1~E CANAD~AN STATESMAN, EOWMAN~LLE, TRVRSDAY. JoeiE 2fith, 1530 NAGE THRH 7 IILIK CAKE The eyes are the gateway to the brain. By their miracle, the weelth and the warkings ai num- berless&ý minds are yaurs. YOUR OBLIGATION to yourself is a solemn one ta keep at its be.st the priceless heritage of GOOD VISION. Do Nat Neglect Your Eyes Consult Our Registered OptOmetrst R. M. Mitchell. R. M. 'Mitchell & Co. Druggista -Optometriste Phone 92 NOW is the Time ta talk about your HEATING PROBLEMS for the coming winter. Have your aid furnace overhauled or a new one installed that will heat yaur home comfortably. Don't wait tili cold weather cames. R. E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heating & Tinemithing 264 - Phone% - 453 BOWMÀNVILLE, ONT. CARTING AND TRUCKING- AIl1 kindr of Cartin,-. Trucking and Movlng; local and long distancŽ-. H. BOMBARD Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmanville J LAUNDRY WANTED Ail knds of laundry work done prompt- '>, satlafactorily and at reasonable prices. Wri te Post offce Box 12, or caîl Mrs. W. Marjoramn, King St. E., Bowmanville.1t Pl1,fle 478W.1 cal party worker off h equilibniuni as it is so differeutf ram former day. when such spoils ai office were Uand. eci ouf to the followers of tUe partie- ular Party lu power. If la probaîl3 fao early fa pass an opinion on fU( new order aif hings. Jucigmeni CHANGE IN COAL AND COKE PRICES Take advantage of thema while they Iast. Stove ..............$15.50 per ton Egg ................$15.00 per' ton ~J fChestnut ...........$1 5.00 per~ ton Pea .........$25 per tgn Coke .$11.50 per ton A discount of 50e a ton] will bloe f hs prices for cash with order. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 Bowmanville "BEST FURNACES MADE" Pease. "ECONOMY" FURZNACE Mr. Wm. Hysîop, Bewmanvilc Ontario, n another Pease owner who has found ioerfect satisfaction as well as economy in lis Pense equipment. He write6: I have been usig Pease Fui naces fer 30 years and think they aie the best furnaces made. The Economy Furnace that I arn now asing is giving perfect satisfaction. in ail îny experience I have neyer faund anything better." Much ai tUe Economy's efficiency is due ta the Pease Air Bat, an ex- clusive feature that pro-heats air and insures complete fuel combustion. I-ts many other features are wosth knowlng. Cafl an us- personalîy or by plane-for detaîls. Ask us ta tender. Local Peaee RepvesentaUîves - Bowmnvlel 1, s 1- must fheref ore be reserved unfii affter t- tUe election on Juiy 28tU. ý' The registrars who compiied tUe e listis in Durham County are: kt Bowmanville Hubert Foster, Bowmanville, Ont. Wilfred Carruthers, Bowmanviiie William Ferguson, Bawmnanville Wilbert J. Hoar. Bawmanviile James Nakes, Bowmanviile. Roger Bird, Bowmanviile Cartwright John R. McLaughlin, Blacksfock Isaac Whitfleld. R. FR. 2 Buïketon Frederick Johns, R. R. 2 Nestieton Station. Reginald Nesbif t, R. R. 2 Nesfleton Station. Cavan George Eaeleson. R. R. Baillebeo Harold J. Hubbard, Miilbrook James Paul, Frazerville James Douglas, Cavan P. O. Robert McCamus, R. R. i Ida Clarke William Laing, Cjarkre Howell Rowland. R. R. 3 Newcstle Fred Lavekin, R .R. 2 Newcast le Ansan Giiroy, Kendal Ernest Hamm, Orono Harfweli Laweny, R. R. Orono George Henderson, Orono J. Cîliord Gamey, Kendal Charles J. Thornfon, Orano Dartîngton Melbourne Wight, R. R. 4 Bow- manville. Robert McCullough. Tyrans SanM Snawden, R R 3 Bowmanville A. E. Bâleft. Hampton Silas Trewin. Enniskillen William R. Caurties. Courfice Charles SUortricige, R. R. i Hamp- tan. .Hope John Moan, R. R. 2 Part Hope Edigar IncU, R. R. 1 Part Hope Victor Thorndyke, Wesleyvile Miss Frances Webber, Campbell- croit Milt on Dunbar. Perrytiown Cecil Mencer, ElizabetUvllle Manvers Richard W. Wright, R R Janefville Offa Staples, R. R. Franklin James Richardson, Pantypool James Boggs. R. R. 1 Pontypool Alex Monk, Betlany J. C. Cunmmlskey. Franklin D. W. Heaslil, Janetvllle Mlilbrook Melville McDoweil, MiUbrook John J. Clarke, Milibrook Newcastle Cana Butler, Newcastle John W. Bradley, Newcaae Port Hope W. D. Stephens, Port Hope To.J. Hutchings, Part Hjope FrdOke, Port Hope Mrs. Ethel Farrow, Part Hope Reginald Haydan, Port Hope Fred Rosevear, Port Hope Roee's are blue, Violef's are plnk. I know- 1 aaw fUsai on the Ilins isat nYht. Viitor-"You Uave a fine crop of tOnâtýoea flua aummor! WUat cia you do wlfU fUem ai?" Wtve-"0h, we sen ail we em, and