THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 COMPLETES 50 YEARS' MUSICAL SERICE LN BOWMýýANVILLE 1 Conti.nued f rom page 1) mng the baton; 'Pinafore*, *Mikado,1 "Trial by Jury,. -Cderella,. Pen- itence, Pardon and Peace,. Daught- ers of Jairus- and others. 0f course there were minstrel shows galore and eutertalfliilents without numiber in which the prografi was flot complete without the assistance of H. J. Knight. Many wîll also bave pleasant mern- ories of tbese maie quartets in whîch Mr. Knîgbt was a miember: t1, Geo. Smith, W. T. Allen, Neil Yellowlees; 2) T. E. Hgginbotbami. James Goard. F. H. Frost; 3) A. E. Mc- Laughlifl. w. J. S. Rîckard. F. H. Frost 4, C . S. Halîmnaf. G. E. Chase, Sanm Glaniville. Early in this century Mr. Knight as musical dîrector accompanied Rev. E. P. Barnes. pastor of Disciples Churcb on an evangelistic campaign through the Unted States. Apart f rom the lessons hie took from Mr. Additton early in the 80's the only other prof essional vocal training be had was f rom, W. E. Has- lam. Toronto, wbo predicted a great future for Mr. Kngbt in tbe realms of music. This teacher bad such faith in bis abîLity that be tried to prevail upon bim to go to New York to study music wtbout cost to his brilliant young pupîl. However the parental influence -,as against such a niove 50 wbo knows but tbat a career on a par wth Caruso or Edward Johnston was nipped in the bud? Mr. Knigbt inherited his musical talents f rom bis mother which were also shared by bis sisteîs and brother Mrs. Elizabeth Stanley, Mrs. W. W. Downs. Mrs. Ethie Livingstone. Miss Jessie Knight and W. R. Knigbt. In reviewîng the career of Mr. Knight ana payîng tribute to the splendid musical services hee bas ren- dered to thîs comimunity, ;ve feel we are also expressing the sîncere wish of bis bost of admirers and f riends in boping that be may be spared for niany more years of usefuiness. In closing our tbougbts turn to the words of that grand oid Veterans SonÉs* we bave beard Mr. Knight sing wt sucb expression and en- tbusiasni Long Lîve the King." GIRLS' SOFT BALL Scbedule of Soutn Darlinigton Girls' Softbail League. composed of the following teanis: Maple Grove, St. Pauls. Hampton. Enniskilien, Zion, Courtîce. AIl games start at 6.30 sharp, standard tîme. Juiy 2-St. Pauls at Courtîce. July 4-Maple Grove at Zion. July 4-Enniskillen at Hamrpton. Juiy 7--Co:îrtice at Mapie Grove. July 7-Zion at Enniskillen. July 9-Hampton at St. Pauls. July lo--Maple Grove at Ennîskilien. July Il-Zion at Courtîce. July il-St. Pauls at Hanipton. Juiy 14-Enniskillen at Courtîce. July 16 St. Pauls at Maple Grove. July 18--Hampton at Zion. Juiy 21-Enniskilien at Zion. Juiy 2l-Courtice at Hampton. July 24-Maphe Grove at St. Pauls. July 28-Hampton at Enniskîhlen. Juiy 28-Courtice at St. Pauls. Juiy 29-Zion at Maple Grove. July 30-Hampton at Courtice. July 31-St. Pauls at Enniskillen. Aug. 5-Zion at St. Pauls. Aug. 5-Enniskillen at Maple Grove. Aug. 8--Zion at Hampton. Aug. 8-Maple Grove at Courtice. Aug. li-Hampton at Maple Grove. Aug. 11--Corîrtice ai Enniskîllen. Aug. il--St. Pauls at Zion. Aug. 14 Enniskilen at St. Pauls. Aug. 15-Maple Grove at Hampton. Aug. li--Courtice at Zion. RAILWAY TIME TABLE Canadian National (Standard Tini WEST SOUND 4 . ni 8 45 i,44 p ni 17 , :r Canadian PacificF (Standard Tin WEST SOUND r 2 9 a r.. -) -,5 a. ni 8.22 p. in. AI. 