PAGE TWO TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW'MANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUTLY lOth, 1930 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. offices: Bleakley Block,. King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: office 102, House 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate i Denistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal CoUlege of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 P. m. daily except iSunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. THE EDITOR TALKS "lJesus Christ the Great Physiclan- is the title of a booklet we have read this week wth very great interest and herewith give Statesman read- ers enougli paragraplis to enable1 them to form a clear idea of the character of the book, the author of wbich is H. HI. Ahrens, Los Angeles, Calif. When our Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth over nineteen hundred years ago. He came to seek and to save that which was lost; Hc came to heal the sin-sick soul; He also healed aIl diseases of the body. He went about casting out evil spirits, healing thesick and raising the dead. Great multitudes followed Hlm, many of whom were diseased and afflicted. yet not al 0f these recelv- ed the healing influence of the Mas- ter because of their unbelief. When the woman who had an issue of blood twelve long years pressed through the crowd and touched the hem of His garment skie was Instant- ly healed. Luke 8:43-44. And she oxly touched the hem of His gar- ment. When the centurion came to Jesus asking healing for bis servant, lie had such wonderful faith i Jesus' power to heal that he said, "Lord, speak the word only. and my serva;t shail be healed." Jesus greatly marvelled at bis faith anld said unto him, "Go thy way. and as thou hast believed, so __________________ ____vant was bcaled i the self same MEDICAL our." (Matt. 8:5-13). C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. When the two blind men came t0 Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Hlm to have their siglit restored, they Toronto. > had faitb in Hlm. "Jesus saith unto Office and resi4ence: Dr. Beith's tbem. Believe ye that I am able to do former residence, Wellngton Street, this? They said unto Him, Yea, Bowmanville. Phone 259. Lord. Then fouched Uc their eyes, saying, According t0 your faith be It J. CLARK BELL unto you, and their eyes were open- M. D.. Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edini.), . P. H. ed." (Matt. 9:27-30). (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiUley) Wben the Syrophenîcian woman came to the Master for the heaing Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- of ber daugbter she Implored Hlm deen University; Fellow of the Royal greatly and Jesus said unto ber, "O Colege of Surgeons, Edlnburgh. woman, great is thy faith: be it unto Office and residence: Qucen Street, thee even as thou wilt. And ber Bowmianville. Phione 89.* daugbter wvas made whole f rom that Office Hours: 2 to 4 1). m , 6 to 8.30 p. mri.vcry bour." (Matt. 15:28). CHIROPRACTIC ANU DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate oif Toronto College of Chiropractics will oe itic Bow- manville office Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- f000. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment. Ai caîls promptly attcnded to. Privaf e Ambulance Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Branci Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLLIS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmn and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderate. Enniskilien P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S.. B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of ticetUniversity of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. Keep the Ho use Young with Paint Ins.icle or out, a coat of Glidden's fine cuality paint wîll pay for itself in its p)re- servation of your home. Donit let painting go until your rooms become shabhy and run-down. For reas- onable estimates on al painting jobs. see us. We also seli Sunworthy Wall Paper. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE 489 BOfWMAt4VILLE HERMON Buys Poultry and Wool at Fair Prices Phones,: Bownianvll-235 'oronto-Triiity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. I When the leper came to Hlim and said, "Lord, if Thou wilt , Thou canst make me dlean, Jesus put forth His band. and touched hlm, saying, 1 will; be tiou dlean. And immed- Iafely bis leprosy was cleansed." (Maft. 8:2-3). Wicn the father wbo had a son with a dumb spirit came ta Jesus and begged Hlm to beal tic boy. Jesus said unto him, "If tbou canst believe. ail things are possible ta him tbat believeti," and tic fatber cricd out, "Lord. I believe; ielp Thou mine un- belief;" tien Jesus took him by the band. and lic arase healed. (Mark 9:17-27). When Jairus, wbosc daugiter lay dying, came to Jesus, and besought Him that Hc would come and beai her, Jesus said unto iim. "Fear not: believe only, and sic shaîl be made wbole." Jairus bchieved. and the Lord Jesus raiscd ber from tic dead. (Luke 8:49-55). When hundreds of 0f bers came to Jesus in faith, believing, witb al manner of diseases and unclean spir- away, but always rewarded their faiti. Did Hc not invariably say ta the sick and afflictcd, "According ta Your fati be it unto you?" <Matt. 9: 29). 6 * 6 Yet many. in this enligitcned age. refuse fo believe in Jesus as tic Great Healer of boti soul and body. Some believe Uc can f orgive sin, but have no faiti in His healing power. Did Uc lose His power ta beal tic Isick? "I arn tic Lord, I change flot" (Ma. 36).'*JsusChrist tic same Tic same Jesus wio walkcd tbc streets of tic towns, and fields of Palestine, who forgavc sins, wbo casf ouf cvii spirits, wba raised tic dead. Who hcalcd tic sick. who made tic blind f0 sec. fie lame ta waik. wio comfortcd f hose in grcat stirrow. is doing tic same great miracles taday. Hear His parting message,. "La. I arn with you alway, even unfo tic end of tic world." Titi unseen, Hc stili iives among us. Uc is near ta f hose who love and trust Him. Uc knows aur sori'ows. aur pains, aur griefs. and answers our humble prayers. O wonider of wondcrs. Uc is sf111 fie same iavîng Jesus. "I arn tic Lard. I change not." Glory be to His naie! Wicn He dicd on the cross. did Uc bear our sîns only? "'Thaf if migit he fulfilied which was spaken by Esajas the prophet. saying. Himscîf took oui' infirmifies. and bore aur sicknesscs." 'Matt. 8:17>. 'But He was wounded for aur transgressionîs, Uc was bruised for oui, iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him: and witb I-fis stripes %ve are healed" (Isa. 53:5) jWhy tien rejcct His ieaiing pow- er? Uc tiat said. "Go in peace. and sin no more." aiso said. "Arise, take up tiy bcd. and waik." He fiat said. "Tiy sins be forgiven fiee," ai- s0 said. "Stretcb forth thine iand." Will you tien. my friend, when iii. tomn fie Lord Jesus down, and put your trust in man? "Cursed be fie man fiat trusteti in man, and mak- eti flesh bis arm" (Jer. 17:5 j. "in vain shaît fhou use many medicines; for fhou siait flot be curcd" 4Jer. 46: 11).1 Was it nof because of these won- derful miracles of healing wich Jesus Christ did fiat so many be- came His follawcrs? "And great multitudes followed Him, and Uc icalcd fiem ail 'Matf. 12:15j. "And wbithersoever Hc entcred, in- f0 villages, or citîca. or country, fiey laid the sick in fie streets, and be- sought Him fiat fiey migit fouch as if wcre but tic border' of His gar- 'ment; and as many as tnuchcd Hîm were made %vhole" (Mar'k 6:56). "For Uceliealed many; insomuci tinLthtey prcssed upon Houn for f0 fouci Hlm, as many as had plagues" MNark 3:10. "And Uc hcaied many that were sick of divers diseases. and cast out many devils" (Mark 1:34). "And the whole multitude souglit to touch Hlm: for there went irgue out of Hlm and healed them alil" (Luke 6:19. "And in that same hour He cured many of their infirm- ities and plagues and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind He gave sight" (Luke 7:21). And Jesus went about ail Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the klngdom, and healing ail manner of sickness and ail man- ner of diseases among the people," (Luire 4:23). He not only healed the sick but also raised the dead: Lazarus (John 11:39-44). The widow's son (Luke 7:11-15). Jairus' daugliter (Luke 8: 41-56. Did Jesus Command Disciples To Heal thse Sick? "And He sent them to preacli the kingdom of God, and to beal the sick" (Luke 9:2. "And when lie had cailed unto Hlm bhis twelve disciples. He