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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1930, p. 7

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mE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THUR8DAY, JULY lOtb, 1930 PAGE SEV!? LOCAL AND OTHERWI8E 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cole are hobi-1 daYing at Caesarea. Miss DalsY Cuiley Is holidaylng at Woodstock wth her sister. Mrs. M. A. Hallowes, Toronto, is vsitlng ber nepbew, Mr. Ueo. A. Pritchard. Mr. Fred C. COuleY, Wellington, bas been appolnted to Bowmanville Central Public School teaching staff at $1200 a year. 1 To-day it is fully recognized that greater conservation 0f vis- ion for the increased efficiency and welare of buUnanity, is an absolute necessity. Eyestrain is directly caused by an impeîfectly shaped eyeball or gradual decrease in eye-lens con- vexity power, necessitating an ex- cessive exertion of the eye muscles, thus producing visual discomfort, wbîcb is overcome when rigbtly ftted glasses are worn. Most likely you need glasses if you bave freruent headache; if you cannot read a reasonable length of time without causing the eyes to ache; if in sewing or other fine work things suddenly become blurîed and misty; if you have to îest your eyes occasionally to en- able you to continue work; if you bave to hold things nearer to or f artber f rom your eyes tban the normal distance of f ourteen incbes; if strong light or moving picture sbows huit your eyes, or if you are conscîous 0f any effort in seeing. These conditions are successful- ly corrected by our Registered Op- tometrlst, R. M. Mitchell, who is legally authorized to best deter- mine wben glasses are needed and the kind to prescribe. Have Your Eyes Examlned To-day R. M. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Optometrigts Phone 92 LOCAL AN)) OTHERWISE r Ms. John Mclntyre bas been visit- lng relatives at St. Marys. Cheap Feed-Barley 55e per bus- bel; Barley Chop $1.25 per cwt. at Vanstone's Mill. 28-1 Mis. Geo. W. James, William and Mary Ruth, are visitiag ber mother, Mis. George Woods, Owen Sound. Mi. J. J. Mason, C. H. Mason, Miss rLena Haddy and Mr. John M. James spent the weekend wlth their famil- ies at Port Sandfield, Muskoka. Mi. and Mis. Howard Hallinax and b is brother Russell spent a very pleasant week at Campbellford where they enJoyed fisbing on the Tient river. Dr. and Mis. S. S. Lumb and fam- ily of Bancroft, were recent guestsi of bis sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Leask, Ryland Faim, Oshawa. Mr. Richard Johnston and son Earl, Listowel, recently visited bis brother, Principal J. H. Johnston. Bert Johnston ieturned witb tbem. for a holiday. Mi. and Mrs. J. B. Irwin, Miss Gladys Iîwin, Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Irwin and baby June, of Orangeville, visited Mis. Mina Colwell andfm ily, Carlisle Ave., on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. J. B. Trull and daughter Mary, Nanton, Alta., mot- ored down f rom the west to visit bis parents, Mi. and Mrs. Lewis TrulI, and numerous other relatives. Mr. W. J. Bradd, Oshawa. is at- tending an agents' convention of the, Manufacturers' Lif e Insurance Coin-, pany being beld at the famous sum- mer resoit at Murray Bay. Quebec. Congratulations to Miss Jane Mas- on. daugbte- of Mr. and Mis. C. S. Mason. on obtainmng ber A. T. C. M. f rom tbe Toronto Conservatory of Music, having completed ber exams ini Tbeoîy. Messrs. E. H. Brown and W. A. Shane represented Bowmanville Ro- tary Club at a meeting of Presidents and Secretaries o! Rotary Clubs in the 27th Distr-ict beld at St. Cathar- ines this week. On their retuin to Toronto after an unusually enjoyable weekend at1 their summer cottage at Lake Scu- gog, Dr. and Mis. L. B. Wllilams cail- ed at The Statesman office eaîly Monday morning. Lou appeared so nervous and excited the editor thougbt lbe must bave been in a motor accident, but we were soon in- f formed it was the af ter effects o! a tbrilling experience Mis. Wlliamis had Saturday morning landing a huge lunge wtth the aid o! ber 'bet- ter bal!" as boatsman, motor mecb- anic and chie! advisoî. The fish weighed 211/2 lbs.. measured 46 inches long, had a girth o! 1812 in- ches, and occupled the most exciting hall bour in landlng the prlzed tro- pby in their f ishing career. To sub- stantiate their flsb story they had snap shots taken o! the leading par- ticipants, and fuitheimore brougbt the editor a very genea-ous portion of the fish whicb. was tborougbly enJoy- ed by the familles o! the editor and bis foreman. BARGAINS GALORE Rovan's Week-End Specials Women's sample Whites, canvas, straps, and pumps, sample sizes only,....