-amaIn- RHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, THURSDAY, JVNE 26th, 1030 PAGE SEVEN DURHAM REGIMENT Goes to Camp JuIy Sth to 19tb. Men wanted by Durham Regiment to go to Barniefleld Camp, Kingston, f rom July 8tb to l9th. Apply to Captain A. H. Bounsail. * COUNTY RATE Reeve Carruthers iii!orms The Statesman that the report of the Valuators for Durham and Northum- berland Counties referred to la our last issue, does flot apply this Year. The new rates for this year will flot be based on the new valuation. Back for More Beets are nearly ready to use and several ladies bave al- ready got a supply of KERSLAKE'S PICKLE MIXTURE to put tbem away for wnter. Same price 50c gallon quantity Same splendid results if you use Kerslake's recipe. KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDABL.E DRUO STORE Phone 49 Weil designed Silvenwane per- forma 11e-long double duty la service, sets the stamp of super- iority and correctuess on youn table customs. In its buffet resting place it adds the toucb o! gentle richness to the dining chamber's !urnish- ings. May we show you sets or single pieces priced so that thie luxuny becomes a sound ivestment. MOOR-%DE 'S Jewefry Bowxnanville LOCAL AND OTHERWMS Miss Helen Cowan, Pickerng, ne- cently vieited friends hene. Mn. H. J. K. Denyes, Belleville, gave us a fniendly caîl on Tuesday. Mise Viola Robertson, Toronto, is visitig Miss Evelyn Bickell, Liberty Street. Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Haddy spent the weekend with their family in Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Henry Vanslyke ne- cently spent a weekend in Brighton visiting friends and relations. Mn. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock have returned f nom a pleasant holiday at Grystal Beach and Buffalo, N. Y. Kenneth Stinson, 14 years, o! Jan- etvilie, died i Lindsay bospital on Monday as the nesuit o! an auto ac- cident. Countice-Everson picnic will be held at Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Tbunsday, Juiy 24th, at 3 p. m. Mrs. Agnes E. Wnenn is in Oshawa nursing ber daugbter, Mns. K. Flet- cher, who necently undenwent an op- enation for appendicitis. Misses Estella and Maud Reynolds, Mn. and Mrs., J. F. Maunder, Lind- say, motored ta Palmerston necently visiting Mrs. James Perkins and other relatives. Mrs. Gardon Wright, Dominion President o! the W.C.T.U., wbo ad- dressed the meetings at Orona and Oshawa last week was guest of Mrs. F. R. Brown wbile la Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn and sans, and Mrs. F. Tamblyn, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Anderson and son Jack of Toronto, enjayed a motar trip ta Guelph and Puslinch Lake an Sunday. Mrs. Gamme and Mrs. A. E. Wrenn were in Toronto an Wednesday guests o! the Silver Crass IO.DE. Chapter wbo go on the Harbor Cam- mission outing by S. S. "Port Dal- housie"' ta înspect the work o! the Commission. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Bradley of St. Marys, wbo have been spending their haneymoan at Mn. and Mrs. Albert Crago's, were given a miscel- laneous shower on Tuesday evening by their numerous relatives here, The evening was pleasantly spent in games and refresbments and a good time spent by ail. Miss Alice Medd le being congrat- ulated by ber friends on winning sec- ond prize In the counties o! Ontario and Durbam in the senior group la the 'Messenger" cantest held necent- ly. Miss Medd alsa won finet prize la Trinity Sux'day Scbool and the flrst prize given by the local W. C. T. U. in the same contest. On Sunday many people witnessed a flne parachute jurnp nean Kunv