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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMEER 4, 1930 SALEM Mr. T. H. Lockbart, Bownianville, conducted the afternoon service on Sunday. Mi. Kenneth Werry is fiuling a temporary vacancy on the teaching staff at Newcastle. Mrs. W. J. Cann and Miss Gladys niotoned ta Newcastle last Fiday and vislted with Mrs. Hendry, Lake Shore. Mis, W. McDonald and grand- daughter. Miss Helen Terny, London, Ont., visited at "The Maples" for a i SHEIAF FER9Ç PEN$-P EN SsqSCnS Sîip -,o PHONE 180 few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cornish and Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornisb and babe motored ta Oshawa on Frlday last and visited several relatives. Miss Gladys Caun, wbo has been spending her vacation at home, basi taken a position on the teacbing staff at Toronto and lef t for her new field of labour on Monday. Mr. Ewart Pallard returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks bollday at home. Mrs. C. Pollard went ta Toronto wth hlm to visit her father and sister. Get That FIy! Remember - Flies snd mosquitoes are the prime trausporters of gens and disease. Piotect youi home, protect baby, pro- tect your own healtb. Arm yoursel! with any o! these sure death FLY - KILLERS Fly-Kil (100% kil), 50c, 75c, $1.25 Flit 50c, 75e Whiz 50c, 75e Fly-Tox 50c, 75e Tanglefoat 2ge, 49e Student's Special-Seif fllling Fountain Pen, with clip or ring. l4kt gold nib. regular $150 for-98c JURY & LOVELL When we test eyes it is donc properly. .4. Advance., .iW'SEPTEMBER A SAVINGS Choosc your f un coat now and gave. ,AH the new styles are here... in modes for sports and dress wear. (OUr label la your' fui coat means carefuily selected peits, fiuest workm a ns hl1p, sanartest styling. A small deposit wiil hold your coat until yen are ready to wear IL. John E. Milller Next to W. J. Berny's Store Phone 170 Bownianville, / 4. SOWMANVI..E THE CHIUECHES Special Harvest Festival Services wl be beld at the S. A. Citadel on ISaturday and Sunday, Sept. 13 - 14. Manday night, Sept. l5tb, specil services also hekL. Sunday services o! Tyrone Circuit: Bethesda 10.30 a. ni.; Salem 2.30 p. nm.; Tyrane 7 p. m. Mr. F. W Lewis of Ontario Prohibitian Unian will preach. J. R. Trumpaur, pastor. The Salvation Army: Brigadier and Mis. Ritchie, Divisional Com- mander of Toronto E;ast, wiil conduct the services on Sunday, Sept. 7th, in Citadel on Division St. Ail welcome. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church -Rev. W. J. Todd, Ministen. Sun- day services: il a. m.-Subject, "A Selflsh Choice"; 7.30 p. m.-"Spen- did type af manhood"~. You are cordiaily invited to attend. Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U. Robins. pastor, wifl be in charge of Sunday services: il a. m.-Preaching and Sunday Scbool; 7 p.-ýPreach- ing service. Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bach., organist and choir dir- ector. St. John's (Anglican) Church.- Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, September 7th: Il a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- mon; 2.30 P. m.--Sunday School and Bible Class; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Harvest Thanksgiving Servieùs, Sun- day, September l4th. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, D.D., Minister. il a. m.- Morning Worship; 12-12.30 faon- Sunday Schoal Classes; 7.30 p. m.