PAGE WO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BowmANVIlLE, THURSDAY, AUQUST 7th, 1930 WELFAEE CONFERENCE There wiil be no Infant Welf are Conference the ftret four ffldaf'a in Aisgust. It wil be resumed on F1- day, August 29th. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD. B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Mioney to lban on Farmn and ToWn property. Royal Banik Building, Bowmnvllle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Solicitor for Banik o! Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Money to Loan. Bond% for Sale. Offcs: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102,.FHouse 409. DENTAL - DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in DenistrY, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipmnent in Office. S DR. J. C. DEVITTt THE EDITOR TALKS This is a chat with young mothers, prospective motliers andi mothers who bave daughters wlio may be mothers. What a general interest lias grown up in behalf o! young children in recent years. In The Methodist Times o! London, Englanci, for July 3rd, sent us by a relative in Liverpool, we flnd in "The Women's Sphere" that in England National Baby WeeP is celebrated-Provides a Chance oi Health for Every Baby. The article begins thusly: Baby Week-which again is being celebrated ini the flrst seven days o! July-lias become a week o! national importance. Ail over the country displays and baby shows are lield to advise andi encourage mothers o! ýyoung babies to give thema the best Sstart in lie. WThrougli the activities o! Baby Week mothers are led to a know- ledge of Welfare Centres and ail they stand for in the healthy progress of the modem baby. Thanks to the efforts o! the Baby Week Council, no mother need see ber cliild delicate, deformed or weak tlirougb lack o! means to supply necessary foodi or treatment. A mother lias only to get into toucli with some Welf are Centre and the burden of lier chld's Illness or need is lifted from ber shoulders. She can have medical acvice, hospital treatment if neces- sary, andi f ree milk if she is unable ta feed ber baby naturally. Assistant Dr. E. W. Sissan But, o! course, every mother in Graduate o! Royal Dental CoUlege, these days makes a determineci effort Taranto. Office: King Street East, ta feeci ber baby herself, because it is Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. the food Nature prepares, anci the ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Only fooci perfectly adapted ta the Phone 90. House phione 283. digestive organs o! a new-born baby. X-Ray Equipment in Office. The flrst supply O! milk is sunlar ta _______________ - . -the nourishment baby lias received MEDICALbefore birth, and therefore puts no MEDICALsuciden strain on a weak and untried C. W. SLEMON, M.D., CM. digestion. Howevere great the diffi- Graduate o! Trinity Medical College, culties to be overcome, it is o! vital Toronto. importance to a chld's constitution Office and residence: Dr. Beitli's ini the future that lie shouici bave former residence, Wellington Street, the Perfect food provideci for him. Bowmanville. Phone 259. It may be rather a nuisance and a tie ta a mather for a few montlis, J~. CLARK BELL but she lias the reward o! seeing lier M. D., Ch. B., P. R. C. S. (Edin.), D. P. H. baby growing Pliimp and contented every day; and she lias the satisfac- (Successor ta Dr. A. S. Tiliey) tion o! knowîng she lias given lier Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- child the best Possible start towards deen University; Fellow o! the Royal life-long liealtli anci bappirîess. College o! Surgeons, Edinburgli Office andi residence: Queen Street Iiadtontfeigbrbby Bawmanvill. lio p ne 6 89 p. every good mother nowadays provicies Offce ous. ta4 . m , t Sî P.mna cot o! some kiiid, sa that the chilci _____________ - --shaîl be able ta breathe fresb, pure CHIIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESSi air anci run no risk of! being suff ocat- THEROPY ed by the movements o! a mother in lier sleep. Banana crates are clieap DURWIN E. STECKLEY and make quite pretty cradles if cov- Honor graduate o! Toronto Colege ereci witb a piece o! dainty chintz or o! Chiropractics will be in the Bow- muslin. If a new baby lias bis own manvifle