can ail we san't. VOTERS' USTI PREPARE» FOR i WEDING FEDERATED ELECTION, JTJLY 28Mof*- er Registrars CompWUng LIsts Composed of Grits and Tories - New De- One af ths prettlest af June wed- parture in Federal Eleetion Act dings was solemnized in King Street _______United Church, Oshawa, on Satur- day, June 2lst. wlen Audrey May TUe voters' lists ta be used in the] Werry, A.T.C M., aniy daughter ai coming Federal Electian have been Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry, 109 compiled by registrars, one f rom each Agnes Street, was united in marriage polliiîg sub-division. These lists for with Meredith Herbert Moffatt, eider Durhamn County have aiready beenI son ai Mr. and Mrs. David Moffatt,' returned ta W. P. Ward, B. A.. Per- 208 Athol Street East. Rev. C. E. Imanent Returning Officer, and have Cragg, pastor, performed the cere- lbeeîî pîaced in post offices and other mony which took place at 4 p. m. public places for electors ta inspect TUe bride, who was given in mar- aud sec if they are correctîy regis- niage by Uer father, wvas gowned in tered. white, with fltted bodice af taffeta and f ull skirt oi ninon, tulle veil with Who May Vote , crepe arrangement, caught with or- The qualification for voters in the ange blossoms, and carried a shower Federal elections is that they must bouquet of roses and lily of the valley be 21 years of age, a British subject, Miss Mary Wales, maid af honor, resident in Canada tweive months, ware a period gown af sUell pink and in tUe electoral district at time chantilly lace and chiffon and car- of issue af tUe writ af election. As to ried pink carnations, while Miss residence tUe act provides clergy- Olive Luke. cousin ai tUe bride, and men, teachers and pupils comig in- Miss Velm Blewett, cousin af the ta the riding ai ter tUe issue of the groom. bridesmaids, wore similar writ may vote. The Provincial act gowns in baby blue and carried nase- is broader in tis respect for it pr'o- gays of rosebuds and forget-me-nats. vides that anyone coming into a rîd- Ail wore draoping mohair hats o! ing at any time before polllng day matching shades. Little Ruth Wads- las tUe right to vote. worf h. niece of the graam, was a The preparation of the lisfs is en- winsome flower girl in a dainty frock tirely fu tUe Uands of tUe Registrar. of pink georgett& and carried a bas- Rule 6 of Schedule B to Section 32 ket ai sweet peas. Mr. Wilfrid Luke of the Dominion Elections Act refer- was groamsmnan. Messrs. A. R. J. ring to tUe preparation of rural lists, Luke aUd Calvin Hamm, cousins of in Durham Caunty, reads as follows: the contracting parties, were tUe "TUe said lists shall be prepared by ushers. the registrar by personal inquiry in During tUe signing of tUe register the polling division or from such Miss frene Bray, Toronto, tUe bride's ofher sources o! information as may, cousin, sang "Because', accompanied be available and as may be conven-j by Miss E. R. Emslie, L.T.C.M., who iently made use af.' A personal visit played the wedding music. ta each residence hs not necessary. TUe graom's gif f to tUe maid af honor and tUe bridesmaids were pen- Prellminary List dants; to tUe soloist and tUe organ- Tis preliminary list was complet- ist, ear rings; ta the flawer girl, a ed on Saturday niglit, June 14tU. bracelet; ta tUe groomnsman and the Five copies af this list must be made ushers, cuflinks. by tUe registrar by Tuesday, June Following the ceremony a recep- 17tU. Oue of these copies m;ust be tian was held at the home o! tUe posted up for inspection aftUe regis- bride's parents. Mrs. Werry, wear- trar's office. During tUe next fwo; ing a rose beige crepe dress. and Mrs. weeks tUe Registrar may make cor- Maffat, becomningiy gowned in black rections at any time on being satis- lace over georgette, both having fed as to error or omission. On shoulder bouquets of orchids, ne- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, ceived with the bridai party. Miss June 30, July i and 2, f rom 2 ta 6 Bernice Werry, cousin af the bride, p. m., the registrar shail attend at and Miss Manjorie Biewett. cousin ai Ithe place specified in notices posted tUe groom, with four ginl f iends, ta f lis effect to Uear and determine, Misses Evelyn Massey, Reta Vakes, any appeais or representations as ta, Birdie Fallis and Mary Armour, ser- the list. ved the dainty buffet luncheon ta TUe 1sf thus revised h tthe final over fity guests. The rooms were