PAON TER ~t~Tte~m~n With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 3 An Unu suai August Dress Ciearance You wil1 rarely find the outstanding values in charming frocks that are available in this remarkable August Dress Clearance. There are scores of styles for every occasion, refiect- ing most authentic uines and patterns . . . and made up in very smart fabries. For street, s ports and gala weail you'll find jtist what you want at startling reductions. SUMMER-DRESS GOODS Prices almost cut in haif. It would be too bad to miss this offer. The patterns are exquisite and the goods are excellent. 'N HOSIERY Our Hosiery Department has a special line this week at ............................................ $1.25 SPRING COATS Would you like a Spring Coat for the money you ever paid for one. They are of the best --qIalitr7 and a real bargain. We have slashed our prices in haif to finish our grand clearance. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Alil Summer Clotiies Reduced We have some fine summer clothes still in stock. We have decided to reduce the prices on these and give you some real bargains. Here is a list of your nequire- ments and our supply. Speed King ail wool Bathing Suits ..........$3.95 Bathing Suits, good quality wool ...........$2.25 -Shirts, a line running from ..........$1.59 to $1.95 Suits (two pair pants) reduced to ........$16.50 Many bargain in Boys' Suits. Summer Underwear .................70C to $2.50 Flannels, Plus Fours, Golf Hose at Bargain Prices. Soeks, light weight .........................15c to 75c Couch, Johnston '& Cryderman LiMiTrD DOWMAN1LLE. e~ MIDDLE SCHOOL RESULTS For Pupls Attendlng Bowmanvllei Hlgh Sehool The following are the results of the Middle School Examinations held at Bowmanvillc Higi School this year. Those recjuiring their certifi- cates for immediate use may secure same from thc Secretary, C. H. Mas- on, at the insurance office of J. J. Masan & Son. Marks are indicated as f oilows: 1-75 ta, 100%; 2-66 to 74%; 3- 60 te 6517,: C-50 to 59 %. Douglas Adams-Anc. Hist. 3; Alg. 2, Chem. 3; Lat. Ath. 2; Lat. Camp. C; Fr. Auti. C; Fr. Comp 3. Joseph Alexandr-Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 3; eOam. C; Phys. C. Ada Alun-Anc. Hist. 2; Alg. 3; Lat. Auth. 3; Lat. Comp. C ; Pr. Auth. 2; Fr. Comp. 2; Oerm. Auth. 3; Germ. Comp. C. Marion Allin-Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 3; GOm. C. Ruth Aflin-Lat. Auti. C; Fr. Auth. C; Fr. Comp. C. Oswald Andersn-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 1, GOm. 1;j Physics C. Clara Ashlee-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. .3; Geam. 3. Muriel Baker-Anc. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Chem. C. Marion Battlc-Eng. Comp. C; Eug. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 1; GOm. 1; Phys. C. Leah Bel-Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 2. Bernice Bellnan-Anc. Hist. C. Florence Bennett-Anc. Hist. 1; Alg. 3; Lat. Ati. 3; Lat. Comp. 3; Fr. Ati. 1; Fr. Camp. 2. Jean Bentham-Lat. Auth. C; Lat.i Comp. C; Fr. Comp. C. Novelda Berry-Gmcek Accid. C. Marjorie Bradt-Eug. Comp. 3; Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 1; eOm. 3; Germ. Auth. 1; Germ. Camp. 2. Oliver Bradt-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 2; eOam. 1. Allan Clemence-Alg. C; Chem. C. Charlie Clemenc-Eng. Lit. C; Can. Hist. 3; Oeom. 2; Phys. 3. Herbert Colmer-Greek Auth. C; Oreek Accld. C. Robert Corbett-Alg. C; Chem. 3- Lat. Auti. 3; Fr. Auti. C; Fr. Comp 3. Stanley Cowlng-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. 