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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1930, p. 6

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TMC*NADIAN STATMOMAN, B0WIMNVUJLE, THflRDAY, SEPUMm 18, 1930 ENNISKnl EN Mr. Roy Webber, Newcastle, visit- ed lis aunt, Mrs. Wm. Herring. Mr. Frank Orchard has returned home f rom a pleasant visit with relatives in Manitoba and Nortli Dakota. He also attended the Caldwell-Orchard wedding at Ma-', Man. Miss Lenore Benthamn, Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. was guest o! Miss Reva McGiIl over the weekend. Mr. Stewart Mark and Mr. Walter Hood, Scugog. visited at Mr. Orr Jeffrey's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams and daugliters, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and Miss Marjorie Tamblyn, Mr. John Tamblyn, Orono, called on their mother, Mrs. A. Tamblyn, recently. Miss Marion Brown, Oshawa, vis- ited her cousin, Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, on Thursday. Mrs. H. J. Werry and Mr. Gordon Werry spent the weekend with !riends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackelton, Mas- ter Elwood and Douglas, spent Sun- day with f iends in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens and 0cr- don spent Sunday with !riends in Oshawa. Miss M. E. Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend here with !riends. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preston, Peter- boro, spent the weekend wlth the former's mother, Mrs. G. Preston. Mr. Claude Smith spent a few days with lis brother, Mr. Wilbert Smith, Oshiawa. Sunday Sdhool was well attended Sunday morning with an attendance of 98. Glad to see Mr. J. A. Werry able to be out again a!ter his recent fil neas. Rev. W. A. Bunner, Bowmanville, will take the services here on this circuit next Sunday in absence of our pastor, Mr. Whyte, who is at- tending the United Churdli General Council in London. AUCTION SALE Thursday, Sept. 25th. - The ex- ecutrix of the estate of the late W. H. Halfacre will seil by auction on Lot 15. Con. 7, Darlmngton. ail of the f arn stock, implements, f eed, house- hold furniture, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See bills. Theo. M. Slemon, auc- tioneer. MILLINERY OPENINGS FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 -20 DJNGMAN & EDMONDS TON Pert littie bonnets that perch on your head and make you look irresistibly young-all sorts of Hats t;hat have had their brims lifted in the cause of fashion. You'll find them in f elt, rich velvet, silk chenille (tremendously smart this season) and com- bmnations of felt and velvet. They're a fascinating ly chic black. Hats Made to Order MILLBROOK FALL FAIR THURSDAY and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2nd - 3rd. Don't Miss This Fair A real Agicultural Fair with Good Prizes and many specials. Play - "Dr. Wake's Patient" Dance - 'Red' Moncrief's Haymakers. DON'T BE TOO LATE Now is the proper time for R E PAIRIN G or R E MODE L LIN G your Fur garments. We give estimates on al Fur work without charge or obligation, at your home if preferred. Have your Furs î'epaired by experts and enjoy the beauty of skilled workmanship. AI our work is guaranteed. John E. MVillier Next to W. J. Berry's Store Phone 170 Bowmanville, I - - in MAPLE GROVE SALE1M at Mr. Fred Axford, Winnipeg, lias Mrs. Slitholn, Whitby, visited been visiting his brother, Mr. Chas. her parents, Mrn. and Mrs. J. McDon- >d Axford, and other relatives and' ald, last week, lier son Jini retunng ifriends. home wlth lier after an extended r- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hall, Lachine, visit with lis grandparents. ie visited lier cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wood andi sons, Wmn. Snowden, on Frlday, also, cail- Newtonvilie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood, ys ed on Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Orono. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rundie, h, Miss Jean Hogarth, Hampton, Hampton, were Sunday visitors witli spent Sunday with lier cousin, Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish. .d Betty Snowden. Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, spent ce We welcome Mr. and Mrs. John the weekend at home. Ruttan and f amily to oun commun- Mr. and Mrs. D. Burgmaster, En- le ity. having purcliased the frame niskillen, vislted at "The Maples" 1- bouse from Mr. Samuel Snowden, îast week. west o! Maple Grove corner. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Doidge and their e, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens spent guest, Mr. R. Palmer, Detroit, were is the weekend with tlieir daugliter, Sunday callers; with Oshawa frlends. Df Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. Citizens of our community were t- Mrs. Trumnan Power is visiting lier sorry to learn o! the loss sustained al daugliter, Mrs. Stuart Morton, CO- by Mr. R. M. Cale on Monday when bourg. his coopershop was destroyed by fine. Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and____ f amlly visited lier sister, Mrs. Jin TYRONE -Hogarth, Hampton, on Suncfay even- Mn. Robert Jewell and Miss Minnie ing. Jewell, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Albert )t Miss Vera Trimble and Mn. Pare- Hawkey's. ie well Blackburn are attending Nor- Mrs. Theodore Down visited Miss -mal at Peterboro. Florence Down, Oshawa. Miss Ruth Armstrong o! Grace Miss F. Virtue and Mr. Wmn. Stap- -Hospital, Toronto, and Miss Marie les visited Misses Sadie and Launa Rundle were recent guests o! the Virtue, Toronto. former's parents. Mr. Harry Collacott, Eva and Jun- Mn. S. Jacks, Miss P. Jacks, Hamp- ion, Mrs. G. Phare, Mr. and Mrs. ton, Mr. W. Laing, Mrs. Jas. Laing Normnan Collacott and Breta, Mrs. and Misses O. and N. Laing, Miss C. W. Woodley, Edith and Joyce, Reid, Toronto, Mr. B. G. Stevens, Mrs. J. Tabb and Mn. George Tabb Miss Margaret Scott, Solina, and visited friends at Uxbridge. Miss Olive Jones, Bowmanville, spent Mr. and Mrs. H. Hilîs, Mr. and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mrs. Albert Hilis, called on Mrs. Stutt Armstrong. and Mrs. H. Curtis, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Forsythe, Miss C. SOLINAMackenzie spent a !ew days with the SOLINA atter's sister, Mrs. Willis Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Rus- Churcli service Sunday evening at sel and Doreen, visited Mr. and Mrs. 7p. M. Wilbert Glaspeli. Uxbridge. The executive of the Young Mn. nd rs. . Wllims, isss People's League wlll meet in the ves- Dorothy and Kathleen Cook, Port ty at 8 p. mi. on Thunsday. Perr, wre ecet gest atMr. Beavers Tuxis Square wiil meet Penny, wn rcet ust a M.for reonganization and election o! Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. officers on Friday evening. Pascoe recently visited Mr. and Mrs.HMPO A. J. Reynolds, Toronto,.APO Mn. Dan irkpatrick and !amily, Mr. and Mns. Jno. Colwill Jr.. have Toronto, visited at Mr. W. T. Bakeris. returned after liaving spent a pleas- Mr. and Mns. W. H Westlake and ant week in Owen Sound. MrW. R. Westlake visited at Mr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Trull and !amnily, INorman Mutton's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. SIe spent Sun- jRuth and baby Arthur, spent the , Mr. and Mns. L. Rabbins, Leskard, weekend with Toronto friends. visited lier sister, Mrs. W. J. Virtue. JMr. and Mrs. Mark Turner, Miss Mr. and Mrs. M. Avery, Buffalo, Florence Keenan, Mr. Bob Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peacock, Osh- Oshawa. Mr. Harold Williams, awa. spent Sunday wvith Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, were guests of Mr. and R. Avery. Mrs. Thos. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns and Mr. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanviile, vis- family spent Sunday at Cobourg. ited lis daugliter, Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. Jos. Clatworthy lias returned Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mowbray and f rom a pleasant visit with lier daugli- daugîter Iva, Bnooklin, viSited at Mr. ter and sisten in Cameron, Ont. H. Handy's. Mr. W. W. Horn and Wallace spent Mr. Stephen Hogarthi, Exeter, vis- Monday in Kingston. ited at Miss Mary Hogarth's. The funeral o! the late Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pitts and Greenaway was largely attended on baby Barbara, Lindsay, were guests Fniday afternoon at lier residence o! Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs. mn the village. The burial took Mr. and Mrs. T. Baker and Miss place at Welcome Cemetery. The Vera, visited recently at Mr. J. D. sympathy o! the community goes out Hogarth's, Hampton. to the boys, Elias and Wilfred, in Rev. John W. Bunner o! Bowman- their bereavement. ville will have charge o! our churdli Friday and Saturday are the open- service this Sunday. ing days o! the Pal! Millinery at A jolly evening was spent by our Dlngman & Edmondstone's. Don't Young people last Friday when about miss seeing the new styles. sixty o! them gathered at the schn, yard for our annual corn roast. 7"-- AYDON evening was spent very pleasantly Visitors: Mr. agid, Mns. John Gra- c with games o! ail klnds, then all ham, Kenneth and Miltoit, Oshawa, 1 gathered round the bonfire and en- at Mr. D. GrahanVs. Mrs. W. Ridge, E joyed to, the full the corn and water- Miss Margaret Ridge and friend, melons whidh were served. Tononto, at Mn. J. Wright's, Mr. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smith took and Mrs. J. Mountjoy, Miss Rosie their baby to Toronto last week for Mountjoy and Mr. Lorenzo Mount- treatment in the hospital, Mrs. Smith joy, Nestleton. Sundayed at Mn. J. remaining in the city. Mn. and Mrs. Crossman's and Mr. E. Mountjoy's.. Harold Pascoe visited them there on Mrs. Frank Cnossman, Taunton, Mr. Sunday. and Mrs. Cecil Crossinan, North Mrs. Shontridge continues very ill Oshawa, vislted at Mn. J. Crossman's. at tume o! wnlting. Her sister, Mrs.. Mn. and Mns. Henny Ashton and Kiveil o! Brooklin, is with lier. babe, Mrs. Reuben Ashton and Miss Irene Ashton, Port Hope, at Mr. L. Graham's Mrs. E. Bradley visited COURTICE lier mother. Mrs. Edgerton. Ponty- pool Mr. Jini Norman and Miss Mn. and Mrs. Harvey and !amily, Ethel Glenny, Bunketon, visited at Toronto, are visiting Rev. and Mirs. Mn. D. Hall's Mrs. Mallet and H. C. Wol.fraim at the Parsonage. Frank and Mn. Fred King, Oshawa, Miss Eva Osbonne, New York City, visited at Mn. T. Cowllng's Mrs. was guest o! Mrs. W. R. Courtice Roberts, Tononto, is visiting at Mn. hast week. J Crossman's Mn. Lloyd Fenguson, Mn.andMrs Aln AnisandEnfleld, at Mr. E. Bradley's Mn. family wene Sunday visitons o! Mr. and Mns. Hepburn, Bethany, Mn. and Mrs. G. P. Anflis. Fred Cowling and son Fred, Punple Mn. Walter Sniden, Welland, spent Hlli, at Mn. R. McNeil's Miss Con-1 the weekend at Mn. W. H. Niclols'. I - orno istdatM.M Mn. Nichols returned to Welland Slemon's Messrs. Edgar Cooper. with him to spend a week. Wm. Hansford. Norman Weish. Ben. Mns. Frank Hooper, littie Miss IFlaxington and friend, at Mn. C. Av- Ruth and baby Hooper lave returned Ierys home to Bowxnanville a!ter spndnIMn. and Mns. S. Trewin, Mn. and a few weeks with lier parentM. Mrs. C. Aveny and Miss Rilda Sieni- and Ms. Js. Bown.n enjoyed a moton trip to Plenelon Mns. Walter Snider and Miss Sadie Fa() rcnty Muir necently motored to Welland Fas eelynm eeatedd Osh- and othen places in Western Ontario w ar A!ter spending a few days in Welland Conn Roast under auspices of the with Mn. Sniden they visited relatives Lau atPia iî a edi in Buffalo and on thein way home the chunch shed. Everyone lad a visited Mn. and Mrs. Minto, in Clark- odtmenyighe aygms .Mnoi sse fMs played. About ten o'clock about M.dM ns.A. . Gy~MsL Jé-fy A-o--t e- tales snead--- her own room again. Appliications for the~ office of Tax Col- i-t Mn. Hugh Short, Tory Hill, spent lector for th4- T ownship of Darlington afew days at bis uncle's. Mn. Jack for the vear 19.10 will be recPlvec] by the tinndertilinNl up to 12 o1clock noon on Shot,.a ____________ rndny. Sljit.2,2n". AippliCants to ap- I, ar in nirmon tê the TownHl. ap NO IEton, at 8 o'clocc p. m. Sept- 2d 90 Any 1-irmon r,-mov1ng gravel front the t>utips of the <'ollector ta commencel ipelir west ofthrie Ioad allowance. Lot Oct. 114t, 1930. 