'. - I RZH CANADIAN 5TAESAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1930 PAGE MUVUN FrQUR-"rH /XNNUALÉ LL Fi IR BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL IN CO-OPERATION WITH WEST DURHIAM AGR. SOCIETY WILL BE HELD WED. SEPT. 24 AT Boys'9 Training School BOWMANVILLE Mr. Samn Harris, President Canadian National Exhibition, will open the Fair. COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS (A-Students of B. T. S. in the following departinents: Agrcutue - Horticulture - Wood Working - Motor Mechanies - Academie - Metal Working - Cooking. (B)-Durham County Junior Fariners: Livestock - Poultry - Fruit - Grain. Prizes donated by Bowmanville Rotary Club. (C)-Durham County Farmers-Open: Fruit - Grain. (D)-Durham County Junior Farmers: Director-Jas. McLean, Past President Ontario Plowman's Association. Plowing Competition-$90 in Prizes. Single and Two Furrow Classes. Bank of Commerce Cup for Best Turnout. SPECIAL EXHIBITS Dominion Experimental Farm, Ottawa - Arranged by F. C. Nunnick. Chemistry Departinent 0. A. C. Guelph - Lecture and Demon- stration by Prof. H. G. Bell. Field Crop and Seed Exhibit - Lecture and Demonstration by Prof. J. Laughland. Durham Apple Growers' Association - Lecturie and Denionstra- tion in Fruit Packing by Fruit Branch, Department V Agriculture, Toronto. Tractor Plowing and Farm Machinery - Demonstration by J. I. Case, Ford Motor Co. Cockshutt Plow Co. Massey-Harris Co. SPORTING EVENTS 1. Diving and Life Saving Exhibition by B. T. S. Students. 2. Swimming Demonstration by Ernst Vierkoetter and Ruth Tower Corsan, marathon swimmers. 3. Horse Shoe Pitching Contest. Director, Ralph Ames. $15.00 in five prizes, and Royal Theatre Trophy for Championship Durham County. Open to ail. PROGRAMME 12.30 p. m.-Junior Farmers' Plowing Competition. 1.00 p. m.-Exhibits open for Inspection. - 3.30-Boys at wvoîk in Shops. p. m.-Demonstration o! Apple Grading and Packing; Uses of Fertilizers and Field Husbandry; in the Rotary Gymnasium. 3.30 - 4.30-Aquatic Display in the Swimming Pool. A nom- inal fee of 10 cents charged. 4.30 p. m.-Ferguson Hall-H. C. Scholfield, M.P.P., Chairman Addresses of Welcome by Wm. Smith, President of the Fair; Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintendent; and George Annis, President West Durham Agicultural Society. Address by Mr. Sami Harris, President Canadian National Exhibition and Dominion President of Navy League of Canada. Presentation of Medals and Prizes for the Boys by the donor, Mr. H. C. Scholfield. 5.30 p. m.-Second Aquatic Display. OSHAWA CITIZENS' BAND IN ATTENDAN CE NO ADMISSION FEEk Wm. Smith, President. Earl Brash, Secretary. Dr. G. E. Reaman, Superintendent. Geo. Annis, Pres. W. D. A. S. BIETHS 1 Lost or Found STACEY-In Newecastle, Septebr PURSE LOST--Green suede purse, con- 1930, to Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Stacey, a so taining keys and money, betweeae the -Kennetb Ross. Towen Line and Happy Valley. Researd HOLUBENKO-In Newecastle, on Wed- for return to Statesman Office, Boseman- nesday, September 1th, 1930, to Mr. and vlie.8- IMrs. Peter Holubenko, a son. CHARTRAN - In Bowmanmville Hos- Wanted pital, on Frlday, Septeonhar 12th, 1930,t WANTED>-H:ouoe to rent, six or seveax Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran, a daugbite roomed bouse wlth moder nv.enes. MARIAESAppiy to Box 126, Bowmanvile. WANTED-Boots and sboes to repair, REESOR-CAIN-At Park St. Churcb, neat Job, moderate prices. Leave at Orono, Sept. lOCh, 1930, by Rev. William Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Base. jSterling, Helena Alvins,_ eIder daughter manville. 