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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1930, p. 5

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TEE CANADIAN EBATEBMLAN. BOWMMIVU.LE, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 On Display Today - - The New ROGERS PER FECTED with the ROGERS <tMODULATOR" 1198 Complete with Rogers Guaranteed Tubes and Genuine Electro Dynamic FM RSSpeaker Distinctive Gothic design with fluted and carved corner posts. Highly figured sunken centre panel. Bevelled top. Harmonizing grille design. An Achievement in NATURAL TONE This new Rogers Lowboy with Perfected Screen-Grid Chassis wiIl give you the truest flow of NATURLAL TONE you ever heard. Com i "w W. J. BAGNELL Bowmanville No FRIEND LIKE AN OLD FRIEND For thirty-five years millions have shown pref erence for Shredded Wheat over ail other cereal foods- and it's so easy to understand why. le's the whole wheat ini its most digest- ible form. The erisp, crunchy shreds encourage thorough chewing-afld the more you chew it the better you like it. So easy to serve a quick break- fast because it is ready.cooked. Deli. cious for any meal. SHREDDED ket thcwm.i hairgeo Your pride Prompts You to keep your hair weII gromed... then for the gmre reason amarten your duil, unpolished shoes regularly wth a glo@osy "Nugget" ahine -waterproofs the ehoes ms it poliahe.. 0 §110E POUsa1 qk Umtîlu "ogMea»êaI#"lýt WEDDING WEDDING WEST DURHAMX EXHIBITOUS Pascoe-McCuliochI Brent-B1Ehtwell Win Many Prises at Oshawa Fair A very pretty wedding took place On Saturday, September 6th, at 3 As in former years, f armers and at Columbus United Churcb, Wed- p. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. housewives f rom Bowmanville, New- nesday, September lth, when Hazel Chas. Bigelow, near Tyrone, a pretty castle and West Durham district fig- Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. but very quiet weddiflg was solemn- ured largely among the prize winners Hugli McCulloch of Columbus, be- nized when Mary L. Brightwell, at Oshawa Pair last week. Those came the bride of Walton Grant Pas- daughter of Mrs. Bigelow and the who won prizes i their varlous coe, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Pascoe, late J. J. Brightwell, became the classes are: of Columbus. The ceremony was bride of Mr. Howard F. Brent, eider Apples-W. H. Carruthers & Sons, performed by Rev. Dr. Cooper, pas- son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Ty- J. F. Osborne & Sons, Leslie Colla- tor of the church. The wedding rone. cutt, Oswald Cowan, H. M. 'Foster, L. à march was played by Miss Ida Me- The pretty bride, attired ini white Hocken, J. L. Cryderman, F. B. Love- Cufloch, o! Columbus, cousin of the crepe romaine and carryxng a beau- kmn. bride. The flower girls were Mary tiful bouquet of Pink rose-buds, lily Pears-Lesie Collacutt, L. Hocken, I and Bessie, twin daughters of Mr.; of the valley and mnaiden hair fern, W. H. Carruthers & Sons, J. P. Os- and Mrs. Wesley Real of Uxbridge, entered the drawiig room with ber borne & Sons, F. B. Ljovekin. wearing pretty frocks o! whte and, mother to the strains o! Lohengrln's Collection of Native Fruits, Edible blue French organdie and carrying wedding march played by Miss Beat- -F. B. Lovekin. a basket of roses and baby's breath. rice Bigelow. The ceremony was Cattle-W. S. Bragg, T. Ba1ker & The bridesmaids. Misses Jean Mc- performed by Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Sons, J. r. Osbore, JohnB ker, H. Culloch, sister of the bride, and Doris, their pastor, bef ore an altar of aut- M. Foster, A. Muir & Sons, G3eo. Rob- Nesbitt, wore gowns of pink, f ash- umn flowers, ferns and lofty plants , inson, W. J. Oriniston. ioned with cape collars and frilled the color scheme throughout being Horse-J. W. Boyd, J. P. Osborne, skirts falling to the floor, with pic- pink and white. During the signing C. -Howsam, J. R. Kiveil, Russel ture hats to match, and carried bou- of the register, Mrs. Ethel Tamblyn Robbins, Wesley Yellowlees, Oswald quets of mixed summer flowers. The Cooper, Toronto, cousin of the bride, Cowan. maid of honor, Miss Bernice Martin, sang "Because." Ponies--Jolin Rickard, A. Ayre, of Lindsay, was gowned in pale Later the guests entered the dlnlng G. S. Cochrane, Oswald Cowan. mauve and yellow, with picture hat room where a very dainty luncheon Sheep-T. Baker, Harold Skinner, of mauve and yellow velvet. The was served by Mrs. R. J. Cassidy, John Baker, A. Ayre, Russell Rob- bride wore a charming gown of white