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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESBEAN, BOWB&NVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEIMER 18, 1980 COUNTY SOFT BALL LEAGUJE The County League which was pro- moted by the local Boys' Work Board eariy In the summer has proven to be successful. Courtice. Tyrone and Salem are at the top of the league and the games that will decide the wnning team will be piayed this week. The wmnning team of the above three, which wiii be the champion team of Durham County, wil play a sudden death game with the winners of South Ontario County at Brook- Uin on Friday. September l9th, at 5.15 p. m. Tis game ought to prove very mnteresting and the Boys' Work Board as well as the winning team wouid like às many as possible to go to Brooklin and cheer them along. RUGBY PRACTICE UNDERWAY High School Students Anticipate Better Team than Ever Last week the Rugby recruits- raw and otherwse-begafl training for the coming season. They play their first game about Sept. 27th, so there is no time to lose. There are over 25 volunteers for the team and under the instruction of T. A. Miller, B. A.. tbey are gradually losing their corpulence and putting on some muscle. They may be seen almost any night after four scurrying after the pigskin or tearing Up the sod witb treading feet as they go round and round the fleld. Rugby is stillinl Its infancy i Bowmanviile, but with jncreasing popuiarity the town wiil no doubt bei solidly behind this popular and f as-1 cinating sport. It is a great game, taking boys with sturdy hearts and brawny arms, but wtbal that there also be brains. A rugby teamn that wins lias to have very quick tbinking as well as acting members. If any of the townspeopie are feel- Ing weary any afternoon tbey should make a visit to the bigh school cam- pus and watch the practice. You'Il enjoy it immensely and wish you were in it-maybe! FLEET WORDS "Long Distanoe" is now "short dis- tance" when it cornes ta telepboning. The "glance of the mind" is no more Swift than the speed of telephone aurvice today. No means of com- munication equals its surety and ef- flciency. Familles are being kept together, by the out-of-town ser- vice, although separated by many miles. SCHOOL FAIRS IN DURHAM Hampton, Thursday, Sept. l8tb. 1 Enniskiilen, Frlay, Sept. l9th. Newcastle, Monday, Sept. 22nd . coore modern roof-f Whiz Defeated in Two Games Saturday Afternoon- Play by Play Account of Games - Proceeda of Series About $300. Saturday afternoon the finals o! the town sof tbail league were play- cd. There was a large crowd of spectators, and the exhibition was wefl worth seeing. It was necessary to play a double beader as the Good- year team won the opening gamae. The games were very close and very uncertain as to wbo would bel the wnners Up to the final innings. These were the best finals seen here for some years, and the losers sbould flot feel down-hearted, because tbey put up a great battle and were very close to wining most of the time. The proceeds of the final games whicb amount to about $300 go to the Gatchdil family. First Game Raacb at bat for Goodyear, strike one, bail anc. bail two it was haw. Hits to George Piper wbo mufs the bail. Roacb sale on first. God- dard ncxt batter, bits a short oue over flrst base. Osborne up, two men ou bases, noue out; bail anc, f oui bail, strike two rigbt over the centre. Hits a Texas eaguer ta centre fild for a home run, bring- iug Roacb aud Goddard in. Seore 3-0 for Goodyear. James bits oui Piper ta Corden, anc out. Bal ou on Murphy. He bits to George Pip- et, two out. Calweil is the next batter, bail anc. foui bail. two more fouis, and he is caught out on the third foui fly. Whiz at bat-Cameron bits ta Roacb who fumbies for a moment but recovers in time ta tbrow ta first, anc out. George Piper bits ta Coi- weil wbo avertbrows to flrst, Piper takes second base. Strike anc or Knigbt. Hits a sale anc. Piper goes ta third. Carden bits a haug fly ta Murphy in centre field, and is THE question you should gýtle Linyaur mirîd when consid. ering the roof an vaut new bause is which is the nost econ- omical roof-not which is the cheapest. While a cheap roaf may cast you only a very