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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1930, p. 9

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qui 1",711ý 1 N 11K2e \ "Can 1 aff ord it?" RRF.)fosE TEK* ma m"Mm I. Ira 6 ai Sc Y( 01 ci ec C( i Julie, there must be some way out. den scream rose shrilly abave the I'11 do anything . . . anything . noise, followed by a burst of hysteri- She lauglied wlth white lips. cal laugliter and the clatter of break- "What can you do? I suppose you'Ul ing glass. say that you are unhappily married, "What on earth-" Chittenham, and ask me to be sorry for you? Per- began. haps you will even aifer to divorce Doris Gardener laughed. her?" "It's only Julie Farrow. 1 don't "She would be as glad of ber free- knaw wliat's happend to lier lately. [arn as I sliould," Chittenham said She was Quite drunk here the other curtly. niglit. I wonder they didn't turn lier Julie lauglied in lus face. out." "Julie . . II He cauglit hold aoflier "Julie Farrow" Chlttenham's volce ao roughly that she cried out. "Do was calmn and indifferent, but he felt 'au thinli you're going ta be the only as if some one had tugged itbis one to suifer?" he asked savagely. heart. *Do yau think i t doesn't rebound an "Yes, do you her? She used ne tao? Do yau think I wanted ta ta be rather a frIend ai mine, but one care for you, or for any waman? 1 had ta draw the Uine somewhere. set a trap for you and I've been Just lately she seems ta, have tali- cauglit in it myself." en leave aoflier senses." She flung back lier head and look- Chittenham's eyes were straining ed at him. witli blazing eyes. across the room in the direction f rom III wish I could kil Yau. I wlsh I whicli the noise bad arisen, but tliere could kill you," she panted desper- was too mucli of a crowd for hlm ta' ately and was gane. distingulsh any one face. * * *"Yau mean the famous Julie Far- Giles Chittenliam's mother leaned row. I suppose," lie submitted lacon-, back in lier chair and applied an ab-, ically. FOURTH INSTALLMENT What Has Gone Before Giles Chittenliam, distressed over the suicide ai lis yaunger half-bro- ther Rodney, returns ta Europe f ram America, wliere lie lad made an un- happy marriage. Rodney liad killed himseif because a natoriaus woman, Julie Farrow, tlirew hlm aver. Giles is introduced ta Julie Farrow by bis f riend Lombard, i Swtzerland. He resalves ta make ber fallinh love wtli hlm, then tlirow lier over as she threw Radney. She tells hlm she lias made a bet wth hler friend "Bim" Lennox that she can drive lier car ta the top ai the St. Bernard Pass and bacli. Giles challenges lier ta take hlm witli ler and she accepts. Tliey start out i the face ai a gatherlng snawstarm. Chittenliam discovers, ta bis amazement, that the girl beside hlmn in the car appeals ta hlm as no other woman lias ever appealed. And samething intangible convinces hlm that lier feeling tosward hlm* 15slm- ilar ta lis own taward lier. "Do you belleve ilave at flrst siglt?" lie asks lier, as tlie car talls up the mountain toward the hotel. At tlie litel, aiter roi resbment, Chittenliam and Julie found their mutual attraction so strang as ta be irresistible. In the momning tliey returned ta the town below, Julie ap- parently jubllantly hiappy. Lombard tells Chlttenliam that lielias made a mistake, that this Julie Farrow is not the one wlio ruined Rodney, but lier cousin ai the same naine. Chit- tenliam is liarrifled. He caîls at Jul- le's liotel and confesses that lieliad tried ta wn lier love f or purpases af revenge, belleving lier ta be the ather Julie. Naw Go On Wth the Story 11 know it saunds a damnable i- suit . . . but you musn't farget wlio I thauglit you were. A notoriaus woman-a woman wlio caunted one man more or less as