anan 111:4. IL~." 11,%To T i-nnr;1-pil The Rebwmnville News ý-1 T M A TA KtCP ý 0,n Plihlishers. BoWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 27 Vol. LXXVI fM.* jA. J±uIrM JL1b A LL LADIES' SPRING COATS at 1-m3 off REGULAR PRICE There are a few left, but reduetion they won't last long. get first ehoice. at this staggexng Corne early and We also have a large assortment of Peter Pan Prints, Voiles and Dimities. Rayon Ginghams are selling at reduced prices this week. You would be wise to buy some of these for this warmn weather. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 0F LADIES' HATS MEN'S DEPARTMENT DRESS FOR THE WEATHER- MEN -f How about it? Are you complaining ýabout the heat and stili wearing winter elothing? Get next to yourself and g et sorne hot weather clothes -a cool, light-weight Suit, some eomfortable Shirts, porous Underwear, that lets the body breathe, and thin Socks. Let us outfit you 80 you'll be cornfoîtable. Holidays are heî'e now! Break out in a pair of our snappy plus fours, with one of our sporty sweaters and soeks to match. We handie a full lime of Bathing Suits, low eut baeks, and colors that are catching. Here's the one you've been looking for. Boys' Cotton Golf Hose, special 45e pair. Couch, Johnston & Cryderinan PHONE 104 LUMITED BOWMAN VILLE SCHOOL TRUSTEES 0F COUNTY TÈRE ORLRCHES VO! St. John's (Anglican) Churcl- HoId Annual Meeting at Orono- Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Third A Ti Re-Eleet Officers - Hear Practical Sunday a!ter Trinity, July 6th, 1930: Ha Addresses by Dr. J. B. Reynolds il a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- Hl and Col. E. E. Snlder - Next mon; 12.30 p. m.--Sunday School; Co Meeting at Mllbrook in November. 7 p. m.-Evenlflg Frayer. _____St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, In A representative gathering of corner Temperance and Church Sts. seni Trustees and Ratepayers of Durham Sunday School at 10 a. m.; Mornink are County met ln the Town Hall, Orono, worship il a. mn.; Evening worship thinF on ueda, un 24hMr L 1H 7.30 p. m. Rev. W. J. Todd, the for1 Wn sw, Presiet pesiMr. LThenew minister, will preach at both kindi services. app, reidig.Th president outlined the business o! thesevc. pr session and reported on the O. E. A. Union services during July and wel convention. August will be held as follows: Sun- the day at il a. m. preaching service inth1 Dr. J. B. Reynolds gave an address Trinity United Church; 7 p. m. in - dealing with rural school problenis St. Paul's United Churcli. Both Sun- and suggested that although taxes day Schools gather at Trinity t 1il were burdensome, rigid eeonomy a. m. Rev. J. U. Robins and Trinity should not be the policy of the school Choir in charge durlng July; Rev. Dr. boards and that women trustees Best and St. Paul's Choir in charge should be general. Regarding towfn- duig August. ship school boards, his opinion was that ratepayers favored local anto- Sp:ecial Induction Services at St. mnony against centralized authority Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Bow- and that for secondary education manville, wifl be held on Friday, July school sections should co-operate to 4th, at8 p. m. Rev. W. J. Todd, own their own school at somne comn- Ailsa Craig, Ont., will be inducted as munlty centre wherever practicable. mnister of the congregation o! St. He opined that rural school educa- Andrews Presbyteran Church. Bow- tion compared favorably wth urban manville, and the Presbyterian school education despite being un- Church, Newtonville. Rev. R. Ber- graded and with the immaturity of trumi Nelles. B.A., Port Hope. will the teachers to whom hle paid tribute