Toronto, cousin o!f*the bride, Miss bins, J. W. Balson, Lloyd Ayre, A. georgette falling to the floor in Beatrice and Miss Elizabeth Bigelow Muir. graceful folds. and tight fitting bod- and Miss Mae Birent. sister o! the Dairy Products-J. F. Osborne, F. ice of silver lace and rhlnestone trim- groom. B. Lovekin. ming. Her tulle veil. caught with The bride's going away gown was Roots, Vegetables, Grain. Seeds- orange blossoms, was heavily em- brown georgette and velvet. with hat Everett Cryderman, Leslie Collacutt, broidered. Her only ornament was coat and accessories to match. The J. F. Osborne, J. L. Cryderman, Ivan a necklace of pearîs. She carried a happy couple slipped away amid M. Law, G. S. Cochrane, A. Muir. lonii elu aceoa ajrlir mRh -lklC fiGi showers o! confetti and good wisbes Flowers-J. L. Cryderinan, Miss bouquet o! roses and valley lilies. f or a short trip up the Muskoka Maude Reynolds, S. J. Jackman& The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Lakes. On their return they will Sons. jMurray Williams of Port Perry. reside on the groom's farm, Tyrone. Qil Amateur-Mrs. J. L. Cryder- - IMessrs. Hugh McCulloch o! Lindsay, man. cousin o! the bride, and Kenneth Needlework-Mrs. J. L. Cryderman, Hedden of Columbus, were ushers. They can conquer who believe they Mrs. Thos. Percy. The church was tastefully decorat- can.-Emnerson. Poultry-J. L. Cryderman, J. F. ed with autumn flowers and white Osborne.1r streamers. Mrs. Wesley Real of Ux- STkUL! Helhi,,,11 Cooking-Miss Maude Reynolds, bridge sang the solo "All For You "Ii 'ULrEL4hI ïJE Mrs. J. L. Crydermnan, Mrs. W. C. during the signing o! the register. tB n Ashton, Mrs. F. B. Lovekin. jFollowing the church ceremony a Must d i sh CZ em in the Junior Section, the three reception was held at the home of championship trophies were won by the bride's parents, after which thel and Skin Troubles boys !rom this district: 'bride and groom le! t on a motor trip Special T. Eaten Co. Ltd.-Archle to Montreal and the Eastern States. Muir. The bride travelled in a brown en- Or Your Money Back Oshawa Kiwanis Club - Maurice semble with brown fox f ur. On Baker. their return they will reside in Bow- Make up your mind to-day that Special $5-Russell Robbins. manville. you are going to give your skin a real Athletic Events-100 yds, under 18, ______chance to get well. Neyer mind what and 440 yds, under 18, Harold Col- SOLINA caused lt-you've probably been, like mer, 2nd; 100 yds, Herb. Coliner, 2nd. _______a lot of other people, convinced that (Received too late for last 'week) the only thing to use was an oint- OBITUARY Visitors: Mrs. C. Armstrong, Mrs. ment or salve (some of them are very (Dr.) Broad, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chant- good), but in the big majority of Thos. English, illersmnith 1er, Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. Mer- cases these sticky salves simply clog vin Hobbs.. Miss Evelyn Tink spent the pores, and the condition priniar- After many months o! patient suf- the weekend at Mr. W. L. Farsons', ily remains the samne. f ering, Thos. English passed away at Oshawa .. Mr. and Mrs. Frise, Tor- Go to JIuy & Loveil or any good his home in Emily township, on Aug- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pas- drug store to-day and get an original ust 26th, aged 71 years. Deceased coe, Mrs. John Fletcher of Kala- bottle of Moone's Exnerald Ou full was weli-known and highly respect- mazoo, Mich., has returned home strength). ed. He leaves to mourn his loss, his after a pleasant visit with her many The very flrst application wlU give wif e, one son and two daughters: friends and relatives he.. Mr. and you relief, and a few short treat- Mr. Hector English on the homstead, Mrs. Joe Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. A. ments wlll thoroughly convince you Mrs. M. Johnston, Bowmanville, and Whitnell, June and Loraine, Toron- that by sticklng faithfuUly to it for Mrs. Thomas Chalmers, Lindsay; al- to, at Mr. W. J. Reynolds'.. Dr. M. a short while your skin troubles will so two brothers, George o! Dunsford, J. A. James, Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. M. be a thing o! the past. and James o! South Ops; and tbree A. James, Miss Ellie James, Mrs. N. One bottie we know will show you sisters, Mrs. Thos. Eznmerson o! S. B. James and Miss Dorothy, Bow- beyond ail question that you have at Udora. Mrs. Amos Clissold o! Tor- manville, Prof. C. B. and Mrs. Sis- 1l.t discovere.d one sure way t<> e- onto, and Mrs. George Emxnerson o! sons, Orono, Miss Nora