(tad. ian 1tate~m~xn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News . ______ Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 $2.00 a Year in A dvance 5c a Copy No. 38 Brings Luxury in The luxury of finer fab- rics, deep and soft - the luxury of lovely fuis - these are what these beau- tiful Autumn Coats bring you. We have just re- ceived our shipment, and we believe they are the S finest coats we have ever off ered you. Further, they are priced reason- ably. .Brand New Fait Dresses Just arrived for your inspecto are these lovely Fail Dressesclru and interestai in design. Silks and soft wools are the fabns, fashioning themselves into new and charming patterns. Attractively priced. There are stili a f ew Summer Dresses re- maining, selling for just a littie more than a song. Your opportunity--don't miss it. Autumn Millinery In charge of our Miss Down The finest f eatures are contained in our chic Hats for every occasion. We solicit a trial and guarantee satisfaction. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Clothing for Cents Suits, Overcoats, and Ail Accessories Have Juat Arrived and Are Waiting for Your Approval The Fait Idea in ilats It's a style originating at Eastern centres where the beau monde sets the pace in smait wearables. We're presenting this particular model along with several others of equal favor in a variety of shades including tan, grey and inter- mediate colorings. Though the prices are low, quality is built in. You'1l see that in the soft closely-woven feit, the linings and sweat bands. Ail sizes of course. Ail these features are contained in Couch, Johnston & Cryderman UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM Mayor M. J. EUlitt Interviews Premiers Bennett aud Fergusan On authority f rom Town Coundil Mayor M. J. Eliott durmng the past week bas made special trips tW Tor- onto and Ottawa Wo interview Gov- erument officiais with a view ta geL- tlng co-operation and assistance in aiding local unemployment. While in Ottawa, througb the good offices o!f red W. Bowen, M. P. for Durham, Mayor EUliott mnterviewed the Hon. Mr. Stewart, Minister of Public Works, wth a view Wo gettlng the harbor at Port Darlington re- paired, which if undertaken would provide considerable employment. As a resuit of the interview an en- gineer will corne to Bowmanville and make a report on the barbor. In Toronto conferences were held with Premier Ferguson and the Min- ister of Highways. The Mayor urg- ed the Premier to undertake the er- ection at once o! buildings at the Boys' Training School recommended by the Ross Commission. The prob- lem of straightening out the road and building a new bridge over the C. P. R. west of the town was also discussed with the Minister of High- ways. No definite promises were secured in either case but Mayor Elliott ex- pressed himself as very confident that considerable benefit would be derived by the town from the itr views in the immediate future. COUNTIES REFUSE TO PAY COB01URG BIG OFFICE RENTAL S2000 Increase lu Reut Meets With Strenuous Opposition - Suggest Port Hope as County Town Failure of arbitration in the mat- ter o! increased rentai asked by the town of Cobourg for the use of roalus in the town hall by the united coun- ies of Northumberland and Durham, may mean the designation of Port Hope as the counties' town, Warden W. H. Neison intimates this week. Mr. Nelson expresses the hope that no such change wli be necessary, but he declares emphatically that the counties' coundil wiil not pay the $3,- 000 increase in rentai demanded by the town of Cobourg on renewal of lease. When the finance committees of the town and the council met a week ago and disagreed regarding the ren- Lai Lo be flxed f or the new