PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 CARI) 0F*THANKS SALEM .1HA31PTON Pirs. Jabez Moore and f amily, Miss Giadys Cann is holidaylng at Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Greénaway Hampton, wish ta sincerely thank home. visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Rowe. neigtibors for prompt assistance in League meeting will be held on Mr. T. Salter, Toronto, is spending helping ta save tbeir home when flre Sundayafternoon at the usual hour. a few days with relatives here. broke out in the kitchen recently. Mr. Ewart Pollard, Toronto, was Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Mill- home over the holiday. brook, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Cole. COLLACOTT FAMILY PICNIC Miss Margaret Hutchison, Toron- Mr. Ivan Stephens, Toronto, visit- to, is visitng lber cousin, Miss Marion ed his mother, Mrs. W. G. Stephens. The Colacott FanÙly Picic wil Honey. Dr. Jabez Elliott and Dr. Niddery, be heid at Hampton Park on Satur- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, visited at Mr. C. J. Kers- day, July 19th, at 1.30 p. m. (stand- G. A. Stephens who celebrated their iake's. ard time). Relatives please accept fortieth wedding anniversary on Mr. and Mrs. W. Lycett, Bowman- this invitation to attend. Monday iast. ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornisb motored Horn. Courtice-Everson picnic will be to Janetville on Monday and spent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf e, Maple held at Eiliott Memorial Park, the day witb their daughter. Mrs. Grove, visited bier mother, Mrs. A. Hampton, on Thursday, JuIy 24th, W. Vice, where a large barn raising Trenouth. at 3 P. M. was beld, followed by a social even- Messrs. Harry and Percy Cowling ___________________ ing. visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. Hl. Ciemens. Baltimore, J. Cowiing. IOnt., wbo bas been visiting frlends Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Bowman- ini Bowmanvllle and Tyrone, spent ville, visited ber mother, Mrs. Jos. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clatwortby. Doidge, where some of ber other Mrs. Petley and son Raipb, Toron- D ol eedSalem f riends met on Saturday even- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Do 1 Needing to renew old acquaintances and Mrs. G. Adcock. enjoy a social chat. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Horn and f ar- On Sunday and Tuesday our comn- iiy, Peterboro. visited bis mother, munity was well represented at the Mrs. Chas. Homn. anniversary services at Haydon and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Thompson Hampton, and report splendid ser- and Mrs. S. Thompson spent Sunday day and good sports and supper on Mr. and Mrs. W. Ranton, Trenton, Tueday Juy it, ithSalem soft- and Miss Helen Virtue, Toronto, vis- Many persons ask themselves bail team coming out victorious over ited Mrs. W. J. Virtue. this vitally important question Maple Grove at Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartford and fam- and then consult an Optometrist iy saa r iiigwt hi ta akesur. Oher wo't d-MAPLE GROVE cousin. Mr. W. J. Smale. Rex'. H. C. Wolf raim, our new pas- , r n r.CrlJbo n mit even to tbemselves. the poss5- tor. wiil preach next Sunday. 'daughter Joyce. Toronto, visited his bility that their eyes or vision may A number f romn here attended mother. Mrs. Jas. Jebson. bave become defective. Hampton anniversary on Sunday. Mrs. *A. Hansman, Port Hope, Mrs. Miss Betty Snowden spent Sunday M. Clemens, Bowmanville. were re- Let us examine your eyes and witb her cousin, Miss Jean Hogarth. cent guests of Mrs. R. Katerson. tei o h cta at 1bot Hmtn Mr. and Mrs. James Wood and son your vision. ~Mr. Sami Snowden bas sold the Jm ooto~ette~e~n your vsion.bouse he now occupies to Mr. F. Vice whMr. and Mrs. Hes W oad e. of Oshawa. M.adMs e odadbb. 8 HOUR SERVICE Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and littie son, Mr. and Mrs. D. Flintoif, Sundayed Tow;ýn. are visiting her sister. Mrs.' with Mr. and Mrs. George Armour. if a picture is worth 'takin., it Harry Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moore and is worth baving weil dcveloped. Mr. Ernie Laird, Toronto, spent the 1 family, Toronto, bave been holiday-, We do not send your filmns away weekend with bis parents. Mr. and jing witb bis mother, Mrs. Jabez but we develop and print your Mrs. A. Laird. Moore. negtiesusngthe latest meth- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.