TECANADIAN STATESMAN, IBOWMLANVILLE, THIURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1930 PG EE KING CARNIVAL REIGNS SUPREME! ORONO STREET F'AIR WEDNESDAY, JULY 23 Singing - Dancing - Fortune-Telling - Games of Chance and SkiII - Music - Funi and Laughter for Everybody. A NIGHT SET ASIDE FOR WHOOPEE! A riew Chevrolet Coach automobile will be set up on blocks and run for 36 hours. The running will conclude Wednesday evening at 10 p.m. JuIy 23rd. To the person sending in the closest estimate of mileage run the car will be given away free. Tickets for Guessing are on sale at 25c. COME OUT AND JOIN IN THE FROLIC! ADMISSION FREE Bowmanville, July 16, 1930. To the Women and Misses of Bowmanville and Vicinity:- Here is short letter just brim full of good news for the girl or woman who is looking for something freS and new to wear on her vacation. We were not loaded with a great big stock of dresses which we piutihased early in the season. ...So when an opportunity _presented itself to secure a fresh new stock of SU MMER FROCKS in NEW STYLES, NEW MATERIALS, and at Half and irr some cases LESS TRAN HALF their regular prices, we were fortunately in a position to giasp the opportunity. We are very proud of the DRESSES we have J)urchased for you and feel sure that you will be pleasantly surprised at the prices we are asking for t hem... There are quite a number of gorg- eous ALL SILK CREPE DRESSES with the short coats, and a few with long coats of wondertful figured all-silk crepe . . . These lovely dresses were made to seli at $22.50 and $25.00 . . . We are offering them for $14.95. We have a splendid range of "LEVETEX" FRENCH MAROCAIN FROCKS in the plain pastel shades, which we are offering at $5.95. Also Dresses of Pique, with and without coats, priced at $2.00 to $5.00. There are dresses of Voile at $2.25, also Silk Crepe Dresses for ail year round wear at $11.00. Ouir stock of "SUPERSILK" HOSIERY in service weight and chiffon .(full fashioned of cour'se) is most complete. We want you to corne in and see our New Stock . . . Not a clearance of "Left Overs" but fresh, crisp, new garments direct friom their mak- ers -- just arrived. ý CLARENCE S. MASON One door west of F. F. Morris Co. t' HAMPTON Report of Hampton School, June term; namnes in order of menit, ex- cept Entrance; Entrance-Austin Barron (hon), Gordon Phillips (hon), Jackson Wray Bloyd Wilcox, John Watchorn, Stuart Hogarth, Jessie Hogarth, Jean Stainton. Sr. IIIta Jr. IV-Harry Winter- burn (hon), John Virtue thon), Har- old Martyn, Nelson Rabbins, Annie Stainton, Olga Cowling. Jr. III to Sr. mI-Betty Knoxi (hon), Jimmie Adamson (hon), Bruce Hogarth '(hon), Thelma Rab- bins (hon), Muriel Scott (hon), Vera Martyn. Lena Novick, Doris Cryder- man, Katie Jones. Sr. II ta Jr. III-Walter Holwell (hon), Doreen Perett (hon), Gladys Chapman (hon), Jack Cowling (hon), Bernice Rogers, Jack Niddery, John Novick, Normna Cowling, Ruby Colwill, Jerold Black, Ruth Colwill, Dora Cowling, Ruby Jess. Jr. II to Sr. fl-QGertrude Pettit (hon), Wanda Clarke (hon), Gladys Truli <hon), Donald Adcock hon, Isb laedyges Pettit, Jack Jrones jh) ablle Rogers hon, JNeklJoesrou iPr. to I-Bertha Armour (hon), Acy Horn (hon), Verna Cowling hon, Perey Allun (hon>, Abert Jr. r. t(o Sr.Pr-etSaion Ar Pto r Pr-en Wra(hon), KAit Bir.et hon),Egn aC(olng 'ehn),Eveett AJn,(bogn wln F. J. GEvrat, AlisoenCmbel teachers. COURTICE Mrs. Knive and daughter Miss IDorothy. Rochester, and Miss Ada Kemp, Hamilton, were