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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1930, p. 1

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b ia1n ~tteman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News ~T..1 VITTM AT MU.S SNS.Pulisers BWMAVILEONTR0, THURSDAY, JULY 1Oth, 1930 $2.00 a Year in~ Advanee 5c a Copy No. 28 A LdLd LADIES' SPRING COATS at 1-m3 off REGULAR PRICE .There are a f ew left, but at this staggering reduction they won't last long. Corne early and get first choice. We also have a large assortrnent of Peter Pan Prints, Voiles and Dirnities. Rayon Gingharns are selling at reduced prices this week. You would be wise to buy sorne of these for this warm weather. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES 0F LADIES' HATS MEN'S DEPARTMENT DRESS FOR THE WEATHER MEN IIow about it? Are you complaining about the heat and stili wearing winter elothing? Get next to yourself and g et sorne hot weathe', elothes -a cool, light-weight Sit, some eomfortable Shirts, porous Underwear, that lets the body breathe, and thin Socks. Let us outfit you so you'll be eornfortable. Holidays are here now Break out in a pair of our snappy plus fours, with one of our sporty sweaters and socks to match. We handle a fulli une of Bathing Suits, low eut backs, and colors that aire eatching. Here's the one you've been looking for. Boys' Cotton Golf Hose, special 45e pair. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman DOWU"4VILLE COLLACOTT FAMILY PICNIC The Colacott Family Picnic wi be kield at Hampton Park on Satur day, July l9th, ai 1.30 p. M. (stand ard time). Relatives please accel this invitation to attend. WERRY FAMILY PICNIC Werry Family Picnlc will be hel at Elioti Park, Hampton, on Wed nesday, July l6th, 1930, from il am to the close of day. Dishes and si ver provlded. Relatives. please ac cept this invitation to Join ihis fax lly re-unlon. THURS., FRI. and SAT. JULY 10 - il - 12 "IN THE NEXT ROOM' Creeplest, Woozlest. Funniest oc ail Mystery Romances. Wltki Jack MuIhaUl, Alice Day an( a great cast. MON., TUES. and WED. .JULY 14 - 15 - 16 THE FLIRTING WIDOV Wlth Dorotkiy Mackall, Bas Rathbone and Leila Hyams. Wkiat a wldow! Snappler tiu flamlng youth. Skie puts on t)i speed and gocs husband huntini It's swell comedy of the peppiej klnd. Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 P. m Monday at 3 P. m. Evoulugea t à and 10 p. m. jDayliiet Saving lime. RECTOR 0F ST. JOHN'S CHUECU RESIGNS FOR MISSION FIELD News of Rev. R. J. Shires' Departure To Hallburton District A Surprise and Received With Regret General and sincere regret was ex- pressed by citizens of Bowmanville and district when it was learned on Saturday that Rev. R. J. Sbires, M.A., Rector of St. Jobn's.Angllcafl Ckurch kiere f or the past six years, had re- signed his charge to direct the Angli- can Mission work in Haliburton dis- trict in Victoria County. The an- nouncement states: "Reorganization of the missionary work in the district of Haliburtan, under the Toronto Diocesan Mission Board wiil be directed by Rev. R. J. Shires of Bowmanvllle, who bas vol- unteereci to accept this post, whch will involve extensive itinerant preaching. Mr. Sbires will have ikirce young clergymen to assist hlm. He succeeds Rev. T. B. Butler, and has taken over the work for three years. Owing to the spat4ply-settled areas andi the unsettled conditions