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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 4

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' sPTEMBoER 4. 1930 PAGE FOUR CONDITONS IMPROVING Pair indications that conditions are ilmproviig tirougisaut Canada licl i tise fot tint -'SALADA" tea sales show an Increase in tise pat ve months o! aven 400.000 pounds in Canada. ~i l uA TU VeC THE ECONOMY 0F SPEED More than 70,000 tunes a day tele- phone users i Ontaio and Quebec' use Long Distance ta give wlngs ta I tiseir messages to distant cities. The economi' o! lilgi speed makes a strang appeal ta tise modem buis-j ness man. 11AI1 L 'aI nt AN APPRECIATION AND) AN INVITATION 1. Mai' I take this opportiifiti' ta express toalal mi' sicere appreciatian of the maxi' kinduesses shown ta me sice tise unfortunate accident o! Iast week. I arn grateful for these expressions a! sympatliy and intci'eBt, and tisank you ail. 2. Ta mi' customers partlculs.nli I wsh ta express mi' tisanks for their patronage in tise pat i'ears. 3. As it 15 mi' intention ta resume business at tise carli- est passible moment, and on tise sanie site, I wsh ta solicit i'our support i this venture. I shail be glad ta do i'our wonk, and assure yau that you wil1 have tise sanie carefu.l attention and satlsfactori' workniansb.ip as itise past. If you bave not trled me befare, yau are lnvted ta do sa now. joHN HATELY. MI L~or jutwhat you bave been loigfr for the health and well-beiflg of YOur j family . . . fresh, pure, pasteurlzed mlljk that you eau consisteiitly de- pend on day after day for quality and goodness. Here is the real bealth f ood to build strong physiques and A2energy. just taste Our mlilk and yol wiii notice the superlor flavor and richness. The phone 15 408. Et. a. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 GLEN RAE DA1RY ~~ RIGHT NOW decide ta you wil have Do hea6tg problemhl next Winter! Caoi us TODAY for Reading Anthracite- the smokeles, economical fuel that puts treater comf art in your home and more dollars in your pochet. We'll guarantee results. Henry Lothrope Bowmanville "RAT BETTLILER PIENNSYLVANIA KARD CO ' FA Superior Automobile Phone 520 Bown»inIe TE CANAIAJ STATESMAN, BOWMANv±1LE, kmilx rapdy appraahig tie lmit a! practical utlisation. entered upan at campaigri several years ago ta tri' ta impress upon tic Hydro-Elcctrict Power Commission at Toronta anda tic Ontario governmneit tise urgent necessity of an enlarged and depend- able power suppli' for casterli and central Ontario. Tic Hydro Commission considercd tisat tic nepresentatians made wene nat anli' reasoxiable but tisci werc indicative o! a situation wiserc this extensive and important division o! tise Province migisi be greatly ne- tardcd in its prospective industrial' dcvelapmnent. Serlous power short- tic powerful, tise great and tic in- significant. is energy-invincible de- terminatian-a purpose once fixed, and then, deatis or victori' -Buxton.1 HE'D SUFFERED DAILY' FOR TEN LONG YEARS 'For 10 years befare I started Sar-t gon if e was anc day o! mlsçri' aftcr anotiser. A disardercd stomnacis and ad TENDERS REQUIRED rd T.nirs wîl her.-c.iv.-'I y the under- lut si n.1 up to 12.1) oclock noon (L). S. Lor Tini.>) on Frîiday, Sc-It.'mb.'r 5th. 1930, te, I r i n tai ltion of I h. ti n g 'st,'n at te oboiirg. Planlsfand 'e1,,S or any '1,,nlI.r flot necssariiy .)i A markii ciî.'que for 15% ne of iost nmust accompafly each Tender Du l'. ni-rt- t!) b. piainliy marki ,,rENi)- ERS FN 1,U1 IIEI TNU SYSTEM (-AOL" o ontof i tn.. loi),- E. L.MaeNACHTrAN, 3 Counties' Clerk. TREASURER'S SALE 0F 'e LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bowmanville- ______fDrha ALEXANDER McPHAIL Count of Drhaiasevere biliaus and vomlting spells isad jTo Wit: rme in migiti' bad shape. I lost; B >I*t':.î- of zî warrant issu.'d î,y tll, weigit anid was weak and rundawn. Nlayor of eO' Tow.n of Bowroaflvi', beatr- Sargan put ail o! my troubles behlnd 9 ti~h,-tii!' of tIlwi.'1th day of Atigust. me. and by tise timie I'd flnised mi' 'I.