gave thema power against unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and ail man- ner of disease" (Matt. 10:1). "Aend heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you", (Luire 10:9). Did the Disciples Heal the Slck? "~And they cast out many devils and anointed with oul many that were sick, and healed them" (Mark 6:13). "And Peter said unto hlm. Aeneas, Jesus Christ makcth thee whole: arise, and make thy bed. And lic arose lmmediately", (Acts 9:34). "And by the hands 0f the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people" (Acts 5: 12). There came also a mutitude out 0f the cities round about Jerus- alem bringing sick folks, and tbey which were vexed witb unclean spir- its, and tbey were healed every one; rcad also Acts 9:40; Acts 14:8-10; Acts 3:6-7; Acts 6:8; Acts 28:9. Yet in ail their healing of the sick. -we do flot flnd a single instance where they administered plls, pow- ders. or medicines of any sort, flot excepting the beloved physician Luke. They laid hands on the affllcted, and prayed for them. and they were heal- ed. They also ralsed the dead. (Acts 9:36-40; Acts 20:9-12). "The works that I do ye shail do also; and greater works than these shall ye do; because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12). We have an instance in God's holy Word where a man was deathly sick Afti- SCIENCE - SPOPLI 1N D USTRY - EDUCATIO"> Mlost progruss;n .4nnuÉ l ~ rnu Exposition CANADIAN NATIONA INIIo TORONTO I ALL-CANADA VEAU A Pictures que Celebration for ail Canadians "LsVoyageurs", a brilliant new Crandstand pageant rev'iewing Canada's development front Its eariest days-each evening by 1.500 per forrncrs c'.i t1hc worid's stage. Thirty mi[it..ry ani concert b;in>lï, inciuding tht AillCanadaPrm.n,.',,r l"'rel)an, (typermissxion Department ai Muilitia an.d Defence, an especix ally recreuted c rgar.izai,:,, c! sec niy-six skill,'d instrumentalist. taken lrom C.anada's Regulat Mhltary establishments. Famnous 2.000-Voice Exhibition Chorus in four conceris--Aug,. 23 an.d 2S, Sept. 2 and 6. Tremendous Arricuin,idtdsplays ani comr petitions in ail htaýh, wiih a $125.000 Prie List. Trotting and Pacing Fihth prolesgion.ti Marathon Swim for world championship iaureis-a unique unforgettable sport spectacle. Seaplane, outhoard motorboat. rowsing. ca".oe ýI'. sul!ing aad. yacht races .and other i aquatic e'.cnts da~ily. and ceutnt ! cîx, and attraci, s to ýelebrate this nx"rnorable Ail- Canala Yar occasiomn. Reduced Rate!. hy rail, bus, and because he refused to go to the1 ILord for bealing he died. "And Asa i the thirty and ninti year 0f bis reign was discased in bis feet. until bis discase was exccedmng great: yet in bis disease lie sought not tbe Lord, but t0 tbe physicians, and Asa died in the one and fortieth year of bis reign" (2 Chron. 16:12- 14). We also have a case in boly Scrip- ture wbere a man wvas on bis deatb- bcd. he called unto tic Lord for heal- ing and received it. "In those days was Hezekiali sick unto death, And the prophet Isalali ...said unto him. Thus salth the Lord, Set thine bouse in order; for thou shaît die, and not live. Tien he turned bis face to the wall, and prayed unto the Lord . . . and it came to pass, before Isaiah was gone out into the middlc court. that thel word Of the Lord came to hlm, say- ing, Turn agai. and tell Hezeklab ...Thus saith the Lord. the God of David thy father. I have beard tby prayer. I have seen tby tears; bebold, I will heal thee; . . . and I will add unto thy days fifteen yeaî's" (2 Kings 20:1-6). "And the Lord will take away from thec ail sicknes.s. and will put none 0f the evil discases of Egypt, wbicb thou knowest upon tbee: but will lay themn upon ail tbcm that bate thee" (Deut. 7:15). "Who forgivctb ail t bine iniquities; Who healeth ail thy diseases", (Psa. 103:3). But some assert that liealing was only for the Jews in aur Saviour's time. In Matthcw 10, tbe Lord Jesus Christ gives this great commis- sion f0 His disciples. "And wben Hc had called unto Hirn bis twelve dis- ciples, Uc gave tbem power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal ail manner of sickness and ail mianner of disease ( Matt. 10: 1). These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commandecl them. saying, Go not ln- to tbe way oif