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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1930, p. 8

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TEE CANADIM STAITM, BOV>WMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1930 jafe dwifh' LC V ÉLYJAA Busy hands-at bard tasks day in and da cut. Persian Balm keeps the skin soft and pliable. Removes redness and relieves îýrltatiQr., At lur wt.r Eadi pad wili kili flues ail day an' every day for three weeks. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET at Druggisls, Groceré, Gene;-I stores. WHY PAY MO0RE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Ha-itn, OUL QWok relief f rom rhu1 ni pein without hannu To réee the worat rlieumatic pain inaa V0 try!Ple matter. Aspiuna wSi do it aC7U7 Ile! It'a uomething sht you cam alwayu tae. Cmtéinn.Aspinn tabisme are .mim L"c for the Bayer mrou on eech t&blet. ASPIRIN TRAiE MARK NECI. NERVE5 ALL SHOT N 0W "Prit,8*e-ddsyMAifrS F EE L ,Ouaea, bnrt flutter, dizzInesi, UNOICET lMEKNOW rioRE ta.ejm"uadihd.S. "kolsora lou -4 Ûkb. a<o. flsg glu . Whe wtakryIngth tabe ompound tredCome sample Liver Plls I found in the package. 1 have taken them every night since and 1 cari feel myseif improving. 1 amn so thankful for the good they do me that I have told &vera wo!YICflabout it ORONO (From The Neéws of JulY 31st.) IMiss Stinson, Toronto, 13 vlsltlng lier grandfather, Mr. W. S. Stinson. Mr. and Mis. C. T. Miller, Toronto, are guests of lis mother, Mrs. John Miller. Mr. Wallace Sisson, Toronto, is holidaying at bis motber's, Mis. Mary Sisson. miss Margaret MiUison lias been visitifg lier sistel', Miss Eleanor Mill- son, at Centre Island, Toronto. Mr. Alex Rosettani of Whitby, a former resident of this town, made a short visit witli old f riends here. Mr. A. Jackson, Kendal, accomP- anied by Rev. Thos. Wallace, New- tonville, vsited The News office re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. W. j. McMillan and nephew, Mr, David Archer, motored f romn Port Perry Monday, going on to Kendal for a short visit. congratulationls te Master Ken- neth Caini on having passed his In- troductorY Piano examn. with honorS. Kenneth is a pupil of Miss Helen Powers, A.T.C.M. mrs. Russel Best is still in the lios- pital at Toronto, it having been f ound necessary to remove other pieces of bone f rom the foot crjeshed lin a recent accident. Heal your horse whule it works. ApplY Douglas, Egyptian Liniment to sore necks and gails. A sure, speedy treatmeflt. Mrs. Thos. Patterson accompanied by ber sister, Mrs. Johnston of Port- land. Oregon, who is lier guest, lef t Wednesday for Parry Sound to visit their sister and other relatives in the north country. Mr. Ed. C. Thornton of Woodstock dropped into towfl recently for a short visit. His brother Eber, who at one time clerked in the C. G. Arm-_ strong store, passed away July th in St. Joseph's hospital, Toronto, fol- lowing an operation. Mr. Wallace E. Sterling, M. A., and Miss Eileen Sterling o! Edmonton, Ait., arrived home on a visit to their parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. Sterling. Other visitors at the Parsonage are Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and f amily of Tilbury, London district. Mrs. W. F. Cbapman, north of Or- ono. underwent an operation MondaY last at Victoria Memorial Hospital, Toronto, for the removal of a tumor. Friends will be pleased to learn that the operation was successful. and Mrs. Chapman is reported doing as well as could be expected. 1A company of Boy Scouts, l2th Toronto troupe numbering eighteen biglit young boys under the leader- slip of Mr. Geo. Harris, are camping in Memorial Park and Forestry grounds. Mr. Hars is district Scout master, West Toronto, and bis son Arnold is here acting as bis assistant. Park street churcli Sunday School picnicked at cream o! Barley Park. Bowmnanville, last Wednesday, wben a prograni o! sports was carried out during the a! ternoon, and mucli in- terest was taken in the animals, swings, etc. This park with its fine collection of wild animnais and other attractions lias becomne an interest- ing and popular place for sudh out- ings. Persian Balm-InvaluaiUle to the wbole family. To the mother, a flawless aid te loveliness. To the child a soothing, healing balni. And te the father, a splendid hair fixative and coling sliaving lotion. Persian Bam tornes and refreshes the