'riime daiiy wh!chi are daiy -xc- MAKE MISTAI As a wearer ofg know that there î. , good for your eyes- prectous possession. you will be irntere.vtefd the great care we exer plying you w-nb uoni'. t If you bave lia examination. we sîîî6g 1RaiIway j j WDDIGS The NEWCA Down-Moore A very pretty but quiet June wed-j ding was solemnîzed at Tyrone Unit- ed Cburcli Parsonage on SaturdaY,__________________ June 28th. when Margaret Moore.: 1younger daughter of the late Mr. and NEWCASTLE 1Mrs. W. H. Moore, became the bride of Theodore W. Down. son of Rev. Miss Gail Smith. Toronto, is visit- W~ -~Dw.Eeter, and the late îng bier cousin. Miss Mary VanDusen. Mrs. Down. Rev. J. R. Trumpour Miss Minnie E. Pearce of The offlciated. and tbe Parsonage draw- Statesman staff is holidaying at ber 1ing roomi was prettily decorated with home here. flowers. Mr. W. VanDusen and daugbter The bride looked charmiflg in paie Jessie are spending the summer in igreen georgette witb matching mo- New York City. baîr bat and sboes. Tbe bridesmnaid. Mis GrceMcKy.wore mauve Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilbeck and geos rgete with at ndshe to son. Toronto, spent the weekend wth match. Mr. Leon Moore, brother of his parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Eul- the bride. supported tbe groom. beck. After the ceremonY, the happy Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers were couple lef t by motor for Graf ton in Toronto ast week attending the 1wbere tbey were entertained at a International Convention of Relig- wedding supper given for themh by ious Education. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew McLaugin Among the weekend guests with sister of the groom). They ili Dr. and Mrs. Waton-Bail at Harris spend tbeir honeymoon at points far- Lodge ast weekend were Dr. and ther east. The bride travelled in Mrs. M. S. Hawkins 0f Port Hope. poudre blue and beige ensemble with Mr. and Mrs. Swaisland, Windsor, b at, shoes and purse to match. On and 'son John 0f Trinity Coilege their return tbey wiii reside for the School, Port Hope, spent some days present in Tyrone. îast week witb ber mother, Mrs. Jul- ia Metcaif e. and aunts. Misses L. and Moise-Hatton M. Wilmot. A mariae o ineret t a ide At the worsùp service in St. A mar f rg fi ntwa est to a ide Georges Cburch on Sunday, the circienoffriends w-assoiemniedhomeRector publisbed for the first time oay evenng . nH2. at the ho09Methe bans for the marriage of Rev. LoMad Mrs..tta . wHantton. 50 Mc- Frank Huber Mason and Miss Mary ter. Chrissie. became the bride of Mr. Pickooforo to.saf fS.Clmn T. Charles Moise, Toronto, son of Mr. ShoTrno and Mrs. B. Moise. Newcastle, Ont. Mr. Ed Argail spent Sunday witb The bride. who was given in mar- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. C. Lake. havmng niage by ber father. was becominglyl motored f rom Brooklin witb bis em- gowned in peacb georgette and chan- ployer, Mr. Frank Batty. wbo was tîlly lace and carried sunburst roses1 taking a friend to Kirby to be pres- and lily-of-tbe-vaiiey. She was at-i ent at the opening services 0f the tended by ber sister. Miss Babe Hat- Kirby Cburcb iubilee ceebration. ton. as bridesmaid, wearing palest1 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare motored Pink georgette and carrying Opheia tO Mattabanîck Camp. Scugog Island, roses. Her ittle niece. Miss Elsie on Sunday and visited the Newcastle Hatton. as flower girl looked winsome boys. In addition to those mention- in green crepe carrying a basket of ed ast week. Edwin Hancock and pink sweet peas. The groom çwas Newton Ashton also joîned the assisted by bis brother. Mr. B. E.; group and went out on Saturday. Moise. wbiie Rev. F. S. Milliken per- The first party. comprîsing fath- formed tbe ceremony. The wedding ers, mothers and cbildren. are now music was piayed by Miss Pat Hatton enjoyîng lite at the Evangel Hal and during tbe signing of the regis- Fresb Air Camp. Copper Beecb, witb ter. Mrs. G. Seeley Browýn sang Rev. Robt. Koffend and Mrs. Kof- Fiower of aIl the Worid." end. Toronto. in charge. The party A dainty buffet lunch was served arrived by train on Monday after- by cousins of the bride. after wicb noon and will remain untîl Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Moise lef t for a boat July Iltb. Mrs. Mooney is bouse- trip down the St. Lawrence before keeper and Mrs. McDougai head taking up residence in Toronto, cook. A smahl group spent a few days bere ast weekend. 