TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE TEN Mr. and Mrn. Harve Matchlett and ebldren spent a few days in Toronto the ealy part of last week. Mrs. George Wise and children, To- ronlto, are spending the week with lier Xufts, the Misses Breen, Pierview. IDO IT- NOW BEFORE THE RUSH £0we PrPIOes! Grenter Values! Mone.v-Saving S,-tr 1MONEY SAVED 15 MONEY EARNED The eaiest way to worthwhlle kitchen thrift is the A & P-d Store. You'il find prices so low they will surprise you. Remenier -money saved is nioney earned. Thrift begins at the A & P. CANADA'S PINEST PACKAGE COFFEE DOKAR SPEMFEE 1-lb. Tin47,e F INE GRANULATED BROWN OR WHITE SUGAR RXEDPTH lOba. 47,e Every tomato liu.i-picked and oniy the choicest nsed Z T mato LARPGE HREIN Ketchup BTL 19e Mfore Mone.-Satving Values FINES? QUALITY CREAMERY OUR 0W/N NECTAR BLEND SILVERBROOK BLENDED INDIA ]Butter lb. 31e Tea lb. 3e_, Fancy Sunnyfieîd, lb. 34e A REAL VALUE ON TRIS WONDERFUL FOR SALADS FAVORITE LAUNDRY SOAP DELMONTE SURPRISE Pineapple Soap 10Bar. 47. CRUSIIED N-0. 249,e ATTRACTIVE LOW PRICES TN SALADA FOR COOL MORNING BREAKFASTS Tea lb. 530 QUAKER REGULAR OR UC BRIOWN LABEL BmACK LARGE V-1h. kg. 27ec ts PKG.24 - -RESER VING ITEMS CROWN JARS- DOZ. $1.09 DOZ. 98C Rubber Jar Rings DOz- 8c Zinc Jar Rings ')Oz. 18c LOW REGULAR PRICES Conmpare thexe price-.sth ri'gîulr prictxes el>eulere-ýou'II ind el & P iower, of c.oure. GILLEX......... ........Pitg. uîi OXti CIMlES, Pt-kçed 1in Tin. . I2r (iXi)CUBiES, Parua-d 10in 'rin .. 1 Crowýn or Be,-tive C-oINx SviUm... 2 No. 2 Tiq-,-. l FUt, mu ARS. Crîxpo ... 2 1Io.-, : S 1L SODA, A & Il .2 2 Ph tk--.. ix- %titiell.EY'S <'M....: Pug.i. TOWD ... .....I1 -iii.'Fin -3m -rouTFv.Y............-1). Tinmu - t-n..IuuLK iUDS ........uP, 29- OR~-...................i iAi SOAP, Gîit ,ze.2 tUkes ji (hriu -î-x WATEI.îCE WAFLILS .... - ':g a CERTO ... Bottie 29e PARA WAX .-IL.13c Pickling Spice. .1b. 25c T:IE O'E F SA 1,) DREFSSINGS ENCORE Ma7onnaise 3i --ounce Jar ...13c 81 -ounce Jar ...23c i 6-ounice Jar....43c 32-ounce Jar....7.3c i 2*1.ounce Jar $2.69 AilE A7. s HARVEST noi"\SITB«ý-jiEF 17 %LE SHOULDER ROiAST lb. 12e BLADE ROAfýSË SHORT RIB BRISKET L GêàýJ PEAMEAL COTTAGE ~U lb. 14o lb. 14e lb. 10e ib. 27o 't t? FIN EST BOIED f ~te-~lb.45o W Sir LAM B Legs il.Z c Lali b. 20a ['rtt Çmac4trs lb. 14o Fresh 1UA~ b. I15 F.~¾Caught Cohoe S4ÀLMON Ucee lb. 22o Steaks là. Te ~ JT~and VEGETABLES - Mi1 vegetabies delivered daily to ail of!'Our shuj A -1 t o! ail native and iunported fruits and vcgetablcs car -u it att pices. ' __________LIMITED, 0F CANADA J BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l8th, 1930 Mr. R. W. Walton returned on Sun-i day evening from Toronto where lie underwent an operati on Monday week for nasal trouble which bas made It impossible for him of late to, accept any singiflg engagements. THE EXAMINATION Do you know that the most im- portant part of a pair of glasses is the exammation through whlch you undergo before the glasses are made. You can undoubtedly get a cheap pair of glasses but with tbemn you wll probably get a very poor examination. If the ex- amination is not thorough and prescription flot right the glasses will flot be, to you, worth the caue that contains them. Remeniber it's the examnation that counts and it doesn't go with a cheap pair of glasses. G. M. Bosneil OPTOMETRIST Office Over Floods Store Port Hope Office Hours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. mi. to 9.30 p. mi. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Thomnas and Miss Rena re- turned on Saturday from their holu- days. Mr. Lloyd Butler, Brantford, visited his cousin, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner and baby, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Lake last week-end. MNrs. Duncan, Newcastle-on-tlie-Lake. entertaîned very delightfully at lier suinimer cottage (in Tuesday after- faon. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bennett and baby, Detroit, recently spent a week- end wlth Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Colible- dick. Misses Lida and Muriel Lake and lady f riend, Toronto, spent the week- end witb their mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. Mr. Nicholson and son and other friends fromn Bailieboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Laverne ýYrght last Sun- day week. Mr. A. 0. Parker-lias a gang of car- penters at work raising the roof of is home and making other alterations to the dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. P. Williams, Toronto, and daughter Phyllis, spent Sunday at Mr. aud Mrs. J. P. Martiu's, Ar- esta returning with them. The publie are asked to reserve Thursday evening, Otober 16, for the supper and concert of the Woman's Association of the United Church. United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- ers, Pastor. Sunday, Sept. 2lst: il a. m.-Morning Worship aud Sun- day School; 7 P. M.-Evening Service. Miss Betty Lake entertained about Jthree score of lier youing friends at a birthiday partY last Friday ev ening and iii present report a jolly ex ening. .Ms. Waybring, and son, Vernon, ani Mrs. Davenport. returned home to Ro- chester on Saturday after a week's visit with Major and Mrs. H. W. Dud- ley. Mrs. Frank Branton and four chil- dien returned to Toronto on Tuesday after a few days' visit with lier grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Middle- ton. Miss Plyllis Cleinence lias gone to Stratford to attend Normal school, while Farewell Blackburn ani Law- rence Ashton have entered the Peter- borough. Normal. Mir. and Mrs. Percy Howe and Jack visited relations in Brighiton aud Tr-enton on Sunday, taking Major and lors. Dudley as far as Cobourg to visit Dr». and Mrs. Lapp. We welcome to our village, Mr. and Mus. Alex Hoskin, who have rented the formier MeLauglilin home from the present on-er, Mr. Walter Deline. They moved in last Friday. xife or' sometimes both ee 50 Years1 BOWLING NOTES louve lapsed. We think it thierefore______ most ftting that as Godl lias kindly Dr. J. A. Butler,. Dr. S. E. Stacey, graiired you lengtlî i lfays amidx aurli- Geo. C. Wright and C. R. Carveth safed unto you, by retisnn o! youriformed a riuk and went to Oshawa obedience unto the laxxs nf natur'e ani îast Wrednesday week to play in the mnoralily, gond measuire ni heaitlu andbwigIoraet strenglh, that we shooild selize the'OP- On Tuesday eveuing o! last weekz portunhty o! marking îthis f elietfiol on invitation o! WhJtby bowlers. ai periind o! your lix es afd ilakinil itla nunuber a! Newcastle bowlers., botb occasion foi' a re-moiionf kithl andi ladies anci gentlemen, motored to kmn. An occasion for exleniling t0 WhitbY und participated iu tbe you oui' congr'atulations. for, conney- bowling program in which players îng to you our regar'ds and f rom Bowmnlu'ille and Oshawa also best wisbes and leaving witlî you took part. PRunk5-, were drawu !rom som tnibe eaehance of tîlis players of ail sointF; repî'esented, gatlieî-ing. thus mixing them up and giving ev- In youu- union aiere iriesuiited ta-o eryoue an oppcrtunity o! making long eslablislied and hnniored t-imilies new acquaintances. Mr. H. Brere- of thle lownshbill f(aueîi Mid- ton and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson escli dielons and the Scotts-faniies wli won a prize for highest score in hielped bt pioneeî tibis section o! the tbî'ee gamnes played. Everyone chip- country and bave cntributed nuocl ped in a quarter to provide refresh- toward uts developmnent andl prnsper- ments and further soriability. ity. " " -. - GOLDEN WEDDING marigolds and a piece of gold, whule little June Mercer of Toronto present- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Middleton 50 Yeart 'ed lier great uncle with a piece of Married gold also and a rose for a buttouhole bouquet. At the conclusion of the ad- When Mr. and Mis. Johin H. Mid-I dress, Douglas Brauton, Noei Middle- dleton, 3rd line, Clarke, returned ton, Margaret Tomns and Wilma Scott home on Saturday afternoon last from i one at each corner, lifted the cover Toronto where they had been spend- froin the table bringing to view tlhe ing the week with thieir cousins, Mrs. new Mercury Radio. as miucli as to Jolinston and Mu-s. Powers, having say, "Behold our gift." been decoyed away for a purpose, Mr. sud Mrs. Middleton admitted thougli tbey little guessed it, they their surprise and gracefully ackuow- were surprised ami perplexed on lie-!leclged the thoughtfulness and kiud- ing motored oveu- to the home o! their ness of ail. Rev. W. P. Rogers and1 son, Elvin E., a few rods east of their 1 quite a nunîber of other gentlemen, own, to find the lawn thronged with also some ladies, madle short speeches, p)eople ail eager to sliake their bandl(s, aIl congratulatory, some humorous. welcome thera back to the farm and and some reiniiscent. Arnnng the offer congratulations on the attain- speakers was a Mr. Cleveland, from ment o! their matrimonial Jubilee. Huntingrion Parký, Los Ancýeles. a When the prelimiinary flurry of ex- friend of Dr. Ernest Allun, and at this citement had suhsidpd. Rex-. W. P. time a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Non- Rogers, chosen to thie chair. called man Aluin, whom lie met lu Los An- on Mr. Harry N. Joy, Toronto. to geles last winter. read to the seated principals of this The committee tuned lu the radio, September gathering the address picked a station and for the remain- which follows: der of the evening the instrument was Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Middleton responsible for a large share o! the program of varied character, first on 1880-1931)thee îawn and later in the bouse- Dear Frieuids:-- whicb Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Middleton We, a company if voul' numerous.tbrew wide open from fr-ont to back relatives and neighbors, have gafli- and downstalns and up. ered here this pleasant golden tinged1 The ladies served i-efreshinieiit.ý of auttinin eveniug to celebrate writh you many good things to eat and drink; the near approach of your golden1 Charlie Cowan, Clarke, tuneil up lis wedding-the anniversary of 5o years1 fiddle; WVill. Scott brouglit the music o! happy, wedded lire. out o! the piano so that sorte o! the If we have taken ynu by surprise youug people's feet began to mioxe in¶ we beg your forýgiv-eness and for- rhytbmic imiu and tlius a waltz or bearance, foir our hiearts ar'e warmed tWO*îtvswr reetfrmPr towards you and oui' intentions are Rltvswr rsn rmPr of the kindliest, iin rolýein whereof we Rlope, M.%aple L.ake. Flaliburton, 13.W- ask you, Mrs. Midîlletoiî. to receive manville, Whiitby. Toronto, Canmpbell- Ihis bouquet o!fiowers and you, Mr. ford,' Meafor*d. Peterhoin, anud otlipir Miîldieton, luis button lole bouquet. points, wbile messages o! congratula- Goliden weddings aie ail ton urire, lion were received by phione and wirp the Angel of Deatll witîi relentless frain parties linahle to be present. 