preach. Rev. F. C. Harper, B. D., for their devotion and efflciency. He Cobourg, will preside, lnduct and ad- claimed that the need for education dress the minister. Rev. Jno. Rid- w as far greater than in tîmes past dell. Millbrook, will narrate the steps and the opportunities more for farmi leading up to the call, and Rev. W. Iboys and girls. H. V. Walker, Nestîcton, will address the congregation. Public cordially Col. E. E. Snider, School Inspector invited. for Durham, spoke of the work of the Sacrament services were observed school fairs and the improvement in Trinîty United Church on Sunday made in music, live stock exhibits morning and evenlng. Rev. J. U. and judging and the various exhibits Rtobins, pastor, gave a suitable ad- prepared by the pupils. He depre- dress in the morning. Pive persons ciated the attitude of some people in were received by letter into member- questionlng the bons fide of the ex- shîp. In the evening Mr. Robins, hibits and voiced his faith in the spoke f rom the words, "They parted children's honor as well as that o! my garments . .. upon my vesture their parents. His principle has ai- did they cast lots," showing in an un- wer ways been to seek to touch the re- mistakeable manner the tendency of ior sponsive chord of esch individual the present age is to place more val- trib child's nature thus avoiding the need ue and to give more credit to the Her o! corporal punishment at sny time. commercial rather than the religious th: He appreciates the support hie re- side of life, showing how everythng of yea ceives f romn the teachers and people real value cornes f romn Christ and trie o! the inspectorate and fInds in His teaching. Solos were sung ini mu cressed interest in improvements for the morning by Mr. M. S. Dale, and tic, the schools, but directed attentionintevnngbMrW.R rk.Sp to needed sanitary improvements at nteenngbMrW.RSrke most schools. He finds the financial an reports of secretaries showing a lack REV. W. J. TODD ACCEPTS CALL byn of uniderstanding o! the various ar grants received which lie then ex- an( isaCagBanr r plsined to the effect that ail grants At a meeting o! the Sarnia Pres- wh with the exception of one came f romn bytery ln Petrolia on Tuesday last, a hi the Governinent direct and that one caîl f rom the churches of Cowman- gia on accommodation and equipment ville and Newtonville, to Rev. W. J. of was half paid by the Counties Coun- Todd of Beechwoc*;iýnd Nain, was ai cil, the other half by the Governinent duly considered and sustained. hir and that only on permanent certifi- A very strong deputation f rom rer cates are grants obtainable for Beechwood and Nairn attended, and thi teachers' salsry. He pald a wonder- assured the Presbytery of their aff ec- orz f ui tribute to the memory of the late tionate regard for Mr. Todd, and Of dri R. J. McKessock. Solina, and ex- their desire that lie should remain ho, pressed his own personal sense of with them. exi loss of the one whom he regarded as The members of Presbytery also au holding up his right hand. voiced their feelings of respectfor a f r The members of the executive worthy co-presbyter, snd expressed spoke o! various matters including their deep regret at the thought o! h O. E. A. convention. Tp. School losing Mis !ellowshlp. Q Board, School Fairs, etc. Mr. Dun- Mr. Todd, in accepting the caîl,to das deprecated the steam roUler pald a loving tribute to his people r miethods at 0. E. A., and Mr. Van- and the Presbytery, and hoped thattr Camp the surplus o! delegates. Mr. the churches would coptinue to fili s Macklin sdvocated a good moral an important place in the work snd in basis of education and also suggested klngdom