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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1930, p. 8

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TEE CANADIAN STATEUiIAN, BOWMXANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY lt, 1930 those new tires for this week-end DON'T spend this week-end by the rod- side. S pend it on the road! Corne in rlght now and we'Il fit you out with the'new tires you need. We've got Goodyears in wide variety as to size, tread and price. But all off er the biggest value for the rnoney. Our service iu putting them on your wheels and seeing they are properly inflated is free. KEMP BROS. GARAGE Bowmanville TELEPHONE 248 CHANGE IN COAL AND COKE PRICES Take advantage of them while they Iast. StoVe ...............$1 5.50 per ton E .................$15.00 per ton Chetnt .............$1 5.00 per ton Pe ...................$12.50 per ton Cok .................$11.50 per ton A discount of 50e a ton will be allowed off these prices foi! cash with order. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 Bowmanville #ÀNE w k'fpnee d wIiYjk() Most Miles Per Dollar Firestone Tire and Rubber Harniltop FIRESTONE o nuce anotnm.r new tire-again buit in advance cF todlay's car re- quiremnents. This new Firestone Heavy Duty Gumn-Dipped Balloon surpasses in strength, in toughness, in traction and in wear-resistance, any tire that even Firestone ever buit before. This new tire provides a wide margin of salety at any speed on any road. It has a deeper tread, extra sidewall thiclcness and scientific construction of alternating plies of live cuskion gum and Gumn-Dipped cords. Two extra plies of Guni-Dipped cords just be- neath the tree~d absorb road skocks -Firestone engineer- ing and design give you a wide margin of safety for fat driving. At every Firestone Dealer's, nyou can recognize the new Heavy Duty alcons by their magnificent construction and by the gold stripe that stands out against the e6ony black sidewalls. See your nearest Firestone Dealer to day. ýr Company of Canada, Limited - Onwaio an accident on one o! the trains and Pills. They regulate the bawels and a man lost his toe. perhaps his foot. stimulate the liver wtbout any un- He was rushed Vo the bospital. pleasant effects, and their good ne- Play around the station and village sults are lasting."'-W. Bragglns. No. and Lake Nipissing. 7 Chesterfield St., Apartment No. 4, Sunday morning. Up aV 8 a. m.. had Toronto, welI knowfl civil engineer breakfast and lounged around anti! wlth the Canadian Hlghway Depart- dinner. Dlck Cameron drove them ment.t Vo Crosby i the afternoon, arrlvlng Sargon may be obtained in Bow- there about 4.25 p. m. Prom there manvilie f rom Jury & Lovel. CHNC IPDES TO MONTREAL DURHA&M COUNTY BOYS CHNEAND BACKi The Medicine Hat News makes the Greg. Colmer and Neil McMuflen following reference to B. F. (Bert) Spend Peculiar Holiday Souch, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E.. _______ Souch, Stett>ler, Alta., forxnerly of'I Gregory Colmer and Neil McMuI- Darllngton:S len, well known local boys, took an "At a recent meeting, the Senate1E unique method of spending holldays of Aberta University appointed B. F.t tis year. They began walking at Souch, a member of the Board of Ex- 8 a. m. Monday, June 9th, in an aminers of thé University. easterly direction. At 12.30 they Mr. Souch will set examination f were off ered a ride as f ar as Kingston papers, hold clinics and supervise the - with an Imperial Oil saleman. The examinations of those students andr boys' diary says lie was a f ast driver. optometrists who wish to pass the i Kingston reached; all saf e. Here University examinations ini Optom- j they began the pavement pacing etry. These examînations will bel r again for 45 minutes, and then had held twice a year.c lunch. Af er lunch a Chinese driver This bonor cornes to Mr. Souch as t gave tbem a lift. He told them the a result of years of intensive study e traffic rules. This ride only lasted o! Optometry and also from the facts f or 20 minutes-most provoking. thet f or the past eight years lie has t on their feet again for hall an hour been an active member of the ex-s (at least), at 2.05 a gooci samaritan ecutive of the Aberta Optometric clergyman took compassion on these Association, having been president1 Young pedestrians and allowed them for several years." ta rest with hlm to Gananoque. Tis9 gentleman is referrîed ta as being Mr. Sidney H. Annis of Detroit,c rather gruf. No more rides until Micb., special representative for the a 7.30, when an old Ford was next iàncoln National Life Insurance graced witb their company for 3 Company of Fort Wayne, Indiana, il miles. Then luck was again with was among the prîze wmnners of the u them-after walking about 300 yards trip ta Quebec, Canada, whicb Wal-s another Ford picked them up and ter T. Shepard, Vice-President of thev dropped them at Brockville. Here Lincoln National, announced early in0 they stocked up with hamburg steak June. Qualifications were $300,000S at 40c; bought cards and mailed of paid insurance for self, $400,000c them home to the family. After the f or self and wife, whicb latter quali-a meal they again walked for a hall - fication Mr. Annis fulfilled in a six d hour and decided it was time to months' period, this trip being a re- sleep. Sa they turned in, their ward for superior salesmanship. The ii bunks being some small