PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, J1JLY lOth, 1930 1 NEWCASTLE -ON-THE-LAKE L£Captain Bussey and rwoth Chlange ofi steam tug, Wauketer, of the Public Works Department o! the Federai - , ~ government. Ottawa. returned last l'Y Thursday morning and began work 100 feet in length, immediateiy in front a! the site of the one time el- evator and coal shed. The dock will be entirely of timber and piank con- We wish ta notify aur patrons structian. the timber being mostiy and friends that we have moved cedar and the planed plank for floor- aur plunibing equipment and of- ing, of white pine. Since coming fice ta quarters tirectly above here f ram Toronto witli the materiai Geo.Weees'pait sopor ext some weeks ago, Capt. Bussey wasi Gea.Weeks pant hap.or nxt ssigned ta some wark an Lake Erie, ta the skating rink. hence the delay in proceeding with We ilibe leaetita espnti the work here. Owing ta insuffic- We wll e pease toresond ient depth of water either here or at ta, your ortiers with alacrity andi Bowmanviile harbor. the Captain skill. couiti find no place nearer than Port Hope at which ta tie up lais tug. He anti lis men then motored Up f roma there. Citizens of Newcastle who UJ 14 IuufAi~i have nat already seen the imprave- I. LE . LO GJ~~IAN ments that have been made anti those now being praceeded with at Plumbmng, Heatng & Tinsmithing the lake front, ought ta take a trip tiown at their eariiest opportunity. 264 - Phones - 453 There lias been for the last three or four years a growing demand on BOWMANVILLE, ONT. the part of permanent anti summer residents of Newcastle-on-the-Lake for electric service in their homes, -and during the past winter Dr. Oea. HAMPTONA. Carvetli and Mr. J. H. Jase have HAMPTONbeen active in canvassing the pro- perty owners af the southern section Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bailey and! of the village with the view of ascer- chidren anti Mr. M. J. Bailey, Kit-, taining their wishes in the matter. 1 chener, visited lits aunt, Mrs. C. Horn The Hytiro Electric Power Commis- .Beacock family picnic at Hamp- sian through its local manager. Mr. ton Park last Saturday was well at- Oea. E. Chase, has agreed ta builti tended, over 175 being present .... iunes anti supply eiectric energy anti Quite %î number f rom here attendeti service ta the homes in the area, pro- the f uneral of Orian J. Clatworthy vitied 20 consumers can be secured. of Oshiawa, an Tuesday af ternoon toaiat a minimum rate of $1.50 per Union Cemetery. He was well known mantli net. Contract forms are nowj and highly respected here, having.1 being put into the hands of property spent ail his boyliaad tays in the owners and it is hoped a sufficient village Mr. anti Mrs. Norman.l number af signatures can be secured Truil anti daughter. Detroit, visited! ta warrant the building of the line ta at W. W. Horn's Mr. anti Mrs. the lake next spring. Milton Avery. Buffalo, N. Y., visitedî Miss Fidier. New York City, is vis- at R. Averys Cyril Jebson and iting lier mather. Mrs. Catheriner f amiiy. Toronto, visteci lits mother, Fdler.8 Mrs. Jas. Jebsan Mrs. W. H. Ruse! Mr. andi Mrs. Harvey Matchett andi lias returneti from Trenton where chiltiren are summering at Mr. W.j she hati a pleasant visit Mrs. CIH. Gibsan's cottage. Woodi. Orono, spent a few days with lier parents. Mr. andi Mrs. L. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Henry anti three . Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, Mr. and chldren are occupying Mrs. W. S.e Mrs. H. Peters and son Keith visiteci Hay's cottage. t f rientis at Coldwater Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Gea. Farncombe andC W. B. Cunninghiam, Camneron. visiteci daughter Constance, Oshawa. areb lier mother. Mrs. J. Clatworthy noiv occupying their bungalow at the la Miss R. Ferguson. Oshiawa. visited lake firont. r at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. l Campbell, Miss Clistie andi Mr. Ed.e Campbell. Eimvale, were recent PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT guests of Mr. anti Mrs. James Curtis. Mr. Frank Fawke and son Ver- Report of Public Healtli Nurse