0f mucb interest ta the People 0f SOLINA LEADS SOCCER LEAGUE, Newcastle. amông wbom she is to ______niake lber future home, is the follow- Bouimanville Not î Far Behnd- ing item chîipped from Monday even- Sauina Drops Gamne ta Tiv ings Toronto Star: Mary Pickford Team 2-1 iLeaves Staff of St. Clement's--Miss I Mary Pickford. wbo is leaving the Bowmanvîlle Soccer team was suc- staff 0f St. Clement*s scbool. Toron- cessfuh in defeating Solina on Satur- ta, ta be marrîed. was presented with day at the Higb Scbool campus Biiy a gîf t 0f silver at the senior bouse Graham was the outstanding player. closîng exorcises. at whîch prizes and roapîng two goals. Tbe game was scbolarsbîps were awarded. wveli attenlded and was înteresting atj Miss Lîzzie Wilmot lef t by C. N. R. every stage. Solina seemod to belItrain on Tuesday evening, July 1st the more dangerous teamn and were to spend a year with bier niece, Mrs.. constantly wokîng near the Bow- Young. at Banff. Aita. Many 0f lber manville goal but by some miraculous f rends and relatives accompanied ber work tbey were prevented f rom scor- to tbe station to sec bier off and wish îng many times. Tbe final score bier Godspeed on bier long journey 1.ws2- 1. and a safe return a year hence. Anid Te rosuit 0f this game was very as tbe train puUled out a perfect ramn- gratifying ta local followers, as it bow archod the south eastern sky, a Places Bow"manvilie very close to tbe goocl sign presaging. it seemed. the leaders. being only one game and two fulfilment of aU bhopes and wishes. points bebînd Sauina. If Bowman- Atrnfmainhsbewrgt ville wins its next encouniter, tbey Aasfoermaigt in he pe rance wîll be tîod for flrst place. Line-up: a0f te anscpe tinthe foot 0f Mii Solina: Goal-R. Langmaid: R.oftelnsa tthfotfMi Back-Jack Reynolds; L. Back-C. and Balton Streets. the Counci.l re- 1Tink: Haves-P. Deweil, Blanchard, pnesented by Park Commissioner J. R. Bîce: Foruwards-L. Williams. Joe E. W. Philp, having flnisbed during Reynolds. Jîm Reynolds, H. Tink 1 the week the work 0f evelling the Bowmanvîlle: Gl-Knigbt Backs ground on and around the site of the oa-îg , a iold grain elevator, which was 50 iveli i-Gilcbiist. Lobb; Halves-Wisenan, eu tth e'at ody i King. Browrn: Forwardsý-Allen. Bai- bgna h e atMn .A son, Simpson, Hockett, Graham. hat is required now is that the Referee-C. Adams. Courtice. ground be seeded at once and some trees planted next faîl or sprin.g. EAST BOUND A meeting 0f the Gliders bnanch SA- a ni. 3 f tbe M.A.L.C. was beid on Monday î i ini SOFTBALL LEAGUE ATTRACTS (evenîng. June 16th. in the club room i ~~s m N of Commuriity Hall. WlimTm n~ was elected secrotary in place oif Miss Benefit Game in Port Hope FridayiJessie VanDusen. wbo bas gone ta -Goodyear and Motors Tied For New York to vîsit ber sister. Mrs. H. n. _____Place Buhkart. Tbe club bas thîrteen i -~z, n Drub - * embers witb prospects of more. fuhinterest is beîng snown in 1 nyone tînder 20 years of age inter- ,,~..