THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.~)AY, AUGUST 14~h, 1930 PAGE NU<E PINKY LEARNS MORE EVIERY DAY, HEH, HEH.- By Terry Gilkison PINKY DINKY Sommer Coal Prices Prices Reduced GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY AT A BIG SAVING Buy your coal now while prices are at 10w sumxner levels. The savmngs wiil be well warth whle-you can buy the best grades a! ceai at ne mare than you would pay for inferior grades later-and your bin will be f ull and ready for the flrst celd days. Phone us today. Steve S15.50 per ton Egg $15.00 per ton Chestnut $15.00 per ton Pea S12.50 per ton Cake $11.50 per ton A discount af 50c a ton wiil bo atiawed off these prices for cash with arder. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders Supplies and Phone 153 or 202 deto Aci A NOO FO wP' T#40 J&but two hours after eating many Meole sufer f rom sour stomache. They cai it indigestion. t means that the stomach nerves have been over-stimu- lated. There is excess acid. The wav to correct it la with an aikali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The rigbt way is Phillipq' Milk of Magneia-just a tastele8s dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and larmiese. t haâ remained the stand- Fuel Bowmanville 1When Food Sou rs Sweete te tomach-instantly ard with physicians in the 50 year sinoe its invention. It is the quick method. Results corne almost instantly. t ta the approved method. You will neyer use another when you know. Be sure ta get the genuine Phillipa' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians fer 50 years in correcting excess aeids. Each bottle contains full dire- tion-!nY drugstore. WEDDING BLACKSTOCK Trewn-Skene Mrs.'Matthew Spinks is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ira Argue. A wedding of interest to a wide Miss Helen VanCamp has been vis- circle of friends was celebrated on iting her grandmother. Mrs. M. Tuesday, July 29th, at the home of Smith. Rev. James Skene and Mrs. Skene, Mr. David White, of Bethany, and Clyde Street, Norwch, when their Mr.T. Smith, motored to Hamilton daughter. Margaret Vera Skene. B-. rc ty was unlted in marriage to Robertrent. Farbes Trewin, B. A.. of Toronto. Mr. Norman McCurdy, Toronto, The ceremony was performed in the spent the weekend with Mr. John drawing room., which was beautiful Veniing. with bouquets o! roses. by R.ev. James Miss Helen Waldon, Toronto, was Skene, f ather o! thie bride. assisted a recent guest of her cousins. the by Rev. J. H. Barnett, Ph. D., of Smiith Bros. Ridgetown, the bride's pastor, and a Miss Dorothy Hancock. Toronto, former pastor o! Knox PresbYterian has been visiting ber cousins, Misses Church, Norwich. The bride, Who Frances and Grace Mountjoy. entered the room to the strains o! St. John's Anglican Church Pic- Mendelssohn's wedding march play-* nicked at Cream of Barley Camp. ed by Margaret Barnett, o! Ridge-Bwavle on Wednesday, July town. was beautifully gqwned in ai 30thanile becoming gown of rose beige chiffon Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mr. and ecru lace wth shoes andi acces-an r.PcyV CmpndMle sories to match, and carrled a hand- apn Mrs. Pey VanCamp andsMerle some bouquet of Ophelia roses. 'There srette ieekend.wt red n were no attendants. Imniediately reaienMdad foUlowing the ceremony the wedding Congratulations to Miss Mabel Ar- party retired to the dlning-room, gue in successfully passlng her Junior which was attractively decorated in a Counterpoint Musical examination color seheme of Pink and white, and in takmng first class honors in where a dainty luncheon was served. her Junior Piano. During the luncheon hour Dr. Bar- Rev. W. B. Tucker. Toronto, was nett proposed the toast to the bride. in charge o! the United Church ser- Later in the afternoon Mr. and vices on August 3rd. Rev. F. W. Mrs. Trewin left by motor for Wood- Newell, the pastor, is away on his stock to take the train for Muskoka. holidays. On Sunday evening Mr. wher th hoeymon illbe pen. 1Tucker was assisted with the service There t honemoo nalllbe Caesarea by Dr. Whittaker. O! St. georgette costume with hat and ac -oh's_____h cessories to match. Following the r.Trewin willl ac ,~d~ ~n resiae in iToronto, where the groom in Ia member o! the teaching staff of Malvern Cofleglate. JThe guests included: Rev. J. A. IBarnett, D. D., and Mrs. Barnett and Margaret Barnett, o! Ridgetown; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hay. o! Chathamn; Miss A. Forbes. Misses J. and E. Tre- win and John A. Trewin. ail o! To- ronto; Miss A. M. Bale. St. Thomas; Miss M. Adgar. Strat!ord. and Miss M. E. Gliddon. Union. The groom as a boy lived wîth his aunts. the Misses Forbes, on Kings-, ton Road East, known now as Kurv Inn. and attended Bowmanville Higlh Sehool. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is re- markable in its quick. effective ac- tion. Relieves instantly burns, sprains. toothache and neuralgia. Invaluable for sore throat, croup and quinsy. Persian Bairs-the peerless aid to loveliness. Delightfully fragrant. Dainty to use. Leaves no stickiness. A littie gentle rubbing and it is swif t. ly absorbed by the tissues. Tonic in effect. Soothes and dispels rough- ness and chafIng. Keeps skins sof i and velvet-textured. UnrivaUled for charm, distinction and reflnement. Used by lovely women everywhere tc preserve and enhance their natura beauty. IT'S WISE TO CHOOSE À SIX From first eost to ire-fsale value, ît's wË""Se to eiioose this six! T' ieand economnical to choose a Chroýet Sx! For a he uew Clev- rolet is a six.cylnder car-with ail the advantagc-s of grea ter snîoothness, coiîîfort, speed ani hill-climbing power which nothing les.s than six c-,'Ind ci-s cati givc. Yei, lpriced as low as $635 aIt te factory, Cbe%-ro!et Six P is actuelly one of the lou-esi-priced cars you can bu5'! An~d this gi-eî:t Six cosis no more for gas-cosis ns> more for oil -cosîs no more for jires -cos ru) m~ore for apheep than any other 'car on the road îoday. The Sport R.,adi" - - $715 Th, Co... .. .......740 The Cot.h - - - « - 75 The- S.sper Sport R-od,. 795 S:x u.w, o , ,x:r k0ADSTBR or PHAETON The Club Sedmi $810 The Sport Coup. 3-40 The Sdmi.......p7 The Sport S.d.i m 4 ;o c. tc wkels stadard) Pr,., i lnor. Oha . ,,ax,. b-.p-.r.d sattire t,M. A .4ompUte jflfc C.,nc,,lCoa,.-. . r,jn-d$453 p. CHE/ IWLtI!SIX ONTARIO MOTOR SALES WHITBY OSHAWA IT* SIBE TT ER BE C.XTUSE BOWMANVILLE C. 17 3 c 1 TT'S CANAÂDI,ýN NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMER Isolation Essential in Abortion Abortion takes a large toil o! the dairy industry and it is regrettable that so littli ak.nown about control measures. Vaccines of one kind or the other have been sold and some of them seemn to be f airly success!ul in some herds, but have littie eff ect ini others. One or two f acts are sure; the spread o! the disease is largely through germs expelled in the drop- pings and carried to the feed given to healthy cows or heifers. Probably the contagion is carried on the feet o! the herdsman. This shauld be prevented if possible and infected cows kept away f rom the rest o! the herd at calving time and for a short time after the cow bas cleaned. Better Buhls in North In cannectian with the better bull campaign ini the District o! Ternis- kaming, it is of interest to note that snce June, 1928, between ftfty and sixty inspected buils have been plac- ed in the district. This is evdence o! the interest Temiskaming farmers are taking in btter live stock. The sheep population has trebled in the last three years. Lack of Rain Costly Cantinued dry weather over a per- iod of seven or eight weeks resulted in seriaus crop lasses ini Southwest- ern and Central Ontario. D. E. Car- roll of Elgin County states that the corn and bean yield ini that district will be considerably reduced. A water has been enrinpoinj a- IS à-&& %J- F%%n b..k.- aL mi Aprr.u l Demand Sargeon Daily sortie districts, although not so ser- ______as last year. Harvesting is tak- ing place two weeks earlier than us- Vast Growing Army of Sargon Users. ual. Threshing reports f rom West- Marching Single File, Would ern Otroidct odyedo Ontaririndiateoaeaodnyeld o Encrcl Glbe t OIy barley. H. Graham o! the Kempt- Few earsTimeville Agrcultural School reports con- ditions in Eastern Ontario very sat- (By Richard L. Simmnsl isfactory. Prospects are bright for ATLANTA, GA. :-More like a tale a bountiful grain harvest and late from the Arabian Nights a! ald than crops are nat suffening for lack o! a record o! modern business achieve- moisture as they have in Western ment reads the story o! the marvel- counties. Narthern Ontario is suf- oua growth and developmnent o! Sar- fering from another extreme o! gon the New Scientiflc Compound weather-far too much rain. In 7which has become the sensation o! Temiskaming particularly crop pros- the drug trade thraughaut Canada.,pets are very poor, awing to exces- the United States and other caun- sive rainfail in July. Farther north tries. the situation is mare satisfactory - The aid illustratlefrb th-e pebble and crop prospects in the Cochrane - dropped into the polî et describes area are about normal. the phenomenal and unprecedented1 demland and its faine is rapidly KeeD Themn Clean jspreading over the entire Continent.i Elaborate barns and expensive Recently compiled figures reveal equiPmnent are net necessary ini the that appraximateiy 15.000 men and iproduction o! dlean talit although women are marching into drug stores they do help. More important is daily for Sargon and Sargon Sof t the keeping o! the stable dlean and Mass PiUls. the marvelous new treat- washing and sterilizing o! the equip- ment that ip restoring health to ment ini use. Following this there ccountless thaûsands by new and re- must be proper cooling o! the cream markable methods undreamned O! or mil.k, and if selling cream, f re- tonly a few years aga. quent deliveries must be made, es- r Aiready more than 5,000,000 suf- pecially during the hot weather. No f ering men and wamen have put it to creameryman is in a position ta make the test and have