sk.ln. Makes hands delightfuly soft and white. Indispensable te dainty women. A llttle gentle rubbing and it is absorbed by the tissues, mating the skin truly rose-leaf i texture. A large number fromn this town at- tended the annual Field Day sports at the Harvey Jackson Memnoial Park, Kendal, yesterday aftennon. In the contest for the silver cup in the South Durhamn BaseblU League tournament, Elizabethville de! eated Wesleyville, Welcome won f rom New- tonville, and Garden Hill f romn Ken- dal. The finals were not complet- ed owing to daiikness. The marriage o! Ambrose T. Stan- ton. surgeon te the colonial Offce, London, England, was annouisced re- cently . He and bis bride are now spending their hontXXoon in Ho-i land, accordinig te a letter îeceived by bis brother, Mr. George B. Stan- ton, Toronto. The News joins with the manY' friends here, at Poutypool where the Stanton family lived for some years, and bis homne village of Kendal in g;ishing Dr. and Mrs. Stanton mnany years o! health and continued bappiness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyde and tWO sons, Saskatoo;n, Sask., motored to Orono and spent a week with ber sister. Mrs. Percy Morgan; aise Mi. and Mms. R. W. Atweil o! Detroit. Mich. Accompanied by Mr. and7_ Mrs. Morgan and family tbey mtr ed te Perth to attend the famnily ne- union held at their motbei's. Five daugliters and two sons and their families, a party o! thity, were present. Thein mothen, Mms. Thos. A WOMAN'S RIGIIT Surely it is a womnans right That she bc crowned with mother- To have alttie child te love And care for if she would. Yet rnany a noble ,,,,nan waits For lov,' that never cornes ber way, And looks wth wstful, longlng eyes When children laugh and play. 0, woulcl that every Lvonan born Miglit know' the joy that children bring. lier heart aplow wth mother love A lullaby to sing. Thi.t neyer more with envious eyes Nced she look out across the way, But crowned wth love a happy wi!e Shie bas her joyous day. -By Laura Bedeli. Canadas Premier Horse Show wlll be held at nigbt during the 1930 Can- adian National Exhibition. BLACKSTOCK CROP JUDGING AWABRDS Rev. and Mrs. Beweil and daugh- COnducted by Catwright Agricultur- ter Ruth, 0f Theodore, Sask., were al Socety Announced recent guests of Mr. and Mis. W. Armitage. Mis. Bewell is a sster of Judging for the fail wheat fields Mr. Armitage..-. Miss Mary Corîey, entered ini the Standing Field Crop Toronto, 13 vlsitlng friends here... Competition conducted by the Cart- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale and fam-wight Agricultural Society, lias been ily, Pontiac, Mich., recently viSited COMPleted by the judge, L. W. Win- her father, Mr. Wm. Venning ... slow of Cavan. The winners as an- Miss Mabel VanCamp spent Monday floufled by Secretary James Byers, with Miss Ann Griffth at lier bum- are as foilows: lst-Edward ArIn- mer home.. Mr. and Mrs. c. yen- strong; 2nd-Stanley Malcolm; Bud nlng and Garry spent Sunday wlth -N. H. Marlow; 4th-M. F. Emner- Mr. and Mrs. Stanford VanCamp... son; 5th-D. Johns, 6th-N. W. Mc- Gweneth, Jimniie and Jackle Mar- G0111; 7th-A. W. Wright. 10w are able to be out again alter their recent tonsil operation at the TO END UNCERTDiNTY home of their parents, Mr. and Mis. Dntltucranywryyu Wallace Marlow. Dr. Fred Marlow tun'toltuethne. An y ou-f and Mis. Robt. Archer, of Toronto, untthtepoe.A ot-f brother and cousin of Mr. Marlow, town cail is as easy to makre as a Performed the operations. .Mr. and local one auad alxnost as cjulck. The Mis. Robt. Pair and i'iorrie were in telephone will take you anywliere Torntoa cupl ofday lat wek.and the cost is surprisingly low. Toroto acoule o day lat wek. ter 7.00 p. m. when evening rates Miss frances Mountjoy lias re- lbegin, you can talk a hundred miles turned home after a holiday in Tor- or more for about the price of a onto and the United States-. O movie. Sunday evening, July 2th, the an- nual corporate service of the Victor- ian Women's Institute was held in Pioceeds $75... Regular monthly the United Churcli, when special meeting of A.Y.P.A. was held at the music was furnished by the choir and home of Mi. and Mrs. Ira Argue, on a very inspiring sermon preached bY Fiiday evenlng, July 25th, wltli the Rev. F. W. Neweil, on "Mary and splendid attendance of 70. Meeting Martba." . Miss Mabel Wlùttaker opeiied witli devotional exercises by lias been visiting relatives