~~n~tb tan jtate~mrni With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville NeWs Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 36 MI Il] ALL Summer Dresses At Exactly HALF ,PRICE You will rarely find the outstanding v alu e s i n charming frocks that are available in this remarkable August Dress Clearance. There are scores of styles for every occasion, refleet- ing most authentie lines and patterns . . . and made up in very smart fabrics. For street, sports and gala weail you'1l flnd just what you want at startîing reductions. Send Them to School WeIl Dressd Are you proud of the way your children look when they go down the walk on the way to sehool? It's just as easy now to have them well dressed and economical, too, shopping here. Very smart wash suifs and frocks for the youngsters and the teen children, too, at special Sehool-Opening p ric es. MEN'S DEPARTMENT The Createst Clothing Values In Canada - - $23.00 MADE-TO-YOUR-MEASURE $27.00 and $35.00 Messrs. Couch, Johnston & f-Cryderman, Bowmnanville, Ont., have been appointed sole agents for Charles' Cloth es. A special expert of the Charles' Tailoring Co. will be here on Tuesday, September 9th, with a full range of imported woollens and ail the leading style models, for Fail and Winter. - REMEMBER THE DATE - Tuesday, September 9th. Satisf action Guaranteed WINDSOR CLOTHES For School Boys Made to youi order, all seams are silk sewn. Real stuî'dy suits that look well and wear well. Couch, Johnston & Crydernian PHONE 104 LIDMTED BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ATTENDANCE SHOWS DECREASE Three Male Teachers on Staff The attendance an openng day- Tuesday-at the public schools reg- istened 578 pupils which is consider- ably belaw last year's record. The decrease in attendance is attributed ta same parents holding off sending their children ta school until the in- fantile paralysis epidemic bas clear- ed away, while other children ma>' be sick or away tram home. Owing ta local conditions it was thought advisable to hald a medical inspection af the pupils. Miss Olga Tod, Public Healtb Nurse, assisted by Mrs. Chas. Baunsall, R. N., visited each class room and made a throat and general healtb inspection a! the children. They tound a few cases wbich were nat normial and were ad- vised ta consult their physician. The teacblag staff is the same as last year with one exception, Fred C. Conley o! Wellington, taking Mrs. M. Symaons' place wha resigned at end o! tenm. The teachers and classes are as follaws: J. Hl. Johnston, Principal, Sr. IV. F. C. Canle>', Sr. IV and Jr. IV. Miss M. M. Jennings. Jr. IV. Miss H. G. Morris, Sr. III. Robt. McLeod, Sr. III. Miss G. Wickett, Jr. III. Miss L. Bragg, Jr. III. Miss V. Buninen, Sn. IL. Miss E. E. Jewell, Jr. H. Miss IF. Moore, Sr. I and Jr. I. Miss B. Sargent, Jr. 1 and Sr. Pr. Miss L. Hartt, Jr. Pr. South Ward School Miss M. Collacott, Sr. II, Jr. II and Sr. I. Miss M. MeGregor, Jr. I and Primi- aries. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Margaret Rowlend with ber. parents in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Taylor, Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting tniends here. Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, with ber mothen, Mrs. Jessie Burk. Miss Berniece AllUn bas ntunned ta dut>' as teecher et Millord. Miss Thelme Gilders. Toronto, at1 hem fether's, Mn. A. E. Gildens. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Howard McCleUean, Buffalo, N. Y., witb bis parents. Mr. Evertt Quinn, Centralia, with Mn. Harold Calmer and othen old f!riends. Miss Ina Pctbîck, Toronto, wt ber parents, 'Mn. and Mns. F. C.1 Pethick. Misses Elsie M. and I. Irene Bragg, Taranto, with thein fathen, Mn. W. J. Bregg, M.P.P. Mrs. Wm. Jackson, Oshawa, witb ber niece, Miss Carnie Matyn, and othen relatives here. Miss M. Minore, Lindsay, bas ne- tumned home et ter visitlng ber bro- ther, Mn. M. H. Minare. ANOTHER CHAIN GROCERY STORE Fred W. Nelles who has been dis- trict epresentative for the National Gracers Lmited for several ycars