fHE CANADIAN 8TATOAq, UOWMANVIL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1IMO rAOB MM IDon't Miss -This Opportunity Next week for the one issue of August l4th The Statesman will throw open the classiled advertlsmng colunins to its subscrlb- ers. Evcry subsoriber will be given the opportunity to insert one advertlaement absolutely FRBE OF CHARGE. You can advertise as many different articles, etc. as you wish, but the advertisement must be limited to 50 words. This le your opportunity if you want ta buy, seil or exchange any article; if you want work or are li need of an employee; if you have a house for sale or to rent; if you want boardere or roomers or are looking for a place ta live. Let The Statesman be the medium for fIlIing your wants and we wiil do it FREE 0F CHARGE i our issue of next week, August l4th. Al ads. for these columins must be i our office before Wedneiday next. Either Phone 53, write out your ad. and mail It, or brlng it direct ta The Statesman Office. More Leisure Hours when you make your pickles with KERSLAKE'S PICKLE MIXTURE Try it and be convînced. We have Parke's Catsup Flavor and all other spices including Cassia Buds CORKS, ail sizes. PARA-WAX and GEM RINGS KERSLA KE 'S THE DEPENDÂBLE DRUO *TORR "Pep bp" at 4 WITH A SODA Pool the beat and restare bast pep by droppig in bore around 4 o'ciock for a tasty f ountain drink or one of our speclal ice cream dishes. You'll flnd this an enjoyable habit that makes you flnis;h the day feeling 'Ilike a mil- lion!," Bowmanville Bakery HOW-D-DO It may not mean so mucb ta you, When passing 'long the street, To cail a cheerie "How-D-Do," To everyone you meet. But samewbere i that surging thnong Are men wbose bearts are bare, Who neyer bear the robin's song, Wbose brows are lined witb cane; Who need ta bave a guiding band, To belp them carry through; Sa smile wbene'er you meet tbem, and, Just caîl out "'How-D-Do." Thenell came a time I'mn sure wben YOU Will want someane ta Say That cheenie littie 'How-D-Do," Ta beip yau an yaur way: Sameane ta take yau bY the arrn And whisper words of cheer; Someane ta guard your steps f romn harm, Sa theneli be naught ta fear. And sa my friends if you would know Real jay, it's UP ta you Ta keep an smiiing as You go- And saying "Haw-D-Do." Guy E. Bradley. Lancaster, N. Y. As in former years, reduced rail- way, coach-lines, airways and steamq- ship rates wili be effective for the Canadian National Exhibition, Ton- onta. fWHO BUMPED YOUR FENDER? Have you a dent i your f enden? If so, I can take it out and make your fender look as good as new. It doesn't cost much, eltben. This 15 the work I speclalize i wth the General Motors. ,Fred Churchil, Concession St. East, Bowmanvllle. Desirable Residence For Sale Eigbt rooms, aolid brick modern bouse, stone6 foundation, 2 atoreys a.nd large attic wltb 5 windows, white oak trim In 3 roome downstaira, large sun room l10x 30 faclng aoutb, back porcb, cellar han brick partition, 2 laundry tubs In cellar, bot water heatIng, wired for electric atove a.nd electric grate, brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful teraced lawn, matuned .hnubs, lange shade trees, fruit garden, one o! oboiceet locations ad beet bulît houbes in ~town. Pniced reasonable for Immediate cale. Apply to owner, C. Rehder, at Bowmanvile Fondry Co. 0121«, Bowmanvllle. 25-tf EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part tIme pay whIIe training for Aviation Meclianies, Garage Work, Drivlng, Battery, Industrial Ereotrîc- ity, MachinIst, BrickIaying, Planter- lng, Draftlng, Barbering and Haîr. dresing. Act qick, got your applica- tion in now. Write or cati for In- formation. DOMINION TRAOE SHOOLS, LTO. Eastern Headquarters, 79 Queen West, Toronto.. Employment sereice-coast to coast. Regulan $5.50 gal, for.. Regular $1.46 qt. for. . Regular 75c Pt. fer. Regular 45e V2 -Pt. for. .