1; Geom. 1;t Phys. C.t Stanley Dunn-Eng. Lit. 3; Goam. 1. Elrcda *Eliott--Germ. Ati. 1; Germ. Comp. 3. Grace Elliott-Anc. Hist. 2. Betty Flaxman-Eng. Comp. 3; Eng. Lit. 1; Can. Hist. C; Oeom. 1. Iva Folcy-Eng. Camp. 3; Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Hist. C; eOam. 1. Aunie Gardiner-Eug. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 3; Can. Est. C; GOam. 1.1 Evelyn oaddard-Eng. Comp. 3; Eng. Lit. 1; Can. Hist. 1; Germi. Anth. 3; Ocrm. Comp. C. Newton Hackney-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 3; eOam. 2. Grace Hastings-.-Alg. C; Lat. Auth. C; Lat. Comp. C; Fr. Auti. C; Fr. Comp. C. Norah Hayward-Eng. Comp. 3; Eng. Lit. 1; Can. Hist. 2; Phys. C. Drtiy Hoar-Lat. Autb. 1; Lat. Comp. 1. Bradley Honeymn--Geom. 2; Phys. Wallace Horn--Germ. Ati. 3; Ocrm. Camp. C.- William Ingram-Eng. Lit. C. John Jury-Anc. Hist. 1; Alg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat. Ati. 1; Lat. Comp. 1; Fr. Auth. 1; Fr. Comp. 1. Jessie Xnox-Eng. Comp. 2; Eng. Lit. 1; Can. Hist. 1; eOam. 1; Phys. C Wlunie Lancaster-Anc. Hist. C; AIg. 1; Chem. 1; Lat. Ati. 2; Lat. Comp. 2; Fr. Auth. 3; Fr. Comp. 2. Leala Miler-Pr. Auti. C. Evelyn Millson-Eug. Comp. C: Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. 1; GOam. 2; Phys. C. Jean Millson-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. C; eOam. 2. John Minore-Lat. Ati. C. Mîlda Moor-Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Hist. C. Muriel More-Anc. Est. C; Alg. C; Chcm. 3; Uat. Ati. 3; Uat. Camp 2; Fr. Ati. 2; Fr. Camp. 2. Betty Morrs--Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. 2; Can. Est. C; Ocrmn. Auti. 2; Oerm. Comp. 3. Kenneti Morris.L-Anc. Hist. 2; Alg. 2; Cicm. C; Lat. Auth. 1: Fr. Auti. 2; Fr. Comp. 2. Kenuti Osborne-Anc. Hist. 2; Mlg. 1; Chcm. C; Uat. Auth. 3; Lat. Comp. 3; Fr. Auti. C; Fr. Comnp. 2. Nelson Osborne-Anc. Hist. C; THIE CHUECHES St. John's (Anglican) Churc- Rcv. R. J. Sbires, Rectar. Ninti Sunday after Trinity, Angust ilti: il a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- mon; 12.30 p. m.-Supday Sciool; 7 P. m.-Evening Prayer. St. Andrew's Prcsbyterlan Churci. corner Tempersuce sud Ciurch Bts. Suuday Sehool at 10 s. m.; Morning worship il a. m.; Evenlng worsiip 7.30 p. m. Rev. W. J. Todd, tic new minister, will preaci at both services. Trinlty sud St. Paul's United Churci Union services during monti o! Angust lu charge a! Bey. Dr. Best, Mornlug service lu Trlnity Churci. Churci sud Sciool meets at Il s. m. Prcacig service lu St. Paul's at 7.30 pan. St. Paul's organist and choir in charge o! tic musical service. R-1OO, Giant British Air Ship, Flics Over Bowman ville Many o! tic luhabitants o! Bowmanvilc wcre awakencd !rom ticir peacef nI slumbcrs sligitly before 4 o'clock Monday morning by tic iumming and buzzing sound o! motars coming from tic cast. It was tic great British diigible R- 100 whici had recently made that cpic-making trip !rom England acros the i'ast Atlantic and iad maared safely at St. Hubert Air- port. Montreal, lu Canada. 