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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TU CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIlLE, THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1930 Quality Classes noExpesive Althougk we use the finest lenses and the best quality of frames and mountmngs, you will ixwariably find that our prices are right and reason- able. If your vision is de- .ective, the purchase o! a pair of our good looklng and good seeing glasses is one of the best lnvestments you can make. Trade at Home Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORE 8-Hour Service Developing and Printng SOLINA Mrs. Bd. Rundie, Meadsville, Penn., Mrs. S. Penfound, Orono, have been spending a f ew days wth Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie. Miss Betsy Mc- Master, Toronto, visited her cousin, Miss Ruby Parker.. Mr. and Mrs. Will Warner, Hastings, have been visitlng at Mr. H. E. Tlnk's Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe and family spent Sunday at Mr. J. Awdes, Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Ronald and Alan, Royal Oaks, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Taylor and Rich- ard, Mrs. A. Gibbons and Miss Vera, Toronto, have been holidaying at the Argue home here.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reynolds and Master Nor- man, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rteynolds, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds Miss Kathleen and Master John Bak- er were in Bowmanville Hospital last week and had their tonsils removed. Congratulations to our Solina pupils who were successful in passing Entrance exammnations Prof. C. B. and Mrs. Sissons, Orono. called on Mr. and 1*s. A. L. Pascoe Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White were in Toronto last week attending the f uneral of the late Mrs. Ed. Law Miss Ida Reynolds and niece, Miss Iona Rey- nolds, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yellowlees Miss Isobel Yellowlees spent last week with her cousin, Miss Susie Thonipson, Tyrone Misses Ruth and Margaret McKessock visited Miss Edna Reynolds. Hampton Our Division meeting in the Sunday School rooni on Thtirsday evening was well attended. A splendid Temperance talk was given by Rev. J. R. Bick. A geography match was enjoyed and cake and ice cream were served. Next meeting on Aug. 7th. Please withdraw the For Sale ad. re Baîkite Eliminator. I got quick action on that advt. (Signed) F. J. Mitchell. SALEM g Congratulations to Mr. H. Hocken e: Sr., Toronto, who celebrated his 91st ar birthday on Saturday, July l9th. ve Mr. Hocken returned to Toronto .iust Af recently after spending several i weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Pollard Several from our vicinity a attended Chautauqua quite regularly, H. very kindly taking friends along a:i whenever convenient, and all enjoy- vi ed the programs to the full Mr. of andi Mrs. G. Honey and daughter,pl Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell m and Mrs. Campbell, Toronto, visitedte with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair vo Mrs. J. Irwin and little daughter re- a: turned home last week after enjoying e] a visit with her brother in Toronto. 13: Mr. Adamis and family with some 'wi f riends motoreci down and spent the w weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David Alluni, Mr. P and Mrs. Fred Imber and baby an daughter Muriel, and nephiew BobCo Chamers, Toronto, Mr. Jack Cator In and Miss Eames, Maple Grove, visit- ai ed Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator on Sunday. 01 thi HAMPTON Ra Fo Mr. and Mrs. A. Trenouth and we sons Frank and Ross enjoyed a pleas- mi ant motor trip to Niagara on Friday. Bc Miss M. Bradley, Enniskillen, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Smale. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jamieson and sons, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter Mr. and Mrs. C. AllUn, p Mr. and Mrs. H. Allin and famlly, ti spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. I-Cr van Stephens, Toronto, visited at his t mother's, Mrs. W. G. Stephens wi Mr. and Mrs. W. MacMillavi Peter- U, boro, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. sa Trui The Collacott family picnic fi was held in the Hampton Park on i Saturday and was largely attended. Aiso the Werry picnic on Friday Mr. Norinan Clemens and Mr. Ernest Horn are attending Summer sehool at Oak Lake Mr. Frank Rogers took a group of neighbors to Scugog one day last week, where they picnicked for the day, celebrating several birth- days that occurred in the familles near that date Girls Basebal niateii between Hampton and Court- ice YMond:-y evening drew a goodly rnuzbEr of spectators and resulteci in .win for Courtice. W. M. S. met -it the home of Mrs. L. D. Sykes on Tuesday, July l5th. Mms. Bick presid- ing. Af ter necessary business and opening exercises, Mrs. Trenouth took charge of program. A splendid report o! Whitby Summer School was given by Miss Frankie Wood; Miss Lillian Jebson favored with a solo, "The Little Shepherd"; Miss Reynolds gave a concise and interest- ing account o! the "Jerusalem Con- ference" taken f rom the study book, Prom Jerusalem to Jerusalem; Roll jcal-Impressions gathered froni Miss jReynolds' talk. Meeting closeci with the Mizpah Benediction, after which Mrs. Sykes served dainty refresh- ments for which she was tendered a hearty vote o! thanks. Hampton Women's Institute held Grandmnothers' Day on July lth, at the Bungalow. The President. Mrs. H. E. Rundle, presided. Meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode f ollowed by the Lord's prayer. It was decided to invite the girls of the Junior Institute to our next meeting. The girls are getting up a Coaching class in charge of Miss Hopkins. The program was in charge of Mrs. A. Peters' grou.p; subject, Historical Research and Current Events. Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Honey gave interest- ing talks on the first settlement of Darlirigton, their grandfathers and grandmothers being among the first settiers in this locality. A reading by Miss Mary Rundle entitieci "The Lost Needle", and a reading by Mrs. Burns,."In Storeless Days," were also on the subi ect of our pioneers. We were pleased to have our District President, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Orono. with us, who gave an interesting ad- dress on "The Ideal Member" Mrs. ICowan o! Orono was also a visitor. [Roll caîl, 'What I first reniember and cidents o! early memories. After singing the National Antheni lunch was served by aIl ladies but the our annual children's day picnic at the park. Everybody welcome. Hampton W. I. held a special meet- ing in the Sunday School room on June 26th, when the delegate sent froni the Department o! Agriculture, Mrs. Wrrght of Odessa, was the speaker. Misses Helen Knox and Lillian Jebson favored with solos. There was not as large an attend- Iance as usual owing to the ram., but those present were quite delighted with the address. Kindly note that the coupon systemn at Hor's Store, Hampton, is undergoine a change, we having contracted with a new Systeni Co., wherein coupons will be giveni as be- fore for Cash Sales; but we are oblig- ed bo ask ail having book accounts, to arrange concerning sanie, in order that they itee may partic.ipate in this ENFIELD Miss Helen and Mrs. J. Gray, Tor- onto, are visiting at Mr. Arthur Or- miston's. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bray and family, Raglan, visited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's.. Mrs. Dobie, Tor- onto, Mr. F. Handson, Valentia, vis- lted at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's Mr. Johnnie Ashton, Mr. Herb. Ashton, Toronto. aÇ-Mr. G. Ormiston's .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Niddery and f anily, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, visited at Mr. J. Hep- burn's. Mr. and Mrs. John Orinis- ton, Oshawa, visited at Mr. G. Or- miston's. Miss Irene Bray and Mrs. Herney, Toronto, and Miss Mary Brummell, Brooklin, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bray. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, William and Ruth, Miss E. E. Haycraft, Bow- manville, Mrs. Geo. Woods, Owen Sound, Miss Lola MacLauchlin, Mag- netewan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- ley and daughter, Oshawa, were callers at Mr. S. Bray's on Sunday. i: Tg b bE fa Cg S. tc ai CE of t] of vu Mr. Lou Webster, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Miss Bessie Blackburn bas return- wd Mrs. Chas. Webster, Misses El- ed f rom. a pleasant visit wlth her inor andi Gladys, Toronto, were Sun- aunts. the Misses Blackburn, New- iay visitors at Mrs. A. F. Rundle's castle .. Mr. and Mms. J. H. MundaY, Miss Evelyn Hoît and Miss Swaiii, Mr. Wallace Munday, Mr. Elgin Mun- roronto, spent the weekend with day, Mms. Bert Wllkins andi daughter uiss Annie Hoît.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Greta motoreci to Sarnia to visit the Tforden, Miss Irma and Master Her- former's brothers, Messrs Wlll and )ert, Weyburn, Sask., are vlsltlng Steve Munday and other frlends ,latives here. .Mr. jack Pickell, Mms. Frank Hanford, Bloomfield, N. Detroit, hs spending a week wlth bis j., la vlsitlng her parents, Mr. andi lther and sisters in this communlty. Mrs. M. Munday, Sr., and other rel- 1.Dr. Ed. Sanderson, Mr. and Mms. atives... Miss Irene Hunt, Parry 3. A. Glassing and miss Margaret, Sound, is vlsiting her brother, Mr. Detroit, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ash!ord Hunt . ..misses Hilda Foley 'ourtice on Sunday Mr. and Mms. andi Eliza Kirkton, town, spent the 3J. Courtice andi Miss Iva, week-end with Miss Myrtle Green, n, who are staylng a f ew weeks i Peterboro ...Mr. John Cory and 'oronto, and Mr. Ted Mason, Tor- two grandchildren, Arthur and Jack )nto, calleci on relatives here Sunday. Cory, Oshawa, spent the week-end .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Osh- with her cousins, Mr. and Mrsà Noble wa, called on Mrs. A. F. Rundie, re- Metcal!, and other relatives. Rag- -ently. On Wednesde.y a!ternoon lauq girls Journeyed here Monday :f last week the monthly meeting Of evening and playeci a f riendlY gamne te W. m. s. was held in the home o! softball with our girls. Score was Df Mrs. Frank Rundle and Mrs. Jno. 13-12 in favor o! Maple Grove. On Vorden, wlth Mrs. Chas. Found's Thursday night our girls play a re- roup in charge. Mrs. H. F. Os- turn game with St. Paul's. Base Line orne, lst Vice President, was in the boys will play a game of bail with our chair. The weather was perfect boys on Friday evening on the school and chairs were placed on the wide grounds. Miss Ruth Armstrong, veranda andi the meeting held there. Grace Hospital, Toronto, has been After the business part o! the meet- spending a week at home Mr. and ig and the Watch Tower, the Presi- Mrs. Fred Foster, Charlie. Byron and dent asked the ladies to rise andi give Margaret, Salem, spent Sunday with awelcome to our new pastor. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Arm~strong. E. C. Wolfraim, and Mrs. Wolfraini. ifter which Mr. Wolfraiii repliedi Sry nicely. A prograri consistingi )fpiano solo which was splendidlyI ENNISKILLEN ýlayed by Miss Prout; reading by1 Wiss Lyla Osborne in her usual en-: Master George Pethick, Newton- ýrtaining manner; and a prettY; ville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chester, ecal duet was sung by Misses Velma Ohwvstdteruce r .R ind Louise Pearce, which was much 1 wa Mistd isMr unce Mr S.R rijoyed. The latter hall of chapter Pethick Mis arreMrtn in our study book was then dealt 1 Mr J. Cowllng and son Jack, Mrs. ith by Mrs. W. R. Courtice. After- 1 Mj'Robbins, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. vards appetizmng refreshments; were S. Hockaday, and Mr. E. Hockaday, rved by Mrs. Found's group and a Solmna, recentîr visited Mrs. Wmi. [ceasant houx spent. Mrs. Rundie Oke. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickard, Tor- id Mrs. Worden made everyone wel- onto. visited the latter's sister. Mrs. ime Sunday services were fine. R. Price Congratulations to Mr. :n the evening the service was held and Mrs. Orr Jeffrey on the arrival Lthe boys' camp near the lake when o! a baby girl Miss Myrtle Brunt, jr pastor preached a fine sermon to Toronto, Mr. Elbert Hancock. Roch- he Young people. The Trail ester, N. Y., visited at Mr. Levi îangers and their leader, Mr. Cecil Brunt's Sorry to report Mr. J. A. 7ound, are camping at the lake tis Werry is conflned to his bed through veek A number froni this com- illness. We hope for a speedy re- nunity are attending Chautauqua in covery Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bowmanville. Preston and family. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Thos. Gild- ers Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens, Miss CUT DOWN FIRE LOSSES Luella and Master Gordon, and Mr. ________B. Bryant visited the former's sister, Help bring down the fire loas by Mrs. E. Boyd, Willianms' Point roviding yourself with a Pire ExC- Mrs. Frank Robbins is visiting inguisher. I can supply anything friends in Rochester Miss Marion trom a one-quart hand extinguisher Griffin had her nose broken Mr. ta 40-gallon engine. Get in touch and Mrs. H. Slemon and daughter 'rith C. L. Hooper .district agent for, Greta vislted his parents, Mr. and LaFrance Foamite Co., and probably Mrs. J. slemon . Mr. and Mrs. Fred save yourself thousands o! dollars Tamblyn and Miss Mary Tamblyzi. ireloss. P. O. Box 485. Bowman- Mrs. J. D. Brown and Olive, Mrs. A. ville. Phone 465. 28-tf Tamblyn, Orono, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Every Summner Dress is on sale at greatly reduced prices. Corne in COTTON BATHING P.rintedBOSR ILS' Voile Dresses These Dresses are delightfuly cool and exceediigly smart looking. Developed from artistically pat- terned voiles that will tub and wear satisfactorily. Sleeveless and short sîceve elTects. Aise plain crayshene f rocks with long sleeves. Big range te choose from. On sale Friday$2 5 morning, each$29 SMART STYLED HOT WEATHER FROCKS 89c Meterlals of good quality Prints, ln newest dainty prntings and combinatlon colorlng effects. Twelve different styles lu tiis us- sortment fromn whlch you may cboose,89 in aU sizes front 16 to 4489 - WOMEN'S SUMMER BLOOMERS 39C Women's fine knit Cotton Bloomers, ln shades of pink, peach. mauve and white. Made in good roomy sizes, wlth loose elastic at walst and knee. It wiU pay you to buy two or three pairs of these bloomers at this remarkcable low price, Speclally priced for Friday and Saturday 39c BOYS' ATHLETIC COMBINATIONS Maie of pure white crossbar Nalnseok that wlll wear welI and wash easily. They corne in approved athletle styles in sizes foi- boys four te fourteen years of age. This is the better59 garment usually sold at 75c, for59 YOUR FAVORITE. SHOPPING CENTRE Phono 164 PAY CASH AND WALKER STORES Limited BOWMANVILLE trizes, sizes 22 to 32 49c SelUing at WOMEN'S SILK HOSE 29c Pure thread silk and thread silk- rein! orced with art silk, perfect and imperfeet2 c Clearing at per pair 29 WOMEN'S HATS 20 Women's early Summer Mats, ail this season's buying. A range of good colors (L Clearinlg at W 50 YARDS ALL WOOL BLAZER FLANNEL WilI make excellent iackets for .sport wear for men, boys or girls; good range of fancy stripes;, about 30 inches wide; regular price was $1.19,49 Clearine at per yard 49 MISSES' TWEED COATS 2 only Tweed Coats, In sizes 14 and 16. These coats are exceedingly good lookng- best tweed materials and ex- pertly tallored; regular up to Saturay price $3.9 5 GIRLS' DRESSES Nizes 7 te 14 years; dainty pat- terned prints, tu mveral different styles,98 Clearing at .... 8 1 ý De LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE The Longest Established Business in Oshawa Experts in Permanent Waving: BEAUTY WAVE $7.50 FREDERIC'S WAVE $10.00 FRIDGIDINE $15.00 Phone Oshawa 38 for Appointment. Another Piece of Toast Please Mummy Great f ood for the growing clld-sanitary, tasty and very nourlshing. Our delcious Bread, Cakes, Buns and Cookies are made of the finest ingredients. Cooked in clean ovens and brought to your home f resh, and just when you want them. The kiddies love our bread toasted. WOULDN'T lUE CREAM Just hit the spot right now? It's the best dessert we know of. Just to think of it makes you want some. Why not try Slverwoods-THE BEST. Sundaes are a specialty we are very proud of. We also carry a f ull line of Sof t Drinks on ice. _ _ _ _ _ _ -W.. P. COIRBETT Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono and look thern over while sizes and colors are f airly complete. 