$4.00 $1.00 soc m I EVERYTHING MUST GO absolutely going out of the retail business. ALL PAINT AND WALLPAPER CLEARING BELOW COST I amn The goods are going fast - and why shouldn't they at these lowest of prices for nationally advertised goods ? GLIDDEN'S FLAT WHITE PAINT Regular $4.50 gal. for. ..3.00 Regular $2,50 1/i-gal for $1.50 Regular $1.25 qt. for. . . 75c JAP-A-LAC WHITE ENAMEL Regulan $7.50 gai. for Regular $3.90 '/2-gal. fer, Regiilar $2.00 qt. for Regulan 60 1/2-pt. for 40o GLIDDEN'S VARNISH STAIN Reguilar $1,85 qt. for gegiflan $1.00 pt. for Reguiar 55e 1/2 -pt. for. Regular 35ec ¼-pt. for, 31.50 75e 40e 25e CASTLE FLOOR WAX Regulan 40e for JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Regalar 75e for,,.,. 25C CHAMPION GUARANTEED PAINT 'hososon and Montague Love. Regular $4.50 gal. for $ 3.00 Regular $1.25 qt. for. 75* Regular 65c pt. for 40e GLIDDEN'S SHELLAC Regulan $4.50 gal. for Regulan $1.50 qt. for Regulan 80e pt. fan S3.00 $1.00 GLIDDEN'S LACQ Halt-Heur Drylng Enamel Regulan $2.50 qt. for $1.75 Regular $1.40 pt. for 95e Regular 75e '/2-pt. for .. 50e ALABASTINE Cold Water Paint fer Inside Regulan 75e for 50c large Regular 45c for 30e mai PARIS GREEN 15e lb. These are cash prices and only apply to goods in stock. Some lines are limite d so bettor buy earty. I can't buy these articles wholesale at prices I amn clearing thern. Therefore, goods mnust be paid for before taken from 4tore. J"4 V% i 1 ONE DOOR EAST OF Ljeo., ritcharclý Painter and Decorator Phone 489 JACOB'S BAKERY Bowmanvilie 'I liage ta take place it Tnlnlty Unlted Church, September 3rd, at 3 p. m. Marcelllng done at Mrs. W. Adlamo, Kig St. W., Bowmanvllle, on Tues- days and saturdays-oc. Phono 275 for appolntmnent. 23-10w 0! LOCAL AND OTHERWISH Artie Hooper has returned f roms two weeks' visit i Toronta. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gllmaur, Mea- f ord, visited ber siater, Mrs. Wn Edger. Mr. and Mrs. R id. Cotton and daughter are holaylng at Burt River. Mrs. T. F. Leach, Concession St. is enjoying a boat trip ta the 1000 Islands. Mr. S. F. Hooper, Toronto, spent the holiday with bis brother, Mr. J. T. Hooper. Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Woodstocli 15 vlsiting ber parents, Mr. and Mns W. J. Cuiley. Mr. and Mrs. Heightan spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wblht- comb, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Summerfild, Tor- onto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Aluin, Allindale Farm. Miss Doris Trimble bas returned after a pleasant holiday wth Mr. and Mrs. Penry Lusty, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Oke and son Emmett, Whitby, were recent guests of the former's niece, Mrs. J. E. Aflin. Mrs. Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Jones anc daughter Pauline, St. Thomas, re- cently vîsited Mr. and Mns. W. G. Naish. Mrs. Ernest Andrus. daughters Olive and Jean, and son Freeman, Hamilton. are visiting Mrs. Burton Andrus. Mrs. J. F. Reid and daughters Kathleen and Dorotby, Bancroft, have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Arthur Trimble. Mrs. George Naish, Cobourg, Mrs. F. Parsons and son George, Montreai, have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Naish. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkis, Osh- awa. called on Mr. M. A. James ne- cently. Mns. Wilkins is recoverig nicely from her serious illness of-Jast montb. The members of the Young Ladies' Bible Class of Trinity Cburch are holding their annual picnic at the Cream of Barley Camp to-day (Thursday). Mr. T. Harry Robinson and Mr. Robert Robinson, Rochester, N. Y., have returned home after a pleasant visit witb their sister, Mrs. Geo. Bar- ton, Liberty Street. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Nichols and Ferne. WbFitby. and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Gilniour, Meaford, and Mrs. Wm. Edger, Town, visited at Mr. Eb- en Cnago's, Providence. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Candler are holidaying iToronto. Mr. William Allin is lookig after the duties of caretaker of Post Office building dur- ing Mr. Candiers absence. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Calver and famiiy, Rochesten, N. Y., have re- turned home after spending a pleas- ant vacation with the former's mother, Mrs. Geo. Banton, Lberty Street. Alan Campbell, Secretary Rotary club, reports very heavy mail these days with letters containing guesses on the Austi Car ta be given away at the IAotary Cannivai next Tuesday night. Have you made your guess yet?. Although 400 tickets have been piedged by citîzens for Chautauqua next year only three guarantars se f ar have signed the contract. Unles more guarantars are secured Bow- manville wlll not have Chautauqua i 1931. Mr. E. J. Wood, Manager of Brook- dale Nurseries, and tbree sons, Ralph, Kenneth and Frederick, and Miss Olive Dettle, Toronto, have returned f rom a very enJoyabie motoT rip tbrough Quebec, Maritime Provices and United States. Getting Ready For Fal EVERY SUM MER DRESS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE a Mrs. Albert Colwefl and son Eri spent the holiday wlth relatives i Beetan. Missi Wynn Vancoe of the locs Post Office staff is holidaying at Loni id Bnanch. it Mr. and Mrs. Alani Luxton ani daughter Frances, Buffalo, N. Y., ar visiting relatives bere. )0 Mrs. Rd. Hanilyn is i Toronti with ber daughter. Mrs. W. S. Cami It eron, Baby Poit Rd. J. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mollon, Tor. onto, called on frlends bere Fridai kwhile on a holiday trip. S. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKenzif and daughter June, Regina, visite( & their aunt,, Mrs. W. H. Argue. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Elford, Buffalo N. Y., are visitixg bis mothen, Mr -John Elford, and other relatives. Misses Helen Osborne and Mildrec Downey and Mre. H. Goddard hav( d been bolidaymng at Port Stanley. d Mr. and Mrs. John H. Russell, De. troit, visited thein grandparents, Mr a and Mrs. J. T. Hooper, on Sunday. S Mr. and Mrs, Chas. E. Anderson i. Helen and Jack, Toronto, are visit- j ig ber brother, Mn. M. W. Tamblyn, - Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- lonto, spent the weekend and holiday with their father, Mr. W. J. Bragg, SM.P.P. 1, Harvey (Pete) Migeaud from Chi- i cago, and Lawrence (Loi 1 Mingeaud from Windsor. are at home for their Sholidays. Miss E. E. Haycraf t of The States- man Staff, is enjoying a two weeks, vacation with Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, Brookiin. Mrs. G. W. Grant. Mr. Charles Grant, and Miss Jean Rowan, Tor- onto, were recent visitons of Mrs. T. C. Jewell. Mr. Frank Bragg, bis aunt. Mrs. Smith, Detroit, and Mr. Hannant, Oakville, visited Mn, W. J. Bragg and othen friends. Mr. Ralph Carnuthers of the Pub- lic Library Staff. New York City, is bolidaying with his Parents, Reeve W. H. and Mrs. Carnuthers. Mr. and Mrs. Eventon White and children, Betbesda, are visiting friends at Battleford. Man., and other points in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dustan and family are taking their vacation in the form 0f a motor trip to Havelock, Belleville and points east. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lowens and daughter. Toronto, spent bhe week- end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lowens, Manvers Road. Miss Zetta J. Anderson, R. N.. has returned after a successfui year as Night Supervisor at St. John's Riv- erside Hospital, New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Wllfred Addixall and family, St. Thomas, have been holi- daying witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox, and other relatives. Congratulations ta Miss Audrey Prout on passing ber Fnimany Rudi- ments witb bonors. Audrey is a pupil of Mrs. H. D. Clemens, A.T.C.M. Mr. Bert Jewell, Manager of John- ston's Clothes Shop, Owen Sound, spent the holiday with bis mothen, Mrs. M. Jewell, and M4er relatives. Mr.. and Mrs..C. Da~i o Cmp beliford have returned ta their home i Belleville after spending