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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1930, p. 5

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- -. - .~ ~~-iff , -, . ., -~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV]LLE, THURSDAY, 8EPEUMBER 11, 1930 Your Temperature When a doctor is called ta a patient one thing he is sure ta do la "Itake the temperature."1 WhY flot have a lever ther- mameter af yaur own. Take the temperature. Phone your doctor. He wli know if lie is needed. For one week we offer you a ane minute thermometer at 89C KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE ORUG STORE Friends of the Former BOWMANVILLE FAIR Can meet as usual this year through the co-oper- ation of the West Durham Agricultural Society and the Boys' Training Sehool. THE FOURTH ANNUAL BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL FALL&FAIR will be held WEDNESDAY, SEPT.- 24 Junior Farmers' Ploughing Competition. Exhibits open for inspection. Apple Grading and Packing Demonstration. Horse-Shoe Pitching Tournament Aquatic Display in Rotary Swimming Pool, featuring Vierkoeter and Ruth Tower Corsan. Address of Welcome and Presentation of Prizes. Oshawa Citizens in Attendanuce EVERYBODY WELCOME ~~v RIGHT NOW decide thatyou wil ave no heating problem' next Winter! Cmli us TODAT for Reading Anthracie- the smokelesa, economical fuel that puts greater comfort in your home and more dollars in yoar pocket. We'll guarantee resuits. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THEAT B3ETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD CO,' SER VICE WHEN YOU WANT IT Fast delivery is oui' by-word and we live up to it. Your orders are delivered just when you want them and they are of the finest quality goods that money can buy. Our prices are very reasonable and fit your budget. Let us help you with your grocery probiems. Here are a very few of the many sp eciais we feature this week: HONEY, 5 lb. pail ..................5c Extra Pickling Vinegar, p er gai .. 50c Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Celery, Red and Green Peppers for pickling. Fresh Fish For Friday Have you had a good feed of Corn this year? If not or if you feel like another, we have some Iovely corn in stock. Nice and tender. IIARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 3OWANVILLE q s LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Eva Osborne, Tontla been visitmng many aid f rlends liere. Miss Ruth Purdy recentiy visited lier cousin, Miss Mabel Purdy, Ed- ville. Mrs. Charlie Bickie lias returned home after spending a week in Kit- chener. Mr. Rupert G. Hamlyn, Ottawa, recently visited bis f ather, Mr. Thos. Hamlyn. Miss Martha Jarvis attended the Jeffery-Chapman wedding at Northi Augusta, Ont.* Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Parr, Taranto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. H. Lathrope, iAberty St. Misses Sadie and Laura Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend witli their sister, Mrs. C. W. Siemon. Mr. Wm. Joilffe, Lndsay, bas been vlaiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hardy and other relatives and friends here. Mrs. G. W. Mott and daugliter Marion. Toronto, have been spendlng a week with ber cousin, Mrs. F. F. Marris. Misses Rosie Bates and Marion Lyle have gane ta Toronto ta enter~ training for nurses at St. Jsp' Hospital. Saturday was a gala event for the' Toronto Matar Cycle Club. Tliey held their annual field day at the Cream of Barley Camp. The track was in gaod shape and there cer- tainly was some action. One needed eyes in the back of one's head for saf ety's sake. There must have been neariy a hundred machines there, alI types and sizes, and ecd one seemed ta be trying ta make mare noise than bis campanion. It was a gaod day for It, and ail