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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 5

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-~ ~J',*.-'- t'~~' ~- * p TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIlLE, THrJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 Salada Orange Peko. bas by far the finest flavour fieK&WA-III A 't Sateguard llealth With Modern 1 Plumbing Wand Heating Old plumbing that leaks <'t and won't work right is flot only uncomfortable and a source of worry but it is also unhealthy. Let us check your plumbing and heating systes-our prices are reasonable. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville "ALL ROADS LEAD TO 001.&IA A*UMON # SSM'(N LINDSAY ENTRALALS FAIRým me GRET BMOD &SUJ; MDA Th. PREMIE EXPOSITIO ci ivst "omAg iutua ad Mafctrs' roct STRIENGTH for a f ew cents So easy to get Health a.nd Strength for a few cents if you know what food to buy. It is what you digest that builds muscle and bone and furnishes energy to the body. Shredded Wheat is the whole wheat ini a digestible form - proteins, carbohydrates and minerai saits for building good bones and teeth --and it costs but a few cents. Deli- cious with milk and stewed fruits. SHREDDED o> SECOND INSTALLM[ENT a What Has Gone Beforea Giles Cblttenharn, distrcssed over the suicide o! bis younger bal-bro- in ther Rodney, returns ta Europe f rom Arnerica, where be bad made an un- happy marriage. Rodney bad killed in himsell because a notorious woman. al Julie Farrow. tbrew hlm over. Giles ec is introduced ta Julie Farrow, by bis M frlend Lombard, i Switzerland. Be hi resolves ta make ber fail in love wth di hlm, then tbrow ber over as .11e tbxcw Rodney. She teils hiim she bas ul made a bet wtb ber f ricnd "Bis" ir Lennox that 511e can drive ber car ta the top o! tbe St. Bernard Pass and s back. Giles challenges ber to take p hlm witb ber and she accepta. Tbey a start out i the face o! a gatbering snowstorni.S Now Go On WIth the Story c "Be must have been unbalanced to take bis 111e as be dld."a She shlvered a littie.9 "You don't tbink then ... don't you think it was an accident?" Cittenharn looked steadily at ber. "Do you?" 11e askcd. She shooli ber bcad. "I'm afraid flot.. but oh, wasn't it dreadlP" The deep sincerity o! ber voice sur- prised hlm. She almost sounded dis- tressed instead of being utterly heartless and callous about the trag- edy as be knew she was. "It seems rather pitiable," be an- swered in a bard volce. She dld not answcr for a moment or two. then she said witb a note of exasperatien in ber voice: "It would interest me exceedlngly, Mr. Cittenharn. to know the real reason why you wanted to corne witb me." "I told you. To see if you are really as deflant of Mrs. Grundy as you pretend." She shook ber head. "That's net the real reason, tbough yesterday I prctended te, belleve you. There isn't anythlng at ail dread!ul in you and I taking tbis drive ta- gether. I've oten donc more risky tblngs. We're doig a perfectly barm- Jless and ordlnary trip whlch plenty o! other people bave done before us."1 She laugbed. "Oh, ne' tbat's net your t real reason fer wlsbing to corne, I Iknow." Chittenharn rat staring before hlm wth frowning brews. Tbis woman wau more than a match for hlm and 11e knew it. "If I told you the real reason you would not believe that ether." bhe said deliberately after a long pause. In some strange way he f elt as if Rodney were close ta him.- at bis el- bow, prompting him, whispcnlng the werds of that last traglc letter. à «. . .I'd like to tblnk you were making ber pay. I believe I couldc even manage ta laugh in Bell, or9 wberever I shail go, if I knew that you werc maklng ber suifer as she's made me sufer-"1 And be thought of Rodney as a boyi -a little checxy fellow wbom 11e hadi adored . .. of Rodney in bis firstj Eton suit, shy and a little awkward. trying to feel older than be was ... cf Rodney . .. oh. the pictures carne crowding fast and tbick, leading up to that one last picture whlch be bad neyer seen rave hi bis bitter Iiagin- atlon-Rodney deadi And it was the fault of this woman who sat beside hlm. speaklng o! Rod- ney wth that littIe note of pretendcd distreas in ber volce. Be sbrank a 9 little f rom ber wtb a feeling of re- pulsion. Women were ail thc same, heartless and selflab. Be f cît ber eyes upon i hm. "Teil me tbe real reason?" she said. Chittenhani turned bis gaze f rom the wet road and looked a t ber. There was a Uittle flusbh iber checha and ber eye were deep and unlatb- omable bebind their thick dark lashes. She leokcd so young-bardly more than a grl-and yet Chlttenbarn knew that she bad been tbrougb thc divorce court, and througb experi- ences cf wbicb ne woman nced be proud. "'Please tell me" she naid again and new there was a llttle breathless catch in ber volce tbat seemcd ta speak of a deep sncerlty and iterest whlch she was trying i vain to con- ceal. Cittcnham aakcd an appar- ently irrelevant question. "D ou believe in love at fIrst -Love at....She caught bis Iwords up. then broke off ta ask al- moFt in a whisper: "*Oh . h? 