ý Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees. Solina, negatves, slngAlan Snowden on the arrivai of a Misses Marie and Dorothy Rundie. ods and best materials to assure young daughter., Courtice, spent Sunday with Mr. and best resuits. Miss Corsina Samis is visiting ber Mrs. E. Horn. ggrandmotber. Mrs. W. R. Cole, and Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue. ______ Iother relatives in Toronto. Toronto. and Miss B. Sargent. Bow-i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and maux111e, spent the weekend wth daughter Helen, Toronto. spent a Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis. O u i few days witb their parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harcourt, Mr. juI 'x Lov li Miss Vivian Lodge, who bas been and Mrs. E. Harcourt, Port Hope. Jury & Lo ell visiting Mrs. Grant Bennett. bas re- and Mr. and Mrs. E. Walters. Toron- turned to ber home in Toronto. to, m-ere recent guests of Miss E. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wbite and Reeve. When we test eyes it ie done baby Gertrude spent Sunday with bis Mrs. Clay Thelen. Janesvilie. parents. Mr. and Mrs. George White, Wis. inee Miss Lizzie Robbins). and properly. Solina. family. and Mr. and Mrs. Elton Truli Misses Vera Power, Susie and An- and son, Akron. Ohio, are guests of 1nie Laird, B. E. Souch. and Ruby Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery. _________________________Bragg are spending their bolidays at Mrs. W. G. Rundie and.Miss Marie their respective homes. Wbite, Bethesda, Mr. and Mrs. James ______________________ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thompson Oke and Miss Marjorie Oke, Orono, and son Raymond. Mount Dennis. and Mr. W. Fairhead, Courtice. were spent the weekend witb their cous- Sunday guests witb Mr. and Mrs. S. T~Jf ~ins, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham. T. Mountjoy. ITA 7A MM III Miss'Vida Worden, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoidge, Miss VA C A TI IO NI spending ber bolidays with her Mari orie Hoidge, and Dr. C. Hook- mother. Mrs. A. Worden, and brother, irlgs, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood Mr. A. L. Worden, and other rela- and farniiy, Orono, Miss Alma Pol- U~N1AE U~T1Y lard, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. LJ~A Ih~Iw Mrs. LeBarge and their Al. Gully, Oshawa, spent Sunday R E A DI I NGI~~ daugbter. Toronto, also Misses Chant at Mr. L. Johns'. and Rutb Armstrong of Grace Hos-. Congratulations to Miss Eva Johns pital. visited at Mr. R. H. Arm- in winning the third prize in tbe strong's over Sunday. counties of Ontario and Durham, in NEWEST FICTION Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Souch, Mon- the junior group in the Temperance treai. Quebec, visited ber sister, Mrs. contest, taken Up by the Nortbern UP-TO-DATE Ross Stevens, this week. Mrs. Stev- Messenger reeently. She also won ens and daugbter Betty returned fIrst prise in the Sunday School and We also have a Loaning Library. home witb tbem for a short visit. tbe flrst prize given by our local W. 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. T. U. in the samne contest. You only pay 3c a day while you M. Munday Sr., wbo celebrated their Our anniversary services on Sun- 57th wedding anniversary on Thurs- day were largeiy attended. Their have thse book. day. June 26tb. surrounded by some many friends were giad ta welcome _______of the members of their family. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Jones and Gor- Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens and don of Milbrook, wbo spent Sunday MAGA INESMr. and Mrs. R. C. 9cott, Solina, ac- with friends here. Mr. Jones de- MAGA INEScompanied by Mrs. R. H. Arrnstrong livered lnsplring messages at the Canadian, Amercan and and son James, motored ta Cannlng- morning and evening services, and ton and attended tbe f uneral of Jos- tbe music by tbe achool, under lead- Foreign periodicals. eph Merrifleld. ersbip of Mr. T. Salter and Miss N. ______ IMr. James Greenham, Port Huron, Horn, was well rendered, and tbe Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Green- vocal duet by Miss E. Sykes and Miss ham, Miss Nellie Greenbam. Bircb- H. Knox was mucb appreciated. STAMPED GOODS cliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham ___ for ummr tnse eede wrk 1 and daugbter Audrey, motored to fo umrtm edewr Peterboro on Tuesday. ENFIELI) ________ Mrs. W. H-. Brown and two sons.,___ i Mick and Jack, Mr. Elgin Munday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niddery and E SPORTING GOODS recenrtly motored to Ottawa and vis- family, Toronto, are spending a ited the former's cousins, Mr. and week's'holiday bere. Tennis BaUis, Base Bails, Mrs. Len Howard, Ottawa, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Miss and Mrs. Hanchet, Alymer. Quebec, Verna Ormiston, Mr. John Hepburn, Bats, etc. and report a very enjoyable trip vis- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston and iting varlous places of interest en- family attended the Ratcliff-Hep- _______i route. burn picnic beld on Toronto Exhibi- An almnost capacity congregation tion grounds on Saturday. was in attendance on Sunday to say Mr. M. J. Hobbs is taking a sum- 13f arewell ta Rev. H J. Staintan Mq mer course at Toronto University. is J. W Je ell pastor. who gave an excellent sermon Miss E. Tamblyn is engaged as LI andoksor o elso adm'steed the nacrmnt inear o orBcowman heenu and alsnofadMr.nisteredtesaRamnt eachr. ofore our scboolfor thes ___den,_Mr._and_______P._Stevens and Mr. bospital with biood poisoning. and rs.B. etclf erebaptised. Masters James Stark, Charlie Hen- ail ______________________________________________ ry and Keith Ormiston, and Misses d Merle Stinson and Verna Cochrane wrote on the Entrance Exams. I Mrs. John Hepburn bas returnedi hi ealth.- _ . reý Brooklin Women's Institute are planning a bus and boat trip to Pet- erboro and the Kawartba Lakes on Monday, July 14th. Items intended for the local coi- umn sbould be addressed ta the Edi- tor and must bear tbe names and addresses of the senders. Telephone number 53. Citizens baviug visitorZ or going visiting are invited to con- tribute such items. lfere and Therej Atigiiîst 24 to a former ol the seas when the Can- lincfj Her Empress of Ja- r-.,nw 26,ffl)() ton f1agship of the '~~,s Pacific fleet, steam. thioîugh the Narrows to recelve Vanncouver's vociferous applause. Just before reacbing Brocktoa Poinlt hie uew limpres, gay witb flags and buntlng, wlll di]p her en- sign to the dragon-carved figure- bead which reste on its pedestal in Stanley Park overlooklng thse wa-1 ters of Burrard Inlet. The figure-c bead le that of the old E'mprens cda ' Japan, scrappe and sold lu 19223 tLfter 31 years of seryice betweeà Canada and thse Orient a vei Bda an »De Sel a. stil Scl Jul i pw Sci at on atf, ied Ph( Sbc and N Mr. RaE and day and gif L Rae Cru: weic bric sorr are f riez Mus"oin to Be Discussed at de claMuaHem. T onS.y D NtDm»ura. Tomi Skeybiîî, noted Australlan Poet. Playwrlght, blographer and lecturer, wbom the London Times descrlbeas8 "one of the greatest of living orators," hm. bffln secured to corne here a.nd give lii masteTful lecture "Wifli MuasoUlt lanid the Blackshirta" et the coming Cana- dian Chautauqu.a. *'Tomn Skeyhiîl know6 Muaoln- the true facti of this bandsome black-ahfrte4 premiers meteorto rise to Power. Skeyhill knows the Fa.sci&tl. He has lUved wIth thom, attended their secret meetinga marcbed ln their torehllght proces.. sionB; he underotanbdi thefr move- Ment and their soerlng anm1tk«o. ENNISKILLEN 1 ENNISKY[LLEN Mrs. W. Sweetman is iniprovlng EnniakriUcu Continuation Clame ber property by a new fence. A good number from here attended Followlng is the standing of the anniversary services at Haydon. pupils in the Continuation Room for Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton spent a 1929-30. Subjects in brackets aiter few days wlth f riends at Sunrldge. the names are the ones in whlch Miss Reva McGill is taking a suni- pupil failed to, obtain 50%. Number mer Kindergarten course in Toronto. of papers on which each pupil wrate Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Stapies are aiso follows the name. Flrst Class spending a few days with friends in Honors-75 % to 100%; Second Class Stratford. Honors-65% ta 75,7; Pass-50% to Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and