TEE CANADIAN STATESMAII, EOwM.ANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1930 - E2 Oh My Feet! No doubt you f eel that, even if you do not say it. Corus and Callouses are sure a bug-bear in Rot Weather. Do flot sufer, for you may get immediate relief by using NYAL'S EAS'EM and CORN REMOVER They are each 25c, easy to use and you get them at KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDA3L.E DRUO STORE For Perfect Pictures Use Gevaert Films VACATION READING NEWEST FICTION UP-TO-DATE We also have a Loaning Library. You only pay 3c a day while you have the book. MAGAZINES Canadian, Ainerican and Foreign periodicals. STAMPED GGODS for summer time needie work SPORTING GOODS Tennis Balls, Base Bails, Bats, etc. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Booutore Bowmanvill. Dustan's Cash Hardware Features SEASONABLE ARTICLES Crocks, 1 to 5 gai. sîzes ..................27c gai. Granite Preserving Kettles, heavily coated, blue and white, 8 qt.-$1.1O; 10 qt.-$1.35; 14 qt.--$1.85 Green andi White Granite Preserving Kettles, 8 qt. regular $1.50 foi'....................$1.15 10 qt. regular $1.85 for ..................$1.35 Zinc Jem Jar Rings .................................... 20c doz. Rubber Jar Rings ...............................7c doz. Fruit Jar Fillers ...............................15SC each Aluminum Colanders ............ 0c each Guaranteed Paint ......................80c qt. Hay Foî'ks, from ...............................$1.35 up Br'antford Binder Txine, Machine Oul and Oilers, Dr. Williams' Fly and Insect 011, Creonoid Fly Sprayer and Lice Destroyer-. Climax Bug Killer, 20 lbs ...........................85c J'eadquarters foi' Fishing Tackie Free Delivery Service in Town DUSTAN'S Ca-shHARDWARE, We Serve You WelI Bowmanviile "Elite Shoe Store-" Step into Comfort in a Pair of Our Easy Fitting Shoes rThis xveek w~e featuî'e a cleaî'ing l)lice on kid and p)atent pumls, with spike heels. Those with small feet xiii f md a î'eal bai-gain at .... $3.95 pr. ISport Shoes foi-en wornen and chiidî'en, Bathing$3.00 to $5.00 pr. BtigShoes, î'ed, gr'een or' black at ........ 80c pr. WVhite C'anvas, l-stî'ap or' oxfoi'd style, at $3.00 pr. Headquarters for Tennis and Outing Shoes W. CLAUDE MVES, Manager BLACKSTOCK IMr. and Mns. Walter Fergusor family, Enflehd, Mr. and Mrs. Gz Bower and family. Bunketon, JMn. Malcohn Elford, Blacksl 1 Miss Mabel Elford, Mr. Eanh Wx. Miss Kathleen Elford, Blacksl Miss Beatnice Fnatalocchi. Lin( motored to Port McNicoil andS the weekend with Mr. and Mrs., Adams and family. ENNISKILLEN Mn. and Mr&. Wallace Abern and daughters Dorothy and Eve Tottenham, and Miss Jessie Ta Grand Valley, visited the forr daughter. Mrs. Russell Grinn and Mrs. Wesley Oke visited Mr. Mrs. Thos. Robbins, PiCkering Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley atte the f uneral of the iatter's brothei law, Mr. Foster. at Port Hope Miss Luehla Stevens is holida with ber parents, Mr. and Mns Stevens ,Mn. and Mrs. Patton, ono, Sundayed with Mn. and Jas. Bradley Dr. Fenguson reti ed f rom bis holiday on Monday. Feu'guson and sons remaining another week Mr. and Mrs. C Souch. Hampton. visited bis si Mrs. J. Pye. Mrs. H. Johnson turned to Toronto after a week's it Rex'. S. G. and Mrs. Br( Richmond. Que.. Mns. E. Stev ' Hampton. called on old f niends1 last week Mr. and Mns. Sta Preston and family. Toronto viý with Mrs. Thos. Gilders Mn. Mrs. Leslie Robbins and babe,1 Wm. Hamilton and family, Rocb or. holidayed with then' parents. and Mrs. Frank Robbins Mis, E. Vir-tue. Toronto. visited with aunt. Mrs. J. Mountjoy, and ci friends. SALEM A number of our young pe motored to Brighton to attend Junior Fanmers' picnic. where a bail tçpurnament was held with cl sports as well. Those who atten report a splendid time On Mo] evening hast a league game of bahl between Salem and ProvidE resulted in a victory for Salem. Many Salem f olk were in attenda at the funeral of the late Mu. * Moffat of Orono on Monday t Ho! for Salem community pienx JHampton Park on