- -o slit . n.îr, o! ta\"s in the- third bottle I was like a n~w man. T%\r, of Ioi nttll'ii '. w i l ie heli a! my*T3 ,! )fi oe t-' o la'hotir of twi, o'ciock in the .i've gained back 5plmofls afa.-rn.O u"n h.ý sîah ili>* of weigist. am strong and weil and feel iii,-th- t.ix,'ti anli CoItg ior.' fine. pm.l 'r ii Nota' i hr.hgiven 'arnPIs wctiepoos îtI h. l- iýt! orlaifor s.îi-'for arrearq Sro9il wp h osn "f tax. h. ng -îî.1i in th,- Otarin from mi' system. gave me perfect itt'tt. - ,2 r-il oy -or A îglistandi regulatial i wtliut tic least upset- t;!,! St 'bii mt i.- aiting adIivntla llus spell it Oit 'Ai"f since 1 started tlicm."~Axade k -io 'ti'- Ii'1'itî 'ls ~McPliail. 166 Jarvis St., Toronto. Treasurer. manville f rom Jury & Lovell. 1 must rix that space and seal the piston on every compression and power' stroke. Natui'ally this space changes with wear - and wear cornes through mileage! If your car is new and the space is small- a heaèv bodied oil doesn't get in the space - and if you have driven it until the sp ace has wou'n large, a light bodied oil lets your power blow byP THIS SPACE MUST BE SEALED if you want full power, if you want more inileage from your gasoline, if you want less dilution and sludge, less carbon trouble, less wvear and lower u'e- pair bis. Seal the piston and you have greater secunity and economny of operation, increased pleasure and satisfaction in driving. SINCL AIIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL DISTRIBUTORS X - iliiinmer sainittnt aun 407 Central Bld g. - Toi ART COLE1 BOWMANVILLE Public O nrhpSvdMillions , urDnsGl of Dollars For Hydro &vsers's.Jh'sAgia ________ mnvIle. wa the scene on Saturday August th.1 1930, of an unusuaily An Interesting Resume of the Progresai This District pretty wedding. when Rhiea May, Madeby ydr Devlop entonly daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Tos. Madeby ydr Devlop entGould. Liberty Street. became the _________________bride of Normani Wesley Burns. (Writtefl by J. . Herity, Secretary ages were recurring every sulmmer at youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Chamer o Comerc, Belevhle) cturers were suferig heavy losu-I To the strains of the weddmng Great satisfaction is being express- es because of interrupted programs- mardi f rom Lohengrin played by ed by those municipalities withifl the at their plants. 1Mrs. J.A. Gurnn. the bride entered Cen trai Ontario power zone where A contract was therefare entered the chiircli on the arm o!flier father. pucaeof theloa electrical dis- intt, thice years ago betwefl the Hi'- She looked cliarmfing in a gown o! tributing systems lias been effected dro Commission and the Gatineau white satin. princess style, lier vel Important profits are bemng reaised river power Interests bi' which 100.000 cauglit Up by a wreatli of orange i every instance and reductiolsin electrical horse-power was made blossoms. Slie worc white brocaded rates have been br-ouglit about or are available to users in this part of the satin shoes with stockings ta match, contemplated. Province at moderate cost. By the and carried a bouquet of Pink rosesI Peterboro lias thse distinction of terms o! the contract it is necessary and maidenhair f ern. Her onu' having tlie lowest comblned rates for ta absorb only 6,000 h. p. per annum Ornament was tlie groom's gift, a lighting and power amolig ail the but any greater quantity than that rope of pearls. The ceremnony was users itlie Central Ontario System. mai' be taken Up to the maximum flo performed by Rev. R. J. Shires, Rec- But tise people of Peterboro were wise 100,000 h. p. As a niatter o!f fat tor o! tlie cliurcli. enougli ta assume public ownershlp and of record tlie municipalities in Miss Lila Brown, as bridesmaid. away back i 1914. In Peterboro central and eastern Ontario are in- looked charniing in a gown o! floral the rate for lighitng was reduced sev- creasing their power consuniption bi' chiffon with hat ta match and white eral years ago ta 