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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1930, p. 5

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Cai i Se wil in Go nir o! gei erl b]c shi 28 do pu is ru Sc be as il in dE fc C: PAGE FmV T]M CAI<ADLIAN STATMM, BWMANVflLE, THURSDAY, JU-LY 24th, 1930 Tf~1~F!I1FY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT 1930 Ye eckless, Careless Driver Is Penalized by I I The CanadiÉrn Automobile Underwri2--rs Association Drive With Safety Have Plenty of Insu rance THE DRIVER WHO OFFENDS MUST PAY INSURE TO-DAY WITH ,Mrs. Edith V. Scobell Phone 189 Bowmanville RED ROS3E TEA, t~~cis. I The Safety Responsibility Law of Ontario Which becomes effective Sept. lst. Every niotorist, even he who drives with the greateit care, should know the details of ibis new law. It encourages ý-afe, sane driving and p rovides that the Driver who offenda MUST PA Y. The motorist wvho drives recklessly or causing dam- age. is not i-isured and unable to pay, wilIl]ose his driving ic,.sc- 'nd cannot have it reinstated unless he shows proof of Financial Responsibility. The suspension of an owner's permit applies to ail cars oNvried by the of fender. Observe the Ru les of the Road Drive with CARE, COURTESY and COMMOINSENSE The re"v law provides suspension of license for any one of several offe-.-',ýs. ail concerned with safety on the road. The penalties of this law cover Ontario motor,. is in Cther rie and r flic U. S. A. an.d visiting motoriçcts as we!l. lXm,~ett&.plcinnc the condition.ý of the new 1mw C..71 be pro.cired wi-hout rliii.ze fron% the &.gent of uny crnpany a nicmber of . OBITUARY ____________________ a DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASSES Coaching classes in Domestic1 Science, which wiUl include Nutrition, Ciothing and House will be held at following places. Nestieton, Tuesday, July 29th. Tyrone, Wednesday. July 3th. Hampton. Thursday. July 31st. Orono. Friday. August lst. Weicome, Saturday, August 2nd. Milibrook. Monday, August 4th. Cavan. Tuesday, August 5th. Bailieboro, Wednesday, August 6th. Mount Pleasant, Tliursday, August 7th. The Women's Institute are arrang- ing for the Hall in which the coachi- ing will take place at each centre, and it wili be the Womens Institute Hall unless they have found another place. Classes will commence every day at 10 o'ciock and finish again al 5 o'ciock Standard Time. Miss E. Hap- kins, Lindsay, wili again be our In-~ structress and we feel that we are f ortunate in securing ane sa capable and competent for this work. Com- petition for the CountY wiii be heid at the Armouries. Millbrook, Friday, Aug. th. tnadan National Exhibitionl Judg- Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Cadmus orel g Competition. ee or Fergusan, a much beloyed and re- secu GOODYAR WNS SRIES spected citizen of Cadmus, passed ta S.S îest after a short iiiness. Deceased1 war ;econd Schedule Begins July 28th was the daughter of the iate Isaac f riei and Mary Beacock, and was born in tCrowded out iast week) the township o! Cartwright on Feb- Wel. tc firs siedle f te twnruary Ist , 1865. on ja.nuary 23, 1892, f tbllicaeis comleofteTic she was united in the hoiy bonds o! .nners rege scr e daYnilTematrimafly wlth William B. Ferguson thner fnal gaecteen Whz aynd h and bas ived In Cartwright township ýoodyear. Tic game was very ever sinc xetn o oryas leasing ta watch, v;th much rmn- when they made their home at Thorn- ig the bases. There were a couple ton, Ontariot. thome runs and severai three-bag- The funerai taak place from the rs. Goodyear was a littie super- family residence on Sunday, July 13. )r wth an outfield that coveis cv- Service being conducted by Rex'. F. ything within a radius of a city W. Newell, who spoke very apprap- ,ock. Thiey should be called scoop îiately fron the i4th chapter of John. havels or bushel baskets as they Mr. Newell made mention how that ery seldamn miss the "punkin." The Mr. aud Mis. Fergusan were present ore was 16-5. in cburch the previaus Sunday and The second schcdule begins on the haw lbe had spoke on the hymn, "Lead 8th (Election day) so if your party Kindly Ligbt" whicbh le again re- ýoesn't seem ta be ahead just came peated. Alsa "Sate in the Arma tof othe game and forget your troubles. jesus.,, Theme will be no softball at the The pall.hearers were nepbews, eublic school while the Chautauqua Messrs. Williami, Abert. Harold, Aus- in session, but there 'will be a grand tin, and Adeibert Beacack, and H. E. ash f or first place li the second Trewin. zhedule. We hope Front Street Many beautiful flawers expressed the merchants' prategees) wlll do sympathy wltb tbe bereaved cnes in- )etter in thus seies. Until then set cîuding a pillow fromt the famiiy. side a nickel