4 a. m. la an unearthly hour te welcome and view snch a distluguishcd visitor lu transit as tuis migitly ambassador o! tic air, but this pioneering yen- turer observes no mules o! etiqnette. and sets its own pace under sncb cicumstanccs. Sa it was np ta tic yawning, gapmng, ial!-awake citizens wio wcme fartunate enaugi taefie disturbed ta adjust ticmselves ta tuis welcomc emcrgcncy. Tiere ticy werc, tiese respectable citizenis, lu evening attire -a proverbial shirt tail paradc-maybe more correctly spcak- ing thcy wore pyjamas or nlgitsbirts. But anyway, ecd was scrambllng ta look ont tic upper starey windows, cranlug the ir necks f rom tic top vevandah and seme even had tic temerity ta venture ont on tic lawu to vicw tuis wondcrf nI spectacle. Wiat a sigit! Under a semene harvcst moon this sinlng silver droning creature, witi its human cargo, wcndcd its way tirougi tic air and disappeared lu tic west on Its journey ta Tomante snd Niagara Fails. "Did you sec tic Dîrigible?" was tic question ail wcrc ask- lug as citizens came to work tbat momnlng. Tiose wio dldn't ioped ta have that pîcasure and experience on tic returntrip later lu tic day. Owlug te an approacbing storm on land tic £ourse çf the airsiip on its iomcwsrd journcy to Mon- treal waqdireýctqa.r tic southern part o! Lake Ontario, ta tic disai)pôeiftin'tft ! thousands o! norti shore watcicrs. Howcver, a few citizeus f nom points o! vautage snd wti field glasses got a glirapse o! tic dinigible as sic wcnt. east about 10.30 a. m. Rotary Carnival Record Success Five Guesa Correct Mileage of Car- Great Crowd Throngs Fair Grounds kÈýî:-Gros8 Receipts Over $3500. Tic Rotary Camnival has passed Balloons-F. C. Hoar, Bal Came- once more into thc memories o! ticed rdra; os ae-Alan msny who enjoyed its varions feat- Campbell, T. C. Ros, Electrical ures agalu this ycar. In spite af Qoocs-M. H. Minore; Eàdies' Booth tic vcry cool atmosphcre on Tnesday -Mrs. E. H. Brown sud Mrs. O. A. cvening, tic attendance was verY Edmondstonc; Rugs-G. A. lEdmond- large and tic affair a snccess f rom stene; Blankets and Bcdspreads- cvery standpoint. Oea. E. Chase; Hams sud Bacons- Que of tic big attractions o! thc T. H. Knight; Car guessing contest- Me o MAyres- auîhor Gf cvening was tic 48th Highlanders' C. E. Rehder; and T. S. Holgate act- »B by cSd tisasas Band f rom Toronto, who were escort- cd as ciairman o! tic pmogram com- ~ ~ -- -i't. ed lu ticir parade f rom nptewn te mittce. tic Agricultural Grounds by a tirong During tic latter part o! tic even- THE STATESMAN o! cntiusiastic citizens and country ing, on a stage speciafly arrangcd for people on foot sud by motor, led by tic purpase, a graup o! entertaiuers TO START A THRILLING President E. H. Brown and Ex-Presi- f rom Toronto, lucluding an cccentric SERIAL STORY dent T. S. Holgate a! tic Rotary dancing, singing and wise-cracking Club. At tic grounds. tic baud teamn, a slelgit-of-iand wizard, an AUGUST 28th. took up its position on tic stand accordion artist, sud otier musiclans, We avebee fatunte u otau and continued tirougiont tic even- dancers and comedians, presented a ug tice seal rigt ta tic greatf.