PAGM NM IMM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY lth, 1930 As Quiet as a Watch e not onlg nowe LEISTEN to a General Eleciric Refrigerator in operation and you wil find that it is so quiet you can barely hear it. And thia moat modern refrig- erator says quiet always becau8e it has no noiay fans and belts . . al thse mechaniam ja aealed air-tight in a steel casiflg As low as 10% down and balance apread over 24 months. GENERAL *ELETI ALL-STEREL REFIRII«RATO THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Bownianville - Ontario fai,éuied by' CÂNkDIAN GE!<EIAL BLUCTIQ «Brokoen Dishes," Great Comnedy, at Cainchatauqua SCENE PROM "BROKEN DUK" "ne Who cannot la.ugh at the play had se Ia1h pkIci.i saya the New York Sun of "Broken Dishes," the popular comodY whhk wlll be presented at the coming Canadian Chantauqua hors by the Martin Erwin Players of Canada. "Broken Dishes" la replets with hilarious laughter, tense drama and vlvld depictIon of thé vu'y rosi sort of people we meet in our daily lite. The play unfolda me appealing love story between Elaine, the baby of the family, and the village grocery boy, whom Ma treats with lcy scoru. But Pa mmd Eftine con- spire together with surprlsing and dramatie resuita. "Broken Dishes" le a gem of a play, gmuainyum, nad uproariousiy fnnny. BowmanviUle Chautauqua opens Friday evening, JuIy iSth, with this hlghly amusing Broadway Comedy. Save money-buy a season ticket for $2.20. NEWS FOR THE BÙSY FARMER Market For Fiai In an address to dairynien of Perth county, J. B. Fairbairn. Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture, declared that there wili be a big increase in the growing o!fiax in ani Western On- tario if plans now under considera- tion by the Ontario Government materialize. He stated that there is an extensive market at present in the North o! Ireiand, wliere growers are anxious to secure flax f rom Can- adian farmers. Mr. Fairbairn intimated that an expert might be sent f rom the pro- vince to Ireiand to study the fiâx situation and report back to the de- partment. The Empire Marketing Board lias offered to co-operate in every way possible. At the present time about 7,000 acres are devoted to fiax in Western Ontario. The Wome's Institute There are now 1,150 Women's In- stitutes in the rural districts of On- tario with a membership of over 40,000. The Institutes exist for pro- ,moting social contacts and whatever Is beneficial to the community as a Iwhole, especially te women and chli- dren, tlirough co-operative effort. The movement. started at Stoney Creek, in 1897, lias now become woric wide. Women's Institutes, wherever tliey exist, are non-sectarian and non-political. Figbting the Weeds Ontario is this year making a de- termined eff ort te elimninate the weed menace which in recent years lias seriously reduced crop returns and land values. Under the Ontario Weed Control Act it is the duty of rural municipalities te see that aU 'i bwe -" 1 77 O at thiSs sin for CANADÀSFINEST lIRE and CANAD)A'S ]FINEST TIRE SERVICE bu ocos h oa atr fyuwnIf you want the world's f inest tire, you have e good tire at a low price, there is the Endurance . . . big value at smtall cost. Amnong standard- priced tires the Domidnion Royal is Canada's best . . . standard equipment on many of Canada's f inest cars. Get the biggest value for your tire dollar. Let j Dominion Tire Depot experts check your pressures periodically azqd inspKct your tires for injuries which are sure to cause trouble if flot attended to. They are always at your service with reliable repair work honestly and proniptly executed at f air prices. DOMINI92TIItJDEPOTS weeds growmng upon highways under their jurisdiction are cut down at the proper tume to prevent the ripenmng of their seed and te appoint such of- f icers as may be necessary for that purpose. Railway companies are required to take simUlar action aiong their rights of way. If weeds are te be eliminated f rom Ontario everyone jmust do his share because one weedy fanm can effectlveiy ml est a whloe neighborhood. Destroy weeds and heip prevent enormnous annuai loss. Court of Kevision Coundil formed itself into a Com- mittee of the whole for