p v PAGE MORET ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 I. Wheli the youngsters return to school send them back with feet comfortably Shod with footwear built and styled for Young growing f cet. The unusilal shoe values you find here will answer everv requiremfent. They're sturdy... they1re good Iooking .. . they're patterned to give perfect foot case. In addition - they're priced for genuine thrif t and guaranteed to give satisfaction. The Elite Shoe "SHOES THAT SATISF W. CL rTOP QUALIII.WO AT THE A & pà A PRODUCT 0F ONTARIO'S Ml SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER SUNNYFIELD - .AP4STEUFR SHIRRIFF'S MARMALiDE ONT ARIO FANCY CREAMXERY CHF] zipp' CHEESE TA'.GY NEW, Mild .......... TODYHEALTHFUL AND l- S.O.S. CLEANSER .. .3 ST. CHARLES OR CARNATION M ILK Evaporated SALMON, Pink ....... PEAS QUlLITY. NO. 1 SIEVE WASH YOUR DELICATE S1LKS AN LUX ml MEA2 A & P Meats have corne 10 be recogni2 Ou compiete money-back guarantee ari of handling meats have made A & P tallers in slightly over two years* tme. FANCY QUALITY LONG TSLAND-l DUCKLIn*-ý; FJNEST QUALITY THINLY SSUCED BOILED HA] PEAMEALED Cottage Roill ,NEW SEâA5 Legs lb- 24) Lc Fronts h THE COFFEE SUPREME A Pur- Foud Building O. N. ,--O nd '.,r>iile .a cup oýf this delicltUs t LB ITIGHT TIN 4,70 %i Sorts RAZR BLADES PA.cKAGE <OF 5 . 39c VIcTORY BRND TOMATO JUICE Shot Blad Shor SWEEI Side Byt Stea PR JAI Pint Jar D..L COCKTAIL KUI LARGE JAR. 37c Picl INGERSOLL Cerî C REAM CHEESE Par PLUIN OR'.FIT s.2c ' .4 KIT(IIEN t;htSSI OXYD<" ' iig% 23c FR UITS and VEI Fresh fruits and deýtiîl .s ci.' . complete ibt of ail ny.' *"P 2" --'p t b- hati at attrai tiv,--r', Iris <olfiM'l A .% i ISàio A ___________LIMITED, 0FC BOWMAN VILLE STORI The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT., tic THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 1NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S WEDDING - AUGUST SHOW Mis Cooke. Pittsburg. is vsiting MýcKessock-Smith z her cousin. Mr. W. H. Cooke. i The Horticultu-ral Societys annual Miss Ivry Hunt, St. Catherie isct fiower and vezetable show, which' A very qui. et but pretty wedding a weknd uet o MssHildaR.tow- roides interest for numbers off lad-! took place at the home off Mr. and land. les and a few men and helps to re- Mrs. F. A. Smith. Thamesford. on b. Miss Belle Allen. Bowmanlile, was L:eve monotony off August dog days. is Saturday afternoon. August l6th. ri a recent guest at Mr. and Mrs. J. W. again an event OFf history. On when their eldest daughter. Ena S Brdleys. Tursday înornmng. Aug. 2lat. John Mary. was united in the holy bonds Brdeys Garrod could be seen about 8oclock off matrimonY to Alan Pascoe Mc- Miss Helen Baker. Solina. recently hoisting to the top of the municipal Kessock, onlY soin of Mrs. McKes- vsited her cousin. Miss Marion Rick- fag pole the societys white flag withi sock and the laite R. J. McKessock of ard. Shaws. ats lettered legend. Newcastle-the- Hampton. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve. Lyn, Neat. The bride. c1harmingly gowned in -visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenneyj ShortlY after the exhibitors began irwhite lace over canton crepe with - and other relatives here recentl3'. 1 b inte, the baseraent o! the white hose and white kid shoes and Execfltive of Young People's Soc- community hall their choicest of carrymng a shower bouquet of Ophelia iety are recuested to meet i the flowers and vegetables and arranging roses. babys breath and swect peas. United Church S. S. Room this themn on the tables. and about 1 entercd the parlor on the arm of her Thursday evenu1g. Ioclock Rev. Qes. W. Tebbs o! Bur- father to the strains o! Lohengrins Misses Rae Clark. Rossmorc. and lington began the dificult task Of Wedding March played by Miss Mar- JBessie Clark, Bowmanville Hospital, judging. At half-paSt five the garet McKessock. sister o! the groom. are holidaying with their parents. doors were thrown open to the public. The ceremony was conducted before Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark. 35 cents admittlng one to the show la bank of flowers by the Rev. S. T. Rev. Milton Deck and Mrs. Deek. and to the tea served by the lady! Tucker. formerly Miss Vera Miller. Arden, directors and also to the lecture il- 1 Atter the signi.ng of the register Ont., called on