shrubs, but winners were taken by special tramin they were ill-fartuned, for bardly ta the convention held at Chateaud were they asleep when pitter-patter Frontenac, famous hostelry of Oldt came the rain.Le. and behold! they Quebec, Jane l9th to June 29th. i got quite drenched. At 4.30 a. m. Successfal men from hirty states at-r they decided to dispense with the tended, and enjoyed the trip wbich il dampness so bied themselves ta a lncluded sigbt-seeing tours and ban- i] nearby barn. Neil was real wet s0 quets at Niagara Falls, Toronto,t he hung bis clothes out ta dry. As Montreal and Quebec, and also a0 na farmer came near the plant with two-day trip up and back the scenicc a shot gurn they stayed here until Sagaenay River.c 12.30 noon. They washed in the St. Mr. Annis has been with the Lin- Lawrence, and then set aut. Spent coln National Lif e Insurance Camp-u a nickel far a pint of milk and walk- any for ten years and has seen itc ed for three bours-(my paor f cet). grow f ram a small company Vo a1 At 4.45 a motorist looked at them billion dollar one. He bas wonc favoabl an thy wee dive tonu merous other honars in the time( favrialy.ndthey were divemn ta has been with this company, in-1 Cardinsa. a ln They stisman cluding a two weeks' trip in 1926 ta "sotscairealone." be sekmeorColorado and al the points o! in- tasecizeonhamburg eak50forutterest there; has had honorable mas-this gonecsd te.Oc u mention eight times for being one of wasver god. Neil also gets a the Lincaln National's largest pro- hair-cut for 35c. After walking 4 clpcers, having won, for salesman- miles, they got another pick-up who ship, second place in the entire Unit- drove them 9 miles ta, Morrisburg. ed States in 1926: honorable mention Begins ta ramn again, sol not looking in 1922, once in 1927. twice in 1928. with pleased eyes on the prospects and three times in 1929; having had of getting wet again. they spent sev- 43 weeks o! continuous weekly pro- eral moments trying ta convince the duction, a record that very few men manager o! Willard's Tourist Camp achieve. that it was better ta, let them have Mr. Annis started in the insurance a cabin for $1.50 than ta have it go business in 1911. as a clerk in the empty for the night, or in other office of the Continental Lif e of To- words "It is better Va eat your peas ronto, and later as cashier of a with a knife than ta waste them." Michigan branch of the Sun Lt! e of They won the argument. Canada, but tiring o! inside work « Wednesday morning up at 6.45 and started selling in 1921. He was born an the road by 7.30. Walked 20 in Durham County, and is a son o! minutes; rode in a truck for 15 min- the late Edwin Annis and Mrs. utes until they reached a factory. Frances Aninis, Darlington. He and Walked again for 25 minutes. (Tbey bis wife stopped aven a few days on walked a good deal if yoa ask me). the retarn trip, visting bis mother. They were at Dickinson's Landing at brother (Mr. Hugli Annis on the 10 a. m. Hoofed for 100 yards: bomestead), and sisters. Mrs. Gordon politics now ruled the situation and Leask. Taunton, and Mrs. Frank Gil- the Conservative member for those bert, Enfleld. parts gave them a ride. Un! ortun -_______________ ately they don't (?) vote. Ham- burg steak and onions 50c at Corn- they began the trek for home again. wall. At 3.45 p. m. tbey stepped in- Walked ta Morton-8 p. m. Tbey to good company on the next ride write here that a big shot in a Hud- with a Cadillac; even go again two son picked them Up at Morton. Told stop-lights in St. Annes. Some them bhis life history, etc. Drove 55 class! Had Vo pay 25c Vo cross ol! and 60 miles per hour ail the way, bridge. In brackets a! er this there until they reacbed Cobourg. The are these words: (aIso another bum). chap in the Hudson got them a ride A French driver plcked tbem tîp next witb a man in a new Ford from there and drove them ta a service station. ta Newcastle; this man was Mr. Hare Here thçy took the street car VOofo the C. N. R. Arriveci in New- Montreal and trled ta geV Wrefard castle at midnight. Walked f rom Souch on the phone but couldn't get Newcastle Vo Bowmanvilie, arrived at hlm. 2 a. m. Went back Vo Lachine by street There ends the dlary and a most car and then walked toward borne pleasant experience. Greg. Colmer for 2 bours. (Why they didn'V stay and Morgan Lunney took a similar in Montreal longer is a question). trip last year Vo Quebec City. This Slept in an open field soundly, s0 certainly is a veny economical way they say. Up with the suni and ta set the warld, as well as very in- away; walk 22 miles Vo St. Annes be- teresting; but 1V is also a very un- foare thein flrst meal. Then the certain mode. We wlsb them every meal was poor and they le! t most o! success, with a minimum o! walking it. Crossed the toîl bridge and In future escapades of this nature. walked for hall an boar, until a White truck picked tbem up and IN FINE SHAPE NOW toak themn for 5 miles aven quite bumpy roads. Walking once again SAYS CIVIL ENGINEER for 45 minutes; stopped Vo wash and walked for another hall boun. A "My wif e got me stanted on Sar- French truck driver took pity on gon after I bad gone througb a two them for 5 miles; then on the boa! year siege o! bad health and now 1 again until 3.15 p. m. Rested f or feel like a new man. 3/ bour. Fortune smiled on them wjen a truck for delievering race horses picked them up for an 80-11111e