list. It is however provided that a preffily decorated with orange bias- qualiied voter whose name has been soms. roses, peanies andi carnations, omitted may vote on electian day the dinlng room being dans in pink, when vauched for by another voter and white witl floral decoraf ions of, andt aking tUe required oaths. liy-of-the-valley and carnations. Whiie it is tUe dut y of tUe registrar Ainong those present were: Mr. R. ta see that the name of every qual-j L. Werry, Montreal; Mrs. Chas. ifled voter is on the llst, mistakes are Keat, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Moffatt, aiways possible and it h tthe dut y Miss Irene H. Bray, Miss Olive Luke and pivilege af every elector ta make and Mn. A. R. J. Luke, Toronto; and if their business ta sse that tiheir others f rom Orona. Enniskiiien, Baw- name hs not omitted. manville, Salina, Kedron and Osh- awa. List af Registrars Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt, in tUe even- Any ans familiar with the party ing, 1sf t by mofar for Montreal andi ieanings of the registrars if wouid other points in Quebec, the bride appear that the~ refurning officer or travelling in a beige crepe ensemble 1who ever was respansible for tUe witU miatching accessaries, inciuding selections Uns chosen fhem on a 50- a landsoms leather bag. gif t o! the 50 basis. This is anather innovation groom. Lafer Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt in tUe new Fîderal Election Acf will reside at 90 Roxborough Avenue, which throws the hide-bound paliti- Oshawa. ]ROTARIANS DMEET IN CHICAGO FROM OVER 60 NATIONS OF THE WORLD Editor of The Statesman Who la Attendlng Convention Gives Inkling of 5 Days' Program Rotarians f rom Alaska, Yugoslavja- and sixty ottier nations in the list be- tween them, were streaming intoI Chicago today (Monday ta cele- brate in the birthplace of Rotary, the 25th anniversary of thc founding of the flrst Rotary Club. To greet thers there were seventeexilof the or- iginal club and the founder, Paul P. Harris, Chicago lawyer. who con- ceiveci the idea af a feliowship club Lcomposed of members 01 different accupation. A five day Program featuring inter- national relations and world fellow- ship, aiong Uines suggested by speak- ers of international prominence,1 from many different parts of the world, began today. An indicated registration of twenty thousand Ro- tarians and members of their famil- ies was under way in the ground floor offices af the People's Oas Company, ane of Michigan Boulevard's Most imposing skyscrapers. Thle principal business on Mon- day's Program, other than distribu- tion of the visitors ta their hotels, was a meeting af the voting delegates to consider legisîntion proposed for enactment at thib convention, and also, suggested ieglslation for the pas- sible consideration af future conven- tions. One af the resolutions under consideration would provide a "Past Service Membership,"1 for those Ro- tarlans who retire f rom active busi- ness. Under present rules. this re- 1tirement automatically terminates menibership which is now restricted ta one active principal (and one as- sociate from the samne Company) in each line of business or Profession. .The informai oPening ?f the Con- vention tonight at the Chicago Stad- lum will consist af a musical enter-1 tainiment by the Symphony Orches-! tra, Imperiai Welsh Sliigers, Swedish Choral Club and a special chorus of 400 voices. This will be followed by a pageant portraying the growth of Rotary from a litie group af four men, to an arganization af 153,000 members, in 25 years; fram ane club fa 3,330 clubs, in slxtY-twa cauntries. In the name af the 625 Rotarians af Chicaga, whose ranks include 17 «quarter century" members. Presi- dent Floyd L. Bateman of the Rotary Club of Chicago will extend to fhe thousands of visifors tomorrow, at the formai aopening session, a wei- come f rom tUe No. 1 Rotary Club to ail its successors. In tUe name of tUe visiting -Ratarians, especiaily tlose from overseas. Dr. Otto BoUler af Vienna. Austria, will respond and tUe convention wiii then be farmally under way, according to the program develaped by Chairman Crawford C. McCullougU, oi Fort William. Ontar- io, and his convention committee. _Marning sessions for tUe remaind- be devoted ta a general prognam cov- ering ah tUhe activities of Rotary- community betterment programs, de- velopînent af international f riend- chips. and study of