Mr. and Mrs. H. R. lustrated with lanteru sl.2ies. the guests repaired to the dining Pearce and family Tuesday. The delicious supper o! meat loaf room where a daity wedding break- A basebaîl game was played Tues- and hot escalloped potatoes, with f ast was served f rom tables adorned day evenig between the married juicy red tomatoes and ursp sliced vrith roses and sweet peas. men and Young bachelors of the vil- cucumbers as the spice ~of variety. Mr. and Mrs. McKessock lcft amid lage. the latter beig the wmnners. toPPed off vith luscious apple and showers o! confetti and good wishes Mr. . E Melow Phiriireciv-lemon Pies baked wth the inimitable on a motor trip to Niagara Fails. the ed Mr.fiatE.nMllotw P fhm. B.. ei- skiîî of Newcastle's housewives. was bride weaihg a navy blue georgette cd otiicaionlat wek f bs 5C~servei to one and ail. in almost over- ensemble with blue coat and sand cesi winning a cash prize for bas wbelmig abundance. by the gracious1 ahs crfglv ndpse wmndow display o! Lux Toilet Sop hostesses of the society and their hat.hose. scar!. g ovtes ndrse. i a contest rccently conducted by capable assistants. The immaculate- They il reside on ethe gr' cS o ethe Lux ToUlet Soap Co. ly spread tables adorned with the present f rom Hampton. Thorndale y"Who coesnt enjoy a Minstrel fairest blooms of the village gardens. and London. ~ATJDE VEs, Mnager. Show. particularly when it put on by provided an aesthetic as weUl as ma-____ LAUD IVS, anaer. colored fol1k f rom way down in Dixie - 1 terial feast. 'land? So be sure to be on hand Later i the evenrng Rev. Geo. W. Miss Bernîce Bellman. Bowman- next Tuesday night at Community Tebbs. Burlington. delighted an audi- ville. was a wcekend guest of Misses Hall to enioy the all-colored SuflflY ence. which packed the council Dorotby and Evelyn Rickard. '~South Minstrels. Watch for the chamber. wth his illustrated address Mr. W. H. Turner, Jr.. has return- parade at noon. See advt. on this on "Canadian and English Gardens.' ed to New York City after a pleasant. page. showing a set of 125 lantern slides visit at "The Gables," the home of There is fertility in the old soil yet. prepared and colored by bimself f romn Mr. and Mrs. George Eilbeck. 7Oif PRICE ! J Last Wednesciay afternoon and'i snapshots taken in his own town and~ Tbursday forenoon Mr. Geo. Law, t bis own home andi on his recent wihhis srnaîîal ea case separa- trip to Englanti. Rev. Geo. W. Tebbs <EST OREAMERIES bushels of barley f rom 20 acres on of Ontario Horti:cuture andti ndeed . MRI AHW the f arm 0 f Mr. Isaac Selby. a yeld f this respect f'an beyond the bon- IR S&MAHW of f ully 50 bushels to thacThe ders of the province and on both thrshig ws dne romthestook sides o! the Atlantic. Those %vbo L CO RE 2 b. 1and there were 60 loads of sheaves.i let the opportunîty go by when he ALCOOE LIALTY hat s a avrageof to'theacr. 1was in Newcastle miSed a rare treat. RZD l.33c ta sa vrg 0 otear.His wit is a match fo- bis wisdomi ISINNY SOUTH lb. The local Tennis Club conducted a1 and hils umor. now droîl. now spýrk -. 12-oz. Jar 23c tournament on the Community Hall î lin as the moining ciew, kept his ' ESE Court. Tuesday affernoon and even-, heaners light h'earted and ri2freshed.1 iI INSTRELS ing. in which several devotees of this i although the rooin wa.s crowded and Od l.populan and healthful sport took th eair stuffy. Re'. Mr. Tebbs also 1 at old m. 2 9part. The wnncrs wcre announced made some observations on the mer- ....lb. 21c as follows: Ladies' Singles-Rosa its and demerîts off some of the ex- COMMUNITY HALL LB. Cowan; Mcn's Singles-R. W. Wal-. hibits off the show and threw out! LB 31 B 51C ton: Mixed Doubles-Evelyn Rick- many helpful suggestions. Mrs. C. 3-Pad Size 14c ard and O. W. Dunn'. During an in-! A. Cowan moveti andi Dr. J. A. ButlerNE C TL termission in the play. an outdoor seconded a vote off thanks to the banquet was served on the lawn. speaker for bis address and vlews andi OfficiaIs of the club are: President-, bis servýices as judge off the show, and Tuesday, Sept. 2 TINSo zlabeth H-ancok: Secretary-Trcas- i also 10 Mr. A. O. Parker. onrrator off 1 2urer-Helen Lycett.î the lantern. at 8 P.m. 2 ~ 29c Mr. W. F. Rickard, Reeve and____ N.2Pidetof the Hotcultural dSoc-____ 2TINS 3c iety, presided as chairman and pe A WONDERF-UL îl WOOLLENS IN sented the Wellington Foster silven î;cup to Mrs. M. Brown for most points ENTERTAINMENT PkC2 0 -50-in eut flowers. her nearest 3P g .