PAGEEIGT E CANADIAN STAITSAN, EOWMAIqVMLr6, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1930 SHRINE OFFICIAL GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION KEMP BROS., Proprietors RMB-R< ORIGI NAL NEW STYLE RkOOFING RIB-ROLL Galvanized Roofing has been s0 succestul that tenu of thousands of ýZarmer now have jE on the roofsa of their uligs. There ha not been a single complaint. RIB-ROLL afeguarda erops, protect stock and enhances property values. It is fire-proof, water.nght and truiy handsame. Permanent, economical, ciazy to la>' on an>' roof, Ieeps out clamp- nets which arîduces spantaneous combus. tion. Be sure ta get the one and original RIB.ROLL-the roof with the ueven ribs and a naid every f6v. inches. Free &le on requet. PRESTON VENTILA- TORS PREVENT SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION Spont=.eoua comabustion ltaa constant menace ta crops, stock and property - unles pour ba.rn ilaeqripped wth Preston ventiiators, Preston veniiators for roof, adjust. ablieaide wal ,rindowsanaid large doors,.deaw eut thre meu3t, warm air andl assure PZoe ventiation. Buît to dtontand every oeater con. SPECJAL We offcr attractive terms ta responsrble farmers o n rooifung andi siding for needeti repars for their buildings. Write for full particulars. Wrlfe for this FREE BOOK You cma e.rch ait Can. :da before getting auch . rrsfui book as thre ~prelto Book About Bans', W. olter ir an m.u free. Full of ahie infermation-ea. iuv _trh $5.00te vou. Cet your copy. Guelph St., ~4 n tc.Factories ausoa t Preston, Ont. rted Toronto and Montremi! , 00'S$ PHOSPMODSN'Ee ook'àRegulatingCornpound )ýL!577ve Great English Prepai'atiftn. I gones and ntgorates the whole1 A sof,, redobl. ,.gulag4nd !'J IJervous system. mnakes new BIood 1,nediemne. Sold in thrce de- in aid Veins. Used for Nert'ous grpe o f strength-No. 1, Si: ry No2L 83 No. 3. S5 per box. U n eiity, Mental and Brain Wor «I, Bgol.d &v Il druggite, or sent De~ ~ t ofEny papiaton,0 e aplt dT~.hf,9aMtOJCr o 4 ueaon remept of vylce. $5. S5SId yalildrugist . Or IiU'THE COK MEDICINECO. plgon ie01<ot pn«. Heu' p.w>AWI uiaeIed Hoot Mlon! Here Ieeonomy! Tr IIRIFTY motorisis in increasing num- 1,cr.. are cornhng ta our shop for a big. %aliiet. low.ot tire. It i!5 Pathfinder, thse Goonlcar-barilt, gua ra nteed tire whicb offcrs Goodyear qaîaliîy ai a mniail nu:iay of mone'-. Let Patirfinder keep dowr, your tire iest- ruent. yct keep up ýorar tire satisfaction. Sce it arnd gr-t our prires. I rrancalysity easo a ie .tertaking n:ial meeting will lie held at Orono. six lotth-8 1 arn startlng to work next week. o mtin f r T s Cw , 1'UI)til two yetruago hat bren a ChuainO-oin !Ma ho.Cwn vion ltacing Cyyrist, 1 lave weon a Prlze evcry seconded by Mca. A. L. Nichalîs. a iline 1i haver rdden. Binug art athlete, but a x'erv hearty vote o! thanka was ex- Por schlar, it woid taire are a week ta write tire facts abourt Kruschen 8tli.' -W. H. B. tended to the Nestleton ]Branch for origLrs . sUoM filo«lasu hi eeosoptatY ndner KruectelrrîSalta la obtaînable at dflrug tei=eeou optai> ndetr departtment &tores la Casada et 75C. a botte. taininent wblch received the bearty À boule cotalns enoug twa it for 4 or 6 support of ail the visitors. omth-ood lieitàI te: balI..ot à day. Meeting closed by ail Joining heartily in singing the National An-J tbem. i 44 I ORONOWOMEN'S INSTITUTES (From The News of June 19th.) Continued f rom page 1' Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunseith of St.o8. JuirFresIntue Marys visited at Mr. Len Gamsby's. rorted 25iormembers nttt Mca. Henry Junker has returned j ' home f rom St. John*s Hospital, Tor- 1 Mrs. Wm. racies, L.ooronk. Fed- Sada. erated Representative for District No. 5, gave a kindly address on the MissSadaBrown, of New York, Institute motto. "For Hlome and a guest of hec aunt. Mrs. Country", speaking of the splendid Mr. nd rs. m. olinton Co-ingthatshebelieved none were do- bourg. rcnl iie r n r.igmr xeln wock. considering Robert E. Sherwin. Itheir mnmbers. than the counities of Mrs. Bertie Adams. Toronto, spenti Victoria, Peterboco. Haliburton and the weekend with her sister, Miss Durham. Canada had clone niuch Florence Cobbledick. for Englanci when she organized the Douglas' Egyptian Linument is a \Vomieiis Institute there. Sfic stat- quick. certain remedy for Hoof Rot ed that Mrs. A. E. Walker. Bartoii- or Thrush. Four or five applications ville. wvho is the Federated President arc sualy enugh.and a member of the first organîzed are uuall enoigh.Institute at Stoney Creek. goes this Mr. and Mis. Andrew Carruthers, year to Belgium to cepresent the' In- Harwood. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry stitutes at the great gatherînct as- Davey. Coldsprings, werewekn sembling there in August. She con- vsitors of Mr. and Mr.RoetEcuddrddss by asking. Are we Sherin.womnen living Up to our obligations Messrs. F. W. Bowen. Wmi. Jack- regacding our homes? -son. 0. A. Gamsby and W. F. Rick- Miss Hopkins. Lindsay. '. poke on ard attended the funeral o! the late Coaching the Girls' Classes Studying W. F. Kerr. crown attorney. at Co- Nutrition, House Furnishing andi bourg. Saturday. Girls' Clothing which are being con- Mir. John Berry, Clarke Union sec- ducted in this district, statiniz ages tion. is havmng extensive repairs of girls eligible to take these courses macle to his barns. new concrete and asking the mothers soine very stables- being built with a capacity of pointed and important questionis. 70 head horses and cattle. The Coaching dates on which Miss Hopkins will be present are: Solina. Recoznized as a leading speciflc for July il: Nestelton July 29 Tyrone the destruction of worins. Mother July 30; Hampton July 31: and Or- Graves' Wormi Extermînator has oflo August 1. She also spoke o! proved a boon to suffering children the difficulties experiencecl by the everywhere. It seldom fails. Dept. of Agriculture in keeping1 Recent visitors at Messrs. I. R. School Fairs purely children's work.1 Biaggs and R. H. Allin's were: Mr. After a very excellent dînner pro-9 E. W'orth and son Eddie. Pasadena, vided by the Nestleton ladies and to Cal.: Mrs. L. Webb and daughters. which the visitors brought keen ap- Toronto: and Mrs. Wilson and petites for the appetizing viands so cIaugihter. Edmonton. generously provided, the aft ernoon The Womens Missionary Society session opened with community sing- werevîstedby he NwcatleAux.- ng led by the Nestleton ladies. wer viite bytheNewaste Axil 1Reports of the Branches were then iary on June 1th, who gave a splen- presented. showing the varied pro- cid program. Mrs. Norman Riekard ga fwr netknadsc taking the chair. At the close gcoup cessfully carried on in the difierent 4. Miss F. Cobbledick convener. serv- centres: ed lunch and a very enjoyable after- noon xvas spent. Vctorian Branch - reported by Miss Stcong; has 70 memibeis: re- Vîsitors over the week-end at ceipts for the year $198.23; expendi- Messrs. H. J. Walsh's and Will Cob- tures $13051; balance $67,72. bledîck's wece: Mr. and Mra. Gordon Orono-Mrs. J. R. Cooper: 80 Adanis. Mr. Nelles and Miss Florence inembers; receipts $481.08: . ependi- Adams. Miss Nicholson. Mc. Sid. tures $32022; balance $160.86. Tathen and Mr. G. Pigeon. Toronto, Bowmanville-lMýiss E. M. Weekes: and Dr. and Mis. D. J. Holdccoft and 66 memnbers: receipts $118.37; ex- baby Betty. Havelock. penditures $114.5L4: balance S3.84. The county road men are building Hampton-Misà Lulu Reynolds; 62 a shoulder on the east aide o! con- members: receipts $594.39: expendi- ciete road runnîng over the hill. tures $487.57: balance $106.82. south end of village, to prevent fui- Nestleton-Mrs. R. W. Jackson: ther %vashouts: and danger signa are 55 members: receipts $201.53; expen- being placed at the ýS curve at ditures $190.72; balance $10.81. Deanis corner, supplied by the On- Solina-Misa Edna Reynolds: 48 tario Motor League through the ef- rmembers: receipts $259.38: cxpendi- forts of G. M. Lînton. superintendent tuces $186.20; balance $73.18. Provincial Forest Station. Tycone-Mrs. N. J. Woodley: 45 inembers: receipts $119,21: expendi- Millec's Worm Powders are a turea $90.96: balance $28.25.n prompt relief f rom the attacks of Newtonville-Mrs. W. D. Jones: 