nothlng. I wanted ta make yau more-to, see if I cauld make you care for me and then treat yau as you liad treated my brother. Yeu told me yau had neyer really cared for any man and se . . . last niglit... IHe f elt lier sway beneath his hands "Yeu mean . . . it was all just a game?" slie asked dazedly. Her eyes neyer le! t i flushed, agitated f ace. Chittenliam watclied lier, white- faced, tense. Suddenly lie faund himself beside lier, holding lier unresponsive liand, pleading witli ler. "Forgive me. For God's salie, say yau forgive me. I shahl neyer f or- give myself. I'd give ten years ai my 111e ta wipe out the ghasthy mis- take. But it wasn't altagether my fauht. Lombard-" She turned lier liead and hooked at hlm. "Can you blame Mr. Lombard be- cause yau wished ta beliave Uike a cad ta a waman wha had neyer dane you any liarm?" Chittenham flushed crimsan. uSlie sent my brother ta lis death. I liad a riglit ta make lier pay." "'Your brather was as mucliofai coward as you are.'U'he very still- ness aiflier vaice was like a kife- cut. "Brave gentlemen bath af you! The ane ta die and leave the stigma o! bis deatli upon a woman wlio neyer wanted hlm and lad aiten told hlm so and the ather ta break a waman's whahe 11e i order ta satisf y lis petty pricre and the thing I sup- pose lie cals bis lionour. ... "Julie!" Chttenham said passion- ately. And then sameliow, witliout - either ai them being cansciaus aifliavig moved, she was in lis arms sobbing, lier face buried an bis shaulder, lier arms about lis necli. "Oh, say yau lave me . .. say you realy love me-" she pleaded wildly. "Oh. do you really lave me after aIl?" Chttenham answered between cen- dhed teetli: "I do, Gad lielp me." It was the truth; a truth ai whlcb lie lad neyer dreamed. He turned lier face up ta hlm and kisséd lier lips. "I love yau-whatever happens, al- ways remember that I lave yau-" lie said liaarsehy. She f reed lierself fram lis arms, wlped lier eyes, and puslied back lier halxr. "I hope nothing else is go-goig taeliappen," she said, hlf sabblng stilh. "I think I've had enaugli for one day. I'm nlot used ta cryig... it doesn't suit me.... He cauglitlier liand. holding lier fast. "Wait . .. Jule, tliere's somethlng else; samething . . I He drew lier inta bis arms again, holding lier f ast for yet another mo- met, then lie gently reheased lier. "I love yau witli all my leart and soul-" lie said lioarsely. "But you will liate me when you know ail the truti-liate me more than I can ever Juhie, I'm nat4f ree A -rr yu -that new barn. . . new team . . . new tractor? A savings account built up year by year by banking part of every milk cheque, grain ticket or sale of livestock will give you the answer. The farmer with money in the Bank knows he can buy what he needs when he needs it. YOU WILL LIKE DANKING AT TE ROYAL. -y' -J ?X~1 i~ The Royal Banik 3M f Canada Bowmanville Branch - - L G. Hefkey, Manaer I wish 1 could kil you! 1 wssh 1 could kil you !t" surd liandkerchief taelier eyes. Doris glanced across tlie raom. Giles frowned and moved restless- "There sleie - slie sald. "In the ly aver ta the wlndow. green f rock. No-over the other side, He liad ail a man's dislike for a sitting an the arm aof the chair scene, and for the past tliree days lie laughing . . . Tliat's wliat I cail a liad been treated ta one every time cocktail laugli. Came alang. I'm lie was in lis motlier's presence. sure Essen and your mather are bar- He faund himself remembering the ed ta tears witli one another by this barely-furnislied room at tlie hatel turne." an tlie heiglits ai St. Bernard-the But Chlttenham did nat mave. He isohated top-af -the-warld raom i was looking at tlie girl in the green whlch lie lad hld Julie in 1115 armns. frock-a green fracli oi whlcli there He