PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th. 1930 W. C. T. U. THE CHURCHES 'The The W. C. T. U. met in St. Paul's Trlnity United Church-Rev. J.U. school roomn on Tuesday afternoon Robins, pastor. Sunday Services: wlth an average attendance. Mrs. Il a. m.-Preaching service and Sun- G. L. Wagar. 2nd Vice President, day School. 7 P. m.-Preaching! presided capably. Meeting opened service.i by singing a hymn. Mrs. J. E. El- St. Fauls Church-Rev. D. W. liott had charge of the devotional Best, D.D.. Minister. il a. m- 0O period, reading f romn Acts 16. Mrs. Morning Worship. Holy Communio;n; P. A. Haddy. Mrs. Thos. Tod and 7.30 p. mn.-Evening Worship--A; Boys of R Mrs. G. A. Gillespie followed with Gliiupse of Old World Chivalry"; E. T. groups short prayer..i - 12.30 Sunday School. Thurs- outitting ti Mrs. W. A. Btinner read the in- day. June 26th. 8 p. m.-Preparatory tabanick C utes of last meeting which were Serl'Iice. Point, Lake adopted. The executive were given S o~s'nîcî hrh to July 5th: power to raise funds to assist the StRics Agian hrh locl roibtin Uio. ws i-Rev. R. J. Shires. Rector. Second Rikard, Bi]l so dciedtoadounthe meetings Siinday after Trinity, June 29th: etFac so dcidd toadjurn8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. m. Brunt. Fred untîl September. -M iing Frayer; 2.30 p,. m-Sun- Jack Hare. The Treasurers report shawed a -Moimoted by thi balance of $17.61, and a reserve f und day School; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. By'Wr 0f$40.Preacheî' at bath services-RevSid- os Wr Mrs. F. R. Brown, who was the ney Childs, M.A.. B.D.. Port Hope. ahedris nct delegate to the county W. C. T. U. St. Andrew's Fresbyterlan Church, Chas. D. Dit convention held in Oshawa last corner Toenperance and Church Sts. castle boys ir week. in a comprehensive and inter- Sunday School at 10'a. m.; Monig Sat urday mc esting report showed the good work worship il a. m.; Evening worshlp home the fol accomplished by this organization. 7.3 0 p. m. Rev. J B. Skene, B. A., There are now eight unions and one irifister of Emanuel Fresbyterian Y.W.C.A.. with 388 members in the Church, Toronto. will preach at both TEA counties of Ontario and Durham.' services. The Loyal True Blue Lodge Mrs. Brown stressed the excellent ad- will attend the evening service. Members o: dresses of Mrs. Gor~don Wright, Lon- sion Band w don, the Dominion Presîdent. Mrs. "MlýUTT AND JEFF" RETURN IN A lightful tea a Wright is an outstanding womnan NEW VEHICLE Church S. S. speaker and w cil worth hearing. ternoon. TI Other interesting features of con- Bîgger. brighter and better than decorated wit vention were the memnorial service ever, fairly bristling with novelty. ers, among tl conducted by Mrs. S. Farmer, Port niew and catchy music and dancing the "Daisy",a Ferry. and the presentation of prizes of the enticing kind, comes the ever er designs ini in the "Messenger" contest. by Mrs. welcome and popular favorites "'Mutt groups. bluee Barbour of Uxbridge and Mrs. El- and Jet!" to the Opera House, Bow- The girls,a liott of Bowmanville. The conven-1 manville, for one evening performn- intendents. iM tion will be held la Orono next year.1 ance only, Wednesday night, July 2. Mrs. C. T. Ba Mrs. J. E. ETflott, seconded by Miss This is the seventeenth consecutive intendents, M~ A. Belîman, moved a hearty vote of season of -this remarkable cartoon Mrs. .E. e thanks to Mis. Brown for her splen- rvead as in the past the dif- Miss IreneRÎ ilid report. Meeting closed by slng- ferent theatres throughout the entire edadity t Ing hyfl. Mrs. Best