31a wormns in children. They are pow- members; receipts $41,09; expendi-e erful in their action and. whîle leav- tures $32,00; balance $9.09. d ing nothing to be desired as a worm expeilant, have an inxvigocating effect Miss Mary Rundle, Secetary of theyouhfu sytem reedyng unrior Farmers Institute, repoirtedp upon teyuhu ytm eeyn o this society organized duiring the t( f ever. biliousness. bass o! appetite. aleeplesanesa. and other ailments that year. f ollow disorders caused by worma in Miss Weekes read a report for Mca. ty the stomach and bowels. E. R. Bounsaîl. convener o! commit- a tee. showing coat of installing newV The cegular meeting of Orono Hor- bed. springs. mattress, etc., for W. 1. J, ticultural Society was held on the Ward in Bowmanville Hospital to be beautiful lawn at the home of the $70.65, contrîbuted by the Branches Ml president. Mr_., O. W. Rolph. on Mon- as follows: Nestleton $10,00; Solina day evening.- June l6th. when Mr. $10,00; Hampton $10.00; Orono H. A. Fletcher of Bowmanville gave a $8,*00; Victorian $8,00; Tyrone $5.00: very instructive talk on rose culture. Newtonviîîe $5,00; Bdwmanville j: Plans were made to hold a combined $10,00; 5 Bowmanville members A rose and peony show in the near fut- $465. SE cire. also a motor bus trip do peony Mrs. F. G. Kerslake, Hampton, c( gardens at Greenwood. This out- convener o! Institute Park Commit- if of-doors meeting was much enjoyed tee, explained that while their di by the large number present. Cake Branch had the privilege of catering11 and coffee were served by Mrs. Rolph to picnic parties, one-third o! pro- in and the programn committee. and a ceeda was always paid to the town- t; social hour spent. ship. Golf enthusiasts of the village met Miss Mabel Armstrong sang very June 17th, and organi.zed the Ocono nicely -When the Sands of the Des- Gold Club, the f ollowing being chos- ert Grow Cold." Miss Ferne Thomp- en officers: Pres.-W. E. Armstrong; son accompanied her. Se'y.-Treas. - A. A. Drumnmond; Miss Edna Reynolds, by request. Grounds Committee-John E. Arm conducted the election o! officers. strong,.ejrs. O. W. Rolph. G. M. Lin- whîch resulted as !ollows: ton. Golf ini this town has been Presidetit - Mrs. J. R. Cooper. enjoying great popularity this season Orono. and has a large and active followtng. lst Vice do-Mrs. Poster Ferguson. A f ee o! $2 was set, increasing to $5 Nestleton. after July l5th. The grounds, 21/2, 2nd Vice do-Mrs. W. B. Pollard. miles directly west o! Orono, are nat- Bowifanville. urally suited for this pastime, and it Secretary - Treasurer-Mrs. Perey ia proposed to construct suitable VanCamp, Nestleton. greens and clear Up the fairways this Federated Representative - Miss year. Edna Reynolds, Hampton. Alternate-Mrs A A Henry, Orono. Auditors-Mrs. Jas. Marlow. Miss Asthmna la Torture. No one who M. Swain. hasn't gasped for breath in the power The President then took the chair o! asthma knows what sueh sufferlng and thanked aIl for the honor again is. Thousands do know, however, con! erred on hec and invited aIl to from experience how immeasurable is continue their support. the relief provided by that marvel- Mca. A. J. Reynolds, Bowmanville. loua preparation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's gave a very intecesting paper on Asthma Remedy. For years it bas -The Evolution o! the Kitchen- been relieving the most severe cases. which alI greatly enjoyed. If you are a suff erer do flot delay a A Question Drawec, conducted by Sick stomace, îoisr stoniache anxd indigestion usually mean exce@s *eid. The stomaeh nerves are aver-stimu- lated. Too much acid inakeg the stoni- ach and intestines saur. Aikali kilîs aeid instantiy. The best form is1 Phillips' Milk of Magesia, bc- cause one harmleso, tasteless dose neu- tralizes many timnee ite volume in acid. Since its Invention, 50 yearsa&go, it has remained the standard with physicianh everywhere. Reduce the Acid In sick stomachs-instantly Take a spoonful in water and yonr unhappy condition will probably end in live minutes. Then you will always know what to do. Crude and harmful methods wilI neyer appeal to you. Go prove this for your own sake. It may saye a great many disa.getable houri. Be sure ta get the genuine Phillipe' Milk o! Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians fo 0 years in eorrecting exeso4 acids. Each bottle contains full dire.. tlon-anmy drugstore,- i Drive % WIth Your »Mmd as well as your bands If you wiIl keep your mind on your driving, you will always be alert to meet and anticipate danger. Be ready always for fault or error on the part of other drivers. You cannot do this tînless you have 'both hands on the wheel, both eyes on the road, and your mind on your driving. Be CAREFUL. Keep a margin of safety between yourself and danger. Be COURTEOUS . . . give the other driver more than his rights. Use your COMMON SENSE ini deciding where, how, and at what speed you will drive your car. Highwi The Keystone of Safety on the King's Highway and ail other roads and atreeta ~y.1 >nultee Thse HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chairmon il"4 a t - "'e i. .1 SARGON WONDERFUL DECLARES WASSON -Fîve years ago 1 started on a physical declîne. An inactive liver brought on chconic constipation that got my whole system toxie and cun- down. Fixe bottlea o! Sargon built King Street Branch Officers Orono Preident-Mrs. A. A. Henry. Vice do-Mca. Jas. Dickson. Sec'y.-Treas.-Mcs. J. R. Cooper. Victorian President-Mca. Leslie Graham. Vice do-Mca. Luther Mountjoy. Se'y.-Ti' as.-Mýrs. Arthur' Bailey. Bowmanville President-Mra. Hacry Allin, Vice do-Mca. F. C. Colmer. Se'y.-Treas.-Miss E. M. Weekes. Hlampton President Mis. H. E. Runcîle. Vice do-Mca. W. W. Horn. SecY.-Mfss Lulu Reynoldis. Treas-Mîsa M. J. Katerson. Nestleton President-Mrs. M. Emmiierson. Vice do-Mcas. Oscar Edwards. Sec'y.-Ti'eas.-Mrs. R. W. Jackson. Neu-tonville President-Mcs. W. Mîllîgan. Vice do-Mca. E. Haigh. Sec*y.-Treas.-Mrs. W. D. Jones. Solina Pcesident-Mrs. C. Howsam. Vice do-Mca. Jas. Moorey. Se'y.-Tcea.-Miss Edna Reynolds T>'rone President-Mrs. Luther Hooper. Vice do-Mca. H. Skinner. Sec'y.-T*eas.-Mls. N. J. \Voodley.j 'I 4 (k Bowmanville PRESTON LEDHED NAILS Best for Metal Roo fing Lead is used on the head of LQ. HED NAILS ta seal the rW- hale, thus aMaking the roof wat.f proof and weather-tught. PRES TON LED-HED NAILS do away with clumusy wishers, threaclxng, punching, etc. The lead can't camne aff. No other nail serves so weil in laying motal roofing. The>' can be handle<l in cold weather with mitti on. Millions are beng used. Write for free samnple cf the ids., rooling cam b inat o n- RIB- ROLL and PRESTON LED- HED NAILS. SOME 0F OUR PRODUCTS SaItPartitions RibRoi Roofing atiSidewfr'slRevoiving Docta ruShlngl.a Baharuat Systeme Canada Plat*a Venriators Moral Srdrngs Stael Saab Cerner Bad S liihti Meta& Lath Tnk comirces Motal Garages M et-! Wrndows Moral Coltina E&cetrouglr and Conductor Pipe Plarn arrd Corrrrgated Iron Kaismemn Wrndow. Labelii-Fr D.oor ReIirng Ste* 1 Doora Kàamern Docts 1 . m1 1 J. H. WASSON 1 nie up aIl over, my digestion is fine and uith the new strength and en-! ergy Ive gained 1 keep on the go aIl iay without tiring. "Sargon Pilla got me regulatcd pec!ectly and cestored my whole sys - erri do a healthy, normal condition,. The improvement the Sargon treat- ment ha7s made in my health at the Lge o! 67 is remarkable,'-J. H. Wasson. 28 Mecklenburg St. St. John. N. B. Sargon may be obtained ini Bow- rianville from Jury & Lovell. VIA THE MELK ROUTE A passenger on a jerk-water train became impatient at the slow pace. At one o! Its interminable stops be said to the conductor, "You know, I could get to Jonesvile much quicker ifI gotdcoff and walked." "'Why don't you?" suggested the conductor. "I would," replled the passenger. rrbut my friends are not expecting me un- il train time." PAGE BIGHT ci_. Z; AL=- You may be requiî'ing just an odd piece of Furniture, a Veranda Chair', Hammo Couch, a Kitchen Cabinet, possibly a new Mattress. We have them and our' prices xi suit you. Should you be coiisidering furnishing a home, let us quote you prices. F. F. MORRIS CO. Home Furnishers - Furniture Phone 10 Bowmanville l'eýlO ý4ec,