,'.MTParnAV11UNEIM th. 1930 .......... ~c roTIM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN4VÂia..E, I. R8A, u4i ot -l a Coilege of Surgeons.- Edinburgh. Office and residence: Queen Street, Bowmanville. Phone 89. Offie, Ilours: 2 to 4 1, in., 6 to S 311 1.n W. H. BIRKS, M.D. Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108. Office and residence: Dr. Hazlewood's forme rresidence. Wellington Street, Bowmanville. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractics will be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. phone 141J. Residentiai calîs made during fore- noon. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. au Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. AUl cals promptly attended to. Private Ambulance \VÂVI Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN; M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at youi' service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmi and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskîllen P. O. Phone, 197r3. 1-tf EG.VETERINARY EG.KERSL.AKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. Blighten UI) the honv inside and out with Wall PaJ)el and Paint, q We can supI)Iy you with Sunworthy Papeîr and Glidden's Paints, Var- nishes, etc. q We'11 do the work, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE2 489130WUANVILLE who serve it with distinction will de- serve highest honoî'. Theje is no predictîng what the future of it willi be; each day revealing fre'sh wonder. Lsten to what the gifted Pauline Johnson thought ut the Canadian born: 'otitle and no coronet is haîf 50 proudly worn As that which we inherit as men Canadian bon; We count no man so noble as the one who makes the bî'ag. That he n'as born in Canada bencath the British flag,' The Pessibilities et the farmn in moulding great lives for Canada aie expressed in the follewing excerpt: "There has been too lîttle attention paid in the past te attract the yeung people te stick te the farm. I mean the bpys and the girls, ta remain on the farm. The Honor'able Mr. Mar- tin. for'mer Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, struck a chord that is having a wonderful cffect in keeping the Young people of both sexes away trom the ure of cities by offcring prizes of a character te let these Young people feel that they alone ar'e competing for them.' 'Letting these young p 'ople sec that they have a respensib' lity aînd that they ameunt te something in their clubs and meetings, on matters on n'hich the eIder ones on the farm have nothîng te say: thîs is werking %vondcrs." Further tîibute to thc progî'css ut Canada and strcngth and power of2 the pioncers is foî'mcd in the para-t graph.'-The progress silice Confed-% eratien has beei4 beyond words. and if the present campaign overseas fer settlers proves what is expcctcd of it in brinqing the right seo't ut people here. Ged prosper Canada, aIl willt be well." As the eld guard passes away, înay Ihere ever be a new guaî'd 'eady t,) ift the' burden which they carried. and. with unswerving leyalty. is- dem and honer. carry on. fellowing their gloriîus example, and revering their precieus memery. Eveî'y noble lite leax es the fibres of it intcrwovcn in the work et those who follow. They bore tht' brunt for us, and al oui' kith and kmn. And. while 1 re- fer te the old guard, let us as loyal Canadians. ever kecp precieus the mnemories ef our illustrious dead. whe gave their lives fer us in the terrible wxar. and saved our bclovcd Canad~a fer- the Empire and for us." 