a week wltb their gnandson, Mr. Harold Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Morris and daughters Betty and Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Arley Nortticott motared ta, Ottawa last week ta attend the Un-' dertakens' Convention. Mr. 0. A. Putnam, Toronto, Super- itendent of Women'e Institutes, wbo wltb Mre. Putnam, is on a holi- day trip east gave The Statesmah a friendly caîl on Tbursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wightman and sons Joe and Henry, and Mr. and Mms. Oeo. W. James and William andi Ruth spent the weekend with friends at Colins Bay and Kingstan. Mrs. W. H. Argue and Mise Helen Argue, accompanled by Mjks M. Ben- son, Peterboro, lef t on a motan trip ta Lake Huron, wbere they wiil visit the formen's sister, Mrs. W. H. Hut- tan, at Klncardlne. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Catar and daughter, Valentîa, Mr. John Cator, Maple Grove, and sister Miss Edith Catar, Toronto, spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Cator, Salem. Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Colmer and f amiiy were in Waterloo over the weekend attending the Hagey famlly re-un.ion i Waterloo Park when sev- eral hundred of the clan gathered and bad a pleasant time. Mr. Wilbur Britton, wbo bas been visiting bis mother, also bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Knlght, ,Concession St, bas lef t for bis home i Eston, Sask., by motor. His cous- in, James Mathews, accompanied hlm. le TREWIN-SKENE-1n Norwich, July at29th, 1930, by Rev. James Skene, father itof the bride, assisted by Dr. Barnett, ltldgetown, 'Margaret Vers to Robert al Forbes Trewin of Toronto. g DEATHS id GIBSON-In Darlington o. .Wednesday, e August 6th, Robert Carl Glbqý_sno Mr. and Mmr. Arthur Gibson.".--1 FuneraJ will take place from the fàrnl1 LO resic9ence, Lot 21, Concession 1, Darling- 1-ton, on Friday, Auguet th, at 2.30 p. m. McKAY-At Orono, Monday, August 4, 1930, at the home of J. R. Cooper, Peter yA. McKay, formerly of Port Elgin, aged 82 years. * MOORE-In Hope Township on Tuea- ie day, Ju1y 29th, 1930, Robert Moore, be- cloved husband of the late Harriet M. Thompeon, In bis 74th year. HONEYWELL-In Orono. on Tuenday, >.August lth, 1930, John A. Honeywell, be- .S loved husband of Nancy McCbeeney, aged 66 years. Interment Newtonvllle Cern- ýdetery. TREWIN-In Bop6manville, on Frlday, ýe August let, 1930, Grace Vera, daughter of Mr. and MINrs. William Trewin, aged 47 -years. Interred ai Union Cemetery, Oshawa. MITCHELL - In Clarke, on Frlday, August lot, 1930, Emma Smith Mitchell, widow of the late A. P. 'Mitchell, in lier -72nd yenr. Intermient at Xewtonvllle 1. emnetery. IN MEMORIAM STEPH-ENS-In loving memory of our dear daugbter ani sistr, Helen May, wbo departed this life August 7th, 1929. -August brings sad miemories CI 0f a loved one. gone to rest, rWho ill always ho remernbered E'By those who lov d lr best. Days of sadness stili corne o'er us, * Tear., in silence often flow; MNernory ke.epe you -cver near us, Thoughi it is one year ago. -Sadly missed by fath(-r, mother, sister and brothers. Lost or Found KEYS FOUNP-On Liberty Street. Inquire at Statesman Olioe. LOST-Ewe and lamh ini vlclSlty of Bowmianvijle. Finder please notify T. W. Cawker. 32-1 ESTRAV-Red steer strayed from lot 1, con. 8, East Wbitby, over a month ago. Finder please notify Fred Ormniston, Brooklin. 32-2 ESTRAY-Llgbt roan steer, strayed on lot 13, con. 6, Darlington. Owner may have same by proving property and pay- ing expenses. H. G. Macklln, R. R. 6, Bowmanvitle. Phone 308-21. 30-3 ESTRAY-10 bead of two and tbree year old beifers and steers on Lot 12, Con. 8, Cartwright. Owner may have same by proving property and paying txPenses. Herma Samefls, R. R. 1 Nes.. tleton. Phone 123-31. 32-3 Wanted APPLES WANTED-Any kind. J. H. McEw'en, R. R. 1, l3owmanville. Phone 133r2. 32-3w FARMER'S ATTENTION-If you have stock to haul phone 133r2. 35e cwt. to Toron to. J. H. McEwen, R. R. 1, Bow- manville. 