recent visi- tors of their cousin, Miss Mabelle Walter. Mn. Gien' Courtice and friend,Mr A. Merrîn, New York City, have re- turned home after spending two weeks with Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Miss Allie Worden has gone to Ot- tawa ta, spend a month or two with relatives there. Mrs. Jas. Courtice and Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmanville, were visitors at IMr. W. R. Courtice's last week. Miss Nina Immel, Grafton, called on Miss Mabelle Walter recently. Mrs. E. J. Rundle, Meadville. Penn., Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staple.s and fam- ily, Orono. Mrs. Simon Pen.found, Miss Estella Penfound, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Penfound. Osh- awa, were weekend visitons at Mns. Sam Rundle's. Miss Ruth Armstrong, Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, necently visited Miss Marie Rundle. Mr. and Mns. Elmer Rundle. Ton- onto, spent the weekend with bis father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle. on their way ta Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fitsimmons and Master Harry, Detroit, are spending their holldays with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks. Mr. and Mns. Marshall Soules and sons. Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. S. S. Brooks'. Mrs. Levi Brunt, Ennlsklllen, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Jack Shantt aven the weekend. Mr. Harry Osborne, Detroit, Is home at bis father's, Mr. R. E. Os- borne, Bawnianvllle, and at bis bro- ther's, Mr. Chas. Osborne, in this community. Mr. Walten Snider spent a few days at Mr. W. H. Nichais'. We offer congratulations ta Mas- ter Donald Courtice on passing the Entrance Exams with bonors. Sunday services were fine, our new pastar, Rev. HI. C. Walfrairn, preach- lng two splendid sermnons. Mr. and Mrs. Rass Pearce spent the weekend wlth friends in Bridge- burg, Ont. BOYD-In Clarke, on Monday, July 7th, 1930, James R1. Boyd. aged 51 years. BRAGG-In Llarlington, on Saturday, .Tiy î2th, 1930, Wesley Dt. Bragg, aged a(6 years. HINO-In Christie St. Hospital, Tor- onto, July 111h. 1930, Major A. F. Hind, late Police Magistrale of Oshlaw\ . HANCOCK-In Clarke, on Siinday, July 131h, 1930', Elizabeth Piper, wiflow of the ltI, Georze T. H-ancock, Newton iii,ý, in bier S4thyeqr. VICKERY-At Pine Point, Otnt.. on Wensa.July 9th. 1930', Efiin tLuther Vick,ry. Oshawa, helov t lîhusband of Ilostcîhine Nance Kfvell. LAW At 104 1-lighbourneellozit, Tor- ont0.o, o Sunday, July 131h, 1910i, Louvisa Van Nest, dearly beloved wif.ý of Edlwin I aw formerly of Solina. FEÉR'GUSON-In Cartwright, o~n Fri'lay, July 111h. 1930, Emnma E. Beacock, be- loved w ife of William B..FPerguson, in iber 631h y,,ar. lnterred at Cadîmus. THOMSON-At bis laIe residence. 71 Isabelta Street, Toronto, on Stinday, July 13th, Hlerbert, beloved husl.andl of Alice »%lud Coombs, In bis 63rd Mt formerly ofF.w nil. MERCER-In BracebridLe. Tuésday, .Jly Sth, 1930, William I tory M1%ercer, ietoved( husbanil of Ann Jane Fýice, la bis 671h year. formerly of Bowmanville. In- terred In Oshawa. SEABORN--On Monday, .ly 141h, 1910 at Meaford, Rev'. Richard Seahoro. dearly ltelovedI husband of Muriel Reid, S4 Fol- lis Ave., Toronto, formerly rector, of St. John's Church, Bowmanville. PERCY-At Private Patients' Pavillon, Toronto General Hospital, .luly 12, 1910, Shirley Wheaton Perey, beloved and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarley W. Percy, of 486 (3lenlake Ave., Teronlo aeI I years, 10 months. IN MEMORIAM ROBINSON-In loving memnory of our dear mother wîho passed away July 101h, 1929. Gone but 001 forgotten. Ever rememberodl by Kathleen, Helen and Mollie. ROBINSON-In loving remembrance of pur dear sister, Gertie Rtobinson, who passed away July 101h, 1929. Your end came suddenly, Gertie dear, It made us wcop and cry: But oh, the hardest part of ail You did 001 say good-bye. Ever romembered by sister Dora and Ralph. ROBINSON-In loving memory of our dear daughter and siotevý.G4,egthe Robinson who doparted Ibis life Juiy 101h, 1929. Whon aIl is still and silent And sleop forsakes our eyes, Our thoughts are In the silent grave Where our dear Gortie lies. Ever remesnbered by Mother, Father and Family. HOSKIN-In menory of-our dear and young'est brother t>ick, who, on July 21st, 1929, pas8ed beyond the Pearly Gates. Rest, brother, rest; God called and we're resigned. Thou are more blest Than we who're lef t behind. But we shaîl meot thee soon At that great Harvest Horte. Sisters and Brothers. BROWN-In boving mrnory o! our dear father, Dwight Palmer Brown, who died July lOth, 1926. 9 Four years have passed sinco that sad day God callod the one we loved away; Forge« hlm, no, we nove-r will, Au yoars roll on we miss him stili. Loving and thougbtful aiways, Che-erful rigbt to the end. God grant some day 10 n'oet again. * Sadly misaed by Wife and Famlly. MARJORAM-In loving meniory of our doar son, Victor Marjoram, who passed away July 8th, 1927. God knew you were suffiéring, He knew you were in pain, Ho knew you would neyer get better In ibis world again. He saw the road was getting rough. The hilîs were bard 10 climb; So ho clo&ed your weary eyelids, And whispered, Peace be thine. WVe loved you most sincere; XVe nover dId. nom nover wi11 Forget you, Victor doar. Sadly maissed by Mother and Dad. CUT DOWN FIEE LOSSES Help bring down the fire loss by providing yourself wlth a Pire Ex- tinguisher. I can supPlY anYthing f rom a one-quart hand extinguisher ta a 40-gallon engine. Oct ln touch wlth C. L. Hooper ,dstrict agent for LaFrance Foamite Ca., and ProbablY save yourself thousands of dollars flreloss. P. O. Box 485, Bowman- ville. Phone 465. 28-tf Wstd HOUSE WANTED TO RENT-By re- sponsible private family, for October let, comfortable 8 to 10 roomsà, modemn con- venlencos. Apply 10 Mrs. Edith V. Scobrîl, Insurance & R«tal Estate, Bow- manville. 29-3w NOTICE Re the ROSE ESTATE Helrlooms Anyoneh having anythlng belonging Io te latt, Willinm Nicholson Rose, or bis father, Capt. Hugh Rose, Staff Officer of Pensions, England, such as writing deEk, silver, pewter, pidtures. steel engravings, brasq tea table ketîle, notify Exocutor W. H. Vibson, Newcasiie, Ont. 29-2 Desirable Residence For Sale Eight rooms, solid brick modemn bouse. ate foundation, 2 store5's and large attie with 6 windows, white oak trIn 3 roome downataire, large sun room lOi 30 facing aoutb, back porch, cellar ho@ brick partition, 2 laundry tubs ln colla r. hot water heating. wirod for electrie' i atove and electric grate, brick garage, tcorner lot 115 x 166, beautiful terraced lawn, matured abrube, large shade treea, fruit garden, one of ohoiceat locatIn. a d beet but housseaIn town. Prle:ed Iressonable for immediate sale. Apply tel Iowner, C. Rehder. at Bowman-Ale 'oundry Co. OMaes, Bowmanville. 26-tf FOR SAL-Baliate A-Lj n.hminator 6- 1 3.. iII roîke your recei\ er work like an AC set and wili be sold for the itrice of good batteries. F. J. Mitchell, liowmianville. Phone 105. 