~v-w I LOCAL AND OTBERWISE LOCAL A2ND OTHERWKSE Mr. E. T. Brittai, Toronto, was Mr- and Mrs. Chas. Kelth, Toronto, tI town Saturday. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. A. Honeyman is visiting lier John Reid. mother in1 Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Haddy and Mis M. Mildred Lawrle, Toronto, famnily, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. is holidaying at home. J. W. Knight. Miss Florence Werry lias been vi- Miss Lillian Hoar, Toronto, spent lting frlends ini Toronto. the holiday with her sister, Mrs. Rev. E. A. Tonkin is vlsiting bis Wrlghtson Wight. daugliter in New York state. Miss Isabel K. Smth and Miss Miss Margaret Rowland spent the Stedxnan visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. holiday with relatives ini Toronto. Momrson, Brantford. Mrs. J. C. Truil, Toronto, was re- L. G. torriman has completed cent guet of the Misses Brimacombe. f orty-three years as Principal of Mr. W. J. Colwill, Toronto, spent Thorold Public School. Sunday with lis mother, Mrs. J. T. Mr. and Mr5. B. C. Fenneil, New Colwlll. Toronto, renewed accuaintances i Mrs. G. B. Bail, Toronto, is visit- tow1i on Dominion Day. ing lier sisters, the Misses Allen, Miss Mariol-le Cole, St. Catherines, Beech Ave. is holidaying with lier parents, Mr. Mrs. Bertha Bailey and Miss Ada and Mrs. J. E. L. Cole. Hathway are holidaying with their Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. G. Fletcher, sister, Miss Mary HathwaY, North Toronto, are holidaying with her sis- Bay. ter, Mrs. Emily Roadli. m365 days of SERVICE Our modern equipment installed one year ago has proven a great success by is continued service. Whether in zero weather or summer heat your milk is always sweet and safe for children, invalide or anyone. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 Bowxnanville LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Quarterly Board of Trunlty United! Churdli meets i the Board Room o Frlday, JuIy 4th, at 8 p. m. Miss A. Mountjoy, Associate Supt.,, of Victor Home, Toronto, is vlslting lier sister, Mrs. J. E. Elliott. Mrs. R. S. Wade and Wallace, Tor- onto, were guests o! her sister, Miss Emmerson, on Dominion Day. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- onto, spent Dominion Day wtli their father, Mr. W. J. Bragg, MP. Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson and f amily spent Dominion Day witli bis mother at Bobcaygeon, who is il. Mr. and Mrs. George Lo)ckington and son Donald, Toronto, spent the weekend with lier mother, Mrs. Wm. Maynard. Mr. A. G. Holiday is Election Clerk for Mr. W. F. Ward, B. A., Re- turning Officer for the electoral dis- trict of Durham. Principal J. H. Johnston is taking a 5-week's summer course in techni- cal work at the Ontario Training School, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burd, Detroit, Mach., and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Burd, Toronto, were in town Domin- ion Day calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mason, Orillia, spent Sunday with lis father, Mr. F. H. Mason. Mr. Mason returned home with them for a visit. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lowe, Niagara Falls, N. Y.. Mrs. James Lowe, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone. Mr. and Mrs. Wreford F. Souch, Montreal. Que., have been spending a few days wth his mother. Mrs. F. M. Souci, and other relatives here. Principal L. W. Dippel of Bow- manville High School will be in Tor- onto for the next 5 weeks teaching Science at the Colege.o! Education. Miss Dorothy Scarboro and Miss, Gladys Batpman, Torornto. Dr. John Bredner, Whitby. were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bate- man. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Williams, Niagara Fanls. N. Y.. and Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, Torontowere i townm Sunday calling on relatiesad f riends. Mr. Stephen Efliott, Barrie, visited lis brother. Mr. J. E. Elliott, Conces- sion St. Misses Freda and Grace Efliott, wlo have been attending Higli Sdhool here, returned home with him. Mr. L. Hamel Cooke, a former Mathematical teadher o! Bowman- ville Higli Sclool, who lias been prin-I cipal of Stirling High School for the past two years, lias been appointed principal o! Marlihani Higli School. The engagement is announced at Brighiton, Ontario, o! Mary Adelalde, daugliter of Mrs. Pickf ord and the late Reverend Edgar W. Pickford, B. A., and grand-daughter o! the late Reverend C. E. Thomison, M-A., to Reverend Frank Hubert Mason, M-A., rector o! Newcastle and Orono. The marriage will take place i Saint Paul's Cliurch, Brighton, on July 23. mmmuuuum666-66-00r .4 0 When in Need of Hardware Shop at Dustan' s Store Almost every day there's one or more new custo-mers corne to shop at our store tbrough the invitation we are extending to them in our advt each week. Many of them pais f averable comments on the large and attractive stock we carry and the low prices we sel1 our goods. We are doing our best to make hard times bet- ter by giving our customers more gooda for leus money. HAYING SUPPLIES Bay Forks Bay Fork HoPe Machine 011 Olilers at particularir go"d Prime. INSECTICIDES We have the best bug and insect destroyers at loweSt prices. STEELCOTE AUTO ENAMEL Dies qulckly; shows no brueli marks. BOYS' WAGONS Large size, dise wheels, il, rubler tires, $625 EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS complete $1.25 Lanark. AUTO RUGS ail wool $835 CARBORUNDUM STONE Ideal for mower knives 95C PITCHING HORSE SHOES omncial $1.25 PR. Dustan's Cash HardwareI LOCAL AND OTHEKWISE HappunessIs wliere you take not where you fInd it. Mrs. Brittoil of Port Perry recenl vislted lier daugliter, Mr&. W. B. Po lard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keilar ai family are holidaying with relatiN ini Winnipeg, Man. Mrs. C. E. Anderson and son Jac Toronto, recently visited her brothq Mr. M. W. Tamblyn. Mr. F. C. Morl'ow, Coîborne, 10 two valuable cows through beli polsoned wlth nitrate of soda. Miss I. Ogden, of the Bowmanvi Higli Scliool teaching staff, is ho] daying at lier home in Unionville. Mrs. Wm. Quick was called Belleville owing to the iflness aî deatli of her brother-i-law, Mr. Fr, Quick. Mrs. Geo. Cornish and daughl Jean, and Mrs. A. Pepper, Toroni visited Mrs. Burton Andrus over t: holiday. Mr. H. T. Coliner won third pla in a 100 yd. dadli at Canadian Le ion Track Meet at Kingston on D minion Day. Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Wight, Bel] ville, were i town Thursday enrot to the great Sunday Sclool gathE ing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mitchell a: son Clarence, Toronto, spent t weekend wlth her Parents, Mr. a& Mrs. J. H. DOrclI2 Mr. and Mis. George Tlmson, Llo and lene, Toronto, spent the wee end with Mr. and Mrs. John Gla ville, Elgin Street. Mr. John J. Bush, o! the Toror Globe staff, and Mrs. Bush. spent t weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. I gram, King Street. Marcelling done at Mrs. W. Adari King St. W., Bowmanville, on Tui days and Saturdays-35c. F10 275 for appointment. 2-. St. Andrew's Women's Auxilia numbering over 30 members. enjo3 a picnic at Cobourg Park on Wedni day afternoon, going by Garton's b iThe death took place in Hamilt township on Friday, June 20th. 1John Robert Lightle, in lis 7V year.- His wife, Mabel C. Jei 1survives i. Mr. Lawrence Mason. elder son Mrs. T. G. Mason, was recently cE 1ed ta the bar af ter a very brilliE college career. We wish hlm eV9 succesa inhi bs career. WilI the party who took the gr( upholstered rattan chair froni 1 Opera House on evening of M Peardon's concert, May lGth, kin, return to Alan Wllilams. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lea Taunton, Mr. and Mrc. Frank C bert, Enfield, recently attended dinner dance at the Royal York, 1 ronto, guests o! Mr. S. H. Annis, I >troit. Mr. and Mis. R. C. CruÎkslia and their daugliter and son-in-b Mr. and Mis. lKeltie Jones, St. JoJ iN. B., were recent guests of ZIV len, Beecli Ave. Her many f. iedewlll be glati learn that Mrs. T. G. Mason, who]1 been living i Toronto for some tII is retunng ta, Bowmanvllle and , reside in lier apartment over F. Pethick's barber shop. Rev. Dr. Hoiling, pastor o! First United Churdli, Lindsay, Sunday expressed the appreclatior huiself and the congregation for f aitbful service rendereti bY Mr. ' liani Jolfe, wlio is retiring after years, service as caretaker of dhurci. Few men have a finer rec than Mr. Joiliff e and The Stateen is pleased ta hear o! this recognit' The fIret contingent o! mott and childien f rom Toronto arrn tMonday at the Freeli Air Camp 'Y of Bowmanviile. They were tic tported f rom the train ta the caml members o! Bowmanville Rot Club who have again assumed responsibillty. tMis. Ada E. Dardh and son Ji are leaving this week on a Visit trelatives i Manchester, Engla They sail on July 4th f rom. M treal by the C. P. R. "Duchess tBediford" and return i August by "Duchess o! Athoil." We wish ti ta saft e voyage and a pleasant vii tMrs. N. S. B. James, Mr. and 1 C. H. Mason, Helen and Donald, and Mis. C. H. Haddy and Jack,. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, di to Muskoka on Saturday. The 1 i es of the party, with the excepi of Mis. Staples, are remnaining Muskoka for July. The chiltiren ialso remalning. - IMr. and - Mrs. M. L. Hancock Scently moved to Port Credit, wl IMr. Hancock, wlio was employedi1 with the Brookdale Nurseries, HOUSE TO RENT-0-roomned bouse on Elgin St., opposite public ichol, modemn cortven rnees, immeIlate possession. .Av- ply F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowinanviilo. 19-tf love Deairable Residence tion For Sale are Bigh o ssolid brick modern bouse, allie with 6 windows, white oak trim in il 3moooe downstaire, large sun room 10z r- 30 facing south, back porch, cellar han here brick partition, 2 laundny tub. in cellar, here hot water.heating, wired for electric hsetove and electric grate. brick garage, corner lot 115 x 185, beautiful terraced heir lawn, matured shrubs, large shade troc., and fruit garden, one of ohoicest locations S to ad boit bulît houses In towit. Priced enis, reasonable for immediate sale. Apply to Me.Foundry Co. Office, Bowmanville. 2-tf lard irlct isur- 5,15s foot- com- pllmentary remarirs contained iniithe write-upc referring ta Fred'e literary contributions on the programa lis genlus as an entertaîner stll contin- ues to deligît hie audiences as o! yore when le lived in good olti Dur- harn County. In responding ta an encore we notice one was very ably taken by hie son, Master David Foley. Taylor Statten's Camps i Algon- quin Park i the Highlanda o! On- tario, are clalming many of the young folk o! Bowmanville. Some are going for JulY and August and oothers for August. There are three >campa, Ahniek, the original camp for >boys, Senior Wapomeo, on an llanti >approxlmately a mile !rom Ahmek, andi Junior Wapomeo, on a amafler 1lsland about a mile tram loti of the other campa. From Bowman- ville the foUlowing are planning to spendtheUi summer there: Morley Vanstone, Byron Vanatone, Harold >Blemon, Marlon Siemon, Ken îeth Mitchell, Dorotby James.AlnW- PAGE 8EV124 WRECKING SERVICE BMTHS WERRY-In DarlIngton, on Ju.e l9th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry, En- niskillen , a son. TRUMPOUR-At Bowmanville Hospital, on July lot, 1930, to Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Trunipour, Tyrone, a son. CHATTERTON - In Clarke Union, on Wednesday, June 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Chatterton, a daughter. SHERRY-At the Pot+. Hope Hospitai. June 30th, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sherry <nef Mary Uglow), a daughter. McLAUGHLIN-In Oshawa Hospital, Saturday, June 2th. 