PAOE ¶~NTUE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THTUIIDAY, AUGUST 7tU, 1930 À gain Id & p Offers Quality' Foceds at Lower Prices The A & P Is Ontarl&'q Me* Popular Food Retailer .... These Prices WiU Teil YOD lithy. GR OCERLE S FINI- GRANt LATED SUGAR-BROWN OR WHI. AýT A &P's EXTRAORDNARY LOW PRICE SUGAI1 lb. 48e FRO'H ONTARIOS FINEST DAIRY LANDS DIRECT TO YOU. SILVERBROOK CRE AMERY BUTTER 2LB.. 1c.57,e THE CHOICE 0F BEAT1Y EXPERTS Palmolivo oa 4BiÊ ROYAL CITY pLAS FANCY '03 PEASNO. 4 STEVE ___TINs 3I FRAY BENTOS Corned Beef No. i Th][19e Pierk and Deans 3 TIN MORE GOOD VALUEAS C - ,TE'S LONG Lyc. ......... Tin 14C Macaroni ' 2 for MANY FLOWERS HANDY g Soap .... ..4 Bars 25c Ammonia. .2 Pkgs. DIRD*S CCST ARD LIBBY'S FRENCH Powder....Pkg. 17c Mustard...... Jar TIGER SHIIRRIFFES ORA.NGE Catsup ... Qt. Bot. 19c Marmalade Jar 2 PRESERVING ITEMS 950 r23c 1 3c 1 3C 33c PRESERVING RLBPEI Jars-Qts., Doz. $1.09 Jar Rings .. Doz. 8c PRESER VINC- Jars-Pts.. Doz. 98c Certo........ Bot. 29c ZINC Jar Rinsg. Doz. i&c Parawax ... Block 13c St PRENIE LB. B OKA R COFFFF TI dLB MEA ilTS&a Veu find meats. and fish of ail kînds at your A & P market meats tint are gUaranteed to please sou, and at pnices much Iawer than you psy for equal qualitv eisewhere. PRI31 E ]RIB ROAST mb. 24c BO-NELESS AND ROLLED, LB., 29c. BEST QUAL!Y BOIIED AM ThlInIy SIieed Mb. 49c SLGAR CUEED S.NOKED BREAKFAST BACONsilieed PEA31EAL ib. 3le Cottage RsBYTEIb 290 F's"CY LONG IS.LAND DUCKLINS AVEGEIb. 290 GENUINE NEWI Loins........ lb. 29c Legs......... lb. 34c Lamb Chops ..- lb. 38c Fronts.... lb. 19c DELICA TESSEN ITEMS ROASTED YOUNG SPRINC. FIESTIII M' 1 I, 5% ER S. bA Chicken lb. 49c rotato Salad 23c S.'IKED DL.S RTS N<er. i1lM. 22c Bologna RIN(.s Each 25c ROAST PORK SIVEET 'MINED 2&c Pickles...... Pint 29c FREýSllCOHOE SALMON-Sliced .. lb. 30c Piece .... lb. 28c FRUITS AND VEGETA BLES Fresh fruits and vercitabie., delivered dailv to ail of <air storcs. A r>mpict(' ;it of ail native and importe'! fr«<t. and veg-etables eau be harl . t ttrctiý.e rro -. fiAC BOWMAINVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 HOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER?, gives such excellent satisfaction. Prompt service assured. We do not Does it need sharpening or repair- gve for sharpening or repair- ing for the comiing season? Lots lng lawn mowers. It's a cash tran- 0f folks have already had us put saction. Bear this in mlnd. D. thelrs i shape. Bring yours ita- Afldread, Blacksmlth Shop, opposite day before the rush. We use the Salvatian Amy Hall, King St. Est, Ideal Lawrn Mower Ginder which Bowmanvllle. 33-tf ISERVICE THAT COUNTS "Service" xvas a motto used bef ore any of us were born. Lt is instilled in our clubs and societies, and we in ouîr business have always used its power to the full. You phone your wants to us, no matter what is the matter in the plumbing, tinsmithing or heating line. help you. Ouir men are trained to If you are building a house, we are ex- perts at installing sanitary plumbing and heating, but we don't charge the price of the exper-t. Help us by letting us help you. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, AUGJJST 7th, 1930 INEWCASTLE Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sutton. Col. borne,, spent Civic Holiday in New- caetle, IMiss Best, sister off Rev. Dr. Best Bowmanville. is visiting Mrs. W. E Beman. Mrs. D. B. Simipson, Toronto. is vis iting Mrs. W. T. and Miss Ethel Lockhart. Mr. f05s. Brown and party of foui motored to Niagara Falls over thE weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay and fam- ily are holidaying at their cottage Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers lef t on Tuesday for their cottage on Stoney Lake ta spend a month's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Gibson and son, Preston, spent the weekend wit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gib- son. Mrs. Ida Stinson and daughter, Miss Frances. Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Ellbeck. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason, Rector. Sunday, Aug. 10th: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. n. -Morming Prayer; 6.30 P. m.-Even- sang. Dr. and Mrs. Fallis and two child- ren, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp, and her brother, Mr. Howell Rowland, and family lasi week and other friends. Mrs. Win. Hunter and daughters, Mrs. Percy Ranson and Mrs. Ray Carr and children, Belleville, are spending August at their old home here. Mr. Ranson was here for the weekend. The annual bowling competition for the John Douglas Cup is again under way with six teams competing for the coveted trophy. Games are scheduled for Tuesday and -'hursday evenings. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rogers, Pastor. Sunday, August ioth: 11 a. m.-Morning Sei-vice and Sunday Schoal; 7 p. m.-Evening Service. Mr. G. L. Wagar, M.A., Bowmanville, wlll preach at both services. Mr. Kenneth G. H. Pearce. Bank of Commerce, Port Perry, and Mr. Wil- bert Graham. Bank of Montreal, Bawmanville. are spending their va- cation on a motor trip eastward. their destination being undecided as yet. Those attending the funeral on Sunday off the late Mrs. A. P. Mitch- ell at Newtonville f rom Newcastle included: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher. Mrs. John Caswell. and Mr. Frank Gibson. The death is reported froin Regina off William F. Eddy, aged 77, a pion- eer off that district. Mr. Eddy was a native off Newcastle, and went ta the west bef are the railway went through. By hard toil he became one of the leading citizens off the Saskatchewan capital and was at one time mayor o! the city. Mrs. John Douglas returned on Friday fromn a two weeks' motor trip with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen, and daughters. through New York and Massachusetts and the Berkshire Hilîs as far as Cape Cod. Mr. Wal- ter Douglas off Providence, R. I., join- them on the eastern part of the trip. The Young People's Society have arranged a camp fire meeting and weiner roast to be held in Selby's waods on Monday evening, August llth, at 7 p. m., when they will en- tertain the C. G. I. T. and Tuxis Square. Al Young people are urged to came and make this meeting even more successful than the Juiy camp- fire meeting. A feature of Opening Day at the Canadian National Exhibition this year will be the 5th Marathon World Championship Women's Swimming Race. The five prize winners in this event will be eligible ta compete against the men in the main section Marathon scheduled for Wednesday, August 27th. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT and H. C. Bonathan: Wilbent Gra- i ham,. Newcastle, for stealing most l-i Attracts Big Crowd ta Newcastle bases (4). Goodyear tpbe, E. C. Hoar; r-fCommunity Park on Civic Holiday Russel Savery, Kendal. best catcher, shaving set, A. E. Mellow; Mr. Ban- t, Civic Holiday, August 4th. was as non, Orono, for scoring most runs ~usual the occasion off the annual (5, box tailet soap. W. H. Anderson; Basebaîl Tournament in Newcastle. Vernon Robeson. Newcastle player Four teamns entered. Orono, Kendal,1 making best catch in outfield, purse Newtanville and Newcastle. in coin- by Mrs. Floyd Butler in memory off .petition for the third Grand Chai- Fred; Newcastle Teain. for most ilenge Silver Cup. double plays. Officiai League bail, A. r The spectators came from near and W. Glenney: Tupper Johnston, New- e far and thronged Cammunity Park tonville. oldest player of any comn- ta watch this spectacular annual peting team. pr. socks, J. R. Fisher. 1- event. Even the bowlers le! t their egreen, innesistably drawn by the at- These pnizes were ahl presented ta traction o! watching a fine exposi- the players by Mr. C. F. Cannon, ,n tion of the more vigoraus sport, officiai scorer, whose task, as can ýy The fIrst game was not so good, easily be mmagined, was no llght one. being very one sided. Orano gave Mr. Al. Graham (Irish), acting as ýd Newtonville a severe drubbing ta the chairman in his capacity of Presi- Itune o! 25-1. The Newcastle-Ken- dent of the Newcastle Basebaîl Club, dal contest was not much o! an in- expressed appreciation o! the gener- provement, the farmner winning a de- asity o! the merchants in making cisive victory with a scare of 16-6, these prizes possible. He alsa pre- ralthough it looked ai first as tho' the sented the brand new large silver Le visitors were going ta win. cup ta the Newcastle team, lined up d Duning the intermission a min- on the stage, headed by Gea. Walton. ute's silence was observed In inemary Captain. o! the late Fred Butler, a fariner pop- TeCmuiyHl omte ular member o! the Newcastle team, TeCmmnt al omte who playtd in the taurnament last presented the comedy "Charlie Chap- -year.te lin in the Cîrcus" on the screen, also As te fnal nd ecidng ametwa reels off the recent Sharkey- -commenced between the tmme-hanor- Sheig prize fight. The Hall was ed rivais, Newcastle and Orono, the crowded ta its utmost capacity. onlokes bganta feel a little more) In the afternnan, Mns. W. J. S. intresed nd ora god easn fr Rickard's group o! the W. A. con- bef ore very long it was plain that tis utdpoiaIalnc cute was going ta bie a hard and weil- and con!ectionery baoth on the f ought battie. It is daubtful if grounds. more thrills were ever before exper-j ienced in baseball. For several inn - e igs neither tean scared. but at last EMPLOYMENT GOOD the speil was broken and the runs_____ bnought in. However, the seven&th The employmient departinent a! the and last inning resulted in a tie, 5-5, Peerless Business College, Oshawa, necessitating another inning. In2 reports the fallawing studentswok the finst hall. the hiomesters ffailed ing: Elaine Hill, temponarily wt h ta score, which neduced the local fans Reid Campany, Toronto; Gladys Fin-! ta the depths a! despair. but with the laysan, permanentîy with Hawden's' redoubtable 'Shir' Moise in the Wholesale Hardware, Toronto; Alice pitcher's box, the Oronoites were ai- Rizneck. temporarily with the Bow- so held at bay in the secand hall. manville Knitting Milis; Lillan 7Newcastle breatheci again. but nat fori Rose, temponarily with Gerald L. lang-the susiiense was too great.' Tritt. solicitor. Mantreal: Enma In the first o! the ninth. Wilbun Shultz, permanently with Callacatt's "Chick" Grahamn came in fron rdBs Office, Oshawa. The fali teri base on an averthrow and the score starts Septemben 2nd. became lop-slded again. The sus- pense with whicli election results wene awaited was as nothing ta the feeingof ppelinsin hich now assailed the local rooters and the i4 glimmen o! hope wliich cheered the Orono fans. But the hope soon vanished for the batters wene quick- ' ly struck or fieldedi out and the gaine was aven with a final score off 6-5 ffor Y Newcastle. Everybody declared it a goad dean gaine ancd it was tao bad that bath teams couldnt have won. An interestinig feature was tihe fact that during the 9 innings. Newcastle OD made 6 hits and scared 6 runs. while OD Ornn made 18 hits and sconed 5 runs. Newcastle line-up: P-B. E. <Shin> Moise; C-Tom Brown: ist B -AUf. Graham, 2nd B-Oea. 'Shon- Has proven a big attrac ty) Walton; 3rd B--Clare Henning, trict Poftsan even c Stan. Graham; SS.-Wilbert iChick 1f rJ t ;ojs n Grahamn; R.F.--Chas. Thacknay; C. of all odd lines and seasc F.-Vernon (Robbie) Robeson; L.F. -Fred Couch, Clane Henning; Subs scarcely handie the throng -Ray Brown. R. W. Waltan; Mascat -George Graham; Manager-Thos. " This coming week-end wE A. Rodger. rcstaar reiibe The !ollowing individual players prcsthtae reisil wene presented in the CQplmunity We can't begin to enuiei Hall in the evening with the prises earned on the diamond during the semni-annual clean up - b af ternoon. In each case the naine a! the danan is aiso given: Oea. Wal- , gains you may find. ton, Newcastle. fan longest bit, Even- ready nazor set, by W. Deline: Stan- î ley Rowe, Newtonvllle, mast spectac- W T HT EW N ular catch by autfielder, $1, by Oea ftWA C HE.I J ail; Mn. Loweny, Orono, fan bring-1 ing in mast nuns, fountain pen. byMi Reeve W. F. Rickand; Roy Winters, Ladies' Sil Ircj Onano, most walks, Everready razon ""'r set, J. E. Matchett: Oea. Waltan. Newcastle, most spectacular catch by I In this lot are some p infielder, $1,00. W. N. Buckley: B. E. sik hose that solcl as hiý Maise, Newcastle, pitcher inaking mast stnike outs (14), pipe, Herb. a pair. Not alI colonî Toins: B. E. Moise, Newcastle, best iebuyo ca fnds Ipitcher in tournament, 5 gallons gas- sie btyu a fn oline. W. R. Laking: Wilbert Gra- please at a fraction of han~ mos 2 bse îgas .,.~ vlue W. Wat2a seAb. Wst. o grnovale,~1 r...... jmast hits. basebaîl bat, H. S. Britton Empire Games at Hamilton H amilton, Ontaio, wil beth British Empire Games te which athletes from aIl the Dominions and the Mother Country w iii flock. E. W. Beatty, chairman and pres;- dent, Canadian Pacifie Raiiway. ks chairruan off the national commit- tee of the A. A. U. off Canada for the Gaines, and promises o! sup- port have been received by the committee froin Australia, New Zealand, Africa, British Crown Colonies, the Irish Free State., Northern Ireland, while a strong and representative British com- xnittee has been formned to ensure full British participation at this notable sports gathering of the British peoples. Canada wili, of course, be very fully repnesented, practicaily every province sending its outstanding athietes. The Gaines are scheduled to be held August 16-23. VERY EARLY SNOWFALL Editor Statesman:- I recail having sent you. some five years ago, a brief article on the eclipse off the sun which was visible throughout the North Anierican con- tinent an August 9th, 1869. This sketch has ta do with the early and unusuaily heavy fail of snaw which took place an October l8th of that year. I have conversed with sev- eral aged persans in this locality and only one was able ta recail It. It mnay have been that the fal af snaw south of London and alang the shores of Lake Erie was flot so heavy, but, north off London, and extending ail the way from Lake Huron ta the f ar east off Ontaria, the snow that feU on October 18, M89, was frra twa ta three feet in depth. The This Week-End ... T AKE your Kodak and pienty of dependabie Kodak Film. Be ready for every picture chance when it cornes. Stop for your week-end supply o! Kodak Film now. And next Monday, brlng ln your exposed films for aur su- perlor photo finlshlng. SkiI- fui warkmansbip, prompt service, reasonabie pnices. JURY & LOVELL BOWMANVILJLE writer was at home on the aid f arm ini Darington, and. distinctly remein- bers that only a few potatoes had been dug, and no turnlps raLsed when the storm came, and the bulk of thein remained i the ground until the foilowIng spring, and apples hung on the trees ail winter. Wihethen the edlipse of the previous August had anything ta do with the eariy snow and wxnter, I cannot say. There was an eclipse of the sun in January, 1925, and it was foilowedi by an unusually coid October. Per- haps it can be connected up. scien- tiflcaily and astranomlcally, and per- haps nat. At any rate, there are only a few "aid tizners' naw who can recail that notable October l8th of 1869. St. Thomas, July, 1930 D.Roers As a wearer o! glasses, you know that there is nothing toc good for your eyes-your most preciaus possession. According- ly you will be interested to know a! the great care we ex- encise i supplying you with only the finest. If you have not had a recent examination. we suggest that you came in ta see us and let us cane! ully test your eyes. The fact that you are weaning glasses is no reason for believ- ing that they are best f or your eyes because the eyes. like every other ongan in the human body, are undengoing a constant change. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Bor: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 P. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. r LLSONS VIENT SALE ztion to the buying public of Bowmanvil!e and dis- >sts have been entirely forgotten in this clean-sweep wnable merch andise. Last week-end we could gof interested and satisfied buyers. e are out to offer even more drastic reductions- e-and values neyer before attempted in this locality. rate the many big savings made possible in this big but the follow ing are a few only of the many bar- 4DOWS FOR OUR BIG DAILY SPECIALS. e39c pr. pure thread Âgh as $1.50 rs in every )mething to )f their real 39c ivien's work bnîrts 6 dozen, reg. $1.00 value,77 wxhile they last, each ...... 7 Silk Pullovers Only 15 left so we xiii dean them UI) at less than ý, price,98 reg. $2.98, clearing each Sleeveless Vests Just the thing for these hot days, values to $2.25,79 take your choice, each ...79 Big Savings on Tub and Sport Dresses We are cleaning up every dress in the store this week-end regardless of price. So if you want a good tub f rock for around the house or a cool sport frock for street wear, look them over, vahjies from $1.29 to $7.95, 9c -n clearing ..79 o i$1.98 HERE'S ONE Men's $1 .59 Work Pants 88c A cash transaction at a fraction of their real value, assorted Q8 designs, ail sizes, pair ....t8 $1.00 Silk Hose for 64c A good range of colors and al sizes; one of the best wearing hose in the tra(le,64 p)er l)ai ................ 4 Men's Sox In this lot are values to 79e pair; broken lines; over 200 pr to choose from, take your choice, 39 per' pair ................... Big Hosiery Values Misses' hard wearing Silk & Lisle Hose, a regular 69c uine. àizes 61/2 to 81/.,, for39 per pair ................ 9 Last Cali for Hats 59c each Still some real bargains that have sold as high as $3.95-a good sel- ection yet; ail go on at 59 each ......................... 9 NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND BETER BARGMINS BOWMANVILLE WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT *1 Ir 4 1, ? PA(M TUN 1