every night and make Mr. and Mrs. Abram. Beacack, Mr. ta grand collection for the openi- and Mirs. Wesley Beacoek and tamiiy, ng ganie. Mir. and Ms Jna. Trewifl and tam- Ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Beacock, tbe Mi. and Mrs. Harry Allen and late Robert Ferguson's tamily, Mr. augliter Shirley, Mr. Milton Latch- and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Mrs. Xil ord and motiier spent Sunday at Fallas, Mr. and Mis. W. J. Anderson, :rearm o! Barley camp, Bowmanvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson, Cadmus -Belleville Ontario. United Churcb, Cadmus Women's Âuxiliiaiy, Trinity United Ycung Peo- ___________________________pie cf Bcwnianville, Officers of the Durham Regimient. She leavea ta mourn lber loas be- sides lier bcsband, twc sons and one daughter. Williami D., cf Cadmus, Smiîth f Bwmanvilie, and Mr.. Everard Sandersan of Cadmus. AIsa. twa brcthers and one siater, Abrami ..*~ ~ ., of Bcwnmanville, Wesley cf Nestieton. and Mrs. J. P. Trewin of Blackstock. Friends tuesent ftram a distance I were: Mis. Arthur' James, Kitchener; Mliz 1 irdMs. George Houston, Messrs. Abert, .oin, Roy, Chat-ile, and Miss Ada Edwards cif Toronto; Mî's. Grade Robinscon, r.und Mis. John Robert- sn. Mirs. Archie Murdcck, Mr'. and is. Lari! Steel, of Bobcaygeon; j ~ Mir and Mis Robt. Robertson, Mis C Margaret Wilson,. Miss E' elyn Moore, Mo Mrley Greaves, cf Lindsy. W hon Mi'. and%i-Ms. Fred Cfyderman and I.M r. Herli. Crydermlan, Major and Mis. M i rd1Muy, an cd Mis. Rcbt. Var- d a.nd ci Ms A. W. Plîkard, Mr. B A B IE~S ed' 1is sMoore, Mes-4s. C. A. C îwker. Allen Williais, W. J. Bragg, are II.P.; ' io. BakerGeorge Tbcnîî- ore U set on. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Elot n 'BABY ilus and ailments seem twice Er ifri fBwavle J>as seriaus at nîght. A sudden cmy CARD 0F THANKS may mean colic. Or a sudden attack afi diarîhea. How would you meet this ',.i. Wiliiamii B. Fergustin and tam' emergency-tonight? Have you a bottleei ily <esie to iliaflk tlîeir mîtny friends of Gastania ready? j tir the iiiness and sympathy ex- F®r the protection of your wee one- enlt. aie ier eetbrae for your own peace of nxnd-keep this old. reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; Bethanyites are rejoicing over the let it bie an everyday aid. lis 8entle fait that their village is noix lightcd influence will ease and soothe the infant with eicctricity. the power having wbo cannot sleep. lits mild regulatiait been turned. on an Thursday, July 3. wit belp an aider child whosetongue is If cvery householder provided hlm- ctd bers fsuggish bhave . A.lla self with a ladder that would eaci druwts hve astoia.over the caves o! lus home, and a lessen fic lasses. i Dr. Ralph DeLury. o! the Dominion Observatoiy o! Ottawa, also Dean A.ý 1 T. DeLury, of Toronto University. are vlsltlng at the home of their boy.îood days near Manlla.1 WHAT'S YOUR MILEAGE?. Min. S. E. Davison, Toronto Sarah Eari Davison, wif e of JamesI Davison, of 1505 Dundas Street, Tor- onto, passed away at ber residence Sunday. Juiy 13th. in her sevcnty- slxth year. Deceased bad been ili for some Urne past, and w as wel I known at Prescott and Bowmanville, also at Eston and Kindersley in Sas- katchewanl, where she spent many active years. She was boni at Ham- mond, N. Y. The late Mrs. Davison is survived by lier husband; two sons, Arthur at Toronto, and Earl at Es- ton, Sask., aiso a daugliter, Clara Hough. Internient was made at Maynard Cemetery, Grenville County. The mileage on your speedometer indicates the degree of wear there is in your engine. As you travel hundreds and thousands of miles, the pistons begin to lose their snug fit in the cylinders. As the pistons speed up and down between the cylinder walls the space between the two wears large. The cylinders in a new car cal1 for a lighter oil, but, as wear increases through mileage, the oil must be increased in body. That is the way to increase con- stant piston seal which gives maxi- greater security and economy of operation - more mileage from gasoline - leus dilution and sludge - less carbon trouble - less wear and lower repair bis, resulting in increased pleasure and satisfaction in driving. Tell your nearest OPALINE dealer your speedometer reading. He wiIl fill your crankcase with the correct grade of SINCLAIR OPA- LINE MOTOR OIL. He wilî give you not just good oil, but precision in lubrication. SINCLAIR Wilfred Henry Mereer A former citizen of BowmanviUle passed away at Bracebridge on Tues- day, July 8ti, li the person of Wil- fred Henry Mercer, of Oshawa. The late Mr. Mercer is survived by his widow, formerly Miss Ann Jane Fice, and two daughters. Mrs. J. N. Noble of Oshiawa, and Mrs. E. P. Hoixibeclt of Bracebridge. and one son, Percy, of