Monday, July:1 A welcome is extended to all citi2 of the commd-nity and the ct friends who usually attend. D fonget the date, July l4th. Bi your basket. come early and enJo good afternoon Bert Fostei spending the holidays wlth grandmother at Kendal. Salem League Y. P. L. met Sunday afternoonv a good attendance. Prograso Wa change 0f 3rd and 4th Vice Pr dents, Mrs. Welsh occupying chair and Mrs. Honey taklng Iworship peniod. A letter from 1 Margaret Laurie on Missionary W in the West was nead by Mrs. We vocal solo, Mrs. Newman; readii Mns. Richards, and Messrs. K. W nY, K. Squair and Lorne Foster; pi solo, Mr. L. Collacott. Meeting e ed witb League benediction. ISobanski Bros., 100 rods wlre U f foce 25.00 E UU YOUR FAVORITE IT. Whltfleld, sheep hoss 28.00 p mu !S OPPIG CNTR jD. W. Bradburn, roads, etc. 2032.901 mi S O PNGC N R A. Hyland, 40 rods wire fence 10.00 Ad uaIeTs.Vuis fW. Beacock, 1/-year salary 150.001~ jAdjounned te, meet August 2nd, at 1 àyou caa "0.. 8 . .W. Baeacock, Cherk. Ê4" HAYDON Rf Bt OLINA 1 TYRONE( and Aniversry sevicesonRecentlVisitors: Mr. and Mrs.1 r.AbtHaky ndMs i an Anivesar serice onSunayNewton Stacey and family, Oshawa, Mr.AerHaey nd rs sorge June 29th, were largely attended. at Miss Mary Hogarth's; Mrs. Wash- Thomas Richards visited the latter's Mir. Rev. L. S. Wight, Belleville, a form- ington, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Erie daughter, Mrs. Howard Findley, Un- tock. er pastor of this circuit, delivered Pearce, Claremnont, at Mr. Harold lonville Mr. and Mrs. David rxight, splendid sermons. The shed was Pascoe's; Mr. Bert and Miss Olive Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Awde, stock, suitably decorated for the occasion. Luke, MIss Ruby Dougherty. Toronto, Orono, recently visited Mrs. James .dsay, The music by the school under the Mrs. Will Mountjoy, Marion and Wil- Storie, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hoop- spent leadership of Mr. E. E. Staples, with la, Kedron, with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. er, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Jack Mr. Aithur Beech, violinist, and Miss Pascoe, Mrs. S. Thompson, Toronto, Henderson, of Providence, visited Mabel Beech, planist, was excellent. at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Mr. Gordon friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Selection f rom Newcastle Male Quar- Pickell, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. CecilWin. Hughson, Mr. Erroil Hughson, tette were enjoyed and very much Fouind and daughter. Ebenezer, Mrs. Toronto, Sundayed at Mr. Robt. Mc- appreciated. On Tuesday, July lst, Childs and Miss Eflie. Mrs. Brown, Cullough's Messrs. Floyd Dudley, nethy a large crowd gathered about three Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. Ed. Law, Gordon Cowling, Frank Hatherly and 'eea o'clock. Winner of horse-shoe pitch- Mrs. Frank Law, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Clarence Hatherly are attending mil- 'yoing were: lst-Anies and Witheridge; ford ersadonFnk Toronto, tr camp at Barriefleld Mr. Earl .Mr. Laughlin; 3rd-W. McLaughlin and W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowmanville, at Mr. C. D. Hodgson's... Messrs. rand son Roy McLaughlin. League base- Mrs. N. C. Willson. Edmonton, Alta., Harold and Trumain Welch, Kirk- bail gaine between Tyrone and Cour.- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Couch and land Lake, New Ontario. have been ended tice ended ini favor of Courtice. Tea family, Bethesda, at Mr. John Bak- calling on friends here Mrs. Viola r-mn- was served on the church lawn by er's; Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Stevens and Smith visited at Mr. M. Samis'. theladesassste bythegenlemn. r. nd rs.R.C. Scott and two Courtice Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park àying Tables were very prettily decorated grandchildren, Margaret and Bobbie, and Douglas visited at Mr. H. Hol- s. H. and spread wth plenty of good spent Sunday week with Mr. and