'Canadians froin the Atlantic te the Pacific should be a united people. That n as the thrîlling speech made f at Calgary by that gallant soîdier. our then Gevernor-General, Lord Byng, whei'e he urged that Canada should be se. having ne race or creed cry. If Canada is te prospel', as il will, we must be as a united people. It n'as net that mcn et one Province or anotber that cari'ied the day at Vimy, but it was a unlted body of Canadians, all one, and had they net been se, the result would have been ditterent. Se I say te you: Cease any disputes between province-, about wi'ongs that sheuld be righted. De net imake a politîcal football plas' ot them. but a calm discussion at a round table. and be like Byng's Boys at Vmy. who went over the top as united Canadians and you will be able te accomplish anything." A good friend ot the' editor recent- ly sent us these paragraphs n'hiclî ne gladly publish this wcek: You will readîls' agreenith rme that eldierly persons among us would bc happici' peeple if they and wc cslImly recognized the tact that we ron' ol<i. In',tead. most et us insist on tî'ying te keep up n'îth yeuth in its excitenients and adventuî'ings. INet that one should retire te the chimney cerner and l'est his chin on a cane-net that. But there is more happiness in maturits'. if it is a ma- turîty of the mind and spirit, than there is in the upset emotions ut Voice," the weekly publication of the club, makes this unique compliment- ary comment: "Me! Hutchinson tempted f ate andI tested the club last Friday with his long deferred classification talk. He accomplished several things, and once and for ahl laid away the old bogey of the unlucky number thir- teen. Delivering the thirteenth classification talk 0f this club year on Friday the thirteenth of June, Mel scored a distinct hit with the gang. Classification talks will neyer lose their popularity with the club mem- bers su long as they are kept as bright and entertaining as was this one of Mel's. The speaker not only scored a hit with his subject but was also canny enough to pave the way for its suc- cess by introducing the proper at- mosphere in the person of Miss Edythe Shuttleworth. In a group of three solos this talented young sing- er. recently returned from a course of study abroad. delighted and en- thralled the audience to a point of securing for herseif a distinct ova- tion. After her performance the room would have forgiven Mel almost anything had it been necessary to do JUST THE SAME "Do you act toward your wie as 'Exactly, I remember just how 1 used to act when I first feli in love with hier. I used to lean over the fence in front of lher house and gaze at hier shadow on the curtain, afraid to go in. And 1 act just the saine way now." -London Tit-Bits A HARDENED CRIMJNAL Judge: "Were you ever in trouble before?" Prisoner: "Well-I--er--kept a lib- rary book too long once and was fined ten cents." When you need new energy, whet you are hot and mouth la dry-pep up with Wrigley>s--it moistens smouth and throat. The increased flow of saiva feeds new etrength to the blooci, Vou can do more - you féel ~Ke avke uith Wnigle9 J. H ERMON Poultry andi WooI at Fair Prices Phones: Bownianville-235 Toronto-Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. John Copeland. Auctieneer. for Darlington. Leave oî'ders at States- mnan Office. Wm. Windatt. Dealer iin Piano For'tes, Melodeons. &c.. Darlington, C. W. Orders receive pr'ompt atten- tion. John McGill. Licensed Auctioneer for Canada West. Residence-Osh- awa. J. Dryer. Heuse Painter and Paper rHanger. Phumbing, Writer, Grainer, Whitewashing, &c.. at Har'ris' Boot & Shoe Store. Bon'manvilhe. Roach's Hotel. cor. Front and George Sts.. unie bleck east of Mar- ket Toronto, C. W. John Roach. Proprietor. Other six cobuîflfls contain Peetry -a German Preverb: "When most theu tearest. God is nearcst." Contributecl article hy *'Fnorella"- Superiorits of Sacred Poetry. "Cher- ical Health"-Journal ut Health. I find No Peace or Comfort-Anierican Messenger. Progress ut the