the Revision o! the Assessment Roll for 1930; the foliowing cases were heard and dis- posed of: Samuel Rickard, Con. 2, Lot 35, assessment reduced $100.00. Wilton Brown, Con. B. F., Lot 13, assessment conflrmed at $7000. H. Edgerton Hancock, Con. 4, Lot 23, assessment conflrmed at $4100. Dr. J. M. Laing, Con. 7, Lot 25, as- sessment conl'lrmed at $700. Canadian Canners Co., Orono, as- sessment reduced $750. Allan Catlicart, Con. 5, Lot 15, as- sessment reduced $100 on buildings. W. A. Curtis, Con. .8, Lots 13-14, assessment reduced $200 on buildings R. E. O. Coatham, Con. 5, Lot 20, no reduction. The assessment roll as revised and corrected wiàs deciared te be the te- vised assessment roll of the Township of Clarke for the year 1930. Council granted Wm. Bannon $5.00 for damages to gate and fences when public used his fields for winter road. $25.00 was granted Horticultural Society to assist in their work. An order was drawn on Treasurer for $85.48. beinz ,fi,.+.,o,,avmentfor * Modern Spraying 1930, ef Workxnen's Compensation Spraying practices have undergone Board. radical changes in the last quarter Tender of Dominion Road Machin- e! a century. Whereas an appie ery Ce. for a gravel crusliing eutfit grower was once content te apply a consisting of a Champion Portable single spray, today many o! them Gravel Crusher, one Champion sîde- spray as many as ine times to con- f eed conveyor. and one new Champ- trol appie scab. Itistretht n ion three compartmlent storage bin, sccts and fungus pests have greatly was accepted at $3000. to be divided increased in numbers and that their in three equal annual instalments, working season is apparentîy longer. with the approval of the Council a!- In any event the Modern orchardist ter seeing one in operation. has found that it pays te spray early Owing to absence illness and often. SPraYing appliances o! Clerk A. J. Staples, council ap- have shown noteworthy improve- pomnted Mrs. H. Hooey as lus assist- ments. The old heavy rain made ant. by early punps and nozzies has Bills were ordered paid: changed te tMe flnest mist or !og covering trees thickly, thoreughly, J. R. Cooper. supplies, Jessie and with less materlal used. Waddell 7.75 S. E. Allen, supplies, Jessie InJuries to Hogs Waddell 4.15 WQuite serlous losses are sometines J. R. Cooper, supplies, Mrs. suffered f rom bruising of market A. Wright ......_ 10.50 hogs while in transit. The bruising Globe Indemnity Co., poiicy 250.00 causes a discoloration e! the flesh Treas. Darlington, debenture which the packers are forced to cut No. 6, U.S.S. 23 Clarke, and away, destroying the side perhaps for Darlington No. 1i 347.82 the Wiltshire bacon trade. Much Mrs. E. J. Randall, paymcnt of this inJury is donc at either the Randali vs Fellows 48.00 loading or the unloading end of the'1R .Wocaeae 12 trip froni the farm to the packer MunR. ip. Wold, aretkt 21s.25 fthrough rough handling, which could SM uicilpalWold, nblafo 12s.00 1be avoided througli the use o! secure, S. Cuttell, apublishingofb-la 20 well-built loading chutes and a little vision 4.00 Cextra care in providing plenty o! O). W. Roîpli, one door check 6.00. straw in the railread car. Oreno Ceai & Lumber Co., Improvingthe HerdJ. Henry, Road Supt. May 9.5 In a recent address. W. R. Reek, J. Henry, road maintenance 1492.22 SuPerintendent o! the Ridgetowm Council adjourned te Saturday, Experimental Station urged the need June 28th. at 10 a. M. for cow-testing and declared that breeders have net made suffilcient A. J. Staples. M. J. Holmn, Pregress along this line.- "Why werk with iow producers?" he asked. "I Clerk. Reeve. is the 10w producers and peer creps that are injuring eut markets and it weuld be impossible te secure a mat- ket that would be profitable for the expect someone else te dlean up your difficuities for you. Tacklc thcm yeurself. The object et every dairy- man should be a high produc;n- herd. as tee mucli time is now wasted on poor ' cows and ineffilcientmeh ods." Gradlng WooI Has Helped Canadian weels are now recegniz- cd botli at home and in outside im- porting countries as possessing higli- ly desirable qualities. Since wool grading became a genetal policy sev- eral years age. buyers have learned te look with confidence to Canni I for supplies. In the last fiscal yea' a littie less than 3,500,000 peunds were graded, slightly more than in the preceding year. Weel grading has liad a very good eff ect on inm- proving the annual wool clip and its preparatien for market. The fiecces now received at the storages larc wli- relled and dyed and show a very smal percentage et rcjects ot 10w grade wools. WIFE, GAS, SCARE MAN IN DEAD 0F NIGHT J'Overcome by stornacli gas in the dead et niglit, I scated my husband. badly. He got Adlerika and it ended the gas."