well's, Hampton, Mrs. R. Hatherly iOr- things to eat. The concert put on Mrs. R. H. Armstrong, Maple Grove. is doing as well as can be expected 'Mrs. by the Duncan Cowan Concert Ce. Courtice football teamn played our in Bowmanville Hospital after hier Iurn- wo n much applause. Many people teami here Saturday night. Game operations., July meeting of the Mrs. gomng away with the happy feeling resulted in a tie Remember the Tyrone Women's Institute and Lad- for that Haydon again had given them Household Science Coaching Classes ies' Aid will be helcL at Mrs. David C. W. one of t'he best programs they had in the Sunday School room Friday Hooper's, Orono, on Wednesday, July ister. ever heard. morning and afternoon in charge of l6th, at 2.30 p. m. Roll caîl to be n re- Vîsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Miss E. M. Hopkins. Lindsay. Ail answered by hints for the picnic Svis- Ridge and daughter Margaret, Tor- girls try and corne Quarterly basket. Those wishing to attend ronoo at Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright's; Communion service wl be held at meet at the church at 1.30 p. m. yens, Messrs. Mark Allin and Howard AI- Eldad this Sunday morning. July Ebenezer Dramatic Club are putting here lin. of the Newcastle Quartette, at 13th. Sunday School at 10 a. m. on their play in the Tyrone Comn- anley Mr. H. Ashton's; Mr. and Mrs. A. and church at Il a. m. munity Hall on Thursday, July l7th.' sited Precott and family. Enfield, at Mr. R. entitled "'The Gypsy Rover,' under and Aungers; Mr. and Mi's. C. E. Burk,1 BLACKBURN-HARDY PJCNIC the auspices of the Women's Mission- Mrs. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott ary Society Members-of the Or- ýhest- and family, and Mr. A. Solomon,1 Held on Dominion Day at Home of ange Lodge held their annual church ;Mr. Oshawa, at Mr. D. HaUl's; Mr. AI-1 Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Allin, Providence service Sunday morning when Our ss M.* bert Moore and Miss Ida Moore, Mr. The Blackburn-Har'dy annual pic- pastor, Rev. J. R. Trunapour, preach- h ler and Mrs. Sherwood Rundle and fam- nic was held on July lst at "Ward- ed an excellent sermon. Choir rend- otheri îly. Mr. Norman Rundle, Mrs. M. dale Farm," the home of Mr. and ered splendid music, and a selection Moore, Miss Kate and Mr. Douglas Mrs. S. Chas. Allin, Darlington. At was given by the male quartette Moore, Bowmanvil]e, Mr. and Mrs. 10 a. m. cars began te arrive frem 1Church service next Sunday at 7 p.m. WVni. Martin and Gladys, at Mr. A. the surrounding country until about IMcNeil's; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Scott 250 relatives gathered. They werel MAPLE GROVE andl imHelen. Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Theo met by the genial host and hostess ____ thpe Mrs on and Mr. John Slemon Jr., and their family who gave everyone Ms et nwe svstn soft rs Sanders, Enniskillen, Dr. and a warmn welcome te their beautiful Miss Doris Grooms, Toronto Our thrMrs. C. W. Slemon, Bowmanville, Mr- home prettily decorated with flowersgiljunedtoRlaon e- ndhed and Mrs. Frank Virtue, Burlington, gindsflags for theRaloccasion. daat Mr. S. Trewin's; Mr. and Mrs. W. At noon ail sat down to a sump- nesedJly 2ndf ofbaand p ae sofa Moore and Muriel, Mr. James Stain- tuous dinner of meat-pies, salads, ofvoiendyame0fscoftba26-2n4. cam ence ton, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trewîn adplsandndihs is t. oofvcoiusoe2-4 nF- family, Misses Alice and June A5h- which everyone did full justice. Thie dy uy4 hypae ihZo ton nd astr Hrol AshonEn-tabes ereset n te sacîus awngirls and were also winners. score toanncerHrodAhoE-talswr e n h pcoslw 22-9. Monday evening, July 7th,, D.nc niskillen, Miss Maud Ashton, Toron- under some beautiful shade trees. Courtice girls played a friendly game HoD to. Mn. Ira Trevail. Oshawa, Trewin, Aften dinner a heavy ramn drove here. with our girls coming off vie- Hcot Roy and Dorothy Scott, Orono, Mr. l h uet osele. Bta 1t.Charlie Gray and Gordon Richards, soon as it had ceased evenyone went tors, score 13-12.OniTsday e irl lt.Salem, Miss Eva Collacott, Tyrone, outside te resume their merry-mak- eny rng. J ly OthEnnsken irlsou ters Miss Verna Tnewin, Oshawa, at Mr. ing. Mr. Russell Earîe, the efiietpils afniedlCham.oe aere withou c)hrWmn Trewin's; Mr. and Mrs. Austin president, called the assembly te or- setteweedwt e itr >on Lame, Bnkton M. ad rs.Ai- der and asked Miss Lela Knight, Mrs. Abert Allin, Kingston Road ring mer Beech and family, Enniskillen. se'y.