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. R. Ray' MeLaughlin, a son (Samuel John). AbLRIAGES PH-ILP-BROPHEY- In Toronto, on Wednesday, June 18th, 1930, by Rev. R. J. Fallis, 0f ('entennial United Church, Laura A. H. ilrophey to Richard W. Philp, NestUeton. DAVEY-MCLLOUGH - In Tyrone on Saturday, June 28th, 193(), by R-ev. J. R. Trumpour. Mr. Donald Davey and Miss Kathleen, daughter of Mrg. and Mrs. R. 'McCullough, bo+.h of Tyrone. FICE-SHORTRIDGE-At Trinity Un- itked Church Parsonage, I3owrnanville, June 28th, 1930, by Rev. J. U. Robins, Mary Irene. Shortrldge of Darlington, to Carl Cale Piee of Darlington township. CRUICKSHANK-HANSEN-At Trin- ity United Church Parsonage, Bownian- ville, June 21st, 1930, by Rev. J. U. Rob- ns, Kistine S. H-anse-n o! Smithfield, to John Cruickshank of Sidney Township. GORDON-JOHNSTON - At Trinityl Uni ted Church Parsonage, Bowmanvilte, June 25hl. 19.10, Pearl Johnston of Mari- posa township, to Arthur M. Gordon of Mariposa' +ownship, by Rev. J. U. Robins. DOWN-MOORE-At the Parsonage. on Saturday, June 28th, 1930, by Rev. J. R. Trurmpour, Marga-ret Marie, <aughter of the latIe 'Mr. and 'Mns. W. H. Moore, Tyronne.and n. ,Thieodore tlown, Bow- manille. DEATHS QUICK-In Belleville, on June 27, 1930, Fredt>nic~k Quick, aged 65 years. LAMB-In Da.rlington, on Tuesday, July lt, 1930, Christie James Lamb, aged 59 years. PIKE-In Newcastle, June 30th, 1930, Alphus Iteesor Pike, in bis 71st year. Interment in Locust Hill. MAY-In H-armouy, Eat Whitby, June 29th. 1930, Jane Baison, widow of the lati Thos. May, ln her 9th year. McCAW-At Port Perry, Jun,~ 26th. 13.William H. McCaw, be-oved hus- l..and lo! Emma Bigelow, iii his Slnd year. DICKINSON-Ixi Hamilton, June 26th, H1arvey Job Dickinson, son o! the late Joliarid Mary E. Dickinson, Hope town- sh ip. ASHTON-In *aiw Genenal Hospital, Weiijnesday. June '25th, 1930, Mary Matit- lia, betoved wife of Thos. A. Ashton, aged 63 years. BELLAMY-At Coboung Genenat Hos- ptla, June lO1(th, Stella F. Purdy, ivife of M1r. W. Beltamy, B. A. Funeral took pliace frorn +lwe home o! her brother, Mr. G.. F. Purdy. Coîborne, on SUndaY. IN MEMORIAM WILLARD-In tender memory of Mur- !el Luci1tU Wllard, only daughter of Dr. and 'trs. Walter Wllland, who died July 3rd, 1929. To know her was to love her. Even nemembered and greatly missed by Müther, Daddy and Logan. Lost or Found LOST-Evenrude. Qutboard Motor fromi Bowmianville Beach. Rewitrd for return or information. D. A. Smitb, Liberty Street, Bownaanvllle. 27-1 LOST-Between Bowmanvilte and Port Hope, brown dunnage bag, markied E. P7 T., Green. Liberat reward. Mrs. Green, 54 Madison Ave., Toronto. 26-2* LOST-Uflifol'm Peak Cap, "O.L.D.C." between Bowmanville and Newcastle, on June 4th. Finder please return to Brownie Tea Booms, Newcastte, or Statesman Office. 24-tl BICYCLE STOLEN--Sunday morniug, Columbia C. C. 3&; color blue; the handie bars are changed a»round facing back- wards; thae seat is fastened 10, the crosa- bar wlt.h a strap. If located klndly notl!y C. B. lIert, Bownmsvlfle. 27-tf TO Let WFLAT TO RENT-Five rooms, water- works, electrie llgbts. Apply Statesman Office. TO RENT-4 rooms. ait conveniences, wired for electirc range. Apply to Mrs. Frank M. Cryderman, Silver St., Bow- manville. Phone 232. 