o! Christ, aL that school fairs do not go far ci enougli, claiming that thç Govern- B. T. S.TRACK MEET va ment should supply grants to the -ar Faîl Fairs for competition o! !armi Club Bag Presented to Mr. Little on th boys and girls. Public speaking jLeainxg Staff fu contests were discussed and conceded PC____ to be but recitations. The Annual Trsck and Field Meet es Election o! officers resulted as fol- o! the Boys' Training School was st lows: Presldent-R. M. Winslow, Ida; held Saturday afternoon, June 28th. r( Vice President-J. W. Dunidas, R. R. The weather wss niost favorable and CI 4, Port Hope; Secretary Treasurer- a large crowd o! people enjoyed the bE J. Baker, Hampton; ExecutiviL- Hope excellent athletic performances o! cf -P. C. Carrol, R. R. 4, Port . ope; the boys. Many previous records Clarke-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono; were excelled. h Dsrlington-A. W. Annis, Tyrone; Mfter the mile race, which wss the W Cartwright-W. Van Camp, Black- last event on the list, the Staff with- W stock; Manvers-W. H. Hooper, drew to the dining hall and there en- c Pontypool: Cavan-Bruce Sharp, Ida. Joyed a splendid supper. At the end 5 It as ecdedtohol te nxto! the supper. Dr. 0. E. Reaman an- E metingat Mllbrd o o in Noembe. nounced that Mr. Little intendedr meetng t Mllbook n Nvemer. chsnging his profession to that o! _______ ___________________dentistry. He stated that during Mr. Jas. E. Littles sojourn at the Boys' Training School. his work had l L been most creditable and it was with n - ~regret that the Staff had lesrned o! ý R~ > A is departure. Af ter a f ew more apprecistive remnarks. Dr. Reamnan called on Mrs. W. H. Densem, a sen- ior member of the staff, to present THURS., FRI. and SAT. Mr. Lttle with a black leather club JULY 3 - 4 - 5 bang, conveying the well-wishes o! the entire staff of the B. T. S. through- o Rin Tin Tin iu out his dental course. Mr. Little 1 was qulte overcome wth the gift,4 "O0N THE BORDER" but responded in a very pleasing and able manner. and other festures. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The regular meeting o! Bowman. MON.,TUE. and WED. ville Women's Institute was held onC IWl.TEV50 YEVAflQ' MUSICAL. 1 PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS 1 PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS SERVICE IN BOWMANVILLE rribute to Henry J. Knlght Who las Done Much to Uphold the lgh Musical Standard of This 'mmunity. nthis materialistic age of speed, iationalism and excitement, we Sincined to overlooc the finer Lgs of lire. Too mnuch is taken granted. The milk o! human Ldess in expressing thanks and )reciation of a public servire f aith- ly rendered or of a friendly deed Idone is too of ten le! t tili after Sundertaker is called. Henry J. Knight TO SENIOR 4TH Honours on Year's Work-Marion Jewell, Doris Dudley, Audrey Elliott,1 Elaine Reaman, Lomna Clarke, Ian Bell, Helen Gunn, Selma Bartlett, Lucy Hearle, Dorothy Alder, Dorothy Richards, Frances Dilllck, Helen Pritchard, Grace Rundle, Marjorie Jones, Nellie Mutton, Barry Taylor, Fred Wood, Margaret Ireland, Clara Bellinan, Mary Mutton, Ada Clarke, Douglas Fortier, Clifford Hall, Clar- ence Witheridge, Hazel Woodward. Honours on Examinations-Bessie Simpson, Tom Dustan, Irene Hender- son, Hugh Smale, Carl Raby. Alice Lee, Bob Clark, Boyd Slemon, Jean Spry, Mlldred Davidson. IPassed-Peter Bathgate, Lawrence Rehder, Murray Mitchell, Ralph Aines, Frank Mitchell, Evelyn Pick- ard, Bert Wiseman, Margaret Sellers, John Neal, Freeborne Colville, Walter Gives, Arthur Culley, Peter Demos, Clarence Garton, Ross Williams, Tom Callan, Sybil Mutton, Joyce Luxton, Sam Wilkins, Dbuglas