man- ner o! races werc heid. J. L. Morden, the constant imprav- er and aggressive owner of the Cream of Barley Camp, la erecting five new cottages in the camp. He intends to allow his emplayeca ta live here during the winter f ree of rent. Mr' M-orden is wholly responsible for the wonderful camping grounds, menag- ciie and what nat, and by this camp and his famous Cream of Barley por- ridge bas advertised Bawmanviile inimenseiy. People came f rom al 'vem ta visit Mr. Marden's camp and ne has established many worthwhlle acquaintances through it. As the season is naw terminating for tour- ists, we wish him every success next year ini al of bis many endeavors. The Goodyear plant have a system whereby any employee wha has a suggestion that he thlnks wauid im- prove production or conditions Is re- quested ta deposit it in a speciai box in the factory. Mr. R. H. Warder of the hase department recently was awarded a prize of $25 in money for a littie thinking. In the Clan o! iast manth there is a picture show- Ing Mr. Hardy, assistant superin- tendent. Mr. W. H. Thicksan, fore- mnan o! the hase department, and Mr. Warder. Mr. Warder su@gest-I ed a f arm ta set on the rolîs a! pres- ent Air Brake Wrapping Machine that not oniy wauid increase pro-1 duction. ýut improve the product. Three ofý. the; Goodyear empiayees, namely, Mr. A. M. Hardy, W. Short and T. Veale, have a record seldamn achieved. They have been employ- cd Ini the local plant for twenty years and durlng that time they have flot 1 been absent one day because of an 1 accident. This la quite some ae- comPllshment and these men de:~ serve great credit. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE IMrs. Lewis Lyle, Midland, la visit. ing Mrs. John E. Aluin. 1 Mrs. Gomme spent the weekenc with relatives in Toronto. Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, speni iSunday with !riends here. Miss Lillie Penfound, Toronto, wa.- recent guest of Miss Emmerson. Dayliglit Saving wWcame ta ai end for this season on Sunday, Sep- tember 28th. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ali attendei the Oke-Green wedding in Whitb3 an Saturday. Mrs. H. W. Riggs, Vancouver, B.C., la visiting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. W, H. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Portoeus, Sea- forth, are visiting Mr. mmd Mrs. Smyth O'Brien. Watch for date of Fowl Supper, end of October, under auspices a! the Rebekali Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Len. Richards and Mrs. Alex Wilkins spent Sunday with relatives in Peterbora. Mayor M. J. Elliatt la spending the week in Ottawa and attending the Opening of Parliament. Misses Gladys Jaxniesan and K.ath- leen I. Hall have entered as nurses- in-training at Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. L. J. Pruner, Rochester, N. Y., is visituîg Mrs. Wm. Brock, Queen Street, and other aid frlends here. Miss Blanche Ring, Brantford, and Miss Florence Ring, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Norman Tay- lor. Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley and Mrs. James C. Dudley are holidaying at Fairy Part Inn, Fairy Lake, Lake of Bays. Editor and Mrs. Gea. w. James are in Halifax this week attending the Canadian Press Association conven- tion bemng held there. Misses Eisie Yeo and Audrey Prout1 bave returned after spending hall- days in Kenniore, N. Y., with their cousin, Mm. Ross Pooley. Mr. P. E. Greenfieid, wbo is re- lieving agent at Finlay on the Can- adian National Railway, apent Sun- day with has family here. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. J. Veale and daughter meturned ta Harrow on Wednesday week af ter spending their holldays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Smyth O'Brien and Mer. and Mrs. A. L. Portoeus were Sunday visitors with Mr. W. J. Riggs and Mrs. J. Pye, Enniakillen. Messrs. James and Tam Cale have returned ta their home in Victoria, B. C., after spending a pleasant visit with their brother, Mr. W. C. Cale. Mr. G. A. McMurtry and daughter Kathleen, St. Thomas, were recenti guests of bis brother, Mr. T. J. Mc- slurtry and sister, Mrs. S. J. Honey. Mr. W. G. Giffler, who has been local agent at Tyrone Station, Can- idian National Raiiway, bas been appointed ta a similar position at Starkville. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. White and family motared ta, Toronto, Whltby, Oshawa and Bowmanville lust Sun- day, visiting relatives in ecd city and town.-Milton Champion. St. John's Anglican Churcli was favared with a visit f rom, Mr. R. Bonis, a student at Wycliffe College, Toronto. Mr. Bonis asslsted Rev. R. J. Sbires in the services on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson were in Blackstock an Sunday visitlng their daugliter, Mrs. Cecil Hi!l, and attending the re-opening services of the United Churcli. Rev. Dr. Bowles was the preacher in the morning and Pastor F. W. Newell in the evening. Dr. and Mrs. Bowles were married in that churcli 42 years ago. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Trew. Wllow- daie Farm, Oak Hill, ceiebrated their olden wedding on August 28th when alarge asaembly of guests weîe pies- ent f rom Cartwright, Unionvilie, Dreemore, Peterbora, Oshawa, Bow nanvllle, Millbrook, Scugog, Ragln ind Port Hope. Appreciative ad- dresses and ioveiy gif ta were present- id. THE CHIJECHES "What la that in thine hand?" and Moses said, "A rad," was the text used by Rev. J. U. Robins at the Sunday marnlng service in Trinlty United Churcli. He stated God made no mlatakes in bis choice of men ta do his work. Everyone lias a gift. be It smaIl or great, which lie is expected ta use. What are you daing with yours? gts evening dis- course was based on thie wards "Man shaill ot ive by bread alone," and was alsa a very Practical sermon. Mr. Ross Strike sang a solo in the mornlng and Miss Helen Argue In the evenlng. BMITHS SUTTON-In Bowm=avliieHospital an Saturday. September 6th, 1930, to Mfr. and Mrs. Francis Sutan, a son (stilU- bora>. SMITH-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Auguet 2Oth. 1930, ta Mr. and Mrs. Hos- kin C. M. Smilth, Enniskillen, a daughter -Margaret Jean. MARRIAGES LONSBERRY--CRAGO - At the Par- sonage, Courtice, Ont., on Wedneuday, Sept. 3rd, by Rev. H. C. Wolfriim, Esie Viola Crago of Darllngton township to Lawrence Henry Lonsberry of Bowman- villet. LAPP-CARSCALLEN - On Frlday, Sept. 5th, 1930, at 6 p. tu. in the chape, of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, ont., by the bride/s uncee Rev. Dr. C. R. Car- scallen, Constance Eula Carscallen of Calgary, Alberta, ta Gordon Lapp of To- ronto. JEFFERY-CH-APMAN-Ât St. ?eter's Anglican Church, North Augusta, on Sat- urday, August 30th, 1930, by Rev. L. G. O. Walker, Rector of the church, asslst- ed by Rev. R. P. D. Hurford, Sheibourne, Ont., Dorotby Marian, only daughter of Mr. George Wright Chapman and Mrs. Chapman of North Augusta, and Harold Jarvis Jeffery, or the Department o! National Revenue, ony son of! r. Jef- ery and the late C. V. L. Jetfery, Tor- 'nto. Grandson of ex-Chief Richard Jarvis. Bowmanville. DEATHS TURNER-In Peterboro. August 2Otb, 1930, Mrs. William Turner, a former res- ident of Millbrook, In her 93st year. SMITH-In Clarke township, Sept. 7tb, 1930, Mary B. l3ullied, beloved wife of latte Richard '%. Smith. Interment at N ,wtonvle cemetery. BUCKLEY-ln Orono, at the mesldeziae Tiiursday, Sept. 4th, 1930, John Buckley, a1ýed 94 years, 6 months. COLWELL-ln flowmnnville, on Fr1l- dIay, Septeînber 5th, 1930, R. Leslie Col- w,11, eldest son of Mrs. Mina Colwell andý the laie Albert Colwell, aged 26 years. STAPLETON-In Clarke, on