of the Haliburton field, the majority of the churches are not self -supporting, but are financed by the Toronto Diocesan Missions., Mr. Shires wil have charge of four main missions, Haliburton. Cardiff and Monmnouth, Kinmount andi Stanhope." Mr. Sbires has been an indefati- gable worker for his church, congre- gation and community, neyer sparing kimself in rendering his best ser- vices at ail times. Through his gen- il personality, forceful leadership, and as' an inspirational speaker kie bas done much to enlarge his parish and endear himself as the spiritual adviser of kils congregation. During his stay kere St. Jobn's Churcki has undergone marked unprovement to the interior and exterior of the build- ing at considerable expense. yet the debt of the church is now praciically cleared off. It is expected special services marking the 95th anniver- sary of St. John's Churcki will be helci before Mr. Shires leaves f oý bis new work on Ociober lst. The town at large wiil also feel the loss of a good public spirited citizen who cheerfully and wilingly gave of kils talents to advance the best in- terests of the community. Some of kils outstanding accomplishments in- cludeci Secretary Communiiy Welf ar Association. President Men's Canad- ian Club, and a friend and worker for fair treatment and justice to dis- abled soldiers and their dependents. 2 MORE REGISTERED NURSES Miss Marion Baskerviile andi Miss Hester Moorcraf t. who received dip- lomas f rom Bowmanviile Hospital Training School for Nurses at the recent graduation exercises, have been notifieci tbat they were success- f ul in the examination for Registra- tion of Nurses in Ontario. COURTICE - EVERSON 'PICNIG Courtice-Everson picnlc will lx held at Eliloit Memorial Pari Hampton, on Thursday, July 24th at 3 P. m. TRULL FAMILY PICNIC Truil Family Picnic will be held a Oskawa-on-the-Lake, on Saturday July l9tki. This is your invltatlci to attend if you belong to tkie Trut clan. 28- PHIONE 104 LIMITED miw i.;. 1 v 01. LJAA VI %X go ROTARY CLUB ACTIVITIES ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH HOLDS ENTRANCE EXAMS RESULTS FORMER CITIZEN GIVES VIEWS REVIEWED FOR FAST YEAR INDUCTION SERVICES o anlePuieShladBysONCATU A Much in Comminlty Welf are lias Local Ministers Attend Ceremon Training School Pupils Make Series This Season Is Sweeping Been Accomplished - Dave Morri- and Extend Welcome to Rev. Slni hwn rvneWt rgaso son, Retirin.g President, Presented W. J. Todd Ao b orlclcn Unusual Merit With Silver Pitcher.A summary o h orlclcn _____St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb ires where entrance to High School Wherever Chautauqua has appear- At the luncheon of Bowmanville was the scene o! an lnterestlng and exammnation were beld shows 176 ed this seasoni the local papers, with- Rotary Club on June 27th, the retir- impressive ceremony on Friday even- pupils wrote, 136 passed, and 25 ob- out exception, have been very lavlsh ing president, D. R. Morrison. took ing wkien Rev. W. J. Tood of Ailsa tained kionors. Special mention and in Cheir praise of the high class en- the opportunity to review the Ciub's Cralg was mnducted into the pastorate commendation is due Principal J. H. tertainimenis and lectures given. activities for the past year. The o! St. Andrew's Churcb, Bowmanville Jokinston. who with a large class of Rotary Carnival. while il was means and Newtonville Presbyterian