-tneas., to give the financial Es.M.Hn pn udytee oy a a Mr A Bech'; M. nd Mrs. W. statement which showed a satisfact- Miss Norma Webster, Toronto, is r 's Challis and Phyllis, Bowmanville, Mr. ory balance. Officers put forth ev- vstn e utaduce r n isand Mrs. W. Giffler, Mrs. Rutledge ery effort to make the picnic a suc- Mrs. Milton Samis We welcome and Miss Effie Rutledge. Salem, at cess despite the inclement weather. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Vice and family IMr. Theron Mountjoy's; Mr. A. Mc- Much credit is due Mn. and Mrs. S. C. to our community, also Mr. and Mrs. with Neil and Miss Kate McNeil, Mn. and Allun and family for their generosity Joseph Burgess and family who are as in Mrs. H. Slemon, Miss Greta Slemon, and courtesy extended to ahl. living in the east house which Mr. resi- Mrs. S. Vanstone and Mr. and Mrs. It was moved by Chas. E. Knight Snowden built a yean ago A ful the W. Hobbs and sons Murray and Ken- and seconded by John T. Webster church greeted Rev. H. C. Wolfraini the neth, Toronto, Mrs. M. Moore, Miss that the following officers be elected: on Sunday. The choir was assisted Miss Kate and Mn. Douglas Moore, Bow- Hon. Presidents-A. M. Hardy, F. S. by Mrs. Gates of Cherrywood, who ?Vonk manville, Mr. Fred Cowling and son Blackburn; Past President-Russell sang the solo "Hymns of the old lsh; Fred, Purple Hill, at Mr. R. McNeil's; Earle; President-Aif. H. Hardy; ist Church Choir," to the delight of all. ngs, Mr. and Mrs. H. McComb, Mr. and Vice Pres.-Frank Allun; 2nd Vice Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, spent Ver- Mrs. R. W. Doane and baby, Mr. and Pres.-Mark Blackburn; See'y-Treas. a few days with hier aunit and uncle, dano Mrs. R. C. McLean, Mrs. Sharp, Tor- -Miss Lela Knight. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden Miss clos- onto, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry and Speeches were made by W. C. Jean Hogarth, Hampton, has been family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Blackburn and Richard Webster. visiting her cousin, Miss Betty Snow- - Crossman, Oshawa, at Mr. E. Mount- Mr. Blackburn, who Is 88 years old, den Mr. Gates, Miss Gates, Mr., - .oys; Mr. and Mns. J. E. Elliott, gave a history f the Blackburn and Mrs. Leonard Gates, two child- ~- Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Family, dating back to 1777. They ren. Chenrywood, spent Sunday wlth Gilbert and Velmna, Enniskillen. Miss lived i the north ridlng of York- the fonmer's daughter, Mrs. Ivan Lawr A. Mountjoy. Toronto, at Mr. Milton shire County, Enghand. Tommy Miss Jean Bollons, Toronto, has Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ad- Blackburn, eldest of eleven children, been visiting Misses Nellile and Mar- ams and son, Mn. and Mns. Stanley came to Canada to spy out the new ion Snowden., Mr. John McDonald, Head, Oshawa, Mr. Ben Flaxington, country. On returning to England, Oshawa, has been vlsiting Mr. M. Toronto, Miss Edith Wlckett, Little hie gave a very favorable report. Munday Jr.. A number from here' Britain, Miss Florence Avery, Burke- Soon after the whole famfly compos- took in the League Excursion to Ho- ton, at Mr. C. Avery's; Mr. and Mrs. ed of seven girls and four sons and cetro ensa isVr Jim Bradley, Mrs. Preston, Enniskil- their parents set otcorCnaa sntoerohad he tons ss ve i len, Mr. W. F. Rickard, Miss Marion 1832. They ail settled near New- Bown'a.nville Hospital on Wednesday. Rickard, Miss Evelyn Allun, Newcas- castle. Wmn. Blackburn settled