29-tf To Let 7 PLAT TO RENT-Five rooms, water- works, electric lights. Apply Statesman LOffice. MODERN, HOUSE uTO RENT - On h~urch St., in August. T. Flamas, p'hone 318, BoNvnanvill- 29-tf TO RENT-4 rooms, ail convediences, wireil for electric range. Apply to NMrs. Frank M. Cryderman, Sitver St., Bow- nianvitte. Phone 232. 21-tf HOUSE TO RENT-5-roomed semni-, idetached house te rent, modern conven- jonces. APPly to W. F. Ward, Bow- 1manvillo. Phono 102. 24-tf . SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - Byl 7month or the season ai Wiitiams Point,l Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. P ckard,. Bowmanviile. Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms, wat- erworks, bath, electriclights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. Colwill, Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-6-roomned bouse on Elgin St., opposite publie sehool, mnodern conveniences, immediate possession. Ap- ply F. Sutton, Elgin St., Bowrnanvil!e. 19- tf Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE--On King St. East, Newcastle, 6-rooined brick cottage, wtth one acre of land, garage, etc. Apply t0 Miss Couch, 50 Orton Place, Buffalo. 22-10 HOUSE FOR SALE-Seven rooms, in good shape, garage, haîf acre of or- chard land, hs.rdwood floor In part of house, both hard and soft water. Per- sons Intereetel comntunicate with Fred Hudson, Burketon. 28-2' HOUSE FOR SALE-s rooms and bathe ail modern conveniencos, centrally locat- ed; aise nico building loi, 35 x 1,56 ft-, fonce posts, and Chevrolot 1927 truck, for sale cheap. Apply Fraztk Foley, cor- ner Church and Brown Sta., Bowman- Ville. 29-tf, TUE CHUECHES Articles For Sale st. Jahn's (Anglican) Churh - FOR SALE-Young Yorkshire 50w. Ap- Rev. R. J. Sbires. Rector. f ih piy L C. Wiloocks, R. R. 4, Iiownja.n- Sunday after TrlnitY, July 20. 1930: ville. Phone 142r3. 29-1w il a. m.-Holy Communion and 5cr-: FOR SALE-34 x 4 tires, tubes and mon; 12.30 p. m.-Sunday School; rims, like new, and cheap. F. J. Mitchell, 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. i;ý,wtmanv1Ile. Pîtone 105.2-t St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, FOR SALE--Genet-a purpose black corner Temperance and Church Sts I liorso, 10 years old. APPIY 10 Wilson Sunday School at 10 a. m.; Morningi Ahionethy, R. R. 2, i.owmanville. Phono worship il a. m.; Evening worship 1 183r14. 29-1* 7.30 p. m. Rev. W. J. Todd, the AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coach, 28 new minister. will preach at bath model, splendid condition, demonstrlstlon services. given; cheap for cash, S. R. Alger, Union services of Trinity and St. Oshawa. 28-3 Paul's churches on Sunday. Rev. Thos. Wallace, Newtonville, Will AUTO FOR SALE-Oldinobile sedan, late 1927 model, fmIre clasi ahape, bar- preacb at il a. m. in Trinity and at gain for quick sale. ApItly W. P. Qulck. 7.30 p. m. in St. Paul's. Rev. J. U. Phono 226. 21-t Robins wll conduct annîversary ser- FRSL- ev ld ae vices at Kendal. heavy sprlng wagon, suitable for hauling aîtls. Geo. C. Foster, King St. E., BMTHS flowonanville. 29-tf HILLS-In Bowmnville Hospital, on Friday, July 111h, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. PIANO FOR SALE-An apartment siz- Albert Hills, Tyrone, a son. cd piano In good condition, $95.00, easy RUNDLE-At Bowmattvilie Hosîtital. terms; also other bargains. See John on Tuesday, July lS5th, 1930, 10 Mr. and Meagher, 92 Simcoe N., Oshawa. Phone Mrs. Water Rundle, Ebe-ntzat. a son. 371W. 28-3 CRAIG-At Bowmanville Iospital, on UE ARL O AENme Tliursday, July 101h. 1930t, to Mt. andi UE ARL O AENme .