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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1930, p. 2

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rlUr " 1 2HECAADAJTAE.-N.B- - - - - -HRSAY.SET-, -18 1of LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLD. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank o! Montreal Money ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones: Office 102, Hlouse 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Denistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College 0f Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office Phone 40; house phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Eowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 P. m. dally except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Graduate of Trinlty Medical College, Toronto. Office and residence: Dr. Beith's former residence, Wellngton Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. J. CLARK BELL M. D., C h. B., F. R. C. S. (E di1n.), D. P. H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tiley) Hons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal Coilege o! Surgeons, Edinburgb. Offce and residence: Queen Street. Bawmanviile. Phone 89. Offce H-oux,.: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. OHIlROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS, THEROPY DTJRWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate af Toronto College o! Chiropractics will te in the Bow- manville office Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential cafls made during fore- noan. FUNEBAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Cmlete Motor or CorseEqupmpt HCrea qpmet.y attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Branch Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Emba]mer and Funeral Director. Cails given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- vile, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctoneer Far= and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto. AUl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. CARTING ANI) TRUCKING Aii kinds of Cartlng, Trueking and THE EDITOR TALKS We had thought of a sermon for this issue-a real good one, too. But a copy of The Lord Nelson News of Halifax, N. S., for Sept. 6th, was sent us by the Managing Editor and it contained a capital article by a man who had visited "The Most Aniaz- ing Church in the World"--describ- mng bis visit to, The Temple of Aimee McPherson. For some reason the author failed ta attach bis name; but here is the interesting story be, wrote about this very remarkable woman preacher: Only the Angels in Heaven know of the great good that she had done here on earth,". so I have read somewhere of Aixnee Semple Mc- Pherson, and flot unnaturally, nor without a pleasant thrill of anticipa- tion, I found myself, shortly after my arrival in Las Angeles, in the nightly queue outside the vast An- gelus Temple. You would be amazed at the size of the place. In architecture (pro- nounced in Anierica arcb-itecture) somewbat like aur own Albert Hall, it will seat 6,000 people, and there are megaphones for as ma'oy over- fiows outside. But Aimees audi- ence is flot counted in tbousands, or even in hundreds of thousands. but in millions. Soaring high above the dame of Angelus Temple, like miniature Eiffel Towers, are twin wireless masts whicb carry Aimee's message of hope and salvation ta the four corners of the globe. You Just tune to KFSO any night of the week, and Aimees clarion caîl wlll corne osillating across tbe ether ta yau. Once inside, you will fInd, if it is your first visit, that yau are entitled to a "first-nigbter,s" seat down by the orchestra. Fearf ui lest Aimee's eagle glance should light upon me in the front row of the staîls as a suit- able candidate for "uplif t", I betook myself. despite the protests of a grin Young woman in cap and gown, toaa seat at the back. wbere I was at least hall concealed by a pillar. (Il always prefer bousemaids' seats in1 cburcb. It gives you a chance to' slip oui befare the collection). It would be dreaif ul, I thouglit, ta expose my siniful soul ta the ful glare o! that vast audience, witb my friends at home hearing on the KFSG wavelength something like this: "To-nigbt, folks oh dear!, Howl I wish you could aIl be here ta see hlmn there is such a nice young man standing on the platform with me! Like s0 many a! you dear, wonderful cbildren. bless you, he came ta Angelus to laugh and ta scof but now, oh Praise tbe Lord! (tumultuous ecboes irom the congre- gation) h. bas came inside the Gates and is one of (she clasps my hand) my preciaus. Bridai Caîl Fam- ily! His name, folks is The apening hymn, hawever, a klnd a! Four,ýSquare National An- tbemn, quickl3bdispelled my appreben- sions. This immense volume a! sound, indeed, drawned