MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 Plan to Enjoy Chautauqua in Bowmanvi*lle FRIDAY, JULY l8th TO WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd. Canadian Chautaqua will again bring to Bowmanville a group of brilliant attractions. This much looked for event presents an opportunity to everyone in Bowmanville and district to hear noted singers, enjoy delightful plays, listen to lectures by men of world-wide distinction, and other entertaining, instructive and educational features. Chautauqua makes it possible to bring right nto our own town high quality artists at a cost so small that ail may enjoy the privilege and pleasure of seeing and hearing them. jNOteciCSedy-Su;ccss to Open Canadian Chautauqua SCENE PRom "BROKEN DISSIUI" "Broken Dishai," the popular Broeadway oomedy by Martin Plavin, whIch will le presented at the coming Canadian Chsutauqua here, seems to strIke a responsive chord ln the beart of everyone. Pa Bampstead. the central figure in the play, is one of the most lovable characters to reach the stage ln a decade. For twenty years Pa bas been ai meek as a lamb ln bis own home, but events transpire whlch cause hi= te pluck up hie courage and roar Uike a lion, te the Intense surprise of the Bump- tesd famlly. tewUkow atnNwnPaeso uaa "Broken Dihes" ii a very human cornedy. flUed wth langhter, romance "d pathos. It vM ib. presot.d hore byth e4onMriEri lyoo »a Caray Sisters, Noted Musicians Comning at Caada Chautauqua TUB GARAY SISTEffW Amazing young artists on the violin and violonceflo a»e UisabeM and Yalanda Garay, wbo will appear in concert here at the coming, Canadiaii ChautaUQua. Froc> liudapeat, Hungary, corne theee talented young niusicians with a record of concert triumpbs throughout Nw wa7, Sweden. I)enmark, Holland and Italy. The musie crftâce have been lavi4 lu thdlir praise of the sage and artistry wtIi wUlch the Garam Sistt'rs render the nmic of the great masters. Witb the Garafu vil appee.r elen Ltudm«, OO planIst Mdl acconipanit. Light Opera Festival to Be Presented at Canaclian Chautauqua NINE DELIGIITFUL PROCRAMS AT LESS THAN 25c. each PERFORMANCE Providing you buy a season ticket at the reduced price of $2.20 (tax included). t;. "Pollyanna" to Be Prosented at C anadian Chautauqua SCENE FROM -POLLYANNA.- OUTSTANDING COMEDY-DRÂMA BABED ON ELEANOR PORTER'S FAMOUS NOVEL, TO BE PRESENTED AT THE COMING CANADIAN CHAUTÂUQUÂ I1-TERE flv THE 'MARTIN ERWIN PLAYERS 0F CANADA.J I DAILY PRO GRAMi FRIDAY, JULY 18th. EVENING-Popular Broadway Comedy- "Broken Dishes"---------Martin Admission $1.00 (tax ineluded) SATURDAY, JULY l9th. Erwin Players AFTERNO ON- Concert - - - - - - - Metropolitan Artists Lecture-"Adventures in Swaziland" - Dr. Owen O'Neil Admission 50e. (tax included) EVENJNG- Original Musical Spectacle- The Light Opera Festival Admission 75c. (tax included) AFTEROON- MONDAY, JULY Zlst. Grand Concert ---- - - The Garay Sisters EVENING- Admission 50c (tax included) Concert - - - - - - The Garay Sîsters Lecture-"With Mussolini and the Blackshirts"- Tom Skeyhill Admission 50e TUESDAY, (tax included) JULY 22nd. AFTERNOON- Popular Entertainment - - Sue Hastings' Marionettes Admission 25e EVENING- Notable Comedy-Drama, "Pollyanna", Martin Erwin Players Admission $1.00 (tax included) WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd. AFTERNOON- Concert - - - - Vierra's Hawaiians Lecture-Demonstration-"Liqluid Air-" - Elliott James Admission 50e (tax included) EVEN ING- "An Evening in Hawaii," Beautiful Musical Production- Vierra's H'awaiians Admission 75e (tax included) Admission for children 25e to ail programs. Afternoon Programs ...3.00 p. m. Evening Pr-ograms .......8.00 p. m. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME AUl programs as above unless otherwisc announced f rom the platforrn. SEASON TICKETS Aduits ................. $2.20 (Tax included) Children .............. $1.00 Following Citizens RICHARD CLARK FRANK WILLIAMS C. A. CAWKER FRED C. HOAR W. CLAUDE IVES WiM. QUICK R. J. SMITH W. H. CARRUTHERS ROGER CORBETT HARRY ALUIN T. A.GARTON Make Bowmanville Chautauqua Possible: REV. J. U. ROBINS D. A. McCULLOUGH R. F. AITCHISON DR. C. W. SLEMON GEO. W. JAMES G. E. CHASE W. R. STRIKE C. H. MASON MRS. J. H. WERRY A. E. RUNDLE F. F. MORRIS T. W. JACKSON W. J.BRAGG T. B. GILCHRIST T. S. HOLGATE A. H.FLETCHER T. C. JEWELL W. L. ELLIOTT J. O'NEILL L. S.CAVERLY M. H. MINORE A. J. WADHAMS SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE From above Citizens NOTABLE SPEAKERS on Timely and Vital Subjects H-ERE CHAUTAUQUA WEEK 'WITH MUSSOLINI AND THE BLACKSHIRTS' Tom Skeyhill (Monday Evening) ""VENTURES IN SWAZILAND" Owen R. O'Neil (S idurday Evening) "6LIQUID AIR" Elliott James (Wednesday Afternoon) Be tc) rcad accounts of these gifted speakers elsewhere. "An Evening in Hawai" anda Chautauqua Feature VIW.A's HAWAIIANS "An Evening ln Havait" beautiful spectacular musical prnduction, will be an interestting eatm eof the comixig Canadian Obautauqua here. Albert Ven a »d hl@ notable company of native singers and instrumentaliste WIU foature Hawaiian music as It should be played and sung. Mr. Viera luas von tere throughout Europe and Âiuerica for h. artb*Ae musical produtions whIch give a vivid glimpee of Itte tu the far-wi and glamouroos laudofetthie PacIfic. *1 ~ PAGE FOUR " - ýl