%lrs. Wilbtrt Craig, Hamptton. a daughter cf used barrels for sale, ail sizes, ail 1n goncd shape and can be purchased aI an DEATHS attractive prnce. Apply _W. P. Corbett, Bowmanville. 2- MOFFAT-In Orono, ont Friday, Jîtîy_________________ 9- Tested and Given a Clean Bill cf Health! GLEN RAE PURE MILK High in. cream content . . . rich in vitamine . from T. B. tested cows . .. pasteuriz- ed . . . sanitarily handled. Delivered in clean, air-tight bottles. R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN Due to Gilchriat's Hurricane Values mn Men'a and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Vaines up te $30.00 for . $19.85 Men'a and Young Meu's Suita, odd im and depleted Uines, from our better make and quai- lty suite. These are lu tweed effects, In ahades of grey aud fawna, 3-plece suita, values ta $30.00, to clear.8 at thiasalie $19.8 SEE THESE SUITS At $17.75 Meule and Young Men's Suite, @mari models lu beautiful clotha, tweeds aud worsteds, suite of flner quality, double & single breasted, values up to $25.00, On Sale $17.75 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Values up te $18.50 f.or1 $12-95 Young Men's 1 and 2 pant Sulta, fawn and grey tweed et- fects, almo blue serge miita, values to $18,50, $1 Clearing at thia Sale$1.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE & PIN STRPE SERGE SUITS Ail the new sniart apriug mod- ela, lncluding Society Brand mAke, and Talie Town mod- ela, ail wool clothesuad beat make and tri mmlng. On sale at the following reductions: Eeg. values up to io8 $25.00 for . .. l$1.8 Eeg. values up ta 7 $30.00 for. ,,.$22.7 Eeg. values Up to $3.0for .. $26 .85 Eeg. values up to $37.50 for .. .$ 95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Values up ta $35.00 for $22-75 Meu's and Young Men'a Suite, ln the very beat makes in our store, wonderful quality, single and double breasted modela, depleted Uines and odd Bize- hence the big reductions; rcg- ular values ta $35, Clearing for only $22.75 SOCIETY BRAND SUITS at $24.75 Men'sansd Young Men'm Suite, fine worsted cloths, al wool botany ysrns, honey tans, silver tanes, shadow atrlpes, etc., ln Society Brand and Taikie Town modela, values Up te $35.00, Clearing for $24.75 4 and Boys' Clothing. Ir. B IC R Directly Oppoeite Banik cf Mointreai Phone 61 Bowmanville YOUR HOMEMADE BREAD Pull of health-building goodneSS2 with a rich brown crust that children adore. The ideal bread to serve toasted or plain with lots of butter or preserves. Start serving this every meal treat to-day and note your children's wholesome enjoyment of this tasty necessary f ood. Buy it here, or have it delivered. "W. P. COIBETT Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono 'CLEMENS' We§t End GARAGE Hello 1 Hello!! West End Garage? Yes sir. Can you fix my car? We sure can. Tire and Tubes? Yes, Goodyear, any size. Gas ? Yes, high and low test. Oil ?' Yes, Mobile and Marvelube. Spark Plugs? Yes, Champion. Batteries? Yes, Hobbs, the best. Bulbs ? Yes, Edison, Mazda. Have you good mechanics, who can fix any make of car, and do it right? Yes sirii. We eniploy only First Clase Mechanics who do First Class Work in record time, and at a reais- onable price. We need your business, you need service such as we give. Next to Bowman House 4 ' I -I mmzwqmýýý PAGE SEVEN 1. il.