acted as country are seldoin large enaugh ta while avre pîanist for the afternoon. hold the people who want ta spend itations, etc.. their money to see these remarkable joyinen t of th a d clever cartoon artists and their .Adtoa surrounding cast. ion were the This seasons affering is one con- Pounds and M A K E N O tinual round of laughs. It contains home-macle s% the usual number of pretty girls who very i'easonabl wear the îatest creations in gorgeous Pond. f rom wl gowns. Special music of the snappy drew forth ma M ISTA K E sort ha ben fursd and this o-"flshprora As a xearer of glasses, you with a smile in your eyes and a laugh citaton-Grac know that there is nothing too on your brow feeling fully satisfled leen Spencer; good for your eyes - your most that you have received full value for cock; recitatioi preciaus possession. Accordingly yorinny solo-Gladys F you will be interested ta know of ____ mie Coyne; mc the great care we exercise in sup- TYRONE ald Henning; plying you with only the finest. ____ Aldread. Murie If you have flot had a recent Miss Hazel Hodgson spent a week Margaret Fear examination. we suggest that you witlt her aunt, Mis. D. Hooper. Or- Patricia Pearce come in to see us and let us care- ana Mi'. and Mrs. Talbert Find- solo-Ruth Ho fully test your eyes. The fact that lay. Ola and Bert. Thornhîll. visîted othy Henning: you are wearing glasses is no at Mir. Otto Virtues Mr. and Mrs muh ra reason for believing that they are Lloyd Robinson and Berniece. Toron- ta;rctt best for your eyes. because the ta. spent the weekend at Mr. F. L. recit ation-Lloý eye. ik evryoterorgn n heByanVs Master Bill Hughson. To- Marie Henning human body, are undergoing a ronto. is spending the sunimer at Mr.rctto-s consantchage.R. McCullough's. Mr. Erroli Htîgh- 1 Froceeds ove: constant change.LVU43 LIUL Mu. and Mus. Byron Farrell and Mu. and Mus. C. D. Hodgson and Glenn spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. Smith's, Toronto Mr. and Mus. Chas. Yates, Toronto, visited xith Mu. and Mrs. Yates Rex'. and Mus. Andrew Mc- jLaughlin. Bob, Bill and Betty. rf ton, Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, visited Miss Margaret Moore Mrs. Jas. Dudley is spending a few days xxith heu daughter. Mus. W. J. Buadd, fOshawa Mus. Floyd Dudley enter- tained a number o! girl friendfi at afternoon tea on Saturday in honai Save Money On Sturdy Work Clothes By a veî'y s1ecial effor't we secuu'ed these high gii'cle bitte cenirn oeî'aiis to seil at far' iess than ac- tuai wolth. Rernembeî, these overalis are the us- ual standlar'dlquaiity you g'et s0 much wxear out of andl the 'v are toLube lad heî'e in ail sizes. Be sure andi get a Sth)i)lý' xvh le the quilîitities last. $1*49 SPECIAL IN MEN'S OXFORDS $3.45 60 pairs of biack caif Oxfoî'ds, Ieather heel, special easy-fitting shoe,, This Week's Clearance $3.45 MEN'S BROADCLOTH reýý SHIRTS $1.00 Speciai clearane(.* of En îl'i 'th Bî'oadc'ioth n ~ jý 1 sale 'àr:,t $1.00 ROVAN'S S 110E STORE Bowmanville Oppoaite Bowman House N M - n 's Shàlts, w~h ite, NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAy, JUNE 26th, 1930 'FF TO CAMP Rev. W. P. Rogers' C. S. )s are making plans andi .emselves ta attend Mat- Camp at Stephensons Scugog, f rom June 28th iGaunet Rickard. John lie and Jack Toms, Al- eGeo. Buckley. Billie and Norton Cowaîî, and The camp is being pro- e North Ontario County Board in affiliation w1th iaI Boys' Work Board, r the direction 0f Rex'. niel. Sunderland. New- ntend leaving at 6 o'clock iorning and will return llowing Saturday. nNEWCASTLE