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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAWJILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1930 PAGE UVUN LOCAL AND OTHEWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWIS Miss m. Hume was a recent guest Miss Mary Connors, Hamilton, is of miss Harriet Scarf e, Cobourg. vsiting ber f ather, Mr. M. Connors. Mr. Caboon and faifily. Bloomfleld, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells, Eric are vlsiting ber sister, Mrs W. C. Ives. and Roy, are bolidaying at Sharbot Miss Marlon Mrashall, Toronto, is Lakte, Ont. visting ber sister, Mrs. Oea. Weekes. Mr. and Mrs. W. Artbur Edger Mis Id Wekes R.N.,Tarnto ~and f amily are on a mnotor trip ta the viMgriss ste, RMiss Eorthoeeks.MaitmeProvinces. vistin he siter Mis EithWeees. Mrs. Wmn. McReynolds, Scugog St., miss Jean Spry bas returned f romin s visitlng ber brother, W. J. Trickt, visiting Miss Carlyn Johnson, Stir- Oshawa, and other relatives. ling. Mr. and Mrs. A. Piper and family, Mr. J. R. Finkle, Las Angeles. Calif.- Toronto, are visitmng with Mr. and is in town renewlng old accuaint- Mrs. Lyall Corden, Carlisle Ave. ances. Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Soueki, Mon- Mrs. H. M. Anderson, Belleville, is treal. Que., spent the weekend and a guest of ber daugbter, Mrs. J. S. Civie Holiday wth relatives bere. Anes. Miss Louise Hofler, Mr. Harold Rev. W. A. Bunner and family Robinson and friend, Toronto, visit- spent a f ew days at Musitoka Laite ed at Mr. Elias Strutt's on Sunday. last eek.Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., and Mrs. Miss Ada Alun, Providence, bas Bowen were in Brooklin Wednesday been vlslting Miss Evelyn Annus, guests of Dr. and Mrs. James Moore. Dunbartan. Mr. and Mrs. M. Conistacit and Mn. T. S. Holgate was a rOeli daugbter, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Rey- Stutt and sons are bolidaying in nolds, Foxboro. Muskoka. ~Mrs. F. J. Mitchell was a recent Mrs. Lucy Btrker, East Liverpool, Wguest of ber sister, Mrs. D. E. Sin- Ohio, and Mrs. Jane Meecb, Toronto, l clair, Lindsay. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. H. L)cit- Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Purdy, Gerald hart, High Street. .4nd Ernest, vlsited friends in Bob- Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer and caygeon receiitly. Orland visited Mr. Lamne Plunimer miss Margaret Oliver of the local and Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Scultborlie. Post Office staff is holidaying with Port Hope, on Sundây. friends at Grimsby. Rev and Mrs. W. P. Woodger, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardiner of and Eleanor. Napanee, Miss Mary Toronto recently visited their cous- Cole, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. F. in, Miss Camre Latbrope. Woodger and Miss A. V. Cole. Miss Hattie Burton and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Werry and Miss Burton, Toronto, spent a few days Florence Werry, Mrs. Lattie Oke and with Mrs. Sam Glanville. sister, Woodstack, visited their cous- Misses Margaret and Doris Hare, ns, Misses Milligan, Pine St., Port St. Catharines, are visiting tbeir un- Hope, recently. dle, Mr. G. A. Edmondstone. Mrs. Geo. Humpage, sons George Mrs. Arthur Saunders, Toronto, and Arthur, and caughter Dorothy. visited Mrs. Fred Allin, Boys' Train- and the former's sister, Miss Minnie ing Sebool, over the weekend. Asbmore, lef t last week on a motar Miss Laura Hartt bas returned trip to Winnipeg, Man., where tbey f rom Ottawa where skie was attend- will visit their sister, Mrs. R. Han- ing a Primary Kindengarten