for non, Neville, Sask., visited Mrs. R. June. 1930: Katerson. Mr. Fowke's father buiit No. of homes visited 134: No. a! the tannery here anti it is aver ff ty individuals visited 213; No. of visitsM years since the family lef t. He finds ta: Aduit cases 15, Prenatai 13, In-0 quite a change, but very please t a ant 53. Preschool 84, Re school ab-0 see the aid home again and gladt t sentees 4, Re physical defects (schooi find a few a! the aid friends stili re-1 age' 40: Miscelaneous visits 5: Soc- main Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Clarke il wefare 4; Nat found 15. anti daughters Ethel and Lillian. iInfant Welf are Con! erences helti 4: Oea. Baker. Toronto, spent the week -oal a ttendance 59: Infants 44; enti wth Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Hai- Preschaals 15. well1. Schooi Report I Climax Bug Kilier, also Arsenate Na. of visits ta sdhoois 28: No. o!f o! Leati, Arsenate of Lime, andi Paris class room inspections 11; Na. o! Green off eret iat fair prices at Harn's pupils inspecteti 440.a Store. Olga L. Tod. Pl The N E WCA Y NEWCASTLE 1 Miss Leone Tebble. Newtonville. lias been visiting her cousin. Miss Ruby Nichalas. Considerabie news crowtied out this week owing ta last minute de- i mand for advertising space. Miss Lillian Smale o! Creigliton Mine. Sudibury District, is visiting Mr. W. C. Blackburn andi taugliters. Mrs. Rabt. Jones, Cobourg, lias been visiting lier son, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jones, and calling on aid f riends. L Mrs. Stella Anderson, Social Hast- ess, King Edward Hotel. Toronto, is holitiaying with lier mother. Mrs. R. P. Butler. Mr. Chas. Moise and bride conciud- ed their honeymoon last weekenti at the home o! his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Moise, Beaver St. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason, Rector. Sunday, July l3th: 8 a. m.-Hoiy Communion; 9.45 a. m. --Sunday School; il a. m.-Marnlng Prayer; 6.30 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Reeve W. F. Rickarti and John Garroti utilizeti Dominion Day morn- ing in sowing with grass seeti the newiy made park grounti at New- castle -on-the -Lake. Ramn came op- portunely in the afternoon and start- ed germination. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Douglas andi two chultiren. Cobalt, are visiting his mather, Mrs. John Douglas. Mr. John Brown, Toronto, is also visiting lis sister. Mrs. Douglas, anti lis bro- ther anti sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown. at their summer home on the farm. Among the names of Newcastle young men mentioneti as signing up with Captain A. H. Bounsaîl, Bow- manvilie, ta join Durham Regiment at Barriefleiti Camp, Kingston, f ram July 8tli ta l9th. are Thos. Spencer j Jr., Alfred Garrad. Gardon Ketchum.è and Wm. Brunt Jr. Dominion Government has assum- eti management of fruit houses at the C. N. R. station anti on the C. P. R. at the Town Line for the benefit of local î,rotiucers and lias been making a,;me alterations anti repairs to eacli preparatory ta instal- ling electric cooling andi ventilating equipment in each. BUCKLEY'S MILL Barley 65e bus; Qats 66c bus; WhTleat $1 bus; Barley Meai, Roileti Oats, ail kinds of Chop on hand. open tili 8 p. m. S. T.. Newcastle, Ont. Phone: Clarke 3714. 26-40 CARVETH'S GRAIN & SEED OFFICE Are seiling feed grain at the fol- lowing prices: Bariey 55e bus; Whleat 90c bus.; Qats 63c bus.; aiso afulli ine o! Chop anti DairY Feetis. Phione: Newcastle 2612. 28-tf CANADA PAYS HER WAY NOW It costs you less to have Liberals run the Government of Canada than to have Conservatives. In the Iast five years that the Conservatives were in power they carried on the ordinary business of government on borrowed monev to the extent of about f ourteen million dollars. They borrowed, in addition, every cent of the cost of the war and demobilization aniounting to seventeen hundred millions. The Liberal Government has had to pay the interest on this terrific borrowing, but has managed by extreme skili and econo-.ny in all branches of government, to pay this interest a.nd the cast of carrying on the