____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___~V Â IU ±CSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1930 236,59 *pounds uncrease in Canada alone in Iast five weeks TEA 'Fresh fronm the Gardens' You Neyer Know When Amilb. It's a mistake to drive your car without complete protection-. a mistake that's always discovered too Iate. When the ]oss is suff ered the consequences o! Pirocrastination May prove ex- cessively costly. Why not investigate our palctes o!f &e, theft and liability insurance? To-day caîl or phone 50. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville with Gyproc A WORK-ROOM for you ) .L.-a play-room for the youngsters in the basement. An extra bedroomn or two in the Attic. These are now possible in your homie at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burti and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied. structurally strong, jr pro- vides fire-safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is Iisted below. Consuit bii toda>' and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc WNallboard or write for in- teresting free book "Build- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABAS lINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontaria I 1(11 b "If For Sale B John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, ont. - MAJORITY 0F ASSESSMET WEDDING WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DII) APPEALS GIVN REDUCTIONS ATTEJN1ETN Court of Revision Shows Leniency In ousl-Bdl May Engagre Caretaker to Look Alter Lowering Assessments IAil MuniciPal Buildings and Property Court of Revision composed of the A pretty, but quiet June wedding; Granted Bownranville Beach As- I f ollowing members of the Town 1 took place on Saturday, June 14th, socito 10t eseta h Council, Mayor M. J. Elliott, Reevelatdthe home of Dr. ThomasBiato 10t eseta h aseeibathers see fit. j W. H. Carruthers, Councillors Alan and Mrs. Bedeil, Bloomfield,Ontario., Ezra Gifiord and Robert Morris Campbell. T. H. Lockhart and Reg. when their oflly daughter, Beatrice want to cut downm trees in front of Jones, met in the council room June Lillian Bedeli, became the bride of their properties. 16th to consider the cases of property Captain Albert Henry 'Bert) Bouns- Petitions were received for treating owners who appealed against the as- ail, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bouns- rocs with calcium chioride to keep sessment made for 1930 by A. H. aIl, of Bowmanville. down dust.I Bounsaîl. assessor. The bride, who was given in mar- Col. L. T. McLaughlin asked that Thirteen appeals wvere brought be- niage by her father, looked charming something be done to road onCon- fore the board, involving a total as- lin a gown of ivory crepe sdtin cut cession St. from Elgin to Horse sessment of $43,400. Three appeals on princess lines with an embroidered which he Claimed was about the were sustained, 8 were given a re- veil, cap shape, caught with orangé worst in town. duction in assessment amounting to blossoms and falling from the shoul- Wm. J. Barrie. caretaker o! fire $6,200. and 2 cases amounting to ders forming a train. She carried a hall, aPplied for increase in salary $8700 were held over for ftirther con- shower bouquet of butterfiy roses and which at present is $165. Tls sideration. This is the most appeals lily o! the valley. The bridesmaid brought up the old question of secur- recorded in a number of years as was Miss Mildred Burr, who wore a ing a caretaker to look after ail the well as the largest total reductiorns gown of mauve fiat crepe tight bod- rnunicipally owned buildings andý in assessments made by a court of ice with long full skirt. Her hat and properties and give a salary in keep- revision during that time. slippers were in matching shade. She ing with the duties. It is to be hop- With this municipality facing an carried a bouquet of yellow roses tied ed Property and FiÎnance Committees increase o! $8000 taxes to be raised with mauve tuile. The bridegroom will have better success i n solving. for county purposes the court of re- was supported by Mr. Neil Stewart this problem than other committees vision should be particularly cautious of Toronto. The wedding music was who have tackled this matter. in any reductions it makes in the as- played by Mrs. D. R. Morrison of Public School Board applied fori sessment roll. Ini fact, many citi- Bowmanville, cousin of the bride- $7140 to pay for heating system to j zens familiar with municipal affairs groom. Rev. C. S. Reddick per- be installed in Central school. Somle and property values are o! the opin- formed the ceremony. of the $9000 McGill money already ion it is high time a commission The living room where the cere- ln the treasury mnay be used for this should be formed t.o make a complete mony took