$1.28 and 98c pr. 150 pair odds and ends in Run'ning and Tennis Shoes, not al sizes ............................50C pr. 32 pair Men's good quality Work Boots . .. .$2.49 pr. 150 Men's Caps, special .........................98C Men's Khaki Trousers, good quahity .........$1.49 Men's high grade Silk and Lisle Socks, 4 pr. $1.00 Limited quantity imported Japanese Socks, 10c pr Men's B. V. D. special ...........................59c pr. ROVAN'S SHOE STORE Opposite Bowman House Bowmanville -I I. It Will Cool You Off Silverwood's Ice Cîeam is a real frlend to you this bot weatber. Give yourself a break and drop in on us. Our Ice Cîeamn Pailors are splck and span, nice and cool, and are longlng to see you. Tîy our f resb Sandwich Loaf of deliclous bîead. YOU WillI be surprised at its lovely fiavor. It almnost melts in your moutb. Just the tblag for the picnlc. We will deliver to your door anythlng we can supp]y you, and promptly too. W.P. COIRBETT Bakeries at Bowminanville and Orono LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. E. Pethick, Toronto, is visit- ing bis son, Mr. F. C. Pethlck. Mis. Geo. E. Chase is vlslting frilends at Brighton and Picton. Miss Mlldred Lawrie is holidaylng with Mis. Stewart Morton, Cobourg. Mis. C. A. Johnston is visltlng ber daughter, Mis. W. T. J. Veale, Har- row, Ont. Mis. Alf. Mitchell, Newtonville, spent Sunday with Mis. Jennie Gra- bam at Loine villa. Lady Hughes and Miss H. O. Burk. Lindsay, were recent guests o! Mrs. Jessie Burk. Centre St. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Dlnnlwell at- tended the stiawberry festival at Janetville on July 2nd. Rey and Mis. S. Oorley Brown, Richnmond, Que., spent the weekend witb Mis. F. R. Brown. Dr. and Mis. Caufield, Dayton, Ohio, bave been visiting ber parents, Mi. and Mis. John Percy. Mi. and Mis. F. F. Morris have been in Detroit, Mich., visiting Mi. and Mis. Gordon Morris. Miss Cora M. Scott and Miss Agnes K. Haddy, Toronto, spent the week- end at Mi. F. A. Haddy's. Mis, H. Asblee and Miss Clara Ashlee are attending the Anglican Mi. John Spîy, Boston, Mass., is vîsîtmng bis sîster, Miss Elizabeth, Spry, and other relatives bere. Mi. Clemnens Percy, Banik o! Com- merce, Kingston, spent the weekend witb bis parents, Mi. and Mis. John Perey. Misses Annie Aluin and Eva Souch bave returned fîom a pleasant visit witb Mi. and Mis. W. J. Trenoutb, Napanee. Mi. Lawrence A. Pearce, West Or- ange, N. J., bas been visitlag bis aunts, Miss A. V. Cole and Mis. S. Woodgeî. Mi. and Mis. Vicars Beatty and family o! Bobcaygeon, and Mi. W. Thuiston, Lindsay, visited at Mi. A. Beacock's. Mis. H. S. Freeman and Miss Chrissie Freeman are holidaying with Mi. and Mis. E. R. Freeman, St. Catherines. Miss E. E. Haycraft spent the week-end with ber slsteî-in-law Mis. W. J. Haycîaf t, Brooklil, and visited her sister at Wbitby. Mis. H. L. Creeper and Tom, Toi- onto, weîe recent holiday visitois witb Mi. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper and other relatives here. Maicellng done at Mis. W. Adams, King St. W., Bowmanvllle, on Tues- days and Saturdays-35c. Phone 275 for appointment. 