3 cents per kilowatt mucis more than 6000 h. p. wth ecd kid punips. She camred a bouquet liaur for the ftrst 50 hours o! con- passing year. o! pink asters and fern. Mr. William suniption and 1iY2 cents an hour for It is iterestlng ta note that tisere Osmond as best man ver ably as- greater consuniptlon. In 1928 the are now 510 miles o! main transmis- sisted thse groom. Little Mary Cow- mountlng surplus enabled Peterboro sion Uines connecting thse various an as flower girl looked sweet ln an ta make a f urther reduction ta 21/2 towii5 tiat are found withi the old-fashioned costume o! plnk silk cents and 11/4 cents for the two per- Trent River or Central Ontario Us-f rilled ta thse floor and wearing a lods. 1Item. This system carrnes a very gold necklace with pendant, a f amili' steady load. 'The maximum or peok heirloom. She carrled a lovely bas- Picton Has Low Rates load in 1929 was 51,429 h. p. while ket of flowers, also wore a wreatli on Pictan which lias naw had ten the average was 48,340. Thse num- lier head. Little Tommiy Cowan, as years o! Publie ownership enjoys thse ber o! kilowatt isaurs generated in page, also addcd a toucis o! color ta distinction andavnaeo aig12 eceth nr usoalf the scene in a red suit witl wlite advghig aestantareequof lavwg189900.e is nrnos aa silk ruffled collar and ufs and red ighti rt e ti t r e eq, uatipo wr, 179 4,0shoes. M essrs. Harold and Clarence bewth sse of terborhsa buepacr- Many Rural Lines Building King acted as uslers. During the 1'sumption i Picton, costs more tisan A feature of present-dai' electricai signing of tlie register. Mrs. Geolrge it does in the Lt! tlack City where tise development is the rapid extension E. Pritchard sang "Because" by Guy Ibase rate is onli' $20 a horse-power of service Uines out into the country' D'Harlelot. per annum. districts. There are now twenty Tlie groom's gif t ta the brides- The ratepayers o! Lindsay took rural systenis that have been estab- maid was a purse; ta the best mani. possession o! their local power sys- lished within thse larger Central On- gold cuif liks; ta tlie fiower girl, a i , foik>wing a favorable vote on tario systern and more are likeli' soon ruby ring; ta the page, a signet ring; tlie part of tlie people in 1928. Tiseir to !ollaw. one o! tise most popular ta thse ushers each a silk tie; ta the lighting rate had previousli' been 5 maves ever made by tlie Ontario gav- soloist. a cut glass cake plate. ,cents and 2 cents per k. w. h. H-ere, ernuient and tise Hydro Commission, Following the ceremony a recep- toc, a 20 per cent reduction lias takt- was the decisian reached last winter tian was held at tise homne of the en place and the people o! Lindsay ta reduce tise montily service chargej bride wiere about 75 guests partoak are now obtainlng their lighting for f rom $4.50 ta $2.50. Since then îtI of thse wedding supper. A toast ta four-fil ths o! their former bils while has been a difficult matter ta erect 'the bride was proposed by thie best power lias been reduced f rom $27 to the transmission lines f ast enough i man. Wm. Osmond. and toast ta the $23 per h. p. ta reacis the would-be agricultural groomn by B. H. Mortlock. and were Oshawa voted ta purchase the custoxiiers. It seems probable that responded ta by the groom. electrical distributing plant in 1929. within a f cw years electricity will be Thse bride's travelling gown was Pfter onli' eleven months there was as common on tise fanm as it is in royal blue silk ensemble witi isat to great enougli a surplus accunulated towns snd cities. and i the rural match. After a short trip ta Stir- ta enable the public utilities commis- parts there will be for it a f ar greater ling, Trenton and Eastern points the sion ta reduce tise rates f rom 4!,2'ta field of use!ulncss. About ti happy couple will reside in Bowman- 312 cents and power f rom $27 ta $23. fanmers' homes there are multitudin- ville. ous tasks o! tise most laborious nat- Previaus ta thse wedding Miss Lila Belleville Users Benefit ure tiat