place. was banked with Purpose instead of issuing debentures survey and revision of the assessment lovely summer bloom carrying out at present. of the town. the colors purple and gold. of the Finance Committee asked for pay- The individual cases considered Royal Victoria Hospital. Montreal, of ment of accounts totalling $8,263.09, and awards made by the court of which the bride was a recent grad- whlch included $7.500 for town's revision follow: uate. share of pavirig road to Boys' Train-I Fishell Cooper iC. N.R. Station, The bridegroom's gilt to his bride ing School, the actual cost of whlch' hotelb. assessment reduced f romn was a handsome travelling case f111- was $33,000. $1700 to $1500.j ed with sterling silver. To the Cement sidewalk on Washington Churchill Cawker, farmner, assess- bridesmaid his gift was a dalnty Terrace wlll be done at once, praper- ment reduced f rom $5600 to $5000. i sterling silver bracelet set with ty ownlers to pay 60 % and town 40 %. Durham Textiles assessment of 1bloodstones. Bad condition o! Base Uine Bridge - $6800 reduced to $4300. At the reception which followed, was aired by Reeve Carruthers. James Murray (Armstrong proper- Mrs. Bedeli wore a poudre blue silk Authority was given Raads & Streets ty on Scugog St.) asseset0 crepe dress with overdrapes of chif- Comn. to repair it. $3100 sustained. ifan. Owing to illness, the bride- Fire DepE -.wlll buy 4 new smoke1 Assessment of Dr. J. Clark Bell of ro' mother was unable ta be masks at $501 each and a shut-off $5500 was sustained. present. flozzle at $42 Bowrnanville Sports Limited bowî- A buffet.luncheon was served. The1W. J. Taylor asked to be relieved ing green) assessment reduced from dining tale a oeedwt f $75 towards rent of pasture land SU] $800 to $100. handsome hinese embroidered cloth,, near isposl lat Wmn. C. Caverly, Church St.. as- while exquisite yellow roses f ormed When ancillor Stri.ke intimated sessment reduced from $4000 to the centre. Mauve iris adorned the It Would cost about $1000 to dean, AM $3700. buffet. The assistants were Miss Paint and repair town hall he was James Connell (Osborne Boule- Betty Church. Miss Betty Baxter of given authority ta advertise for ten- vard) assessment of $1800 sustained. Montreal, and Miss Edith Leavens ders for Painting the outslde of the Wm. Simpson (Beith f arm> assess- and Miss Ida Bowerman of Bloom- building. ProPerty Committee pre- nment reduced- from $8000 to $7500. field. sented these estimates: painting out- Appeal o! A. J. Wadhams, Bal- Later the happy couple left on an side $200; decorating inside rooms on moral Hotel, against business assess- extended motor trip, the bride travel- ground floor $385; laying hardwood ment o! $2400 was held aven for next ling in a black and rose ensemble, faonr down stairs $300. meeting. with black hat. On their return Councillor Fletcher brought in re- R. H. Hamley, fariner, assessment they will reside in Bowrnanvifle. port that Cemetery Conmmîttee re- o! S10,600 reduced to $9.600. Ainong those attending the wed- commends that new east side cem- Henry Pawson's appeal against as- ding !rom this district included Mn. etery fence be built at cost o! $589.10. sessment o! $6300 due to acreage be- and Mrs. D. R. Morrison, Mr. and The question was sidetracked when ing 85 acres instead of 107 at the Mrs. Chas. Bounsaîl, Miss Evelyn Mayor and Reeve suggested they also lake was held over. Bounsal. Bowmanville. and Mr. and get a price f or new fence f acing James Brown, fariner. assessment Mrs. J. R. Johnston, Myntle. Kingston Road. o! $5900 reduced to $5500. If new fence is built at cemetery aId fence will be used around dispos- A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS Bradley-Crago al property. Police Dept. was given authority to The St. Marys Journal-Argus erect "No Parking" signs on west side makes this editorial comment on A very pretty wedding was solemn- of Silver St., and on certain sections Chautauqua which appeared in that ized on Wednesday, June 1 lth, 1930, of Church St. Sa watch the slgns town this month: at 12 o'clock noon, at the home o! and avoid fines. "The tremendous success o! Chau- Mn. and Mrs. Hantley M. Crago, St. Mr. Graham's account of $107.50 tauqua in St. Manys is gratifying to Marys, when their eldest daughter, for digging 430 ft. of drain at Cern- all concerned. The public have been Mabel Winnifned, became the bride etery was oi'dered pald. treated to high class programns which o! Mr. H. Wilbur Bradley, son a! Mrs. Residents living on Third Street have been entertaining and educat- Bradley and the late George Bradley, cornplalned of bad condition of road ive. the guarantors have been f uiy Blanshard. The oeremony wau con- due to fl i aven sewer sinking. protected by the splendid patronage, ducted by Rev. W. H. Raney. ancta a who are interested