~I. . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BC'WMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 You owe this to the children Don't start them out with physical lhandicaps. Build their littie bodies te wi h aeo ie--iete l h Shredded Wheat they want with plenty of milk-a combination that builds sou.nd teeth, good bones and sturdy bodies. And how they love itt You don't have to coax them to eat. Delicious for any meal with fruits. SHREDDED "1COULD NOT BE BETTER" Pealse "ECONOMY" FURNACE Jýmong ls noteworthy acievements the Fconony" furflace numbers its powçer o hod t ire th t wil keep houses v.armn hroughout the night-tfld stil be re- markably econom cal. The "Economy' iqtalled for Mr. r.WillImott, Bowrnan- M villeOntario, does this. He wirtes; We are mnucti pleased w i our Pease c Fu rnace. It could lot be btter. Long lire travel, a distinctive Pease feature, contributes greaUly to this lient- ing power. Smioke doeefl ot leave the lEconomy Furnace until it has radiated nearly al Ils h eat. There are manY mnore interestlng details worth investi- -- g'iting. Ask lus for them and get our RICE & COMPANY Bowmanville LOCAL PEASE REPRESENTATIVES DR. CARL'S DISCOVERY STOPS GAS, CONSTIPATION In his private practice, Dr. Carl Weschcke flrst perfected the simple mixture now known as Adlerlka. Unlike most remedies. Adierika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old poisons you would neyerbH " were in your system. St'-"ý GAS bloating in 10 minutes! IIeliel'el chronic constipation In 2 oh',iirs! 1I _t Adierika give your stom- ach and bowels a REAL cleaning and sec how good you feel! It will surprise you! Iijry & Lovel, Drugs. Restless CH ILDREN j C HILDREN wiII fret, often for no %lapparent reason. But theres aiways Castorial As harmless as thc rec .ipe on the wnapper; miid and bland as it tastea. But ils gentie action soothes a youngster more surely than a more powenful medicine. That's the beauty of this special children's remedyl It may be given the tiniest infant -as o! ten as there is nced. In cases o! colic, diarnhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coated tongue call for j ut a few drops to ward off constipation; so doea any suggestion of bad breath. Whenevcr cbldren don't eat wel, don't nest well, or have any little upset-this pure vegetable preparation is uaually al that's needed. "Ai 1 l'iv 11 iI m..ea.=î ,-ook's R.gulating Compound A . f ttable 'e Il dhm wiéWin,. Sold in thred. effl eof @tre.4gth-No. 1, SI- 114E COOK MEDUCINECO. neOretiEngliush Pparatine j Tone and nigorates th uhole WJ~ nervous .ystenc makes new Blood 54 in old Voi. Uscd for Nervout, ~DehaQty. Mental anud Drain Wor.y ' ndency Ia ofEncrg, Palpitation ný ik, . ftatait u or. rice$ ptbo $5 ýy Id ggi:ss or mail.d in pai pkg onrecsptof r ew és pampài mail"f ~w.TUKwooo 'n.cuo coJo ONToV 1~. to match. Ail three wore the gift8 o! the bride o! seed pearl necklaces. Following the ceremony a recept-I ion was held at the home o!fthe bride where the newly married couple, assisted by Mrs. Jefferv and Mrs. Chapmsn, received over a bun- dred guesta. TMe groom's glft to bisi PAGE TBFR WEDDINGS Greaves--Moore A pretty Autumn wedding took1 place at the home of Mrs. E. M%. Wil- s son, Bond Street, Lindsay, on Sat- d urday, September 6th, at 4 p. m. S when ber only daugbter, Evelync Moore, was unlted in marrnage to Mr.b J. Morley Greaves, o! Lindsay. TheS marriage, which took place under anb illuminated arch beautifully decor-a ated witb gladioli, ferns and palais,E was solemnized by Rev. T. E. Holling, D. D., minister o! the Frst Unitedn Church, Lindsay.& The bride, who was given in mar-a niage by ber brother, Mr. James R.v Moore, o! Bowmanvllle, lookea! verya lovely in a dress o! white carrlck- t macross lace and chiffon, with long white embroidered veil held in place f witb a bandeau of! seeded pearls.L Her shower bouquet was o! JoanneE Hill roses and liy o! the vafley. Theg bridesmaid, Miss Florence Greaves,b sister o! the groom, wore a prettyb French dress o! pale pink lace, andc carried a bouquet o! Briar Cliff roses.r The best man was Mr. Orial Edger-r ton.r The wedding march was played byc Mrs. P. C. Edgerton, aunt o!fthe j bride. During the signing o! tbe register. Miss Marian Pickard sang I *'At Dawning"' accompanied by Missc Iva Robertson.11 Af ter the ceremony the Young couple received the guests, with Mrs. Wilson. mother o! the bride, wearingF a chiff on dress of sunset colon and corsage bouquet o! Talisman roses, and Mrs. Greaves, mother o! the groom, wearing a lovely dress o! black lace and corsage o! roses. 