- Evening Worship. The Rev. C. D. McLellan, B. D., o! Beaverton, will conduct the services. Trinity Young People opened this season's meeting on Tuesday even- ing. Program was in charge of the Executive. Meeting opened with a worship period with Misses Doris Jamieson, Aura Rundle and Vesta Spargo leading. Topic was taken by Mr. Smith Ferguson, president. Vocal solo was rendered by Bob Cor- bett; reading by Miss Helen Cryder- man. Trnity W. M. S. Iield the regulv.- meeting in the school room on T-de5.. day afternoon, Mrs. G. T-.. Wagari presiding and conductînW1 the open- ing exercises in bsnceo!th presdent 3<Fs. P.M. Cryderman then too 1arge. Miss Lillie Hath- way re the;1devotional leaflet and confld3cted a Questionnaire on the .&k-v Blue Book, a nuznber of the members responding with the ans- wers which proved very intenesting. A reading was also given by Mrs. C. A. Wight. The pulpit af Trinity United Chunch on Sunday was fllled by Rev. E. A. Tonzinii in the morning and Mr. G. L. Wagar, M. A., in the evening. For some unknown reasan the min- ister expectd did not appear and by request o! the officiais these gentle- men fllled the place most acceptably, giving good gospel messages whlch the congregation heartily appreclat- cd. The choir was out in good force and sang well. Solos were rendered in tbe morning by Mrs. T. W. Cawker and in the evening by Mrs. D. J. Chambers. COURTICE s Mis. Jas. Brown spent Sunday kn 2 Toranto. Mrs. Smith and ber daughter, 1 Toronto, were necent visitons o! Mis. A. P. Rundie. Mi. and Mis. McNamara and Mr. 3sad Mis. Hazlewood, Buffalo, spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mms. L. A. J. Short. Service wlll be held kn Ebenezen rChurch Sunday mnomkig when our *pastor, Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, will thave charge. Rev. H. C. and Mrs. Wolfrai, Miss Helen and Master Harry, bave returned from Coîborne where they *have been halidayikg. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Courtice and Miss Mabel Cleveland, Ottawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Courtice and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caurtice *over the weekend. The People o! the village were shocked Saturday on learnlng of the death a! Mn. Oscar Stevenson. He was taken sick on Thursday and died Saturday' mornlng at his home in Providence with that dreaded dis- case, infantile paralysis. Oscar had worked in Mr. Roy Nichols' garage for some time past and was a quiet and very industriaus young man. He was well tbougbt o! by ail who knew bum, and bis parents and brothers and sisters have the sincere sym- patby of this community. TYRONE Church service Sunday evening at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. David Noble, Orono, visited Mrs. Jas. Storie. Mr. John Noble is visiting Mr. andj Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Oshawa. Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, vis-J ited Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Down. Mr. Paul Williams, P. ~x spent Sunday at MýI. Ellas Strutt's. Mn. and MY.Q. McKenzie, Toronto, visited M'i. and Mrs. Wiilis Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Or- ono, visited at Mr. Luther Hoaper's. Miss Grace MacKay. Beaverton,! has returned ta ber schaol duties here. Mrs. Robt. Brown and family or Perry, spent Monday at Mr. Elias Strutt's. Miss Viola Shortt bas accepted a position as teacher for Centre Dumn- mer scbool. Miss Gladys Martin, Haydon, is spending ber holidays witb Miss1 Stella Strutt.