in the. The bride, who was given in mar- -- welf are o! the town and its citizens niage by her father, entered the ' particularly in the upcomning gener' drawig room to the strains o! the I ation, mifst be gratified by the fine wedding manch played by Miss Ivy educational aspect of the program zurbrlgg. She was lovely in a gown and the stimulus which is given t o!oflvory flat crepe with nhinestone interest in the better things. Chau- trimimings, with white kid slippers - tauqua has been a delightful and and hose ta match. She carnled a 911h G" A di,- warthwhile experience and it will not shower bouquet o! sweetheart roses soon be forgotten. As a miatter o! and lily of the valley, and wore the. !act it is becoming a valuable insti- giit of the groom, a Pearl necklace.______________ tution in the community." The bridesmald, Miss Norma Cra- Keep in mind dates of Bowman-' go, sister a! the bride, wore a f rock ofJ ville Chautauqua, July 18-23. beige crepe and carrled Pink roses j and sweet peas. The gnoom's a- tendant was Mr. Calvin Cooper. The Itching Ends in 1 Minut! THEY'RE JUST SLEEPING groom's git to the bnidesmaid was a em fermn"a. 8w51. BPIICAtiOUO mgr-s.' eded tch and b=raln 1minnu. ho braoch, to the pianist a bracelet, and à_box e.d disses for g19&"jane Pesta.' Businessmnen who do not advertise ta the best man, cuf links. "Sootba-13aIva1" EceaIotfmye aggresslvely to-day, are Just sleeping After the ceremony a wedding din- knowL Jielilut Stl ASSis. AldrIuggWo while local competitors, nelghboring ner was served ta the immediate rel- cities, door ta, door peddlers and mail atives o! thle bride and groom, af ter order houses are getting the business which the happy couple le! t amld they should get. Be one o! the showers o!ý confetti and good wlshes ____________________ wdeawake anes who profit most! for Toronto and points eust. The bride tnavelled in a blue georgette gown with sand trimming, blue coat and other accessories te match. On D m n o E d r n e their return they wil neside on the groom's farxn in Blanshard.-St. - a i u ie g Marys Journal-Argus.-m x u mie g Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have been spending their haneymoon wlth their at numenous relations around Bowman- Crago. minimum -WHO SM!) '«HRB!TIllES?" cost E i' ] THIuS Deat N G i Is the business outook bad? 1 teaspoon sait Advertise. Ite.. n mu.tard Tikte mre a' Fcan Eaale Brand hnte moneymaktad VoOtY £UJAAL. 75F ARES to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS 'a Cam&da=«Y now brlng forward t he0ir FamWle., Relative.and Frkmds on EaaY Tenu& For auu d"tMlaapply-- J. D. CAMERON BRITISII RUt-UNION A8SOCIAT"<o Advertise your wanes to-day, Adventise the modern way, Advetise-make it pay- J D E T S . G renville K leiser in New Yorkilmes IHOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER? Does It need sharpening or repair- ing for the comlng season? Lots o! folks have alneadY had us put theins li shape. Bring yours li ta- day before the rush. We use the Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder whlch gives such excellent satisfaction. Prompt service assured. We do flot give credit for sharpenlng or nepair- lng lawn mowens. It's a cash tran- saction. Bear this fi mmd. D. Aildnead, Blacksmlth Shop, opposite Salvation Arn» Mal. King St. Eut, BowxnanyUle. 23-tl OPERA HOUSIE, BOWMANVILLIE iEDNESDAY NIGHT JULY - F 4>1K coscp.ovp, Pn,.t &M zriaEDmfwo &/D IY* SÈyowKWW AN ENTIEELY OFEWETN 0F THES WRLD'ST GRADS AN!)OPLA CARTOON MUSICAL COMEDY INITABLCNGE0 COMEDIANS PRETTY GIRLS JRPASSING AJ.L PREVIOUS EFFORTS IN GORGEOUS COSTUMES, LIGHTING AN!) SCENIC EFFECTS ISSION: Kiddies 25c, sold at door only, Aduits 50c, plus fax. Set r edia lef l' Dugore IdTê,LIkw r WIw rrw 6fl W'WIWNM SUMMER PRICES FOR COAL Price of Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coals - forthwith will be: Stove ...........$....15.50 per ton Egg......$15.00 per ton Ch estnut ......... * .$1 5.00 per~ ton Pea ...............$12.50 per ton Coke ..............$11-50 per ton Icount -of 50e a ton will be allowed off these prices for cah with order. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel » 153 or 2( Bowmanviile DURANc. -'q NDURANCE is a remark- 4~ able tire at a remarkable 'ice . .. a splendid tire for light rs. Its carcass is strong, ru g-f ed, durable. Its tread is scien- fically designed for traction id non-skid safety. idurance is low in price, but a ,rvel in performance and du- bility. i our neareàt Dominion Tire Depot can supply tires for every purpose and every purse; Royal Masters, the world's finest; Dominion Royals, finest tires at standard prices; Endurance, a wonderful tire at 10w cost; Royal Heavy Service Tires for trucks and motor coache". TIRE DEPOTS' ~' EVERYWHERB (r, ~ - - ~ N. PAGE PLVE 1 --%-qmMqMMý THE CANADLAIN STATESMAN. BOWMAMM.T.V