Inn. Many othens took advantage o! the airpînne trips costig $3.00. The parachute jumper leaped f nom the plane almost directly over St. George's Cemeteny. Tue wlnd blew hini tawands the lake, acrose the ltighway and he landed in a fleld demolisbing about 20 feet o! cab- bages. The special meeting o! the Home and School Club called for Wednes- day. June 18tb, was beld in the Pub- lic Scluool. ist Vice President, Mrs. J, Hately, opened the meeting, and nead a letten o! nesIgnatIon f nom the naewly elected President, Mms. J. Tblckeon. Tue nesignation was ac- p epted, and Mms. F. Jackman elected President for 1930-31. Meetig then ai 1<5119,O h 'k Vacation Days Are Callin g And That Means New Clothes for Chic Young Moderns PLUME CHIFFON DRESSES at $9.95 A nice variety of p)ifted patterns in these to choose from, suitable for the young miss, in sizes 14 to 20. Special reductions in al Summer Dresses for this week. New Dresses -arriving on Thursday. You wvill 'like these as they are different. THE SMART SHOP Cowan Block GEO. R. MASON, Manager Mns. W. C. Washlagton's many friends; in Bowmanville will bc pleas- ed te bear she le now visitlag ber son, Dr. E. Day Washington, Van- couver, B. C. She le greatly enjoy- lag the sights and the mountain sceneny o! the Pacific Coast and le keeping well and sends kind regards te ail ber f iends. .Mn. and Mms. Frankt M. Cryderman wbo necently moved f nom thein f arm in the Sbaws School neighborhood te their nesidence on Silver Street bave greatly improved the appear- ance o! the bouse by the crection o! a new front ponch, new windows, pavement. etc. Mr. Cryderman bas punchaeed the biacksmithing busi- ness o! Mn. John Percy on the sanie street and bas taken possessiop where customers wiiifInd bin at bis f ormer trade maklng the anvil ring f nom morn tinl eve. l Rev. and Mms. L. S. Wight were pncsented wth a complmentarY ad- dress, a chair and reading lanip at a joint meeting o! the W. M. S., League and Mission Gircle o! Holloway St. United Churcb, Belleville, on occas- Ion of their depanture for Kingston and i recognition o! their falth!ul and devoted service sbown i their wok i Belleville. Mr. Wight was f ormeniy paster o! Tyrone Circuit, and bis invitation for Haydon on June 29th, makes the tentb time be bas conducted this anniversary. About 50 members o! the Daugb- tens o! England from Bowmanville, Whltby and Oshawa Lodges, attend- cd service i St. Andnew's Chuncb bere on Sunday evening when Rev. Peter Taylor o! Toronto pneached a good sermon and welcomed the vis- Items on behal! o! the offIcials. The choir rendered an antheni and a duet was nlcely sung by Mn. R. E. Logan. choit leader, and Mms. Ross StUtt, with Miss L. L. Bragg at the organ. Tue Lodge mexnbems were mambhalled by the District Deputy, Mms. Rich- ardson o! Whltby, and eacb looked ber bet wearing the emblem, a wite rose. Dr. and Mms. C. A. Langmaid, Devonshire Court, Walkerviile, Ont., Joined thein twa daughtems, Misses Valda and Gloria, at Havergai Col- lege, Toronto, and accompanied tbem to Quebec wherc their daughters sail- ed for Europe. They wlll spend the summen in Switzeland at the Alpine resonts, and attend the Passion Play at Oberammergau in August. Laten they will tour thnoughout Italy, and also visit Austnia, Germany, France, the Nethelands. and the British Isles. Before returning home la the autunin they wll spend some tume on the French Riviera. Dr. and Mms. Langmaid, on their netunn f nom Que- bec, are vlsitlag the doctor's sister, Mrs. S. Chas. Alun, Providence. Entertainlag for Miss V. Margaret Lawrie (daughter o! the late Mn. and Mms. James