Blunt, Russel Candier, Jack Darch, Clyde Robimson, Violet Osborne, Bob Mc- flveen. TO JUNIOR 4TH Moses, Mary Birks, Nancy Shrubb, Bert Jolinston, Edward Nickerson, Fred Neal and Joe Wightman equal, Frank Tighe, Florence Hooper, Dor- othy Qoode, James Hayman, Andrew Passed on Examinations - Jini Thompson, Jack Parker aud Jean Sutton equal, Murray Bate, Doris Trimble, Dorothy Young, Georgina Somerscales, Alfred Millson, Jack Gibbs, Lillian Morden, Greta Raby, Alan Lymer, Billy McFeeters, Dean Bickell, Thelma Little, Arvilla TrIi- ble. Annie Lewis, George Somerscales, Names omltted f rom list publlshed last week: Form lIE to Form lU Pass - Maurice Booth, Cliarlie Cawker. Doris Virtue, Jack ,King, Bille Rob- ertson. TO JUNIOR 2N1) Honours on Year's Work--Jeanne Adams, Dorothy Smale,, Haywood Moody, Marion McDonald, Chas. Cartwright, Norma Searle, Vers Clapp, Leslie Darch, Carol Martyn, Ruth Purdy, Mary Lemon, Geo. Bell- man, Eleanor Crawforth, Mary Childs, Roy SwindeUls, Ernest Ward, Tommy Martin, Ruth Virtue, Harvey Qibson, John Smith, Grigg Morden. Honours on Examinations-Louise Wilson, Kenneth Sumersford, Donald_ Creasser. Pass on Examinations - Jinmie Knox, Cella Tait, Francis Morowski, Glen Cole, Bil Tomlinson, Kenneth Hani, Margaret Osborne, Geraldine Coulter, Archie Smale. Honours on Examinations,-Marlon Dudley, Frank Foley, Doris Lyle, Margaret Storey, Sldne3M-'1Iundle. Pass on Exammnations - Alan Brooking, Francis Rowe, Jinie Clarke, Donald Aflin, Veina, Mc- Knigbt, Moira Dinnlwell. Harry dmith, Bob Purdy. Promoted thro' iliness - Ruth James, Henry Wightmau. TO JUNIOR lST Honours on Examinations-Mar- jonce Tomlinson, Ethel Donaghue, ____________________ I enn Large, Alton Richards, Cinace Frances Crook, Patsy Dustan, Jean With these thouglits in mmnd we Woodward, Julia Morowskl, Murmel Pattinson, Mavis Garton. Peggy ere determined not to let the occas- Thoms. Moses, Douglas Jackman, Geprge n pass of paying a much merited' Underill, Isabelle Thompson- Bar- ibute sud at an opportune time to TO SENIOR 3RD bars Rebder, Bîba Caverley. Luther ,nry J. Knight, wben we learned' Welsh, Betty Lattimer, Russel Bald- iat on July lst hie completed fifty I-Honours on Year's Work-Marion win Kelvin Symons, Mark Lanm- mrs' service to this town sud dis Scott, Margaret Wood, Ruth Ives, bue ct s snge, hor ladr udOmery Mitchell sud Dorothy Barton bue Gilbert Mcflveen, Rachael îct s asinerchoi lederandHilderley, Marion Hooper, Wallace isical director. Several genera- equal, Frances Hearl, Dorothy Bradt, Martin. ons have come sud gone in this Marion Hamm, Florence Shotter, an ! yars Hudndsyesthos-Ruth Logan, Betty Pingle, Donald Passed--Scott Densem, Flore Lcls o!ciear n hae eniyed lios- aers, Elsie Flint, Betty Edger, Sheardown, Ray Richards, Jack Rob- nHarolofBennett, Katveeen Robi son erts. George Kennedy, Billie Sey- zimg, whlle others have profltted Hrl entXtle oisn mour, Helen Pfrngle, Laura Wilson, y is musical instruction in choir, Donald Mitchell, Helen Morden,MlreBeetHbetoeen id choral work. . It may well sudJosephine C avely Dnald Csaran.r neth Nichols, Ada Dusenbury, Horas ruthlully be said that Mr. Knight HOnor n0alntosAtu Moses. 