. A. H all w. thi M .a d M s e n t h l y a d .f Mr. and Mrs. Robt. euluh h saaBn rsn l .. daughter. Windsor, recently visited Tyrone, announce the engagement and 7 p. M,. and înusic festival at Mn. and Mrs. Sid. Chartran. of their only daugliter. Margaret 8.30 P. n.i RicardDavy. . F Cano. aforiet prncial Mr. and Mrs. Jukes and daughter p Kathleen, to DonaldRihr aeiCP.Cmoafmrpinpl Norma Winnipeg, viaited their aunt, p only son of Mr. Raymnond Davey, of Newvcastle public school. and foi', s .J leea eety Tyrone. marriage to talce place the the i)ast few yveai's Suiîervising Pî'în- r.WJ.Ce nsrcntyQ 28th of June. cipal cf the Oshawa public schoolsi Mr. Wm. H. AllUn. Toronto, re- sl Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Grass.1 has been appointeti Public Sehool; cently visited his sisters. Mrs. Anna Columbus, announce the engagement, Inspector foi' the City of Oshawa.; Elford and Mrs. Kate Wight. la of their only daiîghter, Alice Muriel.Mi'. Cannon is a gi'aduate of Queen'S, Mi's. J. H. Swindells is attentiing X to Mr. M. Kenneth Fraser, only son 1 Unliest. having gaîneti much of convention of Daughters of England 01 of Mr. anti Mrs. D. K. Fraser of his education. including the Inspect- in Ottawa, June l7th to 19th. a Bowmanvile, the marriage to take ors* course. through extra-mural Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonaîti, V place quietly the latter part of June. work and attendance at the summer Woodstock, spent Sunday with lier Pif atiDrui an whchliscshools. parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Culley. i been hard at practice for the past T. E. Flaxman, well-knownvr Bow- i Miss V. Penny and Mrs. A. Walk- hý few weeks In preparation for the mianvilie contractor. lias been awand.- er. Toronto, spent the weekend at 01 "'Giorious Twelfth" paradeti aîong ed the contract for the erection 0f the formeras grand-parents, Mr. and f King Street as far as Cream 0f Bar- a new dining room for the Boys" Mrs. J. Byers. si ley Camp Friday evenîng. They have Training School camp at the lake,l Mrs. W. J. Clemenis attended the b made a great improvement since last known as Camp Schofield. The job blo-enewdigo audy year and their numbers have been will cost about $5000 and will be of June l4th, at St. Paul's United a, largely augmenteti. frame constr'uction about 40 by 801 Church, Toronto. da feet in dimension. Mn. Flaxman 1R Mr'. W. R. Strike was the speaker was awarded last year the contract, Dr. H. J. Quinn. Brantford, and Ni at a banquet of Young people helti in for the eî'ection of Ferguson Hall andti ir. andi Mrs. E. Quinn. Coîbonne, St. Pauls school room, Pickering- on the new Gymnasium and Swirmxng r.H.enthy isie hi. rte-r.lw Monday, June 9th. He also con- Pool btilding at the shool. fr. . ath oe. aSrie o the progam lasipreseion 0foloorn Although we have nevex' bothered Kartum Temple, Winipeg, Mani- a thampswram aire y t oungolerwth the odda. an exchange has sum-tb.hsen itngi roeli tomp Rev. adersbJ.therugsoplaedmaî'ized it thus: "Wlien a mari finis tob. Se en istigoaorohe.a to Rev. and Mrs. RJy . PRicknardi fault with hua local paper, the cha n- HripnerWo.l apreci aun 0f ailotHatica.i ces are two to one that he hasn't an Mrs. Richard Greenis was in Port h apprciaton o allthatthey have advertisement in it;fiv to ore that Hope Saturday attending the wed- don toh'~p te YurgPeole. he neyer gives it any job work: three ding of Misa Ruth C. M. Hugh and Mns. E. R. Bounsaîl writing f rom ta one that lie is delinquent in hisj Mr. Robt. H. Taylor. a Indianapolis, Indiana, says she is subscriptiori: even money that he Mrs. John Hamblyn has been r having a wonderful visit with lier