will be casili' and far mare Brown and Mrs. Percy Cowan gave a Citizens o! Belleville declared for effcientli' perforned bi' electrical sower for the bride at the home of public ownership by a referendum motors and utilities. Miad a gad tu te soer walsa- that was taken i August, 1929. The aagodtm.Aswewsal old rates were 4 cents and 2 cents for Public Ownership Saves Millions sa ield at tise home of tise bride's lighting and $24 for power. At tise The enormous saving that lias been mother. Tic bride was tic recipient end a! 9 months tic commission brouglit about in tic Central Ontario o! many useful anid beautiful gifts. passed out tic agrecable surprise ta zone by public owncrship, and tise the houseisolders. business mcen and reduced rates made passible by the Just being happy' is a fine tising ta do manufacturers of a 25 per cent re- excellent administration of the Hy- Laoking an tic brigit side, rather duction in tic rates for lighting and dro Commission wien campared witl tlian tic blue; a drap ta $22 per h. p. for industriai- tiat of thse compani' tiat was prev- Sad or sunny musing, sts. iously in control. is another feature Is largely in tiechcoosing. Part Hape, Napance and Brighiton about which ail tao little lias beeni And utruc. RihapîyD S ae rs took over their electrical systenis only said. anjre Rpe .Sudr this year. In ecdiso! these towns In everi' municipaliti', liglitin Most satisfactori' profits are being rates were at least double. and n il gatliered ln bi tise local utility, but some instanres three tunes what tisci Il it is too soon yet to determine isow arc todai'. wlen tic Electric Poweri great a reduction mai' be mde i Compani' owned and controlled tic Cseu l eyf rates ta tisose using electriciti'. Trent River system. Sîince MardiLhB I Tic Central Ontario Power Assoc- 1. 1916. wisen tise Ontario gve - N4m1 iation made an exhaustive study and ment purchased tise system. up ta Soothing and neehng. survei' of tic electrical situation intise present time. a saving o! nearli' Gives imnediate relief. tise Central Ontario zone and a spec- six million dollars lias been made ta oo motns ial cammittee made a f ull report o! tic power and liglit users on tise etrsmohes its flndings ta a general meeting o! Central Ontario system bi' Hydro- Non-greasy. ï tie members iseld at Cobourg on Electric administration as compared Cen be uaed at al dmes. July 11, 1928. with campany ownersisip. AL part the meeting unanimousli' en- HO-19NG PIGEON CLUB R IAN B i dorsed a recommeildatiol tisat tise At UBI a dozen or mare municipalities that Bowmanville Homiiig Pigeon Club had not yet purcisased tiseir local flew ticir fourth young bird race on electrical utilties should be urged ta Saturda3 f rom Thamesford. Ont.. do so. Sice tisat time, votes haveI 130 Miles air line. Following is tic _______________- been taken in a number o! tic urbanI result:I centres and favorable results have Pete Wolner 3 lirs. 44 mins. 52 sec. been indicated as above. F. Bottrell 3 lirs. 51 mins. 49 sec F. Bottreli 3 lirs. 52 mins. 13 sec*W e M t Secure Power Froin Gatineau Len. Riciads 3 irs. 55 mins. 17 sec' Thc Central Ontario Power Assoc- .. . - - . _ - T h l o Ly r T liv e th e m o re c e rta in W h e n v o u i McCLELLAN & CO. Phone 15 BowmaflYUl SM(i tnn DISTRICT mANGE ronto 2. TELEPHONE 14- 0 Be Happyl1 school send themn back with f cet comfortably shod with footwear bult and styled for Young growlng f eet. The unusual shoe values you find here wil answer every requirement. They're sturdy ... ~gII they're good Iooklng - -. they're patterned to, give perfect foot ease. In adition - they're Prlced for genuine thrlf t and guaranteed to give satisfaction. W "The Elite Shoe Store" "SHOES THAT SATISFV" W. CLAIUDE MVS, Manager. )r Qil Does Its Biggest Job!1 put ouil nour crank case REMEMBER FROM S TO YOtJR CYLINDERS to that SPACE be- and cylinder wval1. e 01 o Yours faithfuny, ý ý ..- j- Il THERE IT GOES tmeen the piston a '& job.

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