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Rundie and family, Bowmanville, visited at1 Mrs. E. Wight's. Mrs. Andrew Cooper, Brinston, and Miss Edith Taylor, Queensville, visit- ed Mr. Robt. Burgess. Mn. and Mis. Greenwoad, Peter- bora, spent the weekend with Mr. [and Mrs. Robt. McCullough. Mrs. Floyd Dudley and Master Bil- lie are visitkng ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and1 family, and is. C. Staples, Leskard, and Miss Rickard, Newcastle, visited at Mr. Wm. Staples'.1 ST. ANI)REW'S PRESBYTERIA4N Mn. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Bow-b WOMEN'S AUXILIARY mauville, Misses Elsie sud ireue Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday wlth About thirty members a! St. An- Mr. sud Mis. Howard Couch, Beth-0 diew's Womeu's Auxliaiy by invita- esda. t tion o! Miss Mary Wood met at ber Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Scott, ac- home, Base Lino, on Tuesday afton- campauied by Mn. sud Mms. Charles noon sud cujoyed a pleasant sud Carruthers, Bownianvllle, visited f profitable time. Mis. R. Honcyn, wlth Mn. sud Mns. Wmn. MacDonald, ( president, presided aven the gather- Cobourg.L inlg, sud Maiss Mamie Todd, Deacan- Mn. sud Mns. Raffle, Peterbono, nesa! Moutreal, daughter a! Rev.' Mr. sud Mrs. Wilbur Dudley, Bow- W. J. Todd. minister a! the cburcb, manville, Mn. sud Mrs. W. J. Bradd 1 gave a very interestiug addness on sud Floyd, Oshawa, vislted 1I hei work among the uew comers to Mis. James Dudley. I Canada. A bearty vote of tbanks, moved by Mns. R. J. Logan and sec- onded by Miss Woods, was exteuded SOLINA te Miss Todd for ber address. Re- !reshments were served at the close Miss Editb Psscoe, Hamupton, visit- sud a pîcasant social time speut. cd Miss Evelyn Tlnk. Several fram boere are attending MISS YOUNG, REMEMBERED the Exhibition kn Toronto, _______Remember the Division meeting A very pleasaut evening waý spcn t this Thursday evening kn the S. S. at the Nurses' Resideuce on Wcdnes- room. day, August 27th, ta say adieu ta Mn. sud Mis. A. L. Pascoe are Miss Mary Young, Reg. N., a grad- spending a !cw days wlth Kedion uste o! Bowmanville Hospital, befare f ricnds. leaviug for a position ou the staff o! Mn. and Mis. Jim Reynolds, Ton- Christie Street Hospital, Toronto. onto, visited bis brother, Mn. W. J. The party composing the Hospital Reynolds. staff, post graduates. nurses in train- Mr. sud Mms. Hariy Grooms sud ing, and a !ew frieuds. which was f amuly, Toronto, werc recent guests ariangcd by Miss Aura B. Rundie. at Mn. S. E. Werry's. R. N. o! the staff, proved a camplete Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto. bas surprise ta Miss 'Young. been witb ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. The evening was speut with music H. G. Pascoe. sud gamnes. Miss Leua E. Taylor Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Reynolds, Miss resd s nicely worded addness, sud at Ruth sud baby Arthur, visited with the proper time Mrs. Edith Pinch Toronto friends. Bray a! Toronto presented Mis Mrs. W. T. Baker is lu Oshawa Young wth a large rose, made o! visiting ber mather, Mms. John Peu- bandkerchiefs, escb bandkenchle! found, wba is serlously 111. Ianmlng a petal. sud ik place o! a Mn. Ross Williiams, Bowmanville. stamen, a tweuty dollar gold piece Dr. sud Mrs. Broad, Lindsay, vislted was !ound. Mn. sud Mrs. C. A. Blanchard. Miss Young bas been a valued Mn. snd Mrs. Thas. Baker sud Mn. member on the Hospital staff ou sud Mrs. John Baker visitcd at Mn. several occasions, this year relleving L. C. Snowdeu's, Maple Grave. the staff durng vacation. Very Mn. sud Mrs. H. E. Tluk sud Mn. daiuty nef rcshmeuts wene served by sud Mns. Hilton Tink speut the the nurses aftcr which aIl joined in weekeud with !niends lu Peterbora. wishing Miss Young every success in Congratulations tae!Mr. sud Mrs. ber new position. Frank Psscae ou their recout mar- niage. We wish them mucb happi- NOVEL CLOWN CONTESTS nerîs. Mn. Gea. H. Hogarth, B. A., left an For General Motors of Canada Plenie Tuesday for bis home iu Regina a!