- lug to present a splendid musical pro- number o! clever vaudeville acts te a ingtheseral igts o te geatitgram. widely varying f rom tic oldest large and admiring audience. This love story ever written by tic great- favorite melodies te tic latest popu- program was open ta tic public en- est living writer o! love stories. Ruby lar syucopated tunes. This band la tirely f rcc. M. Ayrcs. one o! tic fincst musical organiza- At 11.05 p. m. tic englue o! tic Miss Ayres la regamded by literary1 tions lu tic Dominion, and la con- Bantamn Austin auto, wiich has been critics as tic most searciing explorer!i dnctcd by that veteran leader, Cap- tic centre o! intcrest and tic talk o! o! tic human icart. Hem characters tain John Slatter. tic town, as weil as tic country for are alive. Sic makes you fcel their As tic stimnlng stralus o! music miles around, for a considerable time emotions, weep wi ti em, grieve floated tirougi tiec dean nigit air, past, was stoppcd, and, tic with tiem, rejalce witi tiem. tic plcasurc seeking crowd pmssed iundreds wio passesscd tickets, Tic stery o! "Broken" is tiat Of icavily about tic botis on tic mid- siowing tiem te bave made guesses a man wio sets ont ta avenge is way and luvcstcd recklessly but gaily as te tic distance rcgistercd by tic young brotier's suicide. Tic boy iad' lu an attcmpt ta "bring home tic speedometer lu twenty-four hours, been driven ta deati by a noterions bacon"-or tic blanket, as it migit waited for the result, and cxpenienc- woman who iad ibpurned bis love. be. Thaugits o! hard times werc cd an almost overwielmlug sensation His brother meets tic woman and banisicd and old and young cntcrcd o! suspense. Tic speedometer was detemmines te make icr fal lu love dcbannairely into tic spirit o! tic unscalcd by Rev. R. J. Shires, and tic with hlm, tien throw hem over as game, which depcndcd almast entire- resuit anuounced as 468.2 miles by sic had tirown over is brother. ly npon luck sud chance. And it Dcputy Reeve C. E. Reider. Ticre He succeeds-then discovers tiat 1 was a case of! "Lie more tie merrier," have been five. persans discovercd sic la tic wrang woman, tiongi iav- for tic only way te keep warm was with tic correct guess to thii credit, ing tic smc name. It was hem cons- te be lu tic tbick o! tic crowds. se, that tic car wiil have te run for lu wio had cntanglcd is brother. Among tic many bootis, conduct- another twcnty minutes on tic vac- ,But-.-this la ils tnagedy-ie flnds cd sud watcicd over by various sut lot by tic Royal Theatre that he la deeply, genruinely in love promincnt Ratarians, attlred in most unday afternoon before a final win- witi tic woman he has wronged. effective and startling many-incd ner is declarcd. But he alrcady has a wi!e. and tic icad-drcsses. tic stafls wicrc ail Tic five wio guessed corrcctly arc: girl wil not, cannot believe tiat he wool blankets and motor mugs were Jas. W. Wilson, Caesarca; Maxwell la lu earnest wicn he plcads for lier given away te jubilant lucky num- J. Brodie. 277 Division St., Oshawa; forglvcness and declares is love for ber bolders, weme periaps most wide- Mrs. H. Edgcrten, 93 Roxboro Ave.. hem.j ly patromized. None iowevcr lack- Oshawa; Jas. O. Beavis. 130 Eldon Fram wcck te week you will look cd a continuons stream o! "bnycrs Ave.. Oshawa; Roy L. Wiittingten, !orward ta tic ncxt instalment wti and trycrs" wbethem tic prizes wcrc 644 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa. Two eal cagerncss, te sec wiat Fate bas choice and succulent iams and bac- werc one-tenti o! a mile ont lu ticir, lu stores for Olles Ciittcnham and ons. use! ul clectrical appliances. or guess: Miss Mildred Hodgert, Port Julie Farrow. Wbat will tic next cash prises dcrived from tic