liad been forced ta leave Swit- seemed ta be se very little with whicli zerland witliaut seeing lier again, al- ta caver lier white necli and arms. thougli le had made several at- Her lips were painted a vivid red, and tempts. she was laughlng naisily-immoder- He liad wired Sadie tlie name af atehy-haugliter which died away the liatel at whicl lie intended ta suddenly as she met bis gaze across stay, and the day following liS ar- the raam, and It was bis Julie-the rival a letter came from lier. waman wha, had said she laved hlm, Slie did nat even sign lier name, and witli wlim lie lad spent tliat and Chittenham burnt the letter as neyer ta be faorgatten niglit on tlie soan as lie lad read it. top ai the warhd. A tliousand tlmes since lie leit Doris Gardener tugged at Giles Switzerland lie lad thouglit ai ask- Chittenhiam's ami. ing Sadie ta divorce hlm, but Cht- 'Came along! If Julie sam me tenlam knew ber wel enaugli ta sle'l want ta jain aur Party and I'm guess that if she thouglitlie wlslied nlot anxious te have lier. Oh, damnn ta get rld aoflier she wauld neyer ah- -I knew it would liappen-" 10w hlm ta do so. She slirugged lier slioulders realgri- Ail these thauglits were passing edly as Jule suddenly detaclied ber-I tlirough lis mind as lis mother went self from the naisy group she was on wailing and complaining. witli and tlireaded lier way acrosa Giles turned around. the room. "I thouglit you were toa miserable Doris glanced at Chittenham. "Do ta wisli ta go anywlere," lie sald You knaw Mr. Chlttenliam, Julie?" liarsly. "I'm lianged if I know wliat She made tlie introduction wth ob- the devil you da want-" Then as vi elucanretundCitna' she burst inta tears lie repented, and Jl a eundCitna' apolagised remorsefully.' formal baw wltli a carehess nad. His mother drled lier eyes and 'Haw are Yeu? I've heard af you," smiled faintîy. she sald casually. "Rodney Ardron's "I daresay Yeu wll be shocked" hall brother, aren't Yeu? Delghted she sald almost coquettislily. "But I ta meet yau." sliauld lave ta go out ta dinner and Chlttenliam's face bardened be- then ta a dance samewlere." neath its pallor. He feht as if lie were "Very wel, we'll go out ta dinner in tlie presence af a stranger wha ,and a dance," lie agreed. "rhiere yet loaked at hlmn with wel-behaved wudyou like ta go? Thie Savoy .. .,,'PyeS. "Oh, no!'.. ...She was looking "I thinli we have.met bei are," lie 1quite eager. "To a niglit club. Ive said witli caol deliverance. neyer been tea aniglit club, Giles, net J"He aved e? bOsh ot ' ta a real -one that is open ail niglit, "Hv e Ohsulynt I' 1and where you eat eggs and bacon at se good at remembering faces. Per- tliree a'chack i the mornlng. Itliaps you are mistaking me for my 1would be quite ahl riglit wth Yeu, cousin-the ather Julie!" She augli- wauldn't It?"1 ed insalently. "That daes happen "It wouldi be quite ahi rigît any- Sametimes I assure Yeu,'lie said, 3way,' lie answered amusedhy. "These turning ta Doris. "Julie prababhy places are anly wliat you dhoose ta wvouldn't be flattered if she knew, but make them. Very wel. wliat time do all the same it happens accasianahhy. we strt?"Yeuin ay not believe me, Mr. Chit- "we a start i t ?" tenhairn. if You knaw my cousin that1 "Wliat ime isit nw" i-but a mian once kissed me in the "Cal ar m t nne."!iost iiniiîssioned manner thinking I SCa liearimed tin te dll hglly '.athe other Juliel Sa very awk- r Sercl. esr'cciainytas he was a man *expensive street wliere lis mather., hon. I ereiy ca s he."sa a lived, punctualhy at nine o'clock. . "A izappoeryinmcnt tslte mn ls The door opened behind him, and ""d.apîtm otemnas his mthercame n. lerhaps." Chi'ttenhamn said bitterly, * "I haven't kept you waiting. have bt-!l nyluhý1 IV' she asked gaily. Ç xiirinued Next Weck Qiles turned round, then le rase slawly ta bis feet. He felt as if lie was in the presence af a perfect S in efG i stran'se. . wel, it's amazlng!" lie 5 Lbs. In 30 Days csald at ast. "You dan't look a day - rmore than thlrty-flve." "Yeu dear thing!" She staad on Feel Superbly Healthy Wlth tip-toe and klssed hlm gracefully. Marvelous New Vitality and "Sa you won't mind dancing wtî Staeth-or Money .Back! syour old mather to-niglit, Giles?" 