lease, it was decided ta settie the matter by arbitration. The rentai demanded by Cobourg la $5,000 a year. Wen It Rains You will'soon be wearlng your rubbers to keep your f eet dry. Tien if you have a sore cornx it wlll surely hurt. Prevent this by removing the corn wth NyaI's Corn Remover Sa! e, sure, painless 25c a bottle. KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Bulbs Direct f rom Hollsnd Beautif y your home and plant Bulbs iu al Lie bare patches about Lhe garden with our Imported Dutch Bulbs at these extremely 10w prices: Hyacintis, top size,.....15ceue. 4 colora Hyscintis, lat size 2 for 25o 4 colora Tulips, Glant Darwin - 35c doc. Tulips, early rnlxed ..35o des. Daffodils ........ 50ocdos. Daffodila, double VouSion. 60o doz, Paper WhlLes ..ý... 3 for 10e Select yours while te sssortment la complete. Jury & Loveil ' TIE REXALL STORE Wheu We Test Eyee It la Doue Propoel7 JUDGING COMPETITIONS Youug Farmers of Durham County Do Weil At Peterboro Fair The following young tarmers ofi Durham County met with success in their respective classes in Lime judg- ing competitions at Peterboro Indus- trial Exhibition recenly:- Bef Cattie-lat, Emory Smith, Ca- van, and Harry McCamus, Ida (ie); 3rd, Geo. H. Neal, Betbany; 6th, Jas. Brown, Orono. Dairt' Cattie-3rd, Geo. McKnight, Millbrook. Bwn-2ud, E. Smith, Cavan, lti Wm. Swain, Cavan. *9eep-2nd, Anson Balson, Hamp-j ton; 4th, Clarence Allun, Newcastle;1 5th, James Brown, Orono. Horses-6th, Anson Balson, Hamp- ton. JOHN PERCY PRESENTED WITH PAST MASTER'S JEWEL Member of Jorusaiem Lodge For Overl 51 Yen Mr. John Percy was made very happy on Tuesdny, Sept. 16, when Mr. Thos. Annison, Secretary o! Jerusalem Lodge No. 31, A.F. & A.M., called at bis home and presented him with a past-master's jeweli inscribed as fol. lows: IlAnnual Communication, Lon- don 192, Veteran Pastmaster Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada." Mr. Percy became a member o! Jerusalem Lodge on July 12, 1879, and is there- fore a member in good standing over 51 years. His brethren o!fLime Ma- sontc Lodge and other frienda intown congratulate hlm on the honor be- stowed on hlm and wlsh that he may soon be restored Lo heath again. 1 sVETERANS TO PARADE Next Sunday IL is expected nearly sixty members o! Lie uew branci o! Lthe (anadian Leglon lu Bowmanvile wlll parade to St. John's Anglican Ciurci at Lie evenin.p service as a mark of appreciation to Rev. R. J. Sbires. Mr. Sbires bisc; done many t fine deeds durlug bis feir years in1 Bowmauville and arnong his most ap- preciated work bas been for the vet- 'f erans and their familles. NexL Sun- day evening Mr. Sbires will preacb bis farewell sermon. Hle will flot leave bis pulpit until Lie end o!fLime month, but Lie lasL Sunday wlll be devoted Lo Lie 95th anuiversary o! St. Jobn's Churci. r Ail ex-service men, :weher mem- bers of Lie Legion or . 'it, are invited to participate In thus parade and at- tend service. Assemble at Parlis Hall at 6.45 p.m. ready to parade Lo ciurch at 6.50 sharp. SPECIAL COLLECTION 0F APPLES In addition Wo list o! appies re- corded for competition at Boys'1 Training School Fair next Wednes- day, another ciass has been inciuded: Collection o! commercial apples, not more than 12 varieties, prises $3 aud 1 $2. Another important tact-Al fruit and grain exhibita must be lu piace by 10 a. m. fast ime to enable judges to commence their work. TRINITY Y. W. AUXILIARY Raid September Meeting lu Ladies' Class Roomn Trinity Y.W. Missionary Auxllary held September meeting In Lime La-' dies' Class Roomn on Tuesday even- ing. Mrs. Elton Werry, vice-president presided, and Miss Florence Werry as secretary. After opening exercises and business the Devotional leaflet was aken by Mrs. C. Ives, Misses1 