7enever asked sud on sîl occasions Fontier, Dorthy Joues, Gertrude Promoted thro' lllness-Kelth Sle- smanly possible lias generously sud Wagar. Jack Dunu, Eric Swlndells, mon, Jack Hately, Eff le McFeeters, ladly shared Mis God-given talents Clarence Tomaiuson, Ruth Hennings, Bobble Mitchell. ýfsong without thought o! reward John Welsh, John Westnutt, Albert id o!ten at personal sacrifice to Westnutt. JUNIOR PR. TO SENIOR PR. .mself. Should you doubt this last Passed-Jean McMullen, Helen mark, just pause for a moment sud Foster, Norman Baldwin, Nora Sav- Passed-Jean Trimble, Helen Lami- ink of the many times sud unI av- age, Jack Rice. Tommy Gatcheil, bros, Wesley Martin, Violet McAllis-ý rable conditions under whlch hieI Ross Hennmngs. nsa Sutton, Clare ter, Albert Darcli. June Stark, Kath- rove, winter and summer. !rom his Wakeliu, Arthur Lewis, Evelyn Rob- leen Roberts, Helen Hooper. Audrey mme at Port Bowmanville to keep au erts, Grace Sellers, Alred Perf ect, Foley, Bobble Evans, Cathanine Vol- igagement that s cougregation. an Walter Hall, Mary McAflister, Joan ville, Bernice Kimble, Edith David- tdience or a choir might benefit Andrews, Bruce Yeo, Lena Kellar, son, Marjorle Kilpatrlck. bom lis services.I James Martin, Ross Rice, Verna Len- SUH ~ SHO Were the subject o! this sketch o!f hardt, Irene Joues. Ileen Hallman. OT ADSHO ;li ohe se w mgh heittetoJean Rundle, James Fowler, Greta SENIOR 2ND TO JUNIOR 3RD luote dates sud delve into past his Tomilinson, Irene Brookham, Helen ry but being s man we can be Glanville, Gordon Matin, Bllly Mc- Honours ou Exaininatlons-Jack irutally !rank sud give the absolute Cullough, Marie GiIIîooly, Dorothy Colville, Dorothy Nlckerson, Charlie 'uth without offence. It was on July White, Laura Purdy, Jack Mutton, Somerscales, Ralpli Vole, Leon Von- it, 1880 when this young (Knight- Mary Lyle, Lloyd Passant, Thelma nors, Beulali McQuarrie, Velma igale) singer made lis !irst appear- Harris, Ernest Taylor, Lloyd Brook- Woodward, Kenneth Nurcombe, Rob- nce in the choir lof!t at the Bible ing, Dorothy Knox, Edith Rowe, ert Woodward. Edlth Richards, Grace Christian Churcb. now Holgate's E- Lewis Dewell, Keith Wilson, Donald Kilgannon. aporator. J. P. Rice, fathen o! Harry Mason, Earl Clarke, Hazel Flint, Pass-Molly Hearl, Bob Bird. and Chanlie Rice, o! this towu was Lavenne Kimble, Mary Brown, Doris JUNIOR 2ND TO SENIOR 2ND the choir master, wbo was a wonder- Conuons, Berniece Mutton, Alice Honours on Examiinations--Made- fu leader, being very congenial sud Bennett, Russell Halluis, Edlth Lyle, Uine Calver, Gwendolyn Brummell, possessing a great deal o! tact, so Ileen Purdy, John Vowle, Dorothy Isabell Bickell, Harold Woodward, esseutial as a success!ul musical' lu- Tapson. Lillan Naylor, Margaret.FoeceMtewGradBdD- tructor. A few years later Wm. Ruse. Smith, John Taylor, &onald Pugh, FoenyeButthaw, Drothy Bidkeil, now o! Hampton, conducted the George Davidson, Pansy Hooper. PthylsBltoair, Orm oSuton, Joce choir sud since then Mr. Kuight bas Ene Reader, Lloyd Trimble, Ruth PhLage. r om uto, oc been a choir leader in one or othen Mutton. Las HdgTghe.anc Adr of the churches o! Bowmsnville. TO JUNIOR 3RD Recommended-Ivy Passant. iu an interview with Mr. Kuiglit SENIOR [ST TO JUNIOR 2N1> ie recalled that his flrst music lesson Nonouns ou Year's Work-Benuy Honouns on Examinations - jean vas in the winter 1882. The teacher Rose, Leonard Somerseales, Jack Un- Rice, John Matthew, Florence Cal- vas J. P. AaIditton, an Arnerican who derhill, Marlon Davies, Lawrence ver, Viola Larkin. conducted a slnging class o! about Connors, Helen Cotton, Charlie Pass--Kenneth Davies. 