5 "And wliere are we galng?" Mrs. McCay's Cod Liver Extract, Tab- 1 Ardran asked, as tbey drove away. lets-sa ridl iIn lealtli-promating, "I'm told the Faun is the place ta invigarating and rejuvenatlng ehe- go te," 011e sald. "If You don't like ments-tliat's the secret liaw sa - it we can go on samewliere else." many thi, anemlc men are addlng e But Mrs. Ardron adared it, and tald sturdy, rugged flesli on their scrawny hlm sa every iew minutes durlng the frames-liaw tliey're building up evening wltli varled extravagance. amazing power af endurance, great Presently she saw some people she vitality and energy. yknew. Cod Liver Extractives have been r "Darling!I you slmply must be in- prescrlbed for years by warld's great- d troduced! They're sudh sweet people. est medical autliorltles for rundown, Doris Gardner iS the girl-na, tlie weak, nervous men, women anid -one i the black firock and the scarlet children. liaes. She's twenty-twa, and shles The great energizing, flesh-addi i .Iust gat divarced from lier husband." and leahth-reguhatig substance, Gihes hooked at the girl witti the found mast abundantly i the livens rscarlet shoes. ai the lowly Cadflsl, lias beeri ex- d "Do Yeu dance, Mr. Chittenlamn?" tracted and put ita delghtfuill , Doris asked. peasant and palatable sugar caate< "Yes. May I have the pleasure McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, if 7" 60 tablets cost only 60 cents at They went away tagether tbxougl any drug store andid f any sklnny the pillared partition ta thie room mari doean't gain at least 5 poundb g. wliere the jazz band played. A sud- i 30 days-hls money back. YOU'VE NEVER SEEN a cleaner, more carefully sixed or more economi- cal hard coal than the Famous Re'ading Anthracite we are sellind. Let it intro- duce you to greater heating happinesF -'phone us your order TODAY. Henry Lathrope Phone 520 Bowmanville THAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA BARD) COAL If You Think You'l Act Now If you stop ta «V realize tbat you're i Une for prompt delivery and 100% efficient service if you order your coal at once, you will be sure to do 11. Later on, when people are rush- lng last minute orders ta us, there is bound ta be a congestion wicZi wil delay deliveries. Have the best of service and prices by ordering now. Stove . ...........$15.o per ton Egg ....................... «.$15.00 per tan Cbestnut .................. $15.00 per ton Pea ....................... $12.50 per ton Coke ....................... .$11.50 per ton A discount of 50c a tan will be allowed off these prices for cash wlth order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville or McCLELLAN & CO. Phone 1.5 Bowmanvilê It Happened! Not his fault-he was crowded off the road. But he suffers repair bis just the same. This rnay happen to you when you ieast ex- pect it. The only way to have your mind free of dread is to carry compiete auto insnr- ance so that in case of damage you are fully protected against hea,%y financiai loss. There is a policy to fit every requirement, and we shall be glad to send a representative to tel you about them. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokens Phonoe5W King St. E. Bowmanvill. PAGE NMU THE CANADIAN STATEMEAN, BOWMANM-LE, TRURSDAY, SEFMMBER 18,1930

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