sons 65%; Faiiure-Beiow 50%. Allan and Donald, are bolidaying at Form Hl Lake Simcoe. First Class Honors-Naonli Virtue Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Mr. 81, (10 papers); Rema Bradley 79, and Mrs. Melville Griffin, Cartwright, (il papers); Myrtle Brooks 77, (9 visited at Mr. Wm. Griffin's. papers); Orace Werry 76, (10 paP- Congratulations to Mrs. Floyd ers); Bert Ashton 75, (il papers). Page on the arrivai of a baby girl. Forin 1 Mrs. Wm. Griffin in in attendance. First Class Honors-None. Miss Moore, Mr. Donald Page and Second Class Honors-OGrace Smith Mr. Wm. Pethick, Toronto, visited 69, (10 papers); Elsie Moore 68, (10 the latter's brother, Mr. S. Pethick. papers). Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Wbyte, Pass-Alice Ashton 64, (10 papers); spènt the weekend in Toronto at- Oswald Pethick 59, (French) (9 pap- tending the Sunday School Conven- ers): Myrtle Cowling 55 (British His- t ion. tory, Geometry) (8 papers). Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, OsbawaMs Margaret H. Dalton, teacher. Myrtie Brunt and Mr. Frank IMili, ____ Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Levi COURTICE Brunt's. ___1__ Mr. and Mrs. Silversides, who have M.Gro iklDtot svs been visiting their daughter, Mrs. H. i. MgrelaiGo rdnPkeDe t r.oitd is.s Fergu6on, returned to their home in itingretivesee. Mr. and Dora, Mt. Albert on Saturday.OtsWreMssPayanDo, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewell, Miss Toronto, were weekenci visitors of Mr. MaryBrut, shaa, r. nd rs.andi Mrs. Frank Rundie Mr. and MaryBrut, sbaa, r. nd rs.Mrs. Howard Courtice, Ottawa, are Jesse Jones, Bowmnanville, spent Sun- visiting at Messrs. W. E. and Ken- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. neth Courtice's Mrs. Johnson, D. Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stainton and j Wbîtby, has returned home after son Clifford. and Mrs. H. Johnson, spending a %veek with her daugbter, motored down from Torontori- Mrs. J . H. Stainton, at the Parson- ing Mrs. J. Pye home afteratw age Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, raweeks visit. re- l Jhnon is home for the summer holidaysMI mandraweeks' visit. r.H!Jhsn Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis and Ms Abou 80memers f La~e Ada spent the weekend in Fenelon Slinnv zr.hnl -nntvpr hv ý V- 1Falls witb Rei. and Mrs. C. C. Wasb- M~ K.1±U4J' ..S-UVUL tUJ14 .yecU DJy LYr Eril- nest Werry's and Mr. E. C. Ashton's trucks and some cars.,.iourneyedt Cream of Bariey Camp, Bowmanville where they beld their annual picnici on Saturday, June 28th. As soon as tbey arrived at the grounds tbey looked at the different animais and birds wbich tbey found very inter- esting. Races were heid for the children for wbicb prizes were given. - *-*~.About 5.30. tables were spreadt with ail vanieties of good things. and af- ter alI bad doue justice to this part and tbings were cleared away, the1 1. trucks loaded up again and went to1 the bail game at Bowmanville. Others; returned home. Ail bad spent a TOM SKYU good afternoon. Xb. Skeyhlll le au impartial ob- TR Server. He le nelther for nor TRN agains;t the fdeals which Mussolini la strivlng to put into effect. He Miss Viola Shortt, Apsley, is hoi-' merely elfts the evidence and leaves daying here. Iudgment to bis audience. Orangernen's service next Sunday Tom Skeyhlll himef la a color- morning at 10.30 a. m. ful and arrestiug personality. He Miss Graoe MacKay bas returned has fougbt and adventured over haif to ber borne at Beaverton. the globe. Blinded in the memor- Mr. J. D. Colwlll is rnaking great able firet landlng of the Anzacs at improvements to bis property. Gallipoli, hie became famous as "the Miss F. Virtue and Mr. Win. Stap- bllnd soldier poet" of Australia, les visited at Dr. Slemon's, Town. aud In America for is services lu Mrs. Clara Byam, Bowmaniville. is ralsing over one hundred and thirtyspdigafw ayatM.ute millions of dollars for war fundnga ewd. Hoor.Luhe He bas the unique distinction of prs havlng raised twenty-three millions Miss Florence Gardiner spent Sun- of dollars lu twenty-three minutes day with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the Metropolitan Opera House B. F. Gardiner. In New York City.1 Lt.