A. Lawnie, Bowmanv'ille), whose marriage to Wlnston Joseph Leach wlll take place in SantaB an- bara on June 2th, Miss Lydi S. Berg and Miss Mary Alice Gebhardi o! the Maryland Hotel, gave a ihien showcr for the bride-eleet on Friday evenlng. Miss Beng's ganden bunga- Io* at the botel was the setting for the afiair. Tue surprise feature o! the event was the handkerchlef ahowcr a egdfor Mise Gebbard, onc of tlÏ htees who leaves for the East todaf" Those present were thc bonor gucat, Mise Lawnie, Mrs. H. M. Niekerson, Mrs. A. L. Nicken- son, Mns. George Marney, Mms. Inene Hough, Mms. Ban Passage, Mms. Edith Tobias, Mns. Lou Chase Bora, Mrm. W. E. Biackatone, Mns. Alice Shromer, and the boatems, Miss Berg and Miss Gebhard.-Pasadena Star-News. Until further notice our pnices f or coal and coke wiil be as foliows: Steve,..-... $15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut . 15.00 per ton Pea 1 . ...3 12.50 pen ton Buckwheat ... $ 9.50 per ton Coke ......311.50 per ton A digSount o! SOe per ton will be made for cash with e«da. Mocieua à C0. Ltd. LOCAL ANI) OTHERWISE Mr. Geo. E.* Maynard and Mr. Carl Maynard, Toronto, spent Sunday here. Mr. Harry McCrudden, Carrying Place, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Leach. Miss Vera Colwell, Carlile Ave., is visiting relatives i Beeton and Tot- tenham this week. Mr. and Mr&. Victor Aitken, Tor- onto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowther. Mrs. N. E. Gould, Montreal, ie vis- iting ber daughter, Mrs. C. E. Reh- der, and old friends bere. Mrs. W. E. Tilley ie vsiting ber daughter, Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Tor- onto, and other relatives i the city. Mrs. B. M. Warnica ie visitig ber niece, Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Port Hope, and ber daugbter., Mrs. J. F. George, Smithfleld. Mrs. T. C. Nichoils, Uxbridge, was guest of Miss Belle Allen on Satur- day, and vsited a number of other old friends here. Mr. Russell Gillson, wbo recently underwent an operation for appen- dicitis in Bowmanviile Hospital, is progressing nicely. Marcellig done at Mrs. W. Adams, King St. W.,.Bowmanville, on Tues- days and Saturdays-35c. Phone 275 for appointment. 23-5 Mr. Bert Colwell visited friends i Deeton and Bond Head last week,i and also attended Grand Lodge of the I.0.0.F. i Toronto. Mr. andi Mrs. Fred W. Cryderman and Ruth spent Sunday in Toronto. Ruth remaied for a bollday with her aunt, Mrs. Gordon Mitchell. Miss Marion Wagar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar, bas suc- cessfully passed her examinations o! second year at Victoria College I English and Hietory. Mr. and Mrs. H. Parsons, Cobourg,t Mr. and Mrs. A. Greenshields. Tor- onto, Mr. T .Crawford, two sons Leonard and Billy, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Tait, Duke St. Ail Chautauqua guarantors are re- quested to be at the Balmioral Hotel, Friday evenig at 8 o'clock. Cbau- tauqua is only four weeks away so work must begn. iimediately to make it a success. Monday, June l6th, the senior edi- tor received from Mrs. James E. Rickard a box of ripe, home-grown,f large and luscious strawberries f rom ber own garden-his favorite fruit. raw or cooked. Many thanks. Three of Collacutt's buses, packed1 with employees of A. E. Long & Go.,f Toronto, manufacturers of boxes,1 passed througb Bowmanville on Sat- urday enroute Io Murray's Falls to1 celebrate their 25tb anniversary I busiess. LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Goodyear picnic report crowded out. Several obituanies and reports o! various doings crowded out. Mn. Fred Sinis, Toronto, spent a few daye at Mr. Ebias