S. S. ANNIVERSARY Sunday School pupils and teachers, along with other members of the cangregation. turned out in splendid -numnbers at the S. S. Anniversary of Newcastle United Church on Sundayl morning. A chair of about 40 voices f romn the Sunday School filled the loft to its utmost capacity and puovided excel- blent music. with Miss Marion Rickard rat the piano. In addition to two rousing choruses. "Forward Heroes Br'ave" and "Onward Soldiers of the Cross" Misses Muriel and Gladys Fol- lard rendered very sweetlv a duet. Sometimes." Previaus to the sermon the mem- ber's 0f the choir took their places in the body 0f the church aiong with the other members of the school. Mr. A. E. Denike of Havelock, President Laymen's Association of the Bay of Quinte Conference. spoke f irst ta the primary children, illus- trating the lesson of "Freparedness"1 f rom the story of David who. whii at wouk watching the sheep, pre- pared himself for his canfliot with Goliath. Mr. Denike then spoke ta the older members of the congî'egatian f romn the text II Corinthians 111:2,3, "Ye are our epistie written in oui' hearts. known and read 0f ail men written nat with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God." In campaî'ing our lives ta letters Mr. Denike illustrated with exam- pies mnany ways in which we might spoil the "dlean sheets' of aur lives. He emphased the tact that aur heauts. as letters. are open to be read by ail men, and stressed the import- ance of enclasing the 'letter in a clean and pure 'envelape'. that is. keeping aur bodhes f rcsh and un- taînted. and of addressing the letter ta its proper destination. in Christ. In the evening, Mr. Denike used the text, II Coîinthians, IV:7-"But we have this treasure in caîthen x'essels. that the excellency of the pawer may be of God, and not of us .1 We must place this treasure, the knawledge of the glory 0f God, in carthen vessels, which are s0 casily broken and destroyed. Strict Sab- bath observance is one.'iessel' which has been badly braken. The î'egular choir rendcred two fine anthems. "More Love to Thee, O Christ," and 'Siiîg unto the Lard." while the maie quartet, Messu.W.J S. Rickaî'd, Howard, Mark and Har- old Allun, sang "I want tab1 lk Jc'stus." and Mî's. Gea. Honem eu titul solo. "Rock of Ages" Through the klndness 0f the Mis-~ sian Band. the aitar was effectively clccrated with a protusion aofowers. of the two brides-to-be, Miss Margar- et Moore and Miss Kathleen McCul- lough. when a misceilaneous shower was given ta each. A number of our Wamen's Instittite ladies attend- ed the District Convention in Nestie-I ton last week Tyrone W. M. S. vîsited Enniskillen Branch on Wed- nesday atternoon and very miuch e'n- joyd the' prograi and outîng A large crowd attendpci the supper at Long Sault on Wednesday evening. A large nuniber ut friends gather- ed ai the home of Miss Margaret Moo,' u n Monday evening and pue- * itdheu wîth a miscellaneous ashower Oui' Young Peopie's League xiii be closed during Jtîly and Aug- ust. Chiurch Ser-vice will be with- drax.ýn lhein on Suniday; Stiîday School at 10.30 a. in. NEWC.ASTLE Mr. Aloiî,'. Cowaîî lias bevnit g tiu)for, soino i'l e xit Ih painful leg in - Miss Ruth Hancock. Bowinaniville uiies silsta~irîed w~lîuihi le * witon J Hospital. is holidayîng at home. whiclh lit, was drtving on the kTnhw's JuirChoir of the United Church lighiy Wîis 1i111ili miii et a :pVeCîiîî 5 ilpractise ta-morrow <Fridayî cx'- I oto)ilst. 