23-5 Mi. Ueo. E. Chase was at Bigwin Inn, Muskoka Lakes, this week at- tending the convention o! Ontario Electrical Association. Mis. David Giigg, Misses Jane and Ruth, Toronto, spent the week- end wth ber brother, Mr. N. S. Plumnier, and other f riends here. Mi. and Mis. F. O. Mdflveen and f amily have been holidaylng in East- ern Ontario, and are now visitlag relatives at Auburn in Huron County. Mi. and Mis. Percy E. Gieen.fleld and daugbtei Joan have îeturned f romn a pleasant holiday with Mi. and Mis. Russell Willilama, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mis. James Gale and daughter, Mis. H. Earl. and Mis. Robt. Bant- ing, Toronto, Vere guests o! the for- meî's sister. Mis. Jessie Burk, on Fiday. Mis. J. C. Devitt is vlsltiag ber daughter. Mis. Wm. J. Hall, Minuco, and son Jlm wbo underwent a minor operation on bis knee la Toronto General . Hospital. Mi. Alan F. Densem, Mr. and Mis. D. Bîough and daughter Jean, are back home alter spendlng two weeks' vacation wth Mis. Alan F. Densem, at Allenhurst, New Jersey. Mis. James Thompson and babe, Jean, Ruth and Lorne, Port Ho0ge. spent the weekend witb ber parents, Mi. and Mis. H. L. Creeper. Jean and Ruth are holidaylng here. Miss Wlnnle Fiseboin and Miss Chillie M4cLean, Winnipeg, Man., are guests o! the former's cousin, Mis. A. E. McCready, enroute to Montreal where tbey sail on a holiday trip to the Britishb lIes. Mis. Archie MeNeil. Toronto, bas been vislting ber daughtei. Mis. Marion Moore and otheî relatives bere. Mis. McNeill lala ber 86th year and ber old friends weie greatly pleased te see ber looklng so weil. Mi. and Mis. I. Naylor and Miss Mamie Nayloî, Fenelon Falis, ac- companled by Mi. and Mis. Thos. Naylor, Alhambra, Cal., W<ho attended the Shrineis' Convention la Toronto, weîe guests o! their niece, Mis. M. F. Hooper on Wednesday. Wagons loaded wlth peas are now golng by every day and temptation is DARLINdTON Promotion examination results for S. S. 3. Darlington: Entrance - *Bessle Blackburn, *Winnle Gibson, Florence Foley, Jack Finnîgan. Jr. IV to Si. IV-*Harold Forsythe 81. Si. HM te Jr. IV-*Annie Rush 83. *Wilbur Blackburn 76, 'Grace Truil 76, Aloysius Rush 72. Jr. HI to Si. 11-Bob Gibson 60. Si. Il ta Jr. U-*Loulse Foley 80, *Beriece Roberts 78, *Helen Rundle 76, 'Hazel Tiull 76, Maurice Morphy 74, Hazel Roerts 63, Sammy Van- Camp 63, Vera Gibson 60. Jr. Il to Si. 1H-Eddie Forsythe 72. Arthur Foreythe 61. 0--Honours; Figures denote per cent. Ruby M. Bragg, teacbeu.1 LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Capt. and Uns. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa, are vsitlng ber father, Mr. W. B. Coucli. Cheap Feed-Barley 55e per bus- bel; Barley Chop $1.25 per cwt. at Vanstone's MIfi. 28-1 Mr. and Mrm. Fred McCleUlan, Osh- awa, spent Sunday wlth Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols, 20 Carlisle Ave. Mrs. J. A. McNlven, Acton, Miss Isabel MoNiven, and Sir Tbomas White, Toronto, Mr. Graham Nichols, Winnipeg, Miss Minnie Robertson, Oakville, were weekend guests of Bey. and Mrs. Ueo. Mason. A recent developmnent of the sof t- bail gamne was brought to town with tbe beginning of a girls' softball league. This league is wel.l under way and the attendance is becoming greater at every start. Monday Bowmanviile de! eated Hampton in a good game. Malcolm "Scotty" Mathewson, weil known professional boxer, bas been spending a few days at Bowmanville Beach. "Sctty" is widely known and is havlng a fine boxlng career. He spent bis younger days in Bowman- ville, but littie dld we realize bis adeptness at tbe art. One of the largest family reunions to be beld in this province took place at Waterloo's beautiful park on Wed- nesday July 2nd wben over 4,000 descendents of Jacob Shantz gatb- ered from ail parts of the United States and Canada. Aniong those from Bowmanville wbo attended this family reunion were Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Halîman and daugbter Aileen, Mr. and Mis. G. C. Grey and baby June Yvonne. Dr. D. D. MacDonald. Principal of Orde St. Scbool. Toronto, bas been appointed by the Board of Education as one of the two new Public School Inspectors for Toronto. Donald isa Durham County boy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald, Bow- manville. He isa graduate of Bow- manville Higb School. His many friends in the homeland of Durham offer himn congratulations on bis latest promotion in bis chosen pro- fession. His brother, Dr. Neil Mac- Donald, is one of tbe senior school inspectors in Toronto. CUT DOWN VIRE LOSSES Help bring down tbe fire loss l5y providing youîself witb a Pire Ex- tinguisher. I can supply anytbing from a one-quait hand extinguisher to a 40-gailon engine. Get in touch with C. L. Hooper .district agent for LaFrance Foamite Co., and probably save yourself thousands of dollars flreloss. P. 0. Box 485, Bowman- ville. Phone 465. 