Jackson and Haddy and Mrs. NV. Wight, Mrs. E. Cox and Mrs L. W. i Dippell reading Lie responses. Miss Dorotby Plummner sang a solo acconi- l)anied by Miss Helen Argue. Miss Helen Crydernian gave a reading, "'The Way of Holiness." Mrs. Elinor Cox gave a splendid review of "Time Conference at Jerusalem." Ne.,net ing, Oct. 21, in charge o! Miss Lena! Haddy's group, supper meeting. Ar-I rangements were also made for a Hallowe'en afternoon tea and cooking sale on Friday, Oct. 31. Meeting closed witim a contest on questions from Lie Blue Book. SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHURCHES St. Andrew's Church Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. 1Sunday services at i a. m. sd '7.30 attend. St. Paul's Uulted Chureh Rev. D. W. Best. D. D., Minister il a. m.-Morning Worsiip, "In the Temple sud at Home"; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School, 7.30 p. m.-Evenlng Worsip, "Concernlng Woaden NuL- mega." Trluity United Church Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, MA.. B.D., wili preaci at il a. m.. sud 7 p. m. Sunday Schaol 2.30 p. m. Mi. F'rancis Sutton, Mus. Bac., F.C.C.O., organiat and choir leader. St. John's Anglican Chureh Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fourteenti Sunday a! er Trinity, St. Matthew's Day, September 21, 1930: 1l s. m.-Holy Communion aud Ser- Bible Clasa; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Tyrone Circuit Rev. J. R. Trumpork, Min'ster Bethesda 1.0.30 a. m.;: Salem 2.30 p. lm., Tyroe 7p. m. SOUTH WAED SCHOOL GROUNDS PRESENT FINE APPEABANCE Magie Tauch o! Landacape Architeet Transforma School Yards Into Real Beauty Spot Residents o! the South Ward area greatiy pleased wth Lie action o! Lie Public Scimool Board ln bavlngv the grounds surrounding Lie achool I completely changed durlng Lie sum-t mer months, givlng the sciool pro- perty a decidedly attractive and in- viting appearance. Arthur S. Baker, landscape archi-t tect, and bis staff hav~e just complet-1 ed the contract this week o! besuti-1 f ying the grounds. The work en-c Liled grsding and seeding bath the boys' and gis' Play grounds Wiich already show a good catch o! grass. Children are still asked Wo observei the sign "Please keep off the grass."i 'Flowers snd shrubs bave been plant-i ed at the entrance and a foundationt Planting o! barberry around Lheie school building. A substautiai wire1 fence with steel posta bas been erect-j ed on the f our sides o! the grounds. Parents, pupils and teachers will no doubt take s just pride in main-1 aining Lie beauty spot o!Lis ed-, ucative institution so artisticaily ar-i ranged with a view to utilîty and at-i tractiveness. LEGION INSTALLATION Bowmauvifle Brauch to Receive ILs Charter Friday Night Officers o! Lie newly formed local branci o! Lie Canadian Legion will be officially installed Friday, Sept. l9th, at 8 P. m. in Lie Town Hall. The installation ceremony will be lu charge o! J. Mclntyre Hood, 2nd jVice President o! Lie Ontario Legion, 'Who will be assisted by members o! Lhe Oshawa Leglon. si-sev-e4e- mnu-s-sumciwo have not aiready joined Lie Leglon shouid send in Lhiu applications at once to, Presideut R. M. Cotton or Secretary Thos. Annison in order thaL Lhey may attend Luis interest- ing ceremony as weil as strengtien the local branch in iLs endeavors to look a! er Lie interests o! Lie veter- ans and their dependenta. eFoilowing Lie installation cere- monies Friday nigit a social eveniug will be spent at St. John*s Parisi Hall. PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY Citizens Invited to This Annual Event Friday Afternoon, Sept. Zth A Public School Field Day wlll be held on Frlday. Sept. 26th, on Lmeý COMMUNITY FIELD DAY At Boys' Traliig School