'Thle walgoniwlivel passed 1 ening. over bath of Mr'. Cowaîîs fert. 1 Misses Stinson of Oshawa Tcach- Tor'onto famnilles wiîo are nlow es- ing Staff vsited their cousin, Mrs. W. tablished ai the' I&ke .foi' thle seiîmnîî'r H. Cooke, recently. ar'e those of Dr. Oea. Cî Dri, . . V Mr. J. H. Vamplew and friend.* Ta- H.* Waltoaiiill. tie Austin Camnp- 7ronto, spent the weekend at Mr. and bell. the Bull. Overeid. Sins. Jlack- Mrs. W. H. Pearce's. 1 son, Harracks. Long. Mrs. l3oweil. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cooke andI M's Fidler, while otherîs are expert - Reita are holidaying in Kingtoan ed to arrive ncxt week. other eastern points. Major and Mrs. H-. W. Dudley. Miss Mrs. Wm. Thomas and Miss Renia Dunreath Dudley, Mu. and Mî's. Ferry ispent the first half of this week with Hare and Jack attended the funerîul Rev. Lorne Thomas of Ridgeway. of the late Mus. W. Bellamy from tRlie Miss Dorothy Ragen and f iend, house of her brother, Mu. Oea. Fuî'dy. Toronto, are visiting the former's, north of Colboi'ne last Sunday. In- grandinoth-er, Mrs. John Douglas.1 terment was macle in the Union Mrs. Sidney Venton and children, Cemctery. Mr. G. A. Coync. Misses Bowmnvilespet Snda wih hR sa Cawan and Helen Lycett, Mr. Bowanvll, sentSudaywit hr; oyJoncs uepuesented the High brother, Mr. Howard Allun, and fam- Scola1hefnrl ily. 1Sho itefnrl Mr. Bert Adamîs. Lindsay, is visit- This communlty was doubly sad-t ing Mr. and Mus. J. E. W. Philp, and dened last week by the deaths an assisted at the graund leveling bee at IPriday of Mus. Bellamy In Cobourg1 the lake on Monday. Hospital and of Mrs. James Douglas. nee Amy Hunter. in thc Gencral Hos-r Mr. Simon Baskerville had suffie,t pital, Touonto. Mus. Douglas wass iently recovered f rom his recent iii t1 the fourth daughter of the late Wmn.o ness to walk up street on Monday., and Mrs. Eliza Hunter, and was bounc It was the fiust time he had been out at the Hunter home in this village.s of the house for three weeks. 1 Mr>y f romn here attended the f un-a Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baskerville and eral in Toronto on Monday afternoon i son Wilbur, and Mrs. Herb. Toms. and many more went over to Bow-v and other friends attended the manville Cemetery to meet the cor- t Nurses' Graduation Exercises at tege and be present at the burial ser-a Bowmanvile last Friday eveninjg vice. The community deeply sYmn-r when Miss Marion Baskerx'ilie grad- pathizes with the bereaved husband,b uated.1 mother. bratheus and sisters. C -_______ FRESII-CAUC.HT Unit 'd C'Iîiil î Un. W. P. lîog- eus,' p Afio1 fi i ndnly. j nil 2ttl: Il a. ni. -M ovini îg Wormli pani Ctitiirch vI'liiil .7 P.fwiii vtiixîît gWhîr.sht p. hy toruIitiyii iniî4ii Loyal Or- n11f 1e oI Lv<tî (if tIii'I, tr ni < j~j:yi4MILI, 651, IIlî'x î;; (3î' lIuIs îta 6k b S; XX'I nt $1 Hai,.l ily Mva I. Rlcid <)is al kîind. uofChop on huîud. C uienu11 MI l 1).mi. S. T.. Newcastle, lit . Plînmi'C'larke 3714. 26-4* CHIAUTAUQUA COMING Big Five Day Program Starts July 18 -Local ('oimmmittee Wiii Organize Friday Canadian Chautauqua which In- vadcd Omntario last summer f rom Western Canada and went over big, will make Bowmanvllle a viait from July 18th ta 23rd. Now that the public arc familiar wlth what Can- adian Chautauqua la and stands for, their support should be strong and cnthuslastlc. Howeveu. the sponsors of the afiair. which are macle up o! representative citizens of the town, arc not taklng anything for granted and wlll organize a vigorous camn- palgn for the sale of tickets. The same moclest price as last year for the season ticket of nine concerts stilI prevails and as the program is belng heralded as the beat yet, the canvassers