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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1930, p. 8

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PAGE RIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l9th, 1930 ibn This is the price =-C which you can now buy RED LABEL R[E» ROSE TEA 12 Your plumb ing 0 and heating modernized and yoit can pay by the mont h U NDEF. the Crane Budget Plan xve can instali any single Crane fixture in your present home or -ýe can completely modernize yaur bath- room. kitchen, laundry, piping or heating systetu. You make onlv a small initial payment when the work is completed - and pay the test monthly. Why delay enjoying the comfort, beauty and con- venience of Crane equiptuent? Let us cali and explain everything. Telephone us now, Lein Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville 19 Passibly the raîlway passes thraugh the most thickly papuiated part af the best agricultural provinces ai the Argentine. If maost of the country is as gaad, Canada has a seriaus rival in exportable praducts. The country is an interminable plain rising grad- ually ta Mendoza whlch we reached LETTER FROM SOUTH AMERICA fonNov. 29th, at 6 a. m. As it çvas summer we feit the heat, even with Native of Darlington Towhp two fans going it was uncomfortable. Writes Interesting Letter At Mendoza we changed ta the From His Home ini Chile Transandine R. R. and after an alI i ___________________________ Iday ride over one of the highest Passes in the world. reached the town Darlington and BovvmanviUte rela- of Los Andes at 8 p. m. We ascend- tiv es and f riends of Mr. George T. ed gradually f rom Mendoza ta the Smith of Chili. South America. who: snow line and crossed through a visiteci his native county last July, tunnel at the highest part. On the wili bc interested in the following let- Chilian side the lmne is electrified. s0 ter ta the Editor. Mr. Smith was was much more comiartabie. Af ter born near Enniskillen in Darling-ton having our luggage examnined at the township where bis father. the late customs we lef t for Santiago '.vhicli Pbilip T. Smith, operated lumber we reached about midni,.'ht andi as mills near the site af Bayne Water we had rooms reserved at a hotel. Milîs.Teuo hl.Arl3.10 we had a good rest after o'îr .ourney. Temuo, CUe.Apri 30 930 Santiago, the capital of Chule. is a Mr. George James. Bowmanville city of about 500,000 inhabitants and Dear Mr. Jarnes:-Da nat for a is cannected by rail with its part. moment think. Sir, that rny wife. Vaiparaisa. with Iquique in the north daughter and self have forgotten the and Puerto Montt in the south. delightful tirne we passed writh you Branch lines communicate with thel or are nat grateful for the attention Most important cities and ports oni that you. Mrs. James and your fath- the coast. 1 arn sending you a er sa unseIfisbly gave ta us during number af aur oniy English paper aur short visit to Bowmanville. The published in Chule and will Mail i emory of those pleasant days with others whicb wiil give you a clear yu and other friends is a subject of impression of our surraundinus. remind you 0f your quasi-promise at o'clack, Nov. 30th. and arrived in some time in the near future ta have Temuco at 12 M next day and were th e pleasure ai seeing yau here and met at the station by ahl the iamily returning in some slight measure the and found ail well. In the aiter- haspitality accorded us. noon I came out ta the iarm which is JAiter leaving Bawmanville we went twelve miles f ram tawn. the raad for ta Ottawa. visited the Parliament the mast of the way crassine an In- Buildings. parks and ail that we' dian reserve. could see in the limited time at aur! Since arriving back we have had disposaI: then an ta Mantreal where aur harvest <February1 which was we also stopped two days sight-see- very good but sad to say have had ta i ng. We sailed on the "Donic" on seil most of it for about 6V0, of last Sept. 7th. called at Quebec where we year's price for wheat: oats are about landed and made the usual two 40% or less. witb slight hapes of im- bours boat-tour. Our iellow-pas- proving. se agers were mastly doctors wha had We were very sorry ta see the been attending a medicai conf erence notice of our friend's, Mr. J. J. in Boston and were returning via Smith, death. When we said "od Canada ta their respective countries; bye" in Darlingtan Station we were they mastly grauped themselves in talking af a visit he might make ta nationalities. same even knew no us in the near future-Man proposes English. We passed through the but God disposes. Straits af Belle Isle and saw a f ew With very kindest regards ta your ice-flaes but were free af themn after father, Mrs. James and iriends. I re- passing into the Atlantic. main, yours sincerely. We landed in Liverpool on the l5th and went next day ta Bodmin, Corn- Gea. T. Smith. wall, where my wife's relatives live; we stayed there about three weeks and visited severai places in the SUND4AY SCHOOL HOSTS vicinity. Bodmin is an irregularly GTE built town witb a long street running _______ througbt tbe centre; it bas a popula- International convention af Relig- tian af about 5,500, an interesting old ious Education will be beld at the church and a Mental Hospital; tbeExiton wireless transmitting station is near.JuEhi3itan .Gr usandsoaon oungr Sout ofBodiinthee ae cinapeople from ail over North America i day works which naturally are use- will be there represcnting farty-two, fui but caver the land with unsightly imaunds ai residue. The fields are protestant denominatians. fifty-twa mostiy small and irregular and en- state and provincial councils, Inter- closed witb stone hedges; f rom a, national Society ai Christian En- height the lanciscape is similar toaideavor. Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.. and S. CM. Wonderful addresses by speak- crazy patchwork quilt but is bighly esfo aaa ntdSae n picturesque, especially ta a stranger. oter ou Cnies.SningediStaeled Raads are goad but narrow and in ohrcutis ign ilb e some places very crooked: as the by Mr. Donald S. Linden: only the hedges on each side are built of stone finest hyxnns selected from a dazen great care is needed ta avaid collis- ai tbe best books. Registration Iee ions. Hawever. I was toid that there $2.00. For particulars appiy ta D.e was practicaily na danger, as a spec- R. Poole, 299 Queen St. W.. Toronto. iai providence looks out for the in- Young people cannot afford ta miss habitants of this county. this great gathering. t The land appears ta be wcii culti- vated as the crops iooked wel: the orchards that I saw secmed ta be aId and uncared for, which is a pity as fruit is very expensive. retaiied. We visited Taunton and had an in- teresting experience . At Exeter we were toid ta change ta the "slip-car" at the end of the train. On arrivai at Taunton we were surprised to find that this car had been detached about two miles frorn the station and had carne in on its own velocity ail the passengers for Taunton being on this car. About October 10th. we went ta London and put up at the Regent Palace Hotel in Piccadiily until Nov. 7th. when we sailed frorn Southamp- ton on the "Aimanzora." Our time was taken Up with shopping, dentist and some visits to f riends that we îhad knowvn in Chule. We also saw the principal sights. I also bought through Messrs. John Thornton & Ca.. two buils (pedigree) for my herd here which have arrived since I re- turned. By leaving eariy we man- agcd ta escape the violent storms that they experienced in England, and had a splendid voyage. After caliing at Cherbourg, Vigai and Coruna, we arrived at Lisbon landed and rnotared through the city It appears ta be much decayed, out side ai the museums and historica1 points we found it disappointing.1 We calied at Madeira. Fernando de T riving at Rio de Janeiro in due eyn h rse. landed at Rio de Janeiro, t b &l home, th, South America. and taok a mator tour through the city and about tion cf roofing loorn tw.enty miles out around the south 4 importance. If you side af the bay rcturning by anather h aphazardly you mý route inland entening from the west side. Most af the return trip was a heavy penalty in through a tropical farest. but cvi- weanther disfiguremer How 125 million explos ions in eveiy grain makes Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice as nourishing as hot cooked cereals T A STE these deliciously flavory Puffed Grains! ... They are the invention of Pro- fessor Anderson. He seals grains of whear and r&e in huge bronze guns. Revolves the guns in a fiery furnace. When the guns are fired, 125 million explosions occur in each grain. This opens every tiny food cell. It makes Puffed Grains as completely digestible as though they had been cooked for hours. Hence they becomne virrually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. And how crisp ... crunchy ... delectably good co eat PufFedl Wheat arnd Puffed Rice are. They n>Iel in your mouth. They give just the splendid grain nourishment everyone needs. Serve thern for breakfast, luncheon and supper. Tom t hem with butter to make a new deli- dous kind of popcorn. Your grocer has Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice. The Quaker Oats Company. QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE Def eat! One of the stairs ta Heaven. Hait flot ta, count WVhat you have trampled on, Look up, and mount. -Linton. Our country cails flot for the hile of ease, but for the 111e of strenuous endeavor.-Theodore Roosevelt. Let nothing corne between you and ie light.-Thoreau. Like a Grip at the Throat. Fora disease that is not classed as fatal there is probabiy none which causes more terrible suffering than astlma. Sleep is impossible, the sufferer be- cames exhausted and finaliy, though the attack passes, is Ici t in unceasing dread ai its return. Dr. J. D. Rdl- logg's Asthma Remedy is a wondcr- fui agent. It i.mmediately relieves the restricted air passages as thous- ands can testify. It is soid by deai- - ers everywhere. Persian Balm is the one true f ar- ily aid for skin healtb and beauty. Aids the mother in additional loveli- ness. Protects the tender skin of the chid. Delights the father as a hair fixative or cooling sbaving lotion. No matter to what use it is put, it is always beneficial to the skmn. Every woman should use it. Persian Balmn cools and caresses the skmn and creates complexions of surpassing ioveiness. IepYou ChooSeT ý plans______ -~~Z~~ rowed from the West Indies le ques- ' ~ i ~ 2l.~ is the resuit of combining red -is argeand tile red in equal propor' choose - tions. iay pay ileaks, rit, fire. are and rour re- rantford rm -a rich, vi- es with :ction. le right Roofing cda fas- -ds, de- )urs the Lainable tSiates. red are Durs of laid in "Trini- ies bor- The harmony of buff, bronze and olive in the "Vienna" treatment will bring warmrth and person. ality to your home. Old-world charm and colour warmîth mingle in the red, tile red and purpie design of "Masque' à thatched treatmnent that has beeft popular since its introduction. "Mandalay" has the ringing calour tonies of Kipling's sang, but massive un design, it presents an aspect of substantial dignity. "Cairo' with its calaur bar. manies is like a memory of Egyptian bazaars. -Barcelona" and "'Madrid" recaîl to a md the sunny gardens of aid Spain. And ail these Brantford Asphalt Siate designs are permanentiy Rire and weather resistant. Write for this colaurful sertes of cards portraying the many style *ffects of Brantlford Roofs for your home. -'j 3rantford bots Brantford Rooding Co. Umsted, Head Offie and Factouy: Brantford, Ont. lise -h, Offices and W.rehouaei. Toronto, Wtndsor, Wlmmpq Montren, Hafifax. Saint John. N.B. Md St.John'. Nid. For Sale by IRICE & CO* fr ~ '*-l To make it more digestible this delicious food is Clean Even Heat That's what you want. That'a what you get when you heat with the farn&us READING ANTHRACITE ,~/~ Pennsylvania Hard Coal sold in ail sizes. Solvay Coke for Sale. HENRY LATHROPE, cidE Phone 520 Shot from Guns THE CANADIAN STA77ÀDIAN, BOM&ANVMLE, TFIUPSDAY, JUNE 19th, 1930 PAGE EIGHT % Ir) ý ýL

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