1 A dainty buffet luncheon was ser-t ved, the bride's table bemng beauti- ! ully decorated in pink and white. Dr. Hoiling proposed the toast ta the bride, to wbich the groom responded. An interesting f!eature o! the event1 was the christening o! the bride's1 little nepbew. John R. Moone, son of! Mr. and Mrs. James R. Moore of! 1Bowmanville, which took place after the wedding supper.9 For going away the bride wore a1 brown ensemble, with bat and shoes to match. Ater their honeymoon, spent in Quebec and Northern On-1 tario, the Young couple wlll reside in Lindsay. Guests were present from 1 Toronto, Bowmanville, Dunsford, Nestleton. Cambray, Fenelon Falls and Kirkfield. Lapp--Carscaflef The roozes and spacious corridors o! Ontario Ladies' College, Wbitby, formed the setting for tbe pretty 1wedding wbicb occurred tbere on Friday at 6 p. m. when Rev. Dr. C. R. Carscallen, dean of the college, unit- ed in marriage his niece, Constance Eula Carscallen, of Calgary, to Mr. Clarence Gordon Lapp o! Toronto, !çrmerly o! Brighton, Ont., and Cal- gary. The ceremony took place in « the chapel of tbe college in the presence of about '70 guests, intimate friends o! tbe bride and groom. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Myrtle Crang Clayson of Toronto, and during tbe signing o! tbe regis- ter tbe bride's cousin, Mrs. Marion Carscallen Crang. sang. The bride, who wore a wedding gown o! pink dotted Swiss net, wtb pink satin slippers, and carried a bouquet o! Sweetheart roses, Wiy-of-tbe-valley and maldenhair fern, was given away by Mr. A. P. Horner o! Calgary. She was attended by Miss Marxlne Wig- ley o! Toronto, who wore jade green georgette and carried Sweetbeart roses. The flower girl was Uittie Miss Marilyn Crang, who wore a yel- 10w frock and carried a large basket of flowers. The groom was assisted bY his brother, Mr. Donald Lapp, o! Hamiltan. Following the ceremony the bridal party, assisted by Mrs. C. R. Carseallen, aunt o! the bride, and Mrs. R. M. Lapp, mother of the groom. received the guests in one o! the drawlng-rooms. The Misses Kathleen, Helen and Alice Carscal- len and Miss Helen Sutcliffe of Trenton assisted at the wedding tea, and Mrs. George Bond o! Toronto and Mrs. A. P. Horner o! Calgary poured tea and coffee from a table trimmed wth pink ribbons, tail pink candles and roses and centred by the- stately wedding cake. The toast ta the bride was proposed by Mn. D. R. Poole of Toronto, secretary o! the Religious Education Council of Can- ada. Mn. William Andrew o! the Hamilton Conservatory of music rendered violin numbers. Later, as the bride went to change ixto going- away costume. she threw ber bouquet from the stairs. and It was caught by Miss Margaret Janiieson o! Toronto. The bride travelled in brown suit and bat. with accessonles to match. Mn. and Mrs. Lapp leit by motor for Belleville, to entrain next day for a trio to Ottawa, Montreal and Hall- f aX. On their return they will ne- riein Tnronto. where Mr. Lapp 0 a McCLELLAN & CO* Ph... là fowmmffile WEDDINGS Dale--Bateman Tninity United Cburcb was the scene o! one o! the prettiest wed- Eings o! the season on Wednesday, September 3rd, at 7.30 p. m. wben Elladys Winnifred, only daughter o! ýMIr. and Mns. J. Hamilton Bateman. Scugog Street, became the bride o! Melville Stuart Dale, only son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dale, King Street, Bowmanville. As the first notes of the wedding march f rom Lohengrin's sounded so!tly through the cburch, the groom and groomsman entened from the vestry and took their places before a fiower and f ern decked altar where the cenemonY was ta take place. The bridal Party was led up the fiower lined aisle by the ushers, Mr. Lawrence Mason and Mn. Kenneth Brake, the latter a cousin o! the groom. Following came the soloist, Mrs. Cecil Cobbledick, cousin o! the bride. wbo was attired in a smart creation o! green lace witb bat ta match. Next came the two brides- maids, Miss Grace Caverly o! Bow- manvile and Miss Dorotby Scarbor- ougb o! Toronto, walking together and robed in gowns o! rose and sheil pink sheer ciffon with velvet bats to match and carrying sbower bou- quets o! rapture roses. Directly ahead o! the bride came the mald o! honor, Miss Agnes Vanstone o! Bowmanville. wbo wore a frock o! sheer chiffon o! danker pink witb velvet bat to match, also, carrying a shower bouquet o! rapture roses. Last came the bride on the arm o! ber father. Sbe booked lovely in ber