office Tuesday, Thursday special cot and bis own special food and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. be sliould thrive weil riglit from the Residential calîs made during fore- stant; if lie does not, take him ta the noon. nearest Welfare Centre or Clinic. To celebrate Baby Week we are FUNERAL DIRECTORS offering a prize o! One Guinea for the picture o! the bappiest baby that F. F. MORRIS CO. reaches us by July 17. Babies enter- Complete Motor or eci for the competition shoulci lot be ~ Horse Equipment.j more tban two years aid at the enci Al cails promptly lof this month., Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. "Brandli Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaliner and Funeral Director. Calis given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY B. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate o! the University o! Toronto. AUl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. YOU WASTE MONEY 1 If your taps, pipes or general plumbing bas a Ieak in it, you are wasting xnoney, and pos- sibly ruining your plaster. We would be pleased ta over- haul your plumbing, fix your taps, closets and other fix- tures. We only walt for you te, say the word. R. E. LOGAN Plumblng, Heatlng & Tlnsmlthlng 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. J. HERMON%. Buys Poultry and WooI at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmsnvmfe--236 Toronto-TrfiWtY 3049J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. Sunday, July 27th, a!ter reading the f oregoing about Baby Week, we took Up The War Cry o! 26th anci the !lrst article occupying the whole flrst page anci three columns o! tlie 13tli was beadeci "The Army's Mother Ranci: Comforts Wee Maicis at the Newly-Openeci Home for Little Girls in Toronto." Then !ollows a de- s1criptigon!this beautiful Home for lIttle opbngirls whidlibas been Iprovided, home o! almast castie Ipretensions that is destined ta be- came a shrine to many tiny tots who a contrast The Army's Riverdale Home for iittle girls must present t0 the Places wbence many o! themn have came. This Home is under the gracious and instructive guidance o! a Matron, Adjutant McLaren. The initial impression that strikes the minci immediately upon passing into the atrium, from the wie- sweeping veranda which overlooks the expansive tree-studded lawns, was that o! the extreme beauty and spaciousness o! the place. Our space aciîs o! only two more paragraphs: The out-door playground, with its swings anci sIides anci teeter-totters, is an honest-to-goociness little girl's Elysium! No wonder that in the !ew short days tbey have been tbere tliey have become brotizeci with the sun anci literally glow with healtb. Plenty o! wasb-rooms are scatter- ed tbrougbout the bouse, andc cothes closets. too, with space for each lit- tle maicis apparel. There's an ailot- ed place, indicateci by name, for shoes, anci a tootli-brusb rack, with 'notches" allocateci in like manner. Each Chulci is responsible for keeping lier own personal effects tidy and in their right places. This elementary discipline will stand them in gooci steaci in years to corne. The store anci !urnace-rooms are in the basement, as well as the biglit, spick-and-span kitchen. Then, again: this 'mother-Influ- ence," so to speak. is exercised under circumstances that are highly con- ducive to the growtli of the noblesti sentiments in little hearts. The graceful and really artistic environ- ment provided by such a Home will foster within themn an appreciation of the beautiful andi the good. This will be further enhanced by instruc- tion in music andi the scbool studies, the playground, the green grau,. trees and the flowers. Finally. and of greatest import- ance, the spiritual atmosphere of the Home will help to builci sturdy char- acters, andl erect flrm principles in the childish hearts. Years o! such an atmosphere - which is incom- parably superior to coercion in re- ligious thîngs - wîll prepare hearts andi mincis for that essential step that comes only with the voluntary assent o! the soul. Conversion. Alter reading these articles a strange coincidence is that Our son called and asked if we would like to go for a motor ride to the Scholfleld Boys' Camp? 0f course, we went. This camp has been providiec by a Toronto gentleman. H. C. Scliolfield, M.P.p., for the vacation grouncis of the 200 boys, more or less, of Bow- mnanville Training School. situateci on a splendid location on_-the shore o! Lake Ontario-a little south-west o! the town. Some buildings are erected and others are in course o! erection and when completed it wil be an ideal boys' camp. Our visit was coincident with the supper hour andi it was a cheerfql and interesting siglit to see such a number o! happy boys enjoying their evening repast ini the splendid new Dining Hall erected this year. Wlien the buildings are completed now being erected a fur- ther description wiil be given. * * 0 What still seems strange to us is1 that the same evening on lookingi through Popular Health Magazinei andi Child Welfare, o! Minneapolis, Minn., we came across an exceedingly mnteresting article on Healtli and Ef- ficiency Through Diet by George Corrson Wilson, M.D., f rom whicli we glean the followlng information: Oliver Wendell Holmes jestmngly said, "if we desired to improve our- selves we should begin witli our great grandf athers.- O! course, it is as true as ever that the diet sins o! the fathers are visiteci upon the children. Yet so very caref ul, is olci Mother Nature, o! the preservation o! our race, that the average baby is boni with what may be called a "normal constitution," andi if feci properly and taught the riglit bodily habits, will grow up to be physically and mental- ly efficient. remain healthy and grow strong, but the percentage of healthy bottle fed babies is much smaller than that of healthy breast fed babies. Remem- ber that breast feeding is the normal, natural, sa! e and easy way to nour- ish the baby. Remember that most of the babies who due during the first year of diarrheal diseases are bottle f ed. No trivial reasons shoulci cause a mother to wean her baby. Bef ore this momentous step is taken, expert medical acivice should be sought, for upon tis step may depenci not only the future health and efficiency of the baby, but possibly bis 111 e. The diet o! nursing mothers is o! supreme importance. They sbould eat plain meals, eggs, vegetables. cer- eals, breaci andi butter, fruits and simple desserts. Above aUl, if it can be done witbout disturbing digestion, a quart o! milk a day shoulci be tak- en andi also plenty o! water. Avoid excess ini tea or coff ee and ricli com- plicated h.lghly seasoned dishes. Salads in moderation are allowable, but only if they do not disagree- spices and like things o!ten cause colic in the baby. and s0 also does highly flavoreci fruit, s0 that these thlngs are ta be avoided. Under the doctor's directions, the quantlty and quality o! breast milk can be greatly modifl.ed and the periodic examina- tion o! the baby will indicate any necessary changes in diet. Here cames in what is for mothers. After a child bas been weaned- The tremendous importance o! the eitber f rom breast or bottle, a careful proper feedlng o! infants anci young supervision a! diet is necessary. chilciren cati hardy be over-estimat- Merely because the child lias his first ed. From the day o! birth until f ulU set of teetli and lias passeci out the age o! twelve, the cliild's diet o! infancy into childhood is na reas- should be given thouglitful care, on wliylie should be allowed ta fol- shoulci be thorouglily superviseci, and 10w lits own desires and pick and the proper foodi habits sa thoroughly choose his fooci. Many a mother impresseci upon the chilci that tbey bas been painstakingly careful o! ber become habituaI and instinctive. child's diet during the period o! in- O! course, the normal, natural and fancy only ta relax after weaning, best food for baby is motlier's milk. and ailow lier child ta eat wliat it Breast feci babies bave a mucli bet- would and when it would. You do ter chance to survive the 'dangers not expect a chilci to do a man's andi diseases o! in!ancy than have jwark, to thînk a man's thouglit or those brouglit up on the bottle. The wear a man's clothing-why, there-j milk fromn a healtliy mother is by fore, should you expect your boy-, far the best nourishment for an in- twa or three years olc-to eat and, fant during the flrst year o! its l! e. drink the foodi bis father does? anci cannot be !ully replaced