0f1W Fail cîays mean an inerease in the cooking prob lem. Lighten your tî,sk - serve the best with the daiiy food savines offered by this store. Honey - Hloney - Honey Another shipment just arrived 5 IL pail 50c. Pickiing Supplies at your service. Fresh Fish for Friday. IIARRY ALLIN, Urocer visited Mi-. and Mrs. Cecil Horrocks, Smeo! the <lîrateristirs Ný, turned the tables on WValter Blark'IBW N Ll Half-a-Hill, last eked nl!în these familles, wluose blond fi)ws br olc Tiria feno f ý PHONE 186 WMNIL nmucho! inee k-eandcu admire dthunuglithe veins of ail ynur descend- br' înh'Io--a tcnn f ninc itîerveygronds chadn res ns hv eninertt! brc el, srhll ty xx mumoiilII19 b 9.I____________________________________ grudsadgadn. tel-, intlustry, temperance, andl thati ____ Mrs. (Rev.) W. P. Rogers, un comn-_______________________1_____ pauy witlu leu- son, Mir. Raymnd Ro- longevity wbicli is due, w-e are largely, gens, New York, returned to the par- persuaded, to a simple and ralinnal 6 souage last week-end from their stum- life lu bnrmony wltb God and nature. P ~ 4 - mer cottage at Crow's Landing, Stoney We recaîl that some 1.5 yeau-s ago Lake. Mrs. Raymond Rogers is vsit- a consîderable number of us were bere * ing bier people in Manitoba. presenit andl hall the prix ilege o! cele- Mr. Arthur Nichelas bas uedueed braling at Ibis very home. the golden lis bonuse to a skeleton and nnw with xedding of the late Mr. and Mrs. *AcI I ~ the belp of tradesmen is remiodelling, Henry Middletnn, father and motîmerD i e t Cn r s ing, replastering and redecorating ratîxer unique and is also full o!f ~1 lu time meantinue Arthur is stayiug significanre. II 4 7 r ~ l f wth Mrs. Robt. Buuley and Mrs. Nicb- And as a hiopeful sigun ofthe sur- Ov Aaa oins and Ruby with -Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. vixal o! the family establislieul by* s Ei etn Parnaîl. youu- union and the continuance of the #*r The Young People s Society o! the best traditions o! your forebears, we 1,6 United Churcli made menu-y at a crn- note with particular pleasure tha t rnast lu thîe flats on Mr. Nor-man AI-1 foui- genei-ations o! the family aie lin's tarin on Monday exening. Thelpresent on this occasion-yoîzr heiu-, OT eau-lieu- part o! the eveiing a-as spent Oreri seix-ves, yomir son, Elv lu E.. youu lu ganies, a!ter whirh a feast o! cor-ugi-ndlill-ein, anti your great-granil-,' accniumnnied by bread and butter- and à îrn Luxurious f urs against tweedsy Da - cadwa noedb i, ahrd ou a- ie aellelu u * grounds, collars and cuifs of very light furs around lime camîfire. book. IlI:x ng spent piactirally al1 M11 yuoA-c srob ogau-yi ~ i lecmuiy o against darks, or dark furs against a light lated on the near cotupletion and fine, your b-rtIi, we rau easily rei-caIthe ' coat ground ..-. these are the newest notes auupear-uuce o! bis new brick bouselpages. We mm uxer Ihe nd o ai13. Ou ot xrs hs just nîîrtilî ofthe C.P.R . Arclitectur- fînîl t lî<re a reord o!fxirîîuumus li% ngfrFl,13. O r ot xrs hs ally it -ilbc one o! the bnndsonmest cerolis, industry, hospi tiiiy eihflmdrim ndsigfsi resideuxces in the village. TIe trame- love, lex otion, lpatience, ueiglibrli dihtfUlnmodenigh lsm in ta shi faind a-ou-k is onustructed fi-oni thle tim.bel-r e'sa ai l elufuliess andl serx vite ue, lgh lae'11hes1r n anid other niiaterial of the îld fisleies limue #,f neecul uu tuun a MîOI in the great suppleness of treatment make them lîuildnge. M.FiakGisn a he -ole recoudi the mnost charming we have seen in years. rarentr.Ii ear-ly life you botb connecte I E. S, a teyand to 'M r. and M rs. Pet e andl ior failiii and(1suppîort bvl oii'<nrîltîn i u nilr oi--me ihhtm hi-uo Holabenko on the birtbs o! sons at constant tliroî,igh)out. Tbe ladlies f thwil- homes ,o, King St., last a-eek. New-us$ uîlx cn50rn li and Mill Streets, and Mr. ani Mu-s. Ilt'a irgaiizaions of Il lin 2 9ci3i - lion in their North St. borne, males att heard wlthu lleasure, due doit-et are crutminly lu the uscendency. tonies of yîîur pure alto voire, ms y;î'. sang lii thelic -umi-c lni i r . lxsc-u- IST. GEORGES CHURCH NOTES -im Attentionto L>eta September 21st.