few dollars Iess than a beautiful, permanent roof of Johns-Manville Shingles, it wil became increasingly expensive as each year brings fresh repair bis. A J-M Raof is the best dollar value you can buy because it gives yau roof protectian and autstanding roof beauty at the la'aest cast per yea.r. A roof of2-M Asbestos Shingles wil neyer need further attention. A J-M Asphaît Shingie Roof (at lower cost) wil give you sturdy protection that vvili free ytsu from ail repair expense for many years. In either type of roof there is a wvide range of beautiful colour combina- jtions which are flot obtainable ini Mnost other roofings. ~ or lumber dealer ta show You sanie of these modern, durable J-M C'. Roofs in your neighbour. hood. Johns -Manville Roofs Asbestos Shigles -Aspit shuagkes w~I11I For bult.op roofs au industriel and com-~ mercial buildings, apartalent housse,, etc., speaify Johlo'Manvuh. Boded Bult.up Roofs. Buyins àJa Roof la buylns exeamp- tdo, from lie, lisaka, caan d ep... Y Canadion Johns.Manil. Co., Lui., _lp pgpe Sum«B.t &5Tomea. Pletwe tend me litaai,,,e ilius. Roof colours. Addreui..................... ....... B-64 AUTIIORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Bowmanville - McCLELLAN & CO. caugbt out. Murphy overthrows to thc plate wben Piper and Knight score. Score 3-2. Another saf e hit by "'Bun" Moore. Cowle bits to Hobbs. Out at flrst. Three out. Goodyear batting-McMurter gets to flrst. Hobbs hits into a double play. Moorcraft hits an easy one to Piper. Ail out. That didn't take Lag oo~~g f the Whiz at bat. James catches a fouI fiy. Rovan is out. Osborne to James. Score Goodyear 3, Whiz 2. Roach battig, Cowle catches foui on last strike. Goddard swings and clouts the bail to centre field for a saf e hit. Cameron catches Osborne out. James fans at one and then hits a liner ta Bun Moore in icît Corden and Murphy is tauched out trying to steal third. Cameron drives a hot one past Roach. Piper follows with a single. Knight is out. Corden attempts to bring i some runs but Osborne gets the bail ana twa men are out. Moore is out also, Roach ta James.Tbree out and the Goodyear win the first game, 7-4. Second Game Weil, the Goodyear takes the field this time and the Wbiz attempts to score a f ew runs. Here we are: Cameron begins with an out to Mur- phy. George Piper singles tbrough short, but is forced out on the next bahl when Moore bits to Hobbs. Cor- den hits through Osborne. Murphy fumbles the bail and Moore goes to third. Murphy makes a wild heave ta third and Moore scores 1-0. Knigbt bits through second. Corden brings in another run, 2-0. Cowle gets out on a fly to left field. Tbree fleld-side is out. --_---out. but uney nave made a gooci start. .e Last of third innings, Wbiz bat- Goodyear now wielding the stick Vting. Cameron hits safe to centre. when Roacli burles one i Large's LPiper hits to Bert Colwell. Cameron hands. Goddard makes the second iforced out at second. Piper sal e on out, Rovan ta Corden. Osborne is ro Knight bits .iust over second caught out by Corden. eto Deac Goddard. who misses the Whiz up-Large bits a hard one to Lbail. Bill Corden at bat, strike one' Goddard, who holds it. Rovan -He hits a long high fly te Murphy out. Osborne to James. Dub Piper ;0who scoops At in foir an out. TvWo 'ingles to centre fild. Cameron is out and two on bases. Moore out. ., Roach ta James. Ncarly some runs ot oc eJms ithere, but the score is stili 3-2. Goodyear-James hits a short fly First of fourth:-Murphy swing- to Cameron. Corden puts Murphy ,ing hits twa louis and then gets safe out on a bard grounder. Rovan waiks 'on first on an error by Qeorge Piper. Bert Colwell. McMurter slams a fly LeBert Coiweii is out. McMurter flies to Large - three out. out. Habbs bits to shortstop. It First of 3rd.-Piper is flrst out, iooked good, but George Piper made Colwell to James. Moore hits a home a pcaclrctc.:n but it was close at home. Mc- Cweof Whiz foui bail, another Murter dropped the bail or he might tfu.strike two, tries to bunt on his have been out. James catches Cowie. - ast strike, but it roils foui. He's Knight is out te Coiweil. out. Large hits througb short. ,n Rovan hits hiner to Osborne, who Hobbs is out, Cameron to Carden. ýpegs ta flrst catching Large out" Moorcraf t hits a very high flW. but IRovan out on the catch. Piper nabs it. Roach is sale on is Rovan's error. Goddard is out on a Moorcraft bunts aiong first base f oui bail. iine, safe! Roach at the plate, 'Bai anc' beliows the umpire. The next First af 4th.