PAGE SIXTHU CANADIAN STATEUAJ, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1930 A Serial Statesman Wh Wil CGet a Th JULIE FARROW, drove young Rodney.J CHITTENHAM, Rodn ber and swore to aveng Julie suifer as Rodney Then Fate took a love him, then he cast wrong Julie Farrow! punished was flot the oi but ber cousin. And overwhelmingly in love flot enough, Giles was Those are the matei Ayres bas woven this i ed lives and broken b< holds the reader from t] "BROKEN" begins 28th. Pickles !! ! Oh my! Tbat's what we're out for MORE AND BETTER PICKLES That's why we stock the finest and freshest Spices we can buy: Cinnamon Buds, Auspice, Mixed Pickling Spice, Cloves, Red Pep- pers, Mustard seed, Celery Seed, Ginger, Tumneric, and aul the others. Ail bought f requently and kept caref uly so that yot may be assured of the proper strength when usmng theni. Also, the old stand-by jury & Lovl's Famous SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE 25c- Buy your spices at Jury &Loveli Phone 78 We Deliven WELFABE CONFERENCE There wifl be no Infant Welfare Conference the first four Frldays in August. It wil be resumed on Fr1- day, August 29tb. Flies!1 Flies! Flies! You can't possibly escape theni. They always corne at this season of the year, flocking in, no mat- ter what you do, during the pick- ling and preserving season. Consequently you are forced to use some reliable Fly Spray. We recommend F L Y- KI1L Et is 100% kill and pleasant to use selling at 8 oz. for 50c; 16 oz. for 75c We also stock Whiz Fly Fume 50c and 75e Fly Tox 50e and 75c Wilson's Poison Pads 10c, 3 for 25c Fly Colis 3 for 10c Fly Paper, 3 double sheets loc Fly Sprays 50e Use these proclucts and rid your- self of the disease-carrying pest. the fly. Jury & Loveli Phone 78 We Deliver HAMPTON WOMENS INSTTT ANNUAL STITUTE The Wonien's Institute held its an-1 nual picnic in the Park, Thursdayt aftennoon, Aufust 7th. The coni- rimttee in charge o! sports, Misses ?arjorie Pascoe, Nora Horn, and %arjP RI:Z-udWT, -ut on an excellent pogùaniflst'ch was much enjoyed by ail present, both children and grown- ups taking an active part competing for prises. An unique feature o! the afternoon, which created a friendly feeling, was carried out by flnding and greeting correctly the "mysterlous guest of honor," which proved to be Mrs. C. J. Kersiake, prize won by Mrs. A. H. Cleniens. About 170 sat down to an excellent 'to Appear in The upr bich Every Woman EFE Mr. and Mrs. T .Norris, Mt. Forest, are visiting at Mr. T. Bownian's. ýri11 ut ofMr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert have been holidaying at Fenelon FaUs. 'the wicked Julie Farrow, Wl J resitin i an Msatchwan. Ardron to suicide. GILES Miss Nancy Orxisto, Bownian- riey's older haif-brother, met ton's. a r ereOms ge Rodney. He would make ti Rev. and Mrs. Harding. Cincinnat- bad .ffe are visiting at Mn. Arthur Ormis-t Mn. and Mrs. D. Ferguson and Mr. Bert Ferguson recently visited ia To- a band. Giles made Julie ronto. t hr sid-bt t ws heMrad rs. Albert Niddery and The girl whom he had Hepburn's. Alsike clover is being tbresbed andt one who had ruined Rodney, is yielding about four bushels to the Gile foud tat h w~ acre on the average. Gile foud tht hewasThe Ladies' Aid bad its montbly e with ber! As if that were meeting at the home o! Miss Elvas aleayFerguson last Wednesday.1 araymarried. Master Keitb Ferguson bad the misfortune to fail and break the two bones o! one arm while binging the E riais out of which Ruby M. cows îast Saturday. ntriguing romance of wast-a earts. It is a story which SOINA 1 thie first word to the Iast. Miss Ruth and Mn. Nelson Gage, t Toronto, were recent guests at Mn. Frank Westlake's S sin The Statesman August Miss Muriel Baker spent the week-a end at ber uncle's, Mr. L. C. Snow- den's. Maple Grove. S Sorry to report that Miss May t IWestIake had the mis! otune toS -Ifracture ber wrist. We wish ber a 'speedy necovery.C ___ ______________. IMr. Geo. H. Hogarth, B. A. , ofRe- h jgina, Sask., is visiting bis sisters, a SALEM Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pas- cot and other relatives.N Mn. and Mrs. C. Billmngs and fan-i- Rev. Geo. Mason, Bowmanville, M ily and Mrs. C. Staphes, Orono, were preacbed here very acceptably last c( Sunday guests at "The Maples."