Winnipeg. The funeral took place at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. N. Noble, 238 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa, on Saturday afternoori. Rev. C. E. Cragg. of King St. United Churcli, conducted the service at the home and at the graveside in the Union Cemetery. Deceased Was a f aithful member of King Street United Churcli, and a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters. The beautiful floral offerings in- cluded: Broken Wbeel - Family; Wreath-G. M. C. Welfare Dept.; Employees Small Parts Enamel G. M. C,; Mr. Walter Mercer and f amily, Audley; Mrs. R. Huggett. Mrs. F. Wonnacott, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hug- gett, Guelphi; Canadian Order of Foresters; Sprays-Mr. and Mrs. IHerbert Hancock, Newcastle; Mr. and IMrs. Egerton Hancock, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. S. Glanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Glanville, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fice, Taunton; Mrs. Martin and f aniiy, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Patterson. Toron- to: Mr. and Mrs. E. Basson, Mi. and Mrs. Harold Fice, Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. Adamson, Mr. C. S. Haie and family. Bracebridge; Mr. and Mrs. W. Whittington. Mrs. B. Thompson, Mrs. J. Booth, Mr. & Mrs. W. Ryding, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Trick, Miss Ev- elyn Trick, Mrs. M. Alien, Mrs. Con- roy, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Saiter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fice, Ritson Rd. Home and School Club, King St. Ladies' Aid. jOshawa. X-S-Power, Gasoline and Oil Company DISTRICT MANAGER TELEPHONE 14 BOWMANVILLE JUNIOR WOMEN'S HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE JUDGING COMPETITION MiUlbrook, Friday, August 8th, 1930 Rules and Regulations 1. Each contestant must judge in ail classes. 2. Contestants are ailowed 15 minutes for placing and writing reasons. 3. Reasans may be taken both oraliy and written. 4. Na contestant may win more than anc prize. 5. The basis af awards wiii be 50, for piacing and 50(7 for reas- ans. 6. Ani entry fee of 25e wiil be charged ecdicontestant. 7. Open toa ah rural girls of the County of Durham, under 30 years of age. Prime List Higli girl in competition-$5.OO. Class A-Nutritian-Menu for pie- schoai chid and Famiiy Menus-lst, $4.00; 2nd. $3.00; 3rd, $2.00; «11, $1.00: th, 50c. Ciass B.-House Furnishng-Farm Living Raams and Kitchen Plans- Ist, 34.00; 2nd. $3.00; 3rd, $2.00; 4th, $1.00; th, 50c. Class C-Gaod Dressing - Dress Parade and Country Girl's Wardrabe -lst, $4.00; 2nd, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00; 4th. $1.00; th. 50c. Three girls, under 26 years of age. will receive a prize of $5.00 ecdita assist in defraying their expenses as Let's do it NQW Ask your dealer about the new Brant- ford Tapered Siates with the thicicer 6utts, Increased weigkt and keavier shadow line. A Brantfordi Roof can 6e laid rigkt over aid Woodl shingles. Get Brantfordi Big Butt Siates on your roof NOW and then see your Are insurance agent about reduceci premiums. With tke twelve colours in over 100 cilferent com- binations, you can have a rooF that exactly expresses your tone preference - a permanent,, woathorpr'ool covering that wilI adcl much ta the beauty OF your home. Re-rooF todlay while labour hs plentiful. Eranifiord Bigfluit Siates 4they're" Brantford Roofing Co., LImited, Head Office and Faotorys Brantford, Ont. Dmcb.m and Warehmouse t Toronto. Windsor. Winn iMontreai, HâlWA24 bmbt Johu, N.B. For Sale by RICE & CO. Your speedometer talks and warns you to lubricate your Car according to mileage r. Seward Dowsofl and Miss m abel Dowson, of Bowmanville, mot- ed ta Victoria Road on Saturday NEU ALsH i ening and spent Sunday at Miss MOw M bel Lytle's. Miss Dowson lias cured the position of teaclier for r I EL S. No. 6, Bexiey, and wili receive al FINE*- rm welcome here among many inds and reiatives.-Warder. JUST A IN1- W'kat about that ro oFing job? OPALINE MOTOR QIL DISTRIBUTORS ART COLE . 1o Prices Reduced CET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY AT A BIG SAVINC Buy your coal naw whilc prices arc at 10W summer levels. The sax .ngs wll be wll worth wile-yOU can buy the bcst grades àf coai at no marc than you would pay for inferior grades latr-and your bin will be f ull and rcady for the tirý,t cold days. Phone us today. Stave $15.50 per ton Egg $15.00 per ton Chestnut $15.00 per ton Pea $12.50 per ton Coke $11.50 per ton A discount o! 50c a ton v111 be allowed off these prices foi cash with order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville --T'0 w 1 Mai GASOLINE il

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