28-tf Lost or Found LOST-A Camera, on the west side of l3owmanville Beach, near Ebechvitew cottage. Reward. Dr. Gordon Millen. 28-1w RING FOUNO-In nnwmanville, on Saturday, -3uly 5th, with fraternai cm.- MARBRIGES DeNURE-OKE-On July 3rd, 1930, at Fort Hope, by Rev. G. A. Sisco, Birdie Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oke, to Calvin Raymond DeNure, son of 1Mrs. DcNure and the ]ate Reginald De- Nure, Orillia. McFADDEN-JONES-At the home of the brid4e's parents, Newcastle, on Mon- day, June Sth, 1930. Marjorie Elva, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. H. Jones, Newcastle, and Harold William, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McFaddon, of Dur- ham, Ont., Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowsnan- ville,_ officiating. DEATHS MORRIS-In Oshawa, on July 6, 1930,1 Marion Stark, widow o! the late Thomas Morris, In ber 90th year. RICHARDS-In Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, July 5th. 1930, Robert Parkinson Richards, aged 85 years, 8 months. ALLIN-In Bowmanvil]e, on Sunday, July 6th, 1930, John Allun, aged 70 years,j .son of the ]ate Mr. and Mrs. Samuel AI- lin (East). CLATWORTI-I-n Oshawa, on Sat- urday, July 5th, 1930. Orion J. Cîatworthy, aged 52 years, son of the late Joseph Clatworthy, Hampton. LANE-At Calgàry, Alberta, June 29, 1930, Euphemnia Amelia Hanson, wi! e o! J. R. Lane and daughter of Mrs. and the late W. H. Hanson of BowmanvIile. IN MEMORIAM ARGUE-Jn cver loving memory o! our dar father, Mr. Henry G. Argue, wvho departed Iis life July lth, 128. -His Daughters NICHOLS-In loving mernory o! Mary Ann Nichols, wlio passed away July 5C1., 1919. Thougli years may paass sincýe that sad day, lier înmory sweet ivill always stay. -Sadly missed by sons, Luther, Alf. \Vill and Lsb GRAY-In loving memory of Robert Kenneth Gray, Newcastle, who died In Toronto, Jul:v OUi, 1926. We miss his lielp, we miss his ways, 'Wît h hi m %w spen t our hiappy days, l'Jc iis hn when we- ned a friend, On him we always c0ul depend. -Sadly nissed by Wife and Children. COCHRANE-In loving memory of ouri dear son and brother, Hiarold C'ochrane, who died July 4th, 1927. While the midnight stars are shining On a cold and lonesome grave, 13neath it sleeps a dear one, Wiiom we loved but could not save. A loving thought, dear Harold, A memory fond and true, " token of affection, That wý stili remember you. Sadly missed by Mother, Father, Sistersl and Brothers. .1 JANITOR WANTED The M.%unicipality of the, Town o f Bow- manville require the services of a Janitor for lown promlerty. Applications to be in writing, s etting out previous exper- lence and sala ry cxpected, and to be In thec hands of John Lyle, Clerk, on or before Monday noon, July 14tb. List o! duties required of the janitor are posted in the office of John Lylt, Esquire. 28-1 DAN DANCEY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR. Bowmanville Estimates f urnlshed on aU i clssesof Electrical Work. Phone 28-4. 28-1* (iood Irom the Start to Finih Poor milk cannot be made good by Y a;eurzing. It must be good mile fro T. B. TIested cows to be pure milk after pasteurizmg. Glen Rae Dairy milk is tested and given a lean bill of health. Early morning delivery daily. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phon 408 R. R. STEVENS & SON [WRECKJNC SERVICE M REPAi tIn Clemens' West EndéGrag BOWMANVILLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT WE DO1 Generator bmi Work Bumping Upholstering Wood-work Anything on a Car Qulck,1 te your satisfaction A Garage wlth a iDn Guaranteed ServiceS goven by LClass Mechanles Only. and done wltb ern Electrle Equipmlent Our Motte: Efficient and Courteous service. TRY US. one Gag Tires Batteries Bualbe Spark Plus Kozak Cloth uîem. Enquire at Statesman Office, 110w- manville. 28-tfI___________________________________ TO Let FLAT TO RENT-IVe rooms, water- works, electric lights. Apply Statesman Office. TO RENT-2 furnished rooms, all con- venience. Apply Mrs. H. Everist Smiith, Queen St. 28-1 TO RENT-4 rooma. ail conveniences, wired for electric range. Apply te Mrs. Frank M. Cryderman, Silver St., Bow- manville. Phone 232. , 23-tf HOUSE TC RENT-5-roomed emi- detaclaed houne to rent, modern conven- ienoee. Apply to W. P. Ward, Bow- manville. Phone 102. 