course, son. Mr. nd Ms. D Latropeand Miss Jessie Canhan, Toronto, and Mn.sElad Mrs. D. athron peand Mrs. T. F. Leach bave neturned from MissElv BoenCasteto, senta few days' visit to Montreal via the thoeedathhooMrH. Thousand Islands and the St. Law- Matrs. e. HibLnod ai rence rapids. Miss Canhan is ne- mrs.Geo HaihtLynoodCalf.,maining witb Mns. Leach for a week's and Mrs. J. B. Oke, Norwich, are vis- visit. iting their cousins, Miss A. V. Colej Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Courtice and and Mrs. F. Woodger. daugbter Iva, Leamington, and Mr. Miss Muriel Deeki. R. N. and Miss Ted Mason, Toronto, wble returnlng Margaret MeInnes, R. N. have just from a motor trip tbrough Eastern returned f rom a delightful motor trip Ontario and Quebec, stopped off bere ta Cbarlottetown, P. E. I. ta visit Mns. T. G. Mason and other Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pingle, tbeir relatives. daugbter and busband of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith, Thames- recently visited his parents, Mr. and f ord, announce the engagement of Mrs. Thos. Pingle, and otber rela- their eldest daugbter, Ena M., to Mn. tives. Alan P. McKessock, of Hampton, son Mns. E. Livingstone, West Orange, of Mrs. McKessock and the late R. J. N. J., Mrs. J. B. Oke, Woodstocit, McKessocit, the marriage to take Mrs, Sarahi Haigbt, Lynwood, CalA!., place the middle of August. aud Mrs. W. E. Beman, Newcastle, Wntn agel tedd th recently visited Mrs. J. H. Werry. itn Bgelaedd th J. . Kllugb ArîcltualRepe-Bewdley regatta last Wednesday and sentativelfo uhAmiCuty, as re- won first prize n the 150-yard swim- sineta acceptDurampoitonwbtha e mng race for boys under 18 years- Wbgea toolorgtaniosation wbo arhe wbicb aIl goes to prove 'Wint" is as Wetd ooltheratiiti n wontareo good an athlete in the water as lie s extedin thir ativtie in ntaio.on blades glidlng over the ice. MILLER'S BEAUTY PARLOR If you wish your hair to be pro- perly and smartly dressed for ev- ery, occasion, we would advlse that you see aur Miss Rowland. Her experlence and skill merits your attention and patronage. Skie wil help you in your hair dressing problems. Permanent Wavlng with LaMana 011 a feature. M17LLERIS BARBER SHOP Phone 131 for appoiniment. Mr. James Beatty. Elizabetbville, announces tbe engagement of bis younger daugbter, Eva Jane, ta Mr. Afred W. D. Elliott of Toronto, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ElLiott, Kendal, tbe marriage ta take place quietly the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Heddon and son, of Las Angeles, California, were n town Fnlday on their return f rom a visit ta England wbere tbey belped celebrate Mrs. Heddon's par- ents, golden weddAng anniversary. Tbey wili visit frlends n Toronto and ather points enroute ta their home n California. Wble bere tbey were guests of their uncle, Mr. Richard Trenoutb. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE S Miss Theima Bowdler, Wellington, lis vlsiting her aunt and uncle here. Miss E. Roblin, Hamilton, is visit- ing ber aunt, Mrs. T. H. Knlght. and other relatives, Mr.;nêr3~. ~ Morrison are Iholidayx'ng at one of Lakte Erie's pop- ular summer resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, En- field, have been holidaying at Fen- elon Falls and Sturgeon Lake. Mrs. Gus Bounsail and Mrs. Fred Downey have returned from visltlng the former's sister, Mrs. Wlfred Ad- dinail, St. Thomas. 1 Miss Emiline Williams bas return- ed to her home on Church Street 1after spending 15 montbs at Regina, Saskt. Dr. G. C. and Mrs. Bonnycastle and Miss Dorotby Bonnycastie are boli- daying at Llxnberlost Lodge, Musitoka Laites. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Williams, Niagara Falls, N. Y., are vlsitlng bis mother, Mrs. E. B. Williams, and other frlends bere. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn and sons, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and Jackt, of Toronto, spent the weekend with relatives in Midland, returnlng via Wasaga Beach. Mrs. E. L. Livingstone, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Pearce and daughters Dor- otby and Patricia, West Orange, N.J. are visitmng the former's sister and aunt, Miss A. V. Cole and Mrs. F. Woodger. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sewell and daugbter Mrs. Ruby Daniels, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, Fenelon Falls, recently. Mr. H. J. Smith re- turned to Bowmanville with them.- Lindsay Post. The death is announced of James M. Maitland at Miami, FIa. He was the eldest son of Professor Maitland, Guelph, and lived for many years in Toronto and was well known in mus- ical circles being an organlst and pianist. Jini was well known An this town some years ago, being employed in the D. 0. & P. Co. factory as piano tuner, played in the band, and was organist An the Bible Christian cburch under the direction of choir leader, Mr. H. J. Knigbt. He went to Toronto and was in the employ of the Heintzman Co. for a number of years, later going ta Detroit and Miami wbere be passed away. In- terment took place in Guelph Cem- etery. He was a Presbyterian and also a member of several fraternal societies. Mr. John H. Tait, Chicago, III., brother of the late Harry C. and Archie Tait, was in town Monday ac- companied by his nepbew, Clarence E. Tait, Toronto, calling on old friends. Mr. Tait was born at Port Darlington 82 years ago and enjoys remaritable health for bis advancing years. He lef t Bowmanville in bis early youtb, being of an adventure- some nature be wanted ta see tbe world and wended bis way ta Mon- treal wbere he worked bis way across the Atlantic on a saillng vessel. Re- turnlng ta Anierica be located An Chicago where he bas spent tbe greater part of bis life an emplayee of tbe government. He bas seldom visited Bowmanville but now bad a desire ta pay one more visit ta bis native tawn, maklng the trip alone from Chicago ta Toronto. Marcellhig done at Mrs. W. Adamis, King St. W.. Bowmanvllle, cn Tues- days and Saturday"-Sc. Phone 275 for appalntment. 23-10w Building Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SA LE-Two very desirable building lots, one on Centre Streetr.d other on Liberty Street, good loatos central. Muet be aold ta wind up e-- tate. Apply Mra. Norman, S. B. Jame. GOODS ARE COING FAST So you might as well get your share of the bargains while they last. absolutely going out of the retail business. ALL PAINT AND WALLPAPER I am - CLEARING BELOW COST The goods are going fast - and why shouldn't they at these lowest prices for nationally advertised goods ? GLIDDEN'S FLAT WHITE PAINT Regular $4.50 gal. for.... 53.00 Regular $2.50 '/-gal for. .1.50 Regular $1.25 qt. for ....75e JAP-A-LAC - WHITE ENAMEL Regular $7.50 gai. for .,$5.00 Regular $3.90 ',,-gal. for 52.50 Regular $2.00 qt. for $ 1.50 Regular 60 /2-pt. for 40e GLIDDEN'S YARNISH STAIN Regular $1.85 qt. for. 51 s.50 Regular 51.00 pt. for-..75e Regular 55ce1/-pt. for. .- -..40e Regular 35e /4-pt. for. .25c CASTLE FLOOR WAX Regular 40e for. ..... 25e JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Regular 75c for.. ....00e ENDURANCE PAINT Regular $5.50 gal. for ...54.00 Regular 51.45 qt. for .....51.00 Regular 75e Pt. for------O.Oc.60 Regular 45ec 2-pt. for ... 