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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1930, p. 3

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tRI CANADI.AN 8TA~MAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1930 PAGE THR You May Be Disappointed IN THE R4100 But vou'Il neyer be disappointed in Corbett's > Wholesomne Bread. t is always delivered right on time, every day but Sunday. t is fresh, de- licicus, andi just meits in your mouth. You can't help) fal]ing for our Buttermilk loaf and your kid- dies xiii cry for our' round loaf. We solicit a trial from you to-day. You won't be disappoint- ed in our lroducts. While you are ordering the bread include a request for one of Silverwood's Ice Cream Bricks -all flavors-none better. jBakeies at Bow man'ville and Orono Children's dancing contests wiil1 Outboard motorboat and yachting feature the 1930 Young Canada's races will be featured on the Canad- Day programme of the Canadian Na- ian National Exhibition Acuatic tional Exhibition. Sports programme. TORO NID FRIDAY, AUG. 22nd to SATURDAY, SEPT. 6th Bri/liant Settiig 'ofWor!d Attr-actionýs and Exhibits to mark "All-Caniada Year" ALL-CANADA PERMA ENT FORCE BANýD A h%r.r it..- . or.z.r:i.srîon of (anaidians recruited from Canada' pcrrancnt niji ror nist feature tise band programmes of ½~Il&rua y ..> r'~".ion Dept of Miliuia -r.d Defense'ý lUs.or: r r.a:c':neu r tn le tý'-me -AliI.arada Yer" e. I'.r.~ ns: 5'..u~e.: Incrcst ail pj.r grlnd îand pageants. -a . 'eau,$10,Box ŽS'It.$,.50. 2o00-VOICE EHIi 7;G C--'flXUS Li ter.. a, cri À; cl r,.rz.w, Li of .roOgloriou..voices trained and dirs..d bv Dr. H. A. .,c, NIA., F.R.C.0. Four concerts-Sat. Aug. 2 ird , Thurs.z. 2", . fes. Sýpt. 2 and Sat. Sept. 6. General Admission 5,:,. Grougià iloor 75c, boxes $1.00. FIFTH MARATHON SWIM for world chrponsh:p, Friday Aug. 22nd (women); Wed. Aug. 27 (open>. Renowned natarorial sport spectacle. Ten-day aquatic sports features. Canada's gre:arest annuai ahletic mme. ART, AGRICULTURE, MUSIC, INDUSTRY, SCIENCE- A COLOSSAL INTERPRETATION 0F WORLD PROGRESS Rsr.iûzaSci, ;bu-,.ziepied for Ls/n6ition Chorus son 'h . d G .,:/z. 'd ~arJ.t ir~ni cqu or rm,s r. ýr SANt HARRIS, H. W. WATERS, Ge,'ralAManager WEDDINGS OSHAWA'S NEW HARBOR ______emes OFFICIALLY OPEINED C. E. Rehder's Palatial Motor Launch The wedding of Geraldine. daugh- Represented Bowmanville at ter of Mr. A. W. Clemens and the late I OpeigCrmne Mrs. A. W. Clemens of Tyrone. to 1gCeeone Oliver S. Hanna. Toronto, son of the, The offnciaI opening of Oshawa late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanna, Harbor on Thursday. August 7th. o! Abion. took place Saturdiay a!ter- wa one of the outstanding events noon. August 9th, at St. Andrews in the Motor Citys history o! the Presbterian Church. Campbellford. present century. It was observed The brides attendants were Miss with due ceremony and pomp with Margaret Hanna and Miss Edythel the S. S. City of Kingston having Clemens. Mr. Jack Hanina was best the honor of being the first boat te man and Mr. Dickson Dawson and enter the new harbor with the S. S. jMr. Frank Raymnant. ushers. Rev. Ashbay arriving a couple heurs lai- W. J. Mark. D. D.. offlciated. Mr. er. Huge crowds assembled on the Colison played the wedding music pier te greet the ships and witness and during the signing of the regis- the presentation of a top hat by ter. Mrs. Fred Free sang. Follow- Mayor T. B. Mitchell to Capi. Dube ing the ceremony. a reception was of the City of Kingston. W. H. held at the home o! the brides Moore, newly-elected Liberal M. P. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles delivered the opening speech. Other Dawson. Campbellford. afier which speakers included W. J. King. of the happy couple lef t on a motor Canada Steamiship Lines, Ex-Mayor trip. Frank L. Mason. Aldermnan Wm. Among the out-of-town guests Boddy and others. were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and Bowmanviile was officially repre- Miss Dorothy Knox, Mr. Ajex. Mc- sented at this ausplcious event by Gregor. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens, Deputy-Reeve C. E. Rehder. who was Mn. and Mrs. H. D. Clemens, and Mr. among the first t0 enter the barber Irving Clemens, Bowmanville; Miss with bis palatial pleasure motor Elsie Ross, Mr. Earl Anderson. Mr. launch "Barbara R" which is the Frank Raymant. Oshawa; Mr. and largest and most completely equip- Mrs. Kenneth Heard and Master ped craf t 0f its kind to, be owned by Douglas Heard. Dr. and Mms. Angus a resident o! Bowmanviile. He was McKay. Master Ross McKay and accompanied on the tipi by W. Len. Miss Betty Anne McKay. Miss Mar- Elliott. Worshipful Master o! Jer- g aret Hanna. Miss M. Hanna. Mr. usalem Lodge. No. 31, A. F. & A. M. and Mrs. W. A. Hanna. Mr. Bruce H aima. Miss Virginia Hanna, Mr. BTJE Jack Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Phil -_______Y lips. Miss Vi McKelvyez. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. A. Dale, Toronto Mms. Harry Kennedy, Miss Evelyn ___ Cudmore, Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Mr. 1 i en a prolongedi illness, the re- Bruce Honeywell. Miss Edythe Clem-1 suit o! a serious accident. Mrs. Rob- ens. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Hyme ert A. Dale. o! 57 Lawton Blvd.. RYerson. Brantford: Mr. and Mrs. P. Toronto. died on Friday. August 8th. Dawson. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. The laie Mms. Dale. who previous George Dawson. Montreal; Mr. and to her marriage with Miss Rose Mms. C. N. Dawson, Windsor: Mr. Barker o! Bowmanviile had resided and Mrs. William Burgess. Norwýood;- in Toronto for the past thirty-five Dr. and Mrs. Fred Free. Miss Eleanor years. Bsdshrhsadsei Ferris. Miss Eleanor Dawson. Mr. sunsivedytositer hs Mrs A. M Dickson Dawson. Campbellford. snve y w s'erMr.A.M J.VJUL/qI4U qimrrto - qitrL i 7,7 Sterling-Shaver A very pretty sûmmer wedding took Place at Rosewood Farms, An- caster. on Thursday. August 7th. when Anna Marie, eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abert M. Shaver. wýýas united in nlkrriage to John Ewart Wallace Sterling. only son of Rev. and Mrs. Willam Sterling of orono. The ceremony was conducted by the father of the groom, assisted by Rev. Fred Manning o! Ancaster. Miss Mary Jackson of Cardinal played the weddmng music. The bride. who was given in mar- riage by her father. was lovely in at graceful Lucien Simon gown of( powuçder blue crepe chiffon with cir-r cular cape. She wore a blue mohair q hat with velvet trimming. blue crepe3 slippers. eggshell hose and gloves. and carried a bouquet of butterfiy1 roses. white bouvardia and lles oft the valley. Her only ornament wasc the groom's gift, a string o! pearis. She was attended by her sister. Miss1 Evelyn L. Shaver. Dr. Claire Mise- ner of Crediton was best fman. Mfter the ceremony a reception was held. at which the bride and groom received the best wishes of about 75 guests. Later the happy couple lef t by motor for Banff and Calgary.-1 where they hIll reside untii Christ-1 mas, going then to California. The1 bride travelled in a French dress of1 navy blue flat crepe, navy coat with grey fox collar and black hat. shoes and bag. THE WORRY SAVER Mother spent a f ew weeks every summer visiting relatives. The family rnanaged to,*'get along" somnehow, but it wasn't easy. Mother started to telephone home every so often to ask about things and to offer suggestions. It certainly helped matters and re- lieved Dad's mind of a lot of worry! CUT DOWN FIEE LOSSES Help bring down the fire loss by Provldlng yourself with a Pire Ex- tinguisher. I can supply anything from a one-quart hand extinguisher to a 40-gallon engine. Get ini touch wth C. L. Hooper ,dstiict agent for LaFrance Foamite Co.. and probably save Yourself thousands o! dollars fIreloss. P. 0. Box 485, Bowxnan- ville. Phone 465. 