4e.1 j' A To Order Your Groceries It's too hot to walk - keep cool, just talk! Solve to-day's and every day's shopping Iroblem by ordering youî' groc- eries from us by telephone. We carry a complete line of all the Popular Bî'ands of National]y Advertised Groceries at Popular Prices. And we gladly deliver without addi- tional cost. FISH FOR FRIDAY For a choice meal try oui- Fresh Fish on Friclay HARRY ALUIN, (irocer PHONE 186 ROWMAN VILLE 01 Siemo, Mi Maron an Masers AYDO Bleond KeltMarionanville r. ADO and nd. . . taiton and leMrs. iios r adMs onGa BenceMrs. . Saho adssvtofl M.a.d adMr.tond OswJohatra-D Mrs. Lloyd Ashtonl and f amily, Mr. Grahani's; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. R. Ormiston at Mrs. H. J. Wer' nSnday. Miss E. Flet- Shortt and Mrs. Cornish at Mr. J. cher, Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. Crossnafl5 M.a d Ms .M N R. Ormstof's Mr. and Mrs. Wes- vsited at Mr. H. Stainton's, Hamp- ley Oke, Miss Gertie Olce, and Mrs. ton; M. Trw Scott, Bethesda, at S. Pethick accompanid Miss Elsie Mr.'w. Trewki's; Mr. and Mrs. Wa- Oke to Cobourg where she took the ter~ Wrght, Mr. and Mrs. Norman boat for Rochester to visit f rends Welsh and sons, Mr. Wi. Hans! ord, Sorry to say Mr. Brownle of ToronIto Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shortrldge, had his hand badliï crushed in the Oshawa, Mrs. James Shortridge and machine in his dairy. Mrs. R. ASh- DorothY, Burketon, at M. C. Avery's; ton lef t on Monday to visit her Misses Jean and Betty Stainton, daughter, Mrs. BroWnlee Mr. 0. L. Hampton, have returned home after Byers had a barn raising on Monday. holidayfllg at Mr. A. McNeiWs; Misses ..Mr. Levi Brunt is puttiflg a 'Ursul and Ruth McNeUl are holiday- cernent foundation under his stable. iga r hrodRnl',Bw 1Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Arnold and mn ate Mr. aodnd es, Mar- family, Mrs. Brown and son Robert, Thmnvie Mr.hiand tMr. Mar Miss Norma Fox, Humber Bay, visit- Wrlght's: Mr. Davd Graharn and ed Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin..- Mr. John Graham, Oshawa, spent Farmers are startlng to cut faU the weekend at Brekin; Mr. Jus wheat and report a good crop - Grnt, Toronto, is holldaying at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Will Preston and child- A cels isAaBehi oi ren, Mr. Stwr n amstey, Mort daying at her brother's, Mr. Alymer ion, and Miss Marion jasePr Beech's, Enniskilen; Mr. and Mrs. Huron. Mich., visited at Mrs. G. Russell Aunger, Mr. Walter Býridgett Preston's Master Jack McDonald. tnd miss Muriel Thompson Sundayed Toronto. is holidaying with MasterI at Mr. E. MountjoY'; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whyte. Elgin Mountjoy and sons vlsited Ebenezer DramatiC Club will pre- friends in Oshawa last Saturday; sent their play "Gypsy Rover" in En- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence, Mr. WIII ,niskillen Church shed on Friday, Aug. Lawrence and f riend, Detroit, Mrs. lst, at 8 p. m., under the auspices of WloTrno t r .Balys the Ladies' Aid. Admission 35e andWisnTonoaMrE.Bdey. 15c. A sof t bal game. Maple Grove Tyrone girls' basebal team played vs Enniskillefl. will be played at 6.30 a f riendly game with Haydon girls at p. ni. EverybodY corne. Haydori Wednesday everiing which ended in f avour of Haydon OFFICE CLOSED League picnic will be held Wednesday July 3th, at Crean o f Barley Camp, Dr. C. W. Slemofl'5 office will beI Bowmanville Sunday School pic- closed from July 22nd to Septeniber mnc is to be held on Monday (Civic 2nd. holiday), Aug. 4th. at Pine Grove. ~ Opening Our China Department 'To Stand StiD is te Retrograde" oeigO We are forging ahead. We now announce the oeigo our Chinaviare Departnient. We have a comnplete array o! Blue WilloVJ and Marie patterns, Coalport Indian Tree, and many others. * The stock is similar to that carrled by the late Archie Tait. We invite your inspection. j. w. JEWELL "BIG 20" BOWMANVILLE Come in il PAY CASH AND BUY FOR'LESS

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