the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye flot: But go rather f0 tic lost sheep of the bouse of Israel." (tbe Jews). This commnand was given before His rejection by the Jcws. Affer His deatb and resurrection, He again meets with His disciples, and gives tbcm the great commission ta go to ail nations and peoples. "And Uc said unto tbem. Go ye into al the world, and prcach tic gospel to cvery creature. He that believeti and is baptized shahl be saved; but he tbat blileveti flot shall be damned. And these signs shal f ollow tbemn tbat believe; In My Name shahl they cast out devils: they shahl speak witb new tongues . . . tbey shahl lay bands on tbe sick and tbey shahl re- cover" <Mark 16:15-18). Many say that* divine bealîng is' not for tic church of today, but was for tic churci of the long ago. "Is any among you afflicted? let hlm pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms. Is any sick among you? let birn caîl for the eiders of tic churci; and let tbem pray over him. anoint- ing bim with oul in the name tif tic Lord: And tic prayer oif faiti shall save tic sick . . Confess your faults. one to anotier, and pray one1 for another, tfiat ye may be bealed. The effectuai fervent prayer of a rigliteous man availeti muci"t (James 5:14-16). "For to one is1 given by tic Spirit the word of wis-k dom; to another the Word of know-f ledgc. . . . to another faiti,.. to anotier tic gifts oif hcaling by 1E the same Spirit" (1 Cor. 12:8-9). Docs God command us ta preaci and to teacb this doctrine tif icai- ing? "Go ye tierefore. and teaci al nations. baptizing tiem in tic name of the Father, and of tic Son. and oif tic Holy Giost; Teaching tiem ta obscrve aIl things (not part oif thcm wbatsoever I bave coin- mandcd you" (Matt. 28:19-20). TUE JOURNEV'S END Whcn the cross you bear is bcavy. And the day is dark and drear: When tic road is strcwn wif h bould- ters. And your hearf is fihicd with fear: t Tiat's the time tliat you'Il be wisbingC For a truc and loyal fricnd.* Who ivill help ta bear your burdens.4 As you journcy towards tic end. c It would make tic day scein brigifer, IL would case up on your load. It wouid make your footsteps ligiter. As you trudgc along tic road, It would f111 your icart with music If you knew tiat loyal friend %Vas staniding by f0 hein you. a As you journey towards tic end. t God I pi-rxnied you thi.s biessing: But the prîce that you must pay. Is. tint yoci must be more frtendly i As You walk from day to day. a If you'l beip tic ather fcllow. If f0 hiîn your courage lcnd. 9 You w'il find your fricnds are legion. E'er y -n re>ich tic journcys end. s Lancste, N Y.-Guy E. Bradley. l Lancaser NaY WRIGLEYS WRIOLEPY' aodomp on any tzip. ies deliioma davor A" da &Y soems long. la short desgoed Md god for Yo W CHAUTAUQUA RAS SPLENDID ENTERTAINING FEATURES Drive Away the Thouglits of Duil! Tinmes by Attending These Delight-' f uît> Entertaining Progranis Each Afternoon and Evening. Two great plays, "Broken Dishes," popular Broadway comiedy, and "o- lyanna," one of the most notablej comedy-dramas ever written; Tom Skeyhill, distinguished Australian' writer and lecturer; Vierra's Hawaii- ans in their spectacular musical pro- duction "An Evening in Hawaii"; the Light Opera Festival, a galaxy of brilliant singers featuring unique iproductions of operettas - these are 1among the many big features of the forthcoming Canadian Chautauqua here, whicha opens at Bowmanville on Friday, July l8tb. and continues for flve days, until Wednesday, July 23rd. "Broken Dishes," the outstandsnýg comedy which will open the Chao- tauqua on the first niglit. is atsing ularly human story woven about the lovable character of Pa Bumpstead. The play sparkles with laughiter as Pa Bumpstead, the meek. emulates the turnaing worm, to blis own surprise and the consternation of the Bump- stead family. There is a deligbtful love story ini this appealing comedy. "Broken Dishes' will be presented here by the Martin Erwin Players, featuring Robert W. Strauss, noted Shakespearean actor. in the role of Pa Bunipstead. On Saturday afternoon Dr. Owen Rowe O'Neil brings to Chautauqua bis extraordinary lecture "Adventures in Swaziland," a tale as vivid and thrilling as any f ound in the Arabian Nights, yet a true story of bis own remarkable experiences in the heart oif South Africa. Doctor