-l4th Sunday a-' Tley say nuo man's lie is ully -A t e io t Da l Ser-vices:11a .HlComn indiulges iii a uittle pasttiiiii orcguui- io:mrigric e HoyComm-îuîî y ytax-es soie tornu o!fue-eatiîîn. M a ks al Fr ck ion:FG Kirng srictonDuc.,Trtby We are tlinkiimg niw o! yoir deer* College. Toronto; 7 p. m.-E 1vensong, liitigprcivte,-r Mdl-o. Rector; 10.45 a.1-una c .o soie 60 ycmui-s y' tilhave Imîtken a Details which are the resukt of distinguished and Bible Class. lit tic iolidlmy 'in the faîl andi in t he tailoring, yet which keep the charm of Cubs' nigbt is chauged 10 Tuesday. prouînsn i he r rangenial coinean yutfu te il Special meeting was held by the lnonsgconery;alking the tleeu un the hofeni i Nainy outld cs t s W. A. in the Parish Hall on Tuesduy anîu îîuly d many of us as wc oete ihistvesolercps t for- the purpose o! arrunging the ut- huv feistecil onx'euisoix steauk or a~ amusing sleeves, its slimîy fitted hip lune. tendance ut the Elgbth Annual Con- tasty- inust have hadl pleasurablp evi- i~Fbisaelvlerte vr ibm n ferent-e o! Northumberland & Dur- dent-e o! ynmr sportsmunslî undj arc aelo li t nev ,wthm y humn Dcanery, Women's Auxiliary 10 skilaitlIh i l-ile. We hop, thal ,-lr Nlfstaig h ea. AUFI the M. S. C. C. wicb will take place YîiO vilii njîy' more sut-lu olidutys. i colors are represented. 261h. Il is expected tbat Newcastle went hminliumg. nol 50 far froua homne, will be weUl represented. andl your weaptîns were Cuplîls uarîs! You rapturedth te Deuir, a gentie 4 ~~ ~fawn, and broughttlber borne to love,r lo ci-îiei $ 15.95e hal J .A~V~.L H ER M O Nuiu i-i-rih îuie ltesiinyou bave both lîveti baux- 1$i*9 wants We ilîîw ask you ta at-relittiis git POULTRY and PEARS îOf ia-mffioî i-i-i- ing set tiigeqiuer aithi our fondest. regards sud affection with at lime h «lie tii at youina y lonug lito U I . L Fair Prices tune lu on the prtîgramns o! thfe air,: i. I1 1 e i a~~~ndl funit t hprein enterlainneuui and AKR TRS ile Phonesc enjîinent. Signeti by lte cninmittee, Bowmnanvllle-285 Mus. Liella Suuiflu, Wlitby: Jt ssac UR FAVORITE Phone 164 PAY CASH AND * Toono-niut rtasile. I( SHOPPING CENTRE BOWMAN VILLE BUY FOR LESS Addres: 274 Augusta Ave., At the liroper jîuncture l1141<' Betty i Toronto. 3-y.Brmnîin presente liber grandiotler 37lr I 1witi a largo boîuquet o! gladioli and * * We Invite You to See GLEN RAE DA1RY Sorne day în your spare tîrne, corne to our Dairy conveniently Iocated at corner of King and Scugog Streets. See the marvels dis- played there.. . . The different stages of p as- teurization .. . The efficient rnethod of filling the botties and putting caps on at the sarne tirne . . . How the mii k is then piaced, until delivered, in a refrigerator that will amaze you . . . Then see the care that is taken to have the botties immaculate. Everything is sacrificed for cleaniiness. - You will be pie ased. GLEN RAE DA1RY R. B. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 eBowD18UvII1 JVow That You Cook More Make sure of solid conilort the comlng winter by having the Hecla Furnace installed now. It saves 1 ton of coal li 7. Estimates gladly fur- nished without oblgating yourself. R. E. LOGAN Plmbing, Heatlnt & Tlnsmltblng 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. j; 1 1 1 ! 1 Billip, Brillit'q qell,ýn] tp"m 1