Cburcb 51 pupils. passec ail but two and il We are taking the liberty of passing of ralslng iaaneY, was presented in a Rev. F. C. Harper. B. D., Cobourg, secured honor standing. Congrat- on ta our readers exoerpts f rom a soehtdifferent formi f rom prev- presided. ulations are also due the teackiing personal letier received by the editar iosmeat ..vealhudr olar staff andi pupils o! the Boys' Trinn this week fron a well known former Iones yes.onevalnfor te vadlar Sch><>i wbere 12 puplîs passed in a townsrnan, Fred R. Foley, now o! St. were spent Catthre bl] ville acts, for the amusement of the lclasa 0fCfthrinesn. three berna bonort patrons, and from whlch there was pupils. LIst of sucýcessful candidates.xrs a pno on suceneter- nofnnilreturns. in alphabetical order follows: tamrment. In Part Fred wrtes: no finnclalI se by the "Great Faxnfly Jour- The Communlty Day, when 500 Bowmanville nal" you are baving Chautauqua at rural achool children from Darling- Bowmanville soon. We had it here tan Township were entertined at Adamns Elizbeth, Adam~s Joyce, this month. I understand you are ta the Royal Theatre in the afternoon Adamns Pauline, Ailin Bill(bion), have the same program there. If andi about 90 farmers were banquet- Alun Sadie, Allin Sam, Andrews Day- 80 I can assure you there is a rare ted and listened ta an address in the ici, Barber Robert, Barron Austin treat in store for your citizens. evenmng at the Balmoral Hotel, was (bion>, Baie Rolanci. Bennett Doris, I was one of the sponsors f or probably the hlgh spot o! the year's Bennett Jack, Blackburn Bessie Chautauqua here anci sold "llucky work. (lihon), Bloomer Ruby (hion), Brook- thirteen" family tick~ets and without A Rotary Room at the Bowman- hain Mabel, Cameron Jack, Clemence one exception they ail tolci me they ville Hospital bas been taken over, Jean, Connors Eugene, Courtice were delighted beyond words wlth andi completely redecorateci and re- Donald (hion), Crago Stuart, Craw- their smail invesimeni. In factit1 furniskied. forth Grace (bion), Crombie Buster, was the talk of the ciiy, the excepi- The possibiliuies off the property Depew Harry, Deweil Gertrude, Dun- ionaily fine entertainmnents this year. known as Camp Hoskin, for a town lop Bill, Essery Eldon, Finnigan Jack, The two plays were just great; those park, has beeji given considerable Foley Florence, Fosier Bert, Foster two eniertainimeni alone were worth study and a survey and proposeci Lorne, Fowler Mae. Gay Berneice, the wbole price of admission. Roars iayout by a lanciscape architect has Gearing Taîbert. Gibbs Aileen (hon), of laughier, and every scene so been made. The proposition was Gibbs Jack, Gibson Winnie (bion), wholesome and elevating. The lec- thn akn pwthth TwnCouncil Glanville Marion, Good Walter, tures were .excellent (I di not hear ftheir o-peatnan up ta the Tw Hately Eileen (hion), Hayes Russell, them ail but Mrs. Foley di, skie poreset noo deision basnbeen natie. Hogartki Jessie, Hogarthi Stuart, neyer misseci one program). TOM pres nt o deisi n h s be n m de.Hooper Gertrude (hon), Hooper Hu- Skeybilb's lecture on M ussolini w lth The Club has supplieci up ta 30 bert (lbon), Humpage Arthur, HuntihBacsrs"w amtepee boites ! mlk er ay o PulicRev W.J. oddEresi. Jackman Ceci, Keilar Anna- The musical artiste were ail of the Scbool pupils. A Boy Scout leader belle. Kent Rober, Laird Al!fred, highest order