minis- Hope, 468.1; sud Tios. W. Buttery, tumn o! tic wieel bing ta tîcir turc horse races. Elgin St.. Bowmanvillc, 468.3. tangled loves sud lives' Soft drinks, ice crcam sud candy, Tic results being made known, tic "Broken" begins lu Tic Statesman hot dogs, cigars and cigarettes, sud crowd dispersed iomeward, many on Angust 28th. Do not miss a vivid gas-flIled bailoons, provldcd jubilant over ticir materlal successes single instalment. furtier flclds for tic expenditure a! of tic cvcnlug, otiers lcss f ortunate. _____________________surplus cash, but hoping for better luck ucxt time. - Tic Rotary Aunes added greatly to pregicient LE. H. Brown, on bebal! Lit. C; Ocrm. Ati. 2; Germ. Comp. tic inner satisfaction o! tic cold sud o! tic Rotary Club. wishes te express 2. iungry witi their cups of piiig hot sincere appreciation and tianks te Morley Vanstoe-Auc. Hist. 1 coffee sud delicions iam sandwiches. iail wio assisted tic Rotarians lu any Mlg. 1; Chcm. 1; LUt. Ati. 1; Uat. Tose lu charge o! tic varions de- way lu mak.iug tuis carnival suci a Comp. 2; Fr. Ati. 1; Fr. Comp. 1.~ partmcnts or bootis wcre: Ice Cream record success, also ta tic iundreds Paulne aga-Eng Cop. -W. P. Cobett; Hot Dog-!Harry AI- Io! citizens lu town sud country who Pauin Wga-Eg.Cop.C; ln- Soft Drinks-T. B. Oilcirist; so gcnerously patronizcd tic affair. Eng. Lit. 2;* Can. Eist. 2; GOm. 1; Phys. 3, Oerm. Ati. 2; Ocrm., THURS., FRI. and SAT. AUGUST 14 - 15 - 16 Marlon Davies lu "THE FLORODORA GIRL"P )rings back the bold, bad, charm- ing days of the Gay '90's in a roi- ticking, frolicsome, most unusual film! Wlth Technicolor. With Lawrence Gray. MON., TUES. and WED. AUGUST le - 19 - 20 "SONG 0F THE FLAME' She Sints the Melody Heard 'REound the World! Modem Joan a! Arc-a Song for a sword-a voice tbat sets a great nation afIre-a ieart that la seared by her flaming sang when it doams the man she loves. Thonsands of people in the caut! Digantlc riot scenesl Gay parties of pampered princesses. Ail the mlghty drama that made It Broadway's grcatest operetta grcatest of ail singing casts. made doubly thnillllng by the Alexander Gray, Denie Claire, Neah Beery, Alice Gentie. Al lunTechnicolor. Ms*line Saturda7 at m2 .30.M Matines Monday at S P. m. C7bý e CALL TO EX-SERVICE MEN With nearly 200 returned men of the World War in this town and vie- inity many are of the opinion, and rightly so, that a brandi of the Can- adian Legion should be established mn Bowmanville. To accomplish this a meeting of ail returned men wlll be held in St. John's Parish Hall, ta- morraW, Frlday, Aug. 15th, at 8 p. m. to which every ex-service man lB urged ta attend. Mclntyre Hood, Oshawa, a member of the Dominion Executive, will address the meeting. POTATO DEMONSTRATIONS Beint Held This Week at Several Places in Durham County Potato growers in this county wSf be interested in the announcement in another columu of the patato demon- strations belng held in this vlcinity and should nriake an effort ta attend the nearest meeting. Durham County produces nearly 4000 acres of potatoes every Year and one wholesaler in Toronto has stated that some of tic best Ontario Pota- toes that he bandies corne frorn Dur- hamn CountY. Our average produc- tion in Ontario bas been around 105 bushels ta the acre, when it is quite Possible ta grow 300 bushels ta, the acre on our Iand. The Dept. wants to help