neyer dtd anything to assiat the pub- spending a few days with her fnienti fa sister, Mrs. Noble. They are having lisher ta make a gooti paper: fifty ta Mns. E. J. Burk, and as a guest 0ïfa a very cool early summer. The one that lie is aiways anxious to get Mn. and Mrs. Garret Symons. Ccl Turnes of that city says: Miss Helen it as soon as it is off the press." D.Mae . ry0 teMdia i J. Noble will entertain at her home W. H. Robertsori. the able editor Staff 0f the Mountair Sanitaniurn, to today with a luncheon anti lier 0f the Godeich Signal, was recently Harnilton, was guest of her uncie anti shower for Miss Marcelia Lineback 0f nominateti as the Libenai candidateantM.niMr.FA.oseN- Carthage, whose marriage to James afor NMrthanHuron.P.In.hPsteditNor-au R. Bowen of Fort Wayne wiii take columnr he says: "The Signal intentiswodPaeovnte eend place this rnonth. The bridai col- ta be strîctly fair, anti will refrain The engagment tas announeti of att ors of pmnk, orchid anti gneen wiil from critictsing the Liberal candidate Margal*et M., youngest daughter of tic bb useti in the table decorations. The for Northi Huron until it knows more the laite Mn. andi Mrs. Willialm H. oui hostess wili be assisteti by her moth- about him.' Editor Robertson's Moore, Tynone, to Theodore W. vez er,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , Mr.Jh .Nbe n inserse of hunion combineti with bus Down, Bowinanviiie, son of Rev. J.Si aunt, V(rs. E. R. Bounsaîl, who r ecognizeci abiîty as an editor anti W. Down, Exeter, the marniage ta Wl visiting here f nom Bownianville, On. public servant shouiti go a long way take place quietly the latter part of th( tario. in plling up a hantisonie majonity for June. ta Vote FOR tise Hydro By-Law. bum. Vote FOR tise Hydro By-Law. ti LDIAN STATESMAN, BOWPIVTL!£ LOATADHUEWIERy UN 9h 13 GUS1 f OCL N OHEWIE f BR Wanted Real Estate For Sale oTuesday, June loit, 13, 10 Mr. n ROOM AND BOARD WANTEO-1or a HOUSE FOR SALE - 7-roomed brick Vote FOR tise Hydro By-Law. oMOFFAT-At Bowmanvile Hospital, Hav yo bo ght you co y 0 Th M s. ,. . M ffa, a son Svu lia Send girl 5% years of age for a few w eeks, house on Q ueen S . W ill sel hea p) or Screch wl yt? rt.parents away on business. State terns exhanige for maller one. Apply Box 10 P. 0. Box 479. 25-1. 485 Bowmanville. 23-tf Bowmanvilie football team defeat- \Vednesîiayluit, hî, ill wt M an OsiE FO RSAEO RigS.Est etiZin ler Sauray y -0. Mr. AL.Smîiî Rglan, tîe gift of a MNGRWN Newcastle, 6-roomned brick cottage, with Mn. anti Mrs. Gordon Bunt, Ton- sntlnAxnî) ville Store. Expe-rience unnecesaaly. %IissCoc.0OrnPleBfa. ed Zion hereone acre bof2-.and, garage, Setc. ri.,y onto, were recent guests Of Mn. antid- $50.00 weekly to start, also share of pro- 22-5010o PacBufao Mn. . . niht MRRAGSlits. M-%ust 1»e alpl to furnish $7ù0.OO to221 BeAsure andNh-al the Oshawa Band4083 St. Dents St.. Montre-aI. 24-2 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE at the Creani 0f Barley Camp Sun- 011 J tQ w:' Y ,îRlrtJ day aftennoon at 3.30 p. i. Silir.s, Janî,ius, Franci.L.irliri jntiElj Eight roomns, solid brick modern bouse, Bowrnanviie Rotary Cluib will lioldti l ti i, hotu c"f 'iiitt~1 200 BOYS FOR FARM WORK stone foundation, 2 atoreys andi large ts annual Carnivai at the Pair HAYESCOTTER-On M.