aIl thaughts. fears and doubts. Besides. ail eyes were now upon a small door at the side af tbe stage from wbich a num- ber ai forms were issuing. Yes! This was tbe signal! The hymn rises ta a crescendo; 6,000 necks crane eagerly farward; I stand on my chair ta see round the bat o! the large lady in front a! me. There are no spotlights or theatri- cal emphasis. It is aîl much more subtle and effective than that. AI- mast unobtruslvely but what an entrance! Wbat an artiste! Sbe walks at the end o! the procession, talking animatediy ta a huddled, limping figure she supports with ber arm. Now sh. bas taken ber place in the middle o! the stage, near tbe microphone, whicb is hall hidden with flawers. She is dressed like an angel. Yau know those filmy nightdressy affairs tbey wear in tbe kind a! piaus pic- tures you can get at Woolworth's. Movng; local and long-distance. A buncli ai archids bangs f romi H. BOMBARD Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmanvllle ber lait shoulder. Her hair is, well, yes golden with captivating lit- TREASURER'S SALE 0F île love curîs liera and there. Her eyes sparkle with a holy entbusiasm. LANDS FOR TAXES She scintillates witb eer gesture Town of Bowmanville magnetic. Unmistakably, irristibly. Sbe reminds yau strongly, nat in County of Durham featura, but in sheer glamour ai per- fsanality af sameane else ane bas seen Tc Wit: oan a platfaron. Who can it be? Wby! By '.irtue of a warrant issued by the ai course. Lady Astor. That same Mayor of th.- Town af Bowmnanvilu bear- '.ivid, vital intense aliveness. ing th.- dat of the lOch dLîy of August, . sale of lands in ai re.aru>of t.îtx.s uin the~ Town of Bowmanvilc wîll bc heldi at mny There is a hushed axpectancy: like office at th0 hour of two o'cloek in tlic at the Albert Hall befare Melba sings. afternoon on th,- sixth day of omr The orchestra, ai one wave of ber 1930, îînîiss î}î,ýtaxËes and costs ar, s800Cr pail, Notic, la }wrehy "i'e lily hand. strikes up a tune. It mighit that *h, of lands for saI.ý fr b, a crossword puzzle set ta music; Of tc1xu s ibng pî,îishl ti Ontario but Aimee staris ta sing. Terribly. Gazeýtton tbi 23r1 lay of Auuiit anq etsha St vr ntnl n h that copies of the saj( l ist may be hadYt. 'gtavronatyadth &t my office. cangregation screani wiih ane voice Treasurer's Office, this Oth day of for, more. Auîa.1930 This trne it is something about JOHN LYLE, th~e Lilies and the Valley and the 35..rlTreasurer. dîra-'ons ai evil that lurk in the for- est ta devour thase wba do nat i "r~ 'Pi-aise the Lord." Have Your Eyes Examined Consuit our Retistered Optornetrist R. M. MITCHELL - Latest Methods - R.I. Mitchell & Co. Drugglsts - Optometrists Phone 92 rt-igEnds in 1 Minute fJ.âe eqiafor onthi. Single application of 9q~ha.tiia ed ~itch and burn j inute ~xeded dizease for good."l Jan@ Paula. tb:-SaIeal ends Eczeina 1uickeattime ever Inown. itchlni stops instantly. AU ýdruggista. She mayas about the stage against the great velvet scraen and 6.000 pairs af eyes gaze in ecstasy. She waves ber ai-ms. Stamps lier feet. -Cmeto Jesus," she sbrieks. "Pralse the Lord," and "Halleujali"; 6000 Amens. Now she addresses the Faithful. She talks about ber caming trip ta Palestine "Haw I wisb aIl you dear, wonderful folk coulcl corne along witb me but some day ail of you are gaing ta the Lord, ai Praise Hion. f olks! Yes. HalIl take us dawn fram Heaven in His Heavenly aeraplane We ail sing. Goadness knows wbat iti: 6000 apparently sane men and women ara swel)t up in a wave af mass emotlonalism. The orchestra icrashes, Aime,' prances and pirou- ettes about the platiorm in an alarming fashion. Mothers cluich their babies. Young men with pale profiles gaze witb rapt adoration as if tha Heavens are about ta open and Gad Almlghty Himself ta appear. Stern jawed young Amazons wlth born-rimmed spacs. jot down in huge notebooks eacb pearl af wisdom tbat i f aUs f rom Aimee's lips. An old lady, witb tears in her eyes and that cmn- ema mother loaok. seizes my band and sobs, "God bless you. my boy." The tumuit ceases. A sheiklike fig- ure now occupies Aimee's place in the centre af the stage. He gives us a short (merci! ully! for it is bot and I arn drencbed witb a boly per- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Refiections on Monday Mornlng "We're aU, al bere,"-a goadiy! number anyway. Gatbered in likel sheaves f rom the "great ail over"I preparatory ta being threshed and I -round. The hi!1.' and vallç'vs of1 spiration) lantern lecture about Jer- 1 Hope arid Clarke bave again raturn- 1Bowmianville BI usalem. ed tha "shining lighis" that have so * of ten heretofore brigbtened the And then the collection "Put up soînewhat monotonical routine of your bands, f olks, sol that I can see 1 school lit e. The harvest fields of how much it is," shrieks Aimee. Darlingion bave exported to this And, seeing