bas decided ta again go inta the retail business in Bowmnanviile. He bas1 leased the store recently vaceted by Oea. Pritchard and with the ca-op- eratian o! carpentens and painters bas elnead>' transfonmcd thc interior o! the building into a ver>' neut, at- tractive and compact modezm groccry store. By affliatlag with the Nat- ional Grocens and openating unden the "Chain Red & White Stores" Mn. Nelles' puncbasing power as owner o! the store enables him to buy goods which he cen sell on a ver>' close mengin and thus compete with the langer chein stores. He sells ton cash and gives free deliver>' service. Sec bis advt quoting pices and an- nauncing opening Saturde>' manning. R(DYAL THURS., FRI. and SAT. SEPT. 4 - 5 - 6 "ICAUGHT SHORT" starring the hilarious comedy team- Marie Dressier, Pol>' Moran with Anita Page Don't under any conditions miss this screaming happiness bit, the screen's gif t ta thoSe Who want ta laugli. And how you'll howl when those f unny gais, Marie and Pol>', start cleaning up ln Wall Street (instead of in the kitchen where the>' were sa! er)! MON., TUES. andi WED. SEPT. 8 - 9 - 10 Another wonderful comedY 6"THEY HAD TO SEE PARIS"P Wlth Wi Rogers, Irene Rich, Marguerite Chburchill and F111 Dorsay>. Matine saturdar at 2.30 P. M. Matines Monda>' at 3 P. em. WEDDINGS Pinmmer-Lauther The marriage of Sicil>' Ethel Laugher, Sarnia, eldest daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. C. Laugher, o! Pem- broke, ta Lamne M. Plumnmer, o! Port Hope, son a! Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plummer, o! Bowmanvllle, toak place quietl>' at the home af the brlde's parents, an Monda>', August 25th, at bigh noan. Rev. Dr. 0. A. McIntosh, minister o! Wesley Church, canduct- ed the marriage ceremony la the presence of the Imnmediat relatives o! the young couple. "ne bride's only attendant was ber sister, Miss Florence E. Laugher, and Mn. Eric P. MacKenzie, of Sarni.a, was grooms- man. Following the ceremony a weddlng luncbeon was served in the dining-roorn, which was tastefully 'iecorated with plnk and white streamers, and the roorus af the borne looked ver>' attractive with bouquets of garden flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer le! t later on a mator trip and will take Up residence in Port Hope. Among the out-of!-town guests present for the oeremony were~ Mr. T. Marris, of Toronto, grand- father a! the bride; Nrn. A. J. Masn, o! Springfield, N. S.; and Mrs H. W>att, o! Taranto, aunts of the bride. The bride and groom were guests o! his parents here during the week- end. Bowmanville triends extend congratulations ta both bride and groom who are well and favorabi>' known bere. Sarvis-Callan Miss Viola Almeda Callan, daugb- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Callan, Ontario Street, Bowmanville, was united in marriage at the home o! ber parents on Monda>', September lst, to Mr. Harold Delnsar Sarvis, son o! the late A. E. Servis and Mrs. Sanvis a! Toronto. Rev. J. U. Robins offciated. The bride who was given in marriage b>' he !ather, was charmingl>' gowned in eggshell satin wih matching shaes and hase, and wore a white gold wrlst watch, tbe gif t o! the groom. She carried a bouquet o! butterfly rases and liIies o! the valle>'. The bride was at- tended by ber cousin, Miss Reta ýMyles o! Toronto, wbo was dressed in pink geargette and cared pink roses. The flowen girl, little Arline Nortbcott, wore a quaint and pretty frock o! pale peach frilled georgette, with a basket o! sweet peas and roses. Mn. Tom Sarvis o! Toronto was best man. The wedding music was played b>' Mrs Fr'.ýiServis. Niag- ara Falls. During- thoï signing o! the registen, Mrs. Fred Dove Dixan o! Toranto, aunt of the bride, sang. The gnaam's gi! t to the bridesmaid was a white gold !ilagree brooch, dia- mond set; ta the flower girl, a signet ring; and to the best man, a Parker Duofold pen and pencil set. Follow- ing the reception and buffet lunch- eon, at whicb aven one hundred guests wene present !ram Toronto, Niagara Falls, Philadelphie, etc., the bride and groom le!t on a two weeks' boneymoon trip thnough the sauth- ern States. Dillng-Anderson A very pretty Autuxun wedding took place Wednesday afternoon, September 3rd, in Triniit>' United Church, Bowmanvifle, when Zetta Jean Anderson, R. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. Anderson, Kingston Road East, was unitec in marriage with Mr. Ray J. Dilling,i son o! Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Queen Street. Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of the church. officiated, as- sisted by Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton, uncle of the bride. The wedding music throughout the service was played by Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bach., organist o! the church, and the soloist was Mrs. R. Williamson, Peterbara, cousin of the bride. The ushers were Messrs. Harry Cryder- man and Leland Berry. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a lovely gown of eggshell satin, with shoes and other accessor- ies ini matching shades, with long tulle veil and carrying butter!!>' roses and lily of the valley. Two sisters of the bride, Misses Clio V. and Keitha V. Anderson, attended the bride wearing smart f rocks of pink gear- gette and hats ta match and carried pink roses and lily o! the valley. The best man was Mr. Forest Dillhng, bro- ther of the groom. The grooms gif t ta his bride was a white gold watch; ta the bridesmaids he gave wh-ite necklaces set with pearis; and ta the best man and ushers, cuif links. Immediatel>' following the ceremony the wedding party ad- Journed ta the bride's home wbere the happy couple received congratu- lations, and a buffet luncheon was served, the table and bouse decora- ions being carried out in a color scheme of pink and white. Mr. W. J. S. Rickard acted as toastmastci and proposed a toast ta the King, Rev. J. R. Blclc a toast ta the bride and groom, and Rev. J. U. Robins a toast ta the bridesmaids. Mrs. An- derson, mother a! the bride, ware brocaded blue chiffon, and Mrs. Dili ling, mother a! the groom, warE beige chiffon, wth matching hatE and wore corsage bouquets. Latei the happy couple le! t on a honey- moon trip ta Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other Ainerican cities, the bnldt wearing a costume o! brown geor. gette with f awn hat, shoes and stock. lngs ta match. on their returi Mr. and Mrs. Dilling will reside a: corner Church and Liberty' Street: Bowmanville. IAmong the out of town guesi Iwere: Mr. Morland Andeon, brothe of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. C Coinmunity Fi eld Day Sept. 24 Wi11 Embrace Boys' Training School Fali Fair and Special Exhibits Sponsored by Agricultural Society TO BE HELD AT GOVERNMENT FARM As a nesult a! the initiative shown'I b>' Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintend- 1 ent o! Boys' Training Scbool, and the invitatian he extended ta the afficers and directars o! West Durham Agri-1 culturel Society' to have dinner with the staff at the school Tuesda> eV-1 enlng the citizens o! this count>' wlll bave an opportunit>' of attendlg 1 "Communit>' Field Day" such s a neyer been beld la these parts. With the Bowmanville Pair Grounds sold, lcaving na suitable1 public place to hold the ennual feUl exhibition, Dr. Reaman presene proposition ta the tain directoso Tuesday nlgbt which met wtb alI ready response. His suggestion was tan the Agricultural Society' ta jala on cooperate witb the Boys' Training School la holding thein annual School Fal Fain at the governent tenm on Wednesda>' aftcrnaon, Sept. 24th. The plans were considered ver>' thoroughl.y and eacb o! the 25 dir- ectons present were given an appor- tunit>' ta air bis views an the uiu suggestion. Certain difficulties wenre encauntered but bef arc the meeting adjourned at midnight they wcre smoothed aut ta the satisfaction and deligbt ofai'a present. So plan naw La attend t1 a - munit>' Field Day at the Boys' Train-! ing School Wednesda>', Sept. 24th. This event wiil embrace the usuel BOW#MANVI[LLE HIGH SCHOOL ' HAS RECORD ENROLMIENT Neeti for