%ondav- June1atcwh5 vnoswieoktrmI Groutison Tesdy, ugus l2h. ii, i .it Ib'ii, IClteiFsn 14 to 19 Years of Age-Wages $1000 to' 3 roorms towastairs, large sun room l10x l. Chu.W~i.r ogePrson $13,00 a Morttb-ýio,l larl rn hom.S are '(0 facing souîh, back porch, cellar han Mrs. W. S. Blythe anti famiY, De- n.A,.Oi Js.yi~ c 'iar ot 1, dfr i, lac ii c cf lites, bovs brick partition, 2 tsuntiry tubs in cellar, tî'itMid., re penirgthesur- tD. i ' AnS ~ "1'N. easl,. on a y.arlr tiasis. -ilywill beaiil hot watpr lieating, wircu for elecîric Ï01ir Within tîlo weeks. tIc balance wiîlm- stove, andi elctrie grate. brick garage, mer at lier brother'a cottage at Pont ----- n tiîo inîs klîiîo i: corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced B o w m a v i f l e o r i i r e -f r e c . I î y 'r o i i a n t . l i o m a l a w n , m a u r eýd s l i r u b s . a r g , , h a d e t r e e s , Evenybody was deltghted with the DETSfînsîn odolir n e a fromn the fruit garîlen, one of choicest locations progrrna ear.Anti ~ lii'unntaster ofall~îl ou n eiltrcli) e-an ad tibest tilt houses ln town. PrIced Cliutaqualas jBRAG~î \\,] l'e SI)Pllie(l . APî wTI - îto.Th,, N,,- r. asonable for immediate sale. Apply te now word cornes fnom the towns ill' Jiie Isitlt, 'itîrai " Soinrs,".;til. Onario, "r lilorne- 9C'OnlOrI. owner, C. Rebtier, at Bowmanvllle j lii l Iwif. Of OMr. W. Jtrz MPP,2-2 FudyC.Ofce omnil 25-tf wliere tlits year's programs have been a h'r 72n, 5 oudy o Ofie'armnile For the safety of thernseives ai s weil as for the saftty of motonisl drivers of honse-draw'n vehic: should see that they carry a ligi, visible f nom both the rear andti 'ront. Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Williarns ai in Lardon this week attendirig ti Pioneers Convention of the Bell Tel phone Co. EmPloyees 0f 21 yeaî or more service quaiify for membei ship in this or1ganization. Mrs. Walter Jolinston anti son A ]n. Columbus. Ohio, visiteti Mr. an Mns. C. A. Johnston, the latter mot oring home with them. stoppirg fc ashort turne with Dr. anti Mns. W.1 Veale at Harrow, Ontario. Mften Monday, Jurie 23rd, R. 1 Logan. plumber anti stearnfitter, wi have bis shop locate intr buildir :ver Geo. Weekes' Paint shap, i: frant of Tayior's Skating Rink, Kmn t. East. No change in phone nuxi ae-264. M. anti Mrs. Fred Oke, Port Hop( rinounce the engagement of thei lugliter, Birdie Mabel. ta Mn. Calvii .aYmond DeNure, soni of Mrs. De Zune andthle late Reginalti DeNur. )rillia, the marriage ta take plac iuietly early n July. Maitad G. Gouit, ony son c [nr. anti Mrs. M. G. V. Goulti. li ain distinguisheti himself at cl ege. In his firt year at Osgoodi lall Law Sclool le won a scholar, uhP in classics, thene being oniv fivi choarships awande intri huayea. Neson's sale of Congoeum Rugý Avertiseti this week beats the mai 'ten house pices by dollars. It'sE ct, look up your catalogue anc ompane pices. Buying in bug uantities. to get owest prices anc ierai atvertising brnrgs the peopiE l is store. C. C. Ravin returreti home on Sat- day, aften an absence f a nontl 'Ls Angeles, Calif., wlere le ww ttending the Telegraphers' Conven- n. He reports a most enjoyable ting. The delegates to the Con- ention were treateti to a numben ol e trips, ncluding one ta Mexico, ,ere a bull figlt was stageti fol ieir edification. Tley were taker )many places of interest besides s one-Piekeing News. Somebody is Always Wanting Some Hardware Sometime It doesn't always happen that you want the particular articles that we happen to be advertis-. ing. But be assured that whatever your hard- ware needs are our new low prices make it decid- edly to your advantage to shop here. Already, due to the increased bu siness we are doing, rnany of our prices are as low or lower than city prices. The selling price of our goods is marked in plain figures. No secret price code used. One price to everybody and that the lowest. ARSENATE OF LEAD full strength 19C lb. FISHING TACKLE METAL BOX Some use theni for cash boxes, ln either case they're only $1.98 SCREEN DOOR HINGES Give the old door a f resh start 15c Pair GEM HAND SPRAYER Get ahead of the bugs and other pests 80C KAMP KOOK STOVES 2 burners. well built, Just the thing for camp use, $11.50 fil RED BARN PAINT Covers a lot of service anti tioes a real gooti job $1.75 gal. REFRIGERATOS Special Factory Price Pearl grey erarnel finish, 45" high, 23" wtde, 1714" depth, ice capacity 65 lbs. anti only $20. 