that tbe Lord lavetb a market some ai their plumpest chef in frt ! ehsea ttle. mark- beads, but alas! the taîl pines that be exact, it appeared in The Canad- opeinfoto ahsatomak fiourish alang the shares of squally ian Statesman ai September 6th af ed "Montbly Love Offering ta MY Scugog bave not as yei sent along that year. 52 years ago-think a! Pastar." their wortby representatives. A it! They were probably as proud We f al on aur knees. Tbe figure matley crowd, but witbal a jolly one, over ibat coat of pink whitewash in white waves ber arms once more alîbaugh mast af us resemble the teylo an n h e lns and exharts the Lord ta drencb Us laie wbeat crop-too mucb straw for ths e rellw a theandsme new ns witb His blessings. A deathly sil- the bead - considerably shrunken buildings that add sa mucli ta Ibe ence descends the walls seem ta and greatly rustad. efficnianyand appearance of the, close in about me my arms and A fresh coating ai pink white- preetedifice. legs are numb and refuse ta function. wash and a f ew layers ai yellow; We wonder if any oi aur rcaders I lasb myself inta a titanic effort. paint, together with a bran new set remember wbo wrote in thase days and summoning every ounce a! my of window bllnds. bave added mucb otie. ebbing vtality make one frantic rusl!ta the appearance a! the rooms that Pnie. for the door. And there. ah glory are again sbawing signs of lite after b.! a breatb o! God's f resb air! ibeir deserted aspect during the re- THE WAY OUT cent bolidays. Quite a number aiof__ THE HARATER F A new faces bave appaarad ta f1M1 up: Mr. Wbite used ta, say that if lie TH HAPPY LI F A the blanks occasioned by tbe depart- depended on letter-writing ta, out-of- HAPPY LIFEure o! tbose wha were successf ul inJ tawn f riends, be'd be utterly f riend- By eny aton 164> their examinations. and have aithar less. '-I cant get it over witb a How Henpy i le ortn and aug stepped up higlier in the ladder af Pen.'"lie says. "I bave ta talk ta laarning or bave attained ta some people. Sa I make it a point ta cal That serveth nat anotber's will; honorable position, followed by the my variaus friends by Long Distance. Wbose armor is bis bonest thought, well-wisbes ai tbeir aId schoaimates. The niglit rates maire it inexpensive, And simple trutb bis utmost skill !wbo are lefita struggle on for weary and it is so easy. I dont know a! Wbose passions nat bis masters are;j months ta corne. anything that gives me more pleas- Whose soul is still prepared for' 'Tis bard to quit vacation f un. r. death. And every kind o! lark. re Nai tiid unto the world by care 'Tis bard ta keep from mischief Persian Balm appeals instantly ta Of public fame or private breatb; 210W, the dainty woman. Stunulating the Who envies nane that chance doili And pramptly tac the mark,. skin making it velvety soft In tex- raîse. 1 'Tis bard ta, stick ta maustY bo0kS, ture. it creates and preserves com- Nor vice; wbo neyer understoad Wbile others play lacrosse,. plexions af exquisite charm. Del- EIow deepest wounds are given byl 'Tis bard to know yaur time is up, icately fragrant. Cool and delight- Praise; And some one else is "boss." f ul ta use. Especially recommended Nor rules a! state, but noies o! Scelerlura Artifex. ta soathe and dispel roughness or gaod; chaflng. Stimulating and invigorat- Who bath bis if e irom rumors freed; The abave reflections were not ing. Imparts a youth.ful lovelines Whose conscience is bis strang written by the present Higli Scbaol and protects and enhances the most rTaestrat a eterfatrr reporter, but by one a! the wise delicately-textured skin. Persian Whoe se nnite latr cracking smart alecks af the Higli Balm is tbe unrivalled tailet requis- Nafuie ae presr get School days ai the faîl of 1878-to ite. Who God dotb late and early pray More of Ris grace than gifts to __________________________________ lend; Amd entertains the harmless dayTh With a well-chosen book or friend; -This man is ireed from servile 0 hope to rise, or fear ta fail: ord ai himself. thougli nat ai lands, 1N Tno AnbavinZ nathing. yet bath alI. Plrnt e WO.IEN WHO Dependable, quiet 1 SUFFER FROM operation alwags I \ IdF~TI IN]i qEALED air-tight witbin the IiI"x I C aI%7lll Here Is Quiekest, Safest Relief Known Thousands af women - especially those in tbeir "early iarties"-begin ta notice unmistakabla signs ai stom- ach trouble. Sourness, Gas and Bloating f olow nearly every meal and sbartness ai breath, iaintnass. nausea. and a feel- ing of oppression or pressure around the heari are regtlar daily symp- toms. This may be due ta function- al changes, nervausness or avereat- ing-but nine urnes out of ten, tbe real cause ai the trouble may be traced ta Acid Stomacli! The stamacli needs an alkaline- something to neutralize the excess acid that is causing the trouble. There is noihing better for tbis pur- pose than 