- at Oskawa, Saturday, Sept. 13th. ter a pleasant visit wlth relatives bere. Sometbing differeut ik the way o! Congratulations ta Mn. sud Mrs. a :pecial feature has been arrsnged Chas. Smith ou the arrivaI of a son: for the 1930 Genenal Matais Plcnlc, sud alsa ta Mn. sud Mrs. Gardon being held at Lakcview Park, Osh- Hardy on the arrivai o! a son. a,,a. on Saturday, Sept. i3tb. Mn. sud Mrs. Charleton McBride Prizes a! $50.00, $30,00 sud $20.00 sud Master Burton. Peterboro. Mr. for first. second and third places will ansd Mns. Clarence Tiuk sud Kath-' be awarded ta the best Clown Baud. ipen. Salem, visited at Mn. Gea. The aniy stipulations attached arc White's.1 that a baud shaîl conslst o! 5 or more School Onened on Wednosday membens sud shah came f nom cither moruing with aur new teachen, Mn. Ontario or Durham Counties. Menvin Hobbs. iu change. We wel- Iu addition ta this attraction, prizes corne Mr. and Mns. Hobbs ta our o! $10.00, $7.50 sud $5,00 are offered communltv. for the best Clown aven 14 years o! Solina Wamen's Istitute will meet age, sud pnizes o! $7.00, $5.00 sud on Tuesday afteruoou, September $3.00 for the best clown unden 14. l6th. at the home o! Mns. Norman The girls. too, have au apportunity Leach, Taunton. Let evory member ta wiu pnizes a! $7.00, $5.00 sud $3.00 be presout snd en.loy the program. fan the best cermlc costume on girls' A very successful welner roast was unden 14 years o! age. 1 held by the Division last Tuesday Ail entnies must be made at Head- evenlng an the school grounds. About quartons Tent nat later than 2 p. m. 35 were present and gaines wene ou- on the day o! the plcnic. The judg- i joyed by aIl. An abundance oi Ing wlll take place at auy time un-; wolnems was served sud afl had a known te the contestants. good time. > ENNISKILLEN Choir practice on Fniday nigbt. Scbool Pair will be held here on Sept. l9th. Mrs. Thos. Gilders bas moved. int .o Bowmanville. Miss Muriel Moore is taking a bus- iness coursg un Oshawa. Mn. au4 Mrs. S. Pethick visited frieuds m Port Hope ou Sunday. Mrs. Win. Herring is spending a !êw days with friends in Oshawa. Miss Dorotby Harris is training for a nurse in Bawmanvllle Hospital. Our streets are quiet these days since school ne-apened on Tuesday. Mns. H. Johnson, Toronto, is spefding a few days with hen moth- er, Mrs. J. Pye. Sorry ta repart Helen Brunt bas been seriousiy ill. We hope fan a speedy necovery. Mn. Howard Pye attended the Callan-Sarvis wedding at Bowman- ville on Manday. Mn. and Mns. Roy McGilI, Mrs. Thas. MeGili visited at Jacksan's Point on Sunday. We welcame Miss Marion Onchard back ta the choir work again a!ter' twa montbs' holiday. Mr. Ashton, Uxbridge, Mn. sud Mis. J. Pickard, Toronto, visited the !armer's daugbter, Mrs. R. Puice. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Haskin Smith an the arrivaI o! s baby girl at Bowmauvlfle Hospital. Mrs. J. M. Whyte and sons Arthur Joe and Don have gone ta, Kingston ta start University and Hlgh Scbool. Miss Myntie Bnt, Mr. Frank Mc- Gill, Toonto, vlsited the former's parents. Mn. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mn. and Mns. M. Rabm sud son, Mn. sud Mns. Wm. Rahrn, Oshawa, visited Mn. sud Mrs. J. Shackleton. Mn. sud Mm. Walter McLean, Bnooklin, Mn. Frank MeLean, Whit- by, werc Sunday visitons at Mn. J. H. Freebon's. Masters Allan sud Donald Fengus- on are speuding a few days wltb their grandparents, Mn. sud Mis. J. Ferguson, Uxbridge. Congratulations ta Mr. Wm. Grif- fin wbo celebrated bis 74tb birtbday on Sunday wheu a nuniber of the ýfamlly were present. Mns. J. Tamblyn sud Miss Ella sud Master Franklin Mis. J. D. Brown sud Olive, Orono, vlsited Mr. W. J. Stainton. Mn. sud Mis. Ceciu Wilson sud babe. Nestleton, Miss Mac Lamib, oENMD Mrs. J. Hepburn visited at Toronto. Mn. and Mis. F. Gilbert bave been vlsiting at Whltby. Miss E. Tamblyn, Orono, bas start- cd an her duties as teacher bere. Mn. and Mrs. A. Niddery and fani- ily, Toronto, vislted at Mn. J. Hep- buins. Mn. B. Powell, Oshawa, and Mns. W. Griffin, Ennisklllen, vlslted Mn. T. Henry. Mn. and Mis. M. Habbs bave mov- ed ta Sauina. wbere Mn. Hobbs is en- gaged as teacher. Mn. and Mrs. W. Stinson, Detroit, and Mr. and Mis. L. Stinson and famlly, vlsited at Mn. J. Stlnson's. Mr. and Mns. Ray Otis, Mn. and Mr&. Frank Adamis snd chilciren, Miss Doratby and Messrs. Fred and Frank, Messrs. J. Chittenden sud N.1 Cairns, Rochester, sud Mn. and Mrs. E. Onmistan. Bawmsnvllle, visited at Mn. W. J. Ormiston's. Mn. G. Hogarth, Regina, Sask., Mis. J. Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Miss M. Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe, Solina, Mr.C. Mackey and Mrs. E. Mackey, Broklin, Mn. and Mis. Gardon Wbite and Donald, North Oshawa, Messrs. Oliver Heatie and F. Allun, Wick, Messrs. H. G. Pascoe and Frank Pascoe Zion, and Recv. sud Mrs. W. West, Atwood, visited at Mr.t L. C. Pascoe's, J. McCulloch's and J. Parr's. Bowmanville, spent Sunday wlth their brother, Mr. Lorne Lamb. Dr. and Mrs. Siemon and Marion called ta sec the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Siemon. Dr. and Mrs. Siemon have just returned from a trip ta the Coast. A good congregation was out Sun- day evening. Our pastor. Rev. J. M. WhYte. delivered a good sermon on 'Joining the Church," wblcb was very interestlng and helpful. Miss Newel. Toronto, rendered two solos which were very much apprecjated. League meeting was held Wednes- day, August 27th, opening with sing- ing, and prayer by Audrey Dorland. Devotional chapter was taken by Rev. J. M. Whyte. Miss Grace Werry. 4th Vice, took charge. Miss Muril Moore gave a reading;; piano solo, Audrey Doland; topic, Miss, Nora Werry, on "Success comes f rom within," whicb was very helpful ta, al; reading, Oswald Pethlck. Meet- ing closed with a contest and the beniediction. SALE REGISTER TuesdaY, Sept. 9th.AuctiOn sale of f am stock and implements, the xroperty of PercY Mornison, Lt 2, Con. 7, East WbitbY. As Mr. Mar- rison is glving Up f armlng there will be no resere. Sale at one o1clock sharp, standard tixue. SeSbis. 36-1 Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. HAMPTON many farmers are busy thieshlng and report excellent cnops. Mn. and Mns. L. Truil and faniilY vislted at Niagara Falls on MondaY. Mn. and Mis. Roy McGill, Ennis- kfllen, vislted ber mother, Mr5. C. Langmald. Mr. and Mis. Edwin Wood and !amily visited wlth ber mother, Mis. S. Williams. Mn. and Mrs. H. Salter, Misses F. Wood and Ruth Johns visited Orono f niends Sunday. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R. N., of Bowmanville Hospital, is halldaying at her home bere. Miss Manjorie Pascoe bas retuned fram a twa weeks' holiday at Belle River and Detroit. Miss Nancy Johns neturued ta To- routa ta take Up teacbing again af- ter her prolonged illness. Mrs. W. G. Stephens and Miss Rowena Stephens visited Toronto friends and attended the Exhibition. We welcome Miss Miller ta aur village as teacher of the junior room of Hampton school and wish ber every success kn ber new charge. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lycett, Bow- manville. accompanied Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and Wallace an a trip ta Kingbtan on Weduesday lsst. Mrs. Jebson, Misses Edna and LuIs Reynolds attended the funeral o! Mrs. L. Hands, Scarboro, on Wedues- day last. Mr. L. T. Pascoe. Misses Marjanie and Edith. Mrs. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Margaret speut Thursday with f niends in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly aud! children returned ta Windsor afteri spending a pleasant holiday with parents and other friends. Mrs. Thas. Wilcox has returud fnom eight weeks' visit witb ber> daughter. Mrs. Daniel Rogers, Blen-' heum, and ber sister, Mrs. N Cales, Wheatley. Mrs. E. Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr. George Hogarth, Regina, Sask., Mrs. R. Pascoe and Miss Mary Ho- garth. Sauina, visited Mn. L. T. Pas- coe and Mrs. Thos. Pascae. The young people of aur village held a corn raast in Greenaway's flats an Friday night. A large at- tendance is reported. Corn and bot dogs were served. Many games were enjoyed and ail joined in a hearty sing-song around the campflre. Rev. Chas. Jeffeny, and Mn. Herb Johnston, Toronto, Dr. F. W. Heatlie, Goodlaud. Indiana, Mrs. (Dr.) Mc- Cullocb, Orono, Miss Eva Souch, Miss Annie Aflin, Mn. and Mrs. Na- than Hayes, Mn. and Mis. J. Albert Cale, Bawmanville, Mn. and Ms.Ai- bert Stainton and sou, Torontaand Mn. and Mrs. Will J. Trenouth, Nap- anee, wene recent guests o! Mr. C. W. Souch. 25e Each at KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE PIONEER RADIO DEALERS UNITE HARRY C. ALLUN JOINS WITH C. E. REHDER IN THE EMPIRE SALES CO. DISPLAY ROOMS:- KING ST. WEST REPAIR SHOP:- LOWE & DIVISION STS. Both Mr. Allun and Mr. Rehder bave been selling and servicing radio sets since the first sets were marketed locally. Both have built a consid- erable number of sets and have a torough knowledge of radio sets and repairs. This firmn is handling this year two of the finest lines, -DeFOREST CROSLEY - and - SPARTON - New sets from $148,50 and Up. Second hand batteryless sets from $70.00 and Up. Sets sold on deferred payinent plan if necessary. Give us a eaul and we will be pleased to send our radio truck with several sets to your home where you can see and hear the value, quality and tone. EMPIRÉ SALES CO, Phones Bowrnanville MI 'I 1- j 4 -i There's pep in oui service as weil as pep in aur quality mator fuel--SheU and Super Shen,. the f amous antl-knock gasoline. We stock the f amous Goodyear Tires and Tubes. There is pep for yaur coal aoù stove In aur blgh grade Coal On. Drive rlght up to aur station. We alm to please yau. BAR TLErTT S PHONE 110 KING ST. Effle fl BOWMANVI LLE These items are attractive in more ways than one. They're right at the top in quality- yet bottom-most in price. Shop here and shop thriftily. 2000 LBS. HONEY Pure Clover Honey, very special 5 Lb. Pail 50c CASTILE SOAP 10 Bars 25c BAUMERT CHEESE We get it fresh every week 1 Sc and 30c package FRESH FISH FRIDAY IIARRY ALLIN, Grocer - vl'y ý, ý7 PAGE six THE CANADIAN STATTMI". BOWBUNVMLLF, TRURSDAY, SMMYrEMBER 4, 1930 MWOTHERS By fan the greaten nuniber o! them use Johnson's Baby Powder. Tbey know It keeps baby conifortable and being pure sud hanmîcas pre- vents skin irritations. Theno is a Johnson Cream made ta relieve scalding and it does it. ý9ie

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