50 BIG SALE Owlng to our lower pnîces we have expenienceti oun largest season or record for Screen Doors Screen Windows Screen Wire Cloth Lawn Hose Lawn Mowers HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY TO FILL YOUR TOOL CHEST What householti tool cbest tioesn't neeti atditionai hantiy tools for doing otit jobs anounti the home? Reaiizing that peruotiic replacements anti ad- ditions are reguianiy requireti, we are offering values in 11gh grade tools as a speciai featune for this week. Take inventory Of You.r tool chest anti fill your reetis here at these 10w prices. Hammers 95c Hand Saws, good gen-» eral purpos-$1.49 Fenc Pliers, 10"-69c Socket Wood Chisels 49c HouseholIciAxes--$1 .19 THERMIC JUGS ALARM CLOCKS Keep liquids' hot or cold for different colors. but ail noisy long time, 1 gal. size, beggars that will wake you Up $1.79 79c THOR ELECTRIÇ FLASHLIGHT WASHER BATTERIES Complete with Wringer everyone guaranteed and only $129.50 10c each Dustan 's Cash Hardware FREE DELIVERY SERVICE We gladly deliver goods in town. "We Serve You Well" BOWMAN VILLE You Buy 'Hardware For Less Because We Sel! for Cash riI, gn t , on FrI'îî ai. ",,S les 3 o ciock for , tIme- C' aile-ru. ht, ý,KERR-In .'lorg îîî lth, i1'3", ;he 67 y-is. ' C., <roihAione-aguil ANNIS-IiiOlîturi.Jiiun, l. .' e 'ait'Pascoeloe-l o f. fElgin W ,e it iii, n her 6I1i', r AL SH.inOronol , On Wensdv e- . n. lit h, i :'. 1 , - E. Je- ,-l, j .lu 0f['i-d . a in a l-t 2ndi Ye.îr. r-9Ro ETt ' ur on Jua<lîli i 93' .ia v D- w<M aiti.), on ly sire-ivi iig o lîeii. f th, i, Sani ue-ianîl EII.a etd belove wlfbrof Jîteh,2th, S'usait or I I y7thbelove l wi.0fJhtLuna, ia T rl r îîyeir Intermnt at Pontypoclj TYLER-on îtISun,]a, MaY 30îh, 11o3, E. -1109 It _to S., VancoUver B. su ri:a L(-, wiîîoî - f the l te . p Ilip T,' ig H ERRiMAN-\t 'rUila, Jimne 1,,i3i n M0art h;1i Achsaîi 4'licate-, life of 11wlai îg Dr . .ierrimn,î,formeris- orf or- i- j0]db ti dLin'lsavla bner 091h year. BURLEY-.At the Sick Childrens lOos- pita', Tor'onto. Jtmne iGtih, Jack \VaA- e, lac,,'larl<' o%,-rd sotngest son of (2ecil ir andIAgtes 3 irle-, ageul ,crs In- in ternu,i at a e-con.ll. ( , tery.1 -e, e Lost or Found TIRE LOST-Spar,. tire and rim, be- f tween Boîvmanviîîe andl Hampton or' West IS of Hampton. Hindi9- retura to Salu-ation 1-Armu- or rthone 58o. 24- le LOST-TUnfor.mPe-ak Cap. "O.L.D.Ç." r-bcteerj BoWmanville and Newcaste, on 7e June 4tlî. Flate-r p lease reiunn 1 -Irowne . Te-a Iooms, Newîcastle, or Office. 24-tf ,il a To Let dTO RENT-4 rs, ail conveninces, g wîrceu for electrtc range. Apply to Mrs. d Friink à2. Cryderman, Silver st., Iow- le mauuville. Phone 232. 23-tf HOU'SE TO ýRENT-5-roomed semil- -detacheti house to rent, modern conven- ienoes. APply 10 W. F. Ward, Bow- h manville. Phone 102, 4t 'S29--f - SUMMER COTTAGE TO RtENT - By nîmonth or the season at Williams Point, Lake Scugog. Apply -A. W. Plckard, -BOwmanvilîe, Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, elecîrîc lights, located ~King & Ontario St., BoWmanvîlie Ap- Il plY A. A. COlw~ill, Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed bose n1 Egn S.. OI)POsite public school, Modem J conveniences, possession June lst. Ap- ply P'. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowma.nville. 