Rebel- lion-London Times-a lengthy ar- ticle. Huldson Bay and N. W. Ter- ritories as Field for British Enter- prize-Mercator. London. page IU Advertisement for Printing, Books, and Statiunery-J. Clixiie. Edîtor- iahs: Comnmerciah "Coup de main"; McHcnry alias Townsend: Purels' Political. Then advts for Debating School and Dramatic Entertairnmnt. Letters on "The liard Timnes"- George Henry Rusell; and an Indian Letter' tî'in Madras sayîng the Brit- i.h Governrnent is talking of raising cotton n India. More advts*: Some "'q.uack" miedicine readers. Mar- kets, Grant & Fletcher having dis- posed utf The Star Printing Plant ask debtors te square their accounts. Thomas Christie, Auctioneer. Com- missien Merchant. Accountant. Land Agent and Appraiser. Bowmanville. Dramiatic Scenes in Town Hall. Auction Sale of John Stewart. lot 24. B.F. Cen.. Darlingtun. Miscellan- cous Items. -The demestic columnn as we Ail it contained only une event: Scott- Bebee: At Bowmanville, on Moiiday mornint'. l2th inst.. by the Rcv. Dr. A. Macnab. Rectur, Mr. Charles Tait Scott. ot Darlingtin, and Miss Mary Ann Bebee. Township et Hope. Bowmnarville was then a village and t.he Ceuncil was composed ut a Reeve and Counicillors Coleman and David Fisieî'. Richard Windett wa.s, Clerk. Dar-lingtoli Agricultural So- ciety n'as granted use ufT 'own Hall for Fair Night program. Page 111 This page contains advertisect only. Somne advcrtisers are: Dry Geods-James T. Steele. F. F. McAx'- thur. McClung & Bru.: General Mer- chants-Ross, Mitchell & Co.. Tor- 1 ente: Saw mill for sahe '2-miile from Charlesville 'Haydon now' Jacob Neads; Letters ti P. O. on Oct. 14. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M.: Inks. books, wall paper, etc.. J. Climie; Druggmst T. C. Sutton: Auction Sale on lot 9, con. 3. Darlington. Thos. Stonhouse. auctioneer: Painting- -Houston Stott; Blacksmithing - Donald McTavish. $1 per horse for shoelng; H. J. Bus- n'el, hardw'are merchant; Farm for sale. lot 18. con. 8, Darlingtun. James English: Assignment-Alex. McIn- tyre, St. John H. Hutcheson. Solici- toi': Lots for sale on Scugog St.- James Lea; Pumps and Cisterns-J. Brokenshire; Seasoned Lumber- Samuel Trewin. Charlesville; New Store to let-Ira Van Camp; Brick Dwellings for sale--John JetTory; Cow strayed-Robel-t Urry; Iron- mongeiy-John McLeod: Farmers' Provisionis-R. Squair & Son; Fur- niture-McCrea & Bennett. Page IV Page 4 contains 2 cols. general reacing-no local items; ne persan- ais or local news in the paper other than mentioned. A poem: Tu Mil- dî'ed by Junius. Adveîtisers are: W. Windatt. Dar- lington, C. W.. Music; Lewis M. Squair-Wool Cardlng; J. & T. Dar- ington. giving up credit; T. Robins, Hampton-Hotel to Let; R. PhilP & her return tr'ip. she nilI leave Cleve- land at 12.00 mîdnight. arriving ai Port Stanley' at 6.00 the following morning. The great steamers et the C. & B. Line afford every cemfort of a mod- ern hotel. and are far fanied fer their spacieus staterooms, delicieus ineals and ceurteous service. Special at- tention is given to auto tourists on C. & B. Line steamers. The C. & B. Line has recently pre- pared a new Auto Map and illustrat- ed folder with many vicws of peints ot interest in connection with their varieus trips and tours. This will be sent friee te any one addi'essing theiî' request te The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Company' at Cleve- land. WITH CARE "Here!" screamed the station mas- ter, "what's the idea of thruwing thase trunks around like that?" The porter gasped, the passengers were dumb wlth amnazement. Then he continued: "That's nu way to act. Look n'hat yau've dune to the platform!" -Montreal Star NEAR CHIOKEN Diner-"Whiat un earth is this broth made f rOM, waiter? Surely it isn't chicken-broth.» Water-"Weil, sali, dat's chieken- broth li its infancY. It's made out of de watah de eggs waz boiled in." ET'S WIS E t- 'e TO0 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS youh. Only age can make us grown BOWMANVILLE ANCIENT Co.