and won tkie hearts of has been provided for the local iroop. The service was conducted by Rev.LaRos unyJcMo Hl An ffot aS adetoconsolidate ail R. B. Nelies, B. A.. of Port Hope, en (los, LunneackAlet, Mson Hel-ail our people. boys' work o! the churches. Scouts, while Rev. James Riddle, o! MU>- Frank, Metcalf Lloyd. Morris Jean wIcamabigos tear commhutes th public and Rigil Schools, andi ta sec- brook, interimnioderator, narrated (hon), Mutton Fred. Nichons Dor- beicobtamable i racmamuic, es- ure a building or gymnasium. and a the f acis leading 10 the cail o! -the oîy k usi, le hms uesbanan eniramenmuictlc fuil-time leader to devote kils urne to minîster, andi Rev. W. V. Walker of Pttrxcke Rusl, hllisenGTordonurs nd _______raiunnt »ihe different organizations. Dozens Janetvilie, delivereci the charge to aton, ickePhiGlep, PilyA Gerdn *o! applications for the situation were the congregation. Rlichards Charlle, Roll ngSem-TneTAYc1w *received, but due to certain difficul- Rev. Mr. Neiles took the texi for ili Irene, Shires John <hon), Sisson lies the scheme as at firsi proposed kils brillant sermon f rom the Episile jim (hon), Snowden Milcireci. Souch "B"1 Company Left Tuesday Mornlng kiad ta be dropped-temporarily we of Si. James, the second chapier andiHry titnJen alrDrs hop. he 3r vesewhch eais:"Acithe Thompson Francis. Thompson Mary The miliuia volunteers left Tues- f Ini co-operation witki the Agricult- scrxpture was fulfibleci wbich saiki, (o) rm ak ur rn.dymrlgfrBrifec ap ura Soiet an th Ditrit Rpre Jean. Waichorn -John, Wil- Kingston. They enter inta two fsentative, the Club offereci a large impuieci unto hlm for rigbteousness;, cox Bloyd, Worden Harry, Worden weeks' military training with plenty -number of cash prises for the Junior andi he was caileci the Friend o!f eoa ryJcsn e Itn !dIlnam icpieadafn Fariseras The bit atsBowmanvucteonase."iceBrougki Jean (Aegrotat), Callan Jim outing. They wiU came back wefl -Fair. Tkiey distributeciCrsms h mrsiv nutonsriejAegrotat). tanned and f ull of pep. The foai- Cheer and presents ta needy familles then followed with Rev. F. C. Harper ai Christmas, andc -prae with delivering the charge to eacki ques-ý Boys' Training School lowing are the linmes o! ibose golng Tommy Rossatai is Royal Theatre lion in a clear anci distinct voice. fo.Bwavle Christmas party by a distribution o! Foilowing the induction and the Adams Peter (hon), Broughtan Major W. J. «Laoar, Staff Capt. D. C. candies ta, the youngsters. prayers anl Joinec inh singlng wthaut Carl, Burrows Leslie, Dubiner Jack, Warnica, Major E. S. Ferguson, music the wards o! Psalm 23, "The EUls Orville, Gray Bob, Hadley Leon- Major G. C. Bonnycasile, Capt. A. H. 'The Club has do-r'. ;:d ta, andCi o-- Lord Is My Shepherd." ard, Noteman Joe. Smith Fred (bon). Bojinsail, Capt. F. L. Dudley, Lieut. e operatec i wth the Conimunity Wel- Foilowing the service the ladies'of VanVlack John. Watson Cordon N. S. Stewart, Lieut. M. Malcolmn. -fare Committee. Rotarians have thie church serveci a supper ta a large (bion), Sherwin Charles (Aegroiat). Ca. Serg, Major Weekes. Sgt. G. te rovdedtransportation ta anci from number in the basement o! the olng-.G n Cr NHak ethe Presti Air Memorial Camp every church where Rev. R. J. Shires, an Blackstock ney, Carp. Thomas, Pies. Haiherly. e s wekt fothe mpwom orand to.i bhi ! keAglcnCurh e- Adamis Mae, Beaoock Leslie, Cain