-Coi. and Mrs. Wm. Flarreil, Later, his sigbt almost miracu- Toronto, are enjoying a week wltb lously restored, hie began a lite of old friends bere. study, travel and adreuture. He Congratulations ta Rev. J. R. has been lu the thlck of three wars Trumpour and Mrs. Truinpour on the aud three revolutions. He rau the arrivai of a young son. uines loto Soviet Russia and was Mr. and Mrs. FIred Bryant, Oshawa, there during the Red llevolutioîý visited Mrs. Wm. Little and attended He marched witb Mussolini aud the the Davey-McCullougb weddlng on Blackshirts loto Rome through Saturday. thse gate that Juliue Caesar entered Re.S oeyBwnadMs two thousand years ago. He was e.S olyBwnads lu Warsaw lu the heart of the Brown, Richmiond, Quebcc, and Mrs. RussQ-Poilsh mix-up, and bie wa Enocb Stevens, Hampton, visited at out In the Near Est wben Smyrna Mr. Robt. Burgess'. was burut and the Turks defeated Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park, Eva, the Greeks. Shiriey and Douglas, spent a week Mr. Skeyhiil Is a powerful and withr friends around Sutton, Keswick dramatlc orator wlth a glfi o and Mount Pleasant. painting wond-plctures that ho is 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdonald and audience enthralled. Miss Katharine, Cobourg. are visiting BOWMANVELLE CHAUTAUQUA Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart and Mr. JULY 18, 19, 21, 22. 23 and Mrs. Ronald Scott. PRICES KEDUCED Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowman- Aduls--$.20 tax nclued) ville, Mrs. N. C. Wiilson and daugb- Aduls-4220 tai nclaedi ter Audrey, Edmonton, Alta., spent Children-$1.00 (no taxI Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buy a Season Ticket and enjoy 9 Coucb. delightful programes for less Mrs. Ethel Constant and f riend, than 25e each. Miss Knlght, Oshawa, Mr. Lawrence TICKETS NOW ON SALE Oliver, South Ainerica, called on Mr. C. W. Woodley, Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Wm. Little. A number f rom, bere attended SOLINA Haydou anniversary Sunday to bear Rev. L. S. Wight, a former pastor on Master Cari MeMuIien, Janetville, this circuit, and aiso attended the tea sbolidaying wlth his sister, Mrs. and concert on July lst. ioyd Williams. A large gatberlng of frlends and Remember the Division meeting neigbbors met at the borne of Miss ,s Thursday night, July 3rd. in the Kathleen McCullougb last Wednes- 3unday Scbool room. day eveuing and gave ber a miscell- Mr. and Mrs. A. Whitueii, June aneous sbower previous to ber wed- md Lonaine, Toronto, spent the houi- ding. ly with Mr. and Mrs Jack Reynolds. Congratulations to Mr. Donald Mn. Jas. Cameron was thrown froîn Davey and bride <nee Miss Kathleen is buggy on Tbursday and had a McCuliough), and Mr. Theodore ib broken. We wlsh hlm a speedy Down and bride (nee Miss Margaret ecovery. Moore), on their recent marniages; an-and aiso to Mn. Kennetb Fraser, Several f nom bere attended nl Bethesda, and bride (nec Miss Mur- ersnry services at Hampton on Sunl- iel Grass. Brooklin). ay and were pleased to meet Rev. id Mrs. W. w. Joues of Millbrook. Sunday services wiil be beld in the iorning this week on accounit of AUCTION SALE 'coration Service at Zion. Sunday ____ bhool at 10 a. m. and cburcb at il Owing to illness the complete farmn- M. ing equipment and live stock of July meeting of the Women's In- HARVEY JOB DICKINSON itute will be beid in the Sunday Lot 20, Con. 3, Hope Township bhoul roorn on Thursday afternoon, will be sold wltbout, neserve on ulY 1Otb. Roll caîl will be a guess- FRIIDAY, JULY 4th. i contest. Sale to commence at 12.30 o'clock It is boped that as many girls as Standard time. Dsible wiil attend the Housebold 5 Head of Cattle with caîf at foot ience Coacbing Classes to be beld 4 Cows; 2 tbree-year-old Steers ýSolina in the Sunday Scbool room 7 Two-year-old, 4 year old iFriday, July lltb, mornirig and 1 Sbortborn Bull Jernoon. 3 Work Horses. mare and colt MIr. Frank Sbortnidge, accompan- 3 year old Colt dby bis little niece Pboebe Short- 2 Brood Sows ge. lef t on Wednesdas' to visit Complete set of Farm Implements. loebe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. flua..1 urtridge o T26-2, antba eo a utoi& ones i other frieuds.2-2Acines Many fniends and neigbbours of rand Mrs. Arthur Rae and Mrs. te Sr., gatbered at the home of Mn. BUY VOUR COAL EARLY Id Mrs. Ruseli Perklne the Satur- yevening before their departure Until further notice our prices for i presented themr witb some xuice coal and coke wll be as follows: .s as a sligbt remembrauce. Mr. Stove $15.50 per ton be as sold his fans to Mr. John Egg & Cbestnut $15.00 per ton .icksbank of Bowmnanvllle. We Pca 3 . 