30o GLIDDEN'S FLOOR PAINT Regular $2.75 ½/-gal. for $2.00 Regular $1.45 qt. for $1.00 Regular 75c Pt. for 60c GLIDDEN'S VARNISH Regular *6.90 gai, for ...- 55.00 Regular $3.70 ½-gal. for, $2.50 $1.95 qt. for ....51.30 Regular 51.00 Pt. for .. .70e Regular 60e %-Pt. for...35o STAUNTON'S WALL PAPER Regular 15c to 75e single rol for 10e to 50e sAnle rol Speelal room lots at bargain prices. CHAMPION GUARANTEED PAINT 'bomson and Montague Lave. Regular 54.50 gal. for $3.00 Regulan 51.25 qt. for 75e Regular 65c Pt. for 40e GLIDDEN'S SHELLAC, Regular: Regulari Regular1 54.50 gal. for 51.50 qt. f or 80e pt. f or- 1".00 51.00 GLIDDEN'S LACQ HaIf-Hour Drying Enamel Regular $2.50 qt. for....1.75 Regular 51.40 pt. for 95e Regular 75e 1/2 -pt. for 50e ALABASTINE Cold Water Paint1 Regular 75e for.. Regular 45c for ... fer Inalde 50e large Me 30 muai PARIS GREEN 15e lM. These are cash prices and only apply to goods in stock. Some lines arie limited sbetter buy eariy. I can't buy these articles wholesale at prices I arn clearing them-41 &Nre,Ïý goods must be paid for bfore taken from store. _ D LL21 OE DOOR EAST 0F Geo. Pritchard JACOB'S BAKERY Painter and Docorator phono 489 Bowmaaville BMfB Lost or Found MELLOW-At Wlllowdale Ritýt Hom, Newcaztle, on Mnnday, August llth, 1930, <2V S FOUND-On Ldberty Street. ta Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Meliow, a son. . Iiiquire at Statesmnan Office. WIDDECOMBE-At Hamupton, on Bat- urday, Auguat 2nd, 1930, ta >Ir. and Mrs. R. J. Widdecomeb. a non (William John). LEVETT-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Saturday, Auguat 2nd, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Levett, the «lIt of a son. MOPPS-In Bownnanvtlîe Hospital, on Thur.y Augiist 7th, rsJokHappa (nos Bernice Hocken), a daughter, Lorraine Bernice. MARJUAGES BRAGG - BASKERVILLE - At the United Churcb Parsonage, Newtonville, on Tuesday', Auguet 12th, 1930, Marlon Henrletta, younger daughteT of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Baakerville, Newcastle, and Arthur Charles, son of Mrs. Bragg and the late Samuel Bragg, of Newcastle, Rev. Thos. Wallace officiating. DEATHS BRADLEY-In East Whitby, on Thurs- day, August l4th, 1930, Mary Jane Brad-] ley, widow of the late Francis Bradley, In ber 86th year. Funeral from th-e residence of ber son- in-law, '.%r. Frank Brock, North Os-hawa, on Saturday, August lOth, at 2 1). m. standard tme, to Orono Cemetery. NORTON-At Hamilton, on Tuesday, August 12th, 1930, Chester Norton, aged 30 years. BRUCE-In Blackstock, on M.%onday, August lltb, 1930, Robert J. Bruce, aged 71 years. DALE-On Fri<iay, August Sth, at her late residenoe,, 57 Lawton Blvd., Toronto, Rose Barker, beloved wife of Rob.rt A. Dale. SPRY-In Boston. Mass., on Friday, Augusi Sth, 1930, John C. Spry, brother of Mips Elizabeth Spry and Mr. Thomas Spry of Bowmanville. GIBSON-At Newca.stle, on Sunday, August l0th, 1930, Helen C'onstance, daughter of Frank and Mary lienriýetta Gîbson, aged 12 years. FREELAND-At ber home, 2.5 Belsýize rDrive, Toronto, on Tuesday mornIng, August 12th, Mary Lackyer, widow of the late Robert Freeland, aged 83 years, formerly of Bownanville. FRENCH-At her laI-e regidence, 609 Lansdowne A%,.., Toronto, on Sunday, Auguat îlotb, 1930, Mary Elizabeth French, beloved wife of John Prench. formerly of Bowmanville, agpd 47 years. IN MEMORIAM Ia loving memory of Charlotte Woolle-y, yeloved wife of Arthur W%%oolley, wbo de- parted this life August 13tb, 1927. Sleep on, dear wife, take thy rea.,t, The Lord bath called where he thougbt best. The loss Io great, that I' suetain. But hope in henaven to mneet again. Ever remembered by ber loving bus- band, A. Woolley. In lovlng memory of William H. Den- sera, who departed thls lufe August 22nd, 1929. To-day we are thinking of some one. Who was so loving, 80 ltlnd, so truc, Whose smile wa as dear as the sunshine, Dear brother, that some one wa you. God knew that he was suffering, And the bilîs were bard «to climb, So he clo&ed bis weary eyelids And whispered "Peace be thine.