ini Tor- the president; bible reading by Mis. onto. Miss Agnes Whittaker lias Thos. Smith; and prayer by Dr. returned home after holldaying in Whittaker. Af ter a short business Lindsay and Thurstonia.. Misses ISession the remainder of the evening Margaret and Helen Arnitage have ,was spent on the lawn wliere Dr. returned home from a two week's Whittaker gave an illustrated talk vacation with relatives in Cambray. with lantern slides on "A Trip into On Wednesday, July 23rd, the the North." The talk and slides members of the Institute lield their were especîally interestlng as Dr. annual garden party. The girls' Whittaker and family spent a nuis- sof t bail game between Gîeenbank ber o! years among the Eskimos not and Blackstock, was won by the only ministering to their spiritual former, the score being 10-6. The needs but also looking after their boys' game between the A.Y.P.A. and PhYsical well-being. Afteî a vote League resulted in a score of 14-6 in of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Argue for favor of the latter. Tea was served their kind hospitality the meeting in the park af ter which a very en- closed wlth the serving of lunch. Joyable programn was put on by Mr. - Arche Stinson and company of Jan.- Fif teen liundred perf ormers take etville, assisted very ably by Miss part in the Canadian National Ex- Veina McNally and Mr. Jack Smith. hibition pageant. Report of June Examinations; names in order of menit: Entrance-Lloyd Clydesdale. Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Raymond Farrow. Sr. Milte Jr IV-Edna Farrow (H), Myrtle Farrow CH), Owen Olimer (H). Helena Hailowel) Jr. III to Sr. !Il-Hazel Falls (H), Ruth Savery. Jr. fI te Sr. II-Brenton Farrow, Marjorie Farrow CH), Meda Hallo- wel CH). Noma . Cowan, teaclier CROOKED CREEK, S.S. 7, CLARKE To Sr. IV-Bobby Hughes (H), GladYs Ogden (H), George Stone (H), Clara Kiikpatrlck (H), Tommy Turner, Lily Hughes, Beatrice Tliompson. To Sr. III-Dorothy Ogden CH), Henry Buriman. To Sr. II-John Thompson. To Sr. I-Lillian Hales CHI), Lws Stone CH), Sidney Burley. Stanley' Day. To Sr. Pr.-Jean Hales. Calvin Hammi, teacher. LESKAED, S. S. NO. 15, CLARKE Jr. IV-Noreen Hawke 73, Robert Chater 68, Bertjram Syer 67. Sr. flI-Annie Bairstow 75 CH) Everett Stapleton 55. Jr. fi-Mari onle Tennant 76 CH), Kenneth Bail 55. Sr. fl-Jane Chater 68, Rena Bail 67, Kelth Tennant 57. Jr. II-Leland Bail 83 CH), Jack Syer 71, Myrtle Patterson 58. lst-EIsie MacDonald 70, Carman Tennant 63. Sr. Pr.-Ivan Bail 78, Floyd Nich- olson 77, Norman Thompson 74, Bruce Tennant 64. Jr. Pr.--Gwendolyne Tennant. Velma Dancy, teacher.. Yure azoag. infront wit,4 RED INDIAN Power/ v om. -uf A ncw motor fuel wltb drive -pep-and muach A.nlSly I MOTOR 0114 Provides a per- fect filmn cf pro. tection between &Il working patt oa f the CABOLINE A etaiglit - run goline .. . co- nomical . .. uni- formly dean Vibrant with power ... your car is off at the flash of green . . and away in front! McColl-Frontenac products whislc you over the level or up a grade with purrng eas. And when you step on Cyclo Cas (No.Knock) Motor Fuel, all's quiet on the mooring front! Swift - silent-and sa'ving, ton ... this better mnotor fuel (as well as Red Indian Motor Oul and Marathon HiTest Gasoline) bas made frrn friends ail over the Dominion. At the igu of the Red Indian,fil yVour tank ad crank case with vigorous McColl-Frontenac products. IThey mcmi more miles per gallon ... per dollar .. . andper year 1 M COL]L-FwRONTENAC 34COLIPF20N ENC OIL COMIPAN LIMITIED e Fill the Coal Bin With D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite Let your empty coal bin work for you an d save money. Fi11 it now with high grade poal offered at low summer pxue-and put t he savings in your bank. Prices on ail grades are now at rock bottom. Take advantage of this opportunity to put in yýour winter's supply. Until further notice our prices for coal anad coke wiII be as follows: Stove ....................$15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut ..........$15.00 pezi ton P ea ....................... 12.50 per ton Buckwheat ................ $ 9.50 per ton Coke . ...................... $11.50 per ton A discount of 50c per ton wiIl be made for cash order. McClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bownianville ............... .... ... .... .. 4 1 i 1

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