by any * * other form o! !eeding. Actuaily I think that the diet o! Infants fed on the breast milk o! a childhood-by that I mean the years healthy woman are stronger and bet- between weaning anci development- ter able to resist disease. They are are in a way, dietically the most im- more apt to live through the flrst portant. It is an extremely active year o! hf e, and are particularly free age-I know f rom personal exper- from the severe and deadly infant ience for I have a young grancason o! diarrhoeas the age o! tliree, whose constant * N N .gymnastic gyrations are ta me, a O! course, it is true that babies source o! perpetual wonder anci envy. may be reareci on artificial foocis and 1 At this age there are a vast number 10 Reasons Why YOU SHOULD CARRY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 1. Because good business jucigment demands t. 2. Because you may be assuring your entire future. 3. To save legal f ees for defending your rights. 4. To have the advice and counsel of trained liability specialists. 5. To protect yourself against mishaps beyond your control. 6. To travel in comfort. knowing that you are protected if the unavoidable happens. 7. Because auto traffic grows heavier every day, and haz- ards greater. 8. Because the cost of defending a law suit is heavy, re- gardless of the validity of the dlaim. 9. Because a!ter an accident it is too late to protect yourself. 10. Because commion sense demands it: motoring requires it; and the protection o! your family's future makes it a necessity. J. J. MVASON& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville I "RSLTS ARE EXCELLENT" P 'eaU(se "ECONOy" FURZNACE n i tý0. lý,,noniy" furnacv =î We reglad ior0m you that the reut eued from the Pease Econ- om F u nc nstalled in the Hospital Buiding o lte Boys' Training School aBowmanille are excellent, and that todatew have experienced no toblewhaever. h< i r,- n tra. x 1, I jjtinctIv(- r L'-.s fi-atur,, ontribuit.-s gr.atly tu this lmat- ,ng j,cw.r. Smok. dkos not leave the - î:'nnmY FirnaQi ONt il t has radiatecd ~i na l ils h. at. Th--n. an, nlany nnor, nt-.rý.thing ,hails xworth i nvesthgathfg. AmI us rth-n -INmi dg.-t our tender. Local Pease Representatives - Bowmanvlle SuMME«R GOILU Yellow gold upon the river, Sunshine everywhere, Ail tbe trees have glints o! yellow In their tangled hair. Yellow golci o! summer's choosing. Not one heart its golci refusing To a suppliant there. Yellow gold upon the hilîside. In the valley gold. Pouring rays of molten splendor, Warming up the mould. Yellow gold in summer shlning. Mani andi beast and flowers entwining In one common folci. Yellow golci from heaven pouring, None escape its power Tho' the heart remain unconscious 1O!flier golden dower. All earth's quickened sancis are tak- ing Yellow gold o! summer making In lier pageant hour. -By Laura Bedell. of changes going on. and the growth of the body demands a plentiful andi suitable diet. The physical develop- ment shoulci receive as much atten- tion as the mental; food, fresh air, exercise are the essentials-these three things are geared together and if one is lacking, the whole bodiy machinery is thrown into disorder and there can be no future health or efficiency. The matter of food for school chilciren is highly important. Milk, as in infancy. is of the highest value -at least a pint andi better by f ar a quart of gooci ricli milk should be taken in daily. Every meal should have milk as a beverage. Cream is valuable and where possible. shoulci be supplied in various forms. Eggs should be used alone or in the pre- paration of various dishes, but neyer in f ried form. Meat is a very important part of the diet as lt contains a large quant- ity o! the substance f rom which tis- sues are built up. and in a more available form than any other f rom f ood. Meat shoulci be provided in sufficient quantities daily, the amount depending upon the age. Stews. steaks, chops, roasts, fowl andi bacon are the most suitable meats and ail other forms of meat foods are better denied a child. More meat is requireci in cold weather than in warm. Meat should neyer be given 1more than twice a day and eggs and f resh flsh should be substituted for it. about three times a week. Bread and butter in plenty--gxve various kincis o! bread-it supplies varîety and makes this important article of diet more attractive and avoids monotony. Cereals are to be used for break- f ast-I belleve oatmeal to be the very best. Vegetables, vegetables and a gain vegetables-all varleties to be useci-cookeci when needed. given raw in the form of salas-here we have one of the greatest sources of those mysterious, but necessary substances -the vltamins--don't merely feed white bread, potatoes. meats and sugar to your chilc-fruits, salads, milk, meat, varlety in breads, and added to these, fruit-syrups, honey, preserved fruits andi Jam In modera- tion. This makes the ideal diet and one whlch wîll give health and effic- lency to your chilciren. Read this article once a week for a month or till you are quite famillar wlth lts suggestions, mothers. Over 500 musiclans wlll participat e in the Mllitary Tattoo in front o! the Grandstand at the Canadian Nation- ai Exhibition, Toronto. The Coliseum and Live Stock Pav- illon at the Canadian National Ex- hbiton is the world's largest exposi- tton building, coverlng 1OV2 acres. jend a Bank Money Order!. F OR safety and convenience in sending money by mail anywhere in Canada, the United States or the British Isies, use Royal Bank Money Orders. They may be obtained at any branch of this Bank and are issued payable in either dollars or pounds. Buy your Money Orders at the Royal The Royal Banik of Can~ada Bowmanville Branch - L. G. Hefkey. Manager RZçD itosi U$DUbu IS THE WORLD GETTING BETTER? The writer bas been sometimes asked, "Do you think the former times were better than these?" That question cannot be adequately ans- wered in a line. but 1 might sum up my view somewhat a!ter this f asb- ion: As we advance in the journey we 1look back tlirough the vista o! past years ta the time o! youth, andi dis- tance lends enchantment to the view. Every young man is an optimist. There is a sheen o! liglit ahl about him, and a halo o! glory ail about the future. It is the time for day dreams and air castles. As lie adi- vances in 111e and lis briglit ideals are flot realized lie is likely to imag- ine that the tide o! events is turning backward. If lie becomes discouraged andi ceases to study and work at the ac- tive problems o! h! e, and lies down and lets the world go by him, lie is sure to think that the world, and ail it contains, is degenerate. At the best, in any comparison o! the pres- ent with the past. the ageci man needs to make allowance for the un- avoidable bias in favor o! the past.ý While the history o! the past hall century contains many mistakes and blunders. andi the past that we now have is tentative there can be no stt inrea ig. vmnt cn dotanthat rea impovmnti cn Living persons. who were born 1 during the latter part o! the last~ century, have seen andi heard o! morej important events happening. prob - ably, than dîid Methusaleli during thej 969 years o! lis l! e. These improve- ments are !ound alike in the mater- ial, intellectual and spiritual realm, anci have. therefore. the promise of stability and increase. It is. liowever. a grief, a heartache to thousancis o! our best citizens that the iniquitous liquor traffic is su!- !ered to holci legal protection. Let it be divorceci !rom partizanship. anci a better day will soon dawn. wlien the flery breath o! the whiskey-devil will no longer scorcli and biast the lives and happiness o! our people. Goci surely means that the race upon which lielias expended s0 mucli love and effort shaîl move forward to the possession and enjoyment of a glory o! whicb we have now posslbly only the faintest conception. (Rev.) D. Rogers. St. Thomas, July 21, 1930 k; CLEMENS Weg End GARAGE Hello ! Hello!! West End Garage? Yes sir. Can you fix my car? We sure can. Tire and Tubes? -Yes, Goodyear, any sîze. Gas ? Yes, high and low test. Oul? Yes, Mobile and Marvelube. Spark Plugs? Yes, Champion. Batteries? Yes, Hobbs, the best. Bulbs ? Yes, Edison, Mazda. Have you good mechanies, who can fix any make of car, and do it right? YPs sir. We employ only Firat Class Mechanics who do First Class Work in record time, and at a reas- onable priee. We need your business, you need service such as we give. Next to Bowman Houte PAGE TWO Newcoml--eTs WELcOME' ýx JwmOM à,» mou* DRos! TEA ý& £e o 1