12.50 Per ton icorne Mn. Cruickshank and bis Buckwbeat $ 9.50 Per ton le to our communlty, and are Coke .$11.50 Per tan ry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Rae Who A discount of 50c per ton wlll be Sat prescrit visltlng Burlington made for cash wlth order. ends. McCIeIlan&* 0. U&d in-gton -- Mrs. -Jones, WbitbY. was a Sunday visitor at the Parsonage On Thursday evening the Dramatic Club beld a meeting and social time in the S. S. roomn. After the meet- ing Mrs. Ross Pearce calied the members to order and Mrs. G. F. An- nis read an address in which were ,some pretty verses of poetry, and at the proper turne Miss Hazel Rundle .presented Mrs. Stainton with two jbeautiful pieces of colored glassware. Mrs. Stainton bas taken a prominent part in the 'Gypsy Rover' and it was just a small remembrance of ber [belpfulness and wiilingness to belp at any time. Mrs. Stainton replied in ber jovial manner. Af terwards ice cream and cake were served to ail present Wc hope to see a good attendance at church on Sunday next to greet our new pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolf raim. who comes f rom Wilfrid. ..C. G. I. T. met in the home of Mre. Kennetb Courtice on Saturday after- noon when the offilcers for the year wene eiected, with Miss Hazci Wal- ters, lst Vice President. in the chair. Tbree groupa in the C. G. I. T. have bad a contest. getting the girls to attend the meetings, and Miss Velina Gay's group won in the contest. The other two groupa treated to candy, and Miss Arnold treated the girls ta, ice cream and cookies. Af terward they played basebail and bad a liveiy time. Mrs. Courtice was most gen- lal in ber borne. DABLIGTON S. S. No. 3, Darlington, report for June: Br. IV-*Wnnie Gibson 82, 'Bes.. sie Blackburn 78, Fliorence Foley 73 Jack Finnlgan 66, j'Stella For8Ythe 25. Jr. IV-Harold Forsythe 63. Sr. ifi*Aannie KUsh 75, Aloysius Kush 73, Wllbur Blackburn 68, Grace Truil 61. Jr. III--jBob Gibson 56, tEuWie Lane 37. Sr. II-*Hazel Truil 78, 'Berniece Roberts 76, Louise Foiey 69, Helen Rundie 68, Vera Gibson 66, Maurice Morphy 63, tSammY VanCamp 58, tHazel Roberts 52. Jr. HI-Eddie Forsythe 77, Arthur Forsythe 70. Sr. LI-*Jean Metcalf 76, tPeggie Finnigan 40. Pr. A-*Eveline Gibson, *marie Roberts, *Viola Roberts and *Gordon Truil (equal). Pr. B-*Madeline MelcaW ' Glenn MetcaLf, *Louise Forsythe. -Honors; '-Falure on total (below 60). Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. There's pep in our service as well as pep in our quality motor fuel-SheIl and Super Sheil, the famous anti-knock gasoline. We stock tbe famous Goodyear Tires and Tubes. There is pep f or your coal oil stove in our bigb grade Coal 011. Drive right up to our station. We aim to please you. BARTLETTSO PIIONE 110 KING 5T EAU1~.l BOwi-ANVI LLE IT'S TH1S WAY FOLKS Your plumbing wears out just like any- thing else. Keep it in good shape and it wil] give you good service and cost you a lot Iess. Cali us foir high-class repair work. Ask us to inspeet your plumbing now, fix the parts that need attention, and save you money at the same time. Lenl Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville YOU CAN'T Go WRONG MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL Lot 1 - At $19-95 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits, also blue with pin stripe, double and single j 'I.breasted models, al wool quality, values u to $25.00, clearing thîs week for only MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL Lot 2 - At $24.95 Men's fine worsted suits powder blue, grey, and stripe effeets, values up to $35.00, cleaxtipg this week for only $24.95 WOOL BATHING SUITS Ab&,rley ail wool swimming suits, in one and two piece styles, solid, fancy and corn- bination effeets, ail sizes, from $2.95 to $5.00 Each BE SURE AND SEE THE MEN'S SUITS AS ADVERTISED ABOVE. T. ]B. GILCHRIST Direotly Opposite Phone 61 Bank f Motrea PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATES)Lffl, BOVVbLANVILJ.E, TE[URSDAy, JULY 3rd, 1930