Recent>' Enlargeti School AIreai> Apparent anti Appreciateti The present faîl terra whicb open- ed Tuesda>' at Bowmanville High Scbool shaws the bigbest registration on record at this papular education- al institution. Principal L. W. Dip-i peUl reparts a gencral increese la ail classes. It is particularly notice- able thet the classes are larger la the senior !orms than an>' previaus year. Since the school bas been enlarg- ed, making it one o! the most mod- emn and up-ta-date higb scbools la the province, the distinct adventages are appreciatcd b>' parents- wha are immediatel>' shawing e preterence ton B. H. S. b>' sending their ebldren ta this scbool. The new commercial course inaug- urated this yeer was also a step in the rigbt direction judging tramn the number who have enlisted la this department. The Leaching staff is composed a! Misses P. Wblttan, B. A., E. *Sted- man, B. A., I. K. Smith, B. A., I. Og- den, B. A.. I. Clement, B. A., H. Bail, B. A., Messrs. G. L. Wagam, M. A., T. A. Miller, B. A., and L. W. Dippeil, B. A.. Principal. CANADIAN LEGION FORM BOWMANVIILLE BRANCR R. M. Cotton Electeti President of iNewly Organizeti Soldiers' Sciety' Officers o! the Bawmanviile Branch of the Canadien Legion, British Empire Service League, whicb wes formal>' orgenized et a meeting in the Panisb Hall on Fride>' evening. August 29tb, are: President -R. m. Cotton; lst Vice President- W. J. Hoan; 2nd Vice President--C. >T. Ross: Sccnetany-Thomas Anni- Sson: Treasunen-Fred. Cryderman; >Executive Commttee-E. C. Hoar ( Newcastle). W. Smith Ferguson and Tom Hamilton. W. J. Hoar, wbo was chairmen o! the meeting held reccntly ta discuss the formation o! the legian, presld- d, and a!ter giving e nesumne o! this mneeting, called on the speaker a! the Ivenling. M. Mclntyre Haod, pravin- 'ial 2nd vice president o! the Leg- ion. Mn. Hood dealt witb what -night be eccomplisbed among the war vetenans o! Bowmanville b>' the Legion. along the une o! social en- dcavar. as well as relie! measures e ad adjustment o! living conditions. pensions, vetenans' allowences, etc. In order ta accomplish these ser- evices, camplete co-openation emong -the members will be necessar>'. e Atter an interestlag discussion per- *o lanl whlcb man>' prospective ac- itivities o! the Leglan for the benefit o! the veterans as well as the whole communit>'. were suggested and telk- ed aven, about 45 members signed the w charter application. L Regular meetings wlU be hcld an [the lst end 3rd Frlda>'s o! eac] a month. At the next meeting, Sep- -_ Lember Stb. formai membershlp ap- rej plications wlll be received. Offices 1- wlll be installed on Septemben 19th. Kimnble, Mm. and Mrs. John Beatty, Mm. and Mms. Jae Anderson, Mrs. Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Bramne, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blck, Bobcaygeoli; Mr. and Mns. Chiffard Moore, Potsdam, N. Y.; Mm. and Mrs. Harold Plers, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. E. Terril, Woolcr; Mr. and Mrs. Dorlani, Col-1 Sborne;, Miss Sharp, Miss Wilson, andl Mm. and Mss. Lloyd Dilflng, Wbltb>'; Mm. and Mrs. Ennis Braine, Florida; Mn. Regal Braine, Detroit: end Mrs. Durham, Brantford. t e i 1 .5 outstanding features o! the Boys' Fall1 Pair which have grown la In- terest and attendance each year. More particulars of this part o! the pnogram will be given next week. Then througb the unlted efforts a! the Agricultural Society, the Caunt>' Agricultural Representative, and E. P. Bradt, Agricultural Director o! the Scbool, educational exhibits, practi- cal demanstrations, Junior tarmers' competitians and displays o! various kinds pçrtaining ta agricultural pro- gress and improvemnent wUll take place during the a!ternoon. Mare complete details o! these features will be publlsbed next week. To give you an idea, o! the elabor- ate programn in preperatian for this great Cammunit>' Field Day we anly mention a !ew a! the events: Fruit Competition la change o! Russell Osborne and W. H. Carrutb- ens, exhibits ta be la 6 qt. baskets and lacluding these