Weduesday Next Will Be Outstandlug Event o! the Year - Everybody Iuvited A day of real enjoyment, pleasure and profttis in store for ail who at- tend tie Boys' Training School Fair, w'hichbhas developed into, a real Com- nunlty Fair and Farmers' Field Day, to be held at Lthe Boys' Training School Grounds on Lthe afternoon of September 24th, beginning at 12.30 o'clock. This day ls made possible through the co-operation of the West Durham Agricultural Society, the Bownianville Rotary Club, the town of Bowmanville, the Durham County Agricultural Representative and many otier interested persons. IL la not exaggeratlng to, say that neyer before bas so much been plan- ned for one day in Bowmaaville whlch will appeal to ailL the people of Lthe community, as Lthe above noted or- ganizations have arranged for Sep- tember 24th. Beglnnlng with Lthe Jun- ior Farmers' Plowing Competition at 12.30, tiere will follow demonstrations of Tractor Plowing and Cultivating by a number of well known firms, In- cluding the Massey FHarris Co., J. I. Case Co., Ford Motor Co., Cockshutt Plow Co., etc., demonstrations and lec- tures on Field Husbandry by Prof. J. Laughland, O.A.C., Guelph, on Fertil- izers and Potatoes by Prof. H. 0. Bell, Guelph; Apple Gradlng and Packing by the Fruit Branci, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, a large display exhibit of the Dominion Experiluental Farms Branch, Ottawa, a Horseshoe Pitciing Tournament, Swimming Events by the boys of the Scimool, Vierkotter and Ruth Towes Corsan. and many other features. President Sam Harris of the Cana- dian National Exhibition will be on the program and wiIl officlally open thme Fair. The boys of the Scimool will be at work in Lime Shops and wlll bave a larger display than ever o! their own products. The Junior Farmers of Durham County have a separate competition in classes of Live Stock, Poultry, Fruit and Grain, and in addition, there are open classes in Fruit and Grain for the Senior Farmers o! the district . In short, there will be sometbing o! in- terest to towu and country res1dents alike. There is no admission fee te this fair and if thme coMîmunity will only turn out and suppo7 ILt by their attendance, there is no limit to wbat it may develop into another year and in years Lo corne. Why not every- body work together and make this an outstanding day in this district and thereby sow Lthe seed for soM~ething bigger in years to come? scimoolgrounds beglnni'ng at 1 o'clocëk.Le: A fullI une o! athletic events for both LOCAL AND OTHERWISE boys and girls wilil ake place. Prizes AI will be given to Lime wluners. Time Mllinery Openinga at Dngmnaufoli public are invlted to cone and see Edmondstone's on Fiiday and SK- fi what our boys and girls can do. urday. Sept. l9tb and 20tb. vil Miss Marjory Purdy and Miss Vers er LOCAL VOCALISTS WIN HONORS Trinxble left lat Monday for Peter- _____boro to attend Normai Schooi. iM Bowmanvllle songsters brought new Mis. Clark Tyler was smong Lie p. honor to local musical circlea lunLime interested visitors at Osbawa Pair bE vocal contesta at thme Canadian Na- i55t week. 01 tina xhb tio is year. Mrs. W. C. Washington bas returu- qi Liona.l W. Eximîbsprationn ed from four montha' trip ta Lie p. Mrs. . OnNChl awkrsorn, wsudPacific Coast, havlng vlsited ber son Mwre te icolas, an o it wre and two dauglhters snd other rela- FE awarded Lime wg old ed for rthîe tives enroute. Mrs. B. M. Warnica Mr ionor in dueLs, and Mr. Niciolas, 3rd met ber lu Toronto on Wednesday. CI prieas arton sloitrecivnga She bas hsd s most enjoyable trip of prize a bartoresoloare ceivg asd a very pieasant visit. Ci brone mdal Mr ChalieCawer, Mi. and Mrs. W. J. Wsrd sud Miss di son of Mr. sud Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Peggy