TRI CANADIAN ESTATESUAN. BOWMANVJLLE. THUffR&AY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 Another "3 Big Days" Rols Around SEach One More Popular and Each One Offeriuig Stili Greater Values - Note the. Savings Hoover - Style Dresses 98c A very practical garmeiit at a good saving to you. MB965-Attnactive Hooven Dresses made of Broadcloths and Linenes, in Ail White or plain colors such as Rose, Green, Blue, etc. Sorne of these with White Collars. Made with short sleeves, in small. medium, and large women's sizes. Regular $1 .50 value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, 98 each98 Soap of Super- ior Quality Walker's Big Beauty iS now favorably known in this dis- trict-it's menit that dees it. GB96'7 - A high qualitY Soap that is givmng entire satisfaction to thousands. F'ull four ounces of daintilY Derfumed good quatity in ev- ery cake. Lllac and Rose. A regular 10e cake. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per cake Not more than five cakes to a customler. Men's Garters for 33c It's a smail expeuditiire but a big saving durng "THREE BIG DAYS." GB966 - Men's wicle-web Fancy Elastic Garters. Pull of snap. Well made of good quality materials with Gilt slides and fixings. A reg- uflar 50c lune. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS,33 per pair3c VOl? etc. Splendid 39c A Dependable quai- ity and attractive patterns. It Winl pay you to laY in a good supply now./ F B 96- Men's Pure , Socks, new fancy de- signs, R e-~.< verse plait-~ ed Checks, and Ingrain Knitted Yarns. Colons of Grey, Sand, Brown, Blue, as weil as Black and White. Usually sold at 59c. DURINO THREE BIG DAYS,39 per pair39 Men's Broadcloth Shirts $1.39 Absolutely correct shirts. 10w priced. ~ t FB968 - Mens fine Broadcloth * Shirt wth Collar attached. This ex- I ra -value assortment is made fo line Egyptian Broadcloth materials ne26ptemand at edinco,. ornet- .. 126ttrnad te nc. ail fects; cream and white g'ounds and covered strîpes. Sizes 14 to lé. Us- ually sold at S2.00. DURINO,,C THREE S BIG DAYS. each $1.39 or %$400 M.Nerchandise You need now at prices that i i surprise you-alI quality items! Visit this store during "3 BIG DAYS" and judge these values for yourself. THUR., FR1. SAT., AUGUST 7-8-9 SALE ENDS SARURDAY Florentine Linen Tea Set $1.49 This is an unusually attractive set HB959-Pure Irish Florentine Lin- en. Embnoidered Tea Set consisting f Cloth 36 x 36 inches, and four Napkins about 12 x 12 inches. Each set embroidened in dainty design in combinaton pastel colorings with hernstitched edges. A choice variety f colorings and embroidered effects froni which to choose. Each set neatly ribbon-tied and boxed. Reg- ular $200 value. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per set $ 4 Unbleached Bath A good sîze and serviceable quaity. Midsummer is here with constant demand for towels in every household. AB956 - Unbleached Turkish Towels 'British made), size 20 x 40 inches. Fawn ground with assort-i ed White, Red and Blue stripings and finged ends You would consider these l splendid value at 40c. DURLNG THREE BIG DAYS. C'.. Towels 29c Just note your saving: Double-Bcd Hemmed Sheets 93c Big value in a sheet that iili stand the test. AB957 - Fully bleached, hem- med Bed Sheets, double bed size. Good, flrm, fine, even t hr e ad. (These S heect s( are torn. not cut,'and keep their shape after being eac ual $1.25 value. A rare opportun- - -- -- -- -- -ity to replenish your Linen closet at a worth-while saving. Corne S- early. DURINO THREE BIGI DAYS. 3 VOl?,2.. each93 WALKER STOI YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 Pillow Cases Special Pair $1.29 e sure to seè these at the store ed ends; some wth both front and others with front embroidery only. $ 1.95. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair RES Limited BOW MAN VILLE inch Imitation Madeira Em- broidered Pillow Cases o! Irish manuf a ct ur e, ,flne strong Sthread embroid- sred dainty de- signs with color- ed applique, wide variety of pat- terns and colon combina t i o n s. All with scaUlop- back embroidery, Great value at $1.29 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Exibt frm ratBiti, uomtveBilding, world's lang- 3MAPLE OROVE I IIsitNHAMPON A France, Cuba, Bermuda, Mexico, In- est and finest motor shwsrcue r m aird spent the weeken iReen Vsior Mr.adMs. N. is L Hn,Scbovite dia, South Amieica and United Will display advanCe modnte ro th eltieoveroono States will be prominent at this 1931 miotor caïs and autmtv r-wt eaie nTrno Welsh and sons, Toronto, ati r Wt Mr.Jbsn year's Canadian National Exhibition, duets a t the Canadian National Ex-' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whlte and1 Avery's; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, Miss Jean Durward, Gaît, is visit- Toronto.hibtion, August 22 to September 6. daughter Getrude visited his par-; and farnily. Lindsay, at Mr E. Mount-1 ing at Mrs. c. J. Kerslake's. ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Whlte, joy'S; Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenwood' Mr. and Mrs. Henry and family, Solina.and Miss Dorothy Edrnunds, Bridge- Oshawa, are visiting lier sister. Mrs. pont, Conn., at Mr. E. Bnadley's; Mr. P. Rogers. -, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates, Dr. r.nd nsDayPoten, H.Coates, Brantford, motored down NMHlsM. H. a nnedy, sawa, nds pn wdy ihbrsseMs T. . ol, nd epew M. . ami.ellGOahawa, M. and . r.DvPtPey S~FEITon Sunday and visited her brteRyan and Miss Maxine Ryan. Ton- O N n.Sowdfl. Mr. Cate isremin Mrs. 0. Lander and daughters, Osh-1 Miss Madelyn Pascoe and Mns. c ng for a visit. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Johns and family, Mabel Taylor are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and daughten i Toronto. Mrs. Ferguson, St. Cathen- Mrs. A. Tnenouth. SR EHelen, retunned to Tononto on Sun- mnes. at Mr. J. Crossman's n.A n n r.E mnhat n dayaccmpaiedby er istr MssMorgan, Oshawa, spent the weekend daughten Jean, Toronto, visited at THE BEST Manjonie Stevens, and Mr. Harvey at Mn. E. Bnadiey's; Mn. Trewin Mn E L Wllamsons. Brooks, who are also visiting f iends Scott and Helen Scott, Bethesda. hol- ME. JrmeBryadMnnn PASTEURIZED in Uxbridgei. idaying at Mr. W. Trewin's; Mn.%Ms. LGodin Brcery,nM.Y.,ne- Our girls jounneyed to Enniskillen and Mrs. L. Disney, Oshawa, Miss centiy visited their mother. Mrs. MILKon Friday evening and played a Margaret Ridge and f iend, Toronto, Smaîe. MILK . ~~~lague gane of soft bail. Score 28-10 at Mn. J. Wright's; Mr. and Mrs. M.adMs e.Bmo n Safgurd hehelth infaor f e Grove. Tey play Theron Mountjoy at M. F. L M.adMs e.Bro n C~Iourtice on Friday evening. We Squain's, Salem; Master Fred Cw- Austin. Messrs. Jackson Wray and of your f a m i I1'yt1 iiisb them every success. ing. Purpie Hil, holidaying at Mn. Bioyd Wilcox visited at Cobourg on There is no surer way Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and R. McNeil's; Mn. Fred and MissITuesday. "'"'. thn ein crtan he daughten Jean, Mn. and Mns. M. M. Meta Ashton, Toronto, Mr. Gordon A goodly number attended the thanbein cetainthe Munday Jr.. and Miss Greta Munday Beech, Orono, and Miss Mabel Beech Tamblyn ne-union and picnic in the C~, milk o put o your ý Park on Saturday. Orono Band you on ~~~~motoned to Ottawa over the weekend motored to North Bay over the week- fmibdmsednn h teno table is absolutely and vlsited the former's brother, end. aunsd evening. in heaten puean reh Lt Re.H. W. Foley at Selby. Sunday Sebool Pienie last Monday Dr. Lorne Hastings and Mn. Frank urean fres. et Mrs. George Taylor, Brooklyn, N.Y. aftemnoon was iargely attended. Mason arrlved hene fnomn Philadel- our elivryma put Miss Madeline Pascoe, Toronto, Mn. Gamnes of basebail were played. phia on Monday night, and are en- your home on hs frned McCall, Miss Gladys Green, About six o'clock over a hundred sut joying a fishing trip at Bobcaygeon, o dIie ma pt jwere weekend visitors ith their cen a evdtoeveryone several ig adChas. Sohue the economical and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. tirnes. After tea more games were ____ iaf e way. Rev. W. A. Bunnen, Bowmanvilie, Played, and as it began Io grow dusk ESE Rev. H. C. Wolfnaixn, who bas been____ GLEN RAE renderimg excellent service since as-Tephnn sawycsirha 'tuming bis duties as pastor of tis Canadian National Exhibition, To- wntleng a etter ad suealy rea DAIRY circuit. will be on bis holidays the ronto, willl open Fniday, August 22nd, wsatif a et and O ut-ft als amre next four weeks. We wish hlm and and continue to Satunday, Septembensatsfsipltomake nf-own lcal cares R. R. STEVENS & SON Mrs. Woifnaim and famiiy an en- 6tb. nasimlmost a qulck as lomcion.l Phonab4e8vacation.l Worms sap the stnength and un- The 10w evenlng rates on «"anyone" Phoo 48 owmnvlledermine the vtality o! children. calls begin at 7.00 p. M. and atmU The Gnandstand at the Canadian Stnengthen themn by uslng Mothen lowen night rates at 8.30. You can INational Exhibition is 725 f cet in Graves, Worm Extermninaton to drive speak a hundred miles or more for length. out the parasites. about the price o! a moitie. Fine Velveteen Cushion Tops 49c The goods and price are both attrp.ctive. HB958-A sof t Velvet- cen Cushion Cover, full size 21 x 21 inches, wlth Black Sateen back, ready for filllîng. The covers are in a wide variety of col- ors including Emerald, Plame, Powder. etc., with floral, oriental, and serol designs printed in black. Good value at 75c. DUR- ING TIHREE BIG AOlC SDAYS, each yf 3,000 recsuests f rom US. citi-1 ing Canadian National Exhibition. Summer Coal Prices Prices Reduc-ed WINTR UPPL GINE YOURP AT A BIG SAVING Buy your coal now while prices are at low summer levels. The savings wii be well worth whlle-you can buy the hast grades of coal at no more than you would pay for inferlor grades later-and Your bin wlll be f ull and ready for the fIrst cold days. Phone us today. Stove .$15.50 per ton Egg $15.00 per ton Chestnut $15.00 per ton Pea $12.50 per ton Coke $11.50 per ton A discount of 50c a ton wlll bea aUowed off these prices for cash with order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville I "PJ Bosio ;s tor Socks