Honeyman, Morowski, Carpenter, C. - ren sent ttio cap fromTronta. comeci the new minister ta town and Emma, Deviti Leona (han), Eciwards Colei, J.oodc,J.ngram , me. edfortwo or three cr.pped chli poiei ls co-operation in ail Bertram, Emerson Edgar, GrahamiCliJ udy .WeeE edfrtw rthe ripe ciden lhings. Rev J. U. Robins, on behal! af ~s MacîiLw Wright, French,. Hatherly. Willam, intecmuiyadas 0 f VKelvachensingonway. MalcolmsLnw cinpe the commniiyan adreyfo!ofTrinity Unitedi Church, brougkii rence. Marlow Gilbert,. Mne George, Klahn owy oisn curpper whlr ntbas Uneenmd. o greetmngs f rom ihai ckiurch and ex- Parkin Viola, Porteous Dorotkiy, furTherClwbrka nthis ine l un endeci ta Rev. Mr. Tocic a cordial Stirison, Marlon, Taylor Marlon * OBITUARY ke he Cluband adseeiainseciaiersuf- invitation ta ji the ministeial as- (hon), Trewin Marie, Wright Hazel, h: cheonulan higspc larsorsociation wkiîcki ameci at co-opera- Wight Jean. Christie . Lamb, Bowmanvllle the Town Council andCi Cvic Officiais, inbtena resfrtebt the Chamber of Commerce Executive, terment o! Christianity ai large. Solina On Tuesday, July lsi, Christie J. andtheDirctos f te Arieltual Rev. Mr. Toci, who was deepy andcie Drcs.!ii rclua loucbed by the very warm welcome Ayre Audirey, Baker Roscoe, Baker Lamb, ageci 59 years, passed quietly at Drng 1930 thheu receivedfv i eci. stated bis intentions a! Tomx, Bowman Elsie, Bradley Viola ta rest ai kils home east o! Bowxnan- y, ew emersth Clb ecevei fveuphalding kils duiles in the church (hon), Bradley Freda, Bruni Helen, ville. He was born in the tawnship 6ynewmemersandi lost one. Delega- anci being a frienc ta ail no matter Hall John, Henry Charles, Martin 0f-Verulani, near Fenelon Falls, andi )n tians have attendec i tercity meet- whai church or creed they belangeci Gladys, McEwen Hazel, Milison How- tilleci bis father's f an for the great- Jings ai Lindsay, PeterboraPr a rd k ai, Pareort, ate-e number o! kils years. Ten years -2 Hope, haNew oalatt nd Osh awa. -i-son Bessie (hion), Thonpson Roland, ago le moveci ta Bowmanville where Membs hv an rttresnetPi-a H CUC Virtue Ruby, Westlake Percy, Yeilow- hie spent the remainder of kils days. dens aci ecrtanes onenton i TE CURCESlees Gladys (haon). Mr. Lamb was well known andi Buffalo, the District Convention ai rnNiagaraFlRev. teIneraioa . J.hnes,A Rlcon) Furiki much appreciaieci for his genial and Falîsnvntio antCicteIntaago. St . Jo hs (Anglcan) Church ~Summary cheerful disposition, anci is earty d- Convention ai Chicago.13, 930:hospitaliiy ta one andi ailmade hlmn The progranis anci speakers SudyairTiiy uy1,13:Wrote Pass Hon. many fniencis. '0 lhroughoui the year have been inter- 8 a. u.-Holy Communion, il a. mi. Bowmanvilie School 51 49 il The f uneral service was helci on esting anci bave covereci a wicie range -Morning Prayer; 12.30 p. m.-Sun- Bowuxanvilîe Rural 48 38 6 Tkiursday, July 3rd, ai bis home andi o! lopics. Several distinguisheci vis- day Schol; 7 p. m.