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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1930, p. 5

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PAG P- ri TM C~ANAD!AN STABOA, BOWILANVXLLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 a Motorists! The New Ontario Financial Responsibility Law Becomes Effective on September lst. BRIEFLY-Àfter September lst., ini case of accident, the driving license of the motorist at fault may be suspended becaiiae of any of several faulta af opera±ion or until h. bas satis- fied any judgment against him as a resuit of the accident; and, if not settled, expulsion from the road follaws. Further, before the driving license can be reinstated it will b. necesaary ta prove ability to pay for future accidents. Proof of Pnatli aesRpotalbility cSn ho gtOn In ny on. of!the tollownq for=- ftve a bond of a 8urety ComPmnY. Olve a permnl bond gurageoilg your aMnftlt e.Y. Deposit mouey or securities ta the amounnt of 811. Show proof that you have Inaured aganins pesonal injury and property dmage. n lt làeet to Inure. For Your Own Protection ansd P.oe of Mmd INSURE AT ONCE The New Isw does not miake Ingiurance compnlsary, but It oeatainiy makel advtaable. If you are flot insured you rua a great rUsl every time you drive a car. Jugt one aecldent.. md Il y<eu are at tault and do flot psy you are harred troeu the road. If you want to preffl>ve your drlving privilege and are not prepered to psy Up to $11,000 damnage. masure. Pamphlets explodning thse cond tions of the Newa Lw can b. procurai wisiaout choerge ftoa the ageus o>'a xe c pe y a mewsber o> d' The Canadian Automobile Underwriters A ssociat ion A Suspended Driving LicenSe SPOILS THE FINEST DAY-THE SMOOTH- EST ROAD-THE PEPPIEST CAR Avaid such disappointment by insuring yourself against causing Personal Injury and Damnage to Property. The Annual Rate is LOW-Protection is HIGH. Phone 189 a*id PROTECT YOURSELF by INSURANCE THAT REALLY INSURES PhOfs18 Edith V. ScobellI August Selling WE ARE SHOWING MARSHALL SPRING - FILLED MATTRESSES We have the "Sle.pmaker" at ...... $1 9.50 See this xnattress displayed in our window. The "Newspring" Mattrets at .......$25.00 The 'Newspring" Mattress is made with a spring construction of 400 springs, each in a separate cotton pocket, clipped together. The spxing construction is covered with a bur- lap inside case and the niattress padded with regular quality Marshall feit. Heavy Eng- lish w,,oven ticking is used and the edges of t'he mattress are neatly finishc-1 -;vith braid. ODITUARY TORONTO TEJSTLES WIN Grace Vers 1'rewln, BowmanvilleI GOODYEAR TROPHY ______ C.ok'a Wb.ltby KRUk Wins Consola- Alter several years of illness there~ . tien in Bowmanvlle Lawn Bowling passed to rest at her home in Bow -j- Tournament manville a greatly beloved young l£ V>c woman in the person of Miss Grace 15 P&>I- Despite three or four perxods oft Vera Trewin, younger daughter of rain which had a deterring effect on Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Trewin. the attendance, 23 rlnks fouglit for She was of a very unasstiming the Goodyear Trophy at the annual nature and a falthful and true '-c lawn bowling tournament of the local friend and as long as healtli permit- * - club to-day. The handsome silver ted a very untiring worker Ini the ac- __ ," trophy will rest for the next 12 tivities of Trinity Unted Churcli o! monthai Toronto as the resuit of which she had been a member since the wtn of a rink from the Toronto She leaves to moumn ler loss, her by C. C. S9pragg. The greens werel mother and f ather, one sister, Mrs. ini Perfect condition and the play was1 W. A. Bain, Toronto, one brother,____ keen throughout. Martyns'ankof Dr. G. M. Trewtn. of Oshiawa, and Cobourg were runners-up for he one nephew, Mr. W. M. R. Trewin, tropliy, wliile Cook's rink of whitby I Oshawa. There's pop In aur service as won the consolation prize, club bags,' The funeral took place fromlier wefl as pop Ini aur quality motor with Mclntosh's rtnk of Oshawa as late residence, Queen Street, on Sun- runners-up in this event. The play day afternoon, August 3rd, and was fuel-Sliell and Super Sheil, the was as follows: very largely attended by relatives and famnous anti-knock gazoline. Pretimln ry Round frlends from town and country. The service was conducted by lier pastor, We stock the fainous Goodyear Uxbridge Oshawa Rev. J. U. Robins, of Trinity United Tires and Tubes. PornHed _1 Sewcauste Church, assisted by Dr. D. W. BestPotHpNecsl o! St. Paul's United Church. She Threis pop f or your coal oUl Stanley il Brereton ....9 was laid ta rest i the 'Union Cem- stove In our higli grade Coal 011 Cobourg Bowmanville etery, Oshawa.Bot .