O'Neil was born in Africa, whitber bis ancestors had corne fromn Ireland several gen- erations ago. His accounts of his experiences among the savage Swaz- is, by whomn he was given the titie of "The White King of Swaziland," are flot only uncommonly entertain- ing. but paint a vivid picture of the Afrîcan scene. Preceding Doctor O'Neil's lecture, the Metropolitan Ar- tists, a company of noted singers, will appear in concert. The Liglit Opera Festival is the big musical feature Saturday night. Superb Productions of scenles f rom "Rose Marie". '-The Desert Song". "The Cliocolate Soldier" and 'The' Student Prince." replete with gorg- eous costumes and scenery. are feat- .îred by this splendid company. The Garay Sisters. amazing artists cri the Violin and violin-cello wboi vvill appear in concert on Monday afternoon of Chautauqua. core f)ro Budapest, Hungary. European mus- c critics have been lavish in their praises of the rernarkable artistry *itb which these Younm, musicians interpret the music of the greatest niasters. The Garay: have Mnade riumphant tours of Italy. Holland. 3weden. Denark. Norway and the Anmerican continent. winning the highest acclaim. Monday night, following a concert by the Garay Sisters. Tom Skeyhill. whom the London Times chronicles as "one of the greatest living ora- tors." will give bis great lecture WihMussolini and the Black- shirts." Here is an unusual oppor- tuty to learn the real facts about Italy's mighty "Il Duce" whom many elieve to be the greatest Political frce in the world since Napoleon Bonaparte, for Tom Skeyhill bas liv- id in Italy with the Blackshirts. at- 2nded their secret meetings, march- id in their torchlight processions. He ýnows the meaning and Purpose of 'îe Fascisti. and he tells witb grip- ing dramatic Power of Mussolini's neteoric rise to world-eminence. Tuesday afternoon is the children's tternoon at Chautauqua, thougi .any a grown-up will be fascinated ) the dcligbtful entertalnmient to be )esented. Sue Hastings and hier arionettes have arranged a person- l1y conducted trip to fairyland for Il those who have the magic gift fmake-believe. For sheer charm. marionette prodiuction can scarce- be surpassed. and Miss Hastings' nchanting littie wooden actors. on eir miniature stage, scem able to oalmost everything a real actor n do upon a real stage. "'Pollyanina,'", says a well-knoWîî itic of the notable Play which wîill epresented Tuesday ilighit of Chau- tuqua, "is one of those rare Play., uicb are likely to become institut- ms of the stage like 'Peter Pan. .-sed on Eleanor Porter-s famýous8 :)'el of the same name, this capti- ng comiedy-dramna possesses acr ni whimsical charmn that remîinds le of Barrie's beautiful plays. 'olyanna" abounds ini fun and nior. There is not a dull moment the four acts tbroughi which the )pealing littie beroine pursues e iy, spreading ber pbilosophyo okeýts are on 'sale'at $220 foýr' en- series of 9 programs (less than a concert), by members of the imittce of thirty business and fessional men wbo have comblned sake it possible for Bowmanville 'le to secure the higi class en- .înment wich Chautauqua Forget hard tirnes by enjoyîng Chautatiqua programis. 75%Of TOTAL to CANADA ADVANCED BRITISHERS in Canada May Dow brlng forward t h e 1 r Familes, R eatives ad Frlemds on Easy Ternis. For Juild etailsa pply.- J. D. CAMERON BRITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION Gî.ve the Cook a Holiday This weatier istoo bof for baking comfortabîy. We Would like fo have yau faste aur baking, because you too wili cali it excellent. We arc now mnaking cakes, buns. pics and dainties especially for you. and jusf ike mother used to imake. TrY us once and you will be a steady cusoîer W-ca d i-- ic - 'L"tAeieper than you can andwit ony te fincsf ingredients. Don't let mother wasf e t hese fine sommer daYs baking. Give ber a rcst. We will be pleascd ta cali. BOWMANVILLE BAKERy A. W. Jacoba, proprietor ICAM ............ IT'S THIS WAY FOLKS Your plumbing wears out just like any- thing else. Keep it in good shape and it will give you good service and cost you a lot les.s. Cal] us for high-class repair work. Ask us to inspect your plumbing 110W, fix the parts that need attention, and save you money at the same time. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville