PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l7th, 1930 For Your Vacation We have'a good assortment of toilet articles in the small "1HANDY SIZE PACKAGE" Powders, Creams, Tootbpaste and Shaving requisites in the 10e and 15e sizes You'Il need a Flashlight or Batteries for your old one. Sweet Piekie Mixture 50e for 1 gallon quantity. And remember to get your Films f rom KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABL.E DRUa STORE The Tal< Auto TH-E B,/ "AUSTI] Sometbing absoc wiJl be on ex Hately's Garage BOWMAb FRIDAY AFTERNOO] Dodge and Plymouth Cars * EVERYBOD"Y W. J.CF Dodge, Plymci For, July W4 We have the "Sleepmaker" See this mattress dispIa, The "Newspring" Mattress The 'Newspi-ing" MattrE spring construction of 4C separate cotton pockei, The spring construction i. lap inside case and the rr regular quality Marshall Iish woven ticking is us( the m+fattrssarn e ntly BROWN'S SCHOOL ENFIELD SALEM Report of June Exammnations for i Mr. J. S. Ashton, Detroit, has been TeuulSna feno evc S. S. No. 5 Carke. Namnes in order guest of Mr. Geo. Ormiston . ... Mr. Thecond uctd bypafteror, Revice R of menit; *-Honours: and Mrs. G. Leask and family, Taun- Trumponu. . .Communty Picnic DayR Sr. III to Jr. IV-*Bessie Law,. ton, vislted Mr. F. Glbert .... Mr. and was fine and sunny although a bit KXenneth Stephenson, Arthur Bed- Mrs. Welr, Owen Sound, Mr. Rolson co ted.c a agrta s wmn. Bowman, North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. E. ual, severa bai lae mristheus Jr. Il to Sr. II-*Jane Tkatch, An- Bowman and family, Atlanta, visited ua t vrlbalgmscopie h nie TI:atch. at Mr. T. Bowman's .... Ladies' Aid aternoon's sport, with a league game Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Tolly Tkatch, held their monthly meeting at the r0f otbi ewe apo n Wylma Farrow. home of Mrs. Alf. Prescott last Wed- Salem in the evening, resulting in a Vera A. Power, teacher. Inesday .... Mrs. Edgar Prescott and' score of 12-14 in favour of Salem.. children, Oshawa, were recent guests ..Sm ftoeatnigfrmot BRADLEY'S SCHOOL of Mrs. Alf. Prescott .... Messrs. G. side points were Mrs. Jolin Squair Bowmn an W.Bowmn hve teenand daughter, Toronto; Mrs. Rosevear, Results of the promotion examina- visitlng at ML Farrest .... Mr. Wallace Oakvllle; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Honey and tions of S. S. No. 14, Darllngton, Pascoe bas been visltlng at Valentia Mr dauhtr ecs;Ms. Campbell, Trno r namnes in order of menit: M.adMs rmn oot 'V-Jessie Yellowlees. weI Mrntgus.TsarmArt Mn and Mrs. .lJ. oey;, Tronto;M. J (honE las owan(ss). teso .is*o',Enfeld. M. rtur mnsMr. and Mrs. H. Brock, i EntranE Cla ss-Ben(pssmitn',Town; Mrs. Gilîson and little daughter 1 Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Byron Nesbitt,- and Mrs. Orville Henderson, Toronto; Norma Yellowlees, Mary Miflson. HAMPTON 'Mrs. C. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sr. III to Jr. IV--George Patter - _____IBillings and children; Mr. and Mrs1 son (hon). Jim Smales. Misses Violet and Irene Petley are'W. Moffitt and family, Orono. . .. Con- Jr. III to Sr. III-Neil Yellowlees. holiday visitons with Mrs. W. Chap-1 gratulations to Bert and Lorne Foster Sr. II to Jr. Ifl-Willie Patterson mal.... Mitr. a.nd Mrs. L. Truil anxd On their success with entrance ex- (hon), Harold Hepburn (recommend- family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Salter and aminations, also to Mr. Kenneth Wer- ed), Russel Hardy (recommended). Miss Ruth Johns spent Supday with!rry, on obtaining his Teacher's Certi- Sr. I to Jr. II--Grace Yellowlees Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, Cam- i ficate at Peterboro Normal.... .Misses (hon t. eron ... Severai from our village at-; Thelma Werry, Ella and Doris Collo- Sr. Pr. to Jr. I-Russel Hepburn tended the 12th of July celebration at:cott and Gladys Cann took in the ex- thon). Blle Ashton, Donald Yellow- Lida'r.Adrocursion to Rochester and report a good lees. Seattle, are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. time. Mrs. Gilîsoil aloilittîle daught- L.G. Dearboru, teacher. C. N. Ruse.... Salemn community pic« er, Toronto, *are visiting Mr. and Mrs. nie was held in the Meinorial Park'F. L. Squair ..Mrs. John Squair and ___________________ here on Monday afternoon. AIl re- 1daugbter, Toronto, are guests of Mr. I port a good time and an ideal place!and Mrs. G. A. Stephens ..Mr. and for a pienie .... Congratulations to Mrs. L. Pascoe, nee Ida Scott, Mr. and Mi. and Mrs. W. Craig on the birthj Mrs. H. Pascoe and son, Toronto, caîl- of a daughter .... Several fromn here ed at "The Maples" on Friday.... took advantage o! Young Peoples' ex- Sympathy is extenried to Mrs. Geo. :Of Thej cursion to Rochiester on Wednesday Cornish in the death of!lber cousin, and epot awonderful day ..The Mrs. Elizabeth Hancrjck, Newtonville sevrewinstrnioflast week did con-....Mis. E. J. Doidge enjoyed a visit siderable damage in this vlinity..., to the Hampton Missioniary meeting Mi'nhr. .Cwig n n eld at the home of Mrs. L. D. Sykes Harry Cowling accompanied by Miss when a splendid progranm was render- W orld GWickettBowmanvile, and Mrs. ed and the hostess entertained ih motur trip in the Muskoka district,..j Mrs. Pheohe Truli, formerly of Bow- ýN T Mnianville, spent a few days witli Mrs. j ENNISKILLEN R. Avery necently .... Mr~. and Mrs.' Charles Hastings, Miss Grace Hastings, IM.adMs lrko n agt Mr. Lorne Hastings and Miss M.,er.HelnJean ami araret, agt Shank have returned from Bobcaygeon Ont., eeeek-end tsi tors ofLn, ~1 C A"wlîere they spent a few weeks artîjheir aOnd., Mr.wThos.nMcGii.MssoElI summer cottage ... . Mr. and Mrs. E. Oke, Toronto, Misses GertieaniW- Clarke and famiy, Toronto, are guests nifred Oke, Bowmianxilie, :)ueynwof Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoiweil. Mrs. Albert Oke andi faiiy, Mr. and >lutly ew -I ________Mrs. Wlter Oke ai faiaily with their xhibition atI parents, Mr~. and Mis. Wesiey Oke... MAPLE GROVE !r M. and Mrs. Aidrt-;rr. Toronto, Mrs. r Holden, Oshawa, visited their sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms and Mrs. Sweetman .. .\ Constance Bow man ille wo daughters, Toonto, visited Mr. and Beatrice Douglas, Mr. H. Magee, andBowm anL.iC.eSandde on Sunday. Toronto, were recent visitors at Mr. ~VILLs........ Mi'. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and a nephew, Mr. E. Ashton, To- and daughter, Helen, Toronto, are roflto, visited the for rrl( f5 sister, Mr-S. N AND SATURDAY holidaying with their parents.... .Mrs. R. Price ..Miss Lilian Price is hou.- Darby, Kedron, is visiting ber cousin, daying with hier grandfatber, Mr. s will also be onl aispiay. Mrs. H. G. Freeman .... Mrs. Phil Dor- Laurance Ashton, Uxbnidge .... Miss man, Harmony, is vlsiting bier sister, Elleen Tarrant, Osbawa, Mr. Kennetii rINVITED. Mrs. Walter Foley .... Our girls played Lamb, Bowmianville, spent Sunday at fa league soft bail game with Ennis- Mr. borne Lamb's H. Stevens. ficoming off winners .... Miss Sosie Stevens attended Bay of Quinte Young 4A LLI Laird is visiting friends at Kingston Peuples' picnic to Rochester on Wed. . .. On Tuesday evening our boys play- neaday. . .. Mr. and Mrs. James Greg- iuth aznd Austin Dealer. ed a league game of soft hall hene ory, Mr. and Mrs. S. Flintoif and fam- I wlth Hampton, coming off victonlous, ily, Mn. and Mrs. Sis, Oshawa, at * score 21-2.... .Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mr. W. H. Moore's G. Pres- -1q Snowden have moved to Oshawa un- ton was called to Lindsay on Satur- til lhe hoilds again .... We welcome day owing to the illness and death of * Mrs. Patterson and son, also little her nephew, Mr. Fred Reeves, town grandson, to our community, who bave constable, who passed away after four S Ilin g reted for a time the place frmerly ,,kou llnes .**M. and Mr. IH.'Vos- latter having moved to Ktchener.... N.Y., recentIy visited at Mn. F. Spry's e rs oci y r.and MrsU perRo, ebuand daugWen. , etty.. rocheMsr S e l in gToonto, who ave been visiting bier W. Moore and famly, Toronto, re- ptiens, r.and Mrs. Couldery, have cently vlsited at Mrs. Jabez Moore's retrne totheir home, accompanied .. .. Ebenezer people wlll present their 7E ARE SHOW'ING by the former's sister, Miss Dorothy play entitled 'Tbe Gypsy Rover" on Couldery .... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Green- Friday, Aug. lst. Particulars laten. MARSHALL bam attended the funeral of lber cous- ..Mn. Tiios. McGill was in Ottawa MA S A Lin, Mn. E. L. Vickery, at Oshawa on on a business trip ..Miss Rena Mc- SPRING - FILLED Saturday ... . Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Law Gui, Toronto, spent tbe week-end at spent Sunday with bier fathen, Mr. home. . .. Miss E. Crookshanks, Strat- MATTRESSMGates, Chenrywood .... Mr. and Mrs fond, spent a couple of days with Mrs. MATT ESSS - Ivan Law attended tbe funeral o! bis H. Stevens and called on other friends aunt, Mrs. Ed. Law,. at Toronto, on .... .Mn. and Mrs. Stanley May, Miss W'ednesday afternoon Maud Ashton, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Stewaié Rodman, Port Ferry, Mn. Ira Travail, Oshawa, Miss M. Dalton, To- "at ronto, spent the week-end with Mn. 99a ..... $1 . 0SOLINA and Mrs. E. C. Ashton .. . .Miss Myrtle Lye i ou' indw.Mr. .rnrlNirs. 1-rarik Rolsio, îîîr Brunt and Mr. Frank MeGill. Toronto, La o fs ei rsiaiai A goodly number from bere attended Tauhs ier ai Ow,rs. Nea .\r. the Orange waik at Lindsay on Sat- Mary, Pickerinig, visiîtdMns. S. Short- urday. Orldeprddt h sat ......i2e orige.Mn\I. Arthur Westiake an church and hack to their lodge room -,on nrîrr Oshawa, visited relatives before starting out .... League meeting here. 'on July 9th opened with a bymin, after -ess is made with a ...fiss Aa Pascrie, Toroirto, is which Rev. J. M. Whyte led in prayer. OOsprings, each in a Nrs. i. G. Pascoe .M iss A\ura Riin- Bible reading was taken by Don. rule, Brs iinîle s rucniit griest of Whyte, and Rev. Mn. Whyte also gave, ;, cîpped togetner. NIr. anidNMrs. J.. ~Rurîdke... Àlî.s the Devotional besson. Minutes wene s cverd itha br-Ruth McKessock spent the week-end read, Miss Majorie Martyn nhoiwas Inattress padded with 1:s ,liamrpto ....Miss Vera Short- and resigned f rom htie office, and a let- ride senta fw dys ithOshawa ter was received from bier, expressing ,l feit. Heavy Eng- frcils.Nis di evils Hamip- lier best wishes, and thanking ail those ed and t.he edges of buo, visitud iai Mnf. johni Baker's..who helped lier in heir progams. David Mnf. NI. \. jaiires. \Ir. (;eo. W, Jamres, Simpkins was appointed to take hier finishd it rad.\îliaîrr-' lr nri -Mis;., vraî.place. 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Harvey Igrni sas giveir in rînnection wiih the gnain in charge of Grouit 2, NI s. A. Siliday School senvice. Regulan Millson, ci ivenier, incluuled ianor - urniture icting tif Solirir Vaiuueus itute diuels, ls i.,yrsI.Iv.a antI Veliuir- wrrs 1eId on Thunrsdlavin the chuncli chanl, ati]re;iliiigs ire Miss 1-l rOs- Bowmanville se-itîr 1firýt vice, M rs. jas Mooncy, bonne, M nIs. J. SmashLes- air! Miss Mar- J tri siliig.R'!! cru! was answererl Ihy garet ScottI. A coîrtest and Iltu nch i 'tir favritni ia ni e for ar girl. Pnr- con cid!edn;a vetry ica saurt a fiernuon Meetihe Liberal Candidate. M. J.' HOLMAN LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR DOMINION PARLIAMENT IN DURHAM COUNTY M. J. HOLMAN has been living in Clarke Township for the past 15 years. He is a farmer there and a business man, buying apples, grain and live stock from the farmers. He has been trained to represent us in Parliament, by serv- ing as Reeve of the Township for the past 7 years and as County Councillor for the past 10 years -- the senior member of our County Council. HOLMAN has always been a man of action, getting things done, for the township. He is a good convincing speaker, and when elected he wiIl make himself heard in Parliament. HOLMAN'is an out and out supporter of the policies of the Mackenzie King Govern- ment. He is for British Preferential Tariff , Old Age Pensions, generous treatment of the Vet- erans, and the policy of Canada paying her way out of yearly revenues -- flot out of borrowed money. HOLMAN is the very type of man to repre- sent a county like Durham, where two-thirds of the voters are on the farms and the rest are in towns. H1e knows the needs of the f armers and the business men. If you approve of the many accomplish- ments of the King Government -- whatever your Ieanings in polities in other this time vote for Holman. elections - Only the ballots in the ballot box count -- Vote on July 28th, and Vote- HOLMAN .Liberal Durham County Liberal Association 1 ~Homne Furnishers LPhone 10 (P I PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVMLE. THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1930