~ thrM Town Softball.League. There ested in aviation and wîsbîng to aalwy e day nSatuerday. hT ecrtWds tain the club may consult tbe presi- Railay escay ad SturaY. he l*oý%,d' dntMurray Buîtler, or tbe secre- ie) ruî excellent.' somnetîmes President tary. Wmn. Toms. EAS-r e DCaSy Iartyn 'vwishes there 'veenot s niythere. because tboy crowdj A recent copy of the Cobourg npr Iup to tbe very edge of the diamnond,1 Sentinei-Star bas a quite engthy 45 t p rM and in spîte of much entreating. or- abituary of William Tbackray, for 11.2. p. m. dering and tbneatenîng thero tbey' sevei-ai years a resident of Newcastle, x-rarkei *- remain untîl the gamne is flnîsbed. wbo died in Cobourg at bis home on t Suinday. It seenis tua bad that sucb efforts University Ave. on June 6tb. The bave ta be miade ta keep the eoe la te Mr. Tbackîray was a native of out of the danger zone and also tram Yorkshire, England. and is survived hindering the play,.1by a brother. Rev. John Thackray In Port Hope recently a bat flew of the Xesiyan Metbodist Churcb, rn a player., band and fractured Eng.. and otber relatives. includîng a ppctatoir.- jaw. A bonefît game is hi, nepbew. Mr. Edmund Thackray. N O beng phayod for tbis uinfortunate and grand-nopbew. Mr. Chas. Tback- ma nFriday. A teamn from Baw- rav. of ibis village. Mr. Geo. r' anvîlle isguîng down and bopos ta Gaines. Newcastle. wýas one of the ei, the Port Hopers a roal gaine. paîl-boarers. Tho ate Mr. Tbackray Ihere are o. or 400 tickets sold. left Newcastle ta become gardener Spoctaturs fram Bowmanvîlle would for the McCook Estate. Cobourg, bo apprecîated. wbere bis sister-in-law. Mrs. T. Nel- .gasses. you The standing of the local beague son. kopt bouse for bim. iiDthine îoo up to July 2nd: The orange Lodge of the District, - sour imost Teami P. WVon Lost P. C. accompanied by a few representa- Accordinghv iMotor.5 5 4 1 .800 tives of the Pride of Clarke Lodge, 1 u know of Goodveal- 5 4 i .800 L.O.BA.. attended divine service in .rreî i u 'p Wbiz 4 3 1 .7501 tho United Cburcb. Newcastle. on bhe fînest. Front Street 5 3 2 .6001 Sundas- evenîng. The pastor, Rev. Fife &- Druin 5 2 3 .400' W. P. Rogers, who was a member for iad a recz nt Hî"hI Scbooi 5 i 4 .200 inans- years of the Orange Lodge. ýest that yuFjîicirv 5 0O 5 .0001 iaýi e oaev suitobesemo bs fully test your eyes, TbF fact ibat you are wearing glasses i. no reason for believîrîg that they are best for your eyes. becati.,e tbh eyes, lîke every otber organ in tbe humnan body, are ;îndergoiiw a constant change. G. M. BOSNELL, Optometrist Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Ilours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. ta 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. A iav nman is off11o more il. e thaîî .ad onn. and takes up more room. Wbîtby Street Fair will be beld Wednesclay, August i3th. under aus- pices of Ctizens' Band and Canadian Legioný Campb)ellfordj Pres'byterans cele- brated thr- 90th anniversary in St. .'ndrew sCburcb in that town on Sundgy J Ijnr 22nd OWEN NICHOLAS, Welsh Baritone Sololat Talent supplied for Churcb or Concert worlc. BOWMA NVILLE Phone 3Z5 j d un tbe choosing of Gideons thee litndred.- Ho described t]eflb for Protestantîsmi and againstPps rule and bandage down througb tbe age.s intîl the piesent time. The ahia anvas sîîtably and effectivelyl decoratod with orange hies. white peanies. blue and orange streamiers. The Junior~ Choir rendoned splendid mhlisic ai bath inorning and evening sr r The parade was accomp- ,înied 1)'v Orano Band. wvhopî-ovided a nrimIber cuf roiîsing saced selections bef ors and after the evening ser-vice. DURIIAM REGIMENT Goes to Camp July 8th ta h9th. Men wanted by Durham Regiment ta go ta Barriefleld Camp. Kingston. front July th to l9tb. Apply to Captaîn A. H. Bounisaîl. Back for More Regular Shopping Means Regular Saz'ing!, AN A&P SALE A ty ài & P s"l means a bevy of fine values at unusuall> Iow prices! "WHEE ECNOMYRWI$ The word "saW »m appUed to A & P ls used ln the true ineanlng of the word. It rneans . . . prices hiver than -US before . . . values on fine standards of quaUity, that au a rule seil for much more(t and . a coniplete mue bac* quarantes wittlasoh purcbase. You are assureil of fulil satisfaction when trading ai & P. MVEA 75 QuaUty of meats, is of utniost importance. That'!s why A & P Wa Ontario"s largest retaller of fine meats. Shoulder or Chuck Roast lb. 190 FINEST PEAMEAL PIECE CottageRolis t). 