-Evening Frayer. Boys' Training adceib e.R .SieRc ilors in town have been guesis anci S.dcrwsPesyeinCirh School 14 12 3 ton o! Si. John's Churcki. A great speakers ai the luncheons. corner Temperance anci Church Sis. Blackstock 37 18 2 gaihering o! friencis and relatives as- ids In concluding President Dave Sunday Schoal ai 10 a. ni.; Mornng Solina 26 19 3sebeifrmFnln alsBun 'd thankeci the Club for iheir co-opera- %vorship il a. mi.; Evening worship ebdfrmFnl alsBut t ion andi assistance. Samething haci 7.30 p. ni. Rev. W. J. Tacic, the Pnize Winners in Bowmanvilie School River, Peterbora, Millbrook anci Can- been accomplisheci during the year. niew minister, wili preach ai boik ikes oa n nrne nington. t-nttelato! hc a h r-srie.1 ihs oa nEtac:1 His broihers anci sisters preseri notiheleai wichwasthepro sevics.Grace Craw!ortb; 2--Jean Morris. were Mr. Samuel Lamb anci Rev. P. n-motian o! the spiit o!f fiendshlp be- Union services duing July anci 2. Men's Canadian Club Pize for M. Lamb, Tono; Mr. WaUace cween the club members, and be- August will be helci as follows: Sun- bighest i Canadian Histars' on En- Lamb, Walkerville; Mr. Sidney Lamb, - tween the club andi iheir numerous day atIil a. mi. preaching service in trance-Jean Morris. CvninKnuk;Ms Rv)E gueis Th mmbes aciih e- Trinity Unitedi Church; 7.30 p. ni. lu 3. Wamen's Canadian Club Prizes C. Moore, Jackson, Mich.; Mrs. perience o! another years activities St. Pauls Uniteci Church. Boîki Sun- for bighest in Canadian History dur- tRev.) A. J. Lamb, Mount Dennis; behind iheni andi profluing by ibis day Schools gather ai Triniiy ai il ina the ienm: 1-Jini Sisson; 2-Hel- Mrs. Richard Arkwrighi, Mrs. James expenience, they would go forward toa ,.. Rev. J.U. Robins anciTrinity en Mason. Nokes. anci Mrs. Robert Hethering- S further accouxplishrnents, ihis year, Choir in charge durngi July; Rev. Dr. 4. Highesl in Arlthuxeiic on En- ton, Bowuxanviile. One brather, Edi- under the leadership o! E. H. Brown. BesI anci St. Paul's Choir in charge trance--Grace Crawifartb (100ci). win o! Winnipeg, anci one eister, Mrs. Pasi Presidents, Tam Holgale, during Augusi. 5. Highest .ini Spelling on En- W. Acikins o! Medicine Hat, were un- spokMobris ndhe a'ork.Canse, Many old friencis a! Rev. S. Qonley trance-Bill Allin (50 oui o! 50). able to be presenit. His mother a! ihe latter, yonbeao the club wr adB-.own, a Durhami Counly boy, now Jackson, Mich., was also present anci treseatei obehtirinatpesiclb Richmxond. Que., were pleaseci ta MAPLE GROVE mourns the passing o!fithe firsi o! her 99asilver pic samr f ihir ce hlm anci hear hlm speak at tkie famlly o! iweive. Besides bis wife, pîthe asa arko :ioxî service in St. Paul's Churcb Report o! S. S. No. 6 Darlingian: kie leaves ta cherish the memory o! appreciation. Dn Sunday evening. He chose for Namxes in order o! menit; below 60% bis kindly l! e, iwo daughters andi LOAfANOHEWIE ..:s subject the words, "I aux daing a fallure; H-Honaurs; Figures stand two sons, Mrs. W. L. Lycett. Mis -OA ADgrEWIE -eat work why shoulci the work for per cent: Aucirey Lamb, Messrs. Clive andi Keir dlTe~*..cease, eic."-Neh. 6:3. Miten a few Sr. III ta Jr. IV--Geolrge Ponley 82 Lamb. TeJoxuistn Clan h.e... the it iniroduciory reuxarks in whick ihe ne- H), Thelnia Freeman 79 (H), Doug- Iniermeni was made ai Bowman- annual neunlon in Mllbrook on July caleci severai pleasing incidents in Ilas Poniey 72, Jim Upper 71,, JeanvleCmery = 7ki kin aer150decenans wreconnection wiih ihis churcki anci Stevens 70, LawrenceWoact68 The uxany floral tributes were very rs.-F.J.eoaple, Mrl ie gavea brie! 'review o! the Helen Meical! e 64, Reta Flintoif 61, beautiful. Including: Pillow f rom Mitcellanc MIs Alce arieMit.wok.o!-beUnleci hurkire!erinDoglasGow1517Wfe .AdFm l ron Circe- pf rom

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