24,tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - By month or the ceason at Williamns Point. Lakte Seugog. Apply A. W. Piekard, Bowmianvllle. Phone 186. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electrie lights, lacated Kn&Ontario Si., BowmanvIfle. Ap- plyA.A.Cowil.Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomed bouse on Elgin St., opposite public achool, modern conveniences, lmmediate possession. Ap- ply P. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowmsnvllle. 19-t! ]Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-On King St. Euat, Newcastle, 6-rooened brick cottage, with one acre o! land, garage, etc. Appl3' te Miess touch, 50 Orton Place, Buffalo. 22-10 HOUSE FOR SALE-Seven rooms, in good shape, garage, hall! acre of or- chard land, hardwood floor In part of bouse, hotb bard anidsooit water. Per- sons intercstedl conîmunicate with Fred Hudson, Burketon. 28-2* Desirable Residence 1 For Sale Elgbt rooms, solid brick miodern bouse. stone foundation, 2 storeyeanaSi large attic.witb 5 windows, white oak trini in 3 roome downstairs, large sun room lOx 30 facing south, back porch, cellar ban brick partition, 2 laundry tube ln.cellar, bot water heating, wired for electric stov'e and electrlc grate. brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful teri-aced lawn, maturcd shrubs. largel shade trees, fruit garden, one o! eboicest locations ad besi built bouses in town. Prieed reasonable for immedinte sale. .Apply 10 owner, C'. Rehder, ai Bowmanville l-oundry Co. Office, Bowmanville. 2-t! Artiles For Salq SILO FOR SALE-Dctaval Silo, 12x30, gond as new, no further use for Il. Ap- ply M. Gay, Courtice. Phone: Osh- awa 332-3. 26-30 AUTO FOR SALE-Oldemoblle codas, laie 1927 model,ftitcase chape, bar- gain for qulck sale. Apply W. P. Quicit. Phone 226. 21-t AUTO FOR SA LE-'ontiac.'Coach, 28 niodel, splendid condition, demontration giv.n; cbeap for cash. S. R. Alger, qvllawa. 28-3 FOR SALE-WaInut dinlng table and bufret. also eloctrie bot water heater, real bargainB. Fred J. Mitchell, Bow- manville. Phone 105. 27-t PIANO FOR SALE-An apartnlent aiit- ed piano in good condition, $95.00. easy termes; also other bargains. See John Meagher. 92 Simooe N., Oshawa. Phone 371W.28-3 IAUTO FOR SALE - Overland Sport ITouring, laie model, îrunk rack, e Iwinge, good tires, In Ai runain g order. INo reasonable , offer refuced . -A pplyI Dustan's Hardware Store, Bowmanvile.I NELSON IGet You White Hose Full-Fashioned For the 12th Buy these at the store of Bigger and Better Values - pure thread silk, ail perfect goods, a regular $ 1.50 quality, ail sizes, pee pair $1.19 $1.50 SPECIALS r Share of kese CnloredI FuIl-Fa8hioned Hose at 88c This is the best value we have ever off ered in this class of merchandise. A good range of colora, and al sizes. This is a dlean-up at less than niill eost. The quantity is Iimited, so we stipu- Iate-2 parto each customertonly - The 2 pairs for $1.00 Hose Wbite Silk 69c. pr. These are a standard $1.00 value. An except ional purchase is the only reason you can buy them at this low price, all sizes, per pair Ie$175I Farmers' Specials FOR SATURDAY'S 5 doz, Men's Work SELLINGShirts, blues or khaki, 1ELIGail sizes, clearing1 7.30 p. M. to 10.30 P. M- 3 'doz. Men's sunimer- weight striped denim OVexialls, regular $1.39 pair, clearing per pair, 79c 3 doz. pair Men's Work Pants, values Vo $1.98 pair, clearing for $1.39 88C 10 dozen silk striped women's Vests, woxth 49c, ail sizes, each 29c 10 dozen Bloomers Vo match above, ail sizes, reg. 69c, clearing a pair 39c NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND BETIER BARGAINS BOWMANVILLE WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT I Watch for NELSON 'S JULY SALE It's going to be a Hum- dinger. Values sucli as will startle the whole neighborhood. STARTS THURSDAY JULY l7th. mm2c2ý --1' 1 millic - --- p -- -- a ME CANADIAN STATEMAN. BOWMANVELLE, THMýSDAY, JULY 1M, 1930 b PAGE Efflffl %01%F&%PAL %0%4

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