tald other millions the highest grade a! butter from Iwhat it has done for them. cream that is nat cdean and o! good Marching régulation army fashion fiavor. A dairyman can greatly as- -single file-this vast army o! Sar- sist in raising the score o! our Can- gon users would reach f rom New adian butter. Of course there must York ta San Francisco and at the be proper equipment and care ini the present rate o! sale. would. in a few creamery. Too o! ten cream is held years time. encircle the entire globe, toc long at the farm ta make first- The anly explanation o! Sargan's class butter. triumph in the Medicai World is ___ Sargon's true warth. Back o! its Berndeiefrg o! Barns triumph in the drug stores is its 1 This is the building seasan on the triumph in the homes and it is the if ai-m Although there wifl not be grateful endorsements o! its millions many new bars built this year, there o! users that has made it the most will be the usual amount o! remod- widely talked a! medicine in the, elling af cow stables. The stables Srg on sexesveyadet.e. should be canstructed ta keep out Saron s etesivly dvrtieditcold and conserve the animal heat. is true, but no preparatian. no mat- at the samne time letting the air move ter haw extensively advertised. could through the stable by some well de- possibly meet with such phenornenal signed ventilating measure. In most success unless it pessessed absoases the barns havmng the poorest mrtand extraordinary îsowers as a vetlto facilities are those where medicine. the inside temperature is too 10w. There can be but one possible ex- The iollawing suggestions couid be pianation fer Sargoivs amazing suc- follawed ta good advantage by dairY cess and it can be toid in one ward farmers: Don't have the stable toc Saýrgo a b baie n o high; eighit feet ta the bottom jaists arnvilef am y & ltaied i .îs plenty. Have a., f ew deors as pas- manvllefro Jur &-Lovll. sible and have t;.em tight. Four - ----- ------ -~ -,uare feet a!of ve lighits per cow ,,ffîlc:ent, Instilate the walls. Warin stables are desirable f ram ev- Sum mec ey standpoint-if well ventilated. t New Apple Grades C O O So! the Dominion Department o! Agri- C O L D S culture puts into eff ect the new appie Most peaple today knw hwgaes advocated by organized grow- Aspirin tablets break a cold-but ers in the barrel apple districts o! why not prevent it ? Take a tablet or Ontario. Quebec. New Brunswick andI two when you first feel the cold cam- Nova Scota. * The new grades wW ing on. Spare yourself the disconifort No. 1 and Domnestlc. The prelimin-i of a sumrner cold. Read the proveni ary annaunicement also indicates that directions in every package for head- hampers and baskets -wll provide 'a, aches, pain, etc. use! ul supplement ta the present i barrel package. Empire Prefereuce Threi special interest for Can- adian farinera in a Communication recelved by the Dominion Depart- ment o! Agriculture !rom a London, England, buyer o! !oodstuffs. "The London county Counicil bas laid _______ _____ - tdown for somte time past now that _______________________ preference shail be given to Empire Foods. in !urtherance of this pol- lcy it has given permission to those responsible for buying !oods to pay .B'&LAEH up to 10 per cent more for an Em- .1090 pirearticle than for a similar quallty N b.d fIorelg product," hie states. Tthe Iooa8aiv '~' 'B~ London County Coundil provides f ood ftl..plrmhIi~ar...Ai Isupplies to over 80 large hosPitals An and 70 institutions o! varlous kinds. The Canaclian National Exhibition Swimmers f rom the four corners of waterfront is i '2 miles long. gthe world wii seek the warld champ- This will be "Al-Canada Y ear" at ionshlp at the Fi! th Annual Mara- the Canadan National Exhibition, t hon Swimn at the Canadian National Toronto. Exhibition, Toronto. 4"104 Free Flowinàg- Fertilîzers Here are four big i-asons why we recommend C. I. L. Mixed Fertilizers to you: Fireqt: Dry, free flowing, they end that costly nuis- ance, drià-cloggingl . Save labour! Second: When you need C. I. L. Mixed Fertilizers -that's when you get them!I Drive up and get them -right out of stock! Third: This prompt delivery service is less coetly than the old-faahioned "order-and-wait" mehod... Baves you actual dollars-and-cents, as well as valu- able time! Fourth. Made in Canada. CF. C. VANSTONE BOWMAN VILLE. ONT. CGOODE & SONS, Burketon and Nestieton, Ont. C!? 4D 1 . In addition to giving you smoother, fi.sîer performance now, Chevi-olet'a mode -n fcature -uch as low suspen- sion, longer wheelbase, lengthwie.. nsounted Springs, new Fisher Bodies, plusit uphiolstery and simart appoint- meiIs - assure higher re-male value for %oui. car when you cone to turn it in. Corne in and @e us -today -for a road demonstratjon. Ask about the General Motors Owner Service PoUJcy, the niast coiupiele service policy in the indusrv-and the G.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred paymient plan. e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOVih£ANVn.LE, THURMAY, AUGUST lUh. 1930 PAGE Nam