50 pupils in town. Some o! the mem- Churchi, Jack Fisher, Kathleen bers vere Abraham Younie. a former Blunt, Louise Cox, Olive Ward, Mil- JUNIOR ]ÏST TO SENIOR 1ST nayor. E. R. ilounsall, Mr. sud Mrs. ford McDonald, Marion Martin, Don- WV. R. Climiie, Rd. Windatt. Major othy Harnden. Leslie Phllps,LRo Honouns on Examinatlons-Ton W,. C. King sud others. As Mr. Short. Russell Shortt, Helen Hately Depew, Marlon Mutton, Lewis Kil- Knight said. one could not help but Bruce Mutton. Charles McIlveen, gannon. earn to .sing lu sudh compsny. He Theodore Lambros, Ford Jackman, Pass-Frank Barrell. nentioned Mîr. Windatt as the out- Ronald Richards, Veda Purdy, Mar- ROOM 2--JR. 1ST TO SR. IST. tanding singer whose duty it was geny Hendenson, Lionel Parker, Pst- on Sundays to start thc hyruns with ridia Wilson, Helen Williams, Ter- Honours ou Examinaions-Hazel. a Wuning fork. there being no organ rence Dustan, Arthur Living, Jack Aider, Joan Buttonshaw, MarJorie .. thec old Disciple churdli. the pres- Rowe. Bill Fewster. Rhae Dnew, Byng, Jean Woodward, atlen crnt f ire hall. Jamcs Vrombie, Philip Latimer, Paul Byng. It is interesting to recaîl the îist Symons, June Drew, Lucy Lyle, Helen Pass-Rchard Westaway, Marlon of organists who have been sssoci- Bnooking, Louis Lyle, George Burns, Gibson, Frank Osmond, Norma Hall- ;ted with Mr. Kiiiglit in the psst hall John Living, Edwand Downey, John iday, Hazel Litie, Raymond Fice. 'entury. Tiîey are in this order sud Grahami, Edna Sheehan. SENIOR PR. TO JUNIOR 1ST the dhurches where they i. played: Houours ou Examlnatlons-Kath- Honours-Kathleen Luxton. Robert Bible Christian Church-Etta Willi- leen Sisson, Bill Brown. West, Wlnni red Wood, Douglas Nor- anis (Mrs. John Bond); Flo. Tapson, Passed on~ Examinatlons-Bill Tait, ton, Vernon Vonnors, Donald Spen- (Mrs. Kennedy); Mrs. Ada North- Richard Bathgate, Marjorie Morris, cer. cote; Queen St. Church-Bllly Yule, Isabel Hewston. George Morris, Tai- Pas&-Eleen Stephens, Marguer- Jlm Maitland, Jack Rice; Methodlst bert McLaughlin, Edward Millson ite Gibson, Kenneth Vole. Churdli - Mabel 'Northcote (Mns. sud Louise Hobbs equal. James Mon- Recommended - Gladys Dunlop Arthur Gregory): Mabel Tait, (Mns. owsj<., Helen Stacey, Mary Irwln, AI- (absent thro' illness). (Dr.) J. H. Elott); Eva Trebllcock, vie Welsb. Eileen Thonipson, Douglas JUNIOR PR. TO SENIOR PR. Mns. (Dr.) J. Adsm); Florence Tilley. Nichols. (Mrs. A. N. Mitchell); Gertie Vawker Passed (thro' illness) ou year's Honours--P,ssed on Year's Work (Mrs. J. A. Gunu>; St. Psul's Church work-WlllaI James. -Kenneili Nickerson, Alan Mason. -Mns. E. S. Senkler; Lepha Doncas- Marlon Stephens. ter (Mrs. W. V. Peacock): Margaret TO SENIOR 2ND Pass - Dorothy Sellers, -, Herman Abennethy (Mrs. DeNure); and last but not least in musical ability Mrs. Honours on Yean's Work-ByroIi Fice, Viola Barrell, Mary Vowan, Al- C.H. DudleyT. Crawford, Jean Logan, Charles Hoar, bert Reader, Ross MoQuarlie. C.Kay O'Neill, Kiity Siorey, Tomimy J. B. Jobuston, Principal. Some o! the cantatas, operettas Relider, Blain Elliott, Georgina. 14m- and entertalnmeuts lu whlcl'Mr. bros. James Kennedy, Keith Yeo, COMLING EVENTS Knlght either conducted or took a Mabel Harrs. leading part iuclude: "Ruth" dlnec- Honoui's ou Examinatlous-Aisn Bowmsflvllle Chautauqua will be ted by R. S. Russell, an officiai O! Tamblyn, Lillian Koren, Donald Mc- held July 18-19-21-22-23. the D. O. &P. Vo.; "Judas Maccab- Ulveen, Marlon Knox, Elva Potier, The regular monthly meeting of ees", conducted by John Waldron. Evelyn Haruden. Vuilibent McDon- the Womnie's Hospital Auxiliary wll bandmaster o! the !o.nous D.O.&P. ald, Beatnice Kembrlng, Doris Moses be beld iu tle Nurses' Residence on Vo. Band; "Queen Esther" in whch aud Audrey Vomstock equal, George Frlday, July 4th, at 3.30 p. mi. lie was directer sssisted by Major A. MeFeeters, Dickson Çampbell. E. MeLaughUin who was beloved by Pass on Examinations - Ronald HOLIDAYS everyoue and recently the sanie oper- Hooper, Shirley Marsden, Eva Welsh, etta with Mrs. (Dr.) J.C. Bell wleld-1 Helen Robertson, Leonard Downey, Dr. Storey's Office will be closed, <Coutinued on page 10) 1 Stanley Smith, Bob Lambourne, f nom July 4th to July laili. J q