- Brothers and Sisters. In loving memory of Pte. G-eorge Leon- ard King, C. F. C., C. E. P., No. 2498023, who dled at ChrIstie Street Military Ho.- pital on August lt, 1925, 'aged 25 years, 3 nîonths. A loving son, a brother dear, A faithful friead when ho was near; He ived in hopes, hedfed'n peace, We know hie joys w14l 11M, oease. You are not forgotten,ý T'1' e dear, And neyer wlll you ho.; For as long as 111e and nuemaory last W. shall always think ô! tisse. WVhat happy hours w. once enjayed, }law sweet tbeir nsemory stili; But they have left an achlng void The worid can neyer fill. Ia our hearta you are fondly remembered, Sweet meniories cling to your name; Hearts that loved you in fond affec-tion, Lýove you In death just the same. leep on dear Tom, and taise your rest, They miss you most, wbo loved you best. Fondly remembered by Mother, Father, Bîsters and Brather.. Article For Sale PUPS FOR SALE--Calîle pups, $3 each. F. W. Wea-ry, Flnniskillen. Phono 383rô. MORSES FOR SALE-2 work horses. J.L. Parsons, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. Phone 176r1. 13-f FRAME BUILDING FOR SALE-20x30 fett, ail sawn tumber, two floors. -Apply J. L. Johns, Hampton. 33-f HAV FOR SALE--Oood feed hay, un field, cut and raked. Apply Jamnes Mac- Connachie, or phone 446. 31-2 CAR FOR SALE-McIL;ughlin roadstr, 5 good tires, cheap. Fred Mitchell, Church St., Bowmanville. Phione 105. 33-f PIGS FOR SALE-Nîne Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks oId. mother long bacon type sow. Wilfred Banderson, Pnnlsldillon. Pkone 383r32. 33-f AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coach 1928, la gaod condition, big bargain farlmi- mediate cash sale. Phone ownor at 651. Bowmnanville. 80-tf FOR SALE-Renfrew Cwam Separator. nearly new. Cheap for quick sale« Orville K. Osborne, R. R. 4. Bowman- ville. Phone 30ffl. 33-f AUTO FOR SALE-Ford Tourlng car, AI shape, new tires, less than 600 miles, 850.00 cash. Ho'ward Haîlman, Bowman- ville Gleve and Mitt Co. 32-1 FOR SALE - 60-K-Watt motor: ae band washing machine; 5-gal. coal ail Arply te Mrs. Bobt. Ilolmes, Chu eb t., Bowonanville. 32-tf ROOTS FOR SALE-Perennial rmots. nil kinds. Iris rendy now, other rool, ln So-ptember. Apply Mrs. Vrank <ilbu-t. Fnflidic. Phone 199r.12 flowmanvilie. 33f FOR SALE-One platforro sprlng wag- on %%]th box, a mighty bnndy wagon ai a r.hlirgnin: aIse, couple horse colle.. J. A4. Hoigate & Son, Bowma.nville. 33-f 13INDER FOR SALE-VFrost & Wood grain bender, $25. Aklso good Helatoin millh cow. Apply 'Nab'e Metcalf, Mapl Grove. Phone 477r11 Powmanvilile 32- FOR SALE-A MoClarv Electric Stove. ln good condition; also an oak rockin.g chair. barenîin for i,-Mlt sale. Ap- Piy MNrs W9. Quick, Elgin St., Bowman- Ville. Phone 19. 33-t COWS FOR SALE 4 vouing pure hred H-osein cows, renewlnw in the faitl. herd fully aceredited: one top buggy In good ý'nnd1tion. Bell cbentp for qulek smle. Phone l50r4. J. D. Stevens. R. R. 3. Bowmnanville. 1- ORGAN FOR SALE-t,7xbridge make. tovelv wainut cage, ivould be good for a sumnmer cottage, or the case wouid or eould be turned mint a .lovey bookcase Or wrlting desk or china cabinet. Apply Annie Kenefick. Newcastle, 3- Farina For Sale PARM FOR SALE--b acres, £004 houge and barn, aIl kinde aI fruit, trout creek. 