-Undert king, etc.; Rchart Peat. Up in th m n- an d th at sort of H IST O R Y T ior -M o Vi W L e u l y M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. q Adam Brown's Philosophy of Lif el age iSeven better than youth. Our ____ Marbie Workts; David Forbes-Tail- iswell represented in this grand ad- avieto Young and old alike is Extracts From The Statesmian f 73 oing; ere ao-Ala Hotel: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary dreqsswhic ehv et o s ee olo our minds to become erAg George Rice-Harnessmnaker; Simon iears Ao haeeer-JeterforClcks St.John.H Money to boan on Farm and Town hen ,atd. We much desire that inative. not even if we are Permit- lie-JwryCoksStJhnH pro ert. oya B nk uilin,9 al oung me1n o en ep cal ted to each.a century. Also. keep Miss Vivian C. MacKenzie of 21 Hutcheso fBarrister; Dr. C. N. Bowmanville. Phone 351. sa ead it oveafewtesadgtyngnspr-mx ihtegrl Suffolk St., Toronto, wrîtes: "Under Vars, Dentist. Oshawa; L. A. Peaî'ce. their companions or chums to read and boys to the end of life's journey.seaaeovrImsednthEi Neads. Express Co.; John Harvie- W.R TIEit and then discuss it with them fornosS tor of The Bowmanville Statesman Whitby, Central Hotel; Andrcw Barrister, Solicitor, Notary mutual benefit. A gkeen bserver made this very a copy of the paper of October lSth, House & Lands for sale; Mr. De-' Solicitor for Bank of Montreal The address to the staff of the sta'tling satement recently and ex- 1857-73 years ago-which I f ound Mages. surgeon dentist. over store of Mon y o oa. ho e 1 an da if C mp ny i t e oeicplaied reasons for his belief: among the W illiam W illiamson ef- M iles Fletcher; John M uisia\%- , Bowmanville, Ontario. and imaginative phrasing of the Teei olne n uhtiga fects, thinking you will be interested Canada Hotel; T. W. & J.Bion great man, reads in part. "To our la cout3ý by or a country girl. in having it for your files." Mechat Tilors; Chandler & W . F. W ARD, B. A. staff let me say that duty begins w vith P er ste most striking result of T i a a in Sae m n i o ars hD entists; G. Burns, P M .,I Bariser Slicto, otry life and ends with death. No one godras ast transportation and () Valume III, Jdhn Climie Proprie- Oshawa-Books, Fancy Goods: Wmn. Barite-.Soicto. otry can live a happy if e who does not other modern improvements is to be tor and Editor. published every Tait-Farm for sale; John Noris-ý Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. seek to benefit othei's. So live. then, tound in the disappearance of the Thursday morning in Bowmanville. House and Lot foi' sale: Peter Cole- Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, that the ight you leave behind you type known to an older generation. Canada West, at its office on King man-Dwelling & Store te Let; Dr. Bowmanvllle, Ontario. ightens the path of others. We Unless you travel in districts that are Street at 8s 9d per' annumi if paid in Patterson--Store & Dwclling Co Let: Phones: Office 102, House 409. want living men. whose acts brighten xtremely remote and inaccessible. advane. Thos. H. SwemnCnvyne homes. relieve sorrow and lighten you can't tell the difference between Monies inclosed in registered let- Hampton; Henry Elliott. General heavy hearts. the boy and girl in the city and the ters and forwarded by mail. address- Store. Hampton; M. Joness. 50 acres DENTAL 'If any litt of mine may case boy and girl in the smail town. 0f - ed to Rev. John Climie. Bowmanville, land for sale; W. Trull. Orono. tari DR. . C BONYCATLE The burden ot another *' f ices and factories are f ull of Young will be at the risk of the publisher- for sale; W. Motley-Hoti5e & Lot fer DR G C ONYCSTE God give me love and care and peuple who have come but lately a1l communications must be post- sale; D. Fisher. Agent-Western As-ý Honor graduate in Denistry, Toronto strength lfrom country towns. They are not Pald. suac o;WIoweCekDvs University. Graduate ot the Royal To help MY toiling brother.' " different f rom their f ellow workers Th1tts a a n a bto s sra c o; W o l- llk Dvs Coleg 0fDetalSugeos f O- *who were born in the city. newspaper consisting of 8 pages, "de- Wanted. Foundry Machine Shop; Ofie hne4;*osepon*2 voted to Politics. Art, Science, Agri- James Riggs - Merchant Tailor: tanio. Office: King St.. Bowmanx'ille. The address continues: "'Be satis- 1 Offcephne 0;hose hoe 2. fied nith nothing but your best. No It is a question whether this is culture. Literature. Texuperance and James McFeeters-Offices tu Let: X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. if e is worth living otherwise. There entirely a change for the better. Education." Herrick & Napier-Lands for sale: DR. . C DEITTis but one happîness in 1f e. and that There used ta be small town char- It carried above its date-line this Dr. Brent-Water Care; Geo. Smna't DR J . EIT in duty well done. In the f aith- acteristics that were especially desir- momentous Motto: "The Expediency -Brick; James Lea - Improved Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson f ul performance of it. difficulties of- able in the making of good citizen- of 'Principle. in opposition to the White Brick:;.fohn Hoar - Cow Graduate of Royal Dental College, tenl present themselves; but they hp Ter still are and always Principle of Expediency." Strayed; John Simpson.. C. J. Lister. Toronto. Office: King Street East, have to bie met with courage. remern- tain bti it can hardly be said Subscription payable strictly in ad- James Bradshaw. Executors William Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. bering ever that hope is the main- towtn is modern day the snaill vance-8s. 9d. If not paid in a Munson Estate-Trespass Notice. - twn ise toa higher level of be- week, lûs. If not paid in a month and many offerings for sale by real to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. spring of human action. and that ithairtadosteit.1s6d Saemnwsetaihd Gnra duigby ecans Phone 90. House phone 283. is 'rough seas that make a skilful hen he wun d u hs ies nt he in y.18546. Sam an isVol. s N. 10estae oers adnd othy er evidnces X-Ray Equipment in Office. mariner.' Thnlewudu i iw ntei 84 hsi o.II o (_ett wnr n te vdne ways of the world with this funny its third year of publication. indicate that Hard Times prevailed D.RE.DNIEL"foei se:Ihti orstatement:OfalnilsmnndPg1 and Money was hard to get in those Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- duty?' the answer is ta do the day'smokestatth ors faitaialss menan ag days. sty and member of Royal College of, work that presents itself. It is like aor. Too bad we s0otten imitate siolumcardsbap ear ondge 1 s o _____ DetlSurgeons. Licensed to a beacon light that upward points another's bad of~ foolish character- îos: practise in Ontario and the Domin- the way." istics. Young men imitate older OGeorge Hodder. Merchant Tailor C. & B. LINE ANNOUNCES ion. Dentistry in ail its branches. "A faithful performance of work men in their worse qualities. Wom- and ufiUr Shw, .W Office: King St., Bow-manville. op- leads f rom good ta better and f rom en who imitate men seem most in- Francfi eer, sawn . CrnrWo. peigo lvlnd-Pr tn I ieBako onra.terested in men's less worthy char- FnecseDrs. rone, fO i o lvlnd-Pr tne poieBn fMnra.Phone 301. better to still better., Live for some- -acteritlstiscict.I DiViSion On ________Ithîng. Have something ta care for ataria