'Bisuratad" Magnesia, ab- tainable in sealed packages ai eibheri powder or tablets tram any reliabla drug store. Jusi a little 'Bisurated"I Magnesia taken in water. aiter meals, wiIl quickly do away with the gas. blaating and pressure by neu- tralizing the excess acid. It brings almast instant relief iram sourness and pain. This is a pleasant, barm- less and inexpensive prescription used by thousands af women wbo now enjay their meals witb no mare feaîr af indigestion. A lie that is a lie. may be met and foughlt outriglit; But a lie that is part a truth, is a barder matter ta flglit. -Tennyson. Monitor Top le the entire onechanism that wiU operate a Gen- eral Elcoîrie Refrigeralor year in and ycar out--quietly and dependably- ihout a thought or worry on your part. Every day the General Electrie Re. frigerator will save you money. For a f ew cents a week it will provide the safe. dependable refrigeration that preserveh foods, safeguards health and prevents waste. And thec Monitor Top is debigned Io give a life-time of eonomical, trouble-f ree service. Ask the nearest dealer Wo demon. -î strate the many advantagcs of the. General Eleetrie Refrigerator. EASY TERMS ARRANGED G enerai Eleetrie Refrigerie. tor dealers are in a position Io off er exceedingly reason- l able ternas, weIl within the I average faumuly budget. E R.-220P GENERAL* y-ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATORt THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO I3oivnîanv'ilIe - Ontario Guarsntoed Ly CANADIAN GENERÂL ELECTRC Co., Llmuted LISTEN TO THE COAL MAN The coal man knows why it is advantageous for you to buy youî' coal at the veî'y beg-in- ning of the winteî' season . .. and if you heed his advice and oî'deî' pîomptly, you xiii get the best (,f ser'vice, immediate delivery, and s1)ecial 1)1 2-es that ar'e in effect. Phone us to-day and specify your requiremen's. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Anthracite Stove ....................$15.503 per ton Egg & Chestnut ..........$ 15.00 pet, ton Pea .......................$12.50 per ton IBuckwteat................50 Coke ....................... $11.50] A discount of 50e Per ton wvill be n cash oî'der. %lcClellan & Co5,L l'hon 15 pér ton ýper ton nade for imited 3owmanville A Superior Automobile 8' I. e WHEN'S THE TIME TO QUIT branch office af the company as an *I rôde downtown in a taxicab, and ade imst.elf maser alon e cerai looked at the picture of the driver arn pase0f the cmays ffanicrs.i the license card wbich is issued by1 He looked around him and above therlie. dIsenafcelk 1ta9jhim, and was discouraged. Every- Whee hd Isee a ac lie tatjwmlcre bis way seemed ta be blocked Suddenly 1 knew. An acquaint- by men wbo had been there longer, ance of mine looks enough lîke that but were young enougb so that they taxi driver ta be bis twin. would be active for inany years. If the whole truth be blurted out, One night be deflnitely decided ta I doubt if there is a very wide differ-, look for somnething else. The next ence in intelligence between that taxiI day an officer ai tbe company visited driver and my acquaintance. Neither bis branch, and a violent discussion bas mucb educatian. Neither is well lensued. The officer upbeld one side read. Neitber can be accused of pro- of the question. my young friend the f ound thougbt. other. And my young friend knew How is it, then. thât one is on the! bis facts; he was rigbt. front seat 0f a cab and the otber; The argument ended by the officer rides in the back seat af a limousine? asking him ta corne down ta New Luck? Undaubtedly there is a lot York "for a few weeks." He bas of luck in every successful career. been there ever since. But I think my acquaintance bas at If he had resigned the preceding least one quality wbich the taxi evening, My young friend would bave driver lacks. He stuck ta bis game missed bis one great chance. thraugh some pretty lean, taugh Hanging over the door af the lab- years when there was every reason oratory of a great automobile comp- ta b. discauraged and quit. any is this sentence: "No one ever The dividing line between success would have crossed the ocean if he and failure is .iust a bairline in! could have got off in the storm." thousands af cases. -Dne single de- I am not writing this piece ta try cisian may make .'ll the difference. ta make any man contented witb a A young man bas just been pro- poor job. There are plenty af in- moted into the vice-presidency of a stances wbere men have made their corporation. and given a stock par- everlasting fortunes by making a ticipation that will make bim many f resb start. times a millionaire. But more often. I tbink. the battie H. told me that be started in a is won Just by sitting tigbt. PAGE TWO £HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTIMMER 18,1930 1

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