28-tf 1 Are you being f air wth your eyes? You have no truer and more falthful friends than YOUR EYES but what do you do for them to show your appreclation of their falthf ul service? Do you ever bave Your Eyes Examined to know Il they need asistanoe? Remember the old adage: "You neyer miss the water until the well goes dry.' Thlnk of your eyes. then think of a. M. MITCHELL the busy Op$ometrlst. - Lateft Methods - - Moden Instrumenta - R. M. Mitchell & Co. phone 9M iOshawa, and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, o! Bownanville. The funeral service was held at Toronto Monday a! ter- noon. interment being made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Coram, Orono In recent months quite a number1 o! lufe-long and high respected citi-I zens o! Orono have passed away and' among these we are sorry te chron- icle the passing o! Mrs. Elizabeth Coram whlcli took place on July 23rd. Mrs. Coram was born in 1850 in the village o! Leskard on the lot now owned by Mr. David Bell. She was married to Mr. William Coram in 1873 by Rev. J. C. Wilson. For 3 years afier their marriage they lived near Little Britain, returning to Leskard and residing until 1910 on the farmn now occupied by J. R. Rud- deli when they moved te Orono. Since the death o! Mr. Coram in 1921 she has made her home wth her daughier, Mms. John Tamblyn, from whose home the funeral was held o n Friday. July 25th, conducted by Re v. William Sterling, pastor o! Park St. Church, Orono. Mms. Coram was a woman whom everybody. not only respected, but loved. kind and considerate, patient and !orbearing in all ber dealings. She was one o! not a f ew women who through prolonged sickness was able te keep the flame o! religious devotion alight on the altar. She was a consistent member o! Park St.I Church; regular in attendince, active in the Ladies' Aid, and deeply inter- ested in the W. M. S. The church and community regret ber passing sorely. The laie Mrs. Coram leaves o mourn ber loss besides a brother. S. J. Kelly. Hamnilton, three daughters, Mms. Hoskin, Oshawa, Mms. John Tamblyn and Mms. Russell Best, Or- ono. Si, grandsons acted as beares:' Leslie. Will. Edgar and Ray Hoskin. James and Ivison Tamblyn. Friends were present !rom War-1 saw. Hamilton, Toronto, Port Hope. Enniskillen. Blackstock. Janetii~lle and other points.1 F loral tributes te the deceased Swere received from: The Family-a Pillow; Wreaths--Orandehildren, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nonthcott and Mr. S. J. Kelly, Mrs. A. and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn. Mrs. Arch; Sheaf s-- Couch Family, Stephenson Family. Mrs. A. Woodley and Mrs. G. W. Mc- Laughlin, Mrs. Henders and Ruth, iMiss Whiffen. Mr. and Mrs. Hoar. IMrs. Herd. Mn. and Mrs. A. A. Roîpli. Mr. and Mrs. R. Best. Leskard IChurch. Kerr. Pemnber and McDomn"d Families, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoskîn. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. N. Cobbledick. Master Franklin Tamb blyn; Baskets-Mrs J. D. Brown. Mms. A. J. Knox. For those we love within the veil, Who once were comrades o! our way: We thank Thee Lord, for they have, won To cloudless day. Pree from the fret of mortal years. And knowing now thy perfect will. With qickened sense and heîghten- ed Joy. They serve Thee still. There are no tears within their eyes. Witb love they keep perpetual tryst And praise and work and rest are one Wlth Tbee O Christ. CARD 0F THANKS The !amilY o! the late Mrs. Coram wish te thank their many f nlends for kindness shown their dear mother durlng ber long iflness, also for sym- pathy and beautiful floral tributes at ber death. An ()il of Menit-Dr. Thomas' BE- lectrie Oillis not a Jumble