'Becau'se." said Cittenham dlib- lerately. "that is rny real reason." iYou should net say such foollsh tbings," she said, sbarply. I told yeu you would net believe me.'11e raid calrnly. -I don't undrstand you." Julie said in a Jerky little volce. Chttenbarn raid ne more. and it was 511e wbe prcsently broke the Ssilence. -You mean you tblnk I amrn ot, but1 knife as Julie brouglit the car to a the same you hope I arn." difficuit standstll, and let ber bands -Mr. Chitteliball!" fall from the wheel. ['here was anger and amazernent 'Tve won so f ar," she said, and ber voice, and ber cheeks grew leaned back, closing her eyes wlth ldenly scarlet. sudden weakness. "I thought you liked plain speak- Chittenham uncurled bis long legs g"Chittenham said calrnly. "Il I and got stiffly out of the car, then n istaken I apologise." He glanc- he camne round to Julie's side and at bis watcb. *'We ought to be at took ber bands. artigny in bal an houx unless you "'Corne along. We'il get sornetblng ive another skUd and land us upside bot to drink. By Gad! lt's bltterly )wn in the ditcb." cold." 'We wil! be there i twenty min- He half led, balflilted ber into ýes," Julie said witb a llttle savage the botel and put ber dowfl on a Ionation. and they were. bencb in the narrow bail. Julie brougbt the car to a stand- Chittenham ordered sorne brandy ,W with a little spiteful jerk, and and made Julie drink it. Lssed him. wrth ber head in the air "'Very few people to-day, six," the ad walked into the cale. waiter told tbern. Be spoke English They faced one another across a very weil. "And we sban't get any nail table, and as their eyes met more by the look of the sky." hittenharn sald wltb a smile: "Wrhat do you mean?" «Don't quarre! wltb rne before we "There's snow coming, sir." re hall -way there! If you go on Chittenham went to the door and ttlng angry at this rate you wW] looked out. "It's snowlng already," "Do You fleleve In Love at FIrst Sight?" sk.ld on the edge of a precipice and be said. tbat wW be an end to botb of us." "-It it?" she laugbed. "How funny! "I'mn not angry. I-oh weflîI sup-wben it's summer down in Mon- pose I arn, but it's your Iýult.' Why treux." Cbittenhm got up and dld you talk such nonsense?" went to stand behlnd ber. "You mean when I told you that I "Now we really are on the top of loved you? Bas it always been non- tbe world." he sald. "Just you and sense when men bave told you that?" I alone, Julie-I arn sure even you "You talk as if such a thngwe b ave neyer bad an experience like an everyday occurrence-as if I were this before?" a horrld kind of wornan who went She shook ber head. about colectmng scalp-" "No. And I'm not sure tbat I want Suddenly she Iaughed, and shrug- It agai-'1 ged ber shoulders. "Alter all t's "Why? you are qulte sale."1 silly to be angry wth yeu. I ought "I know but . . ."1 she Iaugbed ner- to know better."' vously. "I believe rm alrald.- Be made no answer, and Julie be- "I thougbt you were alraid of gan to pour out the coffee. nothing." Cbittenharn said. Bis owfl It was a veywtr snta ulses were Jerking unever>ly. There shon upo the whe the s wased something 50 romanticanafd shone pon thm wbenthey in the wbole situation. He away. and great banks of! ods kept 1 wa tJsl lt erclg ys driftlng up tbreatenlngly. The road, lTewan u orewbohseae Rode. grew steeper and more diffLcult once hd gon fo o bs e a kbe haine they passed the littie buddled village had bImne tog eth! Cwith atiù 0! S. Pirre.fort and moved away. She glanced down into the valleY Be trled to open the wlndow a lit-I on thelr left and gave alittle startled tic, but such agust of wlnd and enowl exclamation. Tbey could sec notblng pelted into the room that be had to for the clouds which lay sprcad out close it again. everywbere like an envcloplng blai- ."Do you tblnk lt's any better?" ket. Julie asked anxlously. Chittenham "It wl] make it difficuit driving glanced out at the fiying blimard. back," said Chittenbam. "'I know "I tbink it's worse," he naid briefly. these mountains rather well. and I She turned on hlm angrily wlth 'know just wbat unklnd tricks they fiaablng eyes. Cbittenham looked ut can