36-3e of Mr. and aira. George Cain, Orono, and Mr. Charles Wilford Reesor, Markham. BRENT-BRtIGHTWELL-At the resi- dence of Mr. snd Mrs. Chas. Bigelose, on Sept. th, 1930, hy Rev. J. R. Trum- pour, Mr. Howeard F. Brent, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, and Mary L. Brighewell, daugbter of Mme. Chas. Bige- 0ow and the 15(1 J. J. Brightweil, both DEATHS - HAWKINS-At Kendal, on Sept. 12th, 1930, Liza Jane Bullied. beiov,.d wife of William R . lHawkins. Interment at Or- ono Cemetery. GREENAWAY - In Bowmanville, on Wednesday, September 10th, 1930, Mre. Wm. R. Greenaway, Hamnpton, aged 51 years. Interred at Welcoyne. BLOW-In Wbitby. Sept. 14th, 1930, E. R. Blow, heloved husiandi of Editb Corr' ii, in his -72nd year. Local agent cf the C. P. R. for many years. HUDSON-In Oshawa, at the residence of his nephew, W. J. Hudson, on Sept. Ilth, 1930, Cbarle.s Alexand,ýr Hudson, ln his J58th year. Inttrred in Hampton Cerneterv. IN MEMORIAM HANNA-in .ver lovinz mc-inory of Ezra i-ianna. Durand, Mich. who passed to rest on Sept. 19th, 1928. He bas taken bis iast Journey In Gods beautiful ship callad 'Rest," Awa:y from this world of sorrow To a home of eternal resi. Fond were the ties that %ver,. broken, fl'ar is th(-one (bat has gene, ln niemory' we shall keep hlm, As ýong as the years roIl on. Sadly raissed by Wif e and Famuiy. SINGING LESSONS r MISS JANE MASON, A.T.C.M. Contralto rA meniher of Mendelssohn Choir, is pe îmr ci to accept a limited number of pl)t)s. Pbone 215. 38-tf LAUNDRY WANTED Al kinds of laundry work done promipt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasona.ble prices. Write Post Offioe Box 12, or cal Mrs. W. Marjorani, Ming St. E., Bosemanville. Phone 478W. Farnis to Rent FARM FOR RENT-140 Acres Fine Grain L.and, with an additional sixty acres pasture; running water in every field; wili rent cheap t0 rigbt party for three years; immediatc possession; chool, churcb, store close: Durham County; sixty miles east of Toronto, on Govet-amant roa.d. Fuller particulars, Burk, 18 Toronto Street, Toronto. 38-1 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 7-roomed solUd brick hous on Qusen St., modern con- venlences, furnace, %-acre land, lots cf fruit, chicken bouse, garage. TermeIif required or will exohange for amaller bouse. Apply ta LU Hooper, Queen St., or box 485, Bosemanville. 8-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick realdence, contalning eight roomae, bathraom, clou- ets and pantry; hardwood flacra; and al modern convesiences; good vegetable garden; double garage; very desira.ble location. For terme api* particulare ai>- ply an the premIses ta -W. J. Bra.gg, cor- ner Eigin and Horney Ste., or box 29, Bowmanvîlle. Phone 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Beat built boune on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four ton. of coke per winter for furnace andi stove. bas done it the. lait four winters; now renting for $25 per month; tbree roomao and tbree closets upstairs, six roomi and hall including bedroom and bathroom dawnstaira; cellar divided with cernent seal; garage and lien bouge. Tearmaeasey. Apply ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 85-tf~ Desirable Residence For Sale Mriht roorne, ouid brick modern houas, atonbe foundation, 2 storeys a.nd large attic with 5 wIndows, wehite aak trîm in 3 roomi dow=ntaira, large sun room lox 30 facing nouth, bs.ck porch, cellar han brick partition, 2 laundry tube ln cellar. bot seater heating, wired for electric stovea and electric grate, brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, matured shrubs, larve shade tres, fruit garden, on. cf oboiceit locati.cnj ad best built bou&es ln osen. rîIce d reasonable for immediate sale. Apply ta osener, C. Rehder, at Bcwmanviile Faundry Ca. Office, Bowmanville. 