Strutt's, Ty- none. % Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Percy are vis- itig friende in Toronto and Lake Silcoe. Miss Effle Cornish and Mise VeInia Doupe o! St. Marys, and Mn. L. Ran- dail o! Chesley, are visiting Mn. and Mrs. S. O'Brien and other friends. Oid friends o! Mn. W. H. May, St. Thomas, will be glad to meet hini and hean hini address the mid-week service n Trinity United Cburch this Tbursday evenig. Mr. G. S. Hallman has returned from an enjoyable trip to the Pacific Coast where he attended the Golden Wedding o! bis parents. He also visited a nurnber o! cities enroute. Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Shane have juet returned from a motor trip to New York, and Hartford, Gonn., where Mr. Shane bas been investi- gatig the latest types o! broadcast- ing equipment. Bus for the White Shield Club Picnic on Wednesday. Juiy 2nd. will be at South Ward Scbool at 1.45 p.m. Other members to meet at Garton's Bus Station at 2 P. M. Members please bing, cup, plate, knif e, fork and spoon, and ail came and make it the best picnic yet. Mn. W. Rose Stnike was acquitted in the bearing before Judge Ward o! the charge o! reckless driving laid against bum as the result o! an ac- cident on the Kingston Highway on May i6tb, wben Mr. Harry Clement o! Toronto, wbo was adjusting things an thse top o! bis standing truck, was knocked olito the pavement and seriously injured. Bowmanviile Bowlers bave been having great success in recent tournaments. Last Wednesday at Wbitby a local ink, consistmng o! J. J. Mason. J. Infantine, A. H. Moore and L. B. Nichais. bnougbt home four valuable prizes. This was the result o! winning ail three games o! the senies witb the remark- able score o! 37 points. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE About 50 mnembers of the Loyal Orange Lodge, includlag visitons froni Newcastle, Newtorýville, Black- stock and Oshawa. headed by the Fi!fe and Druni Band, attended ser- vice in Trinity United Cbuncb on Sunday evening when Rev. J. U. Robins gave a very suitable sermon fnom the wonds "Honor ail men. love the brothenbood, fear God, hon- or the King," giving an outiine o! the ises o! protestantiem and some practical advice to the members on the vows taken. Mn. A. G. Holliday offered the opening prayen. Mns. H. M. Foster sang a solo, and Mn. O. Nicholas and Mms. T. W. Gawker sang the duet i the anthem. The lodge was marsballed by Mn. Wm. Barra- bell, aseisted by Mn. Fred Page. flIRTES McEWAN-In Darlington, on June 17, 1930, t0 Mm. and Mrs. J. A. McEwan, a son. LANOMAID-In nowmanvllle Hospital, June l"th, 1930, to Mr. andl Mms. ROY Langmnaid, Solina, a son. CATOR-In Toronto, on Wednesday, June 1th, 1930, ta Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Cator, a daUghter. DILLING-At Kcalmar Vinla Rest Home, on Sunday, June 22nd, 1930, to Mr. and mrs. Forreît Dilling, a son. RICE-At Bowmanville Hospital, an Tbursday. June l2th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rice, a daughter Joan Ruth) MARRIAGES MOORE-LAMB - At Pickering, Aug- ust 17th, 1929. by Rev.,J. S. Ferguson, Hattie M. Lamib, Manchester, to Ivason R. Moore, of Burketon. ENDICOTT-MCIRVINE - At Raton Memorial Church. Toronto, Tbursday, June. lStb, 1930, by Rev. Trevor Davies, asslsted by Rev. Dr. w. B. Creighton, Rev. jamer Endlc.ott, D.D.. ta Mrs. C. L. McIrvine. DEATHS GALBRAITH - in Bowmanvllle, Mon- day, June 23rd, 1930, Joseph N. Galbraith, aged 70 years. Funeral frorn bis late residence. Llb- erty Street,' on Thursday, June 26th, at 2.30 p. m. te the Cemetery. TALCoTT-In Bowmanvllle, on Thurs- day. June l9th, 1930, Freeanan