- 1 ihl9 The pail-bearers were six cousins: Drive riglit up to our station. Whitby Oshawa Cook...* 18 Cormie ... 17 Herbert Slemon, Theo Slemon, Cecil We atm to please you. Oshawa Cobourg Slemon, Milton Slemon, Hugli AnflisMcnsh 1 Fleri and Russell Gilbert. _______osh 14wake Aniong those f rom a distance were: Msawaesonvll Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Mrs. Sam Mteo 14 Greenwood 111 Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cobourg Bowmanville Slemon and Miss Greta Slemon, Mrs Bowmanvilie PotHp Chas. C. Briggs, Mr. and Mgrs. Wal- ii.I r I w otHp ter Bail and Master Willis, Mr. an aruhrs .7 Perie 10 Mrs. Chas. McCuilougli, Miss Annie Frst Round MountJoy, Toronto; Miss E. Richard- oe Kennedy 13 Stanley 7 son, Sunderland; Dr. and Mrs. G. M. 0 IF 79 Booth 17 Cooke .... 9 Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Luke, P11.01 E 1!0 KING 5 EAST McIntosh ý10 Matheson 8 Mr. and Mrs. C. Doubt and Mis. BOWMANVILLE Martyn... 12 Carruthers 6 Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marr, Miss ~ Toronto Oshawa M. Stephenson, Mr. Harry Trew, Spragg.... 14 Goodmian 10 Mrs. Leach and Miss Cora Leach, of Whtby Port Hope Oshawa.___________ ___ Thompson . 12 Foote .- 6 Whitby Cobourg CARD OF THANKS TOWNSHIP BOAD POICIES Thomas... 12 Hircock 7 _______Cochrane (Oshawa) won by def suit Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin and (The Farmer's Advocate) f rom Downey (Peterboro). family wish ta, thank their many Now that the country is well sup- second Round f riends for the kmnd expressions of plied witli trunk roads and through Kennedy.. 12 Booth 5 sympathy and beautiful floral offer- higliways it remains for the counties Martyn 10 Mclntosh 9 ings received during the long illness and townships to tie up with themn, Spragg ... 18 Thompson 12 and death of their daugliter, Miss so the people living on the sideroads Cochrane- 14 Thomas .. 5 Grace Trewin.___ and concessions will be able to taire Third Round advantage of these arteries of traf- f ic with which the country is welr Martyn... 12 Kennedy 5 Mrs. A. P. Mlitchell, Newtonville supplied. In many cases it is even Spragg 10 Cochrane 7 necessary for farmers ta repair their Finial Round A sad fatality occurred at the own lanes so tley can get to the Tor. Thistles Cobourg home of C. J. Mitchell. Newtonville, hlghways and county roads witli a Dr. E. J. Leliman W. Wenn on Tliursday, Juiy 3lst, when his respectable load. However, when a George Bail G. Pratt mother, Mrs. A. P. Mitchell, was so, good exaniple lias been set i road J. H. Abbey E. W. Tliompson bdrtn tedabenen r. Me llra building it will flot be long before C. Spragg. 16 A. E. Martin il adis fheasncthte d. iedchusllpeople resident in rural parts see the Consa,ton Final ter hsfmiig hat he animdjal wichnecsity of maitining their re-Whitby Oshiawa wasrfot nsider Teavimaus ic spective links in the hlghway system M. J.R. Hicks C. R. Ricliardsa Mrs. Mitchell as she and two little and maire it possible to convey a fulil J. Hy J. Allman city guests were going to the pump. load f rom their farms to the markets. L. Dudley C. Branton Mrs. Mitchell f ell against a large Haldliand County is settixW a W. Cook... 19 C. R. McIntosh 9 rock whicli caused sucli injuries that good example i road improvement. she was unable to get away and had One township in Kaldlmand boasts Canadian National Exhibition Park1 to be carrled into the bouse by Mro. aoerodt tegteo .eyi 350 acres I extent. Powell, a neiglibor, wlio was calied f armer i the township except two. ta the scene by one of the boys. A Other townships i the saine County f ew minutes later when the f amily are adopting a similar policy and arrived home Dr. Butler was called Haldimand dlay wiil soon liold no i wlio f ound that the injuries were longer horrors for the drivers o! au- such as ta