Sunday S PI. 711i, 1930, Ewart (lare, son o! Mr.: and Mrs. George J. Stapieton, aged 3 Yaears, 3 mnonîhs. lnterred In Bowman- ville C omelery. IN MEMORIAM In lovIng memory of a tlear husband anîd father, Samuel Candler, wbo passedý a.way Sept. 1Oth, 1929. lIts now one year, lîow swi!t ture files. Love's sweetlest nîemory neyer dieu. %,' miss his hellp, his cheery ways, WVith bim we spent our happy dayu, We mii.s bit when we need a frlend, On hlm we niwnvta could liel)end; le cheered aur lire and soothed aur pain, God grant morne dav we'l meet again. * Wi!e and Famill3 GENERAL TRUCKJNG Live Stock, Apples, Suppiles, Furniture, etc. First class service, prompt at- tention by competent and ex- perienced man. FRANK VICE 1West of Mapie Grave on Kingston Higlway. R. R. 2, Bowmanville Phone 203_-11 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE -jMiss M. M. Armour wha bas been spending the summer as usuai ai i Port Bowmanville, bas returned to Toronto. ,t Mr. and Mis. Gea. Wilson and sons Norman, Vance and Jack, Yel- verton, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mis. J. W. McLaughln. Mr. Ruasell Eckerman and Mr. 2Don. Gilinare, Cleveland, Ohio, were recent guests of Mr. and Mis. David Keith and Miss I. K. Smith, B. A. Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg, and Mr. and Mia. Leslie Guy, Osh- awa, recently vlaited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook. Mr. and Mis. F. J. Spry had a pleasant call last week f rom Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stevenson, Toronto, and Mr. and Mis. L. B. McLean, Minne- apolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Osborne and Mr. David Keith, Newark, New Jer- 1sey, have been vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. iDavid Keith and Mayor and Mrs. Milton J. Elliatt. Rev. J. W. Pediey, Toronto, gave The Stateaman a !riendiy caîl on Manday. He was eturning fram conducting service at Coid Springs where bis boyhaod days were spent. Mrs. (Rev.) H. Strike and twa sons, Ross o! Bowmanvifle and Glenn o! Ottawa, and their wives 'caiied on Campbel!ord !riends at Trent River recently.-Enterprise. Mrs. F. Knox, Mrs. E. Flaxman, Mrs. D. A. Smith and Mrs. Gea. E. Chase bave returned !rom a matai trip through the Adlrondacks ta New York and Atlantic City and other American cities. Mr. W. C. Fergusan attended a meeting o! the Directors a ai wright Agicuturai SocietyonM - day evening. They are rnaking pie-' parations for a bigger and better Fair day on September 27th. IRev. J. U. Robins o! Bownianvilie was the preacher bath morning and evenmng in the United Church. His former congregation were delighted ta weicome him back ta the Wellng- ton pulpit and enjayed bis messages. -Picton Gazette. Mr. G. A. Gillispie, Liberty Street, Bowmanville, won the Ontario Veg- etabie Growers' Association 41rst prize for staked tomataes. Three others campeted. This is a cash prize a! $14. Mr. Gillispie won 90j marks out a! a passible 100. On September 5th, J. K. Appiegath passed away gt the residence o! bis sister, Mrs. W. J. Onr, 24 Garfild Ave. North, Hamilton. Deceased la f ather o! Rev. C. S. Applegath o! Middlefield, Cann., a former pastor o! the Part Hope Methodist Church.t HOUSE TO RENT-By October lot, 6 roons and bath, garage, on Ontario St. Apply E. Passant, King st. E., Bow- maville. Pne 563. 3. HOUSE TO RENT--Seven roonis, wat- erworks. bath, electric ligbts, iocated King & Ontario St., Bowrnanvllle. Ap- piy A. A. ColwilI, Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, Bowrnanville, 6 rooms, newly decorated; garage and garden. Âpply ta SUaa, Fauter, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 30-tf For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near C. N. R., modern conventences. Apply T. E. Flaxmnan. Phone 318. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENTI -AMl modern conveniences. Apply J. E. Flett, George St. or Pihone 384. 33-tf IR...!Estate Foré Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 7-roomed eoili brick bouse on Queen St., modern con- veniences, furnace, %-acre land, lots of fruit, chicken bouse, garage. Teris 1if reýquired or will exohange for imnallerI bouse. Apply ta L. Hooper, Queen St., or box 485, Bownianville. 35-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick residenae, contaIning eight roumis, bathroorn, clos- i ets and pantry; bardwood floors; and ail modern conveniences; good vegetable garden; double garage; very desirable location. For ternis and particularis ap- ply on the Premnises ta W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horney Ste.. or box 29, Bowrnanville. Phone 125. 80-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Best built bouze on Carlisle Avenue, takes anly four tons of coke per winter for furnace and stove, bas dome It tlie last four winters; now renting for $25 per month; three roomu and three closets u patairS, six roormasnd hall including bedrooni and bathroom downstairs; cellar divided with cernent waUl; garage and hien bouse. Tesrni easy. Apply to C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 35-tf Deairable Reaidence For Sale Eight rooms, salid brick modern bouse.1 ston-e foundation, 2 atoreys and large- attio Rlth, 6 windows, white oak trim Wzi 3 mrne downsatars, large suni rooni 10x 30 faclng south, hack porcb, cellar ha&~ brick partition, 2 laundry tubs ln cellar, hot water beating, wired for electric atove and electrie grate, brick garage,( corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, matured sbrubs, largo& shade trees, fruit garden, ane af cbaicent locations ad best built bouabes In tawn. Priced reasonable for Immediate sale. Apply ta owner, C. Rebder, ai Bowmanvilie Foundry Ca. Office. Bownianville. 25-tf TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Applications for Office of Collector of Taxes Applications for the ffice o( Tex Col- lector for the Township o! Darlington for the vear 1930 wiil be received by the undersigned up ta, 12 o'clook noon on Monday, Sept. 22nd. Applicants ta ap- pear in persan at the Town Hall, Hamp- tan, ai 8 ocelook p. m. Sept. 22nd, 1930. Duties of the Collector ta commence J. D. HOGARTH, Hampton, sept. sth, 1930. Clerk. 1 o"t or Found HEIFER ESTRAY-A brindle heifer, weigbing between 600 or 700 Ibo., utMaYed bfrom ranch east o! Tyrone. Send In- ýformation o! ber wbemeabouts to T. W. Cawkem, Bowmenvllle. 37-1 d Want.d x HELP WANTED - Cook genemal for smail family, no Appiy ta Mrs. A. WV. 3cKerxziec, Lakeileld 37 -24 e WANTED-Boots end shoes to mepair, dneat job, nioderate prices. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bow- manville. 36-3* WORK WANTED-Wll do housework- by day, or cail for and deliver wasbing. -Apply Mrs. Jim Newman, R. R. 6, Baw- ilmanville. Phono 1l60r5. 36-2 APARTMENT WANTED, FURNIS.- 1ED-3y young married couple, ýtbre o four ronisno family. centrall lcaed mapl ta rawer B., Initiai "Hl', Bow- manvlie.37.7* Agents Wanted Earn upwards o! $25 weekly, aIl win- ter, growing musbrooms; for us, in oel- lars. lllustmated booklet free. Con- adien Mushroom Ca., Toronto. 37-1 EITHER SEX $75 WEEKLY EASY- Selling Paico Products. Sornetbing dif- ferent. Fast sellers, gond repeaters. 1Exclusive territories. Free samples. P. A. Lefebvre & Company. Limited, B3ox 2. Aleandria, Ont. 37-1 Articles Fer Sale L WOOD FOR SALE-Dry hardwood, al- so soe soi t wood. Apply Luther Hoop- er, Tyrone. Phone 194r3. 37-1 FOR SALE-About 3000 4-incb field tile, good quality. J. W. Dunn, Brook- dale Nurseries, Bowmanville. Phone 7. 37-1w KNITTING MACHINE FOR SALE- itUP)lex Kniting Machine, good as new, for legs then two thirds o! coat.