32-3 FARM WANTEO TO RENT-About 100 acres, good land, far buildings, poBese- ton this fali. Apply to P. F. Drawer B, Bowmanviile. 12-tf 1* To Let TO LET-5 large, brigbt, airy rooxns; pleasant view. Apply G. Mahood, cor- ner Scuggand Cburcb Sts., Bowxnan- ville. 31-1* SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - By month or the seanon at Williams Point, Lake Scugog. Apply A.. W. Pickard, Bewmanvllle. Phono 181. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-&3ven roins, wat- erworks, bath, electrie lights, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanvllle. Âp- piy A. A. Colill. Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, 1 Bowmanvllle, 6 moins, newly decorated; garage and garden. Apply to Bilaa Poster, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 30-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Brlck bouse on El- gin St., contalnlng 7 mrnem witb ail mod- ern conveniences; garage. Possession Sept. lot. Apply to W. F. Quic.k, Bow- manville. Phone 226. 32-tf STORE TO RENT-S'tore formerly oc- cupied by MIr. Logan on Ring St., next to Royal Theatre. Will be ready to bie occupied by August let. Appiy to J. J. Mason or to lIrs. T. G. Mason. 30-2 Apartments to Rent FLAT TO RENT-FIve roins, vater- worke, electric lights. Apply Stateainan Offce. RdEstate For Sale FAM FOR SALE-50 acres, good bouse and barn, ail kinde of fruit, trout creek. 7 miles nortb of Bowmanville. AppIY Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, R. R. 6, Bow- inanville, or pbone 308r12. 82-3 HOUSE, FOR SALE-Brick residenos, containing eigbt roome, batbroom, clos- ete and pantry; hardwood floors; and al modern convenienoea; good vegetable garden; double garage; very deirable location. For teria and particulars ap- ply on the premises to W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horney Sts., or box 29, Bowmanville. Phone 126. 30-tf Articles For Sale ,I~4 The Smart Shop The Choicest Dish You Ever Had 0f ail the delicious foods so tempting li the Suminer, Ice Cream stands at the head of the Uist. It's coollng, refreshlng, satisfylng. It's a simple, wholesome dlsh :*. . and good for everybody. Ice Cream makes the ideal dessert for summer meals - and because it is a simple, easily dlgested food, it's the best for satlsfy- ig "between meal" appetites. Serve Silverwood's Ice Cream ta-day . . . and please everybody. "W. P. COIRBETT Bakerie. at Bowmanville and Orono WORTH-WH ILE SAVINGS In Our Annual August SHIRT SALE* Stock up is the motto of this sale. Neyer have you seen such Shirt Values. Corne in and get your year's shirt supply - everyorie grouped at one price ................ 19 Two for..................................... $3.75 MEN'S BATHING SUITS AT $395 Aberley ail wool Bathing Suits, in a variety of shades, (two piece) with knit and flannel trunks, ail sizes, values up to $5.50, on sale this $ week-end for only, to clear ........ ..... * 3.9 Kiddies' WooI Sun -Suit& at 98c each. Children's Athletic Combination Underwear For only 49c each. T. B. GILCHRIST Dfreotly Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone el DowmanilI ENDURANCE PAINT GLIDDEN'S FLOOR PAINT Regular $2.75 ý'2ý-gal, for $2.00 Regular $1.45 qt. for $1.00 Regular 75c pt. for 60e GLIDDEN'S VARNISH Regular $6.90 gai, for. . $5.00 Regular $3.70 1/-gal. for $2.50 Regular $1.95 qt. for ...$1.30 Regular $1.00 pt. for .... 0e Regular 60c 1a.-pt. for ..... Sic STAUNTON'S WALL PAPER Regular 15c to 75c single ral for 10e to 50c single rol Speil imous, lots at bargain price. M4UST GO NOTICE -Anyone maeeing an accident whioh .c- curr(i about 7 a. ni. Suinday on the bridge west of Cream of Barley Cam, kcindly conanundeate with West Endi Garage. 32-1w!i We stil] have a few left, but our low prices will soon take thern out. Be early, and get youi, choice. GIRLS' PLEATED SKIRTS Regular value up to $5.00 for .... $1.75 FLANNEL COATS New smnart styles, in yellow, white and green at Haif Price. - 1 " IDAÉUW ý F À