2-tf Notice to Credfitors THE BANKRUPTCY ACT ln the Estate of David Rosner, Merchanti of Bowmanvillc, Ontario. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that D)avid Rosner, Merohant, of Bowmanvilie, Ontario, seas ADJUDGED BANKRUPT AND A RECEIVING ORDER MADE on the sixth day of September, 1930, and that W. J. Iteilley, Esquire, Registrar, has appointed me to ha custodian of the EsLtata of the flebtor until the first meet- ing of crditors. NOTICE la further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above eatate wiil be held at the office of the Officiai Kaciver, Court House. Peterboro, On- tatrie, on the twenty-third day of Sep- -cmber. 1930, ai one-thirty o'clock ln the afi arnoon, Stan dard 'lime. TO ENTITLE YOU, 10 vote thereat uroof of your claim muai be !odged with ni, b.fora Ch -meeting is field. 1 'ROXIES to be used at the meeting nîisîha lodgedi with me prior thereto. AND FURTHER take notice hat et sucb re, .tlng the cr-ditors seilI elect the permnanet trustee. ANI FI 'RTHER take notice hat If you caeany dlaim against the debtor for %vhich you are entitled 10 rank, proof of .îîch dlaim mue be 1Bled witb me, or wltb '"trilJs ýe when annointed: otherseise the~ trocéees of the ilebtors estate wil i-,. ,listrlbhuet,d among the parties enttIed thereto sithout regard Co ycur dJaim. Datë at oronoibis eleventh day off Sept ,mter, 190. FRED PAGE HIOGINS, 39-1W Custodian. GENEIRAL TRUCKING ]Live Stock, Applos, Supplies, Furnituro, etc. Fîrst class service, prompt at- tention bY competent and ex- perienced man. FRANK VICE West of Maple Orove on Kingston R. R. 2, EowmanvMel Phone 203rl1 Fi HOUSE TO RENT-.On Elgin Street, Bosenanville, 6 mrnes, newly decarateti; garage and garden. Apply Cc SUlas Ponter, Scugog Street Phone 646. 30-tf For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near C. N. R., modern convenienca. Appiy T. E. Plaxrnan. Phone 318. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -AIl modern convenlences. Apply J. E. Flett, George St. or Phone 384. 33-tf Agents Wanted AGENTS MAKING $15 per week up, ltu spare Cime (more acccrding ta time giv. en) seeling "Imperlal Art" matie-bn-Can- ada Personal Greetlng Christmas Carda, acknowledged by agents and public the greatest selectIon lu value, prie and nese varlety. Season In fulswig. Write for sampie book on approval.1 British Canadian Publshing Company, Si11 Wellington West, Toronto. 88-3 This vil Eeflnls 2 te 3 Chairs Lucky Number Ticket Holder Gets Table Free Gct Your number - no need to buy TMS WEEK ONLYF à Dustan's Cash Hardware Phone 74 Bowmanville Articles Fur Sale WOOD FOR SALE-Dry hardwood, ai- so somne soit wood. Apply Luther Hoop- cr, Tyrone. Phone 194r3. 37-2 FOR SALE-About 3000 4-lnch field tile, good quality. J. W. Dunn, Brook- dale Nurseries, Bowmanville. 37-2w BUOV FOR SALE - Open buggy, steel tires, firat class condition. Apply Mrs. Ethel Burley, Newcastle. 38-1' BARRELS FOR SALE-Sugar barrels,I suitable for apple barrels, 20e each fori quick sale. Apply to Corbett Bakery, Bowmanville. Phone 3. 