- Mrs. Stocker, Scugog St., Bowmanvillt. 37-2e FOR SALE--Oldsmobile 1929 Sedan, will trade for cash or cattle. Apply to A. Teskey, 3 miles east o! Newcastle on the H-ighway. P. O. Newcastle R. R. 2. as-se TRACTOR FOR SALE- Second hand Fordson tractor, in good cond ition. Ap- puy L. R. Wood, McCorniick Deering agent. Phone: Shop 597, or bouse 555, Dowrnanville. 36-3w FOR SALE-Booth et th-e fair grounds, oivned by W. J. Bagnel. ExoolIlent for clîicken bouse or summer kitchen. Reas- onablt. Phone or ral et W. J. Bagnell's Store, King Street, Bowmanvilîe. 35-tf FOR SALE-Used pianos for students, et very easy terme and prices. Tr-ustees will call me for Information on organe for school Purposes. 1 have Pianos for schooi use and will seO] et nominal prices to promote music study and later sale o! more expesisive instruments. F. J. Mitchell, Phone 105, Bowmanville. 36-tf TO Let STORE TO RENT-Stoeformerly oc- cupled hy Mr. Logan on ling St., next ta RayaI Theatre. WiIl he meady ta, be occupied by August lut. Apply ta J. J. Mason or ta Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-tf Apartments to Rent FLAT TO RENT-F'ive moarne, watem- works, electmiclights. Appiy Statesman Office. APARTMENT TO RENT-Partly fur- nisBed. Apply Mrs. Dlnniwell, Silver St., Bowmanvllle. Phone 84. 37-1w APARTMENT TO LET - 5-rooxned apartment in Cowan Block, Bowman- ville. eiectric range, ail modern canven- iences. Phone 270. 36-ttfle Hiouses To Rent HOUSE TO RENT--5-roomed bouse. Apply ta 3)rm. Jas. Jebeon, Hamnpton. Phone 382r2. 37-tf HOUSE TO RENT--ooned cottage on OdelI St., newly decorated, $18 month. Apply Gen. Vamcoe, Bowinanvlle. 37-1' SHOP AT THE "BIC 20" Pen and Pencil Sets attractively priced -Bargains in Stationey... Old reliable Ltus Lawn"9 at reduced prices ... Some- thing different in Waddington's f9ayig cards, the ideal bridge prize ..Gifts for showers. "fIG 20" J. W. JE WELL1 BOWMAANVILLEC To School They Have Gone Be! are the wet Fall days corne .... ..... dress them up witli a new pair of shoes. If you realize the value of - . healthy feet see that they are wel Girls will be ail ln love with these neat strap shoes: 8izes 8to 10 1.8L5 to $3.0Pr. Slzesl1to 2 ...$2.25 to $3.50Opr. Boys' Oxfords, 1 ta 5, Goodyear - welt sole ..............$.00 pr. -Boys' Boots, 1 to 5Y2, black elk, $32i r. Youths' Boots, il to 2, black and brown .................$2.U5 ]W. The older boys and girls will like our Oxfords. Every pair made ta give real service. Prices reasonable and quality hlgh The Elite Shoe Store" "SHO9CES TRAT SATISFY" W. CLAUDE MgE, Manage. Outstanding Unles FALL SUITS YOUNG MEN'S 2-PANT SUITS $12.95 For This Thursday, Friday and Sa.turday These suits are in shades of brown and grey tweed effeets; smart double breasted models and won- derful wearing quality; reguax prices $16.50, On Sale tliis week-end $12.95 BOYS' 2-BLOOMER SUITS $9.45 Beautiful shade of f awn in the season's sniartest makes, with coat and 2 pair of bloomer pants, regular $11.95, On Sale $9.45 MEN'S NAVY BLUE AND BLUE STRIPE SUITS $19.85 These are in ail wool serges and fine pin stripe effeets; double and single breasted modela; values that were up to $27.50, On Sale $19.85 It will pay you to see these values. Te B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite R ank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville WIIOLE WHEAT BREAD Health, Happiness and Long Life. Here it is at your door, when you eat our whole wheat loaf. It is satisfying to the palate, makes deliejous toast, and is very nourish- ing. You haven't experienced the best in bread until you've tried it. Phone 3 and we wiIl deliver to-day and every day except Sunday. We have a bread wagon on evexry street every day, waiting to serve you. W. P. CORBETT Bowmanville and 'Orono PAGE FmT 0 e 16 m

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