à Sunday. This Sunday a represen- Mn. and Mrs. W. Cann and Miss tative o! the British and Foreign tN Glayds niotored to Whitby on Sun-BblScitwilavchreoth e day and visited with Mn. aad Mrs.1 service. W. Heard. Mn. and Mns. Noman Heddoa and )r Re.s on Merlyn visited Mn. and Mns. John ni RvA.R. Sanderson delivered a Pascoe on Suaday on thein way fron ec veny iateresting discourse at the Sun- Enghand to thein home in Los Angel- fr day aftennoon service. Mr. Sander- sClf hyas aldo r son spoke in the intenests o! thees, alifmr. They aush ad Mo ndB. ;t Lord's Day Alliance. Mrs. John Igaker. ili Synipatby is extended to Mrs. Mn. Harold Shuttleworth is in M d Chas. Cannuthers on the death o! ber Bowmanville Hospital where he un- ne unche at Coborne. Mn. and Mrs. denwent an openation for appendicitis Canruthens motoned to Coîbonne on last week. We wish hua a speedy ar Fiday to attend the funeral and ne- recovery. We also hope that Mns. W e turned on Saturday. S. Shortridge, who is confined to ber N( y Mrs. W. G. Werny entertained a bed under the doctor's cane, wiil soon wt number of ladies on Tuesday last at be better. ameig to discuss Hanvest Home Mr. and Mrs. John Wheelen and ou r arrangements wben business was Mn. Clarence Wheelen, Midland, Mn. m: combined with pheasune. Mns. Wen- and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank, Bowmn- si ry served a daiaty luncheon at the ville, Mn. and Mns. Nelson Gerry and Tl close o! the meeting. baby, and Miss Pearl Genry, Toronto, e: Sevenal o! our citizens wene awak- Mn. Robt. Rainey and Miss Elsie, th eneci about 2.30 a. ni. Monday by a Miss Maggie Taylor, Onono. Mn. Bil very unusual noise and !ound on in- Hoan, Newcastle, visited at Mn. W. ar vestigation that they wene able to T. Tayîor's. ai] gain a splendid view o! R-100) the Fanmers la this district sbould at- th great Eaglish dinagible as it passed tend the Fond Tractor Demonstration A our way on its trip frn O ttawa to at Harold Macklin's fan, west O! hy Tornato. Tyrone, Wednesday, August 2th. DE tend the Ford Tractor Demonstration m at Harold Macklins fan, west o! Mn. and Mrs. Dodds and family, S, Tyrone, Wedaesday, August 2tb. Don Mihîs, visited at Mn. Theo. Slem- au jBe sure to nesenve August 24tb and on's. m 25th to attend Harvest Home services Miss Elsie Moore, Toronto, is bol- ori at Salemi. Aftennoon and evening idaying with ber btothen, Mn. W. H. soi services on Sunday. On Monday Moore. w -there will be a so!tball tournameat Mrs. Philina Mouatjoy spent the hov and a uncheon in the aftennoon, weekend with Mns. Edwin Ormiston.1 E] and in the eveniag t1Yun aled lai Peoples League will present their Mrs. Thos. MeOill and Miss RevalIang .e new play. Full particulars ta the had a pleasant visit with Mn. and me nnext issue. 33-1 Mrs. J. McGill, Onono. jni ______Mn. E. J. Fallis. Toronto, Mn. and gat Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Brooklin, visited w&î COURTICE at Mn. James Bradley's. Thi Mn. W. C. Stainton, Toronto, is Mr Mn. Russell Courtice, Toronto, is holidaying witb bis f ather, Mn. Jas. ens spending bis holidays at home. Mn. Stainton, and other !iends. the Bob Paul, Toronto, accompanied hixn Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pickand and hea home and spent the weekend. !niend. Miss Latie, Toronto, spent te Mr. and Mns. Ed. Worden, Master the weekend at Mn. R. Price's. Eai Herbent and Miss Irma, Weybura, Miss Amsbury and Miss Luella bave returned home a!ter spending Stevens assisted tbe choir by sing- a f ew weeks with relatives here. iag a duet on Sunday evening. W Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, Mn. and Mns. Will Oke, Port Penny, whois akng isholday, ad isMr. and Mns. Jas. Strong, Cart- 1 tonsihs nemoved by Dr. Harding, wright, visited Mn. J. H. Freeborn. if Oshawa. We are pleased to note .Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Oke, Miss Mar- YOU that he is doing aicely and trust he Ojono i ke ad whM. W . Faieadi t may soon be fully recovered. Oron, vtîtedwlthMrs.Wm. ke. bY Mrs. L. J. Courtice. Atttcls anesin this district should at-! 1 o! tht meeting Mrs. Jas. Brown's tend tht Fond Tracton Demonstration I group served a delicious lunch and a'at Harold Macklin's fan. West o!f pleasant social hour was eajoyed.i Tynone, WednesdaY, Auguat 2M. HAMPTON Mn. Joe Chapman lef t on Sunday for a trip to, Alberta. Rev. and Mms. J. R. Bick are holi- daying at Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn and Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn enjoyed a few days' motor trip thro' the States. Misses Gertrude and Ruth Knox, Fenella, and Miss Margaret Alger, Osbawa- have been guests o! their cousins, Misses Jessie and Helen Knox, and Miss Elinor Sykes. Several in our village were awak- ened at the early hour of 3 a. ni, on Monday bY the roar of gigantic en- gines of the R-100 Dirigible and were fortunate enough to obtain a very wonderftil vlew of the huge nionster o! the air. On Tuesday evening, August 5th, about 60 frlends and neigbbors gath- ered at the home o! Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Rundle, to welcome in their niidst Mn. and Mrs. Claughton and fanily. A bail game was played by the young people, after whicb the evening was spent in social chat, games and mus- ic. Lunch was served, bringing to a close a very happy evenlng. Farniers in this district should at- tend the Ford Tractor Demonstrationj at Harold Macklin's fanm, west of rYrone, Wednesday, Augrist 20tb. 1 MAPLE GROVE Mr. Stewart, Toronto, will occupyj the Pulpit next Sunday.1 Mrs. L. C. Snowden is spending a1 w~eek at Browning Inland. Miss Stella Forsythe, Ebenezer, spent the weekend with Miss Lavonne Trimble. Miss Muriel Baker, Solina, spent Sunday with ber cousin, Miss Betty Snowden. Miss Margaret Scott. Solina, spent t afew days at Mr. R. H. Annistrong's2 ast week.1 Miss Corsina Samis, wbo bas been isiting relatives in Toronto, bas ne- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne. Town, spent Sunday witb her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Truman Power.0 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heddon and ý mo Merlyn, Los Angeles, Cal., visited t tein cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden. Glad to report our pastor, Rev. H. D.Wolfraini, is doing nicely after iaving bis tonsils nemoved at Osh- iwa Hospital.a Mr. Edwand and Miss Hilda Foley, A [r. Wallace Munday, Mr. Nelson 8 Nilkins spent Sunday witb their ousins at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Freeman and vo children, Detroit, recently visit- c their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. J. H. .unday, and other relatives. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Laird, Mr. Er- la de Laird, Mr. Alfred Laird Jr., visit- SE Id the former's niothen and other A, iends in Toronto on Sunday. til Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanford, ef ýooniuleld, N. J., wbo bave been vis- r( Jng ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C] lunday Sr., and other relatives, bave PE eturned home. ol Misses Greta Munday, Dorothy tic nd Manjorie Stevens, Hilda Foley, ai Vinnie Lancaster, Vera Power and ellie Snowden are spending the rek at Lake Scugog. The death angel bas again visited ur community and taken froni our idst Master Bobble Gibson, only n)r of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson. lie sympatby o! this comniunity is tended to the bereaved famuly in eir sudden and sad loss. August meeting o! the W. M. S. ' Ld Mission Band took the forino! nopen air meeting at the home of ieir presîdent, Mrs. W. J. Snowden. splendid prograni on old favorite nas was thoroughly enJoyed. evotional topic was read by Mrs1 .Swailow; an introduction to and iplanation o! the hynins and thein ýaning to people by Mrs. R. R. Levens; readlng on the hynins, their ithons wby tbey were written. by iss Ida Stevens, intenspersed witb ior two verses of a favorite hynin; lo, "One Sweetly Solenin Thougbt' is sweetly sung by Miss Edna Swal- ,'; and a reading given by Miss len Glmblett on "Coniing Canad- ns1 Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, wif e id family were also present at the eeting and got acquainted wlth a imber o! the ladies of the congre- 4 ion. Aiter the prograni lunch Ls served and a social tume enjoyed. ie W. M. S. were very tbankful to f s. Wm. Lymer for the lovely flow- Swbich she sent to help decorate 4 ehome for the occasion. A Lrty vote o! thanks was extended Mrs. Snowden and Miss Dora j4 nes for their hospitality to all. VHO BUMPED YOUR FENDER? Have you a dent ln your f ender? so, I can take it out and make .r fender look as good as new. PURE FULL FLAVORED SPICES AT KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE Stick Cinnamon Whole Aispice Whole Pepper Chlllies Ginger Root ICelery Seed Mustard Seed Cassia Buds Turmerlc Curry Powder Lump Aluni ltter spices iwhich cost no more. Kersiake'. SWEET PICKLE MXTURE 50c for gallon quantlty KERSLA4KE'S THE OEPENOABLE DRU. STORE 1 TYRONE Cburcb ser-vice next Sunday morn- ing at 10.30 a. ni. Mrs. Clara Byam, Town, Is visiting ber son, Mr. F. L. Byani. Miss Ivy Park, Newcastle, spent the weekend at Mr. H. Coilacott's. Mrs. Devitt, Peck QM6 ý, W4ftliig ber daughter, Mrs. Otto Vlrtue. Miss Sadie Virtue, Toronto, is visit- ing Miss F. Virtue and Mr. W. Stap- les. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bradd and family, Oshawa, visited at Mr. James Dud- ley's. Miss Rena Bail, Leskard, is bolb- daying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley, Edith and Joyce, spent a week at Pleasant Point, Sturgeon Lake. Rev. A. R. Sanderson o! the Lord's Day Alliance, preached an excellent sermon Sunday evening. Rev. J. R. Trumpour and Master Grenfeil are holidaying with friends in Prince Edward County. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jessie and Bruce. Nakina, are bolidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott. We welconie to our village Mr. and Mrs. Stinson and famuly of Oshawa who have taken over Mr. C. D. Hodg- son's business. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Clemens at- tended the wedding of bis daughter Geraldine to Mr. Oliver Hanna at Campbellford on Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Connor, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Baker. Toronto, visited the former's sisters, Mrs. E. Woodley and Mrs. Laura Burgess. The Women's Institute and Ladies' i Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Harold Skinner on Wednesday. Aug. 2Otb, at 2.30 p. mi. Roll call-Sing, play, say or pay. Prograni to be given by the C. G. 1. T. Farmers in this district sbould at- tend the Ford Tractor Demonstration at Haro]d Macklin's fanm, west o! ryrone, Wednesday, August 20th. JUNIOR FARMERS' PICNIC Junior Farmers' and Institute pic- nic will be held at Hampton Park, on Tuesday afternoon, August l9tb. Sports commence at 2 p. ni. standard mime. Corne and bring a friend. PROVIDENCE FARMERS' CLUB Providence Farmers' Club will meet .t the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Allin on Tuesday, August 19th, at 8p. ni. H. E. Osborne, O. R. Bragg, Sec'y.-Treas. President. F'URNITURE SALE Mrs. S. Gilders, Enniskillen Vil- lge, who bas sold ber property, wll cill by Public auction on Saturday, .ugust l6tb, at 1 p. mi. standard ime, ail ber bousebold furniture and ýfects, including parlor suite, bed- om01 furniture, dining rooni and kit- 'en furniture, two stoves, flve car- )ets, gramophone, garden tools, andm :her articles too numerous to men- ;on. Ternis cash. Theo. Siemon, at tctioneer. 32-2 hil mWALKER STORES LIMITED WALKER STORES LIMITEDW s - sI t' WALKER STORES Limited YOUR FAVORITE Phone 164 PAY CASH AND SHOPPING CENTRE BOWMANVILLE BUY FOR LESS =WALKER STORES LIMITED WWt WALKER STORES LIMITED U Dresses Ordered Out $3095 $7095 $1O095 "luc gnroallultctao oxy -grji 1a1i ,4!U.C4 L5 iDlprice -oi aus ur summer dresses. The actual savings on each garment is unbelievable until you see these great values. This is you.r opportunity and now~ is the time to buy these loVely summer dresses at unheard of lowv prices. Grouped in three prices. Women 's ilats [o Clear at One Price 75c. It's the end of the season as far as we are concerned, but for you there are many weeks of warm Weather ahead. Values up to $4.95 in the lot, Be early for best choice. Each ...........75c SPECIAL POTATO MEETING Will be beld in Durham County: Thursday, August l4tb, at 1.30 P. m.-At Alex Sinclair's, Manvers Station. Thursday, August ltth, at 6 p. m.-At S. J. Gray's, Perrytown. Frlday, August I5th, at 1.30 p. m.-At Herb Hooey'a, Burketon. Frlday, August l5tb, at 6 P. m.-At Boys' Training School, Bowmanvile. AUl meetings are on Standard Tixne. Speakers w iInclude: H. G. Bell, Fertilizer Specialist, O. A. C., Guelph. O. W. Lachaine, Potato Inspector, Guelph. R. M. MeKeuxie, Fertilizer Extension Worker. Pull discussion on Potato varieties, diseases and marketing as well as potato fertilizers will take place. J. Y. KELLOUGH, Agricultural Representative Right now ... when Winter weather seems a long way off, wise buyers are filling their bins with I Famous READING Anthracite. Prices are lower now! Supplies of the proper size for greater economy are available and service good, because unhurried. Phone 520. Help us give you better, cleaner heat at a Iower cost. HENRY LATHROPE, *. Phone 520 BowmanvilleJ Community singing wiil bce beard This will be "Ail-CanadaYear" at ,the 1930 Canadiax National Ex- the Canadan National Exhibition, ibition Grandstand performance. Toronto. PAGE six ýii