business of government, and also the cost of big undertakings, all out of the yearly revenues of the country. So f ar from borrowing money to meet the payment of interest, which Conservatives made necessary, the Liberals have actually paid off some of the money that the Conservatives bor- rowed-$258,OOO,00OOtwo hundred and fifty-eight million dol- lars--in seven years. Canada's National Debt. When you consider 42 cents of every dollar collected by the Canadian Government goes to pay interest on Canada's National Debt, you see that as the Liberals in future continue to pay off our National Debt the taxes that you pay will grow lesa a.nd less. Which do you prefer - higher or Iower taxation ? vole -HOLMAN -Lib&aIl (Durham County liberal Association) LSTLE INDEPENDENT I{fURSDAY, JULY 1Oth, 1930 Mr. anti Mrs. Phiiip LeOresley spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mr. anti Mrs. Russel Caiwill. Roy anti Jean, Toronto. are visiting lier sister, Mrs. W. H. Pearce. Miss RoseUla Cave, Toronto. caileti on Mrs. Oea. P. Rickarti Saturday whule on lier way ta Kirby. Mr. Sydney Wonnacott and lady frienti, Pickering. visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. H. Z. Hancock on Fritiay. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Skinner anti babe, Tyrone. attentieti the Lake Shore Strawberry Festival Friday ev- ening. Mrs. Oea. Aluin received word an Friday afternoon a! the sudtien pass- ing of lier father, Mr. Davidi Maff at. Orono, yaunger brother of Mr. Thos. Moffat o! this village. WEDDING McFadden-Jones A quiet anti pret ty wedding took Place on Monday evening. June 30th, 1930, wlien Marjorie Elva, younger daughter a! Mr. anti Mrs. J. S. H. Jones, Newcastle, was unitet i n mar- riage witli Haroldi William, eider son o! Mr. anti Mrs. W. 'J. McFadden, Durham, Ont. Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmanville, officiateti. The bride was charmingly appar- elleti in blue chiffon with matching accessories. Following the ceremony a reception was helti in lionor o! the bride anti groom, a! ter which the happy couple left amiti many hearty congratula- tions, for Niagara Falls. BOARD 0F EDUCATION Boarti of Education at its last meeting re-engageti its whole teach- ing staff as canstituteti Sept. lst. 1929, namely: Thas. A. Ratiger. P. S. Principal, salary $1300; Miss H. A. Masan, In- termediate Romr anti Supervisar o! Music-$iiSO; Miss Marjorie A. Pur- tiy, Jr. Room-$950; Oea. A. Coyne. B.A., H. S. Principal-$2700; Miss Neya M. Switzer, H-. S. A.-$2000. Board adapteti the following res- olution. moveti by Rev. F. H. Mason anti secandeti by Clarence P. Batty, ta be presentedti t the Municipal Council by Chairman H. W. Dudiley, at its next meeting: That the Board of Education of Newcastle is strong- ly o! the opinion that more adeqluate fire protection shoulti be pravideti for the village anti respectfully urges the Council ta construct water tanks or take sud aother steps as in the Cauncils view will affordti ta ur scliool anti aur homes better pro- tection against the hazards o!f fre tlian lias been the case heretof are. The foregaing resolutian was carried unanimously. It grew out o! same correspondence f rom agents affering ta, erect liglitning rotis on the schaol. The Board adopteti the repart o! the Chairman o! the Finance Cam- mittee, Mr. C. P. Batty, showing the estimateti expenses anti receipts o! the Board for the current year. with the recommendatian that the Board requisitian the Municipal Cauncil for the sum a! $6000.00. $4500 of this lias alreatiy been in interim grants. Boardi gratefully accepteti an affer f romn Mrs. Robt. W. Gibson ta donate Shoulder Roast Blade Roast Short Rîb Roast Chuck or Pot Roast ý,,ooked Mas &Dew BOILED HAM WEINERS FRAI ..\I CORNED b£EI' SlIeed1 Fresh Potaio Salad sweet Must-ard Pickles'i Sifeed ib. 29e lb. 22< I lb.22,e lb.22,e1 lb. 22,e ftessen it. 25 it. 23 Plist2§. vie Plcvw TI ( 1 ADA- ___________________ BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 an aninual prize a! $10 i gold, ta, be known as the R. W. Gibson Memorial Prize. ta the pupil writing at New- castle centre making the higlicat marks in grammar and composition. The prîze wiIl be given for the first time this year ta, one of the 25 pupils who recentiy wrote their hîgh school entrance examinations here. Board expressed its sympathy for Mr. Beliamy in the death of Mrs. Bellamy s0 soon after the close of the summer term and instructed the secretary ta write him. a letter o! condoience. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. P. Rogers preached a thouglitful sermon from the text "Do this in remembrance of Me" at the CQmmunion service in the United Church on Sunday morning. The ten eiders present passed the ele- ments ta the sitting congregation, the members of which partook of tliem simnuitaneously as the pastor read the service. Mrs. H. Hurlburt assisted the choir andi sang with mucli feeling the solo, "Jesus is ail the worid ta, me." In the evening the pastor delivered the first of a ser- ies of 20 minute talks on John the Baptist. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Monday. Juiy 7tl- Strawberry Festival at Clarke; Tues- day, July 8th, at 2 p. m.-Newcastle Sunday Schooi picnic in Misses Thompson's woods: Wednesday. July 9th. 8 p. m.-Official Board meeting; Thursday, July ith, 3 p. m.-Mantli- ly meeting o! the Woman's Associa- tion; Friday, July llth, 8 p. m.- Choir practice; Sunday, July i3th, il a.m.-Morning Worship andi Sun- day School, 7 p. m.-Evening Service; Monday. July 14th-'Younz People's League picnic- andi camp-fie meet- ing at H. R. Pearce's "Silver Creek Farm," beginning at 4 p. m. PICKLES iFMONS ESN 4CABBÂGE 'RE EDý r!AP40 NEW Glasses are not a Luxury They are a necessity. Nobody wears them unless then have to. But if they have ta, then it is their duty ta get the best. You cannot trifle with the eyes. Good ?lasses will heip them-poor glass- es wull injure them. Purchasing giasses is buying sight - if the glasses are right. ce M. Bosnel OPTOMETIRIST Office Over Flood'a Store Port Hope Office Hours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. Mu. to 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. Rev. John Bonathan, Montreai, and Mr. Geo. Bonathan. Who has been acting as relieving manager of the Bank of Commerce at Minden, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bonathan. v ~ANOTEBI WEEKI IIeeOF LOWER PRIICES!l NokI Another Dpleèadid Example of I WHER ECOOMY UUA &'PIS LoweroPrsce Polié.y. i BOKAR COFFEE The grcatct possible coffee value. Canada's foreunost package coffee at ai icry special low price . J.i taste it-you'il nref"r Bnkar. 2; 23 OUT 0T'GIIT u m~ *r 37o Doz. 27e HEAI >5 3Bunea esg .- - s e EXTRA SPECIAL! FINE GRANULATFI) SUGÂR Mtleobs.430 E.QL. -7 i rEDP.AT11 FINEST QUALITY CREAMERY SILVERIiROOK BUTTER 2Ibu.S59e SUNNYFIELD PSERZDlb 3 l REINE BRAND TOMATO KETCHUP B LARGE 230 QUAKER 1BiANt) Puffed RICE 2 Plu. 33e- VICTORY BRAND MfEA TS When you buy at A IL P Markets you are protected by the guar- ante of Canadn's largest retallers 0f fine meats. CHOICE YOUNG LAMB Leg lb. Z5eFront lb. 15a Lol lb. 1 Loin Rib lb Loin15~Chopa -.25a SIFT'S CIRCLE "SI' SMOKED PiCimÎC HAMS Av. slb. 2«5 SMKDBREAKFAST s. QAITY ROAST DEEF DELMONTE BRAND CRUSHED PINEAPPLE_2 -ris49a KELLOGG' Rice Krispîes 2 i'i... 210i CIIOICE QUALITY WRITE CORN w 2 -ias25o Crosby Faney Corn NO- 2 Tin 170 FRESM FR Uf'S E& VEGL,.ïÀ4BLEi A'î T Ail OUR STORES WATER ELONEXTRA IARGE,490 BANANAS-Large Ripe......3 lbs. 19c BEETS-Home-Grown ....6 Bunches 15 - That is how much the Liberals reduced FISH FRESH RESTIGOUChIni I At N Plb I Steaks or Centre cutsIlb. 320 FIVT F SH i~ -IE <w it.ATm U, I ' l ApptffES , îNST 4COOKERs Ziba. 23e OTHER SUGGESTED IrEMSt: AYLMER SHIIItIFF'S PINEAPPLE Catsu.....0 ,ýI~8ç Marmalade... J2;- 47c QUAKF::' AYLMEIt C.UIttsIEr ?uf fed Wheat P IG,25c' Pineapple 2NO. UA'r23 BRANSTON COCO% *LUT ii Pickles ........~ 23c Bon Bons......27c BRUN.SWICK ", .. B3artle».t Pears ""23c Sardines .........6c TO.N ý.*ril II1CE L(IlOl Cocktail . . . MITLII37c Salmon T. 'N18c !,'N33c 5'.! MIIBRAND CHIRISTIEI:, îuowx Asparagus Tips " 25c Graham WafersBu'K 18c. PALMOLIVE SOAP.....3 Cakes 23c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, JULY 10th, 1930 PAGE TEN 1