27e BEST Boiled Ram SLICEDlb45 SLICED, SUGAR-CURED Breakfast Bacon lb. 290 BEST Sirloin Steak l.33t Round Steak ib. 29t Porterhouse Roast 1-b.35 Prime Rib4toast lb. 2&e Very attractive F. " FOI'. Pm-a' .-:se 10w retails Fronts . Ice Loins la SU ~~u& FRESH HALIDUT STEAK 'b. 32c FRESHPiec. lb. 27c zOHOE SALMON steaks Mb. 29c WHITE FISHR l b. 180 S.MOKiZD FILLETS HADDIE ib. 19e SMOKLE) FINNAN HADDIE. lb. ]17e GR 0 ER E S ,ÎNEST QUALITY PA',TEURIZED CRE.VMERY SUNNYFIELD 2 Ibs. 59ge Sllverbrook Ceamery lb. 310 LOOK: Xce'er before have we sold such hlgh qualitY :1'a at such low pries. TE e lb. 69e Our Own BLENDEDINDIA 'b. 39c- CRABMEAT-For Saiads 'k33C PINEAPPLE CZHD LMOTEN.23c MAGIC BAKING POWDER TIN 34c A VERY LOM PRICE ~~I ILK EAGLE BRAND 3Tn A VERY IIIGlI-GRADE TOILET SOAP CALAY SOAP 3 Cakes Z30 (J Cake Free With Furchase ft S Cakes) DO NOT OVERLOOK TIIIS SPECIA!. @AT T FREE RLIN z Lb. 3e OR IODIZED &Pg.A3 ÇARSHAIi.S H4ERRING TOMATO SAUCE lb. tin 22c BORAX-Club House.......... Pkg. 9c SH-RIMP-For Salads........... Tin 21 c B',STO-Small Size.................. 9c ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS.. No. 2 Tin 24c ENGLISH ALL SORTS............ 27c MAZOLA 011. MAKES EXCELLENT Pint 33c PEANUT BUTTER-McLaren's. 12 oz. 21c KRAFT CHEESE C'OADIA lb. 37e SARDIN ES- -Brunswick......... Tin 9c ORANGâ -b SHIRRIFF'S MARMALsN 2-b.j ar 34c FJR UITS and VEGETABLE& APPLES NE SMOZ2bu-.25- ORANGES-California....... Doz. 59c BEETS ~CANADIAN. g Bunoheé s: LETTUCE--Canadiari iHead.. 2 for t13c CABBAGE-Native Green ... 3 Ibs. 10c BEtANS WAX 2 Zbu-a. 5' BANANAS-Large, ripe ..... 3 Il». 19C POTATOES-No. 1, new .... 5 Il». 25c I'UIE GnuEAT ATL.ANTic & PArWII'T1zA Coé -- - i i; 1'> U01-CANADA% BOWMAN VILLE STORE: PHONE 83 PAGE TEN 0O. -f - ISTLE INDEPENDENT Th Srif:edMasz,:aleNes __________________________________________________________makes the foUlowing reference to Rev. Dr. Neil MePherson. a former Bow- THURDAYJULY3rd,1930manville boy. and a brother of Mrs. 1'HURSAY, JLY 3rd 1930J. N. Lawrie. Bowmaflville t Rv St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis and chul- Dr. Neil McPhersofl. who on Sunday, Mason. Rector. Sunday, July 6th: dren, Hamilton. spent the weekend June 22nd. observed without special 9.45 a. m.--Sunday School; il a. m. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ceremony the 2Otb anniversar3' 0f bis -Morning Prayer and Holy Com- Robinson. Mrs. Lewis and children pastorate at the historic old First munion; 6.30 p. ni.-Evening Prayer. are staying for a while. Congregational Church on Court United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- The High School students. chaper- square. His administration has ers, Pastor. Sunday. July 6th: il oned by Principal and Mrs. Geo A. been one that has reflected infinite a. m.-Morning \Vorship: music by Co3-ne, accompanied by Jimmie and credit flot only on himself. but upofi senior Choir, assisted by John A. Isabelle, picnicked at Belmont Milis bis church and up0fl the city'. Cer- Macdonald, soloist of Oshawa. 7 last Tuesday afternoon and made tainly the old First church is to be P. m.