farmers get more money for your Pattes and te Iawer the cost Of your Production by increasing that Production. At these ~iemonstra- tions you will have the chance to see patatoes grown from certified seed and fromn uncertifled seed. F'ertfl- izer bas also been used on part of this patate land. It is hoped ta make these Demonstrations a real succcss and they can oniy be se if YOU wil corne and brlng your neigi- bars with you. ANOTIHER DEMONSTRATION So muci interest was shawn by farmers of Darllngton Township in the Ford Tracter Demonstration ield recently at Gerald Talcott's that the Cax Moter Sales of Oshawa bave ar- ranged another demonstration for tic convenience o! farmers. This one wii be held at Harold Mackllns, just west o! Tyrone, next Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 2Oth. Horse sioe pitching contest wlll be an added at- traction. Armong those who have recently purchased Ford Tractors in this dis- trict is R. H. Hamley at Port Bow- manville wbo la already bighiy pleased witb the tremendous; work this machine accomplishes. LOCAL AN<D OTHERWIBg Mrs. C. S. Mason and daugiter Jane are on a trip te DigbY, Nova Scotia. Principal J. H. and Mrs. Jahnston and f amlly are on a mater trip through western Ontario. Rev. Dean Miller, Bradford, Penn., Gwovernor o! the 27th District o! no- tary International, made an officia visit te Bowmanvilje Rotary Club on Tiursday evcning last. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dcvitt have been visiting relatives in Cartwright aud ManVers. They lef t Thursday ta spend the balance o! their holidays at The Highland Inn, Algonquin Park. Sufferlng f rom severe internal In- juries. Willlan Gibson, Town, waa removed te the hospital Monday a!- ternoon, f oilowing an accident Just east of Courtice, whcn bis car le! t the bighway and capsized inte the ditch. Gibson, driving a car belong- ing to Harry Holland, was going east when the accident occurred. He in- formed the Police that another car eut lu and out o! the traffic and f orced 1dm off the hlghway. I~~ RYLd e PHONE 104 Comp. 2. YOUNG PIGEONS MARE GOOD George Wcry-Eng. Lit. 3; Can. I TnIN FIRST FLIGHT Est. 2; GOm. C. Thelma Wcrry - Can. Hist. C; Ocaom. C. Bowmauvile Homing Pigeon Club Annie Wilkins-Eng. Lit. C; Can. flcw its first young bird rade on Sat- Est. C; GOm. 2. urday, Angust 9ti, from Streetsviile, Ont. 57 miles air flue. Tic weather Kenuti Wood-Eng. Comp. C; was fiue and tic birds made good Can. Hist. 2; GOm. 1; Phys. C. time as siown herewiti: P___ . Bottrdl lin, 26 mins. 6 sec. F. Bottreil 1 ir, 26 mins. 16 sec. Miss Leola Miller has been visiting Woolner Bros. 1 ir, 26 mins, 27 sec. hem cousin. Miss Marguerite Carteri W. Wallace 1 ir, 27 mins, 36 sec. Belleville. W. Wallace 1 ir, 27 mins. 45 sec. MissRuthGardner TorntowhoWcolner Bras. 1 hr, 28 mins, 10 sec. Mis RtiGarinrTornt. hoPete Woolner 1 ir. 32 mins, 30 sec. bas eccntly returned f rom studying R Dilling 1 ir, 33 mins. 6 sec. lu E'urope, is visiting Mrs. C. S. W. J. Martyn 1 ir. 38 mins, 28 sec. Mason. îLen. Richards 1 hr. 42 mins, 27 sec. Swimmers from tic four corners o! W. J. Martyn 1 ir, 44 mins, 48 sec. tic world wiil seek tic world champ- Len. Richards 1 ir, 55 mins, 2 sec. ionsiip at tic Fif th Annual Mara-1 thon Swim. at tic Canadian National Tic Canadian National Exhibition Exhibition, Toronto. watcrfront la 11'/2 miles long.