of medlc- inal substances tbrown together and pushed by advertising, but the result o! careful investigation of the heal- lng quaities of certai ils as ap- plied te the hunian body. It is a rare combination and It won and kept public f avor f rom the tinet. AI trial of it wlil carry convicition tol any who doubt its power to repair .and heal. TAKE ME HOME FOR 50C Accept the Great House-keeping help of a Premier Spic-Span This limited time off er affords you a RARE OPPORTUNITY More than likely you've heard of the famous Premier Spie-Span ...of how it has taken the place of clunisy, inefficient vacuumn cleaner attachments . . . of its amazing time-saving usefulness. Now you can get one of these fast, effiient cleaners on terrns so favorable you'll neyer notice the modrate cost. Get a Spic Span. Run it over shelvings, corners, stair-cases, hangings, upholstery, mattresses, mats and countless other places. Use it to protect materials against moths and to dispel cooking odors... and you'll wonder how you ever got along without one. Pay 'Oc cash. per month on must act now. Phone 192 Over twice as many people attend the Canadian National Exhibition as any of the United States Agrciultur- ai Fairs.j The impressive "Al-Canada Year" opening ceremonies of the Canadian National Exhibition wiil take place on Friday, August 22nd. Ail Night with Asthma. Everyone knows how attacks of asthina often keep their victuns awake the whole night long. Morning finds him wholly unfitted for a day of business. and yet. business must stiil be car- ried through. Ail this night sier ing and lack o! rest can be avoided by the prompt use of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Astbma Remedy, which posi- tively does drive away the attacks. Then pay the balance at the rate of only $2 your light bill. This offer expires soon--so you Phone your order at once. Bowmanville Edward W. Beatty, B.A., K.C., LLD. Chairman and President Canadian Pacific Railway Company, wil offic- ially open "Ail-Canada Year," Can- adian Nàtional Exhibition. Friday, August 22nd. ««Wo m bm"* m iu& : HOW'S YOUE LAWN MOWIR? Domsil need sharpening or repair- lng for the coming season? Lots of f olks have already had us putI theirs i shape. Bring yours i to- day before the rush. We use thei Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder whlchI gives such excellent satisfaction. Prompt service assured. We do not, give credit for sharpening or repair- ing lawn mowems. It's a cash tran- saction. Bear this i mmd. D. Aldread, Blacksmith Shop, opposite Salvation Army Hall, King St. Exst, Bowmanviile. 23-tf The value o! the Canadian Nation-! al Exhibition Buildings, park and plant is $20,000,000. li1 FARMERS ARE INVITED TO 0- RAPlCO DR DEMONSTRATION AT HAROLD MACKLIN'S FARM, LOT 13, CON. 6, DARLINGTON - (Just West of Tyrone) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2Oth at 1lp. m. Features oI the Improved Fordson 1 More Power 10 Hot Spot Manifold 2 Easier Starting 11 Heavy Fenders and Platiorm-. 3 New Cooling Systein Standard Equipmeut 4 New Lubrication Systemn 12 Sixteen Plate Transmission Brake 5NeIgiinste 13 Steel Steering Wheel- 6 LargeiAiron Syem oHard Rubber Covered 6 Lage Ar Waiicr14 Shock Aboorbing Front Coil Sprine 7 Redesined Tramsin 15 Automatic Lubrication ot 8 Langer Wcaring Cranksbaft Rear Whcel Bearings 9 Improycd Gasoline Carburulo 16 One Pwoc Caat Front Wh".3 FORD TRACTORS MAKE FARMING PROFITABLE HORSE SHOE PITCH1NG CONTEST During the afternoon a Horseshoe Pitching Contest will be held for wbich a valuable prize will be given to wrnners. Al welcome to enter. COX MOTOR SALES Dealers in East Whitby, Darlington and Clarke OSHAWA m THE HYDRO SHOP -LES J r I i. Z-"2!2" rE[M CANADIAN i3TATEBUAN, BOWMANVUJýE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1930 PAOB TERM

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