on a 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilkins and' tle, Misses Elsie Moore and Grace farmn in Clarke which was later oc- family, Ebenezer, vislted at Mr. L.i Werry, Enniskillen, at Mr. E. Brad- cupied by his son Carter and now by C. Snowden's on Sunday. ley's; Miss Rilda Slemon. Bowman- his grandson Fred Blackburn. Al ville. Mr. R. Mountjoy. Nestleton, at the family settled near Newcastle ex- Mr. T. Semon's; Mr. and Mrs. W. cept Rebecca, Mrs. Dewy Baker, and Samuelîs, Irwin and Kenneth, Nes- Rachel, Mrs. Jerome Baker, who tleton, Mrs. Roberts, Charlie and went to United States, settling in Il- Margaret, Miss Florence Wheeler, linois. New their descendants are Mrs. McGill, Cartwright, Mn. and Canada and the United States. Mrs. L. Buttery and daughter, Mn. Richard Webster, another octogen- and mrs. F. crossman, Taunton, Mr.) arian, also gave some family remin- and Mrs. J. MotsntJoy, Lorenz and i scences. The Webster family came man's; Mrs. N. Collacott and Breta, president suggested a moment's sil- Mrs. J. Tabb, Tyrone. Miss Marion ence be given in memory of Mrs. W. 2 1Prescott, Long Sault, Mn. Milton C. Blackburn and Mr. Jas. A. Hardy C I O U Graham, Oshawa, at Mr. D. Gra- who passed away during the pastC IC FR S ham's; Mr. Frank Sanderson, Miss yean. They were loyal supportersH Bessy M. Peneny, Toronto, Mr. and of the family picnic and ardent A SPECIAL Mns. A. Sharp and family, Enniskil- workers. len, Mrs. C. Sanderson. Bunketon, atj Miss Winnifned Davidson, Toronto, T * Mr. R. Sanderson's; Miss Helen Mc- gave a veny humorous reading which GROUP AT Donald, Mn. Roy Thompson. Bow- ail enaoyed. A hearty vote of thanks manville, at Mn. W. Thompson's. to Mn. and Mns. S..C. Allun and fam- Rev. and Mrs. Wigbt were entertain- ily was Moved by A. M. Hardy and ± Sleeveless Dress with jac ed at Mn. anc.>Mrs. Silas Trewin's seconded by Norman Allin. Mn. AI- z Mr. and Mns. Mark Thompson and lin made a suitable neply. A candy anu women, smart design Mn. S. A. Tremble motored from jseramble made much excitement for ** fO ha h nsml Michigan and are vlslting Mnr.and old and Young. Ir o tIlheesmbes Mns. J. Wright. They were accom- The Sports Commnittee very cap- i tself by staying . .. an( panied by Mrs. Wm. Hoskin. Cleve-, ably coflducted an intenesting pr- u = un ttt"mtUurnmr= 11k Ensemble IMMER WEAR $ 8.95 ,ket, in sizes for misses us and colorings. And 3uits eVerybody, it suits id will stay for the sum- iffer a new selection of ash silk, in the most de- ngs; aIl] sizes for misses e them, and remember, 41 )ummer Hats ls - $1.00 Each - Ail Sizes ýarly summer .Hats, gouped on one table at ir worth. Values in group as high as $5.95. SSTORES Limited Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE BUY FOR LESS PAY CASH AND PAGE SMx _____1~ Fo The Summer Picnic 3 Bottles Plain Olives ................27c 2 Bottles Stuffed Olives ..........25c 2-1b. jar Peanut Butter ................39c Lunch Loaf ...........................50c lb. Lemon and Orange Punch ...25c bottle Fresh, home-grown Vegetables, Carrots, Beets, Cauliflower, Cabbages, Onions. Orange and Pineapple Marmalade Berry Boxes and 6-quart Baskets. Fresh Fish for Fxiiday. HARRY ALLIN, Orocer PHONE lM BOWMANVILLE Where For The llolidays? Plan your holidays now. Gather your accessonies together and make sure you haven't overlooked any of these: Vacuum Bottles .45c Cameras ......98C Swlm Kaps ..... 19e Water Wings 50e Skeetofax 35c Fhashlights 39e Gypsy Cream .50C (best for sunburn) Ean Stoppers .-. 25e and many others. On youn return let us develop and pnint your pictures-Bettei' pnints at smallen cost. 8-Hour Service Jury & Loveli When we test eyes it is doue properly. There's pep i our service as weil as pep in our auallty motor fuel-Sheil and Super Sheil, the famous antl-knock gasoline. We stock the famous Goodyear Tires and Tubes. There is pep for your coal oil stove in our high grade Coal 011. Drive right up to our station. We alm to please you. PhC'NE 1HO KING ST. EAST-I BOWMANVI LLE 'I I E I j 2, rý