better business practices. Brroadly speaking, Tues- day Is business day. Wednesday hs cammunity day, and Thursday andi Friday are international days. Mfternoon events are made up af informai assembiies. On Tuesday the Ratarians meet in accupational graups. On Wednesday they wilU discuss cammunity prabiems, in groups ai a fsw hundreci each, dlvld- ed according ta tUe size ai the clubs represented. Thursday aiternoon, tUe ways and means ai extendlng in- ternational goodwiii form the topic for the assemblies. Each affernoon aiso las speclaj enterfainment for tUe visiting "Ro- tary Auns". TUere is a style show for Monday in tUe new Merchandise Mart, tUe "world's iargest building." Tuesday tUe ladies tour the cify boulevards. Wednesday there h a boat ride on Lake Micigan andi Thursday a concert by the Women's Symphony Orchestra. The event which this convention cominemorates accurred in 1905, onÈ Febnuary 23, when Paul Harris, ÏUert starfing tUe practice of law in Cl- Il caga, invlted three « fais f riends ta 1 dlscuss the formation ai a new klndt af crub whicl would primailiy en-j remain in ail Rotary clubs. Prom turne ta time tUe Chicago Rotary Club added 0f Uer characteristics whlch aisé have become i amiliar in every club-singing, the use ai first naines, active participation in communlty welf are worjc, formation ai student boan funds, and luncheon meetings. In tUsse foofsteps there are now foai- lowlng other service clubs wlth smv- eral hundred thousanci members, em- ulating tUe exampie ai cordial iellow-, ship -set by tUe quartet oi Rotarians a quarter ai a century ago. Vacation lime is Here Buy your Vacation Requirements at Nelson's and Save Silk Lingerie We can offer you 1Sý values in this class of inerchaîîdise. Brassieî'es, Vests, Bloomers, Teddies, Step-ins, Slips, Nighties, Combinations, etc. Priced 39c to $1.19 Ladies' Beits Th e higgest .assoîtment in town to select fî'om at prices Bathing Suits PrIées 59c. to $3.50 Men's Shirts Fimse dress shiî'ts - values that you can't duplicate else- where. Every shirt in the steire goes on sale for this weekend at9 c each ..................99 Sizes 14 - 17, values to $ 1.98 Brush Wool Tams Nothing is provingb more popu ar for'f summer t h an a$~ Wool Tam. Some stores are getting $2.98 foir these. We offeî' you a fine as- sortinent in both white and* colors. Ornly don't ieglect fo come early, they will soo.n 'go. -P Two Big Dress Values We are offering every'sport and summer dress - over 150 in thie assortment - at a l)l'4ce that should dlean the whoIe works this weekend. We, can't descî'ibe them- just corne in and see for yourseif. You can buy a dîress ail ready for' the holi- (lay nt less than the cost of rnateî'ial. Croup No. 1 il Each............ 19 Crou*p No. 2 Each ...........$ .8 Khaki Pants Men's or Boys' - Just the thing for the vacation. We have ail sizes at saving prie& HosierySpecials For the Whole Family Kiddies' Sox and1 Socklets, in a big variety of colors, Per Pair ...29 c to 39c 3/1 Sux - A very special buy enables us to offer these at almosthalf price, 9 per pair .......... 9 Boys' Golf Sox, ail sizes, in various designs,39 per pai.e. Ladies' Silk Hose jWe have the biggest stock anîd the finest values in town -aIl colors and sizes. Corne in, see and save, Per f Men's Sox Hundreds of pairs - we can suit the most exacting taistes at prices ranging fromn Pair...1Oc to 79e Purses Dainty Purses in a vaiiety of designs and shapes, in all the new colorings; some with belts to match, 59c to $1.49 AOc Ne lson's StoreFOR BARGAMI g DELICIQUS AND REFRESHING Il We offer to you Silverwood's delicious Ice Cream. I They are the largest makers of ice cream in Can- I ada. It must be good - Tiy it ! - Let us SUI)ply your baking needs. We have a I wagon on every stre et every day. Our drivers are at your service. "W. P. COIRBETT Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono courage fellowship and tUe extension ai acquainfance. Membership would be restrlcted fa ans man ai sach dis- tinct lins af business. At cubse- quent meetings each braught along afUer f riends andi wifhin a few weeks tUe club was deflniteiy arganized wifh officers and a membership af about 20. At flrsf the meetings ro- tated each fortnight among the places af business and fUis led the founder ta propose the name "Ro- tary" club. These fundameuf ai principles sf111 TUE CANADUN STATEEMUW, 130MIL43?VqL'12, TRVPMAT, JUNE 26tk, 1930 PAGE TEUM