Wsrd, Owen Sound, Dr. sud la Mrs. Basil Bowman. Hamilton, Mr. ST. JOHN'S HARVEST FESTIVAL Frank Grigg, Oshawa, spent the hi weekend with tLiu mother, Mrs. SI Anglican Church Attractively Decor- John Grigg. Dr. Bowman la ieaving gi ated for Special Services sbortly Wo take a post graduate w St. John's Anglican Churci held im- course in New York and later finish- bi pressive and beautiful Harveat Festi- ing abroad. la val services on Sunday at whlci Lime Miss Gwendolyu Williams, daugi- u congregation lu large numbers wor-, ter o! Mr. and Mis. Alan Williams , - siipi)ed God in thankfulness for Lthe iad Lie distinict honor o! acting as abundant har vest tinie. The pews, piano accompanlist at the Highland windoi;wq, choir lof t and sItar were1 Gatiering sud Scottisi Musical Fes- iounteously arrayed with products o! ival ield at Banff Springs Hotel, garden. field and orchard. Excellent Aberta, under Lie organisation o! and -.iLable sermons were given by Limhe Canadian Pacific Railway at Lie Rev. R. J. Sbires, rectoîr. At thme even- end o! Auguat. Her many friends ing service, Miss Jane Mason sang lu Bowmanville are always glad Lo effectively a solo, "Thsanksgiving," ac- iear o! Miss Williams' achievementa conîpanied by time organist, Mrs. J. A. in Lhe worid o! music. Guuin. Fire 0f unkuown origin compiete- ly destroyed Lie cooperage plant o! ANNUAL 136th BN. RE-UNION. Roland M. Cale, apple exporter, ________Manvers Road, Monday afternoon. The annual re-union sud dinner The plant was located lu a barn o! ex-members o! 136Li Durham o equipped for making barreis. Fire S. Battalion will bc ield in Bowman- brigade responded Lo tire alarm, but ville at Bowmnan House at 7 p. mn. owu'.g tL lack o! water were unabie standard ime, on Saturday. Sept. La save Lime building. Losa la estim- 27Lb. The Bugle Baud is being re- aLed at $4000 whicèi is partially cov- organized and will be lu attendance. ered by insurauce. The Battalion will f al lunsud marci Miss Dorotiy Aluin, dsughter a! Lo cenotaph where a wreati will be Mr. and Mrs. S. Chas. Aluin, Bow- placed. An invitation ta exteuded Lo mauville, adjudged igi girl lu Lhe citizens of Durham County to at- Household Science judglng competi- tend sud place flowers. Tue com- ions conducted at Peterboro Indus- rnittee lu charge expect sil ex-mern- trial Exhibition. 68 girls from 8 bers o! Lie Battallon Lo be present. counties took part. Dorothy's total Dr. G. C. Bounycastle, J. C. Samis, was 364 marks ln Lie Lhree classes, Presideut. Secretary. nutrition, clothlng and h~ouse f ur- nishings. Mrs. J. A. Reynolds, Wêl- COKMN EVENTS cone, won flrat place in Lime 2nd olas. Reserve Tuesday evenlug, Sept. 30, TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE fo raccial evening sud musicale in TriniLy Young People's meeting st. Paul's Lecture Room. W. C. T. U. wlll meet lu St. Paulis was held Monday evening, wlth s Schoui Roomn on Tuesday, Sepýt. 23rd, good attendauce. Misslonary vice- at 3 p. m. Ail ladies cordially lu- president, Miss Helen Cryderman. vited. presided. Prograrn was as !ollows: Bowman ville Wamen's Institute Prayer. Mn. E. Smith Ferguson; wlll meet ou flday, Sept. 26th, lu acrîpture readlng. Miss Greta SY- Lie S. O. E. Hall. PrOgram lu cbarge mous; solos, Miss Greta Pollard, o! Group 4, Mts. B. R. Bounsail cçu- readlng, Miss Helen Cryderman. vener.mebr Topîc "Japan Fsclug Lie Modern ITue mmeso! Junior Missionary World" was taken by Miss Gertrude Soîey ! t.Paurs Cburcb are Homley, who demlt wti Lhe subject Iholding a home-made cooking and lu s very elicieut mariner. A i i rmmage sale lu St. Paul's Lecture close, games werp greatly enJoYed. Romr on Saturday, Octojier 1l.Sth, at Plan to attend the meeting uext 3 p. m. Afternoon te& wl» be served.. Mouday. »* Sui on Vis] visi ig ha Lei ML. Ca, da, ani rel wit Mil ne, Ed da foi fri Pe Ai Cli Of of ed an mi H( Bi MI WE at w ar frq m ar re m be . F-** 1 1 PHONE 104 LIMTED BOWMALNVILLE 1." 