nuptial robe o! ivony satin toucbing the floor, with veil of chantilly lace caught up around the brow with a tiara o! seed pearls and orange blos- soms. She wore ivory satin sboesi and carried a shower bouquet o! buttenfly roses and lily o! the valley. The bnide's only ornament was a rope o! Ricbeleau peanis, the gift o! the groom. The best man was Mn. George Clapbam o! Hamilton, !ormenly o! Bowmanviile. The ceremony was per!ormed byj Rev. R. S. Hosking, Deputy Judge o!. the Juvenile Court, Toronto, asalat- I ed by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastar o! the church. Duning the entire ceremony Mrs. A. W. Graham o! Lindsay, cousin o! the groom, Play- ed so!tly on the ongan, and duringi the signing o! the negister Mrs. C. Cobbledick sang sweetly "TharŽzs be to God for Roses Rare." Following the ceremony tbe youngi couple received the best wlsbes o! their friends, numbering about one hundred, in the drawing room o! the bride's home which was decorated with roses and asters, the attendants, Mn. and Mrs. Bateman and Mn. and Mrs. Dale receiving with them. Mrs. Bateman wore a gown o! biege lace and chiffon witb black velvet bat and corsage bouquet o! roses. Mrs. W. F. Dale, mother o! the groom, wore a gown o!fiowered chiffon with bat to match, wlth corsage bouquet' o! roses. A buffet luncheon was served in the dining room with the assistance o! the young fniends o! the bride and groom which helped to make it a' very happy hour. A toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. J.« U Robins, and responded ta by the I groom. Dr. J. C. Devitt a;o x pressed good wishes ta the on couple. Judge Hoskings acted as; toast master. The happy couple le!t for an ex- tended motar trip ta Eastern Ontario, Quebec and United States. The bride travelled in a smant ensemble o! royal blue flat crepe wlth a fox fur trlmmed coat ta match. On thein return Mr. and Mrs. Dale w!! neslde at the corner o! Wellington and George Sts.. Bowmanvllle. On Friday evenlng prevlous to the wedding the groom was the recip- ient o! a beautiful silver cream, sug- er and tray, the gif t o! bis feilow members in Trinity United Churcb Choir. The bride on leaving the Big Brother Office in Toronto was pre- sented with a gate-leg table and sev- eral hand-painted plates; the West District Boand also presented ber with a dozen hand-paixted sand- wich tnays and cups. Miss Agnes Vanstone entertained the bridaI Party to dinnen at ber home "Cedar Cliff", on Tuesclay ev- enixg. ,effery-Chapman A wedding o! outstanding interest took place in St. Peter's Anglican Church, North Augusta, on Saturday, August 3Oth, when Dorothy Marion, daugbter o! Mn. and Mrs. George Wright Chapman, became the bride o! Mr. Harold Jarvis Jeffery, son o! Mrs. Jeffery and the late Mn. C. V. L. Jeff ery o! Toronto. The groom was born in Bowmanville and educated bride was a traveling ensemble of leather, and to the best man and the ushers, gold cuf llnks. Follovàng the reception the happy couple le! t on a three weeks' motor trip to Washingtonl, D . C. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery will reside on Glen Manor Drive, Toronto. Following the departure of the bride Mr. and Mrs. Chapman enter- tained at a dance at the Brockviile Golf and Country Club for the bridal attendants and the guests at their daughter's weddlng. Varicose Veins RapidlyReduced Simple Home Treatment That Io Glving Amazing Resuits If you have varicose veina or bunches you can start to-day to, bring them back to normal ize, and if you are wlae you wll do so. Just set an original bottie of Moone's Emerald 011 (full strength) at any drug store and apply it night and morning to the enlarged veins. It la very powerful and penetrating, and only a little la required. After a f ew days' treatment the veina will begin ta grow amaller and by regular use wlll soon reduce ta normal. Moone's Emerald 011 ls also a mar- velous healing agent. One application for instance stops the ltcblng of ec- zema, and a f ow applications causes the eruptions to dry up, soale off, and completely disappear. It la equafly as effective in barber's itcb. sait rbeuni, redness, and inflanuma- tory skln trouble. People who want ta reduce vani- cose veina, or get rid o! eczema, ta!- cers, or piles in a few days should not hestitate ta get a bottle at once. lasts a long Urne. Jury & Loveil and leadlng drug stores oeiliiots of ItL Many mothers can testif y ta the terminator, because they know troa virtue o! Mother Graves' Worm Ex- 1experience how useful it la.