--Cowle singles to lef t. bail is hit, but George Piper catches . Large hits inta a double play. Two it. Moorcraft remains on llrst. out. Rovan singles te right. Dub Piper is again f avored witb an out Piper knocks the bail over the f ence when Goddard hits to him. He for two bases. Cameron lits ta Bert tbrows the bail to second, forcingi Coiweii. It slips by Coiwcii. but Moorcraft. 'Gooz" Osborne pounds Hobbs recovers and tbrows Cameron the next one through third. James Out.t f ollows with a long drive to ici t fild. Osborne out, Cameron to Corden. Bun Moore takes it into camp for the James bits past short. Murphy fouis third out. The innings is the final haif a dozen and then hits fair. of the fifth anax the score is stili 3-2 James forced out at second. Colweil for Goodyear. hits to rlght field, but Large cornes "Dub" Piper at bat, a saf e bit over fast and catches the pil. through Osborne. Cameron bunts First of 5th.-Piper singles toeici t. and is out at flrst. George Piper Moore bits into a double play, Os- next steams a iengthy drive into the borne to Roacb te James. Corden trees in lef t field taking two bases. out, Coiweîi to James. Many cl "Dub" Piper scores on the bit. ;Knigbt is caught out after three Last of 5tb.-Score 3-0-McMurter saults Of 'w foui balis. Carden bits to Roach, ta Knight. one out. Hobbs singles mothers; sh andi is out at flrst. Score now 3-3. over second base. Mooreraf t is safe inf ants ar< lstof thMurhy s he attr.on a bunt. Hobbs sale on second. sT all6tb-MtrpBy isote batei'.Roach bits sale to Large. There are The bl ge t unMor h a few errors and Hobbs and Moor- lube. Coiweii battîng. bail one- craît cross the plate. Roach is on Murphy goes ta second base, tries ta third. Goddard bits ta Dub Piper. take third on the overthrow. but it is Piper misses it, but Roacb is held disaliowed. McMurter bats anc tae on third. Goddard steais second.I right field. He's out. Murphy takes 1 Osborne with two strikes agaînst thîrd in the scramble. Habbs bits bim crashes one tbrough first base . through second. Murphy scores.! Raacb and Goddard score an the Score is 4-3. Moorcraft spreads the1ply Osborne reaches third. James tree leaves witb a long one, for tw'o iay. o orOson coigo ba.-,es. Hobbs is on thîrd. Raacb bie ts ch. Mr sionge sorndCon- çconw,s tbrough for a Texas leaguer ts ac.Mrh igeadCl os'~ ~ corng Hbbsandweil foliaw-s %ith a single. McMîîr- Moorcralt. The score is 63 Gd!ter 'lt" aPpr urh sfre dir fis ut.6-. Gd-at th rd. Thiat %va: a bad inningsý dýtrdfliesout.for thii, Whuz. Whz Paat-Moore . put out at! Knight nearly aut at first.C'.l first. Osborne ta James. Cowle is ou aIIbs ngtlre t2d also out. Hobbs ta James. Large1 Large bits ta Osborne. Murphy ýj bit a icecas fy t Bet Clwelbirings down Ravan's drive ta centre. and Bert fomnbies it. Large is sale ~ ~~53~î ofl fit' t. Osborne tbrows Rovan outi at first. Last af 6th.-Large gets Hobbs' fly Fui a!7tbOsbrnebit a ouita oî leffid. Moorcralt bit', the un- Li ir straigbtensbthenexhtsbafl, u pire twice on louis and finaily misses L',en straigtens thetise bailbu te al entireiy, but the catcher i Cameron throws the bail ta CordenI missec iti toa. s0 Moorcralttoo0k lii'st. 'oroneout Jaesget b a it. Roaci apidGoddard bit ta Large. lurpby follows with another nîceiy piaced bit ta centre. Bert Calwell, Seventh innings--Dub Piper fouis :.ncifices two out. McMurter is put mint uhle crowd, bunts, but Coiweii out by Bun Moore in leIt field. Side throw. hon, out at first. Cameron is retired. gets out first on Colwel.ýi error. Gea. Whiz have a tur-n at thse bat. Dub Mooe is out on igbflyta oa P:per bits ta leIt field, but Deac Maei n aMocat Gaýddard catches it dawn by bis shae Last af 7ti.