play on the optimistlc traveller. ber silently, and then suddenly. to hl& I should slow down a littie if I were utter arnazernent. Bbc burst into tears you, Miss Farrow, there Ia a nasty Broken contlnued corner here. It turns very sharply to "Jule-" be made a quick move- the le! t and there is a big drop on ment towards ber, then stopped, one side." shrugglng bis shoulders. "I don't She only just pulled the car round kiiow wbat you'rc crying for," he in time. and ber face was wbite. said sbarply. Would you like me to drive?" he With a great effort she controiled Is"e quely h rcvre esefhrself . qula efot. S e re o e'dh rs! «I don't know eiter," she snd be- wit aneffrt.tween lIttle sobs. "It's just nerves, "I arn not tlred," she inslsted. 1 suppose- This hateful place .. 1, "Nor golng to f aint?" be asked "It Iooks as if we shal bave to 'wlth irony. stay the night." Chlttenham answer- "tgave me a shock. I did not, ed uncompromlaldngly. exet to find sucb a dreadlul cor- She turned and looked at him, ber ner."t eyes stiil wet wltb tears. "I warncd you," he rernne ber. "I suppose you tblnk I'm a fool," "I know yeu did, but you doI t in she submltted ln a bard little voice. such a way-it only makes me want to dely you. I have neyer met a Cofltinued neit weck man qulte like you before." ________________ "In wbat way arn I different?" Julie hestitated, bltlng ber Uip. then she told hlm. "One moment you pretcnd to, make love to me, and the ncxt you sneer at me-" "And wbich do you prefer?" To bis amazement he saw the tears spring to ber cyes. "Do you imagine that 1 like eltb- er?" she faltered. Cbittcnham leaned forward sud- denly and kissed the band nearest ta him that rested on the stecrlng- wheel. "I arn conceited enougb to thlnk *that I could make you like belng made love to," he naid quietly. and A R E Dthen as she did not answer be asked: "Wiil you dare me ta try?" t "No." f ! He leancd back ln bis seat re- Y O U ? "Then we may as wefl go on." *It took a moment or two to restart 3the engine. 9 The road was steeper and wlder. Are you bclng f air wlth your eyes? 1There was very little vegetation on You bave no truer and more rthe bleak sides of the mountains. and f aithlul friends than ewbat there was was short and stunt- YOUR EYES ed, cowcrlng awaY f rom the bleak but wbat do you do for tbcrn ta wlnd that swept down upon them. shw ouaprctin fter b As they cllmbcd hlgher out of the faiwtb!ul spevicenofth evailey. the wind grew colder and Do you ever have more cuttlng. bt "You ought to, bave brought a Your Eyes Examined acoat," Julie said once. She was very to know If they need assistance? oculd and there was a set. stralned Remember the old adage: "You e look round ber mouth. She had not neyer miss the water until the expected the road to be so bad, and Weil goca dry." Think of your once or twlcc at a partlcularly bad cyes, then thlnk of d corner she caught ber brcatb wlth a IL M. MITCHELL - Uttle gasping sound. the basy Optometrist. Chlttenharn heard ber and knew - Latest Methods - d that she was afrald, but be madc no - Modem Instruments comment. It served ber rlgbt be thought for being so, boastful and R .M thl o "I«* won't say another word."' Chit- tenham agrecd. but there was a mal- Drugista - Optoaaetduta iclous ittie twlnkle ln bis eyes. Phom osI The eat wlnd wus like auttlng1 Wow! It's a great feeling ta knDow tha thc winter's winds ean blow and hewl and the thermometer drop awaY Îdoua and YOU ecm 1*111be comtortable. WIth yonr ceai bins filici your troubles aue packed up and yen can oit back ad augh at the other fellow who waited, esfpeclafl3 uhen you ean buy at these Iow Prime: S3tove ......... .... $15.50 per ton Egg .............. $15.00 per ton cbestnut ...$........ 15.00 per ton Pea ............. . $12.50 per ton Coite ........................ $11.»5per ton A discount o! 50c a ton wilfl halalowed off these prices for cash wltb order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 15:3 or 202 Bowmanville Il. It Happened! %') his fault-he was crowded off the road. But he suffers repair bis just the same. This mizy happen to you when you least ex- pect it. 'Lhe only way to have your mnd free of dread is to carry compiete auto insur- ance so that in c.«,se of damage you arie fully protected against hcavy financial Ioss. There is a poiicy to fit every requirement, and we- shall be glad to send a representative to tel you about theni. J. J. MASON &SOf; Redl Estate and Inmurace Broken Phone 50 King St. E. Bownianvllle PAGE FmV nu ng un ed .Ni Io,ç ute [nt ti stil a~r; e ammumama me---"e!mm

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