werry, En- store your skin to perfect health. Greenbank. Funeral services were niskiilen. Miss Olive Luke, Mr. and Rmebe that Moofl's E__&1.1 conducted by Rev. Mr. Dryer o! Bob- Mrs. WiI Mountjoy, Marion and Oul is a dlean, power!ul, penetrating, 1 caygeon, and interment was made in Willa, Kedron, with Mr. and Mrs. A. antiseptic où that does not stain or 1North Emily Cemnetery.L L. Pascoe Mr. and Mms. Neal, Pick- leave a greasy residue, and that it____ ering, Mis. K.lveUl, Brooklln, Mrm. W. must give complete satisfaction or Peace-we shail have it soon on Oke and daughter, Enniskiilen, Mi. your money cheer!tiIly refunded. the sarne condition that we got war. and Mrs. la.rr Phiflips and Mr. Ed- We must fight for it in the moral gar Phillips, Toronto, visited Mrs. S. sphere as we dld in the physical Shortridge, who continues qulte sphere. Peace has been promlised weak.. Messrs. B. G. Stevens and only to men o! good-will. Good-wl C. H. Scott at Southampton. Miss . must be i the bottom o! the heart; Jean and Master Gordon Scott ac- without It, It is only a shar peaoe. companied them home after spend- ~ -Marshal Foch. ing the holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Chapin o!f it Cairn, Pa., have T R EM M ES0 been spendlng part of their holidays - FAEMILYBENE FTE at the Argue home here. F ML E E IE About 80 friends and neighbors o!f____ Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock gath- ered at their home Frlday evening,MO L "I was habltuaily constlpated, suf- Sept 5t, toextnd bs( MOULTtoING fered wth indigestion, and bilions- them on their recent mariage. 4 . HENS ness and was terribly weak and ner- When ail were assembled Mr. John To give them extra vitality to, humr Baker called order and requested Mr. upth Moult and g et back to laying George Werry to read a nicely word- egga, dose them daily with a littie ed address expiaining the reason of the gathering. At the proper time Misses Margaret Scott and fleen Bal- ' son and Mr. Tomn Westlake presented themn with a walnut chesterfleld tab-. in h u euao le and a reed rocking chair. Mr. L and Mrs. McKessocic replied, thank- ~n~'onC CANADA Limiti ing them for their beautiful presents. a~aî. v ~ot Short congratulatory speeches were made by several, a!ter which ail join- ed in singing "For they are Jolly good !ellows:" The remainder o! the ev- ening was spent i games and social intercourSe. after which lunch was ing Mr. and Mrs. McÇessock many years o! happy marriec i f e. Douglas' Egyptian L-iniment is an excellent leg wash for stock. Also ý- remnoves corns in horses and qulckly aeated disorder. It je onc of Naturesto te ai. danger ignals her urgent wamning tf te so hela an umpure blood-strmm whicli, if not gig& tospnquc» attended to in turne, may wreck the t aIwta iu stSs qudd.Imsto the entire health with smre dangerous it st w l' eeto yb. Butlto the indeed lifelong, diseas. The ix alte b ,hazmrluuf.tom fYOer Btiawa ln Krumehen keep the. blood-tream bairle.Wysfm pure and vigorous by enHuring the comploe eizinatio ofo!poionous _ _ _ _ _ A P wsMme *r bhem te ystei every ________________ SAE MARK qo day. i PAGE FPM W. P. CORBETT Phone 3 Bowiuauville and Orono 9th Sai-Blit Week Speial AT OUR STORE SEPTEMBER 13th to 2Oth' AT $ SAVES ~199 you $51*00 COME IN AND SEE THIS RARE VALUE! Here's the best buy we've ever been able to offer you in a Sani-Bilt guaranteed moth- proof suite, With a WRITTEN. Replacement contract. In it is offered a rare combination of high VALUE, distinctly superior appearance, ad- vanced constructional features for long ser- vice and-a LOW price. Look this suite over before Saturday night, Septembeil 2th-and save $51.00. ON SALE AT Fe F. MORRIS CO. Home Furnishers - Furniture Phone 10 Bowmanville Is Your Furnace Coing to Smoke or ileat This W inter ? It xvon't be long now. Faîl is here. A little wood in the furnace 18 going to feel mighty niee - if your furnace is working eorrectly. Then cornes Winter, freezing cold. You put on a fire, but srnoke cornes instead of heat - Then you'll cail us. But why not have it cleaned and overhauled now. Then you'rie ail set at the first cool speil. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville King St. West ai ib - Here it is ! Flaky, taStY, crisp crusted Bread that everybody enjoys. Ideal for children's "in betxveen meais", and a splen- did food for stimulating flagging appetiles. Fresh every day fiiom sanitary ovens. Our delivery wagons are on every street every day. il 1 004t 1 "wtwllllý AK m

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