St. Dviio and somnething ta hope for. and you ' rniS Hnes. ecat ihda evc ewe o' MEDICAL possess the very sait of hf e. Do not DURHAM COUNTY BOYS Dae n iyGosGoeie.ec tleyad Cevi eland OhiPstrt C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C fia in any noble eff ort until you D. Conte. M. D., Coroner, late Dis-oStatur adClevJun , hioasatnguc Grauat ofTrnit Meicl Clleesucceed. By your lite and actions Mel Hutchinson Addressed Toronto ciples Church. Church St.. Bowman- ed by Mr. P. J Swart.as neiuMn- Gradateo rntoe. clClg.write your name on the hearts of Rotary Club on Friday the ville.a ebr.aP.,Divison ofth. eeC. &MB. Toic ad rodnto . et' those you leave behind you. Now Thirteenth J.Amrw.Dniswl i tae lDisonofte3 fficeran residence : Dligonr.et' is the time to do it. not to-morrow"- Canada Hotel fiî'st 2 w'eeks each Ln will be in full operation. Bowmanville. Phone 259. M. J. Hutchinson, Managing Dir- dionth. dianCDivsiondis-nortSnlteyShort An appeal ta better citizenship is ector of the Hugli C. MacLean Pub- Robert Wickett. Auctioneer. for ada Dvsoni uteaste hr J.CAKBELL ,contributed in the addî'css nith the lications Limnited. Toronto, who was Bowmanvilhe and Darlington. Or- Rotef rom Canada to Northerni M. D. Ch. B. . CARK in) D . .words of the writcr a simple testi- recently elected a director of Toron- ders ta be left at P. 0.Oho as it is only 87 miles across B..F.R. . . Edi.) O.P.H.mony to his lite. "Our country hasI to Rotary Club. was the speaker at John T. Coleman, Auctioneer, for Lk rebtenteeteprs <Sccssr a r.A.S.Tile> nble history and we who live to j the n'cekîy luncheon et the lbhdBniavleadDrigo The faînous steamer "City of Erie" Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- 1day ms1e ol. o ndbn or*reetyltteuoa bY tI drlef a w~W îcîe e~ ill make daily tr'ips, leaving Por't rIen tUnversity; Fellow et the Royal pnergip'. to ad drlt., t . . il rcevtTnen r'pnrt.na h~ i'lr~ th "~.n,'; ton.Clevelarnd at 9.30 C hat evning. On e CEIOOSE A SIX How Satisfying it is to Drive this six! Fyuhave neyer been at the wheel ofa ix-cylinder car, you bave no idea of ail the satisfying performance whieh the new Chevrolet Six holds in store for you. In this remarkable new car, greater smoothnesba@ been gained hy a new harmonie balancer and a bnlanccd 4.- pound crankshaft. Economy unsur- passed by any other car is assured by advancements in carburetion and engine design. More enjoyable riding comfort is provided by efficient Love- joy bydraulie sbock absorbera, front and rear. The Sport Roadster - $715 The Coupe - - - 740 The Coach - - - 750 The Super Sport Roadaier --795 (Six vire vhr.ls ta«dard) Combined wiîlî sucb notable perfor. malice features are Iavish refineinents in the heautv, c4liiiiient and appoinit- ment of the sinart ncw Fisher~ bodies. Just as surely as you insJ)ect the& new Ctevrolet . . driNýe it and comp)are it . .'our verdici will bc: "lpre's the biggcsi value in the Ioirest pricts field." For with ail its 6-cylinder adiantages prices are as Iow as $635 at factory. Ask about tbe General Motors Owner Service Pohicy, tbe most compflete in the industrv; and about the G.MI.A.C.,' General Mlotors' own Deferrcd Pay- ment Plan. c- Issea ROADSTER or l'IIAETON 635 The Club Sedan --$810 The Sport Coupe 8.40 The Sedan - - - 870 The Sport Sedan.- - 940 (s .';re wh.els sIandad) Pricesa# t acdory, Ohawa. Taxe4sbunpars and sparetiure extra. A comtlese eai Commsercial Cari ansd Trssks troms $485 up. CHEVRtOLET SIX ONTARIO MOTOR SALES WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE IT'S BETTER BECAUSE' IT'S CANA&DIAN e 0 When RED ROSE TIEA was 75c. lb. -bulk tea at 50c. or 60c. Iooked cheap, 0f course. But now that RED ROSE RED LABEL can be bought for ce at any grocer's, few people wili be satisfied to drink bulk tea. a