-Mrs. M. Owen. AdIerika relieves stemacli gas in 1TEN minutes!I ActS on BOTH upper and lower bowel. removing old pois- onous waste you neyer knew was there. Don't f ool with medicine whlcli cleans oniy PART o! bowels. but let Adierika give stemacli and bowels a REAL cleanlmg and get rid o! aUl gas! Jury & Loveil, Drugglsts. "In May and June I was badly rundown and had îfeint @poilis until it was a drag to do rny work. In July and August I dldn't seem to pick up s0 1 de- dided to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vogetable Compou4 because I saw Ik advcrtisod. took two bottles and now I amn thepue of fne, do' ai n ork ani ... COOw.mÏfany woman CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIIL Buys $3000 Gravel Crushing Outft- Court ot Revision Makes Few Changes in Assessmnent Council met at Orono. June 3rd. I iReeve Hoiman prosiding. with mem- 'bers ail present.i In the absence of the Clerk, A. J.1 Staples, through illness, Mr. C. J.i Thoruton was appointed clerk for 1 the present session..1 These communications were read: A. E. Wilson & Co., re renewai of policy in Globe Indemnity Co. J. Y. Kellougli, notice of weed meeting. Assistant Provincial Treasurer, re distribution of Railway tax 1929. Canadian Paciflc Rallway re soie right-of -way to abandoned ballast pit between lots 13 and 14, Concession B. F. Dominion Road Machinery Co. submitted a tender on a Champion No. 4 Crushing Plant, which Council will imspect. John Henry was appointed Tree Inspector. to act in conlunction with tHydro Eiectric Power Commission' during building o! Rural Power Lie in this Municipality. Canadian Pire Underwriters As- socation, Toronto, reported on Muni- cipal Pire Prevention Appliances in Orono. as on March 12, 1930. Application for renewai of Public Hall License to, June lst, 1931, at $ 3.00. was ordered., Award o!fPence Viewers ini respect to south hlai!of lime between Lots 24 au~,un ,wsma FOR THE WARM DAYS You don't need hot meals in Summer -for kitchen fires to toast the house- wif e. Bring Shredded Wheat into the home with its message of health and comfort. Cover the biscuits with milk or cream and fresh fruits. It takes only a few moments to prepare this deli. clous, fireless meal-and the family will enjoy it! A welcome relief from heavy foods and such a wife-saver. SHRE'DDED WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE GAI4ADIAN OSIRKDDED WHKAT COMPA'Y. L.TD.e oPMOSPHODINLý oo0k's ReguIating Compound à UI ne Great Eniglish Preparatffta. A0 ~ mTories aind irvigorates te he W A saf. Sod ibk""1%0iervous system. makes new Dlood gWecis 0f Bteintho. de-l in old Veins. Us.nd for Nersout 85,p b = DebilîiUy, Mental and Drain Worr B o Le of atg. oir ientn eepamphlet.AddY0IBçf oi15) Sold byr all dnsggists. or mailed Ii plain ToAl@NLme , ld .t r.IAw Um ',»Wio.Ouvl ..but ulwrays! mounted on top of thse cabinet. Dirt, air and nijture are forever ahut outside . . . breakdowns and coatly repaira are eliminated. Your dealer will gladly explain why flot one General Electric owner haa ever apent a cent for aervice! Sec him today. ER140.0 iF , ~~ -- SUMMER PRICES FOR COAL Price of Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coals forthwith will be: Stôve ...............$1 5.50 per ton Egg .................$1 5.00 per ton Chestnut ............. $1 5.00 per ton Pea ................... $12.50 per ton Coke.................. $11.50 per ton A discount of 50e a ton will be allowed off these prices for cash with order. J., A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel'* Phone 153 or 21 Bowmauviile FIRELESS MEALS .Vâ.ý 1 a Wu\\4