1 ýl LOCAL AND OTBERWISE MAiss Cora Scott, Toronto, spent Lnday with Mrs. F. R. Brown. MLr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. la iudge ifruit at Lindsay Fair this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williamns are Bitlng frlends at Briercrest, Sask. iIss Lena Bennett, Toronto, la siting ber sister, mrs. F. j. Mann- ir. Mfr. Robert Sherwood, Dixie, Ont., as been vlsltlng Mr. and Mrs. T. F. eadi. Mfrs. Edwin Dunstan, Wlnona, iss., la vlsiting Mr. and Mrs. C. IL awker and otber relatives here. MLr. Irving Clemens bas been boit- aying witb bis grandparents, Mr. ad Mrs. Dawson, caanpbellford. Mrs. W. G. Bradley of Ottawa has >urned home after a pleasant visit !tb ber daughter, Mrs. A. A. Honey- ian. Ladies, you are lnvitk tW see the ew Fall Mifllnery at Dlngman & 1Iondstone's on Friday and Satur- ay. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Smith of Brant- ard. are enjoYing a visit witb 014 Lends bere, guests of Mr. W. H. larn. Mrs. John Hyde and son Harry lexander, Toronto, are visiting ber ýrents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc- 1ellan. Mrs. W. B. Pincb was recent guest fber niece, Mrs. Geo. B. Blckle, iberty St., and called on a number fold friends. Ex-Mayor J. B. Mitchell oelebrat- d bis 72nd birtbday on Wednesday nd reoeived congratulations from many of his friends. Mr. and Mrs. Talcott and son orner, and Mrs. John Barker, eoomfleld, recently vlsited Mr. and Irs. Gerald Talcott. Mrs. Woodman Thomnas and Miss ora Pettingili, Wellington, were vekend guests of Mrs. J. U. Robins ýTrlnity Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smitb, Windsor, vho were returning f rom a trip to )tawa, were recent guests o! Mr. md Mrs. John Cbaflis. Mrs. C. Thackray and daughter l1adys, and Mr. Hilton Jay, Toronto, >ent the weekend at tbeir cousln's, Ir. W. H. Wood, Base Une. We were pleased ta receive a cali rom Mr. Fred Axflord, Winnipeg, &an.. wbo la vlsitlng bis brotber, &r. Chas. Axford, Maple Grove. Mis. Talbert Scobeil and son, Chii- ago, visited Mrs. W. J. Hoar. Mr. md Mrs. J. H. Scobeil. Ottawa, aiso cently vlsited bis slster-in-law, dms. W. J. Hoar. Mr. and Unr. John Symons, Ireigbton h&lnM& and Mr. and Mrs. ffm. SymMF!Dulutb, Micb.. bave men guests of tbe formers' daugb- er, Mrs. F. W. Nelles. Wellington St. W. J. Chaflis, Dodge. Plymouth and ustin dealer, la openlng sbow rooms n building owned by Oea. Weekes in 'ont of Taylor's Rlnk and wil ser- oe his cars tram James Carrutb- Ss Garage, King St. Est. Trinity Sunday School wll resume ts regular afternoan session at 2.30 )m. on Sunday. Let every mem- )r make an effort ta be present. 'irchestra members are kindly re- luested Wo be in their places at 2.20 . The engagement la announced af illen, younger daugbter of Mr. and .rs. R. M. Cale, Bowmanville, ta bhristopiier Leslie J. Coombes. son )f tbe late Christopher Coombes of 'ardif., Glamorgan, Wales, tbe wed- Jing Wo take place very quietly tbe ltter part of September. Mrs. James E. Rlckard, Centre St., has something new in raspberres. She bas a branch of this year's growth. tbought Wo be a Calumbian, which la now loaded with lusclous berries of a reddlsb blue nature. This Lquite unusual, as raspberries us- ually finish their season lin August. The Greater Movie Season TJIURSDAY and FRIDAY SEPT. 18 - 19 %amon Navarro "IN GAY MADRID" Wlth Dorothy Jordan and Lettice Howell. Another splendid Novarra Romance. SATURDAY and MONI>AY SEPT. 20 - 22 "'ON THE LEVEL" Wlth Victor McLaglen and Lilpan