15 F, will be prosécuted. J. D. HOGARTH, J. E. ALLIN, Clerk. 8-1 Bowmaztvllp Hampton, Sept. Sth, 1990. 27-2 dm Chain - RED AND WHITE - Stores ES Save time, keep yourself fresh and youthful by letting us deliver your grocery orders. No need for you to be a delivery boy and weary yourself carrying heavy parcels, just order over phone 599 and we wiIl deliver promptly. Quaker Oats, large pkg ....25c Lifebuoy Soap .......3 cakes 22c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 19c Rohled Oats, fresh milled, 5 lbs. 25c Aylmer Soups, except Chicken or Chicken with rice, 2 tins 21c Corn, choice quality, No. 2 can, 2 for 29c Red & White Orange Pekoe Tea, 1 lb. pkg ...................57c 1/2-1b. pkg .................29c Kellogg's Rice Krispies or Pep Bran .............2 pkgs. 25c Salmon, Tiger Brand, 11hb. tin, 2 for 35c Cheese, "Golden Spray" Canad- dian Loaf, '/:-1b. pkg ....18c Marshall's Herrings in Tomato Sauce, 1 lb. tin ...........23c Red & White Quality Flour, 51lb. bag 21c For Best Results Buy Your Zinc Jars, Pure Spices and Vinegar Shî'imps, new pack, No. 1 can, 1 9C Macaroni, Catehhi's Ready-Cut, 10 oz. pkg .................1c Weston's Biscuits, variety pack- age .......................... 33c Catsup, Ayhmer, 12 oz. bottie, 2 for 35c Peas, Falcon quality, No. 4 seive, tin ............................. 9c Flavoring Extracts, Red & White quality ...2 botties 15c Naptha Soap, Red & White brand .............6 bars 25c Lux Toihet Soap 3 cakes 25c Rinso or Lux, small pkg.... loc Lemon Oul, 4 oz. size ........14c 12 oz. sîze ................23c Raisins, California Seedless, 2 lbs. 23c Lyle's English Golden Syrup, 2 lb. in 23c Shortening, "Jewell", A. lb. 17c Jar Rings, Jar Rubbers, Fruit from your Red & White Store. FRED W. NELLES A Choice Selection of Fresh Fruits andi Vegetables jWe Deliver Phone 599 "Quality always higher than Price" miss Agnes x. Haddy, Toronto, is Mr. and Mrs. MoGili des Riveries BAILIFF SALE holidaylng wlth lier parents, Mr. and and family have returned home to MIrs. F. A. HaddY. Ottawa after a pleasant visit witli Friday, Sept. 26th.-There wiiI be Mr. W. C. Ferguson and Mr. W. R. her sister, Mrs. A. A. Honey'man. sold on the premises occupîed by Strike attended a rally of K.ey Lay- Rev. J. U. Robins, Mr. W. R. Metro Nemis, lots 31 and 32, con. 9, nen of the Bay o! Quinte Conf er- Strîke and Mr. W. C. Ferguson, of Darlington, horses, cattie, sheep, ence in the interest of the Misslonary Trinity United Church, are in Lon- Pigs, implements, grain, hay, etc. and Maintenance work on Saturday don attending General Council of Sale at 2 p. nm. Theo. M. Siemon, and Sunday at Belleville. the United Church of Canada. auctioneer. AT THE SMART SHOPf Were ever styles so fascinating- ly feminine . .. 50 utterly in ac- cord with the beauty of Autumn ... as the models exhibited here for the new Fail season? The latest Paris style trends are conspiculous in this magnificent collection of Autumn modes. the newest colors and smartest fabrics, luxuriously represented in styles that glorify the new silhouette. We invite you to visit The Smart Shop and view authentic modes that will be most fashionable for SPECIAL BUY New FaIl Canton Crepe Dresses Brown, Green, Blue, Black Retailing at the special low price of . $10.95 Featuring-. Fall Coats Frocks Ensembles and ah r smart AccesoriesThe Smart Shop GEO. R. MASON, Manager PAGE s=X I. N r i a- -1;. In Shape For Winter Our new qures will soon be ready. They will be cm=etly equi pped with up-to-the- minute machinery and service. Our me- chanics will do their best to give you the finest repair work and good service. In the meantime any repaing you require done will be attended to prmty JACK IIATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowmanville, Ont. I (. ý 1 -1 . 1

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