Talcott, In bis 801h year. interred In Bloom- field. DOUGLAS-At Toronto, on Piday, June 201h, 1930, Amy 1-unter, beloved 1wlfe of.Janmes A. Douglas. Interment at Bawrnanville Cemtery. IN MEMOHIAM In loving memnorY Of aur darling babe, Shirley marie corden, wvho felI asleep in Jesus, June 231rd, 1929, aged s montbs, 1 wEeks. Little beart forever tainleas Little bands as pure as they Little feet by angels guided Nover a forbiddlen ay. ShoE was the suashine of aur haine, A treasure 10 us given, .lust when ,,e learned ta love ber Most God took ber biorne to heaven. -sadly nissef.i by mother and Daddy. Lost or Found TIRE LOST-Spare tire and rim, be- tween Bowmanville and Hampton or west of Hampton. Kindly return to Salvation Army or phone 580. 24- LOST-Between l3owmasville and Port Hope, hrown (lunnage bag, marked E. P. T., Green. Liberal reward. Mrs. Green, 54 Madison Ave., Toronto. 26-2* LOST-Uniform Peak Cap, 0.ýL.D.C." b.etween Bowrnanville and Newceastle, on June 4th. Finder please return to Brownie Tea Roome, Newcastle, or St.atesnian Office. 24-tf To Let COTTAGE FOR RENT--At Bowman- ville Beach, east side, for month of July. For further information phone 15q. 26-1 HOUSE To LET-5-room house, with ai conveniences. on Wellington Street, Bowmanville, Garage. Phone 423. 26-1' TO RENT-4 rooms, ail conveniences, wired for electric range. Apply to Mrs. Frank M. Cryderman, Silver St., Bow- manville. Phone 232. 23-tf HOUSE TO RENT-5-roomed semi- detached house to rent, modern conven- ienoee. Apply to W. F. Ward, Bow- manville. Phone 102. 24-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - By month or the season at Williams Point, Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-rooyned house on Elgin St., opposite public sehool, miodern conveniences, possession June 151. Ap- ply F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 19-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed bouse, bathroom and ail conveniences; garage; garden ail planted; on Ontario Street. Appiy 10 B. Furber, Liberty St., Bow- inanville. Phone 418. 24-3 Articles For Sale FOR SALE - Buckwheat, good grain, 90e bushel. Bert Rice. Long Sault, R. R. 1 Tyrone, %, Con. forth of Sault Church. 24-3w SILO FOR SALE-Dehaval Silo, 12x3O, gooei aý new, no further use for it. Ap- ply M. Gay, Courtice. Phone: Osh- awa 332-3. 26-3- AUTO FOR SALE-Oldamobile eedan, late 1927 mode], itrst clans shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. P. Quick. Phione 226. 21-t FOR SALE-Three cots and mattresses, small buffet, straiglit wick,-r chairs, suit- able for summer cottage. Apply to Mrs. Alan Campbell, Wellington St.. Bowrnan- ville. Plioneo 279. 25-2 ENGINES FOR SALE-One Massey- Harris and one Sharpley Muir, both ln flrst class condition, real bargains, too. Corbett Motor Sales. 21-tf 200 BOYS FOR FARM WORK 14 ta 19 Vears of Age--Waoes $10.00 to $13.00 a Month-Good farm homes are wanted for the placemecnt of these boys on a yearly basis. Fifty Will be avail- able within twô weeks, the balance with- ln two months. Applications filled ln order of recýelpt. Only Protestant homes furnishing good refemeace-a (one from the minister of applicant's own churoh) can be supplied. Apply to The Hostel, Nor- val, Ontario, or phone Georgetown 90r3. 25-2 Read Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE -, 7-roomed brick house on Queen St. Will sell ciseap or exohange for enmaller one. Apply Box 485, BowmianvIlle. 28-tf HOUSE FOR SALE--On Klng St. Eat, Newcastle, 6-rooened brick cottage. wlth one acre of ]and, garage, etc. Apply to Miss Coucb, 50 Orton Place, Buftalo. 