-Evening Service. merry until tea time with basebaîl congratulated on its splendid judg- Mrs. Harry Fisher. Toronto. Mr. and other games. menidth ndosingor r such a lnge Alwyn Fisher. Belleville. visited at Tvienty-five pupils f rom Newcastle perod h ienpatort e 0fsa ministr Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's the early part and South Clarke tried their High who asdefgive oitsece. Devtc- 0 f this week. Mrs. Alwyn Fisher and School Entrance examinations here Pe an i erihc sDr.eMc- Marion returned wjth themn to Belle- last week. with Principal Geo A.Pesni h upi a osset ville Tuesday af ter a week's visit with Coyne presiding. This ubri ly devotedi his energies to the preach- bermoterMrs Rikar. tey il ass an mot 0 nuberifing of the word of God. His pulpit her othr, Ms. ickad. heyall ass andmos ofthem will. has neyer been smirched by the em- Mrs. McCargar, Moose Jaw. Sask., will materially increase the High plovment of sensational tactiCs that who came east to attend the funeral Sho tednenx em attract attention for the moment of her sister. Mrs. James Douglas. A fine photographic study of Mrs. among the more superflcially minded spent the weekend with ber aunt. Stella Anderson. social hostess at the part of the public. On the con- Mrs. Chas. Coulter with whom ber King Edward Hotel;, Toronto, appear- trary. he has conscientiouslY anld grand-nephew. Mr, Keith Hunter, ed in the ,June 2lst issue of the consistently realized to, the fullest and college chum. Mr. Waltrum, Weekly Star, color gravure section, the responsibilities of bis position Seattle, Wash.. are holidaying. with the comment that she had made and bas discharged theni with rare This week's arrivais at tbe lake I rany friends in ber present position. dignity as well as moral effectiveness. are Major and ~Mrs. A.ndAmu ~R .Btero is a daugbter of Mrs. A gracious. kmndly man. bis long ari ajorGe: r and Mrs. Jac.kinu inR. Butler anhi sister of Dr. J. A. stay in Springfield has been a bene- Anderson and two cbildren in Mr. F. vilgfcontthcmunt. Wood's "Tuckaboe**: Mr. and Mrs.! Mrs. I. E. Bowell went up to Brant- Linton and sister in Mr. Wood's f ord last Saturday to be present at Port Hope tax rate is 52 mills on "Woodholme": Mr .and Mrs. Wilson tbe wedding of Miss Isabelle Cock- tbe dollar. and Party in Mrs. Reg. LeGresley's shutt. daugbter of Coi. Henry Cock- "Apple Blossom*: Mr. and Mrs. Day- sbutt. former Lieutenant Governor During tne disastrous tornado ey and children in IMrs. W. ýS. Hay's of Ontario. and Mr. Eardley Wilmnot whicb struck tbe district west of Port cottage; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kerr in of Belleville, son of Mrs. Wilmot and Hope on Monday nigbt, the barn on Mr. Chas. Wilson's bouse: Dr. and tbe late Chas. Wilmot, formnerly of tbe farm of Walter Reynolds, son of Mrs. Lowery and Jinmmie in Dr. Car- Newcastle. Mr. Wilmot. w-ho is a Dr. J. B3. Reynolds. was destroyed veth's summner apartmnent bouse: and prominent automobile salesman of and the cbimneys on the bouse were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bronskili.' who Belleville. is a nepbew of Mrs. D. J. blown dowýn. Damage over $4000. recentiy bought a lot f romn Mrs.! Galbraith of Newcastle and a grand- Forest Walker suif ered a similar loss; 'Dr.) Farncomb and întend buiid-i son of the late Samuel Wilmnot. and Stepben Moore about $1000 ioss ing a cottage on !t. founder of the Newcastle Fisheries. to a field of tomatoes. Beets are nearly ready t.o use and severai ladies have ai- ready got a supply of KERSLAKE'S PICKLE MIXTURE to put themn away for ivinter. Saine price 50c gallon quantity Samne splendid results if you use Kerslake's recipe. KERSLAKE'S TH4E DEPENDABLE DAUO STOflU Phton. 49 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. James Douglas, Mrs. Hunter and family desire to thank their many f riends for the sympathy and kindness sbown in their recent ber- eavement, and for the beautiful flor- al tributes. BUCKLEY'S MILL Barley 65c bus; Qats 66e bus; Wheat $1 bus; Barley Meal, RoUled Qats, ah kids of Chop on hand. Open till 8 p. m. S. T.. Newcastle, Ont. Phone: Clarke 3714. 26-4*