18-tf HORSES FOR SALE-Owlng to having purchased a tractor, 1 arn offering sev- era.l work horses for sale. Apply to Htarold G. Macklin, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 308r2l. 38-tf TRACTOR FOR SALE- Second band Fordson tractor, ln good condition. Ap- ply L. R. Wood, McCormick Deering agent. Phone: Shop 597, or bouse 555, l3owmanville. 36-3w FOR SALE-Booth at the fair grounds, owned by W. J. Bagneil. Excellent for chicken house or summer kitchen. Rme- onable. Phone or cali at W. J. Bagnell'a Store, King Street. Bowmanville. 35-tf WOOD FOR SALE-Bone dry (hard) cord wood, by cord or haîf cord; dellv- ered on short notice: $15 per cord. Ap: plY to F. Foley, next west of Cream of l3arley Camp, Bowmanvilie. Phone 619J. 38-tf FOR SALE-Used pianos for students, at very easy ternms and prices. Tru9stees wIll caîl me for Information on organe for sehool purposes. I have pianos for school use and will sefl at nominal prices to prompte mnusic study and later sale of more expesisive Instrumen ta. F.j. Mitchell, Phone 105, Bowmanville. 36-tf To Let STORE TO RENT-Store former]y oc- cupied by Mr. Logan on King Et., nert to Royal Theatre. Will be ready to be occupied by August lot. Apply ta J. J. Mason or to Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-tf House To Rent HOUSE TO RENT-By October lot, 6 roonis and bath, garage, on On 0joSt. Apply E. Passant, King St. JE., Bow- maville. Phone 563. 37.3 HIOUSE TO RENT-Seven roomu. seat. i erworks, bath, eiectric lIghta. loated King & Ontario St., Bosemanville. Ap-I ply A A. Colsejîl, Newcastle. 51-tf r- F BIC SPECIAL IN TOP COATS AND SUITS THIS WEEK-END Men's Top Coats, exta quality, ail new mode lip-on and beltedbakshe8f fawnpyanbrowregI~rvalues to MEN'S BLACK RUBBER RAINCOATS A bigýspecial quality coat, thoroughly rain- -¶proofslip-on mode, heavy quality, On sale this week for $4.95 Each MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S Al NAVY BLUE SUITS $19.85 Alwool navy blue and blue pin stripe suits, young men's and also conservative models, double and single breasted styles, and val- ues that were formerily up to $27.50, out they go this week-end For $19.85 to clear. MEN'S SWEATER COATS AT $1.95 Substandards-These are a fine quality al wool Sweater Coat, shades of sand, brown, light and dark grey, a good value at $3.00, Our week-end special $1.95 each MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 89c Any quality, in shades'of blue, khaki, black an dfancy stripes, very heavy quality, and regularly pÉiced ýat $1.00, our special This week-end only 89c each T. B.GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Rmnk of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanvïlle 'I y- mw WM. J. CHALLIS DODGE, PLYMOUTH and AUSTIN DEALER bas completed arrangements for SALES and SERVICE ln connoction with JAMES CARRUTHERS' GARAGE (RED INDIAN SERVICE STATION) 'PHONE 54 Showroom te bc oponed ln promise 'nov occupled by GEO. WEEKRSIao soon as ronovation can bocoompleted. I this nov Dodgo home reeweul effort vil bo put forth te rive plemalat and satlsfactory service te, ail our frionds adcustomema Moore and Hughes WM. J. CHALLIS, LIJitl DOWMM<NVU"L TOÊONTO 2.00 3.00 e *TABLE GI YEN FREE COSTS AT LEAST $7.50 - NO NEED TO BUY This very exceptional gif t la made to call your attention te the beautiful f urnture finisgh secured wlth UTILAC-THE QUICK-DRYING ENAMEL Ail we ask is that you look, at the table in our window and see what a few cents worth of IJTIAC wlfl do. CUT OUT THIS COUPON Fhs ouonisworth 30. sm REE Dame and brlng this coupon with 25o te One 25e Brush Name ............... One 30e can of Utilac Address .............. 55e Value for 25c. i-- semmm" --- ---Emmmmmlmm PAGE Z&VM Bowmanville phone6l