22-10 DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE Eight mrnem, solîd brick modemn bouse, stoneû foundatios, 2 storeys and large attic with 5 windows, white oak trim in 3 rooms dawnstairs, large sun room l1Ox 30 facing south, back parch, cellar bas brick partition, 2 laundry tube In cellar, hot water heating, wired for electrîe stove and electric grate, brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, matured shrubs, large shade trees, fruit gardon, ane of choicest locations ad best built bouses ln town. Priced re-asonable for immedlate sale. Apply to ow.ner, C. Rehder, at Bowmanvîlle Foundry Co. Office, Bowmanville. 25-tf FARM SOLD The undersigned bas received istructions f romn A. H. HARDY to seil by auction on Lot 13, Con. 5, Darington on THURSDAY, JULY 3rd the !ollowig farmn stock, implements and household f urniture: Horses: 1 pair o! Grey matched Percheron Mares, 7 years old, ueed to farm work. Cows: Jersey Cow, 5 years old, due in sept.; Durhamn Cow. just renewed, cal! by side; 1 Hereford Cow, cal! by side; Part Jersey Cow, due in July. Implements: i McCormnick Bind- er i1Frst ood .Mowe.r, 1 Mc-1 WOOL BATHING SUITS Aberiey ail wool swimming suits, ini one and two piece styles, solid, fancy and com- bination effeets, ail sizes, from $2.95 to $5.00 Each BE SURE AND SEE THE MEN'S SUITS AS ADVERTISED ABOVE T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Phone el Bank of Montreal ommm .3 0 GROCERIES clk &onMwald PRICES FILL THE LARDER FOR THE HOLIDAY We offer you many sp ecials. Get in a few provisions for the weekend and the holiday. We have: Fresh home grown Vegetables. They are fresh and sweet to the palate. Strawberries are in now for table and preser- ving, at very low prices. Here are a few more items that should meet your approval: 2 IL Jar Peanut Butter....... .39c 1 lb. Jar pt. size, Peanut Bte . 5 Olives, plain, 3 botties for ...........22c Olives, stuffed, 2 botties for ........25c 40-oz. Jar Raspberry Jam ...........40c There will be fresh fish for Friday. It makes a delicious meal for the Warmn weather. ëý For July 1 st Be Comf y Wear a pair of White Sboes la one strap or oxford style, made of white canvas, bave cuban beels, with rubber lift -33.00 Pr. Patent Tie Sboes, lie the one shown here ......... ..3$5.00 Pr. Sport Oxfords for misses, crepe rubber soles . .....33.00 Pr. Women's Sport Oxfords ..... .......... $4.00 Pr. men's sport Oxfords ...........35.00 Pr. Batbmng Sboes, i red, green and black ...............SBée Pr. Headquartérs for Tennis Footwear ELITE SHOE STORE W. CLAUDE MVS, MM»aaer. SPECIALS for this WEEK-END MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL LOT 1 AT $19-95 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits, aisoblue with pin stripe, double and single breasted models, ail wool quality, values un to $25.00, clearing tis week foii Only $1 9.95 MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL LOT 2 AT $24M9 Men's fine worsted suits, powder blue, grey, and stripe effeets, yais ues up to $35.00, clearing this week 3>- For OnIy $24-951k4 BOYS' and CHILDREN'S WOOL SWEATERS A lot of about 50 Sweaters in puliovers and sweater .. coat styles, ail wooi, and the best niakes represent- ed, values that were up to A 10 $2.50. These are of very fine quaiity, and wili be clearied this week ut oniy $1.69 Each Tub, Fui GeaPais 'and ot-her, tbhigs too numerous to menit4ia,- Terms:On household fmuriture and- ail surns under $10, cash; over that amnount 5 months' credit on approv- ed notes bearing interest at 6% per annumt. sale at 1 o'clock. Sec bils. T. Mountjoy, Theo. M. Siemon, Clerk. Auctioneer.î Bowmanviile, June 26, 1930