varleties of ap- ples: Northern Spys, Mclntash Reds, Snows, R. I. Greenings, Golden Rus- sets, Wealtbies, Alexanders, Wolfe River and Tolman Sweets. Prizes win be 75c, 50e and 25c. A special exbibit and demonstra- ion on packing apples will be la charge o! a gavernment representa- tive. Display a! Grain la change a! Cal. L. T. McLaughlin and Jahn Baker will include prises a! $1.00 and 50e for 1 bushel o! Faîl Wbeat. White Oats, 6-rawed Banc>' and 2-rawed Barley. Junior Farmers' Competitian la charge o! Gea. F. Annis, M. J. El- liatt. E. P. Bradt, E. A. Summens and Alan Campbell wiil be similar in character ta that beld lest yean sponsored b>' Bowmanville Roar>' Club.' Sec list ncxt wcek. Plaughing Match in charge a! E. P. Bradt will !eature tbree events fon which libenal prizes o! $15, $10. $5 will be given ln each class: (1) single !urraw, boys 16 ta 25 yeers; (2> single !urraw. boys under 16 years; (3) open class, double !urrow. Canadian Bank of Commerce Cup wil be givon te best turnout coma- peting in the ploughing match. The above classes and events are open to exhibitars a! West Durhamn. No entry f!ee. Make >'our entries with C. H. Masan, Secretary o! West Durhamn Agricultural Society'. Admission ta the grounds and all exhibits is f!ree. This is somnetbing entirel>' new la the way af a caunt>' Communit>' Field Day which sbauld appeal ta old and Young la town and country. Hundreds o! people la Durham have yet ta visit the Boys' Training Scbaal. Tbere's no better time ta visit this !arm than when the boys bold their annuel Fal Fair. Witb the cooperation o! the Agricultural Society' and the campetitians listed abave it will be a day prafltably and pleasantly spent. ]Plan now ta be at the Boys' Train- ing Sohoal, Bawmanvillc, Wednes- day a!temnoon, September 24tb. GIRLS' JUDGING COMPETITIO.N Durham Count>' Girls Do WelI in Householti Science Judging Competition at C. N. E. Dunhegi girls wene success!ul la the housebold science judglag competi- ian et Toronto Exhibition an Wed- nesdey as f ollaws: Nutrition- -Ena Van Dem Homne, Ceven, 4th; Beetnice Joncs, Nestîctan, 5th. Clothlg- Florence Ashton, Bowmanvillc, 2nd; Dorothy Allin. Bowmanvlle, 12th. Hause Furnishlags - Marion Allin, Newcastle, lst; Ruth McKessock, Hampton, 2nd; Nara Gibsan,, Baw- manville, Sth. OPEN VERDICT BY JURY Captain Murray' and wife, Ottawa, were Sunda>' guests a! Col. L. T. Mc- Laughlin. Mrs. Frank Bennett, Toronto, bas been guest a! ber sister, Mrs. Oea. R. Masan. Mrs. W. C. Ferguson is visiting ber son Roy', and daughter, Mrs. Ceci Hill, at Blackstack. Mrs. Archie Tait bas returned f rom a pleasant visit witb Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jobnson, Mlllbrook. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dibb, Jeanq and Doris, Bogota, N. J., have been guests of ber sister, Mrs. Norman 8. Pluas- mer. Miss M. Mildred Lawrie bas re- turned ta Toronto ta resume duty on the teacbing staff of Pape Ave. scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Nash and famil>', Detroit, Micb., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Congratulations ta Mrs. C. Burns, Elgin St., on winning twa fIrst prizes at the C. N. Exhibition on bread and cake. Rev. A. S. Ross, D. D., Montreal West, visited bis aunt, Mrs. Geo. Carruthers, Queen St., during tbe past week. Miss Marguerite Armstrong le! t Manda>' for Seagrave where she bas been appointed teacher o! the public scbool there. Mr. Harvey J. Reynolds and son Fred, Ardmore, Pa., spent the holiday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nott, Toronto, were guests of ber sister, Mrs. W. H. Dustan, last week and called on a number o! ald !riends. Miss Jean Thaxupson, R. N., and Mrs. A. Ells, Oshawa, were guests on Sunday of the fammer's grandmotber, Mrs. John McLaugflin. Miss Marion G. B. Warder left an Monda>' to, resume dut>' on tbe teaching staff of the Continuation School at Feversham, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. John Hurley, Brock- ville have returned home after visit- ing with their son, Mr. C. B. Hurle>', manager