leave very little hope for tomobiles and teainsters generafly. recovery. Peel county, too, la adopting a plan Mis. Mitchell wlio was i her 72nd thiat means better roada riglit up to year was borninii Sommersetshure. the farmnera' gates and thlat la the age of 12 years with lier mother and Icy. f ather, Professor John Smithi, wio The farm lias been described as located I Port Hope. lie was the "one liundred acres of land eatirely qn churcli there. The f amily later f arm is no longer self sustaining. moved ta Newmarket and flnally set- Producta must hie drawn ta the mark- dieUl becaine tihewtt e of Aikred P. pendant upn town and villages for Mitchell and ltved on their farm provisions a.nd other supplies. The soutli o! the village where their entire social and economtc f abre with three boys, Aflan, Ernest and Clar- Our present organisation requires ence, were born. The two former good roads, and good roads do not sons passed away iYoung manuiood mean mucli ta tie fariner until they and lier husband died ten years ago. lead Up ta lits gate. Since that tume Mis. Mitchell lias ______ lved i Newtonville. She lias ai- ways been an acttve chuircli worker PLAYING FAIR and supporter and lielped i the choirs o! boti Port Hope and New- This lUfe is just like the gaines we N tanville churcies. It can be said o! play: lier that alie made many frtends and It's a flglit f rom the sound o! the f ew enemies.go; day The f uneral which was largely at- And we need ta train f rom day ta day tended was lield on Sunday, Atigust 1if we'd enter the game f resli and 3rd. Slie leaves ta mourn lier 10381i strong. ing besides lier son Clarence and lis wlf e Many there are who wil flot play and son John, two sisters, Mrs. J. T. f air, Newport and Miss Amy Smi~5th of Thougli they'd certairily Win if Oakland, California, and one bro- tliey would; For vlctary cornes ta ttiose who are square. in ti Are you playtng tlie game as you sliould? #y ) Do you face your f oes wth courage higli? Are you wiilng ta give and ta taire? a3re n Are you the one who wii do or die? WhollU be honest fer lionesty's sake? the Who'll figlit it out to the very end, ..And wo ui t as the cowardly w a sould? e t uIf yoiiulv ae our ad e ta lCha )OFING lot tomorrow,, nor next weec, Ibut to- get in touch with your Brantfordi Roof- dealer. ýsIc hlm ab~out Brantfordl Asphait Siates :he new colours--- "Lincoln Green"'. lRed"", "*Devon"" end "BanIg". They marvels ofcQIour 6lending. Theypossess qualities of Are-safety and1 permanent Lher protection which have made Brant- Roofs famous. )on't rislc the clamage -à keavy storm do to your interior furnishings. There ae leale in the roof just starting. Re- now before it's too late. Du'Il b. surprlscd how Inde. it costs et tkis lime of with labour plentiful. ill your Brantford dealer TOAY. He wilI do the Ford AsphaltSkdies nifod R.olng Co., LimIt.d, Had Office and Factorys Brantford, On.t. suda Wseslmuss 841 emm Wisr WnnLs Montrosi, Hsi fsx, Saint John, N,.B. by RI1 CEa & 00w.D SAiIT- at ANY speed With the new Firestone Heavy ~q. Duty Gum-Dipped Balloon Tires yau have awide margin ofsaiety o aet ANYspeed. Buit in acivance of todayes car requirements, they withstand rougker usage than an car on any road at any speeZ, can give tem. Firestane Heavy Duty Balloons are macle'ai Gum-Dipped cord construction-the stron est end salest methaci known. T eyhave, a deeper saiety trendi, extra I side-wall thickness and1 two extra p lies af Gum-Dipped cords j ult beneath the tread ta absor raad sbocks. They are the strangest, safest, toughest tires that Firestane bas ever built. Make your car safer for travel. Equip it with a set of new Firestone Heavy Duty Balloons. See yaur nearest Firestone Dealer today. PIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED Hamilton , Ontaijo ÀMNEW *~~~ OIIA L L 0 0TN * ~REPREBEnTATIV FOR BOWVILLEU * White Rose Service Station King & Lberty BMe. fowaMMifl qis the time ýw-cost Il Jones and f aniily, -Mn. and Mrs. F. Il j Law, Mr. and Mis. Alex Mitchell, Il Toronto, Mr. and Uns. J. Pisher, Mr. . ££ Tkomnpson and brother, Mr. J. and For Sale Iii . Mins Lumbh, Mis. J. Douglas, Mr. and rs. Weo. Mitchell. 0 a Home Furnishers - Furniture Pýhone 10 Bowmanville

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