23-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roorned semni- Sdetacb.ed honne 10 rent, modern conven- lenofe. Apply t0 W. F. Ward, Bow- mnanville. Phone 102. 2 4 .g SUMMER COTTAGE TO RIENT - By month or the season at Williamns Point, Lake Seugog. Apply A. W. Plekard. Bowmianvllle. Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooma. uat- Ierworks, bath, electric lights, located JKing & Ontario St., Bownaanville. Ap- >ply A. A. Colwlll. Newcastle. 51-tf A Garage wth a Million Guaranteed Services given by First Class Mechanics Only and done with Modern Electrie Equipment Our Motto: Quick, Efficient and Courteous Service. TRY US. WE DO Generator Werk Bumplng Up olstering Wood-work in f act Anything on a Car to your Satisfaction r , Il WilI Help You Smash JuIy selHing records with timely selling plans, ideas, high- grade art Work and copy prepar- ed for advertisers in this news- paper through our ex clusive franchise with the Toronto Star Advertising Service. Just arrived! The brand new July Service full of mon ey-mak- ing ideas! Drop in today and look it over, or phone for our representative to cali. Don't miss this chance to make July produce extra profits for your business. The CANADIAN STATESINAN Articles For Sale OHICKEN HOUSE FOR SALE-ô tt. x 10% ft. Apply to Ms. J. N. Lawrrie, King St., Bowxnanvilie. 27-tf SILO FOR SALE-DeLaval Silo, 12z30, good as new, no furtber use for il. -V ply M. Gay, Courtice. Phone: Osh- awa 332-3. 26-30 AUTO FOR SALE--Oldzmobile sdam4 late 1927 model, tiret claaa shape, bar- gain for quick sale. Apply W. 1P. QuiLok Phone 226. 21-t FOR SALE-Walnut dining table and buffet, also etectrie hot water heater, real bargains. Fred J. Mitebtelil, Bow- mnanville. Phone 105. 37-t The Statesman wMl be sent to any addreu lni Canada to end -of 1930 for $1.00. Remi Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--On KiCng St. ut Newcastle, 8-rooened brick cottaleMwt one acre of la.nd, garage, etc. .Appy te Miss Couch, 50 Orton Place, Duffao. 22-1» NOTICE Town of Bowmanville Take noticoe Iat Caleiuin of Chioride wlll be laid sa a dut t ayer on Ontarto Street froni Queei to Nelson 93&trt Twenty per cent of the coat wilU b. pid by the corporation and eighty par oient of the cost wlII bc ch.arged againht the householder, or persons beneiltted thereý by. 27 JOHN LVLE, I Money on -Our Specials ORDER TOUR FOODS AT THIS LOW-P'ICEI> SERVICE GROCERY Be thrity. . but don't let thn! t cause you incan- venience. People who trade here cave pennies on every Item purdhased and they also save slioe leather andi iras- zieti nerves by using oui convenlent delivery ayatem. Here are a f ew speclals; there are many ailiers toc nuni- erous ta mention: Canned Apples, Alymer Brand 60ê tin Canada Dry, i cartons of 6 .......*. 92e Pure Golti Coffee ý. ......... 53e IL For chlcks over 6 'weeks old you shoulti feed Ful-O-Pep Growlng Maah. Stock up Wth Freeb F"a on ""ldy. HARRY ALUIN, Grocer Mis Gas flatteries Buibs Spark Plugs Kozak Cloth TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930 ONE YEAR DrssU For Holidays Be Comfy Wear a pair of White Shoes in one strap or oxford style, made of white canvas, have cuban heels, with rubber lit $3.00 pr. Patent Tie Shoes, like the one shown here ,3 5.00 pr. Sport Oxfords for misses, crepe rubber soles $ 3.00 pr. Women's Sport Oxfords $4.00 pr. Men's Sport Oxfords $5.00 pr. Bathing Shoes, i red, green and black 80e pr. Headquarters for Tennis Footwear ELITE SHOE STORE W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager. DINNER SETS 97 pleces, $2500 value for $16.75 TEA POTS Colored Granite, special value 98C MIRRORS Ini particularly fancy franie, 20 x 13 $1.25 CRENOID Spray for cattie; i bulk 90c Gal. ZINC WASH BOARDS 39c Clemens' Wfest End Garage BOWMANVILLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 1 1 muu 1 rf-ý- m 1