shouid meet with a ready response. Citizens who invest in season tickets must know that they are not taking the slightest chance of not getting their money's worth several times over. And so, if they appreciate the action of the sponsors in bringing Chautauqua to Bowman- ville they can show their apprecia- tion by investing in season tickets and not multipling the wouk and responsibillty of these gentlemen by holding off until the last moment as rauite a number did last year. A 6& P la the Yar dstick 1* lu the standard by whlch other stores are measured. A & P has establiihed a service un- matched hn the food field. Others attempt to follow the A & P standard . . . but wlth the five million and more women that choose to market at A & P Store., non. Wlll atiafy thetn but the original . . . the standard of ail food service . . . the A & Pl MEA TI EXCEPTIONAI FOOD VALUES-HIGH QUALITY-LOW PRICE EXTRA 1S-PECAL1! Very attractive prices on lamb this week. Buy at the"e 10w retals. LAMB Fronts lb. IL5oLr.lb2 , Loins lbâ. 1 Les8o.5 BEST QUALITY HAnS--CAREFULLY BOILED DOILED RAM l b. 45o SWIFTr'S CIRCLE SMOKED PICNIC HAMS ib. 25o 5 to «0 'b. Average-Short Shanked and Cellophane Wrapped QUALITY BEE F Prime Rib Roas 2lb. e Porterhouse ]Roast ilb. 35e Rump Roast RUNO IDE Brisket _________ PEAMEA-BY THE PIECE 'b. 27e 'b. 1L5o Cottage Roils ib. 27,e For11Fuying or BoiIng VEgS aLF'ORIb V AL Legs TLE lb 2, Ruaup Fillets 'b. 28o COOKMD MEATS LUNCH RAMi sli2ed ib. 2- BEEF BOLOGNA -h.25 CORNED BEEFBENTOSiedi.5. Macaroni & Cheese Lozl SbmCuElb. Ç iWHITEFISH l.16e I FRESII-CA'GIIT iSALMON aie~l~sh Steaks lb.32oE the e - ?.týv r .r'- 2 BOWMANVILLE GROCERl Fancy Quality Silverbrook Creameily P.%S FANC D2 -13 SUN YFlIIL xCRF . izED \1 30 BIRD'S CUSTARD POWDER ... Pkg. 17c HONI-7Y1NUYý BUTTER-Beekist. Jar 23c A REAL M:i.ýY-SAVER- S.CHARLES' OR CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK Tal 3 qS Tins q3 GUEST IVORY.SOAP ....... 2 Cakes 9c NAVY TOILET A-'Ar77 " ...... .117c THE IVORLD'S LARGEST SELL.ER SOA P& Ica cwes 350 LYONS' TEA-Blue Label, 1/'." Pkg. 33c SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLIES 3 Pkgs. 23c LOOK! EXTRA SPECIAL! BROOMS 5-3tring Each 29o GOLD SEAL SOCKEYE SALMON ,!-21. NOi3190 LOBSTER PASTE-1/'s ........ Tin 16c L. & P. SAUCE.............. Bottie 34c MACARONI 'IX0."--R 2 Pkgs. 23c PEARL WHITE Naptha SOAP, 4 Cakes 19c RAZOR BLADES-New Gillette, Pkg. 44c S.O.S. CLEANSER-3-Pad Size .. Pkg. 14c KELLOGG'S OUR OWN NECTAR trO'rn FX-keu 3Pkgs 23e TEA BLENDEDlb39 Freh i~utsat AA,4 P shop£ LENMNS »dessina Doz. 270 LETTUCE-Canadian Iceberg, 2 Heads 13c CUCUMBERS-Hothouse . -..".D 2 for 15c ]Bananasi Large Rtipe 3 ibn. 19 p CABIBAGE NýNEE-GR0WN 3 Ibs. 15c BEETS-Native-Grown .... 6 Bunches 15c O"RANGES t GPOWN ADoz.5 POTATOES-New, No. 1 Stock, 5 Ibs. 25c WATERMELONS LitpG Very Low Prices ruc & PACJWU" Tl f'". STORE: PHONE 83 Use the dependable yello w-box film Kodak Film in the yellow boxa mnakcs the best pictures for you every time. Its uniform speed and latitude assure you of steadily satisfactory niegatives. Stock up here with Kodak Film- take along an extra roi! for unex. pected chances. After you have exposed your film, to ensure best resuits, let us develop anid print your pictures on Velox Paper. 8-Rour Service Jury & Loveli When we test eyes it la done properly. G. M. BOSNELL, Optometrist Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Hours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danfortb Ave. e PAGE IEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL ý THURSDAY, JUNE 26CII. 1930