19-tf HOUSE TO RENT ,6roorned bouse, Sbathroom anti aIlconveniences; garage; tode il.. nted; on Ontario Street. Apply10B Furber, Liberty St,, Bow. Manviuie. Phone 428. 24-3 COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE-2 months oid. -APPlY John HUIs, Enniskjîîen. Phone 308r3. 25-1 FRun S.ALEGood wagon wth hay rack, also hay-fork rope and Pulley, a bargamn. Phone 15r. 5 1 COW FOR SALE-Young Durhamn Cow, Just renewed. -APPlY W. T. Peritt, Hamipton. Phone 376r34. 24-2 FOR SALE - Buckwheat, good grain, 90e bushel. Bert Rice, Long Sault, R. R. 1 Tyrone, % Con. north of Sault Church. 24-3w AUTO FOR SALE-Oldamoblîe sedan, late 1927 inodel, tiret class shape, bar- Igain for quick sale. Apply W. p. QuicIL IPhone 226. 21-t BULL FOR SALE-Pure bred Holstein bull, Korndyke strain, elghte.en months olmi. APPlY 10 Il. S. Barrie, R. R. i, B3owmanville. Phon 136rl3. 25-1* FOR SALE-Three cote and maîtresses, Samal buffet, straight %vicker chairs, suit- ab)le for summer ,ottage-. Apply 10 Mrs. Alan Campbell, Wellington St., Rowman- ville. Phone 279. 25-2 jHarhIs and one Sharpley Muir both in Corbett Motor Sales. 21-tf FOR SALE--Caron lighting and power plant, cOMPlete with batteries, water Pump generation; in goodl order: coet $600.010; vlued at $20000; ~ili ,ebihtllg, for real good Jersey cow ani heifer caîf, freshened recently. APPlY Box 62, New- castle. 25-1- FOR SAL E-FINve well-bretl Collie-iVups, parents are of the tlnest class. Thceeet PuPs usually seil for $5,00 each, but for qulck 'slp we offer thAm for $200 ýeach. They are seven weeks od. Four males an(] one r ac Phone Bowmanville 12. J.H. McEwen. 25-1 AUTO FOR SALE BY AUCTION Frlda3'. lune 2th-A Studebaker Sedan, Serial No. 1950273, will be sold by public aUction at John Hate- ly's Garage, Bownianvllle, to pay for storage Charges. Sale at 10 a. ni. daylight saving tie. Ternis Cash. W. J. Chahls, Auctioneer. 24-2 CAETING AND TRUCKING Ail kind6 of Carting. Trucking andi Moving; Ineal ani long distance. H. BOMBARD Phone, 630 Queen St., Dowmanvllle LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds of laundry work done prompt- 1>'. satisfactoril1y andi at reaonable prices. Write Post Offce Box 12, or cali Mrs W. Marjoram, King St. E., BowmanvIlle, Phone 478W. OWEN NICHOLAS, A.L.C.M. Welsh Baritone SciJoist Talent supplied for Cliurch or Concert work. BOWMANVILLE f"ne 326 BE SURE TO GET SOME 0F THIS B3ABY BEEF We are very fortunate this week in off ering for sale 6 exceptionally. choice Baby Beef raised by that well-known breeder, John R. Cole, Bethesda. The entire six were plac- ed in our refrigerator this week and will be cut up as the demand requires. Baby Beef at Regular Beef Prices Be sure to get a roast or steak of this young tender, juicy beef. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 6 5SH 1 RLSALEà Here's a Chance to Stock Up Men!1 Here is a chance for thrifty men to stock up with a couple of new Shirts at extremely low prices, collar att-ached and separate collar shirts, many have two separate collars; in broadcloths, percales, satin stnipes, etc., ail sizes, values up to $2. 95, clearing this week-end at only $ 1. 95 each MEN'S SUITS 25 Men's fine quality Suits, purchased from the manufacturer at a big reduction in price ;tin st*enavy blue, and fancy shades; values a would oi'dinarily sel up to $35.00 and $37.50, oui' clearing special price this week, $24.95- T. B. GILCHRIST Dlrectiy Opposite Phono 61 Bank ot Montreal flowmanvill. 't ILt. 0 E e im 9 THURSDAY, JUNE 19th, 193() liGE SEVEN - 1 - Phone 64 Bowmanville Directly Opposite Bmk of Montreal Phone el BOWUUMVMO

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