7 ilen north of Eownmnville. Apply Mm.. W. H. I1alfaeo, a. î1. 4 Bow- lmaavul, or Phone SOSili.U8 L.OST-Ewe and lamb ln vicility of Bowmanvljle. Finder please notify T. W. Cawker. 3), 2-1 ESTRAY-Red eteer stra;ýe4L 1. con. 8, East Whitby, over aàmniW Fînder p)ease notify Fred Ormaiston, Brooklln. 32-2 BAR PIN LOST-At the Fair Grounds, Rotary Fair, Tuesday night. Finder please return to Statesman Office and re- ceWve reward. 33-1 ESTRAV-10 head of two and three Year old helfers and steers on Lot 12, Con, 8, Cartwright. Owner may have sme by proving property and paylng expenses. Herma sainies, R. R. 1 Nez- tieton. Phone 123-31. 32-3 -Wanted APPLES WANTED-Any kind. J. H. McEwen, R. R. 1, Bowmanville. Phone 133r2. 32-3w BOARDERS WANTEO-Men or mar- ried couple, rates mo&erate. AppIy Mrs. G. F. Purdy, Churcb St. East, Bowman- ville. 33-f BELL WANTED-Seeond-hand bell, school or farmn bell, must be in good con- dition. APPly to H. S. J. Drawer B., Bowmanvllle. 4' 33-fr HENS CULLED-This la the tîme to have your hens culied for hlgher, a.l-year round production. Give your layer. and Pullets more rooni by having your flock sYstematicalîY culled by head and body points. Laverne Clexncens, local repre- sentative, R-. R. 6, Bowmanvllle. Phone 237r3. 33-t AUCTION SALES-Arn stîlI clerklng sales, going sîronger than ever, double entry, no mistakes, book balanoed half hour atter sale. No distance too long- no sale too large. Moderate charge. Can also secure a real auctioneer at a moderate pricIf requlped. F. O. Mason, Box 87, Whitby. Phone 189. 33-f Carting Wanted FARMER'S ATTENTION-If you have stock to haul phone 133r2. 35c cwt. to Toron to. J. H. MeEwen, R. R. 1, Bow- manville. 32-3 Farm Wanted FARM WANTED TO RENT-About 100 acres. good land, fair buildings, poase- Ion this fal. Apply to P. F. Drawer B, Bowmanvillje. 32-tf 1* To Lot STORE TO RENT-Store formerly oc- cupled by Mr. Logan on King St., next ta Royal Theatre. Will be ready ta be occupied by August lot. Apply to J. J. Mason or to Mrs. T. G. Ma.uon. 30-2 Houses To Rent HOUSE TO RENT--Seven mrnem, wat- erworks, bath, electric igbts, looated King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Âp- ply A A. Colwill. Newcastle. 61-tf HOU.SE TO RENT-On EIln Street, IBownianville, 6 roins, newly decorated; garage and gardon. Apply ta Bilas Foet-er, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 0e HOUSE, TO RENT-Bricis bouse.on El- gin St., containing 7 roinss wlth ail mad- ern convenienaes, garage. Possesain Sept. lot. Appiy ta W. F. Quick. Bow- nianvilie. Phone 226. 32-tf Apartinents té Rent FLAT TO RENT-7IMve roomas, water. works, electric ligbts. Apply Statosman Office. TO LET--5 large, brigbt, alry rooms; pleasant view. Apply G. Mabaod, cor- ner ScugQg anad Churcb Sta., Bowmaai- APARTMENT TO RENT-Witb bard- wood floors and ail modàem convenience8. Or will take roomers. Apply L. J., Drawer B., Bowm-anville. Phone 331W. 33-f RoeilEstate For Sale LAND FOR SALE-4% acres of land for sale, part ln apple trecs, part clear suitable for market garden; on Conces- sion 'strc~et near oentre of the town of Bowmanville. Price reasonalile. Ternis Apply P. O. Box 67. Phone 42. 33-f TOWN PROPERTV FOR SALE-0rame bouse. 6 mrom witb clothes loset, good garage with work ehop and store room over wood shed, 1 acre of land, nome fruit tree-s and srna]] fruits. On easy terme If reequired. Appy ta Edward Willianms, Bradshaw Street, Bowma.n- ville. 88-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick residenoe, contalning eigbt mrnem, bathroon,, clos- et. and pantry; hardwood floors; and ali modern conveniences; good vegetable gardgn; double grage; verY dsrable location. For termes and particulars ap- ply on the prerndse. to W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horney Bts., or box 29, BowmanvIlle. Phono 125. 