o! Walker Stores. Little Misses Alice and Marion Partner of Tyrone bave been visitlng their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I-. Darch, Manvers Road. Mrs A. H. Bounsail, Church Street, will receive on Tuesday, September 9tb, from 4 ta 6 p. m. and thereafter on the flrst Tuesday o! the mantb. Mr. Herbert Van Nest, Philadel- phia, Pa., and. Mr. Meredith Moffatt, Oshawa, called on their uncle, Mr. M. A. James, on Sunda>' evenlng. Mrs. B. M. Warnica bas returned from seven weeks' visit wltb ber son at Callander, Ont., and ber brother, Rev. C. C. Washington, at Morti- mer's Point, Muskaka. Mr. Alan Campbell jolaed a Party o! friends at Kingston on Thursday and en.jayed a matar launch ernlise over the weekend an the Murray' Canal and Trent River. The many frlends of Mrs. T. J. McMurtry wlll be sorry ta learn that she feUl down ceilar on Saturday and seriausly injured ber head and re- ceived a general shaking up. Miss L. P. Wbitton, B. A., and Miss Dorathy Beilman were success- f ui in passing their examinations at the suxnmer course in Oral French held at Quebec this summer. Mr. E. H. Brown, Canadian iat- ional Railway local agent, Mrs. Brown, and daughter Hilda, have re- turned f rom holldaymng la BroCk- ville, Kingston, Windsor and Detroit. Major Gertrude Hollande, Super- intendent o! the Catherine Booth Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, was in town Thursday calling on ber aunt, Mr&. John Stacey, and numer- ous old f riends in ber native tawn. » Mrs. Lepha Henry and son, Mr. Leslie Henry, Moosomin, Sask., bave been vlslting their aunt. Mrs. Jennie Graham, and relatives in Clarke. Tbey expeet ta remain in Taranto where Mr. Henry wlU attend Taranto University'. Mn. and Mns. E. G. Mitchell and Mrs. Edward Large were la Brock- ville last week attending the 5Oth annual session o! tbe Loyal True Blue Association. Mrs. Mitchell was appointed D.D.G.M. for BOwmanville and Oshawa district. Unable ta Determine Cause of and children, and Mr. John Lunn, Garage Explosion Millbro;ok, motared ta Oshawa last _______wcck and vislted the latter's grand- The inquest ta, investigate cause o! children, Mn. and Mrs. Howard D)ay- death o! Cecil Getchell wba was ldsan, and also vislted !nlends et bumned ta deatb et Hately's Garage Bawmenvile.-Reporter. wbere an explosion accurred on Aug- M.AH.owsmagefr ust 2th, was beld la the Council M.A .Hws aae o R.oam, Wcdnesday, Sept. 3rd. Dr. Gincîl Bras., Detroit. Micb., the V. H. Stare>', coroner, and Cal.F. C. largest wbolesale and retail Plana Boggs, Crawn Attamne>', were in flrm in Amnerica, Mr. Norton, assist- charge a! the court. No evidence o! ent manager, Mr. C. Hauscberr, o! a spectaculen nature was presented Lang & Ca., and Mr. Frank Down, ta assist in solving the myster>'. The wbo bas been connected wlth the jury brought la an open verdict finm a! Grincîl Bras. for 'several "That Cecil Getchell wes burned ta yeans, spent Sunde>' wlth the latten's deeth in e fine et Hatcly's Garage la mothen. Mrs. Robt. Down, Scugog St. Bawmanvillc on August 20th, and The wedding a! Miss Katharine thet cause a! fine is unknown."1 Bullard, daughter of 1Mr. and Mus. Ralpb Emerson Bullard, Wrentham. Mass., and Mn. John Chester West- TENNIS CLUB TOUBNAMENTS away, son o! Mn. W. J. West- ______away, Hamilton, took place recently The Bowmanvllle Tennis Club wlll in the original Congregational hold its annuel taurnaments com- Church et Wrentham, Mass., Revs. mcncing Thursda>' nlght, et the M. A. Shafer and J. L. Keed>' offio- courts an Concession Street. The ietlag. Ouests were present f rom drews have been posted on tUe bul- man>' places la Canada and United letin board and the playens are ne- States. Aften an extended trip quested ta play' their games as 50011 tbmough the Canadian Rookies, Mn. as possible so the matches will not and Mrs. Westaway will maire their drag on too late la the season. The home la Troy,. N. 'Y. Mn. Westaway first round matches must be finished is a cousin o! Mn. Jerry Westeway, before Satunde>' nlght. Bowmanvillc. w i a 1