run. There were Vwo Mormons on this conveyance also--one from Ida- ho and another f rom the West. who were going ta a meeting at Ottawa. They were In Ottawa at the end of this ride and ate at the Grand Caf e where entertainers amused hem while hey aVe. Here hey became a little bigb-hatted and paid ta wash S IF No other Orange« eau equal thb a flaveur HG Le. Ail NOSE AND THROAT Health Service of the Canadian Med1cal Association The nose and throat of many per- sons cause them considerable annoy- ance and discomf art. Most of this trouble is due to infection, by whlch we mean the presence of germs. Tonsillitis may occur in an acute form with severe sore throat, f e- ver and swelling of the glands of the rieck. This condition ils pain! ai, but it is flot nearly as serlous as a chronic infection of the tonsils. In the chro- nic condition, there is no pain, fever or swelling, nevertheless f rom thesej tonsils, the poisonous materials gen-~ erated there go out into the blood( stream, and, thas every part of the body is open to damage f rom this source Diseased tonsils require treatment. T'he proper treatment must be deci- led upon for each individual, but, I generally speaking, there is onlyon cure, and that is removal by ope- ation. Adi oining the nose are several bol- 0oW spaces known as the nasal sin- uses. Under normal conditions, these sinuses contain air. They connect with the nose through rather small openings. If infection occurs in the sinuses, the opening frequently be- cmres blocked, and the pus formed, as a result o! the infection, cannot drain out. A chronic infection may develop in one or more of the sinuses, and if this occurs, it presents the same dangers as do chronic infections of ;eeth or tonsils. The chronic sinus infection is frequently responsible for repeated head colds. The old infect- ion flares Up f rom time to time. Dur- ing the acute stage, there is pain over the eyes or an ache over the cheek or back in the head. The flare-up ac- ounts for the recurrence of the head cold. Sinus infection must be brougbt under treatment if the damage it is capable of doing is to be prevented. The only way to prevent the heart or kidney disease which results f rom mbronic infection in the body is to have such infection promptly and properly dealt with. A considerable amount of iil-health is due Vo the long -continued poison-j lnz of the body wbich results f rom focal infections. Degenerative condit- ions of important organs corne about when they are subjected to the ef- fects of chronic infections. For these reasons. and also because o! the dis- comfort and pain which they may cause at the point of infection, prompt treatment is indicatedai preventive measure. Miller's Worm Powders were devis- ed to promptly relieve children who suifer f rom the ravages of worms.j It is a simple preparation warrane to destroy stomacbic and intesia worms without shock or injury ta the most sensitive system. They act thoroughly and painlessly, and though in some cases they rnay cause* vomitîng, that is an indication of their powerful action and not; of any nauseating property. RelIeea UNBURN Sothing and refreshing. Gives immediate relief. Restoressmoothness Non-greasy. bn le used at ail tines. uz;IAN B" Excise acjd je the common cause of indigestion. It resuit8 in pain and sourness about twa hours afier eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective je Phillips' Milk of Mageea. It has remained standard with pysicians in the 50 yeare since it@ invention. One epoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume ia acid. It je harm- Acid Stomach less and tasteiess and its action if quick. You wili never rely on crudd methode, never continue Vo suifer, when you learo how quickly, liow pieasantly this premier method acte. Plea8eet1e it show you-now. Be sure to get the genaine Pliillipe' Milk of Magnesia preecribed by physi- clans for 50 years in correcting excesa acide. Each bottie contains full diret4 tion"-ny drugstore. p *' You Neyer Know When 1 It's a mistake to drive your car without complete protection- a mistake tbat's always discovered too late. Wben the loss is suiffered the consequences of procrastinatlon may prove ex- cessively costly. Why not investigate our policies of fire, thef t and liabillty insurance? To-day eaUl or phone 50. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estat. and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St E. Bowxnanville STOPman STOP The STOP signs on streets and highways are there for your protection. They protect you and ail other drivers only to the extent that you obey them. There's a STOP sign at every intersection of The King's Highway and at intersections of many other main highways and streets. Be sure you heed them. if you do not, and an accident re8uits you are responsible. You cannot depend on other drivers. While you niay have complied with the law by coming to a full stop, you should still exercise care in entering the traiffic stream of a main highway. The Keystone of Safety on 7the Kinu'. Highway and ail other roade and artreeta Hulghwo nu. HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Chai rman iau We Recommend and Sel FIRESTONE TIRES WEST END GARAGE H. D. Clemens King St. W. BowmanvillE PAQE MORT TW A, __ 'FresafOatresrus CARE COURTES' COMMUN r SENSE is Safet IpArlir vTtl4irr ---7 f committ«

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