80-tf For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near C. N. R., modem convenbencen. Apply T. B. Flaxmnan. Phone 818. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -Ail modemn convenlences. Apply J. E. Fiett, George St. or phone 384. 33-tf Desirable Reuîdence For Sale Eighrlt mrnem, solid brick modern houne, atone fouindation, 2 stareys and large attie wtth 6 windows, white oak trlm In à mrnem dowantaire, large sua room 10z 30 facing south, back porch, collai' ha@ brick partition, 2 laundry tubs ln cellai', bot water heating, wired for electric etave and electria grate, brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautIful terms.ced lawn, matured abrubs, largo shade trocs, fruit gardon, one of ohoicont locatione ad bout bulît houas. la town. Priced reaaonable for Immediate sale. Apply to owner, C. Rehder, at Bowmanvllis Foundry Co. Office. Bowmanvilie. 25-tf Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the Betate of the late Christdo Jý Lamb, wbo died on or aboiq i$4ftt9 of July, 1930, at the Towna~~ç lington, County of Durbani,U r qulred te fil-e the smre with proof thereci witlî the underaigned or bier Solicitor not later than September lStb, 1930, after which date the Fstate wlll be dlstributed and ail clainis of which the Administratrix bas net recelved notice willi be barred as against theni. DATIID at Bowmnanville this l2th day of Auguet, 1930. LILLIE LAMB, Admlnlsta-atrix Chriatie .J. Lamb Estat.. Dy M. «. V. GOIULD, Uowmanvill%. Ont.t her solicitor. 88-2 jr m Gu aid The Child's Heaith MILK builds bone and muscle in growing children-supplying needed lime and but- ter fat for which there is no substitute. See to it that your child drinks plenty of milk during the sumnier months. Children need plenty of energy building foods di»,- ing these months. If you have neyer tried Glen Rae Dairy milk you haven't yet had the'best. Ou milk is delivered absolutely fresh-from our modern sanitary dairy-theie is none better. Tell us to leave Milk or Creanu at your home regularly. GLEN RAE DAIRY Phione 408 R. R& STEVENS & SON BOWMaaVtf The Elite Shoe Store" Just a few weeks more tifl sehool days, but stili plenty of *time to get Summer Footwear. Blue kid 1-strap with cuban or spike heel . ... $4.95 Two-tone brown shoes, spike heels ..........$4.95 Brown kid oxford, lizard trdm ..............$4.95 Patent 1-strap, cuban covered heel .......$45... Black and white canvas oxfords ............ Misses' sport oxfords, crepe soles ...........$3.00 Men's sport oxfords .......................$5.wO We have a good supply of canvas footwear- quality high and prices low. "ISHOES THAT SATISFY" W. CLAUDE MVS, Manager. MEN'YS SUITS AT TREME-NDOUS f,'jAUGUST REDUCTIONS YOUNG MENIS SUITS AT $12.95 MEN'S SUITS A line. of suits with two 25 Suits grouped from our big July sale, odd pants, fawn, grey tweed sizes and depleted lines,, effects, D. B. models, our very best makes, in the leading shades and values to $18,50, special styles, values formerly for week-end, up to $35.00, a special for this week-end, only $12,o95 $24.75 MEN'S BATHING SUITS AT $395 2-ý1ece, ABERLEY quality, ail wool, $ vausto $5.50, this week-end ............ 395 MEN'S STRAW HATS AT 98c Any Straw Hat in store, including sailors, lug- ~horns, panamas, values to $350, on sale this week-end, each ..............98C. Te B. GILCHRIST- Directy Opposite Bank of Montreal Phono 61 BownianvIIe PAGE anvm

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