~ competitor being Mrs. C. A. Cowan IeuigterWrdFmu with 28 points. Miss Drummond won IcuigterWrdFmu 'this cup last year. but by wînning it Band and Orchestra tbis year Mrs. Browçn now has pos- r'sGood eyesight is a priceless session o! both the C. D. Massey Cup rsthing. As its value is better un- for the March show andi the W. Fos- WATCH FOR BIG STREET izedas he estprourale. derstood. greater effort will be tel- cup for the August show. And PRD zd asr thea esat ryuraI 1; made to attain and preserve it and a walk past Mrs. Brown's gardien wilî ARD Canada's largest ineat re- ffewer people will abuse and neg- reveal that inside o! the fence she: lect their eyes. has a nice specimen off oun stately Ail knowledge îs acquired i native plant. the Mullein. for ;l.hich Popular Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c ,BOUT 5 LB. AVERAGE through the medium off the vani-, there was no room on the pnîze list. ous senses. If any sense be im- Mr. Riokard also presentedti 10MrtS. j q paîred. judgment is warped to H. E. Hancock, on behal! of the soc-' lb.28e .some extent. but off ahl the senses, iety. a mîirror for the best assortment. - __- sîght. hearîng. smell. taste and lo! vegetables. and as luck or somne- touch. it is estimated that 85", of thing else wvould have it. a second ______________ ail knowledge comes to us through siînilar mîrron for the most points in teeyes. vegetables: also a pîtchen 10 Missi ib. Wth a better understandîng off Sana Mose for the second best as people will seek optometric assist-, pitcher off a different color for sec-sr I nce to finti out vwhat is best for ond hî,ghest points in vegetables. hein sight. what can be done to Among those from Bowmanvillc C ant preerve heir wbo took ite Horticultural Soc- eyes. a dî scover what may be ietys Flower and Vegetable Show' P donte through the eyes to promote *tast Thursday were: Mr. J. H. H. îON general health. 'Jury. District Director, and Mrs. Jury1 who earlier in the evening hati at- L MBI G. M. Bosnell Mr. W. B Couch and Mr. Herb.I IOPTOMETRIST Flecther. The Society was also f ' ored with the patronage and res- ùns ib.22eOffice Over Flood' Store ence off Mr. F. W. Bowen. M. P.. and Port Hope Mrs. Bowen. Offce Hiuri b- 17f- WEDNESDAY each wcek NEWCASTLE e il 9.30 a.m. tS930Ep. M Public and High Schools re-openisalt ta p QVALITY SELECTED ~on Tuesday morning. Sept. 2d salta Miss H ilda RMwlanpresent dais ulder1 Roas-t . .lb.nt av GEABESIday. 4 t !! of fru n r'postmaster Oea. Jamieson and Mrs in R.E.LO AN Jamieson eurned early last weck I.f rom their motor trp troUgh west- ART COLE i4IIU lumnbing. lleating & Tinsmithing wn SOunti. Port g vi. edOdeicb aBOWMANVILLE CANADAone -i53 Hamilton, Toronto. and lesser centres _______________ BOWMANIVILLE. ONTr. in iheir circuit. and visited relatives E: PHONE 83 il______________ at Mitchell and Tara. m Goodcitienshonet wokmen Tflt ive.hmts Clanipbell.d -heerful comrades. true friends. gen- isnotto i.Thoumabsuapried t .e mn-Tat i wht te prduc O~see how much strength it takes to 1?e religion should be.-Henry van Dyke. kind.-Selected. ILIPTON'S TEA CONTEST WIN A BOT'S BICYCLE OR GIRL'S WATCH Any sehool child may enter thîs contest. Get full partieulars at our store when order- ing groeeries. Contest ends Sept. 3Oth. TODDY MIXERS Ic EACH Buy a tin of Toddy which makes sueh a delicious drink-hot or eold-at 53e and 1 we give you a Toddy Mixer foir le. ENJOY A FEED 0F BANTAM CORN Corn is just, right for eating now-tender and sweet. Bantamn Corn only 25e dozen. - FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY IIARRY ALLUN, Grocer iPHONE 186 BOWMUNVILLE FURS COME AND SEE OUR LADIES' FINE FUR COATS AND FOXES We ai-e certain that they wvill bie of interest to you. You are under no obligation to buy. I ( We make ail kinds of FUR COATS TO ORDER Re-model and repair at the lowest possible prices. JOHN E. MILLERI Phone 170 Bowmanviîle, Ont. ULNE MOTOR QIL godmotor oil should be for .the engine and, properly applied, gives URA SERVICE of complete piston PRESSION GASOLINE Higher Compression Knocks rLow Gear Performance GASOLINE )my and Mileage f Eager Power DISTRIBUTORS ($aiïtittr at' (Oit Ri Clupauil W7 Central Bld g. . Toronto 2. DISTRICT MANAGER TELEPHONE 14 0