--Osborne bunts safeiy. &,trings. Camerais bits into Mur- 'James is out ta Dub Piper. Murphy phy's hands, twa out. George Pip- batting. Large catches long lly. 0-s- r places a nice bit flirst base. Knight borne steais third an the catch. aiso bits safcly, Piper taking tw~o Large averthrows te third and Os- basics on the bit. Cor-den cames borne scores, 6-3. Colweii fouis tistough %with a bit and Gearge Piper nearly a dozen and then singles coîres. Moore up with two on bas- througbi first. Coiweii steais second "s and twaont. Habbs fumbles the wt eutra a. MMre bail and Moore is safe. Cowie is out, drives ta le! t fild, bits Passing car. Osborne tc, James. Tbcy pulled Coiwell scores and McMurter is on tbe»mselvcs out af a close situation thii'd. loIbbs up. Catcher misses tisere. Soe s64 ibGodc rflst bail. McMurter tries ta score, ieading. Soei - ihGoya but is caugbt out. First of 8tb.-Moore singles and Hobbs batting. baillanc. He ciauts steals second on overthrow. Coiweil a vicious anc ta icît field for three sse n tsfy.' iac. Tieai a vrhrw t its imb a double play, Osborne te third and hae romps home. Score Habbs ta Roacb. Large bits ta God- nows 7-4. Moareraît flics out. Raach dard. He's out, 7-3. is out. Goddard is walked. Osborne it ta ih.Trc u i n. Last of tb.-Hobbs is flrst out, hit teKnght Treeoutal out.Piper to Carden. Rovan catches Wbîz at bat-Raach makes a nce1Moarcian*ýf out an a buntcd fly. Raach catch on Large's fly bail. Rovan bits is , u. Havais ta Corden. ta Osbornu" ansd is out at fmrst. Mur- Niisth and hast innings-Rovan bits pby nabs Dub Pipcr's long bi lada spinner ta Colwell, but is out at they are tbre out .sa soan.1 fit st. Dois Piper bits over the fence First af the 9tb innings. James I for twa bases. Cameran ont ta is ont on a foui fly ta Duis Piper.ý Jamies.. Piper on third, two out. Murphy siashes a bot anc tbrangh George Piper batting. Deac Gaddard1 Scotty Cameron. Colwelh tries ta catches the fly and the game sovr miin Moaîrcraft's coaching witb a f ast 7 rons far Goodyear, 3 for the Whiz.j foui ball. Murphy steals second an IUnipires were Eari Cunningham the next bail. Coiwcli is Put out by1 and Te*ddy Large. M M ORONO FAIR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY SEPT% 3Oth:0 OCT. lst 1930 ~Plan to Attend ONE 0F THE BEST AGRICULTURAL FA I RS In the Province. The LARGEST LIST of PREMIUMS ever offered by the Society in Live Stock - Agricultural- Poultry - Fruit Educational Exhibits- Ladies' Work Many Special Attractions_ HORSE RACES Under direction of Orono Driving Club Purse $300.00 2.25 Class - Free for Ail - Green Race HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST E3AI3Y SHIOWA WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER lst, at 3 p. m. Agricultural Society Prize - Best Baby Boy under one year of age - lst, $5.00; 2ncl, $3.00; 3rd, $2.00. -Best Baby Girl uncler one year of age - lst, $5.00; 2nd, $3.00; 2rd, $2.00. Entry to be macle with Judge in charge. Both Nights- The Humorous Play "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" Presented by the Agricultural Dramatie Society. MUSIC BY DURHAM REGIMENT BAND, ORONO J. Bigelow, Orono. President Aolph Henry, Orono, Phone i iri Seci'etary lsildren die f rom the as- vermifuge tbat eau be depended on cine and a remedy for ManY o! the 'orms, and the fIrst care o!f is Miiher's Worm Powders. They will ailments tbat beset infants, enfeeb- mouhd be ta see that thelr noualhy expel worms from the(ss- ing them and endangerlng their .f ree f rom these pests. A tem, but act as a healtb-givlng mi- ives. SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL FOR TRACTORS The very fact that a tractoi' consumes much more oil in a year than a motoî' cal' makes the selection of a quality oil propei'ly applied to the tractor of great impor'tance. We know the use of a quality oil ,vill pay the farmeî' by î'educed cost of upkeep, lowei' operating cost anmd steady production. The continued use Of Sinclair Opaline Motor Oila in accoî'dance with the Sinclair Recommendation Index assur'es these advantages to the tractoi' owneî'. Write oui' District Manager foi' the fr